cover of episode 18: Numbers Stations | Listen to Spy Broadcasts, Audio & Coded Messages

18: Numbers Stations | Listen to Spy Broadcasts, Audio & Coded Messages

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The Why Files: Operation Podcast

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AJ和Hecklefish:数字电台并非冷战的遗物,至今仍在使用,通过短波广播向全球各地的间谍传递编码信息。这些信息对普通人来说难以理解,但对特定人士来说至关重要,甚至可能改变历史进程。数字电台的存在和运作方式也引发了人们对政府机构和间谍活动的诸多猜测和疑问。 他们详细介绍了几个著名的数字电台案例,例如林肯郡猎犬、瑞典狂想曲和约塞米蒂山姆,并分析了这些电台的运作方式、地理位置以及被发现后的后续情况。他们还解释了短波无线电技术的原理,以及为什么这种技术在现代仍然具有实用性,特别是在需要进行秘密通信的情况下。 此外,他们还探讨了数字电台信息的编码和解码方法,以及一次性密码本在其中的作用。他们指出,即使信息被截获,由于密钥的销毁和随机性的特点,也难以被破译。他们还提到了数字电台的各种用途,包括间谍活动、毒品交易和其他犯罪活动。 最后,他们总结了数字电台的现状和未来,指出虽然近年来数字电台的数量有所减少,但其广播仍在继续,这可能是出于政府机构的备战目的,也可能是因为数字技术的发展尚未完全取代短波无线电在秘密通信中的作用。 Space Panda:Space Panda在节目中主要扮演补充和评论的角色,对AJ和Hecklefish的讲解进行补充说明,并提出一些疑问或看法。例如,他对于冷战是否已经结束提出了质疑,并对数字电台的安全性提出了自己的看法。

Deep Dive

Numbers stations have been transmitting coded messages to spies since World War One using shortwave radio. These strange broadcasts, often featuring unusual sounds or melodies, contain information that could change history.

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Not a relic of the past. Intelligence agencies use shortwave to communicate with spies, agents and assets in the field. Right now. Today. Let's listen to a few and learn how to tune in from home -- for free.  

Since World War One, numbers stations have been transmitting coded messages to spies around the world using shortwave radio. And they're still transmitting right now. We're going to listen to a few in this episode.  

These transmissions sound strange to casual listeners. But to the right set of ears, they contain information that could change the course of history. In fact, numbers stations have changed the course of history.  

Countless numbers stations are on the air right now -- for what purpose, few really know. And the people that do know? They aren't talking. They're essentially pirate stations -- operating illegally. But, nobody shuts them down. And no government acknowledges they even exist.  

Let's find out why.

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