cover of episode ATRD Ep. 148 - 3 Hours Of True Scary Halloween & October Stories

ATRD Ep. 148 - 3 Hours Of True Scary Halloween & October Stories

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As The Raven Dreams Podcast

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Raven Adams
匿名1:讲述了2005年万圣节晚上,她和妹妹被一个穿着电锯惊魂面具的人跟踪的经历,这个人体型较大,行为诡异,最终他们逃回了家。 匿名2:讲述了2018年万圣节晚上,她带着两个孩子去要糖果时,遇到一位衣衫褴褛、行为异常的妇女,妇女向她求助,声称被困在家中,但之后警察到来时,妇女的外貌和行为发生了巨大变化,作者怀疑妇女可能处于危险之中。 匿名3:讲述了万圣节晚上,她独自在家分发糖果时,一个穿着破旧西装和血腥面具的男人先来敲门要糖,之后又出现在她家后院试图撬门,她逃到邻居家报警,警察到来后发现家里的东西被翻乱了,但没有东西丢失。 匿名4:讲述了她年轻时与男友及室友合租的糟糕经历,以及万圣节晚上与朋友一起出去要糖果时,遇到一个穿着狼人面具的人跟踪并试图闯入他们住所的故事。 匿名5:讲述了她年轻时因为父母不允许她去要糖果,而和朋友一起偷偷去墓地玩耍,结果她被神秘力量袭击,短暂失明且无法呼吸,最后被朋友救出。 匿名6:讲述了她曾经在图书馆工作时,一个奇怪的男人来借关于民间传说和宗教书籍,并警告她十月没有月亮的时候会有危险的东西出现,之后她在图书馆外面看到了一个奇怪的生物,之后男人又来还书,并说他用借的书里的方法处理了危险的东西。 匿名7:讲述了她和朋友去鬼屋玩耍时,遇到一个穿着稻草人服装的人,以及在鬼屋黑暗的地下室里,她的朋友被一个演员抓住并带走的经历。 匿名8:讲述了她小时候万圣节要糖果时,被一个男人跟踪,并最终在一位邻居的帮助下逃脱的经历。 匿名9:讲述了她14岁时万圣节要糖果时,因为被拒绝而恶作剧,结果被一个男人用枪指着,最终在邻居的帮助下报警,但男人没有被抓到。 匿名10:讲述了她在堪萨斯城出差时,在酒店观看关于堪萨斯州阿奇森镇Sally House鬼屋的纪录片,期间电视自动关闭,她感觉到了冰冷的手触摸她的脖子,第二天早上她脖子上出现了一个瘀伤。 匿名11:讲述了她14岁时万圣节要糖果时,遇到一个跟踪他们的男人,最终在一位邻居的帮助下躲避了危险。 匿名12:讲述了她高中时参加朋友的万圣节派对,她的前男友闯入派对并威胁他们,她与朋友一起制服了前男友,并最终得知前男友犯下多项罪行。 匿名13:讲述了她和朋友万圣节晚上去废弃小镇玩耍,期间发生了一些超自然现象,例如听到孩子们的低语和笑声,收音机出现静电,昆虫突然安静下来,最后他们看到一些影子般的身影在注视着他们。 匿名14:讲述了她年轻时万圣节要糖果时,遇到一个穿着邋遢,行为粗鲁的男人,她的朋友挑衅了男人,结果男人用球棒攻击他们,他们吓得逃跑了。 匿名15:讲述了她带弟弟妹妹和朋友们去要糖果时,在最后一家房子里,她被一个穿着杰克骷髅王服装的男人骗进屋里,然后被邻居救出,男人是一个已知的性犯罪者。 匿名16:讲述了她和朋友去废弃农场探险,在谷仓阁楼里发现一个奇怪的娃娃,并听到一些神秘的声音,她的朋友看到一个愤怒的小女孩的脸,之后他们离开了谷仓。 匿名17:讲述了她万圣节带儿子要糖果时,被一个持枪男子劫持车辆,最终在邻居的帮助下报警,但男子没有被抓到。 匿名18:讲述了她小时候万圣节要糖果时,在邻居家门口遇到一个穿着稻草人服装的人,以及在鬼屋黑暗的地下室里,她的朋友被一个演员抓住并带走的经历。 匿名19:讲述了她万圣节分发糖果时,一个女人指责她给她的孩子吃了含有坚果的糖果,导致孩子过敏,并因此在社交媒体上散布谣言,最终她通过法律手段解决了问题。 匿名20:讲述了她七岁时在万圣节游乐园的迷宫里迷路,并遇到一个戴着老式面具的可疑男子,最终被父亲找到。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Jigsaw costume person follow the kids around?

Unknown, possibly a prank or personal interest.

Why did the woman at the door ask for help?

She claimed someone wouldn't let her leave.

Why did the man in the Grim Reaper costume chase the kids?

Unknown, possibly a prank or personal interest.

Why did the man in the barn have a doll?

Unknown, possibly part of a collection or ritual.

Why did the man carjack the narrator?

Unknown, possibly for the car or to harm the narrator.

Why did the old woman try to drag the kid into her house?

Unknown, possibly a prank or personal interest.

Why did the man try to take Summer from her mother?

Unknown, possibly for nefarious purposes.

A teenage girl and her sister encounter a creepy Jigsaw impersonator on Halloween night, leading to a terrifying chase and a desperate escape.
  • Jigsaw impersonator follows the girls on a tricycle.
  • The girls are chased and nearly caught by the Jigsaw impersonator.
  • The girls' parents dismiss the incident as a prank.

Shownotes Transcript

Today, on the 148th episode of the As The Raven Dreams podcast, we have 3 hours of true scary Halloween and October based stories!

Ad breaks at about 12 Minutes and 93 Minutes

So, turn down the lights, tune in, and let the haunting tales of everyday people take you down that dark and creepy road. Remember, these aren't just stories... these are true experiences that remind us that our world can truly be scarier than fiction.

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Thank you to all of the authors that have stories in today's Video.

'As The Raven Dreams' is a community where we explore the darker parts of human existence through true and harrowing stories. From sinister encounters with strangers and stalkers, to terrifying experiences that defy explanation and unsettling mysteries that linger in the shadows, I am here to tell you the most haunting narratives ever whispered.

Much Love, and Sleep Well...

#TrueScaryStories #AsTheRavenDreams #RedditStories

➤ Stories include a content warning for language and sensitive/disturbing content. Viewer discretion is always advised.

➤ ALL Audio of this Podcast are copyright of AS THE RAVEN DREAMS / RAVEN ADAMS and may not be duplicated, in any format, without explicit permission

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