They are using badges to impersonate election officials to intimidate voters.
It is the last day of early voting, and Democrats are trying to suppress Republican votes.
They don't trust the machines and are concerned about potential fraud.
Pennsylvania is a key swing state with significant electoral votes.
He sees the collapse of Kamala Harris's campaign and believes in the grassroots effort.
He was imprisoned for civil contempt of Congress by the Merrick Garland regime.
They understand the scam of mass immigration and the failure of prison reform.
There are reports of voter intimidation, impersonation of officials, and early polling place closures.
They support his policies and see him as a leader who puts American citizens first.
It's the last day of early voting, and there are concerns about voter suppression tactics.
Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is almost over. Bulletproof. The truth about the assassination attempts on Donald Trump is now available for pre-order. Go to Amazon right now and get your copy. Make sure it's secured so that when it releases on October 22nd,
You will have a copy that you'll be able to show everyone the truth about what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania and what happened down in West Palm Beach. You can also get a signed copy at Make sure to sign up today.
This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare. A commentator, international social media sensation, and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ is king!
If they don't moderate the content, we lose total control. There's no guarantee to free speech. It's outrageous. It's wrong. It's illegal. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people. And that has to stop. Deplatforming works.
Peter Navarro sentenced to four months in prison. The censorship industrial complex. Steve Bannon is headed to prison. They're taking him out of the field of battle. I think it only makes us stronger. We're now surrounded by the war room posse. This is going to multiply it by 10,000. It's anybody that they see as a true threat on the board, they will go after them.
We're expecting Steve Bannon to be released on Tuesday. Bannon is trying to reemerge as a voice behind Donald Trump. They're not going to shut up Bannon, and they're certainly not going to shut up MAGA.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily. This is Jack Posobiec. We are live today is October 29th, 2024, Anno Domini. President Trump soon to be holding an event in southeastern Pennsylvania in Drexel Hill. We also know he will be holding a rally in Allentown, PA today, where he is expected to be endorsed by the Puerto Rican Senator
And of course, Steve Bannon now will be holding a rally or excuse me, holding a press conference in New York City in just about one hour's time. So we will catch that rally in full. President Trump pushing his schedule back a little bit today. We knew earlier, we were told earlier that he was going to be holding that rally right at this time in southeastern Pennsylvania. That's been pushed back. His entire day has been focused on this. And we know that one of the things that he has been tweeting about
And if we get the tweet, we can put it up. It's he's saying law enforcement is all over the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania looking at you for voter fraud. And what have we already seen in PA? And I want to put this picture up big now. This is from James Blair. He is the political director of the entire Trump campaign, Voter Intimidation Tactics.
in Bucks County, Pennsylvania by the Democrats. There are Democrat operatives that are now going around. We are told, and I'll just read a tweet because I don't want to ad lib this, the Democrats are running around in Bucks County, Pennsylvania with badges to try to pretend that they are like election officials. These people are not officials. This is voter intimidation tactics. And I want to show those badges as soon as we can, guys.
because this is completely illegal what they're doing. Voter intimidation, impersonating elected officials. Today is the very last day. Today is the very last day of early voting in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. And I got to tell you, some of the numbers that we got in overnight are very promising.
Republicans went from just 10% of Republicans having early voted in PA to now 12%. And that was just as of last night. So we'll see whatever numbers that we can get up from today. And so the issues that we've been seeing, and you could see some of the images of the long lines in Bucks County, in Montgomery County, various other counties throughout Pennsylvania, is that we're hearing that people are being told, and I heard this yesterday from my parents who went out to some of these as well,
They were being told that, oh, if you're waiting in line, that you have to leave because they don't have the capacity to let you vote today. Well, if it's de facto early voting, then you have to let the people vote. You have to let them vote and get people being told to be pushed away. It's happened in Bucks County. It's happened in Montgomery County. Printers going down, ballots going down. So welcome, folks. Here we are. There it is. There's the picture. Look at this.
Voter protection. A voter protection badge. Hmm. Why does that look like an official badge? This is completely illegal. What the Democrats are doing here in Bucks County in Pennsylvania on this final day is completely illegal. The Department of Justice should be all over this.
But for some reason, you're not hearing anything from Merrick Garland. You're not hearing anything from Josh Shapiro. You're not hearing anything from Al Schmidt. You're not hearing anything from any of them when it's Democrats that are trying to intimidate voters and tell voters what to do. Then, by the way, I got a cousin over in Philadelphia. They're telling me that there are drag shows. I think we have a video that there is a drag performance going on in Philadelphia.
front of city hall where there's early voting going on that there's drag shows going on where they're handing out harris wall's signs now that's right in front as you're in line so as you're in line to go vote if you're a republican if you're a trump supporter what have you brought your kids with you etc i brought my kids with me
And this is what they're doing. This is, I think, is that a French flag? I can't even tell. So this is what's going on in front of Philadelphia here on the very last day of voting. What we saw in Bucks County with the voter intimidation, the long lines, printers going down in Montgomery County, folks.
This is how important the election is. If you think that you can be cocky and the very first thing that Steve Bannon told me on the phone when I called him this morning, don't get cocky. None of us can get cocky. The biggest threat right now is not the Democrats.
It's the couch. You need to get out there and vote. Do not wait for the last second to vote. Don't throw your dice. Don't put all your chips on that risk. Get there and vote as soon as you possibly can. Do not wait for the last minute to save your country. Save your country right now.
now. Because if we think that we don't have to fight and if we think we don't have to work, guess what? They're going to outwork us and they're going to take our country away and they're going to strip away our religious freedoms and your children will be raised by godless atheists and drag queens like the ones that are on full display right now in front of City Hall in Philadelphia.
I want to go now to Drexel Brook, my brother, also our correspondent in Pennsylvania for the election, Kevin Posobiec, who's been running around event after event, all the Elon events. He's there in the field at this Drexel Brook event. Kevin, tell me what you're seeing in terms of the voting, as today is the final day of
early voting in Pennsylvania. Are you getting reports like this? You've been going around. I know you were with Don Jr. last night. President Trump expected to be there soon tonight. What are you hearing out there in the field in Pennsylvania?
Well, listen, Jack, I'm down here. Yeah, early voting is underway today. And unfortunately, we are seeing all these reports coming in, especially, you know, it reminds me so much of 2020. You know, they say, oh, we only have so much time to count ballots today. And, oh, our printers are malfunctioning. We're so understaffed. I don't get it. I was down there at the convention center in 2020.
When Jim Kenny locked everybody down and they had a dance party out front.
because they were counting votes and they were actually having the Trump supporters corralled and barricaded on the one side of the street, but everybody else could do whatever they wanted and dance around, rub it in our faces. We're not having that. But the point is they could count ballots way back then in 2020 late into the night, but why can't they do it today? Why do they have to close at what? Five, 830. Who knows? Who knows when they're going to shut it down for each polling location. These are the satellite locations.
And I just think it's a precursor to what we could expect.
5 November. But, you know, we have a great scene down here. We got the GOP, I like to call it the grand old Pennsylvania flag. We got the America's Future Tour behind me, as you can see. Listen, we're prepared. We're here for Trump. See what he has to say for this roundtable ahead of what he wants to do towards Social Security and Medicare and helping these, helping Pennsylvanians, hardworking people, what he could do
towards that. But yeah, the election, voting early is imperative. We wanted to get it done today. Get it too big to rig. Get the numbers up. And that's, I mean, there's a whole bunch of people here today. We're waiting for them anxiously down here.
There's also things, by the way, Kevin, I'm getting a report in now from a source on the campaign who says, what's really happening is the county election officials are shutting down people who have waited in line, saying they are closing earlier than what is posted. Then we're hearing that this Democrat folks are just cruising around doing whatever. And again, look, we don't want anyone bothering people.
We don't want anyone pushing back on people. By the way, I've got another photo that I'm gonna be sending in right now and submitting about these people that are going around intimidating, intimidating people dressed up as if they are fake officials. Again, this is completely illegal and the campaign has set up
at So go to if something like this happens to you or if election officials turn you away during the operating hours that were posted. They cannot turn you away during operating hours that were posted. That is a violation of law. Josh Shapiro, by the way, Kevin, has Josh Shapiro said anything about this at all?
Our governor? I don't see Josh around here. I don't see him tweeting anything about it. I don't see Bob Casey tweeting anything about it. You say it's a democracy, right? So why aren't you addressing the problem in your own state? We don't see that. All we see is Kamala supporters handing out pizza and...
Drag queens on stilts, like trying to distract people, I think. And where have we seen this before? Remember in COVID? Oh, we'll buy you a donut. You know, just take this vaccine. We'll buy you a cheeseburger if you vote for Kamala. You know, that's all they have. It's ridiculous. It's lame. It's so flat. But really, Jack, what I was thinking is like, well, are these people...
Why are they distracting you? Like, who else is in line? You know, we had the report coming in from Lancaster County. What, 2,600 ballots? Trump just tweeted about it. 2,600 ballots come in for who? Democrats? Like, what are those names? Who wrote those signatures? Is it registered voters? Do they have IDs? Who knows?
Who even checks, like, Social Security numbers? Maybe that's what Josh Shapiro is up to. He's making sure all the Social Security numbers come out. And he's got the new ones for all the illegal immigrants coming in.
That's what we don't want. Like, they're not tweeting about that. They're not tweeting about it. It's the same thing we saw, you know, funding foreign countries in Ukraine. Like, where's all the support? Where's Zelensky saying, oh, thank you so much for all this money, you know? Where's Mexico saying that? Like, anybody. Where's anybody saying thanks for the support, America? But I haven't seen anything about the tweets. We see Trump tweet about it.
I've got breaking news now. So our friend Al Schmidt, so the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Al Schmidt, the traitor, has just posted a video that he's going to be holding a virtual update on preparations from the November 5th general election. We've got a quick break coming up when we get this. He's writing, this will be the second in a series of daily virtual updates to be held every day leading up to the election. If you are in line, there you go, if you are in line in Pennsylvania, if you are in line
at the county elections office tonight at 5 p.m. to apply for your mail-in ballot. Counties must give you the opportunity to do so. The team will work. So there you go, folks. If you're in line by 5 p.m. today in Pennsylvania, they know that they are legally bound to allow you to apply for your vote to make sure that your vote counts. Do not be polite, be fair, be patriotic, all of those things, but be firm.
I am not leaving until I have cast my ballot. Don't listen to these people and their tricks. Don't fall for the voter intimidation. And we're going to be seeing about that very soon. But right back, Human Events Daily continues. All right, Jack Posobiec here. We are back live, Human Events Daily. Folks, I've got that tweet from President Trump that my brother just mentioned a few moments ago. Here it is.
President Trump saying, wow, York County, Pennsylvania received thousands of potentially fraudulent voter registration forms and mail-in ballot applications from a third party group. This is on top of Lancaster County being caught with 2,600 fake ballots and forms all written by the same person. Really bad stuff.
What is going on in Pennsylvania? Law enforcement must do their job immediately. Wow. That was President Trump earlier this morning putting that out. He had another one earlier just a few moments ago. Law enforcement is all over the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania looking at and for voter fraud. We've got another photo of a second individual now with.
these fake badges fake badges going around telling people that they are voter protection voter protection you're not voter protection you're a democrat operative so democrat operatives are posing as election officials going around the polls with their fake badges saying that they're voter protection in a serious country these guys would be hauled off we'd be
We have no idea what information they're putting out. We have no idea what they're telling people or what is going on whatsoever. This is completely insane. But again, it is not something that we should be surprised by. We've got David Zier and Kevin Posobiec there live. They're at Drexel Brook. David,
I want to go to you here. Tell people this event with President Trump, we understand it's been delayed, but tell people what the plan is for the event and what do we expect to see when the president arrives there? So we have Donald Trump coming for 4:30 Eastern approximately, and we have Congressman, former Congressman from 1st Congressional District, Long Island Lee Zeldin, along with former Governor Mike Huckabee. And so it's going to be a day dedicated to seniors.
and what's going on. You know, we spent a lot of time in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, areas like that, north of here. These people only make $27,000 a year. They can't survive. And the gas is high in Pennsylvania, higher than other northeastern states. So we expect a brisk discussion on that on the ground. Here, I met with a lot of people outside. I could talk about that with you and what their concerns were for this area of Pennsylvania, Delaware County, Drexel Hill, right?
It's the Keystone State for a reason. I mean, we had Elon Musk down here at Ridley High School giving his pitch, supporting the First and Second Amendment, signing the petition, getting people riled up. The locals love it. I mean, they want to see a restoration of American workers' dignity. We want our jobs back. We don't want the illegals coming in. And that's what's really undercutting the Social Security and Medicare, really, is letting them all in, giving them the welfare, giving them the food stamps,
just giving them free cell phones, free apartments. And what do we get for our veterans? You know, what do we get for regular Americans and seniors? And that was the big concern outside, Jack. You know, people can't live on their fixed income in retirement and other. But there's a lot of illegals in this area. In Drexel Hill, they're saying there's illegals walking around with backpacks. People are locking up their doors extra tight at night. And they're sick of funding it.
We got Larry Krasner, too, the DA. How long has it been a sanctuary city? He was dancing around there, wasn't he, when he made that? That was back in 2019, 2020 we voted him in. Larry Krasner also just sued Elon Musk regarding his $1 million giveaways that he's been doing. Kevin, I know you've been at the Elon Musk events. Can you comment at all about this lawsuit from Larry Krasner trying to shut that down?
Why are they shutting it down? I don't know. Maybe we should flip it on them and ask why Mark Zuckerberg paid millions in the 2020 election towards political endorsements. Elon isn't even doing that. He's not even doing that. He's giving a million dollars out to regular citizens, hardworking people. And I was there when we gave it to Shannon. A million dollars to Shannon in Pittsburgh. Nurse of 35 years and her husband's a mechanic.
at a local gas station. And these people, they just support freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
Gun ownership, like right to bear arms. And they voted early. Like it's not who they voted for, you know, president Trump, but still that's all the, that's all it was. It's not anything towards the campaign. It's maintaining that it's an illegal lottery here. And, you know, of course, Jack, you know, Lawrence Krasner survived an impeachment effort here. Only prosecuted 20% of the gun crimes here in 2021. Uh,
And that's what he's doing here. He's worried about that.
Look, Larry Krasner is a guy with blood on his hands. He's got Kenny the Clown when he was mayor of Philadelphia, and the new mayor, she's not doing much better than any of this. Look, that's a huge issue for Pennsylvanians when it comes to Delaware County as well with illegal aliens. Look, Delaware County is a blue-collar county. Delaware County is, you've got a lot of Italians, a lot of Irish that are down in there. Not as many Polish, Kev, but definitely a lot of Italians.
Italian and Irish, it's hardscrabble. You've got a lot of factories down there. You've got the airport down there. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We've got Port Richmond down there. We've got Little Poland.
A little Poland and Philly, yes. But just Delaware County, that area where you're at right now, is in southeastern Pennsylvania, definitely the most blue-collar of the various collar counties of Philadelphia. And so this is an area where President Trump, or excuse me, Elon Musk's first rally for President Trump was held in Ridley Park High School just a
few miles away from you're at right now kev you and i grew up what 20 miles from from where you're at like 20 minutes from where you're standing right now so look there's an area that we know really well drexelbrook i've been to how many weddings at drexelbrook right in that in that room where you're standing right now that's where we used to always go but what people need to understand is that this has become a knife fight and the democrats are throwing every dirty trick in the
book into what's going on. Not to mention throwing Stephen K. Bannon in jail. I just finished up War Room with him earlier today, and he's going to be doing a press conference here in about 39 minutes time in New York City detailing the things that he learned while he was in prison, the things that he
that he has reflected upon and basically his treatment as one of America's most high profile, along with Peter Navarro, one of the most high profile political prisoners that we've seen in American modern history. Kevin, when it comes to this, do people, do you think they understand the states? Do you think they understand how big this election is?
No, they don't understand the stakes. They absolutely don't. I was talking to a priest out front, too. We're trying to get the Christians out to vote. Kamala's out here saying you're at the wrong rally. They already have the FBI going after Catholics and Christians. We want religious freedom. We don't want to be persecuted anymore. We don't want people just like Mr. Bannon, who got out today, to continue to be persecuted anymore.
and trying to be silenced and censored. We don't want any of that. And people don't understand that. You don't have a lot of churchgoers, or you have just people that want to stay silent, the silent majority, because they're better than that and they have this moral high ground
of, oh, well, Trump got divorced one time or anything. There's no road to redemption. There's no forgiveness. These people don't know what they're talking about. They just want to convince others not to vote. He's not good enough. Listen, he's not the Pope, okay? But, you know, we're just out here encouraging people to vote, like getting...
Getting Christians on board behind the pro-life movement, behind all of it. They don't understand, like, all the implications of what Kamala's trying to do here. And she...
as well, hasn't even tweeted or anything about voter suppression or voter intimidation yet. Guys, guys, we've got breaking here. Another tweet just out from President Trump. He must be watching the show today, guys. He must be watching the show because we've got another tweet out from President Trump just now. Anybody that cheats on the election is going to jail. David, what are your comments? What are your reactions?
Well, I was going to say, I talked to about 100 people outside. I got about 45 minutes of man on the streets. And these people are educated on the regular issues like illegal immigration, the economy, and their fixed income. But I got to tell you, everybody from Delaware County I spoke to on the ground here believe there was fraud in 2020 here. And some say they fixed a lot of it.
But they are they subscribe to that wholeheartedly down here. And I also just wanted to add, you know, Kamala is not Catholic. She's not from blue collar Scranton like Biden's. So she doesn't have that connection here. So you've got candidates like Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin and you've got Slotkin in Michigan. You've got Dave McCormick now moving away, moving away from Kamala Harris and embracing Trump's policies publicly. So I thought that was interesting. I want to add on to Trump's out there saying, listen, we want.
He wants to propose that bill. If you burn the American flag, one year in jail. He wants to impose the death penalty on any illegal immigrant that kills an American citizen. Like, this is what we want to see. Anybody that messes with the election and gets caught...
You're going to jail. Listen, like we got, we're going to, we're going to go after everybody. We're bringing it back. Retribution. I mean, it's an exciting time to be here. We got the momentum. We got people voting today. Stay in line. But this is what's on the ballot. It's not just about yesterday and today. We're here for the future. It's America's future tour. Five very important congressional races of the 17 districts in Pennsylvania. Uh,
and three or four of them toss-ups. One leans Democrat, but, you know, and we have Brian Fitzpatrick here who may win again in the district down here in Bucks. But a lot on the line for Pennsylvania here, Jack.
It's imperative that we get everything out there. Look, we're looking at this. We're looking at the different polling numbers that are coming in, the mail-in ballots coming in overnight. Kevin, by the way, just until we go to the break, we've got two minutes here. Talk to me about why it is that Pennsylvanians are mistrusting of early voting because we just don't have a culture of that in the state, do we?
Well, as you know, Pennsylvanians are more traditional, hardworking, you know, a little stubborn. I don't know if you recall any of that from our pops there. But, you know, they just believe in law and order and everything. And early voting is a new, not phenomenon, but it's a new policy. And listen, I went down and I ended up voting early in Florida. But listen, you just present your ID, they print it right out, and they give it to you. But
But they just don't trust the machines. Okay? They don't trust the machines. And clearly with Dominion, like, who would? But this is different. It's not digital. The only machine is a printer. Like, how can you mess that up? It prints out a piece of paper, the same ballot, every single time. I don't understand why they don't want to vote early.
But we want to make it too big to rig, bring the numbers up early. And also because if we vote early today, the campaign can use the funds in other states instead of keeping it up on Pennsylvania or wherever, Florida, New York, Nebraska, everywhere else that has early voting. If we can get those numbers up now and bring it up, what's the goal? 35%? I think in 2020...
It was of all ballots that were mail-in, 80% were Democrat, 20% were Republican. So that's part of the strategy is bringing that up. Yeah, and Brian Kennedy brought up on a Frederick show the other day about these absentee ballots. There are like 30-something thousand absentee ballots requested here, 15,000 of them from people abroad who did not request them or have no intention of returning back to the United States ever. They can fill those out.
and send them off. And I guess it's up to the State Department, right, what they do with them. So something we've got to follow. All right, guys, got a quick break coming up. Human Events Daily continues here. President Trump's rally, Drexel, Pennsylvania.
Jack Silver here, back here live, Human Events Daily. These reports are coming in from Pennsylvania. I'm getting them hot and heavy all over the state, folks. Things are going on. Things are coming in. We've got them on the hot seat, and we are not letting up. Al Schmidt, the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Josh Shapiro, little Joshy, little Joshy, Mr. Count every vote. Mr. Every vote's going to count. Then why are your officials sending people home from the counties? Why aren't you letting people vote, Josh Shapiro? Why are you telling them there's no capacity for these satellite offices? We went all in and you told MAGA, let me tell you something, you sold MAGA a bill of goods.
Because you came to us and said, look, if you vote early, then we're going to have all the satellite offices. We're going to do this, and it's all going to be fine, and everyone's going to be able to vote. But then all of a sudden, so we go to MAGA, and we say, fine. And 12% of the Republicans in Pennsylvania have already voted. The other 88% are saying, not sure. We're going to get some more in for today. But then...
They go to vote and it turns out the lines are too long. And then the polling place is shutting down, shutting down early before the posted times have allowed. That is completely illegal. And finally, finally, to add insult to injury, you have got Democrats now committing criminal fraud.
criminal fraud at the elections, walking around with badges, pretending to be election officials. We've caught two of them already right there in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Voter protection. Voter protection. These people should be arrested. These people should be arrested right now by Pennsylvania law enforcement. And the fact that Josh Shapiro is sitting back and acting like it's not even happening just goes to show you the kind of person he is. That's Josh Shapiro. That's the kind of person that's going to take a girl...
Who's been stabbed 20 times, 10 in the front and 10 in the back. And he's going to say that's a suicide. That's Josh Shapiro. The same guy who doesn't care when his own office, his own secretary of the office of legislative affairs is harassed, sexually harassing, sexually harassing a female staffer in his office. And it's going to pretend that he didn't know about it for 18 months when it was going on, even after she reported it.
That's why Josh Shapiro didn't get on the ticket, because Josh Shapiro has got little skeletons in his little closet. OK, because we know the dirty little secret is this is a guy who's desperate. I want to tell you something right now, folks. They are only desperate like this because of the work you have been doing, because the work you've been putting in because of Trump Force 47, because the early vote action project with Cliff Maloney,
because, excuse me, early vote action with Scott Pressler, because of PA Chase, with Cliff Maloney, because of turning point action, all of the work, all of the volunteers, all of the hobbits, as Steve Bannon would say, you have been out there and you've been fighting door to door, street to street, going through this because MAG will meet you in the streets if that's where you want to be met. And I'll meet you in the streets if that's where you want to meet. Come find me. Come find me. I'm right here. But then you're going to send out people like this.
Well, guess what, folks? We've got our own army because we've got social media and we've got X. And so take your video and document every single instance of this. And we are going to get these people sanctioned and possibly thrown in jail, thrown behind bars. It's ridiculous to see. Here we are, 2024.
Protect our democracy. Protect our democracy. That's what we get told again and again and again by these people. We're defending democracy. And they make a joke of it. They make a joke of all of it. And we say, fine, we'll play by the rules. And then you don't even play by your own rules. No. Get these people arrested. Get them hauled off. I want the...
And if you've got sheriffs in one of these counties where you see someone with these badges, then call the sheriffs up and say, sheriff, you got to get down here right now because there is a legal criminal fraud and voter imitation that's going on right now in a swing state on the final day of voting. I'm sick and tired of it. Republicans need to learn to grow a spine and fight back when your back is up against the wall. And keep in mind, they wouldn't be doing any of this. They wouldn't be doing any of this if they were not worried.
The Democrat firewall was supposed to be 500,000 votes by today. And what is it right now? It's at 385. Go and crunch the numbers like I've been posting all day and you'll see they don't have the votes. The dirty little secret is MAG is coming.
MAGA is coming and they're coming from the rural areas and they're coming out from the fields and they're coming down from the hills and they are voting like their life depends on it. And you're going to see this as well in Michigan and you're going to see it in Wisconsin.
And suddenly they realize, wait a minute, wait a minute. We're not below the margin of fraud that MAGA is winning above the margin of fraud. So do not stop. Do not stop. Stay in line. Don't
Let them tell you to get out of line. And I know they're going to do it. They're going to send the drag queen. Show the video again. Show the video what they're doing in Philadelphia. Show the video what the Democrats are doing in Philadelphia right now. As you go to vote, as you go to exercise your sacred constitutional right as an American citizen to go vote, they're forcing you to walk past drag queens. They're handing out pizza with the drag queens. They're going to handing out Harris wall signs. Take a sign. Take a sign. What's the matter?
What's the matter? Why won't you take a sign? Again, another form of voter intimidation. Why won't you take a sign? Why won't you do one? And I've got people sending in text messages now who are saying that there are, in fact, that there are, in fact, and I'm not going to put this out without the full confirmation, but they're even saying that there's Harris-Walls paraphernalia inside the polls in Philadelphia. Yeah.
That's the message I'm getting. Guess what, folks? What, did you think it was going to be easy? Don't get cocky. Let me toss it back to Kevin Posobiec, David Zier, who are there on the ground. Talk to me about this absolute display of flagrant disregard for our laws that has come at the hands of Josh Shapiro.
Well, I got to tell you, Jack, there's more concern from York and Lancaster County, right, with this overabundance of ballots coming in. Let me just let me throw in let me throw in, by the way, I'll talk about those very quickly because I've got I've got reporting from contacts on the ground in Pennsylvania that says those those fraudulent ballots. I want to get this into the discussion to color your comments.
We're being told that this was targeting college students, that these were coming from on campuses, that for Lancaster County, that it was Franklin and Marshall College. It may have been York College over in York, PA, that county, just one county over. So they were targeting college students is what I'm being told. And that's where a lot of these fraudulent ballots came in. Please go ahead, David.
Yeah, and they're launching an investigation in York County, but, you know, and in Lancaster as well. But would they be doing this if there wasn't pressure, you know, from outside people like that have been so active, right, since 2020 on the ground here, right, Kevin? Absolutely. I mean, it's no surprise, really, like,
College students nowadays, young, dumb, and impressionable. I know I sure was back in the day. You know, they almost had me going for Obama because they had the White Castle guy up there, you know, giving out free cheeseburgers and whatnot. But listen, especially with Turning Point's doing, getting out on campus, getting through these indoctrination camps and, like, getting across to people that there is an alternative. I mean...
But simply, you know, I'm looking at right now. If you don't know what to do, go onto this website, find your early voting location, return your ballot, find your Election Day voting location, check your voter registration details, especially outside of Pennsylvania. It ends today, but...
We have all the other states to get to towards November 5th. So this is such an easy way. Utilize social media, which the new right is doing. You know, we're using TikTok. We're using Instagram. We're using Twitter. Well, X. Uh-oh. I don't know. Yeah, they're talking about 2,600 ballots in Lancaster County. That might have been submitted by one person. I think I was reading that earlier today. So, you know...
You know, the funny games are starting already and we're still a week out from the election. Why can't they get it together here in PA? It's notorious. It's notorious in Philadelphia. We have the hobgoblins coming out of the sewers trying to mess with reporters just like you were about a month ago before the debate. And it's, you know, we had what, Clarence Thomas, Justice Clarence Thomas was getting ready to get involved in 2020 towards the election fraud. And...
There's at least two other counties launching investigations. Yeah, that's why Elon's here as well. He calls Pennsylvania the linchpin towards the whole election, not only because our votes matter so much to swing it, but we're known for the trashy tactics. And historically, it's just so rampant, so...
They just disregard everything. Well, will they double down now, Jack? Because I think Trump is ahead in four of the last six polls on the ground here in Pennsylvania, swinging more in his favor. That's what scares him. Look, we know the RCP advantage is where it is. That's why they're going all in on this Kill Tony stuff. I want to go over as soon as we can. Guys, do we have Ben? Do we have Ben? Okay. Okay.
Okay, we're going to get Ben in the next segment because they're working on this Hispanic situation. They're going to go and they're saying that, oh, you know, kill Tony. And he made this comment, this joke, Puerto Rico. And now that's going to swing the election because of the Puerto Ricans in Allentown. Well, it turns out President Trump is in Allentown today and he's bringing the Puerto Rico senator, the shadow senator for Puerto Rico, who will endorse him when he is on stage.
You know, look, this is going to come down to a knife bite. You're talking about the ballots going in.
You're talking about the count that's there on the ground. And I'm not talking about polls anymore. I'm talking about actual votes that have been cast and will be cast on November 5th. Look, the early votes are the airstrikes to prepare the way for the infantry wave on November 5th. When you have the early strikes go in, that is the shaping operation. So you conduct the shaping operation prior to your infantry invasion, your D-Day, if you will.
This is exactly what was done on D-Day itself. You send in the Special Forces, you conduct the airstrikes, you go after the defenses, you go after the C2.
You go after command and control, then the C4ISR, you take out all their infrastructure, their ability to communicate, their ability to or to operate. That's what you're seeing happen right now because they're looking at the numbers that are going up in Pennsylvania, the numbers that are going up in Michigan, the numbers that are going up in Wisconsin, and they see it happening. The blue wall is crumbling before their eyes.
The blue wall will fall. The blue wall will fall. And it is up to us. Every single early vote you put in, whether it's today in Pennsylvania and do not leave those lines, do not leave those. I'm going to have cameras out there.
at 5:00 PM and at 6:00 PM and at 7:00 PM and at 8:00 PM. If there are still people in those lines, then I am going to get the names and I'm going to get the real ID numbers of every single official within the state of Pennsylvania, whatever county or I don't care what party you are. If you're telling people to leave people who want to vote and that you're not letting them stay, well, guess what?
then we are going to make you just as famous as we made Josh Shapiro. Again, Josh Shapiro, who took a girl who was stabbed 20 times, 10 in the front and 10 in the back, and claimed that it was suicide. And it just so happened that her fiancé...
A little bit of an entanglement through his familial connections. We'll just leave it at that. We'll just leave it at that for right now. Stay tuned. Human Events Daily returns. By the way, send us your emails, 1776 at What are you seeing out there on the ground? What are the reports that you're getting in from the field? This is hot and heavy, 1776,
Jack Posobiec back here at Human Events Daily. I want to go live now to Allentown, Pennsylvania, where Ben Berquam is there interviewing Puerto Rican Trump supporters. Ben, what do you got? Hang on a second. Check, check, check, check, check, check. You got me here. Tell me you got me here.
Ben, yeah, it was really quiet there for a second, and now it's better.
Okay, hey Jack, so yes, we've got people from all over. You didn't hear the hype, the yelling, the screaming, but I got my brother here from Puerto Rico. Talk to me, man. You're out here. Yes, sir. President Trump. Now, the hype is the left wants everyone to think that Puerto Ricans don't support President Trump because Kill Tony's jokes at the Madison Square Garden. Why are you out here, my man? I just support my family. I know he will support our family, everybody here. It doesn't matter what kind of race they are. I know he's all for us. That's it. That's it.
That's it. So when the Democrats come after you saying, you can't support President Trump because you're Puerto Rican, because they're black, because all this, what do you tell them? That's all lies. That's all lies. That's all lies.
Man, it was a joke. And I know Kill Tony. I see all his podcasts and stuff like that. That's who he is. And they can't take a joke, then that's on them. For you, Puerto Rican-American, you're out here. What are the top issues for you? Just the policies itself, man. I feel it in my everyday life. The gas tank, the bills, the energy costs. It's just insane right now. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I'm here for. MAGA, baby.
That's it, all the way. All right, is this your family down here? That's my son. Come on, come up here, come up here. Yeah, he doesn't, my son doesn't want to be on camera. Okay, I'm going to move down here. Everyone else, come up here, come up here. Where are you from? What's your name?
Holland Township, New Jersey. I'm Joe. Joe? Yeah. And you got family out here, too? Yeah, this is my son, Max. Max? Yeah, Max. All right, so you're obviously—so, Jack, we got a bunch of white supremacists out here. You can see them here. They called it a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. But you see this. The diverse—this is—MAGA is real diversity. The left pretends everything they do is a facade. They pretend to have joy. They pretend to be diverse. They pretend to do all this stuff, when in reality, they're the exact opposite. What makes you a Trump supporter, sir?
I just like things to be, make sense. And MAGA makes sense to me. The other side, liberals, just don't make sense. I just, I can't deal with... You don't want boys in girls' sports and girls' locker rooms? I don't. I don't. Call me crazy, but I just, I don't. I guess we're the weirdos now. What about you, Max? I'm just tired of being lied to, my whole generation being lied to. I want to know the truth. Let me know the truth. Yeah. I'm tired of it. How old are you? I'm 18. 18? This is my first time. Have you voted yet? No.
No, this will be my first time. Are you voting early or are you voting in person on the 5th? I'm going to vote in person on the 5th, sir. MAGA baby, huh? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. 100%. And you guys are from New Jersey? New Jersey. We got New Jersey in the house. Who else is up here? Come up here. Come up here. I got my young man over here. You got the Trump, the Don shirt on over here. What's your name? Where are you from? Porter Kern, Sladington. And how old are you? 15. 15. All right. Come over here. We're in the shadows over here. Let's get you into the sunlight. So what's your name?
Porter. Porter. Porter, you're 15. Now, if you were a Democrat, I would expect you to be voting. So you're not voting yet, right? No. Not quite. Okay, but you're going to be voting for President Trump. You're out here. Is it cool? Is it? So my theory is the counterculture in America now is MAGA. Is that true?
No, I don't know. A counter... Like the cool thing now, where you actually think for yourself, seems to be MAGA, supporting President Trump. Yeah, definitely, yeah. Where the left, they just want you to think the way they think. Yeah, definitely. What is it that makes you support President Trump? I really like how he's going to do a national sales tax and get rid of income tax, so that way everyone who's not legally in this country will have to still pay taxes. Oh, okay.
What's your name again? Porter? Yeah. Porter's smart, man. That's an issue that a lot of people don't realize. So getting rid of the income tax and going just to a sales tax. Okay. I like that. So that even illegals have to pay. Yeah. Okay. Let me raise of hands, guys. Let me turn. I'm going to do two things, Jack, real quick. Two things. Raise your hand if this is your first Trump rally. Raise your hand if this is your first Trump rally. First Trump rally. Look at this. Look at this, Jack.
Look at this. Look at the hands there. First Trump rally. It's about 90% when I'm testing this across. And then let me just go down the line and ask you top two issues. Top two issues that matter to you. The cost of everything, basically. The economy. The economy. Yep. What about the border?
It's definitely an issue right now, yeah. Anyone else? Top two issues? Definitely the economy and the border. Anyone else? Economy and border for me. Economy and border. What about you, young man? Economy and border. Economy and border. Come up here, young man. Okay, we got... Now, are you Porter's brother? Yes. Okay, I kind of got the feel. You got the other Don shirt on there. How old are you? I'm 11. 11. Also, since he's not a Democrat, he's not voting. But you're a smart guy. And you got your parents out here? Got mom out here? I love that, man.
You said top issues for you, economy and border. As an 11-year-old, why do those things matter to you? I think it's mostly for our safety. Yeah. And, yeah, basically just the safety. Do you play video games or you want to get a car? So you want video games to be cheaper and everything else? It's tiring of trying to spend $70 for games that should only be...
20 bucks. Yeah. It shouldn't be $70. All right, Jack, we've got lots more. We're going to be going down the line, but I'm telling you, the cops just told me we're at the end of the line. It wraps around the corner there, but cops told me this line goes for about two miles. So we're going to be talking to these folks throughout the day. Stay tuned for the rest of it, Jack. If you want to ask anything, let me know.
Yeah, Ben, do me a favor. If you want to reset real quick and get some more voters out there, then we can do that. Or if you want to ask these guys, you know, when it comes down to it, you know, I'd love to hear their response to the mainstream media and the characterizations of the Madison Square Garden riots.
rally saying that it was, you know, we all know what they said, but when they hear about the rally, when they hear about Trump, when they look at the MAGA movement and the MAGA Maha movement, what do they see? Do they see a movement about unity or, you know, what's their response to the media basically?
So Jack's asking the question. You guys are on with Jack Posobiec right now, Real America's Voice News. And the question is, starting with the Madison Square Garden rally, the mainstream media wanted us to believe that that was a nationalist, a Nazi rally. You look at the joke by Kill Tony. What is your guys' impression of the rally itself and then President Trump and what the actual MAGA movement is, if I can just go down the line?
I mean, just look, what do these people want? They're not nationalists. We just want regular families, homes that are secure. Like, that's it. Like, these are just normal people going to work. And I consider myself a nationalist in the sense that I put America first. Right. Not the nationalists that they try to portray. Agreed. Agreed. Yes. I love the hat. Make men.
Marked man for Christ. Marked man for Christ. I love that. All right, we got my brother here. All right, what about you, my man? What do you make of the mainstream media's portrayal of Trump supporters? I don't think it's right, to be honest with you. This is my second time. I'm here just to hear the information, and if Kamala was here, I'd come to hear what she has to lie about, so...
That's what I'm saying. Do you see, and the line's moving. We're going to walk up with the line. Do you see any racism out here? This is all they have. So if you watch Joanne Reed, who's got no joy, or you watch Rachel Maddow, Mad Cow, they want you to believe that this is all hatred and division and racism. Do you see any of that out here? No, I haven't seen it yet. Not one person yelling, not one negative thought. Yeah, right. Nobody sees it. Everybody's been positive so far. Yeah.
God bless you man, what's your name? God bless you, it's Anthony. Anthony, where are you from? I'm from here, I'm from Allentown and I'm Puerto Rican and white. Puerto Rican, we got another Puerto Rican in the house. God bless Puerto Rico. Alright, one other question I want to throw in there. Should we make Puerto Rico our state? We lost the mic again, hang tight guys.
Hey guys, we're just a couple of minutes until Bannon takes over, so let's get that tech taken care of. We know Stephen K. Bannon is going to be going live in just a few minutes here in New York City. We're going to kick it to that. But look, folks, there's Ben Berquam. He's up in Allentown, Pennsylvania. We know, okay? We know what this movement is about.
And I had a reporter ask me this once. They said, right after President Trump got shot in Butler, Pennsylvania, when he was talking about unity, he said, how are you going to have unity? How are you going to make this a unity movement? And I said, wait a minute. Donald Trump has always been about unity. He said, make America great again. Day one, when he came down the escalator, he never said for one group of people or another group of people or one religion or another religion. No, he said unity.
for Americans. Period. That's it. Make America great again. Is there a distinction that Donald Trump has made? Is there any division that he's made at all? That's true. There's one. One and only one. That he himself has made. Not Joy Reid, not these other people. It's citizen versus non-citizen. If you are a citizen, then you have certain rights and the government has certain responsibilities to you and to your families and to your children.
that we do not have when it comes to non-citizens. That's what America first means, the American people first. That's why, and I loved when he went down there to Mar-a-Lago and he just made this huge announcement this morning that after the drug cartels are taken down, that he's going to seize the assets of the fentanyl drug cartels and use that to create a restitution fund for the victims of migrant crime. And go look at that video again.
of Alexis Nunguri talking about her 12 year old daughter who was murdered and sodomized and drowned in a creek by two members of Trend de Aragua. And she said she looked up on her app on her phone and she saw that her daughter was just a couple of minutes down the road. Do you want that in your town? Do you want your kids growing up like that? Do you want that coming to your backyard?
Well, if you want that, then let's stick with things the way they are. But if you want to fight back and if you want to take back our cities and take back our towns and be, and look, I said it the other day, do you want to have a place in America where families can go to a drive-in movie under the stars and not have to worry about how much the popcorn costs? That's the kind of America that we're fighting for.
That's the kind of America that we want for everybody. And it's as simple as that. And nothing that they say, nothing they can do will get in our way. And I love the fact that Puerto Rican Senator Zoraida Buho will be on stage with President Trump in just a few hours here in Allentown, Pennsylvania, right where Ben is at that rally, endorsing President Trump and talking about how this is a way that we can make America great again.
and how it's about citizen versus non-citizen. We can have all those discussions and we can talk about all that. But folks, before we get there, before we get there, the animating test is this election. Today in Pennsylvania, you got to vote. You got to vote right now. So guys, let me know. Are we taking this break or are we blowing this break? Because I know Steve is about to speak in just a couple of minutes.
Okay, so we are going to take the break. All right, we're going to take the break. Should be Steve Bannon starting. If not, I'll be right back. But folks, keep sending us your emails, 1776 at If you are in line in Pennsylvania, do not leave. Same deal with the other states. If you're in early voting for any of the seven swing states, Rust Belt, Sun Belt, do not leave.
Be polite, but be firm. You are exercising your right as an American citizen to cast your vote. And we are using the system that was created. We will eventually be changing that system back to one day, one vote. But for now, we are using the system to take over the system. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have my permission to lay ashore.
All right, Jack Posobiec, now we are back. Stephen K. Bannon will be speaking momentarily here in New York City. I wanted to read an email that came in over the break talking about, this is from Colleen in New Hampshire. Colleen says, keep the pressure on.
encourage people to share names and numbers with each other in line so that they can be witnesses for each other. She mentioned that New Hampshire is only one day voting and that Eversource, the electric company, scheduled a planned outage for 11-5. What are the odds that the only day the electric company could create a planned outage would be on election day? And although the
claimed it would not affect the polling places. State Senator Republican Tim Lang has been advocating for us in San Borden. Eversource claims they will reschedule to November 6th. I called them and their supervisor as well. Even if it doesn't affect the actual building of the polling, it certainly affects the voters. And thank you for working so hard. Look, Colleen, I love that. I love the citizen agency. Take
Citizen action. If there's anything that War Room and Charlie Kirk and Human Events have all put together, it's as simple as this. You've got to take citizen action. So don't sit around and wait for someone else to do it. Someone will fix it. Someone will fix that printer. Someone will take care of this guy with the badge. Someone will do this. Someone will do that. No, no, there's no someone. There's you. There is you that has been empowered with the animating liberty from God above.
with the spiritual ability and the American spirit as well to unleash it. So to unleash your, that is why, by the way, that the globalists and everyone else try to create these mental cages for you to live in because they want you to have something called learned helplessness. They want you to think, oh, there's nothing I can do. Someone with a badge told me, no, there's nothing I can do. They said the polling is closed for today. There's nothing. What are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? No, you need confidence.
to have that energy. You have to have patriotism.
energy. You have to take patriot action and citizen patriots will be the ones that take this country. I go to talk to a veteran, by the way, veterans understand this veterans on it. Cause if you're in the military, you know, that big army, big Navy, they don't always get it done. They don't always have the guidance. They don't always plan it. So you know what you'd be, did people talk about being a self-starter? You have to do it on your own. You have to be the person that takes that agency. So when you see something, they say, see something, say something. I say, no,
See something
Film something. These days, it's see something, film something. You see something going on, just like I had a friend who was down in Philadelphia City Hall right now, saw the drag queens, the pizzas, the Harris Wall signs being handed out, the intimidation, someone else over in Bucks County with the badges. You see something, film something. And then you get it to me, I guarantee you, I will blow this up and make it go everywhere.
What's going on in Pennsylvania? Yeah, in Pennsylvania, DC Drano has got this has got a picture that just came up. What is this? What is this? What is this video that just came up? Bucks County emergency services are shutting. What are you? This can't be real.
James Blair, the political director of the Trump 2024 campaign, has just put out a video that says Bucks County emergency services are shutting down the lines in Doylestown right now at 2.30 p.m. And there's a video of it. This is blatant suppression. This is intimidation. It is completely illegal. This is countermanding the orders of this is countermanding what we were told.
by Josh Shapiro. This is countermeaning the guidance that was put out by the PA Department of State because you've got police officers right there in Bucks County. Guys, if we can get this video up, this is tremendous. Go to James Blair and DC Drano has it up as well. I don't care what some guy said on a podcast. I don't care what some joke some guy is making. You've got police officers up now in Bucks County, Pennsylvania in Doyle's... I'm not going to hit the computer. I've got a laptop right here. It's very nice. I'm not going to hit it.
I'm going to practice good tactics. But when I see them stealing things, when I see them blocking people from voting, and when I see Josh Shapiro and these Democrats blatantly lie to you, they're going to say, oh, there was a glitch. Do not leave. If you are in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, if you are in Doylestown, do not leave. Say, I was told by the governor of Pennsylvania that I could be here until five o'clock and that if
I was allowed to be here that I would be able to vote if I was in line by five o'clock. Put the video back up again. Put the video back up again. Show them what they're doing. Look at this. The line stops here. It is 2:30 p.m. when this video was filmed. It is 3:00 p.m. right now in Pennsylvania. And you got emergency services.
From Bucks County saying the lines to absolutely not. Absolutely not. We need to find out who put the, who put these guys up to this. We are going to find out immediately who put them up to this.
Just keep running that video in a loop. That's your democracy, folks. That's what's going on here in Pennsylvania. That's what Josh Shapiro actually believes. He's a liar. He's an absolute liar. And he's letting this go on. He's going to let this go on. Police officers telling you, so now if anybody shows up after them...
If anyone shows up after them, they're going to say, oh, you're not allowed to vote. If you are in Doylestown right now, you stand there and you don't leave. You do not leave. This is blatantly blatant illegal illegality. They are breaking the law in front of your eyes. There you go, folks. There you go. Breaking the law in front of your eyes. Doylestown, Pennsylvania. We can all see it. We can all see what's going on.
And Josh Shapiro has got no answers for you. He's going to tell you everything's fine. There are no issues whatsoever. There is no problem. Look, you got to go to court. And I've got this from the Trump campaign. Okay, they are going to be going to court soon over this. We need a judge to file an injunction immediately. An injunction immediately. Steve Bannon should be here in about five minutes. All right, just put that up as B-roll, guys. But look, what...
Do you understand what we're up against? Do you understand what this means? Do you understand how much your vote matters? Who sent the order out? Who is in charge of our elections? Who's in charge of democracy when we're told that your democracy is on the line and we're fighting for it? We're a constitutional republic, folks. I don't need the emails. Trust me. I'm mocking the left by using their own language. Just understand that.
But then when they tell us that you get an order, guidance from the governor, guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of State, you can vote until 5 p.m. And then I put out there that you can vote until 5 p.m. And then police officers come out and say that you can't. Do we have Steve? Guys, do we have Steve coming out? Do I see that? We're standing by for Steve and Kate Bannon. Let's get the shot up if we can, guys. Looks like Steve. I think I saw Maureen was out there a second ago. Looked like Moe. And...
Stephen K. Bannon back, folks. He was back on War Room this morning. Honored to be there with him. He's got the jacket. Let's go now to Stephen K. Bannon. I put a—and I think Raheem Kassam has just put it up. The first statement I think I made from Danbury was about four weeks ago, September 26th. I said, victory is at hand, that you can see the collapse of this kind of phony campaign by Kamala Harris, the politics of joy, right? Right.
And she had nothing to back it up whatsoever. And you could see the beginning in the polls start to come our way. I'm very proud that the war room has had President Trump's back. And it particularly has been the platform for the grassroots movement to have their voice heard. And I said at that time that with the hard work of the get out the vote effort and the election integrity effort, that we were on the cusp of having an incredible election.
incredible victory that could actually be a potential landslide. Now we come to the day, and I'm finally out of being a political prisoner by the Merrick Garland, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi regime, okay, for standing up for my political beliefs against an illegitimate committee in the House that did not have a ranking member and did not have minority counsel. I went to a federal prison for four months. Now, Nancy Pelosi...
Kamala Harris and Merrick Garland thought they were going to do two things. Number one, they were going to shut down the war room and not have that as a voice for the grassroots movement of MAGA in this country. And number two, break me. Well, I think you can see today I am far from broken. I've been empowered by my four months at Danbury Federal Prison. Why was I empowered? Because I was able to listen, to observe, to
And to learn from working class minorities, young African-American men and Hispanic men, and yes, Puerto Rican men, about what their lives are and what the queen of mass incarcerations, which is what they believe that Kamala Harris is. She refuses, and she has refused as border czar,
to commence any mass deportations of illegal alien or illegal migrant criminals in this country. And today, President Trump with the angel moms actually had to say, we need to set up a form of restitution to reimburse these folks. Kamala Harris, Vice President Harris, as the boards are, has refused to do that and continue on the mass incarcerations. Now, President Trump
And quite frankly, with the visionary leadership at the time of Jared Kushner, President Trump came up with the most significant prison reform bill ever created, the First Step Act. And today, six years after and four years into the Biden regime, of which Biden in 2020 promised and committed to dramatically decrease the number of incarcerations in federal prisons, and nothing has been done.
Nothing's been done. This is criminal negligence by the highest, at the highest levels of BOP, Bureau of Prisons, and the Justice Department. You have particularly...
minorities, African Americans and Hispanic men and their families being broken, rotting in federal prisons when the First Step Act is very clear of what's supposed to happen and all they do is get spun and spun and spun. The system is broken. Bureau of Prisons is broken. This is not about Danbury and not about the individual. You have many good individuals working at Danbury Federal Prison. The system of the BOP, the system of the Justice Department is broken.
They have weaponized the Justice Department against a political movement, a conservative grassroots movement that's had President Trump's back. And from the dark days of February, March and April of 2021 is on the cusp of the biggest political comeback in the history of this nation, led by grassroots people, everyday Americans, including, as we know now from the polling and the reason I said we're on the cusp of a massive victory.
She is failing to connect with minority men, Hispanic and African-American men. Now, why is that? They understand what the scam is.
They understand that this administration purposely let in millions of illegal alien migrants, illegal aliens to drive down labor costs. The Federal Reserve said it from the very beginning. We're going to drive down labor inflation by getting unskilled, more unskilled workers here and putting pressure on the lowest skilled sector we have. And they were successful and they brag about being successful. The minority community understands that.
They understand the scam and the con of what Kamala Harris has done. In addition, she has failed to do for political reasons. The reason the First Step Act is not implemented among minorities is because Kamala Harris and Merrick Garland and Joe Biden in the White House and Nancy Pelosi understand it would be a massive political win for President Trump. And that's why they're failing to do it. They thought...
They would shut down the war room and take our power away. The show is bigger and more powerful than it's ever been. And please, it's not a podcast. We take the live streaming television show every day in the radio show and we turn it into a podcast. So my brothers and sisters at CNN, when you say the podcast number is off slightly, right? Right.
It hasn't. We were the largest podcast, but we're streaming. We stream on television and we play on radio and online. And Nancy Pelosi thought a federal prison was going to break me. Well, it empowered me. It empowered me.
I am more empowered today, more focused today, sharper today, in better shape today than I've ever been in my entire life. So Nancy Pelosi, suck on that. The desperation of Kamala Harris and her campaign is obvious. They went from the politics of joy, and we were the first ones to call it, to darkness and night falls on America, and they pivoted hard. You know why? Why?
Her incoherent explanation for what the politics of joy is befuddled everybody. So she had to go back to the same playbook. Trump's a fascist. His followers are not deplorables, they're fascists. That they're a danger to the country. Well, you know who doesn't buy this? Working class people don't buy it. And particularly African-American and Hispanic men do not buy it.
I had a great opportunity at Danbury, and I want to thank the Education Department of Danbury Correctional Institution for allowing me to teach, yes, civics and government. I had, I think, close to 100 students in three different classes. The majority, particularly the later classes, were minority men, African American, Hispanic, lots of Puerto Ricans, lots of Dominican folks in the Dominican Republic. And if you had a chance to read Vanity Fair, the cover story
on our populist nationalist beliefs, you can see that it talks about economics and it talks about the way the system works, the financial system in this country, how it's inextricably linked to the political system. And you can't understand what's going on until you understand that
how the economy, how the Federal Reserve, how deficits, how they play into the politics of the day, that much as you see on television is just professional wrestling when it comes to politics and is not the thing itself. And I can report to you that these young men, most of whom are nonviolent drug offenders that have, quite frankly, a lot of years in prison.
These people came to this with a new awakening, and that is the awakening the American people are going through. The system is not only broken, the system is rigged against the working class of this nation. And I saw at Danbury that we're going to move past the politics of race with an intermediate stop in the politics of gender, which is being forced on everybody right now. We're going to get to what is important, and that's the politics of money.
And once we get to the politics of money, there's going to be some fundamental changes in this country. I want to thank you folks for coming. I'm far from broken, and I appreciate you guys attending. And I will tell you, if President Trump's grassroots forces combine as we can combine right now, you're going to see unbelievable numbers next Tuesday. However, the Democrats are not going to give up. They just hired Mark Elias.
And you only hire Mark Elias, who I think is the toughest election lawyer in the country. You only hire Mark Elias when you want to go to the mattresses. They understand they can't beat us at the ballot box. We're going to have a reprise of 2020 where they're going to try to do everything humanly possible to nullify and nullify Trump's election and delegitimize his second term.
And I can tell you right now that the working class people in this country, the middle class people in this country that support Donald John Trump are not going to let that happen. I'll take some questions. Okay, so please introduce yourself before I ask you a question. Thank you.
Good to see you. Tim Miller. Tim Miller. From the Bullwork. I was listening to your Not a Podcast podcast this morning. Do you have the Pookas on today or we have the Pearls? I'm clear. Pookas and Pearls. No Pookas and Pearls? No Pearls or Pookas today. This is Tim Miller, one of my favorite guys from MSNBC and the Bullwork. Used to be...
the spokesman for the Republican, when I met Tim as a younger man, he was the spokesman for the RNC, the old RNC, the establishment RNC, the RNC of Mitt Romney, not the RNC of Donald Trump. But go ahead, Tim. Question?
You said on your Not a Podcast podcast today that the fight will continue from November 5th to Inauguration Day, with January 6th being a key part of that. So are you planning an encore from the last year? No, Jamie Raskin. I think, Tim, what you ought to focus on is Jamie Raskin.
Jamie Raskin saying right now if they take the House by one seat, that they will go back to their committee report and they will say President Trump's an insurrectionist, that Bannon's been -- Bannon went to prison, Navarro went to prison, President Trump's been indicted, and they will sit there and go, "Hey, the Supreme Court may have issued a nine-to-nothing opinion about him being on the ballot, but it doesn't mean we have to sit him as president." This is what they're thinking up right now. Nancy Pelosi gave an interview to Rolling Stone magazine.
She said her number one priority is
Her number one priority is to make sure that Donald Trump is not only not elected, a reelected president of the United States, but he never sets foot in the White House. Nancy Pelosi and Jamie Raskin right now are thinking about, and they're very open about it, of not certifying a Trump victory on November 5th. And that's not me saying that. That's Jamie Raskin saying it. What about the Kamala Harris victory? What are your plans for after November 5th with the Kamala Harris victory? We're going to make sure that Kamala Harris doesn't win on November 5th.
We're highly confident. We've seen the polls. You've seen the numbers coming in. We're going to look. We believe in the American system of democracy. We believe that. And the reason we like democracy, we're winning. Right.
Right? And we're going to win on November 5th. I do just wonder then... But you do agree with me on Jamie Raskin, that Jamie Raskin's already said they're not going to certify prison... I don't agree with that. I do wonder, though, you're teaching civics, you know, you're out of prison. I wonder if you're any reformed looking back on the last January 6th and the fact that you incited a mob that
That would be, that would be, that would be, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on. If you look at what we said, is that as the states requested, seven states requested and never got to, hang on. Have you reflected?
A full review. This is because Vice President Pence didn't handle it correctly. This is because Vice President Pence did not handle it correctly. No, no, no. Absolutely no change for the simple reason is that we should have had a review as requested by the states for all seven states at that time. Tim, thank you very much. Just one question at a time. But, Tim, if you want to continue to make speeches, it's good television. Has the president called you since you got out of prison?
I don't want to talk about personal conversations, but we've had a chat. You have talked with former President Trump this morning? We've had a chat. Have you talked about Election Day coming up?
I don't want to discuss what we're talking about, but he's... By the way, he watches the show. He saw the show this morning. The show this morning didn't talk about my time in prison. What it talked about was two things. Number one, a massive grassroots effort that's underway, that has to reach, has to culminate
On November 5th, particularly in places like Pennsylvania, it looks like max 15 percent of Republicans will have voted on the mail-in ballot, early voting. Before then, we have to deliver 85 percent of the people to the polls next Tuesday. He understands that we are the focus and back of people like the Elon Musk of the world and the money he's putting in for his effort and Charlie Kirk and other independent groups out there that are putting in, that we're driving and enlightening people.
grassroots movement of the Trump MAGA movement to show up next week. That's number one. And number two, we had Bill McGinley and Mike Davis and others on to talk about the election integrity, the efforts that they're making. And quite frankly, places like Pennsylvania, that looks like the election administration is a little bit of a dumpster fire right now. Four years ago, you urged then-President Trump to declare victory on election night.
when you all well that there's a chance that we would not know hang out yet hang on hang out exactly that yours hang over second hang a second when I said that four years ago it was why did I say them why say that because a guy named Mark Elias came up with a report
that two individuals, Bill McGinley and Rahim Kassam, helped deconstruct in July of 2020, and he walked through how the Democrat Party was going to steal the election with illegitimate mail-in ballots. They were not illegitimate ballots. They were mail ballots that American voters cast. By the way, we can adjudicate that. Hang on. We can argue that. We can argue that. President Trump
came up at 2:30 in the morning and talked. He should have done it at 11 o'clock at night in 2020. Okay? I am urging President Trump, if the votes come in like it looks like they're going to come in, he should step up and inform the American citizens of exactly what's going on and not keep people in the dark like was done in 2020. So President Trump should step up and walk people through state by state of where these leads are and how these leads came about.
We're not prepared to have in the dark of night all the problems that happened last time. Okay? The 2020 election was stolen. Okay? I will never back off that. And we know that you wanted him to stay on as president. We know that you wanted the election to be in the state. I didn't want that. What I wanted was the will of the American people at the ballot box to be effectuated. I want the will of the American people at the ballot box to be effectuated.
That's what I wanted. Hey, Robbie Roadsteamer here. I'm wondering when's the next insurrection and can we storm the Burger King after this? Like, can we do that? I mean, doesn't he look great now? We were in Danbury the first month together. He looks great. You don't remember me? We were lifting weights and stuff in the weight room. When's the next insurrection? How?
How are we going to do this and stuff, man? If I'm leaving and I'm having a good time, he looks like Yoda with AIDS right now. Robbie Rhodes, Stephen, no political violence, people. This place smells like bop-ball. Yes, sir. Mr. Bannon, in 2023, you called Elon Musk a running dog for the greatest enemy in China that America has ever had. You called him a war profiteer who's sleeping with the enemy.
and a globalist who would take a check from Adolf Hitler himself. I wanted to know whether you stand by all of that today. - Elon Musk, as you know, Tulsi Gabbard was a Democrat. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was a Democrat.
Elon Musk was a very progressive Democrat. They've all become awakened by the MAGA movement. Today, I think he's one of the strongest supporters of the MAGA movement. He's gone through an awakening that I think very few have come. I totally disagree with many of his positions, particularly about the Chinese Communist Party and others. But
As an American, he has done, I think, something very smart, and that is put money in back of grassroots organizations and people to do something simple. And that's to get out the vote here in the 2024 election. So you don't mind someone who would take a check from Adolf Hitler as long as he supports Donald Trump?
No, what I said is he's gone through a great awakening, right? And I think if you talk to him, he's gone through a great awakening. And I think part of that awakening is understand the power of the MAGA movement and the power of grassroots America. Thanks. Yes, sir. Please identify yourself when you ask the church. I'm not sure if you saw, but the mayor got indicted while you were away. And there have been members of his legal team who say that his best bet is for a Trump presidency to succeed and
Trump's party. I'll repeat the question so people can hear it. So this is a question about Eric Adams and about he thinks about Trump's... I have no idea about Eric... Well, not about... I see what Eric Adams has been charged with, but I don't think... I think it's...
I have no earthy idea about that. And all I know is President Trump thinks that New York City, this metropolitan area, is in deep trouble, rising crime. The streets are filthy. I think President Trump has not been a supporter of things doing with Eric Adams' administration. So I don't know. You should ask President Trump that. Steve, after the race from New York,
What are you going to do over the next, you've got six days, you're out now, you've got six days between now and the election, and then maybe some period afterwards in which this will be still at stake. What are you going to be doing during those days besides the war room? Well, there's a lot of different options. I'm of a strong belief right now, this is New York Magazine asking what myself and war room is going to do.
Obviously, with seven days or six days left, you have to have a convergence of the get out the vote effort. I am not a huge believer in our ability to actually participate in rallies or do rallies, because right now I think President Trump does that great. And he has people along that are going to do rallies in the different states. Our focus is one thing.
to make sure that we get as many American citizens either early voting while they can or to the polls next Tuesday. And so our efforts are how to scale that effort like we did today on the show and other efforts behind the scenes. So our thing is to make sure that we're there to scale the vote of get-at-the-vote operations and also on the election integrity. Today we had Bill McGinley, one of the senior lawyers on there, and he's still calling for volunteers. I think there's been 200,000 election integrity volunteers. We need to get people.
in the counting rooms. We need to get people around the tables to do ballot curing. Okay, so there's still need for that. So we're going to call for that. So our efforts are on the election integrity efforts to where we can be supportive and then get out the vote. Yes, sir. Peter Harrell on the CDC news. If the election is declared in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris...
What exactly do you believe former President Donald Trump should do in the following two months? Will you unequivocally condemn political violence? Hang on. Who believes in political violence? That's a loaded question. Of course people don't believe in political violence. I was just a political prisoner of a regime that put somebody in prison for what has been a civil charge throughout the history of the country. I think...
I've been told I'm the only misdemeanor that's ever been at Danbury Prison. I think I'm the only misdemeanor. They told me when I was on trial in federal court in D.C. that I'm the first misdemeanor at a federal level. You know, CNN reported that wrong the other day. I'm not guilty of a felony. That was a misdemeanor. So, listen, we have to go through this election. And whoever wins the election wins the election. Okay? I think we can show we're pretty powerful in opposition. Okay?
Right. So if if whoever wins, wins. But I can tell you right now, it's not Trump that's hiring Mark Elias. It's not Trump's going to the mattresses about election integrity right now. It is Kamala Harris's campaign. And why is she doing that? Because the politics of joy was an epic fail. Now, why was it an epic fail? Because she couldn't take the narrative and actually put together a coherent set of policies that.
policies that people could understand. And so she's pivoted. She's pivoted worse than Hillary Clinton.
She doesn't call people deplorable. She calls them fascist. This rhetoric is dangerous. It's dangerous, and all they're doing is ratcheting it up. And you're going to see the working-class people in this country, the middle-class people in this country that are in back of the greatest political comeback in American political history are going to say, whoever wins this election wins this election. Yes, sir. My name is Joe DeVox. I'm with the America First Warehouse part of Real America Voice.
1,392 days have been since Ashley Babbitt was shot and murdered at the Capitol. 820 days, Mickey Whitcourt, Nicole Reppert sit outside the gulag next to the... Can we get a question? The question is this, sir. What can we tell them? Because now, 315 in jail, 314 today. What can we tell them to expect? Here's what I think, if you look downrange for a second, of President Trump's second term that commences on January 20th.
Look at what's going to happen. Number one, the debt ceiling. We hit the debt ceiling almost immediately. Number two, you have the expiration of President Trump's tax cuts. Number three, the government runs out of money December 20th. It looks like he's not going to be an omnibus. President Trump has to deal with a massive fiscal crisis, economic and fiscal crisis. In addition...
You need to start to do what Kamala Harris failed to do. That's the reason that African-American men and Hispanic men are not voting for her and staying away is that you have to begin the mass deportations of illegal alien criminals. That is in the first couple of weeks of his second term. There are many things that have to happen.
in many investigations that should take place under the proper structure, apparatuses, and to be adjudicated. And that's going to take time. So I think it's not helpful to tell people this is all going to be done immediately. You have the House, you have the Judiciary Committee, you have the Inspector General's report that hasn't been released in the Attorney General's office. They also, I think, ought to have another
j six committee just like they had before but this time this time the democrats should have a ranking member and they should have minority council some all documents go the minority council all witnesses go the minority council people cross-examine and we do it in the right way but i i don't think that that's going to happen right the box because we have such huge financial well the reality is we have huge financial
and sovereignty issues about what's happened to the borders of this country and what's happening internally in this country. This is why Hispanics are almost at 50-50 with President Trump. This is why African-American men and Hispanic men are not voting for the politics of joy. They
They see their lives right now are not about the politics of joy. They're about a brutal reality in this country. So I think we have to be very upfront with people of what's facing us and what President Trump and his administration are going to face. And to the degree that we get to those investigations, which we will, it has to be done over time, it has to be done properly, and it has to be done so that the American people see that this was not partisan.
that this is not to send peter navarro the prisoner not to send print not indict president trumper former president ninety two times okay are not to send a guy like steve bennett disagrees with the politically the president has to be done in the right way yes ma'am
You call yourself a political prisoner. If so, why do you think that you were released then a week before the election? Also, we're in New York. Trump just had a rally at MSG. You said you spent time with Puerto Rican men while in prison. Do you think that those comments by the comedians that spoke before Trump, were they racist and should Trump condemn them? Can I take the first part of your question first, which is...
Why was I released seven days before? I think the math works out if you take 120 days from July 1st till today, that's what my sentence was. Remember, the Bureau of Prisons said last week, the Bureau of Prisons admitted I was eligible for part of the First Step Act. I should have been out on September 19th, according to the law of the First Step Act. Now, I'm just there on a misdemeanor for four months.
You have individuals that have been there that are rotting years after their release date that today don't know the release date for their families. This is destroying families. The First Step Act is not an executive order. The First Step Act is not just some sort of concept. It is a law, and the Justice Department and the Bureau of Prisons are responsible
by criminal negligence, not implementing that law. And they're not implementing that law for one reason, because to implement it the way it's supposed to be implemented is a massive political victory for President Trump, who's the only individual in this country that stepped up and had true prison reform. And this is one of the reasons that African-American families and Hispanic families think so highly of him. And this is one of the reasons that the queen of mass incarcerations, which is commonplace
Kamala Harris is not. Let's talk about the Puerto Rican situation. Why is President Trump, why is Florida no longer a battleground state? One of the reasons and significant reasons is the Puerto Ricans support a President Trump and his policies.
The Puerto Rican people in this country, American citizens, support President Trump and support his policies, okay, so that some influencer or comedian says something, is it inappropriate? It's definitely inappropriate. Is that the policies of Donald Trump? Absolutely not. If you look at 218 and 219, why is he resonating with Hispanic families on with 50-50? Why is African American men? Because the economic policies of President Trump
had blue-collar workers getting higher increases than white-collar workers, non-college graduates getting higher wage increases than college graduates in 2018 and 2019 with almost zero interest rates and almost zero inflation. Okay, that made more money in their pocket. They understand the economic times were better then. This is one of the reasons that the politics of Joy didn't work. And when she pivoted to this dark night in America, it's not working either.
They support President Trump, and he's going to get historic numbers. Now, what the comedian said or the influencer said is clearly inappropriate. Okay, but that's not President Trump's policies. President Trump is bringing working-class people together. And I can tell you what I saw at Danbury. We're going to move past race.
And we're going to get to discussion about money in this country and who the elites are in this country and who controls this country. Okay? And that is when you're going to see a broad base, even broader base today, populist movement. But thank you. Yes. Yes.
I heard what you said about, oh sorry, Jen Peltz from the Associated Press. I heard what you said about focusing on get out vote and election integrity, but has former President Trump asked you to campaign with him and are you going to do that? Like I said, my focus is on victory next Tuesday at the biggest number possible because folks don't think it ends on Tuesday.
You don't hire Mark Elias to go to the mattresses if you think it's going to end on Tuesday. This is going to take a while to sort through. Okay, and you can see by the election administration problems in Pennsylvania, you see what they're talking about in Maricopa County already, about how long it's going to take to count the votes, right? This is going to go on. So it's most important for President Trump and his followers to make sure that we put up the maximum number possible.
And one of the things I don't like, you know, even hearing is people talking about roles in the administration or people talking about, you know, oh, let's go try to win the popular vote. Or people talking about, oh, we're overconfident. There's a lot of confidence. We should play. We should run now like we're 20 points behind.
and run hard. And that's all my focus is. The way that we can scale that on the warm is what I do. Like I said, President Trump's going to do the rallies. His rallies are spectacular. To me, it's walking precincts. It's working phone banks. It's going door to door. It's sending text messages.
Yes, ma'am. I don't want to talk about that. But President Trump, look, back in 2021, when some of the Republican establishment abandoned President Trump, the MAGA movement...
started to actually get about organization, the precinct strategy and other things like that that become organizing principles for him. Right now, the thing that is most important for President Trump and his movement is to have his followers come together in an organized effort, right, to get out as many votes as absolutely possible. And that's the focus in the final six days. Remember, normally Thursday before the Tuesday election,
is when you get news stories, you get everything. So we have to have people motivated. We have to have people going door to door. All this polling and people talking about, oh, Trump always polls three points less. That's all theoretical. What we know is that what happens next Tuesday is fact. And the only thing that matters is votes that can be certified from American citizens. And that's what we're focused on. Yes, ma'am. I like your kind of recidivism right now, Steve. I have to say.
Do you have a message for him? First, as a political person? No. So from Tim Miller's own lips, a high degree of citizen. No, because Kamala Harris, the Biden regime, Merrick Garland, Nancy Pelosi weaponized the justice system in this country against their political opponents. And so if that continues on, right, you may see that. If that continues on, but like I said, I am proud, proud,
that I went as a political prisoner to Danbury Prison. I served my country on a Navy destroyer in my 20s, and I served my country in a federal prison in my 70s. If you're not prepared to be thrown in prison by this weaponized Justice Department, then you're not prepared to stand up and fight for your country. And I will never back down from that.
Do you have a message for Europe? Wall Street Journal. A message for Europe is that President Trump's been a great friend of NATO.
to make sure the NATO alliance is actually funded by countries in Europe. I would say that the populist nationalist movement over there that's on the march is on the rise, should look at what's happening in the United States of America, particularly against the elites in this country, and how with very little money, every day we're building, we're building. Like I said, we're going to move past race here.
You're going to see historic numbers, I think, of African-American and Hispanic men that do not vote for a Democratic candidate. So we can move past these things that have held us back in the past and get to the sunlit uplands of talking about power and control and money.
I have a follow-up to that. MediaSat, Italian television, largest broadcaster in Europe. Follow-up is, why is then Europe looking at these elections as if they were their own? And why are they so afraid of a Donald Trump win? I'm not sure Europeans are so afraid, but that European elites are so afraid. There's a big difference. There's a big difference. Number one, the European elites, the elites and the wealthy in Europe have not paid their fair share.
Right? Listen, our defense budget is almost a trillion dollars a year. A lot of that goes into NATO and supporting allies throughout the world. We need our allies to pitch in, particularly the wealthy allies.
in Europe. Europe does not carry its weight on its defense. And if Europeans are so concerned about Putin and KGB and the Russians, they're going to have to step up to the plate and be even a bigger part. And President Trump and Stoltenberg said this. There wouldn't be a NATO today if it was not for President Trump and what President Trump did in assisting NATO to actually start to pay more of its fair share. The European elites, of course they hate Trump because
Because they understand President Trump is a populist nationalist. They understand about what he's talking about is trade. They understand what he's talking about is tariffs. They understand he puts American citizens first, and he puts American citizens' economic benefit first. So if I was an elite in Europe, yeah, I would be quite concerned about Donald Trump because, number one, it's going to inspire populist movements throughout Europe to actually get off the dime and start winning elections and winning them big.
Yes, sir. Scott with CBS. Can you clarify what you're telling my colleague? Would you encourage Mr. Trump to stay on election night before the states are all projected?
We say the states are all projected. What does this make about the states projected? President Trump, to me, hang on, should go before the American people, go for the American people. And I thought he should do it last year in 2020 at 11 o'clock at night, not at two thirty in the morning and explain to American people where the voting is, right, where the voting is and what's what's what's to come. What is still outstanding?
The American people, quite frankly, were quite confused in 2020. They don't need to be confused today. And I think you're going to see some big numbers from President Trump. We've already know that, though, that Pennsylvania and Maricopa County and others are saying it could take a while. But he needs to explain to the American people early on exactly where we are in the voting. So it seems like you're suggesting that Americans should be ready for this to potentially take a few days to know who the winner is.
I don't say that. I believe that Jocelyn Benson in Michigan has said it's going to take a couple of days for Michigan. I believe the people in Maricopa County just said the other day it could take them four, five, or six days to figure things out. That's legitimate because four years ago on election night you wanted Donald Trump to declare victory. Hang on, hang on, hang on. We have made significant changes and mail-in ballots are not what they were. He told us, Mark Elias told us
that on election night, you're going to call it what is the red mirage. But just wait two weeks.
When all votes are counted, he didn't say all legitimate votes. He didn't say all certifiable votes. He didn't say all votes from American citizens. He said all votes. Wait till all the votes are counted. And you can only count certifiable chain of custody votes from American citizens. Okay? So we don't want to have a replay of 2020. Changes have been made. I don't think enough change has been made. But it's election officials in Pennsylvania. It's election officials in Maricopa County. It's election officials in Michigan.
that are saying right now, and I think some of those election officials are Democrats, some are Republicans, that they don't think that this is going to be, that they don't think they're going to be able to give definitive numbers for a couple of days. But it doesn't mean President Trump can't go out there and explain to people exactly where this is, and I strongly advocate that he does. Yes, sir.
Hey, Mark. How you doing? I think the Harris campaign, and I believe this comes from the anti-democratic forces inside the Democratic Party.
in shifting out when President Biden was taken off in 10 days off the ballot, it seemed to me at the time that they should have some sort of mini primary so that people like Governor Pritzker and Whitmer and Newsom and Shapiro, whoever else, wanted to jump in here and actually make the case in some sort of period of time up until the convention could actually go and make a case of what they stand for. She started with this incoherent politics of joy. And she understands that
You can't, you know, she wasn't getting traction on this. And that's why she pivoted. She needed to take one or two at most. Topics like President Trump's make America great again, or President Trump's secure the border, or President Trump's bring jobs back from China. Take one or two things that resonate with this country and working class people and drive it every day. You haven't seen that. That's why now she's talking about people being fascist and people being this. I think right now, President Trump...
Just like in 16,
Right? We have a chance to win the states we won in 2016, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, if the grassroots delivers. And I think maybe even throw in Nevada, which we didn't win in 2016. I think President Trump could get up to over 300 electoral votes if people are focused today. And I think the Harris campaign is just not focused, and it's particularly not focused on issues that are obviously at the highest levels in the American people. So I think if...
The job of the grassroots is done, and this is why I'm not sure it's important for me to go to a rally with President Trump or go around to other people, but to do the work that you need to have done to make sure those votes get out there so that there's no question, even if some things happen on ballot counting over, that we have gotten big enough margins that the votes that are remaining were bigger. We have bigger margins than the votes outstanding remaining. I asked you about your strengths, and you just listed weaknesses. Is your campaign of any strength? No.
I think, you know, for people that align with progressive values, right, I think Vice President Harris...
has spoken to those values. I don't think she did it in a way that could broaden out to a general election, but clearly she's vice president of the United States. She's been a U.S. senator, right? She clearly has strengths. She's proven that in the past. I don't think she's done it in this regard. And I think some of her strengths, you know, particularly in areas that she should have been in, like in sitting in the Situation Room and knowing this, when Brett Baier asked her a week ago,
What is the number one geopolitical threat to the United States? What is the United States' number one competitor on the world stage? And she instantly said Iran. And Brett Baer tried to help her. He says, we know some people say China. Hint, hint. She says, oh, no, Iran.
If you say that Iran is the number one, a regional power, is the number one threat to the United States of America, given what the Chinese Communist Party, which is a mortal enemy, not the Chinese people and not the nation of China, but the Chinese Communist Party, a mortal enemy of the United States. If you sit there and want to be commander in chief and you say the number one threat when you have a chance to back off and
and say it's Iran, you're not ready to be commander in chief. And clearly you haven't learned anything or anything important in your four years as vice president sitting in the situation room. Anybody? Yes, ma'am. Conservative TV station in Europe. I have a question regarding the European issues. The conservatives in Europe view Donald Trump's potential presidency as a whole. I
I would like to have your comment on that, and I would like you to emphasize on the role of the American voters in this. Remember, you have conservatives and then you have populists and you have nationalists. I think the populist nationalist wing of those conservative parties, I don't think some of the classic conservatives, just like here in the United States, I think there's elements of the Republican Party that don't see President Trump as an answer. They they they very disagree with us on tariffs.
They very only disagree with us on things like the U.S. steel takeover by Nippon Steel, things that a guy like Fetterman would back. Right. So I think some of the classic conservatives don't see President Trump as as somebody that represents a policy portfolio that would interest him. But I do think that the populist in those countries do. And I do think the populist nationalists specifically do. OK.
clamoring to get in and New Yorkers decked out in Mago gear. Do you think it's a swing state like Evai Gromoswami says in 2024? I think that you saw that when President Trump went to the Bronx, right? Remember, the elites in this country, the reason there are 10 or 15 million illegal alien migrants, illegal alien here in the United States, the Federal Reserve said this.
And now the Congressional Budget Office is saying it, that they had to break the back of inflation. They had to drive down. They focused on wage inflation. And where did they focus on wage inflation? They didn't focus on the investment bankers. They didn't focus on the lawyers. And they didn't focus on the fat cats in Silicon Valley. They focused on unskilled labor here in the United States, and they were open about it. The Federal Reserve couldn't be more open about it.
And that's what happened. Okay? Number one. Number two, they tell you now, well, you can't possibly deport anybody that the GDP has 1% growth because you have another 10 million consumers. The people that are being destroyed by the 10 to 15 million illegal alien migrants are
are the working class African Americans and Hispanics who are voting for Donald Trump. These people are very smart, and they see their lived experience every day, whether it's in New York City or throughout other major cities in this country and other states, that their lived experience is worse. And their lived experience is worse because of policies of the powerful, the wealthy,
and the strong. Thank you very much. I appreciate you. Thanks. Thank you.
Thanks, everyone. If everybody could move in ASAP. We need the room back to do the 5 o'clock show. So I know it's tough and I know it's going to be tight out there. But if you can pack down and get out as quickly as possible, that would be much appreciated. And I think we can all agree we all miss in this room Olivia Newsy.
What did you say about him? We miss her. Yeah. Wait, wait. Go back to Raheem there. I got to catch that. He's talking about Olivia Newsy there. That's Raheem Kassam, by the way, guys, who's taking the microphone. He's up there in New York. I don't know if we have a way to get him on from the press conference to give us some explanation of...
really what went down but you hear of course stephen k bannon this press conference he just gave a really round robin talking about various issues talking about how if president trump is re-elected it does of course seem to be going that way that there should be another january 6 committee that was something that came out saying that he has spoken with president trump although no specific details were given on that it appears there's no plans for steve to
rally with Trump or campaign directly with him as many, many of the reporters look, and I've been being hit up by reporters all day. Look, look,
You guys all want some narrative, right? You want this whole like, oh, you're going to do January 6th again. That's the narrative they're looking for, okay? Here's what we want at the end of the day. What we want at the end of the day is people to go to the ballots, is people to sit down there and stay in line peacefully and patriotically and go to vote. I think we have, do we have been, do we have been, Birkwam, because we're going to go back to work now and we're going to show how this campaign actually works.
Ben, let's cut down to him in Allentown. Ben, who are you talking to and what are you seeing? It's amazing, Jack. We just started. We didn't even get to the front of the line. It was at least a mile up there. People are coming in. They're flocking in. But everybody you can imagine. I got my buddy here. Tell me your name again. My name is Khalid. I'm from Kenya. Kenya. And you're out here as a Trump supporter? Yeah. I definitely vote for Trump. Why? I like his policies and I've seen his more...
He's the kind of leader America needs. He's bold compared to the other leader from the Democratic Party. I think Trump will be the right choice for America. Amen. God bless you. All right. Come down here. Amazing. God bless Kenya. God bless America. Hey, by the way, Jack, we've got people coming from Japan. We've got people from Canada. We've got people from Poland. They're flying in. They've got signs that say the world needs Trump.
And they're not lying. All right. What's your name, brother? My name is John. John. Now, John, you're a MAGA. You're a RAB supporter. Yes. Follow the network. Steve just got out. All day. He's just on right now. What would you tell Steve if you could talk to him?
That we love you, brother. Keep on doing what you're doing. We're proud of you. And just keep doing what you're doing. Yeah. And what do you guys think? So the mainstream media wanted everyone to believe that the Madison Square Garden Trump rally, that all of these Trump rallies are Nazi rallies. Raise your hand if you're a Nazi. Anybody in line, raise your hand if you're a Nazi. Turn that way. Turn that way. Let's see. No, yeah, no. No, are you? No Nazis over here. And do we have any Puerto Ricans? Do we have? We got a Puerto.
We got a Puerto Rican in the house. All right. What do you say about why are you out here for Trump? Me? Yeah. Well, I'm tired of the BS and the lies and all this economy that is affecting me, my family, my job, my business, because I'm a business owner as well. It's just it's time to go back to what was on 2016, which is my first time voting for Trump.
Back in 2016, I was brainwashed with everybody else, and then I wake up. So here I am now for the first time. God bless you, man. I'm seeing that all over the place. What's your name? Carlos. Carlos. First-time Trump voter. All right. One last thing, Jack. I just want to show you this. Guys, raise your hand if this is your first...
Trump rally. Raise your hand if this is your first Trump rally. Now back this way. First Trump rally. Look at this. Jack, I'm telling you, the momentum is out of control. Who is pumped to be here? Let me hear you! I just love it! He just downloaded, let's show this real quick, he just downloaded Real America's Voice. All right, Jack. Hey, we're going to be out here live. I know you're in Pennsylvania. Trump's going there. Three stops today. Much more to come. Back to you, Jack.
Ben Berquam there with us, surrounded by a bunch of Puerto Ricans who seem to all be supporting President Trump. That's because people understand humor and comedy, and there's a difference between jokes and being able to afford food for your family. Ladies and gentlemen, when you are there to go and vote, and I certainly hope that everyone who's going to that rally is also voting today.
by the way, or has already voted. Because if you haven't, you have until five o'clock today. You have until five o'clock today to go and vote in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Get in line, stay in line. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have my permission to lay ashore.