cover of episode 19: Stuxnet | The Computer Virus that prevented and started the next world war

19: Stuxnet | The Computer Virus that prevented and started the next world war

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The Why Files: Operation Podcast

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
Stuxnet病毒是2010年发现的一种极其复杂的计算机病毒,其代码规模巨大,使用了多个零日漏洞,能够感染全球各地的工业控制系统(PLC),并对伊朗的纳坦兹核设施造成了严重破坏。该病毒的复杂性和目标性表明其背后是国家行为,很可能是美国及其盟友为了阻止伊朗的核计划而开发的。Stuxnet的出现标志着网络武器进入了一个新的阶段,其潜在的破坏力巨大,可能对关键基础设施造成严重损害,甚至导致人员伤亡。Stuxnet的代码已经公开,任何人都可以修改并利用它进行攻击,这使得网络安全形势更加严峻。伊朗对Stuxnet的攻击进行了反击,对沙特阿美石油公司和美国金融机构发起了网络攻击。这表明网络战争已经开始,各国都在积极发展和部署网络武器,网络安全威胁日益严重。更先进的网络武器,如Nitro Zeus,已经出现,其潜在的破坏力更大,可能对平民造成巨大伤害。如何防止破坏性网络武器落入坏人之手,以及如何应对日益严重的网络战争威胁,是全球面临的重大挑战。

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Stuxnet, discovered in 2010, is a highly sophisticated computer virus that targeted control systems in factories, power plants, and nuclear reactors, capable of causing widespread destruction.

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The virus that prevented; then started the next world war. Cyberwar is being waged right now in your name. No matter what country you call home, your government is engaged in highly dangerous combat on the Internet. Infrastructure around the world is under siege and everyone is at risk. Even you.  In 2010, the Stuxnet virus was discovered in Natanz, Iran and thousands of control systems that operate factories, power plants and nuclear reactors around the world. It was 20 times more sophisticated than any malware ever recorded. It could halt oil pipelines, destroy water treatment plants and bring down entire power grids.  

Stuxnet is back, stronger than ever.  

And we should all be concerned.  

Cyber-security experts knew Stuxnet wasn't ordinary malware thrown together by some basement hacker. This was something different.  

Let's find out why.

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