Jessica Border
Jessica Border: 本期节目探讨了人体存在的悖论:肉体是独立个体,但能量层面与宇宙能量相连。意识头脑制造分离感,而潜意识头脑则连接整体性。'扩展'指的是让内在能量自由呼吸,感受其扩张和连接性。睡眠是练习这种连接的途径,在睡眠中,我们放下意识头脑的评判和分离感,感受与世界的连接。通过引导冥想,放松身体的各个部位,从头部到脚趾,让能量从内而外地流动,最终达到身心合一的境界。冥想过程中,引导听众放松思想,让思想能量扩展,并扩展到喉咙、心脏、腹部等部位的能量,最终扩展到内在自我,即精神或本质,感受其扩张,最终达到安全和平和的状态。 Jessica Border: 节目中,引导听众进行了一次冥想练习,通过想象巧克力酱融化在身体各个部位,来引导身体放松。同时,引导听众想象其能量从头部扩展到全身,再扩展到房间、家,甚至更广阔的空间。这种能量扩展的想象,旨在帮助听众感受与宇宙能量的连接,以及内在自我的扩展。冥想过程中,Jessica Border 不断重复'扩展'、'放松'、'安全'、'平和'等关键词,以强化听众的感受,并最终引导听众进入深度放松和睡眠状态。

Deep Dive

Exploring the concept of expansion during sleep, discussing the paradox of being in a physical body while being made of energy, and how sleep allows us to connect with our expansive, cosmic energy.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi, I'm Jessica Border, and welcome back to Sleep Magic, a podcast where I help you find the magic of your own mind, helping you to sleep better and hopefully live better. Thank you, everybody, for being here. Thanks to everyone who's listening, who's enjoying, who's sleeping. Thanks to everyone who's subscribing, if you're in a position to do that. We really appreciate it. And just recently, I discovered that people are leaving reviews on Audible, which is a

So I've been reading some of them. And first, I have a woman named Megan, who's a mother of seven. Whoa. And she said she'd sort of given up on sleep, but that sleep magic is actually helping her. Yay. And then there's another Megan on Audible, and she works the night shift and says that sleep magic is helping her tune out all the noises of the day and letting her get some sleep during the day.

So thank you, Meghans, for making my day. And thanks to everybody who's given feedback and made suggestions and who's just let us know that the vibe is helping. You know, this is a vibration that exists inside of us, this like deep peace, and we can spread it. It's pretty cool. That's what we call this magic. Before we get started, let's hear a quick word from our sponsors who make this free content possible.

So, tonight, expanding into sleep. So I talk about expansion a lot, but what do I really mean by that? Well, we're talking about the fundamental paradox of being alive in a human body. You see, we exist in these physical bodies and they're contained and individual, but we're also made of energy. It's a real paradox and nature's chock full of paradoxes. That's its thing.

That on the physical level we're separate and seemingly different, but on the deepest level of our beings, we are energy connected to unlimited, expansive, cosmic energy, woe, an energy that runs through everything and connects us to everything. But we forget this, like all the time.

You see, your conscious mind is that little chatterbox that talks to you all day and it analyzes things and judges things and puts things in little boxes and it tends to perceive you as separate and different from others. Whereas your subconscious mind, the deeper, more relaxed part of your mind, the part of your mind you're exploring here at Sleep Magic,

it's quietly tuning in to your wholeness and your connection to all things. So we're all constantly living this weird both, like toggling between these two perceptions. And yet they're both equally true. So when I talk about expansion, I'm suggesting that we let that energetic level of our being breathe. Just let it expand.

because that's its nature. The energy inside of us, our souls, if you will, our spirits, they like to feel their essential expansion and connectedness. Expansion feels really good. And who knows, maybe sleep is our nightly practice of remembering the great expansion, the great connection.

In sleep, we let go of the conscious mind with its chatter and judgments and the sense of self that can keep us separate from the world. So we're going to explore that great reality tonight. We're going to let ourselves relax and let go so that we can feel that expansion and feel into the truth that we're all connected, all made of the same lovely energy. So get yourself into a safe and comfortable position and let's begin.

Just allow your eyes to close easily and gently. Good. Now bring your awareness to your breathing. Just allow your awareness to settle on your breath. Just for a moment. Awareness likes to move around. That's one of its favorite things to do. So just, if even for a moment, imagine it settling on your breath. Good. Now I'd like you to bring your awareness up into your eyelids.

and imagine that your eyelids are feeling loose and limp and relaxed. Imagine your eyelids feeling heavy. Really let that heaviness in. The muscles becoming loose, heavy. Good. Now I'd like you to accept the suggestion that your eyelids are so relaxed that they simply will not open. And now I'd like you to test your eyelids to make sure they won't open by wiggling your eyebrows. Just give them a little tug. I know this exercise is repetitive, but

It's sort of weirdly effective. So just tug your eyebrows. Beautiful. Now this relaxation around your eyes, we're going to move it through your whole body. So let's imagine this relaxation around your eyes sinking back into your brain. Imagine it's like chocolate sauce dripping into your brain. This beautiful, sweet, sweet, soft chocolate sauce

taking over your brain. Just let yourself relax into it. Allow your brain to relax as your head sinks into the pillow, your head becoming heavy, heavy, heavy. The muscles of your scalp letting go, your face feeling soft and relaxed as all mental tension disappears. Good.

Now let's imagine that chocolatey sauce, that chocolate syrup. Let's imagine it melting down into your shoulders. Let's imagine the muscles of your shoulders letting go, releasing, surrendering. It feels nice to allow your shoulders to relax. And now that your shoulders are relaxing, all of the responsibilities you carry in the world have fallen from your shoulders. Responsibilities you feel to your work, to your family,

Responsibility you feel to your friends, to the world at large. Responsibilities you feel to the future. And even responsibilities you feel to the past have dropped to the floor. Thud. And you can pick any or all of them up in the morning. And you can choose carefully in the morning what you want to carry tomorrow. Doesn't have to be everything. But for right now, your only responsibility is to yourself. And the sweet, sweet release

into sleep. As that chocolate sauce moves down into your arms, your arms are feeling nice and heavy. Nice and heavy. Imagine that warm, sweet sauce moving down into your hands. Your hands feeling so relaxed. So relaxed. And now I'd like you to imagine that your torso is feeling sweet and soft and relaxed. In a mist, like a chocolate mist.

It's moving inside of your torso, not so heavy, lighter, but it's sweet. It's relaxing your whole body from the inside. And as that chocolatey sweet mist moves down deep into your belly, all the muscles of your belly are relaxing. Your lower back letting go, your pelvis feeling heavy on the back, and you're relaxing from the inside.

side out, like you're getting an inner massage as you take yourself deeper and deeper. And as that relaxation appears again like sweet, soft, thick chocolate sauce or chocolate syrup, allow it to move down your legs, your legs letting go for the day, your legs becoming nice and heavy, heavy, heavy all the way down into your feet.

all the way down into your feet. Good, and as you take yourself deeper and deeper, any sounds that are going on around you are also taking you deeper and deeper because your mind is magic. You've made a decision that the sounds going on around you will cause you to go deeper into relaxation. And so they do. You have more control of your mind than you know. You have more power in your mind than you've been taught.

as you take yourself into this beautiful, pleasant, comfortable relaxation because you want to and it feels good. And even the sound of my voice is taking you deeper and deeper and that feels great. I spoke in the introduction about the body and you've just relaxed your body.

but the other part of you is your energy self. And although that may sound esoteric, many of the parts of ourselves we already identify are made of energy, like your thoughts. So as you bring your awareness back into your head and notice your thoughts, you generate thoughts all day. They are pure energy, invisible, dynamic, highly charged,

Sometimes thoughts are repetitive. Sometimes thoughts are stressful. Sometimes thoughts are euphoric. So just imagine your mind now as it generates thought and allow it to relax. Allow the thought factory to relax. You've thought everything you need to think today. So imagine all those thoughts releasing.

into the atmosphere. Just for right now, as you settle into sleep, it's okay to let go of your thoughts, to release them. And now notice the energy of your mind expanding and relaxing, letting go. Imagine the energy of your mind expanding beyond the limits of your head, expanding out the back of your head, out the top of your head.

out the sides of your head. Allow your mind to expand. It feels good to let your mind. And now let's move down to your throat. The words you speak into the world are pure energy, vibrations. By speaking your truth, you expand into the world. You connect and explore and declare your intentions.

Your words stake claims in your future. Your throat is a word factor, an energy factor. And as you relax into it, allow that energy to expand. Imagine your throat relaxing and releasing and notice its energy expanding beyond the confines of your body.

expanding, taking up space. Your truth into the world. Any resistance you may have to your truth expanding into the world, let it dissolve just for this moment. See how it feels. It feels right to let yourself expand. Now bring your awareness to your heart. This is the home of your feelings and feelings

our pure energy. Some feelings make us feel contracted, like if we feel disappointment or resentment or rejection. But many feelings are naturally expansive, like love and joy and peace. Your heart generates pure energy. And as you bring your awareness to your heart now, allow it to relax as you go deeper and deeper.

Your heart energy is expanding and it feels good to expand from the heart. Give yourself permission to enjoy this expansion. Allow your heart energy to expand out into the world beyond the confines of your body, in front of you, behind you, all around you. Allow your heart to connect

with as many other hearts as I can. As you bring your awareness now down into your belly. This is a part of ourselves we often carry a little more privately, but it too is generating energy. Your belly feels gut feelings. It gestates your creativity. Sometimes it holds secrets. Your belly contains desire.

and attraction. Your belly can bring new life. Allow the energy within your belly to expand. Allow this part of your being to expand beyond the limits of your body. In front of you, behind you, around you, and below you. Feel the expansion of your lower body into the world. Enjoy this expansion. It feels good and powerful

And there's something even deeper in you, your inner being, the part that came in when you were conceived and makes you uniquely you. And yet it's pure energy, your spirit, your essence, regardless of what you're thinking, it is here. No matter what you're feeling, it is here.

regardless of what you're saying. It is here. It is deeper than your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Imagine this inner being expanding. Imagine it filling your bedroom. Enjoy the expansion of your spirit. Imagine your spirit filling your whole home. Allow your inner being to get as big

as it needs to be tonight and just hang out where it needs to be. Maybe it's as big as a city and maybe it simply reaches to the confines of your body. It doesn't matter. Whatever feels comfortable for you right now, it's all good. You're always connected to everything no matter how you feel, no matter what you imagine.

As your inner being is expanding, your body is relaxing. And as your body is relaxing, your inner being is expanding. And as your inner being is expanding, breathing, releasing, your body is relaxing. Your inner being feels good, secure, at peace. Everything is okay. Everything is good.

Everything is good, secure, peaceful as you allow your inner being to breathe, as you allow your inner being to expand. Whenever you think of this inner being, you relax and feel good. Whenever you think of this inner being, you relax and feel good. And by relaxing and feeling good, your inner being expands.

It feels good to expand. It feels good to expand. It feels good to be alive as you drift and float.