In 2015, geologists found identical electrical patterns and vast cave networks beneath four locations, each linked to famous cryptid sightings. These formations shouldn't naturally exist in those areas, suggesting a connection between the electrical anomalies and the cryptids.
These cryptids are linked through extensive underground cave systems and unusual electrical activity found beneath their respective sighting locations. The tunnels are laid out in the same mathematical grid and are expanding toward a central point, suggesting a shared origin or purpose.
The Jersey Devil has been reported by hundreds of residents since 1909, with consistent descriptions of a winged, hoofed creature. Physical evidence includes hoof prints in the snow and electrical anomalies reported during sightings, matching patterns found by the USGS.
The Air Force initially explained the Flatwoods Monster as an owl perched on a branch, despite physical evidence of radiation and an oily residue at the site. However, the electrical readings matched those found in New Jersey and Oklahoma, suggesting a more complex explanation.
In 2016, National Geographic researchers found ancient cave drawings depicting Mokele-mbembe, dating back over 20,000 years. These drawings suggest that the creature has been part of local folklore for millennia, and recent sightings align with the underground electrical hotspots identified by the USGS.
The Oklahoma Bigfoot, or Eight-Air Beast, has been reported since the 1970s, with numerous sightings and physical evidence like 17-inch-long footprints. A local rancher captured footage in 1971, showing the creature examining the ground in a grid pattern that matches the underground formations.
The theory suggests that the electrical readings at these sites produce numeric sequences that shouldn't be possible naturally, implying advanced technology. Another theory posits that these beings are extra-dimensional, slipping into our world through cracks created by electrical anomalies.
In 2015, geologists discovered something peculiar: identical electrical patterns beneath four locations across the globe. These places shared another connection - they were all home to famous cryptid sightings.
From the Jersey Devil to Mokele-mbembe, these creatures seemed random and unrelated. Until scientists found the underground grid.
Now research suggests these legendary beasts might be more connected than anyone imagined. What lies beneath these locations, and why are the tunnels expanding toward a central point?