cover of episode May Magic Mailbag 💌  Decoding Dreams, Narcissism, Step Parenting & More!

May Magic Mailbag 💌 Decoding Dreams, Narcissism, Step Parenting & More!

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Sleep Magic: Meditation, Hypnosis & Sleepy Stories

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jessica Border
Helene: 如何应对自恋型家庭成员Winnie带来的负面情绪? Jessica Border: 不要试图改变Winnie,而是改变自身反应,通过放松和积极暗示,例如每次看到Winnie就深呼吸并告诉自己‘我来这里是为了和家人联络’,将注意力转移到其他积极的家庭互动上。持续练习,建立新的应对模式。 Anonymous: 担心孩子沉迷网络,成长环境对孩子性格的影响? Jessica Border: 不必过度担忧,孩子的成长环境虽然与以往不同,但人性本质不变。父母应保持自身稳定,为孩子提供稳定的家庭环境,关注与孩子的真实互动,而非沉迷于网络。 Anonymous: 分手后难以忘记前任,如何放下? Jessica Border: 与前任建立亲密关系后,情感上的连接需要时间来消退。建议将前任的名字写在纸上,放入象征宇宙或自然的容器中,象征性地将其‘归还’给更大的宇宙,从而释放情感。 Laura: 如何处理与继子女母亲关系紧张的问题? Jessica Border: 不必卷入继子女母亲的家庭矛盾,专注于与孩子的关系,保持中立,成为孩子生活中积极的补充。 Lisa: 梦境解读,特别是反复出现的梦境? Jessica Border: 大部分梦境是身体的自然排毒过程,但反复出现的梦境可能反映了需要解决的问题。建议关注梦境背后的感受,而非急于解读其象征意义。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Submit your questions → ** **) / [email protected] 💌

Okay guys, I have something genuinely fun for you tonight, and honestly, it’s pretty fun for me too!! I get asked questions from you guys through Spotify and through Supercast, but the truth is it's hard to answer some of these questions on the normal episodes.

So, I thought each month, we could do a bit of a “Magic Mailbag” where you guys can send in your questions, and I'll answer them. Some of you have already gotten in touch with your questions, and some of them are pretty juicy. I’m looking forward to diving in and seeing if I can shed light on some of your problems. This month we've got dealing with narcissistic in-laws, crazy dreams, navigating step parenting & also some tips on how to let go of a relationship.

But let’s be clear here: I’m not an expert on any of these topics. I will give you my experience and perspective, but I may also be stumped by some of your questions, and I won’t pretend to know stuff that I don’t. If you need professional help with these issues, I encourage you to seek it out.

And If you fall asleep because that’s what happens when you hear my voice, that’s fine too. If you’re interested in getting the details, you can listen again while you’re cleaning your house, or taking a walk. But don’t listen to it while you’re driving or operating heavy machinery!

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**About Sleep Magic **

✨ Sleep Magic ✨ is a podcast from the creators of Sleep Wave, and hosted by hypnotherapist Jessica Porter.)Sleep magic harnesses the power of Hypnosis to help you fall into a deep, restorative sleep easily, just like magic.

Beyond helping you drift off into a deep sleep, Jessica will also spend time talking about all the different things that go into being, well, human! From releasing worries to building self-love, she’ll dive deep into how we can improve our relationship with ourselves, as well as our sleep, one night at a time.

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