cover of episode 12: What does outer space smell like? (You're not gonna like it.)

12: What does outer space smell like? (You're not gonna like it.)

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The Why Files: Operation Podcast

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AJ 和 Hecklefish 讨论了宇宙中不同天体的味道。他们指出,宇宙中不同天体的味道各不相同,例如月球闻起来像火药,这可能是因为月球尘埃中的物质与火药成分相似,或者是因为月球尘埃与水分接触后产生的化学反应。他们还讨论了其他行星的味道,例如金星像烧焦的火柴和臭鸡蛋,火星像老式汽车的排气管,木星外层像氨水,内层像苦杏仁,土星像死鱼和臭鸡蛋,天王星像臭鸡蛋和公共厕所,海王星几乎没有气味。此外,他们还讨论了冥王星、土卫二、彗星和小行星的气味,以及银河系中心的气味。 AJ 和 Hecklefish 详细解释了各种天体气味背后的科学原理,例如硫化氢是臭鸡蛋味的主要来源,氨是氨水味的主要来源,而其他一些化合物则会产生其他特殊气味。他们还解释了为什么月球闻起来像火药,以及为什么一些行星的大气层会产生如此强烈的气味。他们还提到,太空本身可能也有一种气味,例如烧焦的金属或烧焦的肉。

Deep Dive

The moon is described as smelling like gunpowder, a phenomenon possibly explained by the desert rain effect or solar winds interacting with moon dust.

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What does the moon smell like? Do planets, comets, asteroids and space have their own odors?  The smells of the universe are not universal. Different objects in space — comets, planets, moons and gas clouds — all have their own distinctive aroma.  

Twelve people have walked on the Moon and all of them agree: the Moon smells like gunpowder.  

According to, astronaut Jack Schmitt said: “All I can say is that everyone's instant impression of the smell was that of spent gunpowder, not that it was 'metallic' or 'acrid'. Spent gunpowder smell probably was much more implanted in our memories than other comparable odors.”  

The Earth has a variety of smells, depending on what environment you're in. But what about the other planets in our solar system? Venus has a crushing carbon dioxide atmosphere, while Jupiter's atmosphere is stormy and turbulent. While we can see what color and understand the conditions on these planets, what do they actually smell like? Scientists hadn’t found clear evidence of the planet’s chemical composition until now.  

Yes, it has been confirmed that Uranus smells like... farts. Astronomers recently found that the atmosphere of Uranus has high levels of hydrogen sulphide, a compound that smells like rotten eggs. Mercury has a very sparse atmosphere and so would not have much of a smell at all. Venus and Mars, much like Uranus, have substantial quantities of eggy hydrogen sulphide.  

For Jupiter, the smell would depend on where you were in the atmosphere. Some regions have high concentrations of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and others hydrogen cyanide (bitter almonds). Saturn and Neptune probably don’t have much of a smell because they’re composed chiefly of the odorless gases hydrogen and helium.  

Let's find out why.

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