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This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare. A commentator, international social media sensation, and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ!
Live pictures coming out of Butler, Pennsylvania, where some loud noises were heard. We don't know exactly what they were yet. Secret Service rushed him off stage after these loud noises. He was talking to a crowd. We heard noises. He was standing there at the podium, flinched at a noise. We heard noises.
We heard sounds. Donald Trump and the people around him perceive themselves to be under threat. And that's all that matters. That is not legitimate. That is wrong. Secret Service, FBI are basically dragging their feet. They're still walling us. An internal email.
Sent by Kimberly Cheadle to those in the Secret Service announces her resignation. Five Secret Service agents put on leave. The Secret Service refused the offer of communication platforms. The roof where the shooter was located was a well-known high-priority vulnerability. The top brass at Secret Service headquarters told agents to not request extra manpower for the rally. Come on, come on, come on.
They're not coming after me. They're coming after you. And I'm just standing in their way. That's all I'm doing. I'm standing in their way. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard. Today's edition of Human Events Daily. Today is September 2nd, 2024. Anno Domini. Bulletproof. We've now lived through an attempted assassination. The first attempt.
and hopefully the only but we're not sure assassination attempt of president trump there's many questions that have gone unanswered in all of this we have an fbi director who's gone up in front of the american people and in his very first appearance spread lies conspiracy theories and hoaxes about this shooting suggesting perhaps that the president had not been shot
telling us that we have no idea who or how this shooter was communicating with others, but also to rest assured that he was definitely doing it all by himself. Uh-huh. Okay. Then we're also told that this guy, 20 years old, and we've got the footage from him from TikTok where he's walking around, just walking around the facilities completely in the open. Mainstream media didn't put that out, by the way. I did.
We also broke the news a few days ago that the grand jury has been impaneled in Western Pennsylvania. Again, mainstream media didn't break that story. I did. We've done direct eyewitness interviews with people who were there. The mainstream media doesn't want to talk about this story anymore. They want to bury it. They didn't even ask Kamala Harris about it in her interview. So many questions, so little answers. And so what
myself and Joshua Lysak have done is we have decided to take this time to write a new book. Yes, a second book, two books in one year. And this book is called Bulletproof, How a Shot Meant for Donald Trump Took Out Joe Biden, the Most Consequential Week in American Political History. Because you see, you wouldn't have one without the other. Those nine days in July,
from the day of the shooting to the day when Joe Biden announced via X, via tweet, that he would not be running anymore for the presidency, and a new nominee was just handed to us via a series of backroom deals and phone calls? What is the nature of power in America today? Who are actually calling the shots?
Make no mistake, there's no chance that Joe Biden would have dropped out if that bullet had not found purchase. And so what we're going to do is today on Labor Day, on the day when we reflect on all the blessings that we have as this country, we are going to go forward and ask serious questions, dark questions about the shadow over the republic.
the shadow that is controlling everything, the shadow where the real deals are done, the shadow where the real power lies. And we are going to pierce that shadow with the light of truth. Stay tuned. We'll be right back. Human Defense Daily. Today, you know, they talk about influencers. These are influencers. And they're friends of mine. Jack Posobiec. Where's Jack? Jack? He's done a great job.
Jack Posobiec back live, Human Events Daily. We're here in Washington, D.C. The new book, Bulletproof, the questions that have gone unanswered. And joining me in this endeavor once again is Joshua Lisek, the, oh and I love saying this, the New York Times best-selling co-author of the book, Unhumans. Joshua, how are you?
I am well. We are going to be discussing a grave topic, but it is of utmost importance to the future of our families, our country, and the galaxy today. So the idea here is, and setting aside just the craziness, the schedule, the sleepless nights, everything that you and I have done over the past couple weeks completely in secret to...
basically write a second book in one year. It's kind of unheard of, but I'll tell you something. In a way, it felt like this book was almost, I'm not going to say easier to write, and you can give me your perspective, but it felt like...
it just flew from my fingertips when I when I went to start writing about this because all of these questions are so brimming in my head every day and I get responses from people every day when they say we want to we have the same questions we want to hear more and when it came to actually putting pen to paper or you know finger to keyboard as they say uh it just flew and the the biggest parts of it I think that weeple will will learn of course is the fact that we did
enlist the aid of a private investigator unit in Western Pennsylvania that we did send them to do and conduct an independent review and an independent on the ground investigation, the actual shoe leather stuff of tracking what went down on that day, the players involved and what's really going on. So Joshua, let me, let me throw it to you about why, why was it that, you know, that you agreed to do such a crazy thing like this?
Yes. What is worth noting is that our previous book together, Unhumans on Far Left-Wing Uprisings, it was the number one bestselling book in the United States during that week between the attempted assassination of President Trump and the palace coup of Joe Biden and all events that cascaded in between those two events. Our book, Unhumans, described
explained, predicted every single bit of it with the attempted hits on political rivals to imprisonment, to being ousted by your own regime and more. And certainly our readers were unsurprised by what was happening with regard to this domino fall of
by a miracle, President Trump survives. And as a direct consequence of that, Biden's got to go. Those of us who are paying attention, we recognize that for what it was. We knew why Biden did what he did. It was a direct consequence. There's no question about that. And that's one of the obvious parallels that is not being discussed by the mainstream. We are getting a couple of pieces, a weak
A month from mainstream investigation, from the authorities, law enforcement, from so-called expert journalists, where they'll mention things like the motive is and remains unknown. Yeah, nobody's buying that. Nobody's buying that. The shooter's intention was unclear. Nobody's buying that.
And it is as if we can shrug away what happened, the ramifications of what happened, with, well, I guess we'll never know, sorts of conclusions, which is not really a conclusion. We have so many unanswered questions, obvious unanswered questions. And the compelling, almost stated, almost stated by the official sources,
I'm not going to say conclusion. It's more so an analysis, a more so an eyebrow raising moment is the fact that Thomas Matthew Crookes was so easily able to penetrate the most elite force of bodyguards in the world with an unprecedented ease and confidence and calmness. We watch the shooter's actions. And what we do in the book is we give readers a 360 degree
moment by moment, feeling by feeling, documentary in manuscript form almost, of everything that's happening. And it's as if this young man was following a plan that was above and beyond him. It's as if, as if there was script,
And he was merely playing his part in all of this. Meanwhile, local law enforcement are looking left and right. Attendees looking left and right, wondering, this doesn't look right. Are we supposed to do something? And the confusion, the hesitation. And then when there is confrontation, when there's potential confrontation, when Crooks is spotted, when his presence is known, the range finder he had,
the rifle that he had in full visible view, all of this is happening and nothing is being done to stop it. We have text message screenshots showing it being discussed. And it's allowed to happen is the question. And this is the question that needs to be asked because we're seeing right now a large number, a significant number of conservative Republican right wing and even center moderate
and even friendly liberal characters in the media and the press who are saying this is an obvious security failure. A security failure, they're calling it. Is it though? Is it? That seems to be a distraction from our perspective. What it does is it shifts the public's attention from the shooter, the shooter's relationships, the shooter's goings-on, the shooter's activities in the weeks, months, and years prior
and those unanswered questions, and it focuses instead on, we don't necessarily want to call the organizations of law enforcement a patsy. We don't necessarily want to do that. But what we do want to do is we want to ask the right questions. We want to put the focus back where the focus belongs. The focus is not on this, oh, wow, this is an unprecedented failure of security measures and protocols, and we are going to beef up security for next time. Yeah, and...
I just have to pop in there because when you this is sort of like after 9-11 when they said, oh, this was so terrible. We have to give more money and power to the federal investigative and national security agencies and the IC. We just need to give them more money and more power. Yeah. How did that work out?
how did that go for everybody when we gave more domestic spying powers to the government did it did it make anyone safer no it made you have to take your shoes off at the airport and oh by the way they're reading all of your text messages they're reading they're listening to all your phone calls they're surveilling like tulsi gabbard and things when they go throughout the airport they're putting j6ers on the no-fly list yeah this is all no that is the answer you know i remember this from when i was in the military that it's it's like if you go to the fbi they'll say oh
we need more fbi if you go secret service oh we just need more secret service that would be a problem over here no no no we're going to ask you at some point and we'll get into this a minute but at some point you have to ask the question is
When the circumstantial evidence piles up so high, when you have so much smoke, then you start to ask yourself, was there a fire? Was there something that sparked that initial fire?
That initial flame. And if so, was that done deliberately. And if it was that done deliberately, who was the person who would do that upstream or downstream, whoever it is, because people looking at it and they say, Oh, well, these are good guys and these are good guys and, you know, I love really.
after everything that's happened over the last eight years after everything that we've seen after everything that they've done to try to take donald trump out to try to knock him out of his election to try to take him off the ballot to try to put him in prison to wiretap his campaign to spy on him to go after his children and then we hear and we already know by the way we already know that they declined we had it in the intro that they declined multiple requests
for additional security for rallies, specifically for outdoor rallies. It's as simple as that. It's as simple as that. And just getting back to the structure of the book, as you say, one of the things that I think is fantastic that the book does
does is yes there is a minute by minute timeline but it's also parallel timelines so you see President Trump's timeline in the days leading up to and then on the day of you see the shooter's timeline in the days leading up to and the day of
You see Biden's timeline in the days leading up to and the days of. And there are certain things that shake out. There are certain moves. There are certain decisions that only make sense when you lay the timelines on top of each other. And then you can see, wait a minute, did this thing happen is, you know,
Is there potentially some cause and effect, cause and effect going on here? Are we really supposed to think that all of these things happened in the same nine days, all by chance, all by, you know, all in a vacuum, all by happenstance? Or was there some guiding hand or as I call it, as I called it in the intro and as we say in the book,
a shadow over the Republic, covering the Republic like a blanket, stifling, if you will, the ability of the Republic to function and guiding horrific events to their execution. And that is what this was intended to be, ladies and gentlemen. This was intended to be a public execution of Donald J. Trump. This is what they do. However,
It didn't happen. And why it didn't happen? We'll talk about that too. Come back with more with Joshua Lysak today. The book is Bulletproof. When I grew up in the hood, I rolled with bloods. And them boys had a saying. You can't be listening to all that slappy, whack, trim out his ala-tabam ship, nippy-bam-bam, like human events with Jack Posobiec.
all right jack posobic back here human events daily labor day we're talking about the new book bulletproof available from sky horse publishing jack posobic joshua lysek back at it again how he shot men for donald trump took out joe biden and
Joshua, so a lot of people will come to us and say, well, hold on a second. How can you do a book on this when there's so little information out there yet? We don't have all of the facts. We don't have all of the answers.
And when you and I were putting this together, obviously that became a question for us to say, how do we get this information together, compile it when the investigation is ongoing? And I think we were just kind of brainstorming the one night and it came to us that the best way to do this would be to go through all of the most likely scenarios and present the facts and the counter facts and the, the,
pieces and the aspects of the evidence that support each hypothesis and then go through and put through what detracts from each hypothesis. So in the intelligence community, we would refer to this as an analysis of competing hypotheses.
And in an analysis of competing hypotheses that you're doing exactly that you're setting up each hypothesis you're putting looking at them at parallel and then you're going through all of the facts and once you go through all the facts, you then review. So I believe the three that we that we struck with were okay first.
Lone Wolf. That's the Lone Wolf scenario. This guy was acting by himself. He did it all by himself. Nobody knew about it. And he alone is to blame for this. This 20-year-old was able to outsmart the Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the local police, the SWAT teams, and he evaded all of them with
Ninja-like skill that is the that is the lone wolf scenario the second scenario with that we actually get into is this question of the Iranian plot and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Did they have some?
connection to this because you can't necessarily throw out the fact that there were these indicators from intelligence and we go through that. Is that true? Was that an intelligence smokescreen? Was that an FBI ploy? We discuss it. And then finally, the question of and I think people, you know,
have gravitated toward this, but we have to consider it and also be skeptical of all of these. And that is the inside job scenario. And the inside job scenario is essentially, doesn't necessarily mean that everyone involved was quote unquote in on some plot, but does it mean that was there some level of assistance that this shooter received?
So Joshua, walk us through the ideas of why it is that we set it up this way and how we used this as a filter and a lens to look at the evidence. - Yes, exactly. Let's talk about the first scenario. This is the official narrative. According to the latest from the FBI, this is an individual who was not Thomas Matthew Brooks, the shooter. He was not ideologically motivated left or right. He seems to have been a registered Republican, but he donated to the Democratic Super PAC
ActBlue. He seems to be associated with anti-Semitic content online is the latest, and yet so little is also known about, at least to the public, what he was doing with these encrypted accounts, these foreign email and
messaging accounts that he had. The claim is from the official sources that, oh, he was simply researching bomb making materials and activities, chemical bombs specifically. There's allegations that it was just simply ammunition purchases and there's nothing to see here. The issue there is that it's a panopticon and the panopticon is they can see us, but we can't see them. And that is the
issue that we take with the official investigation is that they have access to all this information, and all that we know is all that they're claiming is known, that it says. According to President Trump, who has seen more than we have, in his interview that he gave exclusively to Breitbart, he said that indications point out that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the shooter, was, quote, very liberal, unquote, unquote.
The next scenario is the Iranian assassination attempt slash plot. There does seem to be some, if not more, likelihood of this to be the actual explanation than the previous. And we lay out some recent over the past few years examples.
activities of Iranian and Iranian allied individuals attempting to worm their way closer to President Trump to follow through on an actual assassination attempt. So in our view, the least likely explanation of the July 13th Butler, Pennsylvania attempted assassination of President Trump, the least likely scenario is the official narrative. A little bit more likely is the Iranian connection.
More likely is that the failures across all aspects of security that day were by design. There's a saying, of course, that one ought not claim there's malice when there is incompetence. What we seem to be witnessing is malicious incompetence.
What we seem to be observing is intentional incompetence. There is a saying that goes something along the lines of, first they fight you and then they mock you, and then you fast forward all the way to the end, and then they join you. Well, what we have seen since 2015 with Donald Trump has been, first, they soil your reputation, then they call you literally Hitler, then they attempt to put you in jail, then they shoot at you.
And one of the opening chapters of the book is about the motive. And of course, when we're looking at the question of guilt, when a crime has been committed, as there certainly was, we want to see means, we want to see opportunity, we want to see motive. Certainly there's the opportunity for this one-year-old.
seemingly expert marksman Thomas Matthew Crooks to be that close to President Trump. That opportunity was certainly created. And the means for him to be that close just so happens to be all of these aspects of security lining up that day.
rather the lack of security, all lining up that day with decisions made prior to that, decisions made that morning, decisions made that afternoon, decisions made up to 100 minutes prior to the shooting in which Thomas Matthew Crooks was known to law enforcement, and yet nothing was done. We even have video of crowd goers, rally attendees, calling him out, saying there's a guy on the roof who got a gun.
This is not a surprise that this happened. So the least likely scenario, going backwards again, is the official narrative. It was simply a misguided individual, and it was an accident of security measures that this happened, and we'll do better next time, guys. Here's my resignation. And when you look at some of these, and I think that's one of the reasons, by the way, that so many people are freaked out about this is
And you can see him in the videos jumping from rooftop to rooftop in broad daylight. This is not a situation where he was some like super stealthy, used the window. And by the way, we're told that local SWAT was supposed to be in those windows to begin with. The windows which provide overwatch to the building itself. When I went out there and I looked at this,
It's hard to tell on the actual videos, but the again, the windows that the SWAT team were in are directly overlooking that sloped, you know, slightly sloped roof. And so, yes, if you were directly across. So.
you easily could have had someone on the roof but when you're directly across from there if someone were shimmying up the roof now we know that later found out that that wasn't true again all of the lies have compounded because they said oh he was crawling up the roof and so no one could see him i said well i could understand that because of the slope and uh you know if you've been in the military if you you play a lot of paintball or something you you would know this but of course you know this is the importance of ridgelines all of that
but of course he wasn't crawling up he wasn't lying prone the entire time an army crawling all the way up no he was quite literally leaping from rooftop to rooftop in public view like he was playing assassin's creed or something shimmying up air conditioning and hvac vents in full
view of the same building where the SWAT team was supposed to be. And by the way, we've got the receipts on all of this. We've got the actual layout that was drawn up by the local SWAT teams from Butler, the Butler ESU and the Beaver ESU who were in that building. We've got their fields of fire. We've got their own handwritten instructions for where they were supposed to be that day, where they were supposed to be watching. And they've gone back and forth as to why it is, as to why it is that
Some people decided to drop coverage that you heard that something was going on and you dropped coverage.
coverage of that situation? And who told you to drop coverage? Whose decision was it to drop coverage at the ultimate moment? Was there were there any other factors that were playing into that decision of dropping coverage at that specific moment in and ways that again, do not seem to have been investigated in any way. But look, if this were
On January 6th, for example, which we do reference back in the book a number of times, because on January 6th, we knew the names of every officer. We knew their backstory. We knew the family of the officers. They went and interviewed every single person who was involved in this thing. They went and checked it all out. Some of those officers, by the way, became media stars. One of them even tried to run for Congress at one point just outside of D.C. And yet with this, it's all just turned into poof.
the smoke screen goes up and we argue no, we argue no.
We understand that things have gone wrong in our republic. There is a shadow, and we are going to pierce the veil. We are going to cut through it. We are going to shatter it and rend it asunder because it is that veil and the people behind it that are trying to take away our freedoms that did take Joe Biden out of the presidency. We'll talk about that in a minute. And it is those people who created the circumstances that led to this attempted assassination. Right back.
And Jack, where's Jack? Where's Jack? Where is he? Jack, I want to see you. Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad, but we have guys, and these are the guys who should be getting policies. All right, Jack Posobiec back here, Human Events Daily. Now, we've talked a little bit about
The narrative, the official narrative, and we've shown you the layout. We can look through this. You can look through these videos. You can look at the charts. You can look at the maps of the area and see how and something that I saw when I was there on the ground. It's so close, folks. It was so close. It beggars belief that this place is going to be a place of peace.
20-year-old was able to sneak up. And it's very, very close. The overhead shots, the imagery that you see, the aerial photography, it's much closer in real life. Actually, I think that cell phone footage where you can see him jumping across the roof gives you a better, just a better view of how close these buildings were because from overhead, it looks like they're very far apart. But when you see him jumping from roof to roof and Trump's basically right there, it shows you, it's very clear. He's right there.
Everyone can see him, full view. And this is why people say, well, the official narrative doesn't seem to make any sense. And that is why people question it and say, did he have some kind of outside assistance? And then, of course, there's the question of the Iran scenario. There's this Iranian assassination plot, which, of course, we haven't been able to find any evidence of this linking up with Thomas Matthew Crooks,
We do have evidence of the foreign encrypted email accounts. However, we don't yet know who exactly or what exactly he was communicating, although we do know that some of the material that he used to create these bombs was ordered potentially with these accounts.
And so it stands to reason, and we've of course heard rumors that investigators are looking into this from the perspective of did he receive the plans over these foreign emails? And if it's true that he used the plans, where did he receive them? Was it the dark web? Did he send money? Was he working with an outside group, etc., etc.?
of course iran well that's the country that the deep state and the warmongers have wanted to go to war with for years it's always been either iran or russia iran or russia iran or russia they seem to bounce back and forth like a game of ping pong uh joshua lysek what is your take on the iranian assassination plot while we think this is more likely than the official scenario which is in effect a shrug we don't know how this happened there's no known motive it was
a freak accident that all these security figures all happened to happen at once. Here's my resignation. Better luck next time. Sorry. Not buying that.
The evidence for the Iranian scenario is more so based on lack of information, which is we don't know that Crooks wasn't communicating with anyone involved in the Iranian plots to potentially assassinate Crooks.
President Trump. First of all, he was in office, and then afterwards. We don't know that. It's possible. We're speculating. And this is something that we are good about doing, unlike the
mainstream press. When we are speculating, we tell you that we are. And when we have confirmed facts, we tell you that. We don't use adverbs to spin conspiracy into facts or to exaggerate what we know. What we don't know is what exactly he was doing. So the evidence for Crooks and Iran is more so
the fact that there's not evidence or there not having been communication, not having been connection. In terms of plausibility, yes, it's plausible. But if we were to calculate the odds of all these various security failures happening all at once,
to allow crooks to be that close with a rifle to President Trump, for his presence to be known for almost 100 minutes to law enforcement and nothing being done and eight shots being allowed to get off, three people besides Trump himself to be hit, one of those to be killed, the odds of all that happening by chance, that defies believability, that it is merely chance. And that is sobering.
That, you know, leads to ask even more questions, doesn't it, Jack? Well, and it's interesting, too, because so President Trump in an interview, fantastic interview with Monica Crowley last week, actually brought this up himself because he said when this initially happened, he wasn't thinking in a way that the three letter agencies had anything to do with it. She asked him this question specifically. So I wasn't thinking that way at first. And we can understand that.
Nobody went through what he went through in those moments. Obviously, some level of shock, obviously some level of, of course, gratitude. He has given thanks to God, which is not usually something that President Trump is known for. It's just not usually he's not exactly known for his theological views. But we talk about again and again how 6-11 and a lot of people will attack me for that, saying,
the shots rang out at 6 11 p.m and Ephesians 6:11 is about the armor of God and the image of an angelic appearance in the American flag taken just minutes before the bullets rang out talk about Saint Michael the Archangel and talk about how the Holy Spirit by the way is referred to consistently throughout the Bible as a rush of wind
And in fact, if you're of a certain age, you might remember being taught to pray to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And actually, the Anglo-Saxon root of the word ghost is the same as the word gust.
as in a gust of wind. It means quite the same thing, the holy wind. And so this is why in the translation you see the two used almost interchangeably because this was understood in the ancient world that a spirit, wind, all of these concepts were combined and maybe they were onto something. That's all I'm going to say about that. Maybe they were onto something. And certainly the president believes that and certainly I believe that as well.
And so the question then becomes, and what President Trump has said now is that he has begun asking those same questions. He has begun asking questions. Why did the FBI lie about shrapnel? Why did Christopher Wray get up there and lie about this? By the way, Joshua,
You have a unique perspective on why Christopher Wray lied about shrapnel hitting President Trump rather than a bullet. The FBI, by the way, came out later and clarified that it was shrapnel, but that doesn't seem to be the quote that made it around the world. Why did the director of the FBI go up and lie about the Trump assassination?
Yes, this is where things get a little bit more interesting. When Ray spoke, Christopher Ray, the FBI, when he spoke, he gave credence to, he gave permission to believe in the, we'll call it shrapnel gate.
hoax. This idea that, oh, it might not have been a bullet. There might not have been bullets. It might have been shrapnel was the word that he used, even though previously the FBI had admitted, no, it was definitely a bullet. And then they clarified, yeah, no, that was definitely a bullet that hit President Trump. So before race and after race vote,
And yet it's this high profile interview in which Chris Wray mentions the possibility that it was not a bullet, that it was in fact shrapnel. Now understand that these things do not happen in social vacuums. Immediately after Trump was struck, we all looked at the mainstream media headlines. And what did they say? It was as if they were writing about Biden. And it was
Trump collapses on stage during security incident. It was Trump stumbles, falls, hits head, bleeding at rally. These are the sorts of headlines that we saw. We, of course, were unsurprised and unfazed by this, even though those of us who are paying attention, we all knew immediately he had just been shot and an assassination attempt, and it was supposed to have been successful. We all knew that.
It's those people who are, I like to call them NPR Americans, those people who still believe there are news sources, those people who are operating at the lowest level of awareness. They're not bad people. They're just operating at the lowest level of awareness. And it's those people who are likely to believe the conspiracies around what did or didn't happen. And having someone like Chris Wray in that position of perceived authority is
speaking about the possibility of it actually being shrapnel, that allows people who have fallen for one of these hoaxes put out by the media, or call them proto-hoaxes about what actually happened. And the key is, he did this with full, deliberate intent and full understanding of what he was doing. We'll be right back here on Defense Daily. ♪
Stop buzzing in my ear about the boring people at your office. I'm trying to listen to the new human events with Jack Posobiec. Okay, Jack Posobiec back live, Human Events Daily, talking about the new book, Bulletproof, out, coming out this October, right before the election, how a shot meant for Donald Trump took out Joe Biden. We're going to talk a little bit about what that subtitle specifically means because it's not just about the fact that
that Donald Trump was shot at. It's not just about the fact that he was hit, but he was hit in a non, he took non-fatal wounds, but also he was not hit by shrapnel, but someone was hit by shrapnel and that someone was Joe Biden. Joshua,
How are they linked? How are these two things? You know, the mainstream media doesn't want to tell us they're linked. They tell us that, oh, Joe Biden was just looking at the polls one day and he felt really sad and he called Kamala Harris and he said, oh, I'm just going to get out. And that's it. There's no, you know, nothing to see here, folks move along the same way they say, oh, well, we were going to tell you it was Iran that shot President Trump and we were going to go to war with them over it. But no, no, we're just saving that for the next game.
What's going on here with this round? Is it, and it is our thesis in the book, that in those nine days in July, Joe Biden dropped out because the bullet missed? Yes, that's right. Prior to the debate that Biden and Trump had,
the NPR Americans, which make up a majority, a slim majority of the voting public in the United States, those people who still believe their news sources, so long as they claim that they are the official news sources, the paper record, the unbiased radio, so on and so forth. Prior to the debate,
A significant percentage of Americans, likely voters, believe that President Biden was in perfect cognitive and physical health. He was sharp as a tack, they were repeatedly told. If you believe that he's stumbling in public and slurring, well, that just makes you an ableist because he has a speech impediment. You're a terrible person. You should hear him what he's like behind closed
closed doors when there's no mics, there's no cameras. He is sharp. He is with it. He is young. He is agile. You hear all of these claims that are being made. And because they're coming from official sources, which never lie, there is no reason to discredit them. Then the debate happens just a few short weeks prior to Butler Pennsylvania rally. And the emperor has no clothes. The emperor also has no chance of defeating Trump in the election.
as a result of that hideously poor and embarrassing performance that Biden gave. And that one clip where Biden trails off, seeming to some to indicate that there's dementia or Parkinson's present, Trump said, I don't know what he said there at the end, and I don't think he knows what he said either. That resulted in the bullet hitting him in the head, that one line, because that
in Joe Biden's believability that he was a legitimate candidate, a legitimate president. It was after that that the media claimed, oh, we were lied to by the White House. Oh,
Oh, these were the claims. It was, of course, all melodramatic and a defied belief because they had to have been on the public hoax that had been going on since the 2020 presidential election campaign, that he was in perfect health. We all recall the joke about basement Biden, where Biden did hardly any campaigning. In the campaigning he did attend, some of these events were invitation only. There were dozens of people, not tens of thousands of people.
So the fact that it was four years, four years plus that this had been going on, NPR Americans realized that they had been duped. Biden's support, his legitimate chances of winning collapsed. And as a result, they had to take out his opponent.
That is the direct consequence of that. When it was revealed that Biden could not possibly beat Trump, Trump had to be beaten one way or another. Now, this book is being released in October. We've been in the process of writing it in July, in August, in September, of course. There's still a lot of time to go before the election. Two months plus at the time of this publication.
So we don't know exactly what's going to happen. But we know one thing. We will not let the American people forget what happened at 6.11 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on July 13th, a Saturday, in Butler, Pennsylvania, when eight shots were fired by a would-be presidential assassin. Four people were hit. We've seen... One killed.
we used to and by the way corey compitore has a huge part in the book there's an entire uh chapter dedicated to corey compitore and look folks
The debate, the assassination attempt, the palace coup, the Soviet-style palace coup, the same way they took out Khrushchev in the Soviet Union, the same way that he was forced to resign by the leaders of the KGB. By the way, Brezhnev brings him back up from, he was down on holiday at the Black Sea, and they said, come in for agricultural data meeting. And they bring him into Moscow and they say, sign the papers.
You're out. And they put him in house arrest for the rest of his life. And where is Joe Biden? Oh, that's right. He's down at the beach as well. And he's been there this entire time. Understand, they had no other option. They had no other option at that point than to take out Joe Biden. You're talking about the White House. You're talking about a supermajority in Congress. Total power, total and absolute power on one hand, which they can achieve.
And they are very close to achieving. And if Donald Trump is in the way, you got to get him out. And if Joe Biden is in the way, you got to get him out. That's what the motive is, boys and girls. That's what's going on. That's what we're talking about when we talk about the shadow over our republic. And so when you get a copy of this book and when you ask these questions, you can put it there and say, you know what? Take your...
political views and put them aside because something is going on right now that is beyond mere ideology. Something is going on here that's beyond mere left and right. And this is why, by the way, all of a sudden you're seeing a bevy of Democrats, including, by the way, RFK Jr., the victim, his family, the victim of multiple assassination attempts. Joshua Lysak, thank you so much for joining us. And got to say, incredible working on another book with you, man.
My pleasure. Thank you. The book is Bulletproof, How a Shot Met for Donald Trump Took Out Joe. Available just before the election. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have my permission to raise your hand.