cover of episode THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 54 — Olympic Breakdancing? Secret Kamala Voters? Kamalanomics?

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 54 — Olympic Breakdancing? Secret Kamala Voters? Kamalanomics?

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Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec

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Blake: 奥运会新增霹雳舞项目是为了吸引年轻人,但该项目评判标准的复杂性引发争议。一位澳大利亚霹雳舞运动员在奥运会上的糟糕表现引发关注。将艺术性项目纳入奥运会后,其评判标准的客观化可能限制创新和艺术表达,以花样滑冰为例。 Charlie: 奥运会的意义在于对卓越的欣赏和国家集体成就的体现,但如今却被一些国家的作弊行为所玷污。建议恢复古希腊奥运会的一些项目,例如“潘克拉辛”和“装甲赛跑”。 Jack: 建议将彩弹射击纳入奥运会项目。彩弹运动的竞技性与装备的优劣密切相关,这影响了其观赏性。俄罗斯因乌克兰战争而缺席奥运会,这在西方媒体中几乎没有被提及。 Tyler: 中国在奥运会上的投入巨大,而美国则更多依靠运动员的个人努力。

Deep Dive

The panel discusses the inclusion of breakdancing in the 2024 Paris Olympics, debating its merits as a sport and comparing it to other Olympic events like wall climbing and skateboarding. They also explore the history of Olympic sports and the criteria for inclusion, touching upon the balance between artistry and athleticism.
  • Breakdancing, renamed 'breaking,' was introduced in the 2024 Paris Olympics.
  • The panel debates whether breakdancing qualifies as a sport and its impact on the artistic aspects of the activity.
  • They compare it to other Olympic sports like wall climbing and skateboarding, discussing the judging criteria and the dominance of certain countries in these events.
  • The discussion touches upon the history of Olympic sports and the changing criteria for inclusion.

Shownotes Transcript


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard to this week's edition of Thought Crime. Today, myself, Charlie and the gang break down what exactly was those Olympics there in Paris? And then, Kamala-nomics, are we in a populism arms race? I think we are. Folks, stay tuned, we're about to commit more thought crimes. From the age of Big Brother. If they wanna get you, they'll get you. DNSA specifically targets the communications of everyone.

They're collecting your communications. Okay, everybody, happy Thought Crime Thursday. We are here with the appropriate thought crimes for you. I believe we have Blake, we have Tyler, and do we have Jack? That's right, we have a full roster here. Blake, Tyler, and Jack. Lots to get into, and the last couple weeks have kind of been doing political analysis. Blake...

I have to say, I saw a little bit of breakdancing. I was pretty impressed by what I saw, but the world is losing its mind. And I saw this clip of some Australian woman, and I finally said to myself, I could do that. I could be an Olympic athlete. I finally found something I could do. Not all the breakdancers, but one in particular. Blake, explain.

Alright, so we have new sports every Olympics. They always are trying to make it hip and cool for young people. It was really convoluted. The full story is funny. There are ballroom dancing enthusiasts who've been fighting for years to have ballroom dancing in the Olympics. But it's perceived as an old-fashioned activity. If you want to call it a sport, go for it. And so they thought, we need to get something in the door. And so they got the International Olympic Committee to add breakdancing, which they renamed breakdancing.

just breaking, to make it a sport. And they added it in and they had at least a one-off gold medal breaking event for men's and women's in the Olympics in Paris. They did it in the final weekend of the Olympics just before the closing ceremonies. And rather notoriously, this woman calling herself Ray Gunn, they actually went by their dancer nicknames in the Olympics, which was pretty amazing.

and she entered as the woman from Australia, and she was not very good at breakdancing. You can see our B-roll there. She's more impressive than I would be. You're pretty confident you could do it, Charlie. I probably could not do these moves. I am truly the worst dancer in the world. I mean, if it was my job...

I know. I mean, but like, that's not, that's not dancing. That's just kind of rhythmic movements. I mean, if that's your full-time job to be an Olympic athlete, is there anything that you're looking there guys that you're saying? No, I can't do that. Like, I mean, let's be very clear.

Go ahead. I want the breakdancing dad to get in on this. Do you guys remember the breakdancing dad who was having that like war on TikTok with his daughter? He was like the 60 year old guy and she was like attacking him. And then he started making these like really long, detailed videos about her. It was. Yeah, that was that was really brutal because I just came away kind of thinking less of both people involved. I like it was a very sad. Yeah.

I love the way he was explaining things. He was a 65-year-old breakdancing dad, Trump supporter, and would have these really detailed rebuttals to his daughter. He'd be like, she says I didn't raise them to...

and went off to pursue breakdancing. Well, here's photos of us together. Here's a list of things that I got her for her birthday overall. And you would have like each itemized gift. You know, when I look, there's something about the breakdancing community. I'm telling you, this is not, you know, I didn't even think, can I just say, I didn't know that breakdancing was a thing after like Vanilla Ice stopped being a thing. So where is all this coming from?

So Charlie's confident he could do it, but let's show just to show it's not all Ray Gunn doing weird. Be clear. I could not. I could score a zero in breakdancing. I could. How do I preface it? The people that actually won medals did stuff that I couldn't even show 158. It's a it's B-roll. It's B-roll. So you can keep talking. But I wanted to show it.

And that is Phil Wizard, the gold medal for he was from Canada, I believe. No, I mean, come on. That's completely out of control. I couldn't even get. Of course. No, no, no, no. No, that's what I said. I actually watched some of the breaking final and I was like, I can't do any of that. And then this Australian person goes viral. I didn't see it live. I was like, this has got to be a joke. Did you guys watch the wall climbing?

I did not always sport climbing. That was really impressive. That was the only part of the Olympics I've actually won. Oh, man. As soon as that came on, I couldn't take my eyes off wall climbing.

It was like literally... Is it speed climbing? It's speed climbing. It's like straight up the face of a wall without hardly even touching anything within seconds. It was the craziest thing to watch. Are they like harnessed or... They're harnessed. Yeah, they're harnessed, but they go so fast that it's like they hardly touch anything. It's like Spider-Man walking up a wall. It's crazy. It's like they let it in. That's pretty cool. I'm trying to think what else could they...

So there's a big debate on whether breakdancing belongs. And what's funny is a lot of people in the breaking community, they debate this because for some of them, they say it's an artistic aesthetic thing. And once you make it a sport, you have to be able to judge it

Yeah. Objectively. So like you take away, you know, you won't innovate and break dancing because you won't get prizes for that necessarily. And that apparently is what happened in figure skating. Like figure skating used to be a much more artistic medium. And then as the Winter Olympics got more popular, you had these codified ways of scoring, uh,

Figure skating and now it's much more rote what you actually do and same with gymnastics I think there's much more emphasis on basically can you do this many backflips? Which has been great for the US because we're good at producing backflip doers, but there's way less artistry to your dancing and like the floor exercise than there used to be so I

It's kind of an interesting question. I looked this up and in the old, like in the really early Olympics, they had things like like painting and sculpting were in the Olympics. And you would just do a painting or sculpture on an athletic subject and you could get a medal in that. It'd be kind of cool to bring that back. Wasn't wasn't something that happened with skateboarding? Because I remember like like Tony Hawk won a gold medal or something in the 90s.

But then like they removed it from the Olympics and then they brought it back or something like it was trying to remember. I've done enough Tim Pool episodes where I'm sure he's talked about it and I'm like looking at my phone. But but I know that that's something that went on with skateboarding where it was sort of like it was a sport that it wasn't a sport that it is going to be a big sport. I think it's one again. Yeah.

I think it's only been... Maybe it was a demonstration event earlier. They sometimes do that. They used to do demonstration events that wouldn't get medals. Now they only do... I think they've only done it in this Olympics and the last one. And apparently Japan is amazing at Olympic skateboarding. They have won... There are eight total gold medals in skateboarding in the last two Olympics, and Japan has won five of them. So America's getting clowned on in Olympic skateboarding, it seems. What is the...

What is the point of the Olympics? Why do you think that the Olympics exist and are they serving that purpose? Well, I don't know. I think originally the idea was like the Olympics should be about the brotherhood of mankind and celebrating high levels of academic achievement. But it appears the main things about the Olympics are allowing various autocracies to show off and also like...

I don't know, like weird demonic opening ceremonies. Those seem to be the two main purposes of the Olympics. And then they have some athletic stuff too. I like it. Obviously all the...

The pagan stuff, whatever. I see my best memories growing up were watching the Olympics and cheering for the country I loved. Of course, it's fallen from grace. And some of the athletes are just hard to watch and how they behave and how they disregard the country. Let's put you put 159 as I'm saying this is Tyler's speed climbing. But I will say, despite China has an entire bureau of Olympic training, just so we are clear that that's Tyler's sport right there. It's insane. Yeah.

I agree. It was super impressive. Like in six seconds, you get up the wall. So that's the way the men were going faster. Oh, yeah. China's well, no, it's true. China spends hundreds of millions of dollars, maybe even billions of their government money trying to develop the best sharpshooters. We don't do any of that in this country, which is, I think, kind of cool. The fact that it's all largely organic and it's largely just people that dedicate themselves to the craft.

And we tied China in gold medals. That's all that really matters, by the way, the gold medal count. There's like this new psyop, by the way, in the media where they try to tell you, oh, America's leading in total medals, but we're tied. All that matters is gold medals. That was our cope in the 2008 Olympics. Yeah, I think that was the first time they did that. Yeah, when China won all the gold. And by the way, when you host an Olympics, you have a huge built-in advantage, not only

Not only is it home field advantage, the crowd is with you. You know all of the training grounds early. You're able to get access to all of them months, sometimes even years in advance. You also are able to fill a lot of slots if you're the host country. Just by being the host country, you're able to have more people compete. So there's definitely home field advantage. That's why France did well. That's why UK, London did well in 2012. Anyway, I'm a sucker for the Olympics. What it should be, Jack, is an appreciation of excellence.

and people that really harness their craft and what country is able to achieve that excellence collectively, if you will, in the best way. And I mean, collectively in the most non-communistic, non-Kamala Harris way possible. But the Olympics has kind of become is, and Blake is right, is what country can either cheat the most. China's their bunch of cheaters. Russia was not even in this Olympics. By the way, you want to talk about a complete blackout in our media? Russia did not compete in this Olympics.

There was almost no mention of that in our media. And it was all because of the war with Ukraine. And so Russia is almost always up there with the medal count. They're a bunch of cheaters too, especially when it comes to gymnastics. And so it was sad watching parts of this Olympics. Part of it I thought was really great and really inspiring. I love watching the swimmers because that's objectively one of the hardest things to do. And that I think has still been, it's been corrupted by a lot of doping and stuff like that. But some of the sports that,

china was winning in were just these obscure like table tennis um skeet shooting i mean stuff that is not it's just it's not exactly mainline olympic events that you would think about and america still dominates in track and field i will say that was really really neat to see still dominating on the track and field the question is for you guys what sport that is not yet an olympic sport should be added as an olympic sport paintball paintball

I feel like I haven't heard about paintball since 2003 or so. It was really, really big then. The J.D. Vance voters agree with Jack. Paintball's cool. It just does feel like it's fallen off. Did people get creeped out? They thought it was mass shooter training or something. Because the problem with it is that speedball

is usually the more spectator sport, the more competitive version of paintball and speedball is just kind of like, I don't know, it kind of sucks. Speedball is just like whoever gets the most expensive equipment, whoever gets the marker that fires the most, you know, with the electronic hopper and everything. It's like zip, zip, zip, and then you can shoot the most and you win, the end.

So it just becomes like a gear fight. Whereas the actual much more fun version of paintball, much more interesting version of paintball is Woods ball. That's the original version of it. And that's where it's two teams and you've got like a much wider space, a wider area. So it requires strategy. It requires cunning. It's basically like small unit tactics in the infantry, something like that. So, you know, I've always enjoyed that version of paintball much, much more than speedball. How about you, Tyler?

I'm excited because the 2028 Olympics are gonna have lacrosse in them. It's modified lacrosse It's three. It's six for six v6. So it's like box lacrosse type rules But there's no there's no long poles, but it's it's still cool like it's almost the

guaranteed win for the Americans if we put together a decent team. All right. Okay. We'll have all the wax bros. We'll turn out dodgeball. Okay. I'm just going to give a troll answer. I think it'd be fun if we revived some of the ancient Greek events that have fallen into abeyance. Okay. One, this would legit be good. Pankration, which you could probably just do as basically modern UFC mixed martial arts. Pankration was ancient Greek martial

It was like anything goes wrestling and you just went until someone said uncle. And the only things that were banned, I think were like squeezing someone's junk, eye gouging and biting. And I think everything else went.

And there's like accounts from ancient Greece where like someone would, I think a guy wins the Pankration final and then like immediately dies. Oh yeah. Uh, it's crazy. The other thing that'd be cool, they had a armored race. So you would race while wearing battle armor. Okay. It would be like a full like 200 meter dash, but wearing a full suit of ancient Greek armor. Uh, and then they had like ancient pentathlon. So we have the modern pentathlon, which was ripping this off, uh,

So the modern pentathlon is this weird track sport where it's, I think it's, is it running, riding a horse, pistol shooting, whatever.

and a few other events. And it's sort of supposed to be skills that would be useful for a modern soldier caught behind enemy lines. But they had the ancient pentathlon, which was basically, I think, the same deal, but it was ancient. So it had javelin throw and a few other things. So we should bring that all back. And of course, they should all compete in the nude because we have to be as trad as possible. I think we should bring... Are you guys going to go to the LA games?

It's four years from now. Will we have a country in four years? That'll kind of depend on what happens. There'll be something called America. Yeah, exactly. It's going to be so frustrating where they like clean up the city of L.A. for six months in advance and becomes this world class city for like six months. And it's really beautiful and there's no bums or homeless or overdosing or gang violence. And then the minute of closing ceremonies, it just goes back to the purge.

Exactly. It's going to be terrible. That's what's going to happen that way. It is interesting what you mentioned. It really is. Communism fails at basically everything, but it is good at winning athletic events. I'm looking at old medal tables. In 1988, which was not one we boycotted, in 1988, the U.S. lost in medals to East Germany, a country with like 15 million people. And if you look at the top 10...

That was in Seoul, South Korea. Yes, it was in Seoul. And five of the top 10 countries were in the Soviet bloc. Soviets were number one, then the East Germans, and then Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania were six, seven, and eight. They were...

Those commies were really good at sports. I want to make a pitch for zorbing. I just put it in the chat. I don't know. Are you guys familiar with zorbing? This would be the Winter Olympics, right? I think you could do this on any landscape. It's just there's higher mountains, higher elevations. So zorbing, you get in this big ball and they push it. And it's like a hamster ball. And you go down a huge mountain.

The one that the one I dropped in the chat was some guy in Russia. They pushed him down I should be laughing. Okay, we literally died. Where's the sport? Like do you do anything after Russia? I guess Russia has to make it back into the Olympics before we can do this I guess again, but

But if you watch it, it's the big hamster ball. You get in it, and they push you, and you go really fast. Are there obstacles? Can you steer? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. We should have massive courses for this. It should be incredible. Yeah, I agree. It should be Winter Olympics. I might go to the 2026 Olympics in Italy. What was the year that...

that it was the russian olymp i think it was 1980 where the ru so russia the soviet union had the olympics in 1980 and then the us didn't even go but then they had their own games in um in philadelphia yeah like china it was it's like china and china and japan came because it was after the sign of soviet split and west germany competed but like up

a bunch of countries had this like, you know, separate, like almost like a NATO Olympics versus the real Olympics, which were held in Moscow. That's back when the winter and the summer Olympics were held in the same year. So 1980 was like Placid Olympics when we hosted the winter Olympics and then the summer Olympics. Oh, yes. And now we do them twice.

Yeah, no, no, you're right. No, the 1980 Summer Olympics were in Moscow and we boycotted the Summer Olympics, but we hosted the Winter Olympics because it was in Lake Placid, New York. And then we started to skewer them. The Olympic Committee said, OK, well, that's the that's the sport, Tyler. Oh, yeah, that's Zorbin. That's that's the guy who didn't make it. That's the Russian Zorbin.

So, yeah, every year since 1992, they were the same. And then 1994, they decided to go summer, winter in different years, which I actually think is pretty good. The Winter Olympics has, I think, sports that are cooler and higher risk to your life. I mean, there are some things in the Winter Olympics. I think it was Sochi. A guy died on the skeleton course. It was the skeleton, yeah. Yeah. They don't call it skeleton. The skeleton is a legit thing. Is it skeleton for land? Let's make...

So let's make a commitment to our listeners. Oh, it is lusion and skeleton. Will thought crime come together and we will compete in 2026 Olympic curling?

I remember when they first added that, I think the U S team in curling was literally the low, like the men's and women's local teams for curling in Bemidji, Minnesota. So you pretty much could, if you were back then now, now it's harder. Now, like people do this seriously curling, curling. I know, but it's no, there's no athletic, there's no athletic acumen, meaning that it does. If there's guys with beer bellies that do it, it's incredibly precise and very hard, but it's not exactly, you have to like get in the gym and train all day long.

I mean, you have to be there training the actual craft of it. But I think we should submit a bid. I think we should try to compete. I was looking at weird sports while we were talking about it. Did you know there's something called chess boxing? Yes.

We should have chess in the Olympics, by the way. There was a whole debate about this. No, chess isn't a sport. But it's a competition. You just want to lose? We should have games in the Olympics, too, like true games of serious games. You just want China and Russia to just beat us every time? We should be adding sports. We just know we're going to lose that. No, no. See, that's a mistake. America's gotten actually better over the last 20 years and closed the chess gap, believe it or not, if you look at the international chess rankings.

The number one chess player in the world, I think, is Lithuanian, right? That one guy. The Norwegian, Magnus Carlsen. Let me see. No, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. Magnus Carlsen, yeah. He had that whole controversy. The guy's unbelievable.

Wait, but have you seen this chess boxing? Yeah, yeah. It's like you do a few minutes of chess. That's right. Yeah, we have number two and three in chess. Hikaru Nakamura and Fabiano Caruna are both U.S., yeah. And the best is Magnus Carlsen. It's not even close. They say he's the best ever to play the game, better than Bobby Fischer. Gilbert, Arizona used to be the chess capital of America.

Did you know that? Why? Is that right? Yeah, it was for a while. Did Bobby Fisher go and hide there for a while? All the elementary schools were like the best in the country at chess. It was like a really weird thing. Wow. Yeah, it was crazy. Is that in like the Word of Wisdom or something? You know, Magnus Carlsen will show up late to matches against people, meaning like when his time is still running out, and he'll literally just like be distracted texting people and will still win. He's the greatest ever to play.

He's got it figured out. I think it'd be fun in the Olympics. The problem is, truly, it would have to be like Blitz Chess or whatever because the true, like the World Chess Championship when they're actually contesting it is deranged. It'll be, like, I think they'll spend a whole day on a game and they'll play 14, 15 days straight and eight or nine of the matches will just be draws because with high-level chess players, most of their games are just draws now. No, you have to use the timer, though, Blake.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The problem is a slippery slope here, guys. Like, if you introduce chess, all of a sudden we're going to have, like, Starcraft in the Olympics. No, it's going to be a board game. There's going to be literally board game people who are going to be, like, demanding this. We'll have creative writing.

It's just we're gonna get to a point we're gonna get to a point in like a hundred years from now where nobody wants to leave their house It's just gonna be like lame sports and the Olympics will look totally I'm an Olympic maximalist Every event should be in the Olympics Yeah, but that that's wrong And here's the reason why because they're never they're going to omit So America wanted to have football as our sport because you know the home country can pick this one Flag footballs come it's flag football

We shouldn't stand for this. It's in America. We should be playing full contact football. What do we play against? Canada, Australia, like a modified, like our flag football. You know, it's interesting when they added three on three basketball, we thought we would win and we didn't even make the metal rounds. Like we got smoked. None of the NBA players can compete. That's the problem. Yeah. They put up Jimmer for debt. It should, this is stupid. Jimmer for debt. Jimmer for debt. Like got hurt. Like the second game.

What they should have done is they should have had the best college players that are coming back for one more year to play on the three-on-three basketball. And they could win a gold medal. It would have been great practice for them. There's apparently a technicality where you have to have played in the three-on-three tournaments before this, and that's a big reason we don't have a good team. The NBA players, it's during the NBA season, they can't get released to go play these tournaments. So that's why there's no NBA guys who can compete. Okay, to answer the question, because I was going to say my solution was, Charlie, was...

The people who are on the FIBA team who don't make the Olympics team should be on our 3v3 team. I think it has to be like your career.

We lost the FIBA championship though last year, which was super embarrassing. Yep. So you had guys on there like great guys, great NBA players, but they lost the FIBA championship. My solution was three, like whoever is on that team that doesn't make the Olympic team, like the five V five team, then you put them on the three V three team. But that makes sense actually, Blake, that they have to be like participate in like the, the, the lead up, but there has to be a way that the NBA can figure this out. We lost,

We lost to Germany and we lost to Canada in the FIBA last year. And we had Jalen Brunson. We had actually good players. And Mikkel Bridges. It was like a good team. Anthony Edwards, yeah. And their punishment, they should have had to play in the 3v3. If you want a thought crime, if you watch USA Basketball and you watch these other teams, the window of USA Basketball dominance is closing. And it's really fascinating to see. The NBA has had foreign MVPs for quite some time.

Steve Kerr benching Jason Tatum, the reigning MVP for literally every game, was one of the most inexcusable moves. I mean, Devin Booker's fine. I wouldn't put him at the same level as Jason Tatum. And Devin Booker played the entire Olympics. Tyler, you're an NBA fan. Can you help me understand why you just benched Jason Tatum, the reigning MVP who just won an NBA Finals for the entire game? Devin Booker, you want to talk about objective? Objectively, Devin Booker's a better fit.

for the starting lineup. Oh, yeah. He was a off the ball. Didn't demand the ball. Jason Tatum demands the ball. That's the problem. You have Steph Curry on the court. You have KD at the end there. You have LeBron. You can't have Jason Tatum on there. There's all ball hogs. Ryan in the chat is saying we should have Olympic Quidditch, which that gets at the funny thing that I think Quidditch is like not even called Quidditch anymore. Yeah.

because like of the whole the turf thing so they call it like quad ball or something stupid like that yeah yeah quit it yeah quit it officially known as quad ball since 2022 because oh can't can't have the turf name oh oh my god i hate people yeah but we can put that in the olympics we probably win

You guys know about the Peter Thiel thing, right? That he was back. He and a bunch of guys like Balaji's in on this as well. They're backing something called the enhanced games. So everybody knows, of course, that in the Olympics you get tested, you know, no performance enhancing drugs, no PDs. But but Peter Thiel and a bunch of guys are actually supporting a new Olympics games where you're allowed to take basically whatever you want.

I think that will be like cool exactly up until the point that one of the competitors literally like dies because he'll take some absolutely insane drug regimen and then it will be controversial and someone will go to prison. You know, this was that was an SNL sketch years ago and it was Bill Hartman was the weightlifter and he went to like

I want to say he was deadlifting and he was deadlifting like just some insane amount, like 1500 pounds or something. And then he tears his arms off and the blood starts going all over. It is interesting to imagine like what is physically possible when you go all out, but physically,

Yeah, it's also unpleasant. Like going all out probably literally would kill a person. And there are people who would be willing to make that exchange. I feel like the defense people would say is guys who go into the NFL are like definitely shortening their lifespan and hurting their health to make a ton of money. So is it that much worse to just directly do it with drugs as opposed to by playing, you know, 500 football games over the course of your life? Any closing thoughts on the Olympics, guys, before we move on?

You know, I think it would be more fun. So I heard that the IOC is only going to be doing the Olympics in like the same locations for ease. Did you hear about this? Oh, is this just like they were countries were fed up with having to spend like $100 billion to host. So they're just going to go to cities that can host them without a lot of base. Yeah, that's what I understand. I don't know if I haven't really fact checked this. I've just been like, there's a herd. The second hand is that they're doing that, which I think is super lame. I think they should have to do the Olympics and like,

the most terrifying of places. And I think that should make it more fun. Like, it should be like... You remember when you used to sit down at the arcade and you play like... You sit down in a video game, like a car racing game, and you would like...

Illogically be driving like a sports car feel like the African desert like through the Sahara or through wherever I think that the game should be played that way like I think of the game they shouldn't be it should be whatever is there and

There should be a limit to how much they have to spend. They can spend to build stadiums and stuff like that, but it should be legitimately difficult. We could go all in. You could just have, they don't tell you what sports are in the Olympics until you show up. You just have to pick athletes and you send them there. They're playing Calvin ball. Okay, I like this. And they just make up the rules on the spot. That would be a cool, that would be cool. It's like you just have like an elite group of like athletes and then they all have to play different sports.

They draw straws. That would be cool. Yeah. I'm just saying, I just think it's stupid. That's the same place, like same venues. Like I get it. I get it. I think it should be different venues, but it's just, that's just, I don't know. Final thoughts on that. So, well, the, the upcoming Olympics in 2024 is in, I'm 28 is Los Angeles.

In 2030 is the French Alps. That one actually will be pretty good. And then 2032 will be in Australia, Brisbane, Australia. And then 2034, Salt Lake City. So America gets another one in 2034. And L.A. I'm excited about because it will be our same time zone.

Yeah, no, seriously, I totally agree. I'm going to go to the LA Olympics for sure. Oh, yeah. We've got some friends there involved. So that will be really cool. And we have the World Cup. We have the World Cup coming in 2026. I refuse to be excited about the World Cup. Because it's all of North America. Soccer is terrible. I am not going to accept. No, Blake. I will not accept the popularization of this depraved British sport. You're being overly contrarian. Blake, have you ever...

I reject. Reject soccer. Have you ever been in a country that while the World Cup is going on where they love the World Cup? No. Why would I do that? Oh my gosh. They go crazy. It's crazy. Everything shuts down and like everyone is like into it. Yes. And that's culturally. I wish we had that. Soccer is off. We have that. It's called the Super Bowl. It's for a better sport called football. Wait, did you see that? The real football. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. There was a tweet about that recently where it was like,

Oh my gosh. It was that guy Jarvis. And he goes, you know how to make soccer better. Like you'll appreciate this. Here's how you make soccer better. First of all, the field is too big. The field must be shrunken. And instead of, instead of having all the players on the teams all at once, they should be able to, to move the players on and off the field whenever they want. The ball is too big. It should be reduced to something small and black.

The field itself running on grass is too tiresome. It should be covered by ice. Ice everywhere. Yeah, exactly. It should be hit by sticks. This is how you make soccer better. Yeah, if we had a World Cup just for hockey, that'd be a million times better. Soccer is bad. I just know they're always trying to break your spirit. It's definitely the best sport to watch outside of football.

The whole thing with soccer is they're trying to break your spirit by making you get into a lame sport that five-year-olds play where they kick a ball and learn teamwork. And they just try to break us with this. They want to make soccer popular. No, I refuse to care about soccer. I refuse to watch soccer. I refuse to know whether Phoenix even has a professional soccer team. I don't know. Nobody tell me.

We do. Phoenix Rising. I'm going to fight you. I'm going to fight you, Tyler. I don't disagree with you on the fact that it's going to be lame in America because no one in America cares about soccer. No, we'll get behind it. That's not true. We're getting behind Kamala Harris. We're going to lose in the first round, and it's going to be embarrassing and humiliating in our own country. I hope we do not get out of the group stage. Guys,

We have foreigners and we have so many people from other countries. It doesn't matter what country does well. It's like, I mean, if Brazil does well, we'll fill up the arena. I mean...

Yeah, that's probably true. I'm not worried about it. Well, the cool part is we'll have all these people from all different countries coming to all the cities, and so it'll just be a huge party in all these cities. But I'll tell you, being in a foreign country when a team is going far, I think I was in, I can't remember where I was, but I was somewhere where a team was doing really well, and they were going absolutely, it was crazy. It was like everywhere you went, you couldn't move without something about the World Cup, and everyone was happy.

I've never seen anything like it anywhere in the world. Like in America, we're just generally happy people, but nobody like we're happy. We're happy people because we don't have soccer oppressing the collective consciousness. The Super Bowl is different because it's not like all the teams participating in a tournament and like that shorter time.

Like the, the, there's something about the world cup that they've got. Right. That like, I feel like college football needs to do better. Like if they could maximize like the world cup type build out, you know what I mean? Like we should have like group play that goes into next. You're going to be like, we should have promotion and relegation in us sports. I'm just saying they get it right with something that gets everybody so freaking excited. It's crazy.

They're bored people. I appreciate it. It's one of the only things I appreciate outside of America is that they just do that right. Look, if you want good sports outside of America, go to Japan and watch Japanese baseball. It's great. It's amazing because it's a good sport in a good country. So it's, you know, good stuff combined. Whereas if you take a bad sport and bad countries like France, you get horrible misery and agony. And so we just have to reject it.

No. Next is, so communist countries are very good at winning sporting medals. As we discussed what they are bad at is keeping food on the shelves and, you know, actually having economic growth in any way. And that's all highly concerning because, uh,

we discussed this a few months ago that Democrats were looking bad and their best option was to just go maximum populism. And even though Joe Biden is out, it appears Kamala Harris has taken that advice to heart and she's going maximum populist. So Kamala, she hasn't done any policies for her first month. She's finally rolling them out. And what she's rolling out is,

Price controls on food and price controls on rent. So that is what we are getting for the Kamala experience. She just tweeted about an hour ago, when I am president, it will be a day one priority to bring down prices. I'll take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging and corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on working families. And so...

You know, I think we've discussed this before, but the worry is this stuff is really bad. But the problem with bad economics is bad economics can still be insanely popular. And we may just get Kamala riding to a victory in the election by promising to crash the economy with no survivors.

That's right. Tyler, how should we counter her new thing where she says we want to give $25,000 to a family if they want to buy a home or for first time homebuyers?

Man, I mean, this is the conversation we talked about this a while ago. Right, Charlie, of talking about the land issues. I mean, young people just care about the land issues. The Democrats we know are ready to just give out handouts. The best handout that America could give. I mean, this is just my opinion without getting too deeply into this.

The best thing that we can possibly do is as Republicans be talking and educating people about taking land back from the Bureau of Land Management. I mean, nothing. This is the biggest mistake that Republicans have made in the West, which is we should be we have all this land that exists. We should be inviting conservatives into the land and literally doing it at a massive discount and.

And giving people, this is literally the home, America's the home of life, liberty and land. That's where we started. And the unfortunate part is we have no creative people on the conservative side talking about the ways that we can make life easier. So, I mean, obviously, who knows if this handout that she's proposing is true or it's real or whatever. But, I mean, we've got to be talking about how are we going to make, you know, living in a home more affordable and

uh, for young people. I mean, there's, this is like a real issue that everybody talks about. I was like, I'm gonna get out of college and have no possible way of buying a house.

I mean, look at the rates right now. Look at home prices. Home prices have inflated so much. There's got to be an impending crash that's coming. And there's literally no creative ideas whatsoever. So, I mean, I could tell you, Charlie, getting not too complex into this, the easiest thing that we could possibly do is take back land from the federal government and give it to people and have them homestead. Call it the new Homesteading Act. And homestead. And you know what statistically has shown?

Charlie's gone through this, which is like if you don't do drugs, if you get married, if you, you know, get a job, have a career, keep a job. And one of the other statistics that's out there, if you own a home, if you have a home, if you have any kind of land, so not like a zero lot, not an apartment, not a condo, but actual land where you have to take care of things, you're far more likely to be conservative.

You're far more likely. So that's right. This is this is like the easiest thing that we can do without like having influenced those other social things, which is like give people land and make them take care of stuff. And they're probably going to become more conservative. Yeah. I mean, it's a stakeholder society. The government owns the entire Southwest. It's literally half this. It's literally half of the Western United States.

It's a majority. Only half? No, I mean, it's really close. Arizona, I can't remember what the number is, but it's like...

Literally, we could just open up, take this land back. And if you had a good governor, you could just be like, yeah, suck it, federal government. We're just going to take the land back and start a program where, number one, we're going to make all the money off this land. We're going to take better care of it because a lot of the BLM land too, you see all these forest fires. Have you ever wondered why we have forest fires across the West and not anywhere in the East?

Because it's drier? Well, it's not just dry. It's just dry parts in the east, too. That happens in the southeast. It happens. But in the west, it's drier. But the Bureau of Land Management literally doesn't take care of the forest.

I will say, I feel like I never hear about devastating wildfires in Texas, which is a dry place that does have trees. Because they don't have BLM. The environmentalists, too. The environmentalists are to blame. The environmentalists say that you can't do controlled burns. They just say let it burn, basically. That's a huge problem. With air quality in the West, it's a massive problem.

we have the map up here now you can see uh red is federally owned land and some of that of course is like some of its natural national parks some of its indian reservations that's like nothing yeah yeah very little of it like very small the nevada one is insane now admittedly i don't know how many people who are eager to homestead in the great basin might be uh there's a bit of a lift there andrew's watching right now there's tons of beautiful land across nevada nevada has so much beautiful land

And Northern Arizona, Southern Utah. Yeah, yeah. Like Northern Arizona. Northern Arizona is like Appalachia, except it's better. I guess. Yeah. There's no humidity and homeless people on the trail. Homeless people on the trail. That's okay. Okay. That's fair. No, but like this is the thing is like you could literally take back this land, just gift it to people. Literally gift it to people.

And you immediately would have a more conservative America. And plus, you'd be making money off of the taxes that would come out of it. I just think about also just, you know, some of this is going to be desert and not super economically viable. But there's just so much stuff that... So, Blaydo, let me explain that one to you. Think about this world in which we place nuclear power plants and solar fields on all of the horrible, horrible land. Mm-hmm.

where it's just businesses are people too. We could literally just invite it. So much of that land that's just conquered by BLM, by the federal government, you put solar fields on those that become extremely cheap. And you don't have to pay for it from the federal government either. Private companies would come in and just put those in if they had access to the land. They just don't. It's crazy. That map of Nevada is just so depressing, just devastating.

Big, fat, empty state administered by BLM. BLM is a disaster in all iterations. That's right. Jack, your thought about the populist arms race. I want to get Jack in on here. Your thought about the populist arms race, Jack, and how Trump should confront it. Yeah, look, this is going to be a thing where people are going to start throwing out, look,

Populism sells. Populism is popular. Populism works on an electoral basis. That's why Donald Trump has been so popular. The idea being is, so it's got to be twofold, right? Donald Trump's got to, number one, say she's in bed with big business. You've got to tie her to her

uh her big donors which is gonna be easy to do wall street silicon valley etc so to cut her away from the little guy which is what she's trying to go for and then look there's gonna be a swath of people that just never um that just never stops voting for the democrat party but that's fine we're talking about people who are potentially persuadable the people who are potentially more independent or swing voters and then what you do as well is you you also point out

that she doesn't have a track record of ever getting any of this stuff done. Keep saying again and again and again, hammering her on the fact that you have had your day one already. You're in office right now. Why aren't you doing this right now? Why aren't you doing this right now? And then just hammer up on it. Why aren't you doing this right now? How come you spent all this money on the green charging stations and there's only like three bills or whatever? It's basic stuff. This is all happening on your watch.

tie her to the incumbency. But then finally, you also have to still campaign as a populist. So you do still have to keep going for those things. Look, Trump is kind of already the one who started the arms race off. And I think you have to keep pushing that measure, but not doing so in a way where you're talking about government controls either. He said something about we're going to cut energy costs by 50% in our first year. These are basic things.

that he actually has a good track record on doing but at the same time i i think that's sitting back and and pointing out that oh you know saying oh this isn't bad this isn't good it's not economic sound etc it's like what blake said we know it doesn't make any economic sense we know that this leads to the soviet union we know this leads to food shortages we know this leads to bread lines that's why we call them bread line bernie um but at the same time these things are extremely popular and rent and we've talked about this for a long time

that millennials, particularly because of their student debt, are in a huge, at a huge vulnerability and huge risk for debt-free, debt jubilee, student debt relief style socialism. And it's something where

I really think that the Republicans need to come in and actually think of a very smart way to deal with this, go after the institutions, go after the endowments, et cetera, to deal with this, or else you're going to get someone like a Kamala Harris who's going to pick up those Bernie Sanders policies and walk over to all these millennials who are saddled with debt and are only going to become an increasing share of society.

the voting population, the voting demographic as we go forward for the next 30 years. And this debt issue is still going to be there. It's a massive bomb. And Republicans, quite frankly, haven't done a very good job of addressing the situation other than said to say, oh, well, this is your fault. Oh, well, this is your fault. Well, guess what? You know, people who are sitting there voting aren't going to vote for the person who said, oh, this is my fault. It's like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney going up there and saying, oh, well, these these these

Entitlements are insolvent. Entitlements are insolvent. We've got to privatize. We've got to privatize. We've got to cut it off. And you look what happened to them electorally. Same thing is going to happen to Republicans if they don't start mitigating their message on this. Blake, how would you advise? Let's pretend Blake Neff. Yeah, let's just let me frame this. Blake, you're senior advisor to the Trump campaign. They're throwing populist salvos at you. You want to win. How do you counter it? Oh, man.

It is genuinely tough because, like I said, the problem is it's popular. You look at Argentina. Argentina has been an economic basket case for decades. And Javier Millet barely won. And he's got low approval now because people are mad that he took away all the stupid price control stuff that was just nuking their economy. This stuff, once it gets in place, can just stick around forever.

forever. You can just never get rid of it. Doesn't matter how ruinous it is. So we should first emphasize, this is a real danger and you can't casually dismiss it as bad economics 101. I think, really, you almost need to take an indirect approach. You can't really just confront it head on. You have to remind people, okay, guys, Kamala is in

She's connected to an economic regime right now. It is the Biden administration, and it's really bad. Everything she has to do, everything she has to promise, she has to use as a distraction from the economy under Biden has not been good. Inflation is really high, and she can't really avoid that because anything she says, if she tries to create...

any distance between herself from Biden, you have to basically say, no, okay, what did you specifically disagree with Biden doing? And why didn't you say anything about it then? Why didn't you urge them not to do it then? They won't be able to argue that. They won't have any justification for that. And so I think you do have to mostly focus on the disaster of the Biden administration and just really not let them detach from it. As for a populist line from Trump himself,

I think the best way you do it is you just... The strongest argument Trump had against Biden was, I was a president for the same amount of time that Joe Biden's been president, and stuff was better. I think your biggest appeal is to the success that he already had with wage growth and all of that, as opposed to specific policies, because a lot of the policies that work are just weirdly not popular. And then I think you focus on the stuff that is most popular, which is probably...

Being pro-fracking, I've seen a lot of people I've talked to have said that plays really big in the specific states we need to win. Even if fracking isn't the biggest thing nationwide, it's very big in Pennsylvania. The Keystone Pipeline, big deal in Pennsylvania. So you emphasize that. You talk about specific things that the Biden administration derailed, like canceling the Keystone Pipeline. You just hammer them over that. You hammer them. Keystone Pipeline's not in Pennsylvania, though.

Well, it wasn't, but it was important to fracking. You're saying they're killing demand for America's ability to export gas. And so that is an attack on, uh,

the natural gas industry everywhere. It's a big deal. It's a big deal in Pennsylvania. It's a big deal in some other places that we want to compete in. People might think it's in Pennsylvania because Pennsylvania is a keystone state, so why not? Exactly. Even people there might think it, for all we know. You hammer on the ban on exporting natural gas...

That was clearly done. He'll like frame it as an energy security thing. But what it really was about is he wants to make it so there's less incentive to develop American gas. And so that's part of the whole Green New Deal shtick. So you really actually get the stuff. I was going to throw out that Trump at one point was proposing building a pipeline from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Yeah.

So we have this sort of like shuttered oil refinery in Philadelphia right now. It's the old Tinoco Fields. Literally just had a fire a couple of years ago and it shut down. But the idea was bring some of that fracked natural gas from western Pennsylvania and the Marcellus Shale find here.

over to Philadelphia and get that plant moving up again. So that would have been, I mean, you're talking massive, massive jobs. Actually, come to think of it, I'm just kind of surprised that they aren't talking more about that because now you've got jobs from the fracking side on the Western side of the state and then the refining jobs on the Eastern side of the state. So that's Delaware County, that's a lot of those blue collar worker jobs.

Yeah, I'm trying to think of what's the strongest populist spin on a winning economic policy. It's energy stuff, probably trade, I think, really hammering at China and other concessions. The America last approach to all-American foreign policy. You talk about the impoverishing effect of just mass welfare to illegal immigrants.

I think securing the border is increasingly a strong populace, not just on a crime thing, but on an economics thing. You say their plan for, while they're simultaneously driving up the price of everything, they're also driving down wages by bringing in this gigantic economy.

illegal or semi-legal like, helot class of foreign labor that they're just dumping into every single city. And they're either taking a low-wage job or they're taking a bunch of, you know, welfare from your government. One or the other. And

There's vanishingly few actual highly skilled jobs that they're bringing in in comparison to those two. So that's probably our best populist counterattack. I definitely don't want us falling into an arms race, which some people will be tempted, where they'll say, well, why don't we just...

promise more of, you know, more money for housing or more price controls? No, I think that outside of, I think the price control stuff and the more money thing is actually boring stuff that people don't care about. Cause I think people actually don't listen to that. So I'll, I'll tell you one, one that I mentioned that I think is really a good idea. I think you have to get strategic and pull out and say, okay, what do people actually care about the most?

And you center in and you focus in. So one of the things that I suggested to people was like, hey, you know, what's really screwed up in society? Like all these different ticketing companies and how they put all these like excess fees on sporting tickets and concert tickets. I know this sounds really stupid, but this is like goes in line with the tax, no taxes on tips thing that worked really well, which is like out of the things that you like to do that you can't do because now Bidenomics has messed up your life.

you know, why don't we figure out fixing this problem that exists where like tickets get passed around a thousand different times because, you know, the population is so much denser in some of these places and it's impossible to get sporting tickets in some places for less than,

you know, a couple hundred dollars. Well, then they add fees on top of it. And basically, you know, those cultural events you can't attend. Price controls on Taylor Swift tickets? Well, it's not price controls. It's saying, you know, it's controlling the fees, right? Which is just like, so that's just like one of those weird things. He could just come out and say, as president...

He called it junk fees. This was something that Biden talked about. I don't know that they ever actually did it, but I do, you know, and I'm not, I actually, I will give credit where it's due, that this was something that Democrats talked about from the White House. I remember Karine Jean-Pierre talking about it at the press briefing. I don't know that it ever went away.

I certainly when I go buy tickets for things, we went to SummerSlam a couple of weeks ago from, as a matter of fact, in Ohio. And, you know, plenty of hidden fees there. So, you know, they haven't done anything about it. But the Democrats are already thinking about this. Yeah. But you're right. You know, bring it up and say, look, if they're going to steal ours, then we might as well steal theirs.

Well, we just need creative ideas and then come out louder about it, right? Like the biggest, the most horrifying part about this no taxes on tips thing is like what's inevitably going to happen is that you're going to have a bunch of confused people because they're just going to be louder and talk about it more often and get the support in the media. And everyone's gonna be like, well, that's not fair. It's like, stop talking about it not being fair. Just talk about it.

Right. Like just talk about like the whole idea of populism is like be the first to the show and talk about it more than the other guy. And and then actually do it like like Jack just said. So so one that I would say that I think is underrated.

One that I think is underused, we talked about this, Blake, and it would drive people crazy, but I think it's the right move, which is don't just say we're going to do infrastructure. Be like very specific and say and just like humiliate California and Kamala Harris being like you guys have been promising a freaking train from San Diego to San Francisco for the last year.

like 20 years and you got to spend billions of dollars and you've not been able to do it. We are going to build like high speed rail and we're gonna build this stuff in like two years or less and we're gonna figure it out. I'm gonna cut all the red tape. I know you said that it's impossible, Blake, but at least from a promise standpoint, national infrastructure gets people really excited 'cause it feels as if their country's developing and growing

and prospering, not decaying and atrophying. And so you do something where it's like, this is the American manufacturing revival initiative where we're going to put 2 million people back to work in public private partnerships. And we're going to have China pay for it through tariffs. And again, Elon touched on this a little bit, but I think that come up with like 20 crazy ideas of national infrastructure that people can actually get behind, if that makes sense.

Yeah, I totally agree. It would be good if there's any remote possible way to do it, which I don't know. I'm very blackpilled on the America building anything. No, but this is like this goes back to the BLM thing. Hold on, but the private sector can. I mean, we have the ability to do it. Elon is able to – he was able to defy gravity literally with SpaceX and with Tesla, with his ability to outdo manufacturer projections. You're right. Through government, it's very hard. But they're –

Yes. A fun goal could be maybe first private moon landing by 2030 or something.

I mean, that's one of them, right? And Trump was like along those lines. But this goes back to that whole BLM conversation, which is like, well, if you take things away from the federal government, but then actually do something with it, right, with the land. And again, you get creative with this stuff, which is not, you don't just have to give up land for homesteading. Like you could give up land for nuclear power plants and be like, you know what we're going to do? Instead of building a wall, we're going to build a wall of nuclear power plants. So...

I'm just kidding. But like the reality is like nuclear, like why not stick a nuclear power plant in the middle of the desert? Right. Like we were done that in Arizona and it literally powers like half of Mexico or in like all of Southern California, including all of Arizona. And we could have the cheapest, you know, utilities in the world if we wanted to.

Like, you just have to just communicate that to people in the right way and be smart about it and utilize what you have in front of you, which again is we have all this land. We're geographically in the best place in the entire world. We have all these resources. We have all this oil that's just sitting there. We have all these woods that are sitting there. Like, America could literally produce...

so much in lumber and we just sit there and we wait for China to bring over steel. And this was like what Trump was talking about during his thing was like part of the reason why Trump was so popular was he was like, you know what, we're going to pull these tariffs on things and we're going to have American steel come back.

And everyone was like literally losing their mind over it. They couldn't believe it because nobody, no one thought that was possible like in a post Reagan era. And so like this is where we're at now, which is just like we need to stick with that. And I feel like we've gotten away from it, to be honest. I feel like 2020, it became all about personalities, which is what the Democrats wanted. And we're slowly watching this race turn into personalities instead of about this, which is like come up with something cool that you're going to do that people actually get in the most simplified terms.

So there's some ideas that I developed here. So one was called the Wild West 2.0. I sent this to the campaign, which is where you create these special zones that are controlled by BLM where there's like no regulation and you sign disclaimers and you could basically try whatever you want economically if they're like distressed. Like you go to rural Nevada and you get like 100 acres and you signed all these regulations

You know, all these disclaimers and it's like the Wild West 2.0 and you could try crazy things aiming to like attract super adventurous entrepreneurs. Another idea that I had and that I developed was the National Adventure Pass, which

which is for americans you get like three summers in a row you get to go to any national park free and it provides like every citizen with a pass to go to all the national parks historical sites stuff like that um let me see what else i had uh while you're on that charlie i spent some time on this did you know nobody's been in like the crown of the or is the crown or is it the up on the uh

the torch of the statue of liberty there should be like literally a drawing to reopen that there should just be a drawing that's like certain amount of americans get to go on like the the the torch the statue of liberty and like it's broadcast and it's like a big deal like like you could literally do that as president you could literally do that and like make a big deal about it and it's like nothing but like plus points for like americana ism so anyway sorry go ahead charlie

No, no, I have all these crazy... I mean, I just come up with crazy ideas all the time. And so, yeah, no, I think that we could think more creatively in this way, but also play offense against them. I don't... Would you guys get upset if...

President Trump said, hey, we're going to have no interest for first-time homebuyers, no interest loans. I mean, I'm sure you get really higher home prices, I guess, from that. Blake, but we're in a... I guess building more homes is actually the structural solution, right? Oh, yeah. I mean, you build more and...

I mean, yeah, it's like the boring answer is you make it easy to build more and then like demand will, uh, will be sated and prices will go down and things that we like massively regulate the prices and provision of tend to eventually have high prices. Uh, you know,

college and university, healthcare, childcare, all of these things are outrageously expensive. And the truth is, is the more boringly unregulated they are, the cheaper they tend to be. So what's the cheapest stuff? It's stuff that you, it's basically unregulated to make and manufacture and import and whatever it is. So clothing's crazy cheap.

Food, actually, even after Biden's inflation, food overall is much cheaper than it's really ever been on a big historical scale. Electronics are like that. Electronics, if we had the federal government deciding to get involved in deciding, you know,

cell phones or computers are too expensive and we need to tinker with how to incentivize providing them and have price caps on them to make sure they're all affordable, then computers would be outrageously expensive. A new computer would cost $5,000 and there'd be shortages of them all the time. But instead, the price goes down all the time. And you want to apply that same principle to housing. And I think the easiest way to do that is you basically...

whack most of the laws that make it difficult to put up housing. And unfortunately, one of the reasons this is hard is even among conservatives, it's very popular to restrict the construction of new housing. A lot of this is because I think...

Building new housing is how a lot of people are forced to engage with the fact that America is in decline. So no one wants to build new stuff because they want to preserve their own neighborhoods and such in amber. Because if your neighborhood is changing, often the sense is your neighborhood is going downhill. It's getting, you know, they settled down.

million refugees there or they're like putting up some horrible new government housing there something like that everything's always going in decline but overall the way you do it the boring way to keep housing prices down is you just build a ton you know what place doesn't have outrageously expensive housing Houston why does everyone complain about Houston there's basically no zoning restrictions there you can just put up whatever in Houston that's the boring way to keep prices down on that sort of thing and

Kind of the same deal for food. The way you actually bring food prices down is you don't have Kamala Harris come in and pass price controls on it. And it's an incredibly competitive industry. So prices will eventually go down. This isn't popular, though. People always want to do something. Closing thoughts here, guys. Look, I think it's good that we're actually having these discussions. President Trump has talked about things like Freedom Cities in the past.

And look at what we are talking about as opposed to sort of debating. Like, I just go back to the Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney version of politics where they're like explaining politics as something that you're, you know, not supposed to understand, that you're not supposed to like, that we can't have direct benefits for you. And that's sort of been put on the shelf now to say, OK, we understand how economics works, but at the same time, we also understand politics.

that your country has been, it feels like it's been selling you down the river that you've been getting screwed over. And so what can we do from the government perspective to actually have direct benefits

for the people that that's not just support us but for all country or for all citizens rather everyone in the country so things like law and order by the way things like crime all of this will help by the way and so you know who are the people that are the biggest direct uh victims of crime it's it is going to be the disproportionately the uh lower class and middle class so these are also things that we can do to cut against the economic populism measures

that they're putting in. And I just love the fact that we're not the neocons anymore. My gosh, I'm just so happy we're not them. Tyler, final thoughts. We didn't talk about the conspiracy of 2020, but I believe the biggest conspiracy we didn't discuss was how the Olympic Games, I believe, were impacted by COVID intentionally because we knew that Trump, can you imagine Trump as president? During the Olympics. During the Olympic Games, the amount of Americanism that would have happened.

Yeah, but I'm talking about the summer right before the election.

It was canceled because of COVID or they pushed it later to the next year. That would have been the most American bleed through that you've ever seen with a U.S. president. But all things, the real conspiracy is God conspired. So now this is my president during Trump can be president during an American Olympics. I know that's what I'm saying. So like this, like, can you imagine? Yeah.

It would have been so good. Like they would have been impossible to overcome. So they had to cancel it. So when Trump wins and we do have the American Olympics and he's going to be overseen, he's going to be the president, the sitting president in the middle of this. We just we have to defend and make sure that nothing comes in between Trump and the Olympics. Twenty twenty eight. Final thought.

I agree. If you guys want to hear more of my solutions, we're going to put them on our members page, Just crazy ideas. Some are good. Some are not so good. I have another one, by the way. Let me find this other one I had. I wrote these. This is like a running Google Doc that I have of these things.

No, it's crazy. Oh, yeah. This is what a virtual home buying, virtual home buying Academy, develop an online Academy offering for your low cost courses on how to buy a home, including financial planning, mortgage options and real estate market insights. All right. Where's my other one that I had here? Cause I asked, I asked people from all the time and they send them in. Um, there's one about health that I had. That was really good. Let me start to find this. Hold on. Add to your document, Charlie, turning shopping malls into universities. It's a Christian university. Yeah. No, no,

Yes. National Health and Wellness Voucher Program. Introduce a program that provides health and wellness vouchers for citizens for a range of services, including gym memberships, nutrition counseling, mental health support, aiming to improve overall public health, including special tax benefits for not eating corn. Oh, wow. Ooh, attacking the corn god. That's dangerous. The corn god will be displeased. Charlie's going off on corn again, folks. We're losing Iowa. Blake radicalized me on corn.

Radicalized me. It's just about rejecting polytheism, Charlie. We can only serve one God, and we can't serve the corn God. All right, guys. Until next week, keep on committing thought crimes. And if you want more of our ideas, you guys could check them out and encourage you guys to look at it. So thanks so much. Talk to you soon. Thought crime is death.