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This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare.
A commentator, international social media sensation, and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ is king. Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar won the primary in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. Omar won with over 56% of the vote. If you go back and you can look at the rise of other fascist governments...
And it's the playbook. It is the playbook that you lie so much that you numb the media, you numb the masses, you numb people, and soon they give up on you.
On trying to figure out what the truth is. The governor of a Russian region on Ukraine's border declared a state of emergency as a nearby Ukrainian offensive into Russia enters its second week. Ukraine says it has seized more territory in the Kursk region. Its forces have also captured some Russian soldiers. The U.S. is rushing to prevent a potential regional war in the Mideast. It's trying to calm tensions between Iran and Israel.
If they escalate, the U.S. and Iranian proxies in other countries might end up involved. The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve a $20 billion weapons deal for Israel. That equipment wouldn't reach the ally for years, but Israel's minister of defense says it sends a message now. Let's have a look at Kamala Harris' campaign team because they've been caught out secretly editing news headlines in Google search.
to paint her in a more favorable light. I mean, this is literally fake news. They accused Donald Trump of fake news, but this actually is fake news. This morning, a migrant from Haiti who was previously indicted on suspicion of raping a 15-year-old in Rockland was arrested by federal immigration officials. Corey Alvarez is accused of sexually assaulting the teen at the Comfort Inn on Hingham Street on March 13th, according to the Plymouth County DA's office. The Comfort Inn was part of the government program to help house migrant families.
Dear viewers and viewers of the radio and media, In this special ceremony of the United States, we will be presenting the Islamic Emirate's air forces in the air and land. The air forces will be used to defend the country from the enemy.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily live from Southern Maine. Today is August 14th, 2021. And today is, of course, the three-year anniversary. We're very excited to celebrate the Taliban taking over Afghanistan yet again. And because it's a three-year anniversary, they decided to hold a wonderful parade of all
of the military equipment that Joe Biden gifted to them and Kamala Harris was perfectly fine. Guys, play the audio again. Let's play the clip again. Let's watch. Let's watch. Go ahead. We want to hear it. We want to hear it, folks. We want to hear all of it. The wonderful parade of the Taliban right there in downtown Kabul. We remember this is three years ago when the Biden administration, the Biden-Harris administration,
We have to have them up there. Okay, we've got it. Let's play it, guys. Play the parade again. Let's take it out. Let's go to the parade. We have to have them up there. Let's play it, guys. Play the parade again. Let's take it out. Let's go to the parade.
Wow, just look at him go there, folks. Just amazing. It's incredible to see the plucky resilience of the Taliban fighters. Just amazing when you think of all that they've been through over the years to fight back and
take back their country. Folks, it's in your face, okay? This is completely being thrown in your face. This is what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and Tim Walz, by the way, is a guy who claimed that he served over in the battlefield in the war on terror. He claims that he served in the war on terror. He wasn't actually there. He cut and ran when his unit was deploying to Iraq.
And now here we are, what happened in the actual war on terror under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Oh, we handed over all of the military equipment to the Taliban when the disastrous withdrawal
when 13 Americans were killed in Kabul three years ago today. Three years ago. So the Taliban, remember that? They're throwing it in your face. They're saying, hey, Joe Biden, thanks for the equipment. Thanks for the Bradleys. Thanks for the Humvees. Thanks for all of it. By the way, thanks for letting us have the country back after we killed so many Americans, including the 13 honored dead of Abby Gates.
This is the world under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This is the war that Tim Walz was more than happy to let you think that he served in. Runs around calling himself Operation Enduring Freedom Bet. Operation Enduring Freedom Bet. Operation Enduring Freedom Bet. Don't you dare denigrate my service. Mind your own darn business. Don't you dare denigrate. I said, no, we're pointing out the fact that you lied about your service, Tim. You lied.
You know, technically I'm an OEF vet as well, but I don't talk about it that way because I didn't serve in Afghanistan. I served Gitmo. That's why I say I served at Gitmo. Wow, it's an incredible, you know, it's an incredible concept. It's called telling the truth, but Democrats tell the truth challenge impossible. So, all right, folks, we got JD Vance coming up soon here.
He's going to be speaking in Michigan. We're going to take that live. And then afterwards, depending on the timing, we're going to shift that around a little bit. We're blowing the break because we've got a lot of moving parts. Afterwards, I hope that we have time for this, and I expect that we will, that Rebecca Leverins, the praying grandma,
of J6 will be joining us here on Human Events Daily for a special, very special interview after she was fined over $100,000 for a misdemeanor. $100,000 for praying for her country on the steps of the United States Capitol. $100,000.
for prayers, the most expensive prayer in the history of the world. Understand this, folks. This is what the Biden-Harris regime is really up to. And more to the point, it's not Biden and Harris that are in charge of this thing. The regime is in charge.
Google now with the fake ad trends set up to work with Kamala Harris to make it look like all of this is legitimate news, but actually it's planted by the Kamala campaign. So, okay. So Google is on their side. The DOJ is on their side.
We've got political prisoners. We're going at $100,000 for praying grandma, which by the way, I was sharing her gifts and go very, very early on this case. And I'm proud to announce that this is something completely took off and it wasn't something that was just me. A lot of people totally went in on this because it was legitimately insane.
That they would go after her the way that they did. And she's raised enough money to at least clear that fine. But I say we keep going. I say we keep going in terms of this to send a message to the regime. That if you are going to come for the praying grandmothers, that you have to go through every single one of us first.
We have 84 days left until victory folks, 84 days. What are you doing to get involved? I just led a statewide training of Trump force 47 last night in North Carolina. I did one in Pennsylvania the other day. We've got a bunch more lined up. Trump force 47. Are you getting involved? The Pennsylvania chase? Are you getting involved? Turning point action? They're doing
the 100 contacts, 100 ballots. So it's the challenge, the 100 challenge. Are you going to be able to get that ready? It looks like I could see JD and it looks like his wife Usha are coming out there in Michigan. So we'll go to them as soon as they come out. But folks,
Understand, it's about action, action, action. Don't listen to all this nonsense. Oh, the poll here and the common momentum and all next week, they're going to be up in Chicago. La, la, la. No, no. Get to work. Let's go to JD. Please, please, please. Thank you. Thank you all. Please. It is great to be here in Michigan. It's a little hot today, but it's a beautiful state.
All right, let me talk a little bit about what we're going to do to take this country back. We're going to take back the White House. We're going to restore American manufacturing. We're going to restore our whole country, and it's going to start right here in the state of Michigan. Now, I love Byron Center. I've been here just about a couple hours. But Byron Center has been cast aside, and a lot of places in this country have been cast aside by America's ruling class in Washington, D.C.,
Now, politicians come into places like Michigan, they say nice things, but they crush our industries, they offshore our jobs, and they undercut American wages with illegal labor. You, my friends, have been betrayed. And the people who have been doing the betraying have gotten rich off of this country's decline. And it's time to call them out, and it's time to kick them out of office.
When Kamala Harris raised the price of American energy, Michigan suffered. You suffered. Good American jobs suffered. But you know who made a lot of money? Kamala Harris's donors, the people who benefit from some of these green energy scams where they do things like, you know, build windmills and saltwater off the coast of Nantucket. And of course, they fall apart and get washed up ashore. Right. Crazy stuff.
Now, when she forced Americans using your tax dollars, by the way, to buy EVs made in China, it made Michigan a whole lot poorer, but it made the green energy lobby a whole lot richer. And this is a theme with Kamala Harris. I don't know if you noticed, but every time she makes a decision that makes us poorer or makes our country weaker, there is somebody standing behind her who benefits.
Just for example, when she let in millions of illegal aliens, it made our communities less safe, but it did give the Democrats a lot of voters. And they're trying to give illegal aliens the right to vote in major cities all across this country. Now, here's the thing. On November the 5th, this great betrayal from Kamala Harris, it's going to stop because we're going to elect Donald J. Trump president of the United States.
Now, I grew up in a town not all that different from Byron Center, and I watched in my own community as jobs were sent overseas. And of course, it's not just people's checkbooks that suffer when they lose a good manufacturing job or they lose a good job in any industry. I remember seeing friends whose parents never fought but start to have their marriages unravel under financial stress from a lost job.
I saw families torn apart as China built its middle class on the back of the American middle class. And as much as things were sometimes tough in my hometown, and I know sometimes it's often tough in Byron Center, I was one of the lucky ones. I managed to achieve my American dream. I managed to build a life because I had a mamaw who was tough as nails. I don't know if... Thank you.
She was my grandmother. She was my guardian angel, and she had a foul mouth on her. She was a good person, but she had a foul mouth on her. And I remember when I was a little kid, we were probably five or six years old, we had a lot of family in eastern Kentucky. We have any Appalachian-connected people here in Byron Center? More than a few? Yeah. Yeah.
Going down 75 to visit Kentucky and East Tennessee. I know that story. I remember I was taking one of those trips myself, and I remember there was a guy, my aunt was driving, my mamaw was in the passenger seat, and I was in the back seat. There must have been, somebody got cut off or something, because this guy was driving like crazy. He was cutting us off. He was in a motorcycle, actually. He was flipping us off, and you could tell he was just in a bad mood. My aunt was telling me this story recently. She said, J.D., you remember what happened next? And I said, yeah, Aunt Wee, I do.
I remember that ma'am reached underneath her car seat, pulled out a 44 Magnum and tapped it on the window. And that was the end of the aggressive driving on the highways of Eastern Kentucky. But that woman, by the grace of God, I had her in my life and I was able to achieve my American dream. I just wanted to be a good husband and father. I wanted to be able to give my kids the things that I didn't have when I was growing up in a poor family in Middletown, Ohio.
And I was able to do it, yes, because of my mamaw, but also because this is the greatest country in the world. The American dream is still real. And we are here to fight, to protect it, and to build upon it. Every single day, that's what we're going to do. Now, one of the things that bothers me about our opponent in this race, Kamala Harris, she pretends to stand for normal Americans. She pretends to stand for their jobs, for the education of their children.
But it is normal Americans, we know this, who suffer the most when politicians like Kamala Harris fail to do their job. You know, I remember my mamaw negotiating with somebody for Meals on Wheels. She was trying to get that person to give her more food so that she could share some more with me.
And I think about that story and I think about that moment in the context of this grocery affordability crisis that's affecting our people. It is people like my grandmother who suffer the most when food and rent become unaffordable for normal people. And this November, we're going to turn the page, my friends, on a generation of failed leadership. We're going to make America great again, and we're going to do it by electing Donald J. Trump, President of the United States.
Now, that's the most important thing, of course, is the top of the ticket, because we all know the president controls so much in this country. We're also going to need a lot of help up and down the balance. So I want to introduce a few people who are great Michiganders, who are great American patriots, and they are fighting every day for you and for this state. I want to start out with Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbitt. Where's Eric? There's Eric right here. Beautiful family, by the way. Two beautiful kids.
We have a Republican candidate for Michigan's 3rd district. I understand Paul Hudson's gonna win this race, right Paul? Where's Paul? There's Paul right here. We've got Representative Brian Mast, the great Brian Mast. Thank you, man. We've got Representative John Molinari. Where's John? There's John right there. Did I get your name right, John? Close enough? Close enough. And we have got a great guy running who's gonna be the next senator from the great state of Michigan, Mike Rogers. Where's Mike? There he is.
Now let's just compare the record of failure of Kamala Harris with the record of success of Donald J. Trump. President Trump created the strongest economy in history, at least within living memory of this country. Before the pandemic, in four years, America gained 7 million new jobs. Isn't that crazy? 7 million new jobs in just four years. Unemployment dropped to the lowest rate in 50 years.
We lifted more than 10 million people off of welfare and household income soared to a new record. And after losing in the previous two administrations, one Democrat, one Republican, we lost 60,000 American manufacturing jobs.
60,000 factories under the two previous administrations and under four short years of President Trump's leadership, we built 12,000 new factories. That is what we can achieve when America's leaders put the citizens of America first. Now, after COVID, President Trump set America on the path to a powerful inflation-free recovery. All Kamala Harris had to do was leave it alone.
And by the way, while we're on the topic of Kamala Harris, we've got some of our friends in the media. I just can't quite get over how dishonest the American media is about Kamala Harris. The craziest thing. Now, we have to remember for three and a half years, for three and a half years, people like Elisa Slotkin, who's running for Senate here in Michigan, and Democratic leaders all across the country,
They would say things and the American media would back them up that President Biden for three and a half years, he's as sharp as he's ever been. He's sharp as a tack. Remember that? The American media act for three and a half years like this guy was Albert Einstein. And now they want to tell us that Kamala Harris is the second coming of Abraham Lincoln. We don't buy it. We don't believe it. What she actually did, what the actual record is, is that she inflicted the American people with the worst affordability and inflation crisis in generations.
Now, this is not rocket science, my friends. When inflation happens, when the government spends and prints money that we don't have, that makes your hard-earned money worthless. And that makes Kamala Harris directly responsible for this inflation disaster because she cast the tie-breaking vote on nearly $2 trillion in reckless spending. Not just that.
She then cast another tie-breaking vote on a radical left-wing spending wish list, which spent millions and billions of dollars on green energy scams. That was another couple trillion dollars.
And while they weakened the dollar, Biden-Harris cracked down on American energy. That is a recipe for the terrible affordability crisis that we have on this country. You combine that with their regulatory agenda, you combine the energy problems, you combine the trillions of dollars in reckless spending, and you have got inflation into the stratosphere.
Now, instead of buying energy from every dictator around the globe, which is what Kamala Harris wants to do under President Trump, we're going to embrace a very simple principle. We're going to get American energy from American workers and American territory. We are going to drill, baby, drill. That's going to cut down prices, and that's going to create a lot of prosperity for the American people. Now,
Kamala Harris and her Democrat friends, they didn't just shut down American energy, print trillions of dollars, they also extended. We forget this, the economy crushing lockdowns, and then they overran the country with tens of millions of illegal aliens.
Now you bring in 30 million people and you weaken the dollar. That is how you get the inflation crisis that we have. Now here just in Michigan, and it's similar in Ohio, and it's similar in a lot of states across the Midwest, the average family is spending $1,000 more a month just to buy what they were buying four years ago. That's $12,000 a year just to live the same normal middle-class life and have wages gone up $12,000 under Kamala Harris.
No, they haven't. So I ask a very simple question. President Trump asked it just a couple of days ago. Are you better off than you were four years ago? Absolutely not. So let's bring Donald Trump back, right? It's that simple. Thank you. So under Kamala Harris, gas prices are up 50%. And I know we're a trucking company. You think truckers benefit when gas prices go up 50%? No. And neither do the people who depend on truckers, which is every single one of us.
Housing costs have doubled. Grocery prices are up 21%. A record number of Americans are working multiple jobs. And I happen to believe in a simple principle that if you work hard and play by the rules, you ought to be able to afford a good life in the country your parents and grandparents built. Isn't that simple? Now, the housing market is the least affordable it's ever been. Mortgage rates have doubled, and that's thanks to Kamala Harris' suspending policies. The average new car costs nearly $50,000 a year.
And this November, my friends, we're going to send the message that Michigan chooses prosperity over poverty and that we will never accept four more years of Kamala Harris. She's out of there. But inflation isn't the only scourge that Washington and Kamala Harris have inflected on American workers.
In fact, let's talk about the news of the day. Just a few days ago, Stellantis announced that it was going to permanently cut nearly 2,500 proud Michigan auto workers who make the iconic Ram 1500. Did you all hear that? Now, Kamala has done nothing. Now, remember when Donald Trump, when American businesses threatened to shut down factories and move them to Mexico and China? Remember what Trump did? He picked up the phone and said, if you do that, I'm going to introduce you to a little word called the tariff. Woo!
And a lot of American workers benefit because he was willing to fight for the interests and for their American jobs. Now, her policies have been decimating the American auto industry for years. Remember, this is the woman who voted to preserve NAFTA, to extend NAFTA, the very trade deal that sent American auto jobs to Mexico by the tens of thousands and turned American dreams into nightmares.
She supported these EV mandates that taxed you, took your money and sent it to electric vehicles that are made in China instead of made right here in the state of Michigan, destroying thousands of Michigan auto jobs in the process. And it's not just the car jobs themselves. Y'all know this. It's the carburetors. It's the transmissions. It's the people who are making the components.
They are the ones who suffer when Kamala Harris sends your tax dollars to Chinese-made cars. Well, Kamala Harris now is standing here in Michigan asking us for a promotion. I think it's time to say to Kamala Harris, no thank you. You are fired.
Now, even when Harris sold your jobs to the lowest bidder overseas, trashed your paychecks with unprecedented inflation, as America's borders are, she did something maybe even worse, flooding this country with millions of cheap, illegal alien laborers, stealing your jobs, depressing our wages in the process. On day one, just remember what they did. They promised they were going to do it, and then they did it. On day one, Biden and Harris suspended deportations.
They stopped building the wall. I was at the wall a week ago, and you see it just laying on the ground, ready to be completed, and Kamala Harris won't let them. They reinstated catch and release, meaning that even if Border Patrol catches an illegal alien, oftentimes they get released into our country anyways. And they proposed amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
Kamala Harris turned Border Patrol into a travel agency for violent criminals and freeloaders from around the world. Now, President Trump and I have a different message. If you're in this country illegally, start packing your bags because Donald Trump is going to send you home. And he's going to do it on day one. Now, we're in this incredible company.
And we're at this incredible company. And I want to introduce just a few people who make this place possible. People who have been building American dreams, some of them for over a half a century. So we've got the great Mary Jane Cordes. Mary Jane, thank you so much for having me. I love you. It's great to have you. Thank you. Now, she's the co-founder of Cordes Inc. And her sons, Steve and Charlie, now run this company. And sadly, after nearly 60 years in business, they're struggling to keep the company afloat under Kamala Harris.
So I'm going to ask, if it's not going to embarrass him too much, Steve and Charlie, would you both come up and tell your story a little bit? Let's welcome up Steve and Charlie Cordes, great American business leaders. Yeah, JD's right. The last four years with fuel prices, inflation, we just have to work so hard. Steve and I are here all the time.
We've tried to give raises to our guys, but when inflation goes up 20% since 2021 under this administration in Michigan, it's a little hard to keep up. We're doing the best we can. Our margins are getting thinner. We're going to keep going. We've got great employees. There's a bunch of them here. And we're just going to keep rocking it out. But we've got to get this guy elected. We've got to get Donald Trump elected with J.D. as his VP. Thank you.
And I agree so much on what J.D. has to say. We try to use the best parts we can. We do not want to put Chinese parts on our vehicles. The safety of the road is at stake. We always buy American-made as much as we can, and it's getting harder because they ship the jobs overseas. So we need to bring them back with the tariffs like Donald Trump did before and keep America great. Thank you.
Well, I thank you all so much and thanks so much for what you're doing. Isn't that crazy to think? You've got great American entrepreneurs who want to buy American and it's getting harder and harder because Kamala Harris means that there's fewer and fewer things being built in this country. What a disgrace. We can do so much better. We've got the best workers, the best people. We've got the best country. We just need American leaders to stop screwing it up.
I also want to introduce one of their employers, Chuck Bixby, who's a very, very good dude. I met him earlier. He's a great Trump fan. Chuck, thank you so much for being here. You want to come on up and say a few words? Come on. Come on, Chuck. We're going to embarrass Chuck a little bit. As they all said before, we need him. Because not only is Donald Trump going to do the next four years, I got dibs on him doing the four after that.
And you all can, yep, I see it. So we're there. Everybody get people out, get them to vote. The more votes that we can get out, the harder it's going to be for them to cheat. Everybody have fun. Sorry to embarrass you. So, Chuck, I'm sorry for embarrassing you. I had to make you come up and say a few words. So let me just tell you a little story. Chuck reminds me of a lot of people that I knew growing up in Middletown, hardworking people, people who keep this country running.
And it reminds me, you know, sometimes Kamala Harris, she talks and the Democrats talk about the old economy versus the new economy. I like to talk about the real economy versus the fake economy. And the real economy is for the people who build things with their hands, who get it to our stores, who transport it from one place to another. Chuck is working in the real economy. Without a lot of American workers like him, this country would be screwed. So thank you, Chuck. Thanks for what you do.
You know, I want to leave you with just this thought because it's a story that I've been thinking a lot about a lot. I've been on the campaign trail as the vice president nominee for all of about four weeks and what an honor it is. But not long ago, I met a woman on the campaign trail.
And she told me a story that really stuck out to me. She is a nurse, and her husband is recently retired. They're just middle-class people raising their grandchildren for reasons she didn't explain to me, but I'm sure all of us can guess why she's raising her grandchildren. And though this woman hasn't had an easy life, she told me about her home and her family without an ounce of complaint or resentment.
Now, she wasn't angry at Kamala Harris for firing thousands of American health care workers for refusing to get a vaccine. She wasn't mad about that. She wasn't angry at her grandchildren for depriving her of an easy retirement because she's a little on the older side and now she's got to take care of these grandkids. And she wasn't even angry at her daughter for leaving her an unexpected set of kids to care for. She lived her life. She cared for her family and she did it without a hint of complaint. Now, this, my friends, reminds me of my grandmother. This is the American spirit.
a woman who does her duty, she does it well, and she doesn't expect a handout for doing it. God bless her. But, you know, if there wasn't any entitlement, there was a bit of sorrow. Because in a lifetime of trials and tribulations, there was one thing about this moment that frustrated her, that the price of food had gotten so high that she could no longer do steak night.
Every Friday, she told me, for years, we have done steak night in our house. And I'm not talking about a steakhouse or a filet mignon. But in good times and bad, we made sure that Friday, we'd go to the grocery store, we'd get a nice steak, and make it a special occasion. That was her family tradition every single Friday. And now, she told me, it's gone. We just do hamburger. There's nothing wrong with hamburger, but it's not a steak. Grocery bills are just too high, she said. Her nurse's salary isn't high enough.
And her husband, who's a retiree, his Social Security is just a little too small. America, I think, was built on a very simple promise that each of us would have a say in our own government, that each of us would be secure in our own property, however tiny a slice of our country we got to own. Now, the old way...
was that we were to be ruled by some foreign king in a faraway land, then in America, every man and every woman is a king. And yes, if you work hard, you ought to be able to afford a steak on a Friday night for a special occasion. Now, I was listening to Kamala Harris give a rally recently because she doesn't talk to the media. She just talks behind a teleprompter. We're going to take some questions from the media after this, as a matter of fact. But she said she's going to tackle the affordability crisis affecting American families on day one.
Think about that. Kamala, day one was January of 2021. Day one was four years ago, Kamala Harris. And because of your policies, too many children can't afford a nice meal. Too many children have been killed by fentanyl. Too many grandparents are raising kids they didn't plan for. And too many families can't afford a special meal on a Friday night. Now, the media, our friends in the back,
They make a lot of new noise, make a lot of news about the new tone of Kamala Harris's campaign. Have you seen this? They say, Kamala Harris, you can tell she's excited. But I'll tell you what she's excited about. She's excited that she just got a promotion without earning a single American vote. She says she's having fun. But while she's having fun, Americans are suffering under her policies. When she laughs during a speech, remember that there are American families crying this very day because they cannot afford groceries.
When she does these rallies and does these events and does these fake dances, remember that there are parents who lost their children to drugs or violence who will never see their children move again, much less dance again. When she tells you, and this is her new slogan, we're not going back.
Remember that for three and a half years, that is exactly what we've been doing. We've been going back to a place where Americans aren't kings in their own country, but paupers begging their government for precious scraps of safety, security, and food. We are going back, Kamala Harris, because of you, and we're going to fire you because we want to take this country forward. Now, I cannot get over, my friends, about everything about her campaign is fake.
A fake joy that comes from being promoted to a new position instead of using the position you already have to do your job and make the lives of the citizens of this country better. It's a fake ticket that never earned a single Democrat primary vote. It's a fake platform that offers no specifics about how to do the people's businesses. And a fake promise to change the government even though she's been in charge of that very government for almost four years and hasn't done a damn thing.
Donald J. Trump's campaign instead offers something very, very different. Not a fake optimism, but a very real hope. A hope and a vision to see that hope become reality in this country once again. A hope that we have the best workers in the world, so we're going to stop shipping their jobs to China and build more things right here in the United States of America.
A hope that if we unleash American energy and American farmers, food and energy will become affordable in this country again. A hope that if we build more homes and stop foreigners from buying the homes that we have, the American dream of home ownership is going to become real again. It is a hope that we can close the border and stop the drugs if we empower the Border Patrol and back the blue in Michigan and everywhere else.
It is a hope in the moms and dads and grandparents of our country that though they do have the spirit to survive under the policies of Kamala Harris, they have the ability to thrive under the leadership of Donald J. Trump. When we say
that we will make America great again, we mean something simple. Safe streets for our families, a secure border, affordable food for our children, and the American dream, whether it's to buy a home or to see your children do better off than you did, that is achievable again. Let's get it done. We're gonna start here in Michigan
It's going to start a fire that goes across the United States of America. Let everybody hear that America is ready to reelect Donald J. Trump, the president again, and Michigan, it's going to start with you. God bless you all. Thank you for doing everything you do, and thank you for having me. Love that flag. Thank you, man.
That was incredible. Great speech, JD Vance. I think the big takeaway for me right there was when he was talking about steak night and the idea of an American family, a working family. Everyone should be a king in your own country. You can all be kings in your own country.
And the idea, of course, that you should be able to afford a steak night once a week for your family on Friday night for special occasions. That's something directly tangible. I love the idea that he told a story with that.
Because everybody knows that feeling. Everybody knows that feeling of it's a special night and we're going out for steak or, you know, for my family, it was always Red Lobster. And Red Lobster was like twice, maybe a year. And only if you did really well on your report card, you know, you're getting Red Lobster. That was like a big deal. So I love that he is using that. He's talking to people and it's incredible the way that it's set up.
All right, folks, we told you that we were going to have this interview. We're going to pull it up after JD Vance finished. Here we are. We have got now on the J6 praying grandma, but her real name is Rebecca Lavrenz. She's joining us along with her lawyer, John Pierce. Let's start with John real quick. How are you? Doing well, Jack. I'm a big fan. Great to finally be on your show.
Thank you. And Rebecca, I know you're joining via phone. Thank you so much for taking the time today to be with us here at the Human Events audience. With her real quickly. John, tell me a little bit about what went in with this case and specifically with this fine. We're being told it's the largest fine for a misdemeanor in U.S. history.
I believe at this point. So Rebecca Lovrenz, she's a great grandmother, a bed and breakfast owner from Colorado in her mid 70s. Great woman, Christian woman, and really went to January 6th to the Capitol just to pray. She went there to pray for the country.
went there to pray for the leaders of the country on both sides and really just wants to see the nation kind of get through this current state of division. And so we fought very hard for her. The government offered her a plea deal. She felt very strongly that she didn't do anything wrong and she wanted to fight. So we took the case to trial, put on a great case, fought very hard, had the jury deliberating for about four days.
So we held that hope that there was gonna be something good in the verdict, but they did come back and they convicted her on the four misdemeanor counts. Now we just had her sentencing on Monday and the government was seeking 10 months in federal prison. We were very successful in keeping her out of prison. She got six months home detention. However, she did get hit with what we believe is the largest fine, misdemeanor fine in American history of $103,000.
essentially under the rationale that she had been successful in raising a lot of money online for her defense costs and attorney fees. And that's what that money has gone toward. So
She does not have the money as we speak to pay a $103,000 fine, of course. And then what the judge did was he also put on a restriction that prohibits her from being able to access the internet for those six months. She can't use email and she cannot access the internet. She can only text and use the phone. So of course, we think that's an unconstitutional restriction on her free speech. It also prohibits
prevents her from being able to effectively raise funds to pay for this fine. And it does prevent her from speaking about the 2024 election coming up. All right, now I'm being told that we've reconnected with Rebecca. Let's give that another shot. Rebecca, are you there? Yes, I am. Thank you. Honored to be here.
We're so glad to have you on. Tell us what's been your experience? How do you feel about your government after seeing them put you through what they did?
I just think it's appalling. I mean, they call themselves representing the United States of America, but the prosecution and the sentencing does not reflect what I believe is a constitutional founding father's original intent for the country of the United States. They're turning so ungodly. It's
My main mission in this whole event is because of God, to restore our country back to its original intent as a godly nation. And if they can take away my inalienable rights that were given to us by God to speak freely, to share what I believe, even if it disagrees with them, that's so opposite, like John said, of my constitutional rights that were given to us 250 years ago. And...
But I'm excited because the fact that they, because they thought that I was the loudest voice out there for January 6th, they were very, I think they were afraid of me. And that's what our founding father, Thomas Jefferson, said. He said, if the government, if we fear the government, that's tyranny.
and I will never bow down to tyranny. But if the government fears us, then that's liberty. And I think we're on, I'm hopeful that we're on the way to liberty because the government is fearing me. And because they've tried to silence me, it only has multiplied what they're trying to silence because they want to keep me silent. My family who are, have four children that are going to start taking over my social media and putting out my daily newsletters. And so many people are just start,
rising up to multiply what I was doing with my voice. And so I think what I believe the enemy has tried to silence, God's going to amplify even more by them trying to silence me with this six months blocking of all internet. You got me on because you know how to still use a phone call. Yeah.
Well, and Rebecca, you know, and of course, we would be very happy to have you on and we would have found whatever way it is to get you here. I mean, when you look through the case and I'm looking through your case file here, it says you essentially walked through an open door and you prayed again, you prayed inside the Capitol. And let me ask you sort of put together those questions.
Do you think it's possible that one of the reasons that they went after you so hard as they did and as they are is because you're not afraid of being a proud Christian mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother and doing so publicly inside our capitol?
Right. I think that is it. I mean, I'm not afraid. And I boldly declare that they could have thrown me in prison if they wanted to. But the judge actually said, I don't think prison is going to do you any good. I think I'm right on that, John. They didn't think they knew that I wasn't afraid because I'm
As a Christian and a very strong believer in God, he's the higher authority in my life. And they can put me in prison, but they can never shut off the freedoms that are in my heart and what God has already put in me. Because I love my...
I love God more than anything and then my country. And I will stand up and fight for my country, for my children, you know, just by walking in and carrying God's presence in the Capitol. I didn't pray out loud or anything like that, but I knew that wherever I go, God goes with me. And I just wanted his presence in that Capitol.
because that's what they believe he told me to do. And I think that we are going to make a difference. There are so many people that love this country. It brings me to tears almost. And just now I could get emotional because it's not about me. There are millions of people that love this country and are willing, if they get enough people,
courage, they will also stand up. Just like my attorney team, John Pierce and Roger and Emily, they are fighters. They will stand up and fight for our country too. They're not going to back down and neither will I.
Rebecca, we're coming up on a quick break, but I'd love to hold you and John over so that people can hear more of your story and understand how to get involved. Stay tuned, folks. We've got a very quick break. We're back on exclusive interview with Rebecca Lavrenz, brain grandma of January 6th. Her lawyer joins us as well. Right back, Human Events, 1776 at humanevents.com. Reach out.
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- We're back here. We have our exclusive interview with Rebecca Leverins, the praying grandma, as well as John Pierce, returning. John, for people who are listening,
Very quickly, tell us what are the ways that people can support because I know that the Give, Send, Go has been very successful, but at the same time, I say keep going. I say we need to send a message to these people. So I'm urging everyone to go to this Give, Send, Go, give people the coordinates and the specific instructions.
Yeah, absolutely. It's so important. Give, send, go. And after the backslash, it's Rebecca Labrans, J6. We're going to need a lot of resources to continue this fight. One of the reasons that Rebecca hired me and my team, I know for sure, is that we're fighters and she's a fighter. And we've always intended to take this to trial.
and to take it all the way through every level of appeal. So, you know, we're gonna take this to the DC Circuit, you know, depending on what happens there. We're also gonna go to the Supreme Court as necessary. And then of course, once President Trump gets back in office, there may be, you know, pardon applications that need to be taken care of. And also there's this fine. We intend to get this overturned on appeal, but we need to make sure that
Rebecca has the resources to handle this fine. So we still need a lot of help. So, you know, anybody can go to that GiveSanGo and, you know, any amount is a huge help. So thank you for mentioning that. Absolutely. Now, Rebecca, I wanted to go back to something that you and I were scratching the surface of because this is something I didn't even realize just looking at the case file that you were talking about how at your trial there were statements that were made, there were
attitudes that were surfaced that seemed almost ungodly and even anti-Christian from officials from our own federal government. Is that why they went after you so hard?
I don't know. I think the biggest reason they believe strongly that we were wrong by being at the Capitol on January 6th, that it was, you know, I believe that's why they wanted to silence me. I think that's the biggest thing, because one of the things that they said in their memorandum, I hope this is okay that I'm saying this, John, but they said, I'm one of the loudest voices. And
And so why else would they decide to take me off the Internet? They don't want me to have interviews. They feel like I'm being influenced wrongly that way.
the judge even said I should stay home and just be a grandma and take care of my grandchildren, but not be a voice. And that's what I think is totally unconstitutional. I mean, do I not have a right to say what I believe, even if it's contrary to the current narrative that the justice system and the administration right now is saying that January 6th was what they said it was, but there were
over a million, in my opinion, people that were strong patriots and conservatives that love our country, that love the country that it was originally intended to be as a country that loved God. We are one nation under God. I believe that the judge did say on the sentencing that he just said one nation. He did not say under God. And we are a nation that was under God. Without God, we don't have a nation.
And I think that's my biggest mantra is that we need to get back to having God as part of our nation, because without God in our country, we will not have a nation. That's just been proven over and over again throughout history that without God, and especially with our country, because in 1620 and 1607, there were covenants made with God that said this land, that's over 400 years ago.
that this land would be a godly nation, that we would give glory to God. And I do not see that right now when all the different things that are being put out of taking God out and just make everybody believe whatever everybody wants to believe. And you can't do that without having lawlessness. When you take God out, you'll have lawlessness. And I believe that's what we're seeing in our country. And it saddens me to know that our country is so divided that...
we would take God completely out of our country and have the situation we're in right now with such chaos and unrest.
Rebecca, one thing that – so I just wrote this whole book about communism and totalitarian government takeovers. And you see the targeting of religious leaders and religious women time and time again throughout history. And they actually asked Solzhenitsyn, who is a famous Russian anti-communist writer, and they asked him – it lines up with very much what you're saying. They said, how could all of this have happened?
And they asked him this towards the end of his life. How could the Soviet Union and the persecution of Christians and the mass gulag system and the totalitarian control of everything, how could it have happened? And he responded in a very short phrase. Solzhenitsyn replied, we forgot God. We forgot God. And it was simple as that.
Carl Marx said in the mid-1800s, his one mission in life was to dethrone God. And when I was in that Capitol for the 10 minutes, the one thing I thought I said to myself, I didn't say anything out loud right at that moment. I just saw my three little grandchildren. And I said to myself, I said, I will not let my children or my grandchildren be brought into a country with a Marxist ideology, not on my watch.
- Amen, amen to you. Rebecca Leverins, the J6 praying grandma, God bless to you. Thank you so much, John, for taking her case. Make sure everyone is going to the Give, Send, Go. Make sure everyone is supporting this. And there you go, folks. It's as simple as that. We will not let our country be taken over by godless Marxist communists. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have my permission to play ashore.