Jessica Porter
Jessica Porter:本期节目旨在帮助听众缓解财务压力,转变为富足的心态,并学习与金钱和谐相处。节目中,Jessica Porter 强调个人价值不应与财务状况挂钩,人们应该保持积极的心态,即使在负债的情况下也能感受到充实和富足。她认为,积极的心态有助于做出更好的财务决策,并建议听众寻求外部支持来解决财务问题。此外,她还鼓励听众学习理财知识,改变旧有的金钱观念,并通过冥想练习来感受能量的充盈和富足,最终实现财务上的安全感和稳定。她引导听众想象拥有金钱,并将其视为能量和价值的象征,从而改变对金钱的负面认知,并最终实现财务自由。 Jessica Porter:节目中,Jessica Porter 通过引导听众进行冥想练习,帮助他们感受来自太阳、地球和空气的能量,并将其与金钱联系起来。她将金钱比作自然界的能量,强调金钱的丰富性和循环性,鼓励听众积极创造价值,并相信自己拥有足够的能量和价值来获得财务上的成功。她引导听众想象拥有比所需更多的金钱,并将其视为一种积极的象征,代表着个人价值和能量的富足。她鼓励听众将多余的钱投资到有价值的事物中,并将其视为一种自然生长的过程,如同植物的生长一样。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

In tonight's Sleep Hypnosis with Jessica, we're going to soothe our financial stress, switching our mindset towards one of abundance, learning to make friends with money, manifest fullness and security despite our current financial position.

As always, tonight's episode will start with a relaxing introduction from Jessica, before we sink into tonight’s Sleep Hypnosis.

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**About Sleep Magic **

✨ Sleep Magic ✨ is a podcast from the creators of Sleep Wave, and hosted by hypnotherapist Jessica Porter.)Sleep magic harnesses the power of Hypnosis to help you fall into a deep, restorative sleep easily, just like magic.

Beyond helping you drift off into a deep sleep, Jessica will also spend time talking about all the different things that go into being, well, human! From releasing worries to building self-love, she’ll dive deep into how we can improve our relationship with ourselves, as well as our sleep, one night at a time.

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