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So, welcome to this episode, New Year's episode. We're recording it three weeks before, so it's a little jarring and a little hard for me to comprehend exactly what we're filming today, but it'll be good. But I wanted to start off with...
This is for real the last time you see me with the flamme flo. And I bought an ugly or a cute disgusting one that tastes disgusting. It literally looks like a matcha latte. Like it looks like when you go to a really nice matcha bar and they're like, we put a little milk, then you put the matcha, then you put more milk. Yeah, but for real this time, I'm literally like...
your addict friend that is like, no, I'm seriously done smoking weed. It's for real. And then you go two weeks and then they're back on it and it's just nothing is ever said. But for real this time, because the flavored vapes are banned in California starting January 1st. So next time you see me, we'll be in Texas. I guess I'll be in Texas because we're doing a Zoom episode. But next time you see me in person in LA, vapes are banned and
Is that really gonna happen though? Or is it like when they said they were gonna ban jewel pods and then it didn't happen? I think it's really gonna happen because all of the smoke shops are like taking preparations like everyone I've been to has been like yeah, they're banned January 1st and I was and I've asked the same thing like jewels and they were like no but jewels such like a big company and like They were just it was probably just a takedown by big tobacco anyways or like an attempt to take them down and it just like failed because They lobbied in Congress or some shit. I
But I think flum floats are dead. I pray. What is this new little logo? Like it's just this UT. University of Texas. They're made on the campus in Texas. Oh, they have like 20 year olds making them? Yeah. That actually freaked me out the other day because speaking of New Year, I've been saying I'm 24 because like I just, I always like a month or two before start saying my like age that's coming because I like hate, I hate age.
to that age and then trying to transition into it and then it takes me like three months to do it. Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah. But speaking of New Year and getting older, I realize like now like college students are like start like especially like freshmen sound like that's a child. Like now I'm getting to the point where I'm like, oh, like I'm like an 18, 19 year old, which I'm sure is so annoying because like of
course when you're 18 19 you don't feel like a child and you don't want to be revered as a child but now even i look at myself at 18 19 and i'm like oh my god i was so lost so lost such a baby literally still am lost and still feel like a baby but yeah now i fully know what you mean like the older the older i get because i'm 16 now like when i was like 11 looking at like 18 year olds i thought they were like like grown ass adults but now that you're 16
-That's so close. -Yeah, they look younger than me even. So I'm just like, it's very, very weird. But yeah, I turned 17 on March 4th, so...
New year, new me. Are you going to be one of those people who throws a big last hurrah before 18? Because 18 is when you have to get really serious. Yeah, exactly. I also lost my license recently. Wait, what do you mean you lost it? Like I got it revoked. Oh, why? What did you do? I'm just such a bad driver. Oh, I was scared you were going to say you got like...
like a DUI. I did. I got I got a DUI. Yeah, but it's only it's only the third one. So like, I'm not gonna see. I'm not gonna see prison. Because I'm also a child. But yeah, it was like the third one. So it's been it's been good. But yeah, I'm supposedly never gonna drive again, which is honestly good for me. But they say
but like unless they catch you, you know? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - You can just keep going. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right. - Right, right. I'm always scared of getting my license revoked for reasons I can't say. I'm like, I'm a good driver. There are just things, although I'm 24, there are just things I can't get around to doing. - Yeah. - And it's fake, it's fake. That stuff is not real anyway. That is literally fake and it's not real, but.
They're probably thinking like you drinking and driving, but it's literally very chill. It's literally like paperwork oriented things. It's like I should go wait in a line for something, but I'm like... Absolutely fucking not. Absolutely not. Remember your line arc? Like you being obsessed with lines?
Dude, yes. And also, I kind of tapped back into that because me and Josiah, after that one event recently, we took a Lime scooter back home and it was fucking lit. Like literally, you could pause it. No, no, no. Line. L-I-N-E. Lime scooter? Yeah. No, not scooters. Lines. Like Lines.
oh oh when i when i really wanted to like make that a series yeah i still kind of want to do that so i'm not going to explain it but i was thinking about the other day i was like that still would be such a funny and stupid idea for a video but i just have no i don't have like the motivation and pizzazz that i used to have yeah i i just don't have it in me anymore and um like you know what else i don't have is like part of that would be like um
the ability to kind of go and like make fun of people to their face and record it. And like, I can't do that anymore. Cause I also feel like now I'm at a position where like, I can't really do that. Actually, I'm just going to say the idea. And if I end up doing it, like act like you didn't fucking hear it. But I had a video idea that I was really obsessed with doing for a while. And it was like best lines in LA. And it was going to be me making fun of like
all the lines that people fucking wait in all the time for absolutely nothing like people waiting in line to spend an absurd amount of money on something that will like not really benefit them but i can't really judge that because i buy shit that doesn't benefit me all the time but it gives me a small dopamine boost so i like it but like the supreme line i'm like like in 2023 if you are still lining up at the supreme store something is clinically wrong with you and another reason i never did it is because i was like why do i feel like i would go and get hit in the head
Yeah. Like one of those guys would literally be like, you're making fun of me and then grab a mic and hit me. But like, I just wanted to like go make fun of them and be like, oh my God, this line is so exciting. I'll be here for about three hours and then like interview everyone in the line and be like, what are you so excited for that you're going to be here for three fucking hours of your life that you'll never get back. And then...
Do it for a bunch of places like Alfred's Coffee used to have. But Alfred's Coffee doesn't have lines like that anymore. But like places like that that used to have like crazy lines. I wanted to go and interview people. Pre-pandemic. Yeah. I'd be like, what is wrong with you? Why are you doing this? Do you remember when COVID first dropped and we all found out we had it? Yeah.
Or we thought we had it and then we went to the... I think this is, like, such a big moment in history that we'll look back on and it'll be, like, aerial photos of the Dodger Stadium line for COVID testing. Oh, yeah. And we literally went to it on purpose so we could say we went there. But, like, that was such an insane experience. Like, how, like...
it literally felt like the end of the world like going in and like it was so dystopian yeah like waiting in line in your car and then them handing a bag through the window and then you driving up and getting the results the next day and like just all this crazy shit and I was like damn like I don't know that was just like that just popped in my head because you were talking about lines and I remember we waited forever also like for what we weren't doing anything we could have just stayed home and like waited up but I guess we wanted obviously like most people we wanted to know if we had it yeah it's like
We were staying at home, but, like, Josh was still going to and from his parents' house to see his parents. So we had to make sure we didn't kill any family members. Yeah. Damn, such a crazy time that, like, we kind of all trauma blocked and don't talk about because, like... Because now it's, like... Now it's, like... Also, it's crazy how, like, big of a, like, political burst that caused. Like, that was literally, like I say all the time, like, that was just, like...
the like last line of like everybody had all these like intense crazy ideas of like what they found right and wrong politically and then how did covid become the thing to like make them really it literally was like the last straw for like so many people where they were like you can't tell me what to do like it literally like blew people's brains out of their fucking skull and i like cannot fucking believe that because i'm like
It really was such a simple fix and nobody, like, for, like, it was so simple to get rid of. And, like, just because of human, like,
- Lack of care. - Greediness. - Like it just like kept going. - Humans are inherently greedy. But yeah, I remember, I literally am still like fiending for that time. I'm like, can there be like another pandemic or something please? Like where no one dies, but we all get locked inside so I can stay inside for six months and have an excuse to not see anybody 'cause now that it's all said and done. Oh, that's another thing I've noticed is like after the pandemic,
Um, there was like a giant influx of like people going out and it was like a Renaissance and it was really beautiful and fun. And you were seeing everybody all the time and everybody was out all the fucking time. And now.
everybody experienced burnout like a year later, six months later, and now everything is so vibeless and it's like the pandemic, but with no reason and everybody's just burned out and doesn't want to do anything. - It's the vibe, we're literally experiencing the vibe epidemic. It's like the vibeless epidemic that we're experiencing. - Yeah, it really truly is. - There's no vibes to be had in our, especially in our community right now. And it's like, where are the vibes? Like, where are the girls going out?
as if we would fucking go out anyway. I was about to say, like, the only reason we're okay with it is because we didn't go out anyways. Um, but...
What's awesome is all the big brands and brands in general who really tried to like mark a profit off a fucking face mask and putting their stupid ass fucking logos on face masks. And now they're like $3 a fucking face mask because you're dumb and you made 8 million of these masks thinking you were going to sell them all. And now you're like really trying to push them onto people when people are like, I literally don't need them.
Do you remember the people... Also, those stink and they don't work because they're like claw. Do you remember the people early in the... Dude, like, oh my fucking God. Like, just so much shit happened. Like, and that we just all kind of forgot about. Like, the people that like hoarded all the food and the toilet paper and the fucking masks. Like, do you remember that? I have a vivid image of that dude with like 8 million masks stacked in his garage while like fucking...
fucking nurses were like treating COVID patients without masks because this guy had them all and he was like flipping them for a crazy price and it's just like of course he was white like of course but like it's just crazy yeah it's just tapping into your DNA in a time of being your DNA will take control the inherent need for white people to make a profit but
But like, that is so crazy. Like the toilet paper thing literally was insane. And I like, why, why was that the thing? Okay. Because in like Florida, coming from Florida and like Miami and every time there's a hurricane or a threat of a hurricane, the first thing to go is water bottles. But that makes sense because it's,
If like pipes break, like you shouldn't be drinking tap water during a hurricane because like you don't know what's getting into the systems. Like a lot of the plant like plants that are filtering water are down because of like dangerous whatever, whatever. Like, yes, you need bottled water.
I've never seen toilet paper go like that. Like, why was that the thing? Because, like, I think it was the thing because people made it the thing. But, like, it could have been anything. But, like, I think also it's just it looked a lot more scary than it was because since toilet paper is so big on the shelves, it's probably, like, the biggest item in. Mm-hmm.
the grocery stores so like like toilet paper and paper towels yeah so like you can't order a lot of quantity of it and it takes like six people buying out the shelf for it to look like everybody in the world over bought their toilet paper that and also like imagine wiping your ass with your fucking fingernails like that's what like you would have to you'd have to like go under there with your flat hand and just like yeah if you had to wipe do you wipe from the front or the back
No, from the back. Okay, fair. Because if I wiped from the front, I would literally have like a moldy fucking vagina. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Right. I wipe from the front because I like the little poop spikes on my wiener. How do people do that? How do fucking people do that? I don't know. And I have like... Also, I think it's a lie that people say like half the people stand up to wipe and half sit down. I do not believe that.
I need a study. I need a credible study done. Do you sit or do you stand? I like lift my ass up. Yeah, I can do like a mix of both depending on like how like how diligently I need the job done. Yeah. Yeah, right. But also what's crazy... I think this is a new record. We went like... How long have we gone? We went 13 minutes without talking about shit. Poop or sex. But we broke it. But yeah. But...
like it's not that crazy because you could have just used a fucking towel like we could have just like became what should have happened in that moment is humans should have progressed into like bidet and like reusable like wiping technology like it should have been a bidet and like towel mix since like Americans like need so badly for like the drying part of like the butt like you know what I'm saying like so I every time
I hear like somebody who's like never encountered a bidet talk about it they're like I don't want my ass to be all fucking wet and it's like okay like we're not spraying you down with a fucking fire hydrant hose bitch like it's literally not that deep also like you'd rather have a flaky butt that's the thing about okay I'm not gonna that's the thing about poop is when it dries it's flaky um
But yeah, we need to get a bidet. Yeah, I don't know why we don't have one yet. Because we're still a wipe family. I love calling our household a family. Yeah, my first brand deal that I was like ever super excited about. And I'm pretty sure it was a fucking scam at this point. But like a bidet company reached out and wanted to work with me and wanted me to post like
I worked their ass up too on the price. Like I was like, I was about to get paid for this fucking brand deal and then they ghosted me but I was so excited and I was telling everybody. It's because it wasn't real and you were asking too many questions. They were probably like, what's your passwords? Yeah. So we can log in and see analytics. What year is this? Is this when you were like a child? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was YouNow era. Okay.
I'm sure a lot of y'all have noticed we don't have many ads anymore. And you're probably thinking, wow, oh my God, I feel so bad for them. They deserve ads. But we're doing our job. You're not doing your job. You need to fucking subscribe and engage with me or I will never do my job again. I like, I can't believe I miss reading ads. I like, I miss the taste. I just remembered I got scammed. Like not crazy, but I remember the first time I got scammed. You told me about this. Yeah, it's when I was like,
I should have known, but like also... Josiah got scammed recently. And it was for something so embarrassing.
I got like scammed when I was like 15, 16. And I should have known it, but you know what it was? It was a big pride moment because I would like argue with my parents so much about doing the internet. And I was like, no, you don't understand this. Like one day will be my career, blah, blah, blah. And I would argue with them so much on it. So then when this happens, like I was like so proud of myself, but like this company, like it was like a clothing brand sent me hats and was like, oh, if you post it, the number was insane. It was like,
was like an unreal number but i was also a kid and like wait say the number i think it was like anywhere from five to nine thousand dollars jesus christ in like 2014 which is like no like 2015 that like at that point like no one was getting really paid anything i don't know why i thought i was the fucking chosen one um but like i think because one i was a kid two because like
I just didn't really have any grasp on money and like also like like that was like life-changing like yeah like that would have literally been life-changing I would have been able to like at that age give my parents money like that and I was like oh my god this is insane um and basically it was not fucking real and I was so fucking mad and I like I had posted the hat and then I think I even left the photo up because I thought it was a really good picture of me you did you did so I was
fuck you like I look good but then I destroyed the hat not destroyed it but I like sewed a whole new design over it and I wore it like every fucking day like because I was like wait this design is fucking lit but I was really mad and I wish I like had evidence of like what I said to him because I was like
What's funny too is like I've like spoken about this is there was another instance where like I was done really wrongly by someone older as like a 15 year old. And I was like, I remember I went in on them. And then when I looked back at the message, I was like, oh my God, I was like so articulate and like well-spoken in this email. And I remember kind of carrying the same tone where I was like, something is absolutely wrong with you taking advantage of someone like me. Like you have no idea what my family situation is. Like that money would have been like, I was like so like, I was like really angry, but I was like,
I was like, "I'll show him. I'm fucking intelligent." -Stick it to the man. -Even though he scammed the fuck out of me. Not you as a 25-year-old scamming a child, you're weird. -I only do brand deals if they're at least 150K or above at this point. -True, one IG post. -Every time I post on Instagram, you're seeing me pocket $350,000.
kardashian yeah no i'm that's kylie kardashian level that's carly that's carly jenner her name is not carly gender that's carly gender level of um but like maybe even more than her i probably make more money than carly gender it's insane to think that that's like um almost like fully 10 years ago but it has been like by the time this comes out it's like two days before just what i was saying i was like thinking about in the
By the time this episode is coming out, we're like really closing in on what would have been like a decade ago, like the internet journey start. And I'm like, it's just so insane. Because I was like, thinking about it in the bathroom, I was like, damn, like I really have been because I started on the internet, like really posting my face.
when I was 14. Like I remember like that's when I started like kind of posting pictures of myself and putting myself out there. At this point, I'd already like been on like Twitter and stuff because of One Direction like 10 years ago.
But I was like, wow, 10 years ago to this year is when Vine really started. Because Vine started in 2013, right? I think even maybe 2012. Yeah. I remember 2013, 2014 was when I first started generating an audience on there. Oh, my God. Yeah. January 24th, 2013. Two days after my birthday, it started. Two days after my 14th birthday. That's crazy. And I think I like, whoa. Oh, my God. In 2013, did I just enter high school or was it 2014? Yeah.
I think you were just entering high school in 2014. Because I was entering high school in 2014. Okay, yeah, no, because I remember I had Vine in middle school. No, I was in 2013. I was in ninth grade. Oh, okay. So, yeah, I was still in middle school. I had like a few months left of middle school. Wait, no, no, fuck. I have it literally all wrong. I was in ninth grade last year. Okay.
Wait, you're only a sophomore, but you're 16? Yeah, I skipped so many levels. No, I think it's the opposite. I think you might have, like, flunked a grade or two. No, I'm special. I'm special. The kids who fucking skipped grades would not shut the fuck up. I wouldn't shut the fuck up about it because I was supposed to skip grades, but my parents wouldn't let me because they were like, you have no business being around fucking eighth graders when you're a sixth grader.
They were so concerned about that. Gifted and talented. We weren't allowed to skip grades, but we got put into special classes called gifted and talented. I think we've talked about this before. Yeah, we have. But yeah, everybody that were in those classes are like drug addicts now. Like I can literally look at everybody around me
And like, sorry, like I'm like thinking from like the perspective of like an eighth grader, but like sitting down in class, I can like look around and I can name every single one of those people and what drug they're addicted to. It's because it's like crazy to put that much fucking pressure on a child. Yeah. And if they actually are gifted, like, like you have to like self-medicate at some point. Like you, you, every person that actually like is like
higher level intelligence. Like even though that shit's all bull, like gifted and talented is bullshit, but they're like people, literal geniuses have to self-medicate or they'll go fucking insane. But sorry, what were you saying? That's how I feel because I just know too much. I know, like I fucking microdose porn every day. Porn?
- Yeah. - Like you wake up and you have to just have like a few seconds of it? - Yeah, but it's like my self-medicating journey because I'm so smart and I just have to like do something to get out of my head and just it's healthy. - Is it like VR porn or is it just like? - No, it's just like iPhone porn. It's just like really basic. Like I just did it. - Oh okay, so you had the PR stuff where you slide your iPhone in. - Yeah, I just did it, just sitting here. - Oh my God, you just microdosed porn. - Yeah.
I don't remember what I was gonna say. I was just gonna say, yeah, like, I know people still who, like, who were in those classes and, like, that was just too much pressure to put on a child. I remember in eighth grade, my dad got so mad because I had a fucking... My older sibling literally...
was like fucking genius kid like was in all those classes and got every award for eighth grade at graduation and then when my dad went so this was like the first time I was like I am a disappointment um my dad like god bless him he just like expected way too much because my fucking stupid ass sibling put way too much fucking like stop what we
need to do is lower standards. And from that moment on, that's what I knew. I was like, I will never set high expectations for my family, because I plan on going below those expectations. So from that moment on, I brought the standard solo like I never I never got higher than a C in class because I was like you will not what you won't do is expect for me to do good in school because I won't be doing it. I think like maybe on my report card, I would have like two B's and then all C's and D's. And I was like,
Average, average. But I remember my dad was like, I didn't get a single award. And he was like, he was like, what happened? And I was just like, I felt so bad. Like I literally like I felt so much shame. I remember like so dramatic going home and like being on the carpet in the bathroom and being like, I fucking cried my eyes out because I was like, I didn't bring home a single award. But those things don't fucking matter. And then from that moment on, I was like,
Wait, that like is not real and everybody else is crazy. Dude, it is crazy that like the amount of pressure that I put myself or put on myself to like exceed in school and like looking back at how like all
obsolete that was to like who I am now. Like, there was no reason for me to be as high ranked in my school. And then me sitting here and 13 minutes ago talking about like shitting out of my butt and like how I wipe. - 13 minutes ago, no, two minutes ago you talk about micro dosing porn. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. But like, I wrote it down because I was like, I don't want to forget this, but like very similar situation. It was like fourth grade and
It was like before... Okay, well, let me preface this. Like reading and writing is like, I think...
I don't know how to word this, but like compared to like the average human, like I am so below like what every other human is. Like I cannot for the life of me write or read and I don't know, it just doesn't click in my brain. Like, especially out loud, like I can see the words and I can read them in my brain and most of the time I can comprehend it. But like for some reason there's like a disconnect from my brain to my mouth, but that's like, I've talked about that a million times.
Especially like when we're reading what we've been writing recently, like out loud, like it takes me a minute to like get in a groove and I have to like focus so hard on like, like reading slowly enough and like being able to speak it out loud. Like I literally just have apraxia, but whatever. I, I've never heard that word in my life. Just where you can't speak, but you can like think in your brain. But I remember in fourth grade, I,
In third grade, we took a reading assessment test. I remember scoring super high. I was reading at an eighth grade level in third grade. I felt such a genius. I felt so sick. I felt so cool. Then fourth grade came around and we had to do tax tests where it's state mandated testing.
i i it was the first time i ever had a panic attack and i freaked the out the night before like scream crying like i don't want to do this i don't want to do this i can't do this i took the test flopped it was so bad and since third grade i have had the exact same reading level like i read at an eighth grade level since then i'm sure it's probably not true but like
Literally, it feels like I read at an eighth grade level. And I also like spelling is so fucking bad for me. Like if I didn't have autocorrect, like it would be over since it's over. But I'm also like if I do have autocorrect, like why do I need to know how to spell? Because like it's there to help me and like I'm never writing anything physically anymore. No, because you need to know how to spell because like it's like an essential thing.
- But why we have chat, GPD chat AI, like we have the robot that will just tell me everything. - I guess that is true. Now we have like voice to text. - Exactly. - So you don't need to know anything. - Or voice memos, like I don't need to know how to text or spell. But yeah, I also took like a spelling test and like literally missed every single word except for the hardest word because I studied the hardest word over and over again and forgot to study everything else. And that's how I learned how to study.
And then since then, I like took school very seriously because I was like, I do not want to be an embarrassment. I cannot feel that embarrassment ever again. And now looking back, I'm like, I caused so much stress and anxiety and put so much pressure on myself when genuinely it doesn't matter. And it probably, yeah, whatever. It's crazy because I like had the complete opposite. Like all my, like, I think I suffered from the issue that I was like, I don't think I'm necessarily like,
hyper intelligent or anything like i genuinely am not and i've always said that like i'm not super intelligent and i'm like i agree i agree i agree yeah you said yep like really like certainly yeah it's just like you're just you're just you you're you're gonna say stupid yeah you're stupid you're stupid definitely not hyper intelligent but i love you for who you are
I love you too. Yeah, I know. And I'm gonna miss you for these breaks. But I've never been like hyper intelligent or anything.
And I just like, you know what? Also when you were like reading and writing is so hard. Those have always been like the easy things for me. But those are my strong suits because I think I've just always been. That's why we're so compatible. Cause I have like. You do number. I do numbers and logistics and you do emotions. Yeah. I mean, that's like how girls typically are though. They're like emotional and men are like more stern. Like that's why like I shouldn't have a boyfriend.
bank account or like be able to own a home. That's why I recently had your business manager start wiring your money into my account. And then now you have to ask me for your money. Thank you so much. Yeah. Because it was like really like hard for me to figure out like how to like figure that out. But if you just put me on an allowance, I think I could survive. Yeah. Dude, there's... Never mind. I won't get into that. But... There are relationships. Yeah, there are relationships like that. No, there are so many...
That's a whole different topic. But like as much as like people who use the internet like all of us and like people who were watching this and are like super aware of those things and like would do our best to not end up in those situations. One, you could always end up in a situation like that because...
It just happens. All those people are in that situation because it happened before they know it, they're in it. I think most people have been in a relationship where they walk away and they're like, why the fuck did I stay there? Because I have that. So many people I know have had that. I don't have that right now, but I've had that. And it's just because before you know it, you look around and you're like, oh my God, I'm like a shell of a human and I've been letting this person dictate my life. But that's a whole other conversation. Yeah.
I've always been like good at reading and writing. And because of that, I just like flew under the radar and everybody was like, she's so smart. We love her. She's so smart. We love her until I got to high school. And then like, it was time to like really do math. And I was like, and science, I was like, pfft.
i loved science i literally love science but i do have a funny story it was like seventh to eighth grade um it was like the jump from like doing like algebra to like pre-calculus and i was like yeah i'm gonna take pre-calculus like i'm a genius like i can do this it was like above my grade like i was just like fed lies my entire life and everybody's like you're so smart you're doing so good you're so smart and i got in that pre-calculus class and they took like an assessment test to see like where we were and
I scored so poorly that the same day, the first day of school, the teacher pulled me out to the hallway and was like, "Drew, I have to be honest with you. I think you should go to the other class," which was not precalculus. And I literally cried. I cried in eighth grade because my teacher told me, "You're so stupid that you're not ready for this class." And all of my friends were in that class and I was so fucking excited.
And yeah, I was doing so bad in school that I wasn't in class with any of my friends because I just wasn't doing any of my work. But what I would do is I would just skip class and go hang out with my friends and be like, get to the bathroom. We need to hang out right now. But now kids, all they do is hit fucking blinkers in the school bathroom and get fucking high as shit and like get loaded. I mean, kids are doing that in my school, but like with it was more difficult also, though, because like to get high when we were in high school, you literally had to physically smoke or have an edible.
yeah my um friends and i drove all the way to dallas to pick up a modded jewel pod that had weed oil in it because it was so hard to find you told us this because you also meet us you told us yeah but because also that was like the story where like when y'all were out somewhere like your friend had like dropped his card or somebody dropped a card or no y'all were at a bar or something and somebody had dropped their card and this guy used it and then the fucking clerk was like bitch i
- I know who this is. - Yeah, that is not you. Yeah, small town Texas shit. But I also remember the drive, I don't know if I talked about it, but the drive home with that car, like we saw probably the most police officers we've ever seen in my entire life.
My friend was driving high, which is so stupid. Don't do that. But yeah, it was and we were all fucking paranoid schizophrenic in that car freaking the fuck out that we're going to get pulled over. And like one time a cop like did turn around and like start tailing us, but then went around us and we're like, bro, we're going to jail. We are going to jail. We are going to jail. But we made it home. Also, it was like hard for me to focus on school because again, back to what started this, what we always do when we deep dive into like our fucking childhood. Yeah.
Is because I was too busy like doing the internet. Like I did. I just didn't care. Like I was like, I was like my life. Like I'm an entertainer. Like I can't be here. Like I'm literally like I'm made to like. I'm different. I'm made to entertain the people. So I was like just doing that. And it's just so crazy. Do you remember where you were the first time?
time a Vine of yours went viral. Yeah, I was literally on the couch when I woke up the next day and then I immediately posted a Beyonce Vine right after that. Immediately. You were like, "I am keeping up with this fucking hour." Yeah, exactly. But I don't remember exactly where I was, but I remember the Vine. It was my first Vine I ever posted. And yeah, it was me throwing a cheese sandwich at the refrigerator. Yeah.
Right. Right. That was just the weird shit you could get away with on there. Yeah. Like it was, cause it was all just like whatever you could do in six seconds, which I, I like, I feel like most people who watch this know we came from mine just, but if you don't, that's how we started the internet is when we were literally children and we shouldn't have had access to the internet and we were fucking posting vines. I was in my geometry class.
and using my fucking iPod touch because I had an iPod touch and an Android. Fun fact, I didn't have an iPhone until like, I was- Not the Android. Until I was like, I think 16, I had been posting like everything off of
That was literally my thing. And that's why I'm sure you've seen me do like slide text. That's why I'm good at it. And I like using it because androids were the first like phones to have that. And I would use it all the time because when I was texting the man who was grooming me in class, I was like, I love you so much. Meanwhile, he's unemployed in biology right now. So I can't send you a picture of me, but I will in a second. Give me one second. Crazy. I remember like also like this is just getting into it, but I remember like,
like my friend sacard who i'm still friends with i don't even know if i've ever like spoken to him about this but no i think he did know about this guy because like he sacard was the only other person in my life who like used the internet kind of to the same capacity as me like we both were like tumblr users and i love sacard having his arc though i know i love his tiktok so much i eat that shit um
You've probably seen, because now he does, like, fashion and, like, interior design. Yeah. And we have such similar tastes. We have texted about it before, talked about it before. Like, we have the exact same taste and we desire the exact same thing. I know. Like, so cards come over after a walk once and, like, came in and, like, I went into Drew's room and they were, like, looking at Chateau. Yeah, on Zillow. But I remember, like, during...
like it was like one of the things where like he had broken up with me because he was like you're just like you're too young i can't wait for you and i was like please wait please text me back like when i was like my bad habit when people would ask if i was okay and i would just start crying and sakara asked me if i was a kid i was like you know and i like went to the bathroom and sakara came in with me and i was like you want to be with me anymore
And I remember crying over it. That's so dark. That is so dark. So fun. Yeah, I was just telling you recently that like, maybe I even said it on the fucking podcast, but like how I like am just now processing what the fuck I was doing when I was a 16 year old. Yeah. 15 year old, like driving illegally to. Yeah, it's just it's insane. It's because it's like now it is far enough away and now we are like,
I mean, although you're only 16, your brain is coming to its full developmental stop. Yeah, exactly. So now it's like...
Damn, I'm like, I've been an adult for long enough now that I'm like, I am an adult and I'm looking at like things I did as a teenager. And now I fully identify teenagers. And I'm like, that is like, like I got into an argument with my little sister because I was like, girl, you are a child. Like you don't like IU. I promise. I promise you think you know everything. I promise you are a child. Which again, I know like young people don't like to hear it and I hated hearing it. But it is like that thing.
annoying thing where it's like when you're older you'll look back and you'll be like I was a kid and yeah you are a child even like looking back when I thought I was older when I was like 21 I was like yeah that shit's still fucking lit like I'm fucking lit for that and now I'm like oh my god oh my fucking god what was I doing dude um but like
I remember what I was saying. Oh yeah, I was in geometry when... I was proud of another one. I know. In geometry. That's where I was when the first Vine... It's honestly fucking so sad. ...went viral. Your teenage years, what you grew up through. Yeah. It's really sad. You know what? I'm here. Thank you. If you want someone to talk about it and work through it. Thank you. Girl, you know everything. I know. Our friend group loves sitting around and talking about it and being like, isn't that crazy? Yeah.
let's watch Car Crash Compilation. But yeah, I was in geometry and I remember I'd woken up. Also, as I'm thinking about it, like we, that era of
like Twitter and vine was so like dependent on being basically a fucking baby journalist. Like it was dependent on being a baby pop culture journalist because I remember after every VMA performance or anything live tweeting the VMAs to live tweet it. And then sometimes like I had a strict parent who would be like, you need to go to bed, like get off. And I would be like, fuck. So the next morning I was always late to the fucking
fucking scraps of the jokes and I would be sitting in class and I remember that day I was watching one of Beyonce's performances from the night before it wasn't the one where she like um where she had like the screen behind her I don't remember which one it was but I remember like watching it and then um
being like fuck okay like what's the joke like what am I gonna say about this like and like going to Twitter and then seeing that like the tweet of it did pretty good and I was like oh wow so I like clicked on it and it had done like at the time like for me I was like oh my god this is like insane like I'm literally viral it got like 11k likes and I was like
Oh my God, like this is it. And that, but that's still when like the app was such a baby. So that felt like humongous. It was like, oh my God, like I don't even know how many people are on this app. And I remember being like, fuck, okay, when I get home, I have to like have a good joke and I have to like keep it going. And I remember every day after school in like middle school and high school, I would go to like, if you have ever seen like my vines, which I would actually rather die than anybody like talk to me about them now. But like,
There was, like, a desk that my dad had that I would always sit in that chair because that was, like, my after-school chair. I would sit in it and, like, spin in it, and it was, like, this big, comfy desk chair. And that's where I would make all of them. And I would go there, and I would sit there for an hour, and I'd be like, hmm. And, like, maybe, like... Ponder. Maybe, like, wow, what am I going to talk about? And then, like, what I would talk about was, like, the dumbest shit ever. But... My favorite shit ever was live tweeting, um...
American Horror Story. Oh my god. I love live tweeting. And then like just like getting into the deeper seasons and being like wow this show fucking sucks balls. I know. It fell off so hard so quick. I bet if we watched it now like we would be like this fucking sucks. I'm trying to wait what was it called? Was it Asylum with? Asylum, Coven, Murder House were the three like good ones. Asylum was the first one. Oh Murder House was like the
That's when everyone was really tapped in. - That was the first season, yeah. And then Coven, super iconic. I think that's their best season. And then the hotel, I think was the last okay season. - 'Cause that's the one Lady Gaga did, right? - Gaga, yeah, Gaga was in it. ♪ I wanna hold you close ♪ - That was such a good era. But yeah, I just remember that taking up all my life and now I'm like, wow, I'm still doing the internet and-
I was right.
I knew I knew I was gonna stick to it. See I don't think I ever had like a cognitive thought where I was like this is like no that's a lie I remember having being like no this is it but I never had really any pushback from like people in my life other than like my friends in school and that's the only people I ever knew and my dad obviously was like what are you fucking doing like why are you dropping out of college like what are you like literally what are you doing with your life and I was like dude I remember the era of me like begging you to like move and I was like please just do it like please like
like stop I always I was very committed to doing it I just had to figure out how to like tell my family and I remember I was literally just like um I'm moving out and they were like okay but like are you going to go to school and I was like no and then they were like okay well we're not supporting you financially if you're not going to go to school and I was like
okay, I support myself already. Like I can do this. I'm fine. And I was just telling you, there were like moments when I first moved to LA where I was like broke. I was like, oh my God. Like, like I remember like actually being at a point where I was like, I have to skip this meal. So, so I can like keep the same amount of money. So I can like go back to Texas for the holidays and shit. Oh my God. I remember that. Like the first like two years of being like,
I remember even the first year being like, oh my God, it's so expensive to go home. And then I was like, this is so much money. And like, I'm not making money like that. Like, and I was like, and I want to go home and like give my family gifts, but I'll have
the fuck am I supposed to do that with like this amount? Like it was so, it was, it's still so expensive. Like that's why every time the holidays come around, I like think about like how many people can't go back to their families. And it makes me so sad. It is so sad because it is, one, it's a truck. Like it's a big like commitment to being able to do that. Thankfully we're in the position where like financially we can. And like also because we like,
time our job out however we want. We can go back. But like going back is huge. Like to go back to Miami is really expensive. And it's always been so expensive. The most like I've spent upwards and this sounds gnarly, but like
I was going to do it to go see my family. But I remember that first year, it literally like ripped my fucking brain out of my skull. I didn't realize that I should have gotten my ticket way earlier. And I got it like a week before I was supposed to leave for like a week and a half. And I'm still pretty bad at it. Now I've gotten way better. And I like, I dig for a cheap ticket. But at the time for a round trip from LA to Miami, it was $1,200. And also I couldn't fucking ask my parents. So I was like,
Dude, also like pre-pandemic, like how expensive flights were. Like I think like the pandemic was low key, like a good thing for the flight industry, at least as like consumers, because now the flights are so expensive. They're just now recently like getting back to the price that they were. But like for like three years, you could fly for literally pennies on the dollar. And then now it's like expensive again. But like,
Yeah, I remember just like it was so I remember I had to ask my parents to buy me a flight home one time and they were like, are you struggling? Like, do you need to move home? And I was like, no, like, I'm genuinely OK. Like, I need to do this because I need to be out here. And I want to make this happen. Yeah, I was so embarrassed. I hate people paying anything for any any amount of money for me on anything. I remember I've had to ask you for like money. I've had I've had to be the person where I'm like.
And I have some. But like, I don't mind giving it to people because I literally, you're so, y'all are so integrated into my life that if you don't pay me back, I'll just find your family and hurt them. Oh my God. Why would you do that? Just like, don't even like take, like give me money.
give us the money i i caught myself literally like yesterday like almost doing that to josiah and then i was like no no like stop like you need to fucking chill it's like funny to like it's fun but then but then like you're like oh wait is this coming from a real place like is this coming from a real place it's also funny because like money is just such a like contention point of like
For I like think most people like even all around the world. It's crazy how like integrated it is into like embarrassment and shame like based on like... It's not even fucking real. I know none of it is real but it is but it's crazy because it's so real but it's not real. Like the fact that like I could literally print fake money right now and like kind of get away for with it for a little bit just proves that it's not real. But don't do that. Have I ever told that story about me buying fake money? No. No.
Have I really not? I don't know what you're talking about. On the dark web? Oh, no, you have. You have. Because we've had a whole conversation about the dark web, too. Because I was like, what is that? Like, I don't understand what that is. I'm going to tell it very briefly just because it's been so long. But I... It was, like, around the time that I, like...
started the end like was like kind of a thing on the internet and i remember i was like seeing everybody in the same like bracket as me online with like a bunch of cool and like a bunch of money and all this and like i was so um inconsumable to brands that like i never made any cash on anything i ever did and like whatever not the end of the world but um i remember i wanted to be like people so i
I attempted to buy $50,000 in fake cash on the dark web with Bitcoin. And then that's how I had Bitcoin. That's part of the reason why I was able to move out here was because it failed. And it was like the first spike in Bitcoin. And I sold it all when it first spiked. And the only reason I had it was because I told my older brother that I wanted to buy hallucinogens online.
i was like a child um and he should have said no but he was like yeah fine i'll give you some cash but he was also a child um and he gave me like some bitcoin because he's he was like mining bitcoin for years and then yeah i failed at buying the mushrooms and then i was like i'm gonna buy fake cash it um i didn't even attempt to buy the mushrooms but i'm gonna buy fake cash
failed at that i was so scared because the first article i looked up was like 14 year old kid goes to prison for 10 years i know it's probably not even real um but then i just held on to it for like three years and then it blew up and i was able to move out here that and my merch drop but yeah
What who was like the first cuz also with this year we like officially come up on ten years Yeah, just fucking crazy for the past like year even like ten years ten years ten years Because like I guess we've kind of known of each other for ten years already, but this is like ten years of life Speaking Which is actually insane. Who was the first like?
friend who you're like kind of still friends with who you like had had a real conversation with like who you like like or not even who you're still friends with who was the first person you remember like exchange exchanging a phone number with and like getting on the phone with dana
Really? Yeah, it was Dana, Sydney and Savannah, the Holy Trinity. Those are my girls. Like we even did like a fucking meet and greet on Club Penguin. And it was just like, though, it was them. And then that led to Christian, who was next. And then I met like Josh and Lucas over Zoom. And Emma. Oh,
Yeah, Uvu. And then met you through like the internet. I don't know. But yeah, I think my first my first people who I actually ever spoke on the phone with was this guy, Chris, who I knew and it was Emma. And also when we're saying Emma, we mean Greer. And like,
Those are just the first people I ever, like, spoke on the phone with. You were close to Emma. Like, yeah. And I, like, that was, like, one of my... I had known Emma for, like, so long because I used to be obsessed with her because I thought she was, like, really funny in, like, 2012, 2013 because...
She just was already, like, such a big personality on the internet. And I remember I was, like, obsessed with her. And I remember I used to, like, tweet at her a bunch. Like, I was, like, so, like, I was... I literally thought she was so funny. And then, like, we became friends. And her really close friend at the time, Chris, we all became friends. And, like, I remember...
Again, I had strict parents who, like, they were like, do not fucking talk to people on the internet. And, like, when my parents weren't home, I got on an uvu. And I remember Emma used to make fun of me so bad because she'd be like, what the fuck? Your parents think, like, we're going to kidnap you? Like, what are you talking about? And I was like, no, it's just they don't know who I'm talking to. And, like, we would always, like, joke and talk. And, like, I remember so many times I'd be on an uvu with them. And, like, we'd just be talking. And they were actually the first people who I ever knew who watched, like, RuPaul's Drag Race 2. Hey.
And they were, like, they would talk about it, but I would kind of just sit in because I didn't watch it. And I would just, like, I would basically, like, a lot of times watch them talk because I was still so shy and, like, really reserved because, like... Dude. I was just always so reserved. Like, I literally, like, I didn't tell anybody about my personal life until, like, I was, like, 20 or, like, 19. So, like, I was just, I was always very, like, reserved in that way. But...
I remember one time my dad came home from getting groceries and I like slammed the laptop down and I shoved it under my blanket. And then Emma made fun of me so crazy because she was like, girl, what the fuck? Like, why did you get off? And I was like, my dad came home and he doesn't know I talked to you guys. And she was like, you are so fucking weird for hiding this. You're not doing anything wrong. And I was like, you don't understand. And then I remember...
I also loved Sydney. And she, like, knew I thought Sydney was really funny. And, like, at this point, I think I had... I had mutuals with all these people, but because I was so reserved and, like, really... Like, I was grown up on the idea that, like, talking to, obviously, like, these strangers, like, it wasn't real. So I was just, like, I never reached out to talk to anybody. I just didn't even really have an interest to, like, myself. Like, I didn't really... Like, I had all these mutuals, but I...
I kind of was like content with my life like outside of the internet and then yeah things change I think I wasn't like I I had friends but like I wasn't like hanging out with people outside of school so like I what I did have this like kind of gap of loneliness within talking to people my age other than my siblings so I was like always kind of craving to talk to somebody um
Which led to other things that were naughty. But like, I was always craving to talk to somebody. I remember one time, I think maybe Dana and Savannah and them were on this. Because then there was that guy, Ed.
do you remember literally yeah i still have a mutual i think i do too and like finsta all of them were like like on there talking and like emma was like oh i'm gonna call you and i was like okay and she was like just answer and i was like what i was like it's chris on she's like no and i was like okay it's just us and she threw me into like a big chat room with all these people and i remember just being i was
so silent and i remember being so fucking mad at her and i was like you fucking bitch you're like trying to fucking embarrass me and i was so mad that's literally like after i was like the happiest ever because i ended up talking and like becoming friends with all these people and it was fucking awesome and i was like oh my god like all these people find the same things i find funny funny and like we're like getting along so well i truly believe that is like a real thing that like um like you
the i don't know how to word it but like you will find the people that you're meant to find eventually like like there's a reason why you me josh lucas christian orion josiah like all of us like there's a reason why like we're all friends together and why we all find the same like
things funny and why we all have the same sense of humor it's just like literally divine intervention like we were like meant to find each other and i truly believe that like you will find your people like just based off like the energy that you put out into the universe but um you said mentioned rupaul's drag race i remember being like literally a fucking child like like i want to say like 13 and like finding rupaul's drag race like whenever uh netflix first
like, had the streaming service. And I remember RuPaul's Drag Race was on there. It was, like, season one through eight. And I remember watching that show religiously as, like, a child. And it was so scary to be watching it 'cause I would be watching it on, like, my dad's computer or my mom's computer in their bed and, like, while they're gone. And then they would come home and I-- It was like I was, like, watching porn or something and I would hide it and, like, log out and do all this crazy shit and, like,
Yeah, I completely forgot that, like, there's, like, a watch history and, like, you can see, like, what you're watching. But, like, was absolutely mortified that someone would catch me watching RuPaul's Drag Race. But, yeah, that shit was lit. But the same thing happened to me where, like, I was thrusted into a group chat with, like, Lucas and Josh and shit. And I... They say the same thing now, but I was, like, petrified of them. I, like, looked up to them in, like, such a crazy way. Yeah, I know. We were all talking about it in big
Yeah. And they were saying that like they felt the same way about me. And I was like, there's no fucking way because I just like literally don't think I was ever funny. Like, I don't think I was. I don't think I'm funny. I don't. Well,
Well, I know I'm funny now because I'm like one of the funniest people alive. But back then I didn't think anything I was doing was important or funny. But like Lucas was like saying the same thing. He was like, I was like fucking nervous. Did I know? We talk about it all the time because I remember I was like so nervous because I genuinely always the funniest people, especially on Vine to me, were Lucas and Josh. Like I like always thought they were just so good and like so comedically inclined. And I remember being like... Honestly, Christian too. Christian was fucking hilarious.
Christian's just always been so funny. He's so stupid. Like, Christian is, like, the weirdest motherfucker I've ever met in my life. Have I ever talked about the first time I met Orion? Dude, no, not publicly. Should we save it for, like, if we ever actually fucking have her on? Because I have a story about Josh that I, like, really want to tell, but I'm like... Girl, we're never going to have Orion on. No, we will this year. Never say never. We'll see, we'll see. But I'll save it. But, um...
Yeah, I just remember like it's so funny because now these are like all like genuinely my family like leaving for Christmas. I'm always like, oh, I wish I could bring everybody with me. But then I'm like, they all have family and I'm grateful and I'm happy that everybody has family they love and can go back to. Mine is slowly dwindling away and expiring. I'm losing so many people in my life. It's crazy. No, no, no. Don't say that. They're still here and they will be here. They'll be in my heart forever.
you'll be in my part forever but yeah it's just so funny that now it's like truly coming up on 10 years and it's like wow man like I was a kid like exploring so much on the internet and it's like it was such a new frontier still and like I don't know it's just so funny to think about like it's crazy and I remember the second person I had ever spoken to like or like I guess it was like the first like
like a specifically like boy i had spoken to so like that made me extremely nervous because i was just like fuck if my dad finds out i'm talking to a boy he's gonna think i'm like gonna go get like fucking like kidnapped by like a man if he finds out i'm talking to a boy on the phone who doesn't live in my area he's gonna be like did your dad know that we talked no my dad my because my dad was just so like for the right reasons was really fearful of the internet like he he wasn't even really using the internet we weren't like an internet like forward
forward that just blows my mind because of how close we were we were talking like every day every hour my dad like thought like the people i would like text and talk to on my phone were just like my friends until we got onto a tour then he like that was like was like a change and i really had to force my dad to like let me go on tour and i had to fucking beg i remember the moment he like
said yes to it and agreed to it and it was like I went outside and like it was like at the house they still live in now and we like sat on that on those same chairs that are out there and I was like
I just like looked at him and I was like if you don't let me do this like this will be the most heartbreaking thing ever and I think like it will be something I regret for the rest of my life and like this will this will be life-changing for me and like I literally went outside and I pleaded to him and then like he just sat there in silence and like it was all always out of like just concern for me like my dad was just like hyper paranoid like we didn't grow up in an area where it was very safe already so like obviously like especially for like young like girl so he was just like
that was just like always on his mind and then I remember he like said yes to it and then he was like he was like but if some if one thing goes wrong it is done like you are packing it all up and it is done and then like I remember the one the one thing he said to me and I think he was really concerned because again of like general history he he was like always really concerned about his kids like ever like drinking or using drugs and stuff like which I feel like most parents are always like concerned for I remember like the one thing is he said to me he was like and you're just like
never leave a cup unattended and like he like said that to me I'm gonna put GHB in your drink um and like it wasn't even like over like you or anything he was just like never and like that was like the thing he said to me and he was like and please be safe because I think like that weekend because that I was pushing it so hard because it was like that was like the determining weekend if I was gonna start or not um and yeah but he didn't know I was like friends with anybody even up until like I remember like even when like Emma passed like
like that was so hard to explain to him like i was just like i remember i was like at the beach with my family i remember that was like so hard to explain and i was like no like because i also didn't want to out that i've been using the internet but i was like no this is somebody i know and he was like it's someone you follow and i was like no it's like and like i like just didn't know how to like explain it to him i was like and he he was like didn't know how to help me he was like
He was like, I don't get it. Have you seen this person before? And I was like, yes, but on my phone. It was just so funny to try to explain that to him. Or being at the beach and just being like... And also it was funny because at that time I had friends, but again, I was so reserved. I didn't really have anyone to talk to about it, which was also such a crazy thing. But that's a whole other topic. But yeah, it's just so funny. My dad had no idea. I had a whole community of friends. Like a life. He literally...
He was so unaware of that. It's like Hannah Montana. I was living a double life. I literally was. Was that the first time anybody's cried on the podcast? Maybe. Oh my God. Wow. But yeah, I just remember like...
My dad just didn't fucking know, dude. He had no idea. I think he had an inkling. Like, he's not, like, dumb. My dad isn't, like, he wasn't, like, what's the internet? Like, he had Facebook, but he wasn't, like, using it, like, for, like, to meet different people. I don't even think he still is doing that. Like, whatever. Well, I saw your dad on Grindr. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. So he is using it to meet people. But you didn't, like, interact with him? No, we matched and I hit. Like, crazy. Oh.
The second time someone's cried on the podcast. But yeah, I don't even know why I got into that. Oh, but I was just basically, yeah, my dad had no idea that I like had so many friends on the internet. And I think like even like, I think when I went to press play, he knew maybe that I knew Christian because my dad was like, how did this even happen? And I was like, well, one of my like,
like friends who I follow, like added me on or whatever. Cause Christian was also like the second person I had like spoken to on the phone. I remember he spoke to me on the phone because he was basically recruiting me for press play because we had all been like texting and talking so much, like not vocally, but we'd been talking so much. Um, like that whole like crew that was forming. And I was like,
He was like, can I call you? Because I need to ask. I'm confused. What's your setup? And I was like, oh my God. And then Christian ended up telling me that he was in the same position. That his parents still were kind of confused about it. He was on press play, but they were still like, don't talk to new people on the internet. They were still very like, don't. Because we've seen who you know, and we don't want you to keep meeting random people. Because you've lived this far without being kidnapped, but you will be kidnapped. And then he told me that- It is surprising that we weren't kidnapped by-
It is really shocking. I mean, we basically were. Yeah, we were held captive emotionally. But yeah, I remember with my parents, they like genuinely didn't care. They were like, whatever. Like, do whatever you want. Next episode, we'll talk about the tour. Because like, I can't, we need to just talk about it. Yeah, we need Christian on, but he'll never do that. Yeah, that's just too much. Yeah, it was a lot. There was a lot of crazy shit happening.
that we got into that went down. Just weird, weird vibes. But it was also life changing and like I would change it for the world. - And it was fun 'cause I got to see you guys and that's what solidified my friendship is like meeting you guys. I remember-- - Give me that snot hand. I love you. - Love you too. - And I loved everything we've accomplished together. - I love you too. Here's to only going up or failing in a burning fire.
- Yeah, we either go up from here or we go down and down and down and down. And we make our S word pact come true. - Oh, that's for sure. - Coming soon. - But yeah, 10 years of the internet, 10 years of knowing all these schools. - Two years of this. - Almost two years. It's so crazy. It's like fucking insane. - When is two years? 104 episodes?
Damn, we have like half of a year. More than half of a year. We haven't been doing this for as long as it's felt. But yeah, just insane that like all of my first friends from the internet I like have contact with and like some of them are now or like people I see like constantly. Too much. Yeah, it's like too much. I can't handle anybody. Like sometimes when I like every time we're like all in a group there's like always the moment of realization when I look at all these freaks and I'm like
Oh my God. We grew up together. We're old as fuck now. Well, I want to talk about one more thing. One more thing and we'll touch on it just briefly and then we'll go, we'll see it in the-- or we'll talk more in depth about it in the next episode. But have you seen the new SpongeBob Mandela effect? -Fuck you. -Have you? -It's really jarring. -No, I have not. Okay, so you know the episode where he plays guitar?
yeah wait the movie where he plays the guitar yeah it's like he's like on the strings yeah yeah what can you describe the guitar he was playing oh it was it like white and big and it was like not like super big but it like it had like points yes that's what everyone remembers but this is the guitar that is now like
in the Mandela. Like, that's it. And this is what everybody remembers. Yeah, that's what it was. Yeah, but it's not. This is a fan rendition. And this is the real one.
no because i remember being pointy i i remember it too and i remember it having two heads for some reason yeah i remember having like i remember it different yeah but isn't that fucking crazy are you sure they didn't just like reanimate it no because you can even go back on the vhs tapes and the dvds or whatever and look at it and it's the fucking um peanut i i don't the goofy i never yeah i never noticed that it was
And it's crazy that I asked you and you said white and pointy because that's literally what everyone fucking remembers. And if you don't, you're from a different timeline and you weren't, you were always here. You didn't shift timelines with us. But I have this theory that Mandela effect is like,
quantum hackers hacking the code and dropping little trinkets or little things into our reality to make us realize that, oh, we have these abilities to affect quantum mechanics or physics and completely shift the timeline forever. That or the CERN laser, every time it drops or every time it collides, it shifts us into a different reality. And some things are just lost along the way or some things are changed, but like,
if you remember something from the past reality, you shifted. And if you don't, you were already here. If you remember the... So, like, for example, like, if you remember the white guitar, you shifted realities when CERN zapped its laser. And if you remember the peanut guitar, you didn't. And you were already in this reality. And you're... Yeah. Crazy. It's crazy. Or, like, maybe it's just because, like, what we...