cover of episode Work on yourself until they're not your type [REVISIT] - how to level up 100x and own your power

Work on yourself until they're not your type [REVISIT] - how to level up 100x and own your power

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Date Yourself Instead

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Liss: 本期节目的核心观点是专注于自我提升,而不是沉溺于一段不合适的感情中。Liss分享了她过去在感情中迷失自我的经历,以及如何通过设定目标、培养健康的生活习惯、积极的思考方式等方法来提升自我,增强自信,最终摆脱对不合适感情的依赖。她强调,自我安全感应该源于自身,而不是他人。过度关注一段关系是否能成功,会让你迷失自我,忽略自身成长和目标,最终导致身心俱疲。适度的关系焦虑是正常的,但如果这种焦虑占据日常生活,持续时间过长,则需要反思。提升自我,增强自信,才能减少对他人评价的依赖。过去的失败关系消耗了大量的精力,应该将精力转移到自我提升上。面对关系焦虑,应该专注于自我提升和积极活动,重建自信。设定目标并为之努力,能提升自信心和自我价值感。失去目标会让人迷茫,设定目标能帮助走出低谷。职业生涯的变故会让人迷失方向,设定清晰的目标才能找到新的方向。设定并实现目标能带来自我满足感和新的机会。养成健康的生活习惯,例如锻炼,能改善身心健康,释放负面情绪。积极的思考方式能帮助你摆脱负面情绪,迎接更好的未来。及时摆脱有害关系,才能获得更好的发展。

Deep Dive

The episode discusses how excessive focus on a relationship can lead to losing one's sense of self and identity, often due to constant questioning and catering to the other person's needs.

Shownotes Transcript


WORK ON YOURSELF SO much until they're not your type anymore. This week I'm resharing an episode from last summer as it's one of the greatest reminders to really own your power and remember your worth when it comes to dating someone. We often tend to lose ourselves in the thick of emotions when we really like or love someone, and this episode covers how to truly work on yourself in order to level up past a relationship that isn't right for you.