cover of episode Trusting Your Intuition and Inner Voice

Trusting Your Intuition and Inner Voice

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Date Yourself Instead

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Lyss 分享了她过去约会经历的感悟,以及如何通过重视自身价值、信任直觉来吸引积极的人和事。她提到最近去算命先生那里算命,算命先生对她的一些预测很准确,让她感到惊讶,但也提醒大家不要过度依赖外部验证。她还谈到自己目前在事业上处于十字路口,感到迷茫,但她相信生活是一个持续学习和成长的旅程。Lyss 強调相信直觉的重要性,它能帮助你做出正确的选择,即使有时会出错,但最终结果往往证明直觉的正确性。她分享了自己过去一段关系中,因为没有及时听从直觉的指引,而导致关系走向不好的经历。她提到,冥想和感恩可以帮助你更好地倾听内心的声音,保持内心的平衡。Lyss 还谈到,人们会吸引与自己能量相匹配的伴侣,如果一段关系中存在虐待或负面能量,这往往反映了双方内在的创伤和未愈合的部分。真正的爱是接纳,而不是互相攻击和指责。她鼓励大家关注自身,进行内在疗愈,这样才能吸引积极的人和事,宇宙会通过各种方式反馈你的状态。

Deep Dive

Lyss introduces the concept of dating oneself, emphasizing the importance of self-love and personal growth.

Shownotes Transcript

Today Lyss shares takeaways from past dating experience on valuing herself, trusting her intuition + the amazing things that she has attracted when she wasn’t mirroring a toxic partner. Lyss also had a new experience with a psychic this week and is feeling the pressure of being at a crossroads at work.

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