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Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec

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Jack Posobiec
Jack Posobiec: 本期节目对在芝加哥举行的民主党全国代表大会期间发生的抗议活动进行了现场报道。报道重点关注抗议活动中出现的共产主义象征、参与者的政治观点以及他们对美国政治和社会的影响。Posobiec采访了多位抗议者,并对他们的观点进行了分析和评论。他还讨论了主流媒体对这次抗议活动的报道缺失。 抗议者1: 我们是为了和平而来,这包括停止对以色列和乌克兰的资助。我们支持卡马拉·哈里斯,认为她比拜登更能理解我们的观点。 抗议者2: 我们认为卡马拉·哈里斯代表着新一代美国人,而拜登则代表着旧一代。我们对拜登卸任感到高兴,并希望哈里斯能带来改变。 革命共产主义者: 我们反对民主党和共和党,希望建立一个代表工人阶级的政党。我们认为两大政党都受大企业的影响,无法代表人民的利益。我们相信国际社会主义和国际革命。我们的目标是招募更多成员,并最终推翻现有的政治体系。我们关注明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·沃尔兹与中国共产党的关系,以及他在乔治·弗洛伊德事件中的表现。 旁观者: 抗议活动比预期的要平静。大约一半的抗议者支持哈里斯,另一半则不支持任何候选人。将抗议者描绘成暴力暴徒的说法是不准确的。白天的抗议活动通常比晚上的要平静。

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I want to take a second to remind you to sign up for the post. So daily brief, it is completely free. It'll be one email that's sent to you every day. You can stop the endless scrolling, trying to find out what's going on in your world. We will have this delivered directly to you totally for free. Go to human slash post. So sign up today. It's called the post. So daily brief read what I read for show prep. You will not regret it. Human slash post. So totally free. The post. So daily brief.

This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare. A commentator, international social media sensation, and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ is King!

Harris wants to slap socialist price controls on groceries, prompting Donald Trump to name her comrade Kamala. Is she going down the communist path, Brad? She is. She really is going full Bernie Sanders, and you never go full Bernie Sanders. When you are strengthening neighborhoods, strengthening communities, and in particular the economy of those communities, and investing in a broad-based economy...

everybody benefits and it pays for itself. It's not going to be markets, it's not going to be supply and demand that's determining how much your grocery store charges you for milk or for eggs. It's going to be some bureaucrat in DC. You know, I think that there's a duality to the nature of democracy. When it's intact, oh, it's so strong.

in terms of what it does to uphold and protect individual rights and freedoms. So strong in its nature and very fragile. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Israel attempting to help close a ceasefire and hostage release deal. It is a trip that he says comes at a decisive moment for the entire region, potentially, as he says, the best and last opportunity to create a path

the piece. Stage is set for the Democratic National Convention set to begin later today, taking place in the United Center Arena in Chicago. People who live in the Windy City are already feeling the impact. There are road closures and tight security, as you can imagine, around the venue. More than 300 police officers from across the state of Illinois and Wisconsin have been called in to help Chicago police with any potential problems. Some businesses have already boarded up as a precaution.

you're a sellout you're a sellout back your back and get the hell out

Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily. We are here live in Chicago, Illinois. As you can see behind me, we are at the protest. We're here, the March for Palestinian Resistance. As you can see behind me, there are communist flags, there are communist signs, communist flags.

banners all over the place on these borders we are surrounded by a sea of soy and yes we are here to investigate the rise of communism in our day now the mainstream media isn't going to be out here i haven't seen anyone from the mainstream media that's hanging out here but we are going to hang out here we are going to be here the march is kicking off so i'm here as well ben burplum we

We are going to actually take you throughout the rest of this hour inside the protest, inside of what's going on. We don't worry. We're not worried about what's going on. We're not scared. No, no, no, no, no. Because we are fearless in defense of our country. We need to be fearless to defend our beliefs and defend what we stand for. These guys, we're scared of any of them. No, not even a little bit.

not even a little bit scared. We've been around here all day and we're going out here even past the show all day today, showing you the truth that the mainstream media isn't going to show about the protesters that are here today and about the fact that you've got the rise of actual, and I can keep the group right there. Let's see if we can turn this a little bit. I hope that the signal holds. I've got right behind me

behind me the red flag the hammer and sickle is right there but you need to understand that that's what they are and we're here to show you that we're here to show you the truth of what's happening so as we can see so far things have kicked off as a stage back on the side is uh three palestines some things in israel down with israel i'm not sure i can't tell from the time you've seen a lot of a lot of

A lot of flags of the country of Israel that are here today. You see a lot of flags from various different groups. And so we're going to go through and kind of give you a topology, if you will, of the different groups and different miscreants that are here on the ground. I know a lot of people want to laugh about this. A lot of people say, oh, it doesn't matter. It's not a big deal. Communism is just something from the 80s. It's just from a long time ago. No, it's here and it's real.

myself as your humble host. Shalom.

I will be here to show you and interact with them, hopefully get some interviews here on the show from folks that are willing to talk with us about why it is that they've come out, what it is they're supporting, and what they're really doing here. Because I'll tell you something, the right isn't doing stuff like this anymore. The right isn't out there. We're at the raffles. But you need to understand, this is the far left.

does exist in this country. The far left is organizing. The far left is getting out in the street. Now, are there 100,000 people here? No. Maybe about 10, but don't worry because Al-Ghalal Pazoba is here. I'm buzzing in my ear about the boring people at your office. I'm trying to listen to the new human events with Jack Pazoba.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

and people like that but they will not allow these people into the dnc they won't if you're at the dnc and i was on charlie's show earlier today and we were talking about this

that it's all scripted, it's all sterile, none of this gets to go inside, none of this gets to go inside there, none of the delegates will even see any of these protesters and these marchers because they got totally separated. So they can't even go in. They can't even see them. That's a scripted Hollywood production you're looking at. Look at this. This is the real left. This is what the left wants to exist. And see, the problem is, this is also, by the way, the reason

that you could not see josh apiro because they knew that a josh apiro a guy who served as a volunteer in the idf was on their ticket that he that you wouldn't just see him in a protest like this you would be seeing riots and we know that just like in chad where i was at in seattle

going back in 2020, there's a nighttime daytime aspect to these things. During the daytime, it's usually like this. There's some music, it's a little more downscale, it's a little more less played out, you know, it's a little quieter. But at night, at nighttime is when things really

And so you're going to be here with human events, with Real Market Voice the entire time because we're going to show you the truth. Look, I see Antifa medic are now up over here just on the side of me.

They're up and so they've got all their communist flags out there because why would a communist medic do? Why would the chief of medics at an organization like this? It's just a peaceful march. We're gonna switch. All right, we're gonna be switching cameras. Give me one sec here. All right, are we up? Oh, I'm tossing. I'm sorry. We're gonna toss real quick here to a pre-reported piece and then I'm gonna switch cameras. Doing it live, folks. We're doing it live.

You're going to be buried in hell forever. Yes, God. You reject the Lord. You do not live for Jesus. Your heart and your lips are false. You don't even bother him with your lips because your lips are doing the same. I don't know if there's 100,000 people here, but there's a lot of people. Commies are up. Commie flags right there. Looks like they're organizing in various groups. What's up, Jack? So we can't lie. Chicago, Illinois.

We are at the, I don't even know what you're gonna call it, the anti-Israel pro-communists. Right there, you see the communists march outside the DNC. I love it. -Lagbar, Lagbar, Lagbar, Lagbar, Lagbar, Lagbar.

Al-Jalal Khosla, here, Chicago, the DNC. Ceasefire now.

-GDV, Freedom for Palestine, anti-Families. Massing up just to my left. As you can see, we're gonna try to get some footage up via the other camera. We're gonna get it there in a second. We're actually coming to you live right now via Starlink, so shout-out to Elon Musk for making that happen. And again, as you see, some of the things that have been massing up, you're seeing the legal guild is out here today, the quote-unquote "activist guild," which is trying to block people from filming, which is trying to block people from being in here.

uh we're losing we're working on gaining these go live by the way and really go vote so that we can get around and i want to be able to interview some of these guys so that you will be able to hear from their words who they are and why they are here so as we see this we've got some guys going by of course the science here land back land back of course this is your this is your indigenous uh

indigenous South Dakota types. I see Rapid City, Antifa over here. These are your Native American groups. These are the ones, and if you remember all the way back when President Trump, and I remember this, in the summer of 2020 held the July 4th rally there, Antifa actually came in the same group out of Rapid City, drove a van onto the

the entrance of Mount Rushmore where President Trump was when he was speaking. And they drove the van up, got out of the van, put it across the entrance and then got out, flashed their tires so that nobody would be able to enter the facility after that. At that point, there was no way to get anyone in. I'm sorry, I'm not sure because time to say, and my son and my mother were all outside. They weren't able to actually partake in those festivities on the Fourth of July at Mount Rushmore.

because Antifa did not. So again, you may look at the group like this and say, all right, it's all a bunch of soy, it's all a bunch of nonsense, but understand this group is willing to commit action. They're willing to go and commit actions for their ideals. They don't believe in the United States of America. They don't believe in a welcoming company. They

they believe in construction, they believe in tearing things down, they believe in anti-government, they want to try to take over the government. Now we do have a lot of police, I'm talking about police for us. Chicago Police Department has been fantastic thus far. I haven't seen any issues here today, any struggles. There was a group, they left before our show started here today, but there was an Israel group with, so they were in

Generation Zion. They were here with Israeli flags. They were just across the street just past here. And they were out. They were out and they were working very hard to sort of be a counter to this protest. They were here. All right, we've got another side I want to play. We're going to try that camera switch again. Are you doing the World of Tires thing?

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's go for a walk. Okay. Watch the ground there, man.

Pro Kamala Harris rally either. Just because they're on the left, they are not here in support of Biden. They're not here in support of Harris. They're calling her killer Kamala. They're calling him genocide Joe. Let's cut across. Let's go in.

Oh yeah, I got that side. Look at the sign. Trump and J.D. are weird right there. Where'd the commies go? I want to talk to the commies.

but what the ruling class has yet to understand for the last five decades is that no amount of brutality will ever call the movement. I want people to hear this a little bit, be able to hear what's going on. Oh here we go, here we go, now we're getting into the good stuff. Now we're getting into the real stuff.

look at this it's all pre it's all pre-made get a shot of this get a shot of this right here see it's all pre-made it's all it's all it's all we are here to demand better we know

Now, can I ask you guys where we're with human event? You got a bass speakers audio. So it's here in support of

of either of the candidates or what do you stand for? Give an interview because I'm not for any of the candidates, no. Well, can you tell us what you are here for? To support peace. Support peace. And so when you say peace-- What I mean is stop funding-- stop funding the Israel-- We demand action. We demand action.

Does that include Ukraine as well? Ukraine and Israel and all of it? Yes, I do personally. Again, that's me personally. It has nothing to do with Code Pink. All right. And that seems to be what most people are here today. Where are you from? Seattle, Washington. All right. Now, were you able to come out through Code Pink?

No, I came out actually with Socialist Alternative. Oh, what's that? Shama Sawant, who used to be the Socialist City Councilwoman. She was the one that sent out the word that this was happening and we should come here. Okay, and they organized it all up? Well, they're part of the coalition. What's the coalition? This is like the coalition to interrupt, to disrupt the DNC. Thank you very much. Have a good day. See that, folks? A coalition.

Organized, it was planned. This is not something that's organic. This is something that's been totally set up. We're here live giving you the information from the ground. Today, you know, they talk about influencers. These are influencers and they're friends of mine. Jack Posobiec. Where's Jack? Jack? He's got a great job.

Excuse me.

Al Jalal Posobah as we continue this investigation of what's going on. Let's see. Hi, miss. Are you here for Kamala Harris? We're with Human Events Daily. Can you tell us, are you getting a lot of Harris support here today? Because I saw some people that were kind of against. What's been your experience? There's a little bit of gold. I'm here from where Kamala comes from. I'm from California.

Bay Area, Oakland, Berkeley. So we came all the way out to support Palestine, but more importantly to support Kamala. For me personally, my husband's over there drumming. So yeah, but we're both really excited for the Democratic ticket and what could come to the country with that.

So do you think that basically Kamala is more open to all of this than Joe Biden was? I don't know about that. I think it's a very complex situation. I think they're probably pretty aligned, but I think Kamala can speak to it more directly to help people understand. Because she's got that lived experience that Biden doesn't.

Biden's from another generation. Exactly. She's younger. She's my age. So, yeah, we've lived through a lot of different things. He's from the old America. He's not from the new America. Maybe he doesn't get it. Maybe he paved the way, sure, all that, but he doesn't get it the way she does. But let's give him, you know, let's give him props for stepping down. Who would do that?

That's an, uh, he took his ego out of the way and did what's best for the country. So I'm proud of him. Do you think, do you think that we'll get actual change now that he's gone, that he's left, you know, kind of, he's left a way open for a new generation? I'm very hopeful for that. Yes. Right now, did you guys come out yourselves? Yes. Did you guys come out yourselves? Yes.

I mean, a little bit. My husband's with Code Pink, if you know that group. But I am an individual, a woman, a voter, a supporter of what Kamala and Wallace could bring to the country. I'm excited about it.

I was going to vote Biden, but I'm excited to vote now. If you know what I mean. It's a difference. I know what you mean. You were going to do the homework, but you had to eat your vegetables. Now you're going to fight him. That's right. Thank you so much. He is the son of a... All right, folks. ...a lot of it... ...the old...

This is the new generation.

No, negative. Van stayed with the rest of the equipment and we're walking back towards that way. This is, what is this? What is this? Hold on, this is interesting. This is interesting. Reject APAC, not another bomb. Witness. And it's almost like a Japanese style. Are you able to tell us what your demonstration is about?

We have a spokesperson back at the table over yonder. Oh, back there by the tree line? Yeah, they're right next to the bike path. I can't say she's there now. Yeah, yeah. Well, I was trying to understand what's the... It's almost like a style, it feels like. Yeah, I mean, I can't speak that much to the details. Yeah, where is Candy? The artist is here. Oh, I'd love to speak to the artist. She's here, though.

She's creating something right now, I bet. Yeah, I mean, I can give you her handles and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah, what are her handles? True Blue Orchid. True Blue Orchid? All right. And then the other one is Alley Cat Studio. Okay, great. And, yeah, I think it's meant to be poppies. Oh, I see. If you guys want to go to the next one, I'll make sure we get over there. Great, great.

Well, thank you. We'll look for him. Appreciate it. Very creative. Not too much marching going on. A lot of complaining, but not much marching. Yeah, we're going to head back over to the main road around here, but that's okay. All right, guys, we've got a break coming up here. I want to make sure you see that sign.

We'll close out on that. But break right back under cover at the protests. And Jack, where's Jack? Where's Jack? Where is he? Jack, I want to see you. Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad. But we have guys. And these are the guys who should be getting police. Yes.

All right, with Jack Posobiec, we're here. We're live at the DNC. We're at the protest, specifically outside the DNC. Hopefully the audio should be a little better. And I found the communists over on their side, and we're going to go chat with them and let them see what they're all about and ask them why they're here, hanging out at the tree line. And this is going to be very interesting. Love to come and say, and of course, there's like three of us walking over, so they're going to be all...

you know, concern why we're there, but that's okay. Hey guys, what is Revolutionary Communists? Who? Oh, he's doing it here. Okay, cool. Are you guys local here? Sure. Yeah, yeah, no, that's fine.

What are some of this? Can you just walk me through some of this? Sure. This is just our USA newspaper that we publish. This is a monthly press. These are some of our...

Pamphlets that are republications of articles we posted. Whoa, $5? It should be free, right? Well, you know, we live in capitalist country. We need to pay for our own newspapers. Oh, okay, okay. We can't send this off to any group. And to run a press costs money, unfortunately. It does, it does. And we're news-based. No organization, no large groups support us. We're just... Oh, like that. Oh! Very... What is this, like a bomb?

Fight imperialism. Yeah, yeah. So we do $5 to support the party. We do sell them for $2, but that's the printing cost, and that's just that people can't afford them. Oh, okay. We have to see if the higher-ups back will let me have it. How's the reception been for you guys today? Decent. I mean, there's a lot of leverage out here today. Yeah. I think...

The mood is revolutionary, so... It feels like that. It feels like that. Yeah, like someone was telling me earlier, we were just talking to some of the co-paying types, and they were saying... Hey, how's it going? Jack Posobiec. Nice to see you again, Jack. Hey, how are you? Are you planning to carry another Milani at Milani?

I'm not sure.

We're just trying to have a conversation here, man. Yeah, well, I mean, I think it's good for people to know who you are. All right, well, they can have a conversation. Hey, how are you? Yeah, this is Jeff Asobe. Yo, yes, I know all about you. This is our comrade you can talk to. Oh, wow. Honored. Okay. Howdy. What's up? Well, I'm here to ask you that.

Is that OK? What's up? I mean, we're out here trying to save down with the Democrats, down with the Republicans, build a party for the working class. Neither party represents us. All right. So you say you're not here then for Kamala or Walls or Biden or any of that? No, no. We don't have any illusions in that they would save us or that we could influence them to save us, because at the end of the day, we don't pay their bills just like we don't pay Trump's.

What do you mean don't pay the bills? You know, they have backers. They have big financial, yeah, yeah, literally. Like, they've got influence of money that is always going to make the decision at the end of the day. It doesn't matter what the people want. And that's why we're staying down with both parties. It's time for one party of the working class. One party. So just one party state.

No, we believe in international socialism, international revolution. Just like capitalism is international, we believe that the revolution and ultimately socialism will have to be international. So are there any other groups? He was saying before there were some other organizations that you guys work with. Are there...

Are those also international then? Any other international groups you guys are with? I mean, so we don't explicitly partner with an organization, but it depends on the topic and what their perspective is. We don't practice any kind of popular front. Like, you know what, whatever gets the most people. We believe that our political banner has to be consistent and can't be stained with any kind of conciliation. So the term is march separately, strike together.

But, yeah. But you are kind of doing a popular front here today, in a sense. No, no. Why would you, I guess, why would you think that exactly? Are you referring because there's, like... I mean, because you're here with all the, you know... With the people, I mean, are you a part of the popular front then?

No, but I'm here covering it. Okay, I don't know where the distinguishing line would be, but the answer is no. But no, it's not a popular front. So is the goal here today to try to recruit then? What was that one more time? Is the goal here today to try to recruit? Yeah, generally, yeah. We understand that what we're going to do is go in and stop the DNC. We've seen people say, oh, cancel the DNC. Why? So they can sit home? I mean, I would rather them come and be like, wow, we should never do this in Chicago again. They don't like us, and we should probably shut the party down. But

Yeah, we know they're not going to do it. We're going to have to build a party that threatens them into shutting down and pull their support from both sides again. Yeah, we're here to recruit. We know this isn't the end. Now, Tim Walz, he's taken a lot of trips over to China. They said, I think, 30 trips over to China. He's been someone who's actually spoken very positively about the Chinese Communist Party. Is that something that you've paid attention to, that you've been looking at?

I have heard that, but I mean, the first thing is, you know, who cares? China, they call themselves communists all day, but we call ourselves a democracy and, you know, a democratic republic, whatever. But are we truly? I would say no. You can put a hammer and sickle on something. It doesn't make it, you know, just Venezuela just banned their communist party. So it's not, sorry, not a ton of interest. But I will say the more interesting thing to me is that Tim Walz,

was the governor of Minnesota during Black Lives Matter, during George Floyd, during the uprising, and that's not brought up. And I think that's something that people should focus on and just a material truth that proves that this isn't going to be a different administration than what we've seen in the past. It's just going to be managing the decline. In what way should they bring it up? What way should who bring it up? Other organizations? When you're talking about Tim Walz's record. So he was the governor during the time, but what about his tenure should they bring up?

I mean, the fact that he, well, first off, he, you know, oversaw a system that allowed that event to even happen. And then also the response to that event with, of course, like the National Guard. But again, it's just to prove, you know. But the guard wasn't there first. He took a couple of days. Yeah, they came in later after being requested by the mayor guy. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, that's what you should point out is that he was overseeing the beginnings of one of the biggest protests we'd ever seen until Palestine. And that's not talked about enough. You've got the top cop and then you've got...

Yeah, this dude who ran Minneapolis or ran Minnesota during the Blackhawks' better uprisings. What else? What do you think of Jackson Hinkle? That's really what I want to know. Oh, Jackson Hinkle? He just founded a party here in Chicago. Yeah, yeah. I didn't realize I was in Chicago. He doesn't seem to like me very much. I don't know why. I did not know that. If there's any beef, I don't know. I'm like, I know you would be closer to that sphere because he's always on Alex Jones talking about Trotskyists.

Yeah, he's always on there, but he does like the mega communism. I don't really understand how you put that together. It's a Bitcoin scam kind of thing. Oh, how so? I know they have some coin they push to people and such, but they're Stalinists at the end of the day. They just believe in, you know... Well, Bitcoin doesn't sound very communist. It's not, no. Neither is national communism. We don't want the best American communism. We want international. You know, we don't believe in the nation-state line. You see, what I like about...

When I talk to the revolutionary communist guy, he's honest! He tells you what he means! I actually appreciate that! For once, honesty, not obfuscation. Because do Kamala Harris and Tim Walz tell the truth about what they believe? I don't know. They'll have a platform thing on their website. I don't know.

Take the BlackRock website. Oh, oh, there we go. Hurry. Take the BlackRock website. So you think they're the BlackRock? They both are. Both candidates. Again, both candidates are backed by big business. It doesn't matter. Regardless, you could even put in some cool third party. If they got big business backing them financially, at the end of the day, what decision are they going to make? Same with us. Your boss pays the bills. You might have wanted to cover it a different way, but they're going to say, hey, buddy, you know.

It's just how it's same with me and my work. I work for a property management software. It's not very communist, but you gotta get them from the inside. Careful. Don't let these guys know you work for a lot of not good history with communists and landlords. Yeah, no. Um, hell yeah. Well, yeah. Anything else, brother? Cause we do have to, no, no. I understand. Well, appreciate you taking the time. All right. See that solidarity folks. Solidarity.

the thing the thing i will say that i appreciate about the commies is that the commies will actually tell you what they believe the communists will actually admit they want international communism the communists will tell you that they're not for joe biden that they're not for capitalism that they want a complete overthrow and i will say that i do appreciate the honesty the honesty from the communists to say look

I want to overthrow the government. I want to overthrow the system. I want to overthrow... And you heard him say it. He said it very politely. And he said, of course, you know, I've always said, no, I don't know who that other psychopath was who was trying to ruin the interview. But look, you approach me with that, then I'll just... I want to get an explanation and an understanding of who you are, what you're about, what your beliefs are. And you can tell. Now, the revolutionary communists are here. They're not doing the popular front.

stuff. But I do see some Antifa types over here and the more Hamas types over there. And that is what we are going to be seeing very soon. So let's take over. We're going to walk a little bit more. And we see that the march is starting to come. Communists, Palestine supporters,

anti-Joe Biden, some pro-Harris. We did see some pro-Harris people, but you noticed that that was very identity politics based when we talked to them. They were saying and she was saying, oh, I'm so I'm for her because she's a woman and she's my age and all of these things. You asked her, what is it about her that you support? And she didn't really have anything to say about that. Let's see what this big flag is over here.

This is so fun. It's like going to the carnival, you know? Let's see what we have here. Great. A giant banner. A giant banner here on the ground. What does it say? What is it about? Look up. The march is coming soon. Oh, they're going to march to the site. Look up. Look up Nakba.

Look up Nakba. Oh, so they want you to actually look it up. So the Nakba is the idea of from the river to the sea. So they've got this huge sign up. You've got a lot of solidarity. How's it going, man? And so you're seeing this here. What's up? Yeah, a lot of different signs up. Mexican flag, Palestinian flag, legalization for all. So this is legal immigrants, immigration reform now, ceasefire in Gaza.

and forced migration this year. And this is incredible. Hi, who are you with?

My name is Amon. I'm a reporter. And who are you with? I'm a reporter. What are you with? I'm Jack Persoude with Real American News. I knew it. I was just being suspicious. I was like, you look familiar. Yeah, no, we're live. You get to tell us who you're with. No, I'm okay. I'm a reporter. I'm not supposed to be doing interviews. I was just trying to confirm where you were. Well, and if you could confirm where you were then, because I just did. No, thanks. Why not? No, thanks. No, I was just trying to make sure that you were who you were. Again, I'm live. We're not like...

You're the one who's hiding. So you're not just going to tell me who you are? I don't have to, right? I told you, I'm in the media. I'm not supposed to be doing interviews. You're not doing an interview. I'm just asking who you're with. No, thank you. Why? I just wanted to make sure I saw... You're not proud of who you work for? You're not proud of your boss? I did an interview with you at the RNC. I asked you like 10 questions, remember?

You couldn't tell with the mask on? No, I'm just wearing a mask because I'm actually kind of feeling a little sick. Oh, really? I don't want to get anybody else sick.

I had a little thing earlier, but now I feel better. It's a COVID spread right now. Is it really? Yeah, my sister works in the hospital. She said they're starting to get a bunch of patients. Oh, okay. Here locally? Across the country. Oh, okay. Be careful. Make sure you get tested. Well, I'm fine now. All right. Take care. Hey, guys. Hey, Jack. How are you? How are you?

This is a right-wing fashion I heard you came to my table right after I left. I didn't know you were there. It's so crazy because you were tweeting about me after I said I was at that table. That's wild. Wow. There are a lot of tables. I legitimately didn't know you were there. Remember I said hi to your kids and your nanny chased me? Was that your nanny? It wasn't your wife. My nanny? In Philadelphia.

I do remember some psychopath harassing my children. Yeah. I asked your child if he wanted water because it was 100 degrees. Why were you harassing my children? I asked them if they wanted water because they looked neglected. My kids look neglected. How many kids do you have? How many kids do you have? How many kids do you have? How many kids do you have?

How many abortions have you had? There's Mike Lindell. You didn't shave. You could use a shave, honestly. What are those little whiskers there? What are those whiskers? I'm glad you have the braces, at least you're trying. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. Pizza gate.

I live in D.C. You're going to be harassing my kids again? So you hang out with people who harass my children? Is that okay? I've not heard of anybody harassing your children. Did you know J.D. Vance fucked a cow? You think that giving water to children is harassing a cow? I mean, that's the only story that I've heard. So that's what you believe? So I've got an actual story and then I've got nothing. I don't understand.

Again, why did you harass my children?

How many abortions have you had? How many abortions have you had? How many abortions have you had today? I'm getting paid by George Soros to have an abortion on the stage with no drugs. Which way are you going? Which way are you going? What do you mean, which way? Which type of abortion?

What kind of abortions are there, Jack? There's pills, there's tools, there's a number of ways. So it's going to be on stage. So a normal person would think that they would use tools, right? And vacuum it out and do all of that. Like if I took a pill that takes several days and nothing happens, you won't see anything. So you should probably like study how female anatomy works since you have children that you neglect. When I grew up in the hood, I rolled with bloods.

And them boys had a saying. You can't be listening to all that slappy, whack, trim out his ala-tabam ship, nippy-bam-bam, like Human Events with Jack Posobiec. Are you upset because you couldn't get into the abortion van on time? I don't understand what you're talking about. Because I understand they ran, they said they ran out of pills, they said they ran out of vasectomies. Why would I need an abortion if I'm not getting pregnant? It was on Twitter.

Wait, so are you so upset because you couldn't get into the abortion van on time that it's causing you this mental distress and anguish? I don't understand why we need to get into the abortion van. Oh, because you're with the guys with the vasectomies. You're on the vasectomy side of it. I'm not f***ing anybody currently. So, like, I don't understand. Do you understand? They will cut this with this language. I do. You don't f***ing have to. All right.

Just interviews? What are you doing?

I'm just here to testify to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Okay. Very cool. Are you local? I am, yeah. Right over here. Have you had any trouble with that? No, fortunately not. How about you guys? So she harassed my children in Philadelphia and came up to them and started screaming at my kids.

and then started yelling at me, and then the other one came up and started screaming curses and all this other stuff and calls herself a reporter, but, I mean, you saw the type of behavior.

I just caught the tail end of it. Yeah, I mean, I didn't see any of that on your part. It's all live. I mean, we got a bunch of language that we're probably going to have to cut there a little bit or at least bleep over just because of the way we're set up. What was your name? Jack Posobiec. Jack Posobiec? I'm Jack Bauer. Oh, good to meet you. Nice to meet you, sir. Thank you. Y'all stay safe. All right. I love that. Was that a handicap? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a, yeah, high eight or just video eight. Old school. Old school. Very cool. They took place in an injustice.

Rob, what can I say? I can't control what happens in the crowd. The language comes up. Here's Ben over chatting to some communists. Let's see what Ben's up to. The reporters are worse than the commies. Hey, Ben, Ben, mind if I tag on? Hi, how are you? I work with Ben. He's a Trump guy. He's a Trump guy.

I'm not sure if I have anything to say. I'm sorry. What brings you out today? What brings you out? I'm not sure if I have anything to say. What brings you out today? You don't want to say anything? All right, well, that's your right. I mean, you've got a pretty provocative flag here, wouldn't you say? I like your pin, though.

was it was it poland at the time

Yeah, we're from some village in the States. Oh, yeah, there's a lot of that going around. A lot of commies. We love the commies. All right, come on. Let's check it out. ...Palestine, who struggle as a symbol of the human will for liberation all over the world. My family is from Bangladesh, which experienced a genocide over 50 years ago that was sponsored by the United States. Just this past month,

Trump and J.D. This is the best they have for us, folks. The best they have are their shrill abortion demons sending out at me. Like, that's the best they've got today. Of all the people that are here, the best they have are the abortion demons who want to run up after me, screaming insane profanities, yelling, yelling.

I mean, you've heard all of it. And again, you know, I haven't put words in anybody's mouth here today. I haven't forced anyone to say anything today. I've asked questions and I've let people answer the way they want to answer. And then you see what the abortion demons do. And they do this because they are haunted by their abortion, their abortion histories.

And of course, we have that again. Again and again and again. Our friend from Slade is back. He's here. He's hanging out. And they want to see what's going on. Well, we're actually live, just so you know. All right. So what's your experience been here so far?

Well, I think it's been a little tame, to be honest. You know, we were expecting a little bit more of a raucous atmosphere, and it's been quiet. Maybe it's because of the heat. I'm not sure. Yeah. Do you feel like the conversations you've had have been, like, sensible or kind of crazy or what?

Mostly sensible, yeah. What kind of things have you been hearing, generally? Well, you know, it's interesting to track. One of the things I've been asking about is, are there people here who support this who also support Harris versus people who don't support Harris? And so...

I would say it's about 50-50, just of who I've talked to, and that obviously isn't everyone who's here. Obviously, there's a lot of signs that are anti-Harris or anti-Biden, but we have found some people who say, no, we're for Harris, that are out here today, they want to vote for her. Some of the code pink types were saying that we think it's a new generation and that's what she's part of. But we've also seen a lot of people who say, oh, I don't support any of the candidates. And I would say that's probably more the prevailing view.

sent him here at the protest. Do you feel like the characterizations of this group being like a violent mob that police had to anticipate it for? Do you think that was kind of accurate? I haven't seen any violence here. Yeah, there was like a counter protest here a little bit earlier. People waving Israeli flags and there were actually people kind of going back and forth and having calm conversations. Well, I saw the people with the Israeli flags, but again, I didn't see any violence. I haven't seen any today. Were you expecting any violence?

You never know what you're gonna expect. You just show up and see what happens. You know what's interesting? I've been to Black Lives Matter protests, George Floyd protests. The crowd that comes in at night is always a little different. So I said that...

as well that you typically get a different you know it's like a day and night sort of thing day shift night shift almost where in the daytime it's generally much more amicable and peaceful but at night time that if anything were to kick off it would be it would be at night usually are you gonna hang around for that oh i'm gonna be here all week ladies and gentlemen as always you have my permission to lay ashore
