cover of episode 119: Indrid Cold, the Truth about Planet Lanulos and the Mystery of the Smiling Man

119: Indrid Cold, the Truth about Planet Lanulos and the Mystery of the Smiling Man

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The Why Files: Operation Podcast

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AJ 和 Hecklefish: 本集探讨了伍迪·德伦伯格声称在1966年与外星人英格丽德·科尔德接触的事件,以及围绕该事件的各种说法和证据。节目中既陈述了伍迪的经历,也分析了故事中可能存在的矛盾和不一致之处,并最终对该事件的真实性提出了质疑。同时,节目也探讨了英格丽德·科尔德所传递的信息,即希望世界领导人公开承认与外星人的接触,并促进世界和平。 Woody Derenberger: 1966年11月2日,伍迪声称在驾车途中遭遇不明飞行物,并与自称来自Lanulos星球的英格丽德·科尔德进行心灵沟通。他详细描述了飞船的外观、英格丽德·科尔德的外貌以及他们之间的对话内容。此后,伍迪多次与英格丽德·科尔德及其同伴见面,并参观了Lanulos星球。他坚信自己的经历是真实的,并在1971年出版了《Lanulos的访客》一书,记录了他的经历。 John Keel: 作为一名超自然现象调查员,约翰·基尔调查了伍迪的事件以及同期发生在新泽西州的UFO目击事件和“咧嘴笑的男人”目击事件。他认为这些事件之间可能存在联系,并在他的著作中提到了这些事件。 Tanya Derenberger: 作为伍迪的女儿,塔尼娅继续了父亲的工作,并撰写了《超越Lanulos》一书,提供了更多关于英格丽德·科尔德及其星球的信息。然而,她关于英格丽德·科尔德及其相关信息的说法在不同时期存在不一致。 Tom(Thomas F. Modiglione): 一位科学幻想作家,曾在伍迪的电视采访中假扮成也曾接触过英格丽德·科尔德的人,对伍迪进行了恶作剧。

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Woody Derenberger recounts his encounter with Indrid Cold, an extraterrestrial being who communicated telepathically and claimed to be from the planet Lanulos.

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On November 2nd, 1966, Woody Derenberger was driving home from a business trip when he encountered an extraterrestrial being named Indrid Cold.

Cold communicated with Woody telepathically, and the two went on to be lifelong friends. Other people close to Woody, including family, friends, and even his therapist claimed that they, too, had experiences with Indrid Cold.

Woody wrote and published a detailed account of his experiences, and never went back on his story. Since the 1960s, the legend of Indrid Cold has become one of the most famous in all of UFO lore.

Taken at face value, this story sounds strange.

But the real story … is even stranger.

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