cover of episode Permission To Feel Pleasure | Guided Sleep Hypnosis

Permission To Feel Pleasure | Guided Sleep Hypnosis

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Sleep Magic: Meditation, Hypnosis & Sleepy Stories

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jessica Porter
Jessica Porter: 我们常常与快乐有着复杂的关系,工作压力、负面想法和对快乐的错误认知都会阻碍我们感受快乐。然而,我们体内拥有丰富的生理机制来产生快乐,例如内啡肽、多巴胺、血清素和催产素等神经递质,以及数以万计的神经末梢都致力于感知快乐。快乐可以自我强化,形成良性循环。感受快乐并非自私,它能促进身心健康,提升生活质量,增强活力和创造力,并对他人产生积极影响。通过冥想练习,我们可以引导大脑释放快乐化学物质,从而体验到愉悦和放松。轻柔的触摸按摩也能刺激身体释放内啡肽,带来愉悦感。重要的是,我们要允许自己感受快乐,接纳快乐是自然而然的一部分。 Jessica Porter: 本次冥想引导练习旨在帮助练习者放松身心,接纳并允许自己感受快乐。通过引导练习者关注呼吸、想象身体的放松感,以及轻柔的触摸,来刺激身体释放内啡肽等快乐化学物质,从而达到身心放松的目的。练习中,Jessica Porter 不断强调快乐是自然的、正常的,鼓励练习者放下对快乐的抗拒,全身心地投入到感受快乐的过程中。冥想练习的最终目的是帮助练习者建立与自身积极情绪的连接,从而提升生活质量和幸福感。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the concept of pleasure and its benefits, discussing how feeling pleasure can enhance creativity, motivation, and self-care, and how it can positively impact others.

Shownotes Transcript

In tonight's Sleep Hypnosis with Jessica, be encouraged to give yourself permission to feel pleasure. Because you deserve it. It's part of the human experience. Step fully into the body tonight, examining all the sensations we tend to ignore. 

As always, tonight's episode will start with a relaxing introduction from Jessica, before we sink into tonight’s Sleep Hypnosis.

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**About Sleep Magic **

✨ Sleep Magic ✨ is a podcast from the creators of Sleep Wave, and hosted by hypnotherapist Jessica Porter.)Sleep magic harnesses the power of Hypnosis to help you fall into a deep, restorative sleep easily, just like magic.

Beyond helping you drift off into a deep sleep, Jessica will also spend time talking about all the different things that go into being, well, human! From releasing worries to building self-love, she’ll dive deep into how we can improve our relationship with ourselves, as well as our sleep, one night at a time.

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