cover of episode Nightmare Blurnt Rotations

Nightmare Blurnt Rotations

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Emergency Intercom

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Enya: 我对大麻的反应与众不同,它会引发我的焦虑和恐慌,甚至让我接近精神错乱。我发现空腹吸食或食用大麻会加剧这种不良反应。为了避免这些问题,我需要确保大麻中CBD的含量远高于THC。即使如此,高剂量的CBD也会让我嗜睡。我尝试过各种方法来控制我的反应,例如在食用大麻前吃饱饭,并且只在熟悉和信任的朋友身边吸食。尽管如此,我仍然会经历令人不安的体验,例如身体颤抖、言语障碍、短暂的意识丧失和妄想。我过去能够承受大量的食用大麻,而现在只需要少量就能达到同样的效果。我最近一次糟糕的大麻体验是误以为有人试图闯入我们的房子。在一次糟糕的大麻体验中,我经历了类似于“出体体验”的现象,我仿佛在观看自己经历这些事情,同时有人告诉我应该如何避免这些情况。 Drew: 我吸食大麻的经历与Enya截然不同。我过去能够承受大量的食用大麻,而现在只需要少量就能达到同样的效果。我曾经有过几次非常糟糕的大麻体验,这些体验让我感到极度焦虑,并担心这种状态会持续下去。在一次糟糕的大麻体验中,我经历了短暂的意识丧失和精神错乱,甚至产生了暴力倾向的幻想。我曾经在空腹食用大麻后,出现了严重的负面反应,包括难以表达、失去方向感等。我还经历过类似于“出体体验”的现象,我仿佛在观看自己经历这些事情,同时有人告诉我应该如何避免这些情况。我发现与熟悉和信任的人一起吸食大麻可以减少焦虑和尴尬。我曾经在一次糟糕的大麻体验中,对电视节目产生了偏执的想法,认为电视节目是用来控制人们的。尽管如此,我仍然认为大麻对很多人有帮助,只是对我个人来说,它带来的负面影响远大于正面影响。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their experiences with excessive weed consumption, including panic attacks and hallucinations.

Shownotes Transcript


Hello, welcome to this episode of Emergency Intercom.

This morning I woke up and my phone was broken. Not my fault. It's fully your fault. No, it was literally, you know what it was? It was the universe heard me talking about how much I like the camera on your phone and the universe manifested a new phone for me. So it broke, it broke my phone. See, I was thinking it was the universe telling you to get off your fucking phone because you're on your damn phone all the time. No, I'm not.

No, actually, when it happened, I was like, oh, like, this is the universe, like, trying to get India to get her burner phone. Like, she's been saying she wants to do it. I know. I was thinking about that. I was like, I literally, I'm not kidding. That's why I was like, I might just transfer, not to say that an iPhone 10 is a fucking burner phone. Like, it's literally still an iPhone. But actually, I'm not kidding.

It is. This sounds like so like hyper consumerism, like brainwash, but it is actually insane how much faster the new phones move, especially with the updates versus this fucking hinky dinky donkey ass phone. Literally. And the cameras on this are like absolute garbage. Yeah. Like literally, I know y'all can't see this and I'm literally, we're not going to make the effort to put it in, but like, look at the fucking camera on this one.

It literally looks, I mean, it's kind of. It's kind of alive. It's kind of cool. It's like blown out. I know. I am going to, I think I'm just going to keep this one until the new fucking iPhone comes out. Cause if I buy your phone, Steve Jobs is about to announce a new one. I'll sell you my phone. Imagine I thought Steve Jobs was still alive and I said that and I meant it.

Um, can you just give me your phone for free? No. Oh my god. I'm sorry. Oh my god. It just told your parents. Actually, you know what? I'm feeling good today. You can have it. You can have it. We can trade. I'll take the iPhone. No, I'll take the broken one because the cameras on that one are kind of crazy. Yeah, you can take that one. The only bad thing about this one is I don't have the wide lens, so now I can't be goofy. But yeah, I'm just going to keep this one. But basically, I just wanted to let everybody know because, um...

I'm just different. Like, I'm not like y'all. I'm not like stuck in that capitalistic loop where I feel like this insidious need to go buy a new iPhone the second my iPhone breaks. Like, I keep everything, not because I'm a hoarder, but because...

One day you'll need it. See, that's where my poor brain comes into use because people are like, oh, just get rid of that phone. And I'm like, no, I need to keep it. What if something happens? I want to keep it. It's valuable. You're saying this like you didn't just spend $5,000 in the past two days. Literally, Alisa sent me a picture that Combe released the ballet shoes that I just bought from the 2003 collection. They re-released a new pair. And I literally was like, how much? And I was like, wait, actually, literally don't tell me because I actually can't buy them. I should not buy them.

Buy them. I literally... I have two pairs of comb flats. Two pairs of ballet-esque comb flats. And they don't fit. Nope. Neither pair fit. One's too big, one's too small. Yeah. I just look. Didn't you try to get it stretched out? Yeah, and it didn't work because literally like the 2003 ones are made out of fucking wooden leather. Not even leather. The leather turns to dust as he stretches. But basically, all that aside...

We're here to talk about weed.

Because we are fucking monsters. No, and we're hella chill. We're chill as fuck. We're chill as fuck. But you know, sometimes we like to have a weed-induced panic attack. Every once in a while we want to freak the fuck out.

Yeah, fully. So we smoke a little bit. Or eat a little bit, I guess. Yeah, I guess. Because I can't smoke. Okay, we'll explain our separate situations because we're the same, but also not because I can partake if I want. But it has to be very, very specific. Yeah. Like...

I have to have weed that has like an intense amount of CBD in it for me to get high because if it isn't more CBD than THC, I will literally lose my mind and like run away forever. Like it's like a paradox for you though. Cause like you need, uh,

CBD to like get high but then you smoke CBD and you sleep till 4 p.m. the next day. Yeah and CBD literally sedates me which is one of my theories is that like I think I am you would think I don't know how to explain this because like I in my head I'm like weed is supposed to calm you down but it literally gives me like such an adrenaline rush that it like incites a panic attack. Sativa Inika.

I don't know. I literally don't know. She doesn't know. I smoked just sativa once and I literally, I started shaking and I almost went to psychosis and I remember I was at a ride's house and I was like, do you have a CBD joint? Please, I need CBD now. Yeah, CBD fixed me, but it might be placebo. I might just be like crazy. Yeah. And I do know, I do, I found out that smoking on an empty stomach is really fucking bad. Oh, yeah. That's probably why I,

Like every time I've ever smoked weed or eaten weed, I've had just like the most awful psychedelic, like bad trip experience of my entire life. It's because I probably don't have a full belly. Oh, fully. Yeah. I'm curious to see if maybe one day if I'm ready enough and all that trauma from those terrible trips is gone. If I can just like.

Eat a meal and then smoke and see if it's all good. Yeah, that's actually another thing. I always eat before. Like, I'll be with someone who, like, enjoys smoking weed and then they'll be like, oh my god, I'm gonna smoke and then we should order food. And I'm like, no. I'm getting food in me. And then I can, like, maybe join. Maybe I'll have a midnight snack. What is it? Munchies? Munchies? If you can't tell, I feel fucking batshit crazy today. I don't feel normal.

I mean, I'm not doing a good job at hiding it at this point. I'm not good at masking it. I genuinely actually do think it's because you need to eat. Yeah. Because I think I was like, I personally probably, no. It's just, it's too much. I think for me at the end of the day, like as the consumer, I want the,

I feel like people love weed so much because it's easy and, like, it feels good every time for them. And, like, the fact that, like, for you, it's a gamble. And then for me, it's like I literally have to take all these precautionary steps to enjoy it most of the time. It's like that's why I can't be, like, a full-time, like, consumer connoisseur because I'm like, bitch...

I want to see you at like full blown stoner phase, like picking out the nug that has the most crystallization at fucking sweet flower or whatever, like doing the math on the THC and shit. That would be fucking awesome. But also I was thinking, um, as you were saying that, I was like,

I don't smoke weed. I haven't smoked weed since high school. So I'm thinking it also could be the fact that I'm just eating edibles because or like taking edible weed because I know it has like it's a crazy different effect. So maybe that has something to do with it.

like, oh no, I've had like fucking freak outs on just smoking weed too. I don't know. I just think I have like a weird brain chemistry. Like I think it, I think it just has something to do with like my anxiety. And then like, like weed just makes me like more anxious. I don't know. I go into it anxious every time I'm like, oh, maybe I'm going to have a bad trip or some shit. Yeah. I guess I used to have that. And then I like, like was just like, dude, at,

worse things worse as I go to sleep. I just go to sleep. Cause I think like the last time I had like a really bad, actually, no, the last, my last really bad high was like so fucking bad, but I think her, I'm trying to know. Actually, no, my last bad high was when you had your last good high was literally because we're always on fucking offices. It's when you, me and Orion got high together and I got too high, which is again weird because I had just eaten dinner. Oh no, I didn't finish dinner. Cause that's why it,

It was a big drama. But I went home and I had... There's drama to unpack there. I know. I got high and at that point I can recognize it. When it's not too bad, I've been good at being like, oh fuck, I have to just go put myself to bed and get naked and shake until I fall asleep. The absolute worst feeling in the world is a bad high.

And like you're laying in bed and you're like, I'm just going to go to sleep. I'm going to sleep it off. And then you're like, brain is going a million miles an hour. And you're like literally freaking the fuck out. And I always go to this same thought where I'm like, I'm trapped like this forever. Like I'm stuck like this. Like I'm literally going to be stoned for the rest of my life. Like I literally hate this feeling. I want it gone. And then I wake up the next morning and I'm like,

Huh. That was like... That was weird. That was funny. That was goofy. I literally... I don't know what I think. I don't know if I think like I'm going to be stuck here forever, but I think I'm just like embarrassed and like freaked out. Yeah. And like...

Because I literally go into shakes. Like, I literally, like, I, like, physically start, like, trembling. And, like, I can't stop myself from trembling, which is also why I think it's, like, an adrenaline thing. Because, like, each time it happens the same way. It's like I'm sitting and, like, I don't know what triggers it. Maybe it's someone mentioning that we're high or, like, I don't know what it is. You're high right now, aren't you? Dude, Christian did that to me once and it also destroyed me. Oh, my God, you're so high. Yeah, I mean, literally...

Actually, the first time I had a bad high, that's how it happened is I like, should I just get into that story? Yeah. So my first like really bad high was I was again, I was never like a stoner because I think like we've said this before, like just in general, I don't like consume a lot.

But like the first time I had a bad high at this point, I was like I was fully chilled, like smoking, eating edibles like it didn't affect me. If anything, it took a lot for me to get high. So I was taking like anywhere from 25 milligrams to 50 milligrams of edible and like not thinking twice about it, which is like for the naive is a shit ton. Like that's that's a lot of weed.

Yeah, that is insane. Because, like, now I see literally someone take, like, a 10 milligram edible and I freak the fuck out. I'm like, y'all are living life on the edge. Like, you're a dangerous person. You scare the fuck out of me. Actually, a good fucking comparison is now for me to get high, it only takes max, like,

five milligrams and it has to have a bunch of CBD with that. So I went from like being able to like down 50 milligrams. And then on top of that, like two hours later smoke. Cause I'm like, I'm not as high anymore. Like I, I can do that. Literally first coming to LA, like you were stoned like the entire time. Like you smoked so much weed. It was just like,

like it was literally like it was one of those things where I didn't get to do it in high school I couldn't do it at home if my dad's hearing this he's literally gonna kill himself because I haven't spoken to him about this like literally it was just like one of those things where I didn't do it at home I didn't do it in high school and then once I graduated I was like

damn i could just buy it here i'm gonna explore a little bit even though i couldn't buy it here i yeah but whatever you get me it was just like a thing here but yeah i was like oh i was in my i maybe i did i had a little stoner phase but it was like only within the week i'd be here and then i would go home and like never do anything yeah um but it was dude this day was a fucking nightmare it was actually what's that one convention

VidCon. It was VidCon. I came to VidCon alone. I had been up since 6am. I was there all day alone. I had intense anxiety because like I don't do like well when like

come up to me like in big groups it like actually freaks me the fuck out and I think it's mainly because like in my head I'm like y'all are about to attack me and I'm about to have to fist fight everybody like I don't know you're like primal instincts kick in and you're like oh my god there's a lot of people surrounding me I'm gonna have to fight each one of them literally so like a bunch of people were coming up to me and like

I'm sure on the outside I looked normal, but on the inside I was literally having a fucking panic attack. And then after that long day of just like anxiety and running around alone, I had to get in a two hour Uber back to LA from Anaheim because it was like during peak traffic. My Uber driver was a creep. He asked for my number, was playing like

music that he made that it was literally him rapping over Goosebump beats. Like, it was the most insane shit ever. Um, at one point he, like, pulled off the highway and stopped to get gas and left me in the car alone and I was like, oh my god, I'm gonna be murdered by him. Like, he's gonna murder me. Um, we later on went to, like, troll the fuck out of him and it was awesome. Yeah. But...

I got back home. I hadn't eaten yet, which, like, I had done before. I had, like, smoked and, like, had edibles on an empty stomach. But I had anxiety all day. I hadn't eaten. And my friend was like, oh, I have, like, edibles. Do you want some? And I was like, yeah, how much is that? And she was like, $25. And I was like, oh, perfect. So I took it. Didn't think anything of it. Me, my brother, my friend Ashley, and her boyfriend at the time went to McDonald's, I think, for

Ashley's boyfriend was driving or someone had a car we were going to McDonald's and as we got to McDonald's I just like this was literally within like less than 30 minutes I went from like being like just exhausted anxiety ridden to like being belligerently high to the point that I like remember I went up to go order and I like I I just like could barely read the menu because my brain was just like being fucking like smushed by the ass of an edible and I was just like

sitting there and I was like can I and I was like kind of stumbling over my words and my friend Ashley from the side just goes you're so high right now and it literally just instantly like I was like fuck I am so high right now like I need to go I need to get out of here and I remember I like ordered stuff and I like went and like stood by the water the fountain machine and was like trying to distract myself and get like juice but Ashley and her boyfriend were like laughing at me and Dante was kind of just watching and being like what what am I

witnessing right now like this is weird Dante was not high Dante was just like sober in there Dante's also my brother I don't know if I mentioned that but we get back in the car I'm like in the car and I'm like shoving fries in my mouth because I'm like I think I need food like I'm just like shoving fries in my mouth hella silent we get back to the apartment and the apartment like

was in downtown the airbnb i was staying at and it was like the parking garage was like a loop like a spiral parking lot and we couldn't find our fucking floor so then i got the spins because um dante was driving and was just like going in a loop up and down and up and down and everyone kept asking me like what's the parking spot number what's the parking spot number i was like dude i don't i don't know like please like stop talking to me right now please like actually i'm freaking the fuck out and then

And I don't even remember from the car to the apartment, but I got into the apartment. We're all sitting at this like island eating. And all of a sudden, like we're talking and I don't think I'm talking that much, but the conversation starts like slowing down. And I don't know how to explain this, but like sentences are still fluid, but the way they're happening is, is like if after every word you picked up the next word. So it was like,

I think I need to drink water. You literally just had a psychedelic trip. Yeah. So it was like, it was like, I would say I, and then for anybody who's not watching and didn't see my hand movie, it's like, I would be like, I think I need to drink water. And that's how the conversation was going. We were all sitting in a circle and it was going like that. And I just like, in that moment, I was like,

This is not normal and I just like put my head down on the counter and I'm not kidding I knock the fuck out like I literally put my head down and I pass out and Dante freaks out and like jerks me awake and I wake up and I see them and I don't know who they are and they scared the fuck out of me You're literally the first person to overdose on weed. You literally like overdosed and died I'm not kidding because I literally did because they scared the fuck out of me. I got up and I start screaming like

Like, hysterical, like, woman in danger screaming. Oh, my God. And I'm, like, in this apartment. I'm shrieking. I'm, like, screaming and running around this, like, it's not a big apartment. It's, like, a one-bedroom apartment. And I'm running in circles, like, running away from them, like, screaming. And they're obviously chasing me because they're, like, girl, like, they're going to grab me. And I'm just freaking out. And then, finally, I, like...

knock onto the floor. I think I like fall onto the floor onto my back and I'm like looking up and Dante's over me and is like, what's wrong? And I'm like, who, who are you? No way. Um, and I like, the only way to describe this part is like, um, this is what my life felt, felt like this is like a book and this is what it felt like. It felt like, like that, like pages flipping rapidly. Yeah. It felt like, like,

Speeding up and slowing down. Yeah, like it was like going slow and then going really fast and then going really slow. She gave you salvia. She gave you DMT.

I'm like laying on the floor and I like close my eyes and it's just pure white and I like have zero thoughts and and like I start genuinely this sounds fucking crazy happening just off of an edible but I literally start thinking about my whole life like everything that's ever happened to me like I'm like I've had a very similar experience yeah like recounting my life like trying to like it's like a part of my brain is trying to like feed me the information and be like this is who you are and I'm like to not tell you I was like

My name is Annie Emanzor. Like, I'm from Miami. You're my older brother. I have, like, three other siblings. And, like, I'm, like, trying to, like, feed the information that my brain is feeding me to Dante to, like, verify it to make sure that I'm, like, a real human. Yeah. And I, like, get back up and I'm still in a full panic and I, like, run to my room and I, like...

In front of everyone, I start stripping down my clothes and Dante's like, hey, hey, like we're all here. And I was like, look away. Like, I don't know what I said, but I like got naked and got under the covers. I started shaking like because my clothes were like like suffocating me. So I had to get them off and I got under the covers and I was like shaking. And then I started making crazy accusations and like making up theories that I was like,

I was like, I know today, like, I was alone with this person and this person. And I think I was, like, given something from them. And, like, this, like, dude, it was actually insane. Like, I was convinced all my deepest, darkest fears had happened to me. And, yeah, and then I woke up. And I was, like, kind of still convinced about that part. Yeah. And then you had a bad trip, like...

two months later and it re-triggered that like paranoia all that paranoia back and you like sat in my lap crying about it all and I was like I don't know what to do here but like I'm just gonna pet your head and like everything's gonna be okay I have a very similar like bad weed trip story where um so like back in Texas like well I had two really bad ones from Texas um so the first one like

Um, I was in high school and like weed was still very illegal and like my parents like weren't down for it or whatever. And just like all this crazy shit. Um, so me and my friends like bought like a baggie of weed. I don't know how much fucking weed we bought, whatever. Um, and like,

uh for some reason like they pinned it on me it was always like I don't want it at my house so you take it we'll give it to you and you can keep it at your house and then like for some reason it fell back on me and like I had never smoked alone before and I was just like I don't want this in my room but whatever like I'll I'll have it in my room so I had this like baggie of weed and like uh joint uh papers and I was just like alone and bored one night on the weekend and I was like you know what like

I'm going to smoke alone and see what happens. So I like took the weed out of the bag, like crushed it up with my fucking fingers and rolled like, I'm not kidding. The worst joint I have ever seen in my entire life. Like it was actually a fucking toothpick. It like has broken bones. No, literally it was like crinkly and like fucking just rancid looking. It was like actually hard to look at. It was so gross. And like I went out to like my balcony and

And I smoked this joint and like I like when I tell you like there was no weed inside of it like there was like no weed it was literally like I was just smoking a rolling paper but like for some reason I got like blasted into outer space like literally like zooted beyond belief and I was like oh my fucking god like.

This is terrible. Like, I hate this. I hate the way I feel. And then I just, like, went back to my room and tried to, like, have fun. But I literally, like, couldn't. Like, I was like, just smile. Like, you'll be fine. Just smile through it. Like, you'll be okay. You'll be okay. And so I'm just, like, sitting in my bed, like, with my eyes closed, like, rocking back and forth. Just smile.

Literally like just smiling. And then like I like almost like astral projected or some weird shit. And I was like looking at myself in the third person. And I was like, oh my God, I'm literally like...

I've lost my mind. I'm sitting on my bed, smiling, rocking back and forth. And then I'm looking at myself. It was this whole weird cycle of thoughts. And then I snap out of it and I open my eyes and then I'm like, oh my God, I'm freaking the fuck out. I'm trapped like this forever. I triggered schizophrenia. I'm literally going to be like this forever. Oh my God, oh my God. And just spiral thoughts, they just keep compounding and snowballing and it just becomes like

like a real thing for you if you're like having a bad trip and so I lay under my covers and I close my eyes and then I start thinking about my parents and I'm like oh my god like my parents like I'm up here like I'm a degenerate I just smoked a joint like my parents if they knew this would like literally like disown me like they're so disappointed in me and like that's like even now like as a 23 year old in a state where it's legal like fully financially like

supporting myself when I smoke I still have like intrusive thoughts in the back of my brain where I'm like my parents would be so disappointed in me like literally just like the weirdest shit

So I'm laying in bed and then like the craziest thoughts start coming into my brain. Like the craziest shit. And I just like start, I just start repeating the word like blood in my head over and over again. Like blood, blood, blood, blood, blood. And like there's like a second thought in my head where it's like stop saying that, stop saying that. But I keep saying blood like over and over again. And this went on for like 15 minutes. Your friends gave you math.

Literally, that's like, I think I was like, I don't know what the fuck it was, but I'm repeating blood over and over and over again in my head. And I'm like, oh my God, like, did I just like find out that I'm a serial killer? Like, did I just like awaken the fact that I'm like an actual serial killer in my brain? And like,

I just want to kill people now. I don't know what was going on. And then I just had this ridiculous thought. I was like, there's knives downstairs. Get the knife. And then I was like, oh my God, this is real. I need to just figure this out. So I took a bunch of sleeping aid and just knocked myself out. And I woke up the next day and was totally fucking fine.

And then probably, like, I should have just known then and there never to fuck with weed again. Because, like, I literally think it's, like, from the devil. Like, literally, it's, like, devil shit. Like, it, like, opens your fucking third eye and, like, it awakens you from society. Alcohol opens you up to demons. Yeah, literally. No, it, like...

I'm sure a lot of y'all have noticed we don't have many ads anymore and you're probably thinking wow Oh my god, I feel so bad for them. They deserve ads But we're doing our job. You're not doing your job You need to fucking subscribe and engage with me or I will never do my job again. I Like I can't believe I miss reading ads. I like I miss the taste It's so evil like if it is evil to you but then I like

um like two weeks later I should have known better but I was like whatever like I'm with my homies like it'll probably be different so we're like in this like attic space because again like it's illegal where we live like we have to hide when we do it and um it's like furnished though and like this is the first time I've ever used like a bong before and like if you haven't used a bong before like it

is so much weed smoke all at once like it's really really gnarly and it hits you way quicker and it's just like this whole fucking thing and also like my friends would be like no like if you cough you get higher like you need to cough more and i was like no like it hurts like whatever so i take this like everybody takes a bong rip and then it comes to me and i'm like like i don't want to do this like this this is gonna suck but i like i

feel peer pressure, not from... They weren't like, you have to do it, but I feel like this is just like, if I don't do it, I'll be a... Whatever. You're gonna be a bitch. Yeah, I'm a bitch. I don't wanna be a bitch. So I like...

Take this, like, massive bong rip, and everyone's like, no, that was too much. Like, that was a big hit. Like, that's the most smoke I've ever seen come out of this bong. Like, all this crazy shit. You feel, like, proud for, like, .0 seconds? No, I was petrified. I was literally like, oh, my fucking God, this is about to be so bad. So then I immediately, like, stumble over to this couch and just, like, close my eyes and, like, go into my head.

And, like, it was like I was, like, experiencing life from, like, a cell. Like, from the very first cell that was formed in my mother's body. Like, it felt like I, like, was, like, in that... You know that SpongeBob episode where, like, it's the white room and, like, the shapes and the words? Like, it felt like I was in that universe. But then, like...

like it was just like the world was exploding around me or whatever and like I like began as a cell and then like I like formed into like a clump of cells and then I was a fetus and then like I was born and I just like experienced my life and like then it went on beyond like where I was now and I like experienced like my life up until like death and like it was this crazy fucking experience like it was literally the most hallucinogenic like psychedelic

I've ever had in my entire life. Like even have like partaking in like mushrooms and LSD and shit like that. So I was just like, holy shit. Like it wasn't necessarily a bad trip, but it was like, it was just like so anxiety inducing and like it fucked me up for like weeks. No, like years. Like I genuinely think it's like, that was like the beginning of like my super like existential like

thought processes and shit. Like, I really do think it was just, like, the Kickstarter of my depression. Like, I, like, couldn't look at... I couldn't look up at the stars at night because I was just, like, so scared of, like, the infinite, like, universe and, like, my brain can't process that. My God. Yeah, dude, it fucked my shit up. But here we are now.

And you still be trying. I'm still fucked up. But yeah, those were like two of the most notable weed trips I've had. And then like I've said it before, but like recently I had two milligrams of a weed soda and thought people were like trying to break into our house. Like, hell no. I like, I have like another story, but it's like so fucking gnarly. I like literally don't want to say it. The one where I was like literally like watching myself in like an ad or whatever. Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. Like, that one was just so insane. And that one's, like, kind of... I feel like it'd be triggering, so, like, I don't want to talk about it. But it literally was, like, so fucking insane. Like, on my last really bad, like, psychosis-ass shit, I was literally, like...

out of body watching myself experience the things I was watching and I was being told what not to do in my life to avoid the situation I was already in and it was so fucked up and like it was involving someone else and like the other person was like playing a part in the like infomercial I was watching it was insane um

And, yeah, that also ended with me shaking and going to sleep. I've been pretty lucky. Like, I haven't had, like, a bad weed experience probably since, like, 2019. Yeah. Since late 20s, which is insane. Because you, like, just figured out what works for you. Yeah, I just, like, during quarantine specifically, like, me and Orion would, like, experiment and...

I found out. Sexually or? Yeah, we would like touch each other's boobs and like get high so that it was like we were like a little more like chill with it. Keep going. Oh, huh? Oh, sorry. I forgot the mic's in camera. We're here. This is weird. But,

Oh, I think that's also another thing is it depends on who you're with because like I would like try to get high with like literally everybody in the world and like in like situations where I didn't know people very well and I like wasn't super relaxed around them. And then I like just like filed it down to only getting high around like you and Orion. And then like from there I could like venture into like even other people in the friend group. But it was literally just like.

who are the people that have seen me at like my lowest and like most vulnerable and I was like okay Drew and Orion like because if y'all see me panic like I won't feel as much embarrassment and shame so like that was another thing was like I hated the feeling of like embarrassment and that would make all of my like bad highs even worse because like on top of just panicking from like being like fuck I'm like

having a psychedelic trip right now. Like, I was, like, embarrassed by the fact that, like, something that's seen as simple as weed was doing that to me. But I feel like it's common. Yeah, it's very common. I was laughing because I was thinking about, like, next time you have a bad trip around me, I'm literally going to just, like, make fun of you. And, like, I'm literally just going to be like, nightmare. Like, you're going to have a nightmare. Dude, Drew's fucking evil. Drew, Drew.

will come into a room. Me and Orion will be like very calmly watching TV and like watching like near death comps like high as shit just on the sofa. Dude, wait. We need to keep going. Sorry. When Drew will come in and be like nightmare, nightmare and be like oh my god y'all look so high right now. It smells like weed in here. Did y'all smoke? Like

just saying all this shit and like trying to freak us out and I feel like there was like maybe one time where it like kind of almost got me but then I was like no he's like doing this on purpose like ignore him I do to people that like understand that I'm joking but like I don't go into like a group of people who are like stoned out of their mind and I'm like y'all are like gross degenerate sweet heads you did it recently like fuck

Fuck, I can't think of it. But we were, like, I think in the car or something. And you, like... It was, like, me and a few other people. And you were, like, oh, my God. Y'all are, like, so high right now. Like...

It's just fun. And you always deliver it like that. Like, you deliver it like you're going to say something important so we all listen. And then you're like, y'all are so high right now. Are you okay? Like, are you freaking out? It's probably the most evil thing I do. I try to purposely green people out because I just want them to feel what I feel, you know? Because I forgot about this, but when I was back, my most recent bad weed experience was when I was back in Texas. Oh, yeah.

And I was like laying on the couch watching TV and I just had the gnarliest thoughts about like, like we were watching Netflix and I was watching these shows on Netflix and I was like, I was like, no, this is like garbage TV. Like we're watching garbage TV. And then we watched, I was like, I was like, we have to turn this off. We have to turn this episode off. Like, or we have to turn the show off because it's literally like it was made by aliens to like keep us like,

Like, or some, like, crazy, like, freaked out, like...

thought process so we switched it and we put on this like magic show and it was like this dude doing which is like the worst thing to switch it to but it was like it was so confusing because it was like this dude doing magic but I couldn't tell if it was like a joke or if it was real or what and I just kept saying that out loud and I kept like audibly being like no no like no like turn this off and I just kept going into these thoughts about like how like

Like, this is gonna... I literally sound psycho, but I was like, dude, like, TV is made to, like, keep the population at bay. Like, just, like, the most fucking smoke... That's literally what everybody thought in, like, the 80s. Yeah, exactly. Like, the most smoke thoughts you can ever have. And I was like, this is why I don't do... Like, this is why I don't smoke or take edibles. Because I literally, like, cannot remember, like, the last good experience I had. And even, like... Like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't care. But, like...

Literally, I could just go on and on. You sound like HRH. I don't know. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Whatever. But I'm, like, not anti-weed because I know it does help a lot of people. But, like, for me personally, I'm like, it was made by the devil. Like, literally. And it's trying to kill me constantly. You're like, it's trying to kill me when the only person who could put it in you is you. Exactly. No, the weed, it controls people. Yeah.

Fuck. I was just thinking, oh, that reminded me of when I went to Texas for like that fun party we went to. What was that party I went to Texas for? My brother's funeral. That was the event of the year. But when I went to Texas for that and I like brought the, my like chocolate edible. Like that one, that edible is like five to five, five T and C, five CBD. And I just, I got,

I just realized where you're going. I got so high with Drew's family who I like, this is my first time meeting them. And we like all like got a little, like some of us got a little high and I got high and

you were trying to get us all to play katan and i literally i was like dude like my brain don't play katan with me do not you're a fucking cheater i don't cheat i just play the chaos agent i like causing people pain i like being the villain i like being the villain i can't be the villain in real life so i'll do it in fucking board game reality but we was trying to get us all to play katan and i was like dude i can't like my brain can't do this and then i got hungry and i

got up there was like leftover like tacos that I could make in the kitchen and I got up to go make tacos and I'm like she was in the kitchen for 45 minutes and okay she was in the kitchen for 45 minutes like making like small little sounds like like you'd hear like tinfoil crunch and then you'd hear a drawer like open and shut then you'd hear like a spatula and she was in there literally like forever I was sober so like my like grasp of time was like very accurate and I was like

I was like, what is she doing in there? What is she building in there? And, like, she came back with, like, the two most bunk... Like, literally two bunk fucking tacos. Like, the most bunk shit I've ever seen. No, I don't know why.

I don't know why it made me think. I just had a wonderful conversation with a friend. Like, that's what I felt like walking into the kitchen. Yeah. I was literally just in there, like, thinking in my brain. And the thing is, I did get anxiety because I was like, I've been in here for so long. And I think who, one of my, uh. I think your mom pointed to that. My mom was like, you were in there forever. And then everybody just died laughing. Dude, and I.

remember you know what made it even longer is because I every now and then I would stop and like look over to see if y'all were looking at me and like I would like spend like three minutes like eyeballing y'all to see if somebody looked up to look at me and it made the

I made the process slower because I'd like do one thing and then be like, dude, I've been doing this for so long. Like look over and see if y'all are looking at me. Dude. But that's one of those times where like I got anxiety, but it wasn't like. Like going to kill your chill. Yeah, it wasn't going to kill me. It was like funny because I was like, dude, if I'm in here for any longer, it's like.

It's gonna be like too funny. Like I like need to get out dude I just like I romanticize like sneaking around my like family so much like with weed like I'll like think back to like all the times that I like snuck out of my house to like go do like bad shit with my friends and like Like coming in and like having to be like quiet like getting past the front door in the moment It's like the scariest fucking thing in the world like one wrong move and like you wake up your house or whatever also my parents like

Were like heavy fucking sleepers because I would be loud as shit coming into the house and they would never fucking wake up. But I just literally love that feeling or thinking back on it, like sneaking around. I don't I didn't really really have that because again, like I just was like too scared to like get in trouble in my house. Like my parents were just like so strict that like there wasn't really that. But yeah.

I did. I think I smoked in Miami maybe, like, two, three times in my life. Maybe, like, four random ass times. And I would, like, try to sneak alcohol from my dad, but he, like, always caught me. Like, he genuinely always caught me. So embarrassing. I don't know if he told y'all this. He told us, yeah. Yeah, literally, like, awesome. He, like, made fun of you behind your back about it. Dude, I know. When they went to Miami, my dad told them this story, but...

My dad would, like... My uncle used to have a restaurant. My dad would go out to this restaurant, like, to go hang out with my uncle. And, like, just fucking, I don't know, do what adults do. Like, talk shit about their lives. I don't know. Like, he would just go, like, every weekend. And it was, like, a Saturday night. He went to leave. And I was, like...

Party. I was like, I'm going to have a drink. And I remember I literally, I'm dumb as shit. I didn't even let him get like a block away. Like the second he walked out the door, I got up to go touch the alcohol. And I literally like, there was just the table with all the alcohol. I literally, the second he left, I don't even think, I don't remember how long he was gone. I'm not kidding. He said it like he was gone for 30 seconds. Yeah. He told me the story that like you were gone. He was literally like walked to the car.

Yeah, and walked to the car and was like, oh, I forgot my wallet. And, like, turned around and come back in and came back in. The second my hand was on the bottle, my dad just stood at the door and was looking at me. He was like, what are you doing? And I was like, nothing. And I just, like, got up and turned and went, like, went and sat back down. And I'm so embarrassed. Like, you literally, like, nothing? Nothing.

Oh, cleaning. I was just checking the levels to see if the seven year old siblings. I was just making sure none of the other siblings were touching it. You're like literal children siblings. Yeah. And, um, I think the other time was after prom. I like me and my friend Annie, who I went to prom with, like got back to my house and I like took alcohol and like,

drank with my friend. Oh my god. And then the next morning my dad was like, did you touch that alcohol? And I was like, yes. And then he was like, don't do that. And I was like, okay. Yes. The first time I ever drank, not, no, this isn't the first time I drank, but like

Dude, I was like a badass. I mean, there's nothing to fucking do in shit-ass nowhere Texas. So like literally all we would do... Also, it is so common for teenagers to do this shit. I was barely 13. Okay. Maybe I was barely 14. You're like, I was 8. Yeah.

I was eight years old. But like, I'm... This is probably the dumbest shit I've ever fucking done in my entire life. So like, we start the night at my friend's house, like across the town. And like, we're like...

We're, like, angsty and we're, like, ooh, like, we should do something, like, fun tonight. And, like, mind you, we're literally 13, 14 years old. Like, none of us know what alcohol is. No one knows what alcohol does to us. We've just seen, like... Adults do it. Adults do it. And, like, just all this, like, we had just no... We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. But, like, we went into my friend's fridge and...

Probably like six beers. And like I had pants on. And I put them in my pant leg. And I called my brother. And I was like, yo, like come pick us up. We want to go to my other friend's house. And he was like, ugh. Like whatever, sure. And like we got into the car. And like the beers in my legs were glass. And they were clinking against each other.

clinking against themselves the entire car ride. And like my brother's like 18 at this point or however old he was. So he knows what the fuck's going on. But he's like, really? Like y'all are like children. Like what are y'all doing? So they're like, he like knows what's up. He drops us off and we like get to the house and there's enough beer for like one beer each. And so we all like have this beer and we fucking chug it. And like,

We're all obviously obliterated off of one beer because we're literally, like, 30 pounds, like, whatever. And, like, my other friend whose house we're at... Y'all are hella lightweight. Like, one beer? No, I swear, like, it was high alcohol percentage. And then, so, my... The friends whose house we went to is, like, oh, my mom keeps alcohol in the refrigerator. We should drink it. Or in the freezer. So, he, like, pulls out, like...

The biggest bottle of Grey Goose I have ever seen still to this day. It was one of those like giant ones. Yeah, one of the giant ones you see at like behind counters at like Olive Garden. Exactly. So we pull it out. It's like three quarters full. And we just start chugging it and drinking red Gatorade and chugging and chugging and chugging like to the point where like

Between the four of us or five of us, it was five of us, we finished this entire giant bottle of Grey Goose. Oh my God. And like, which like for like a person my size to drink that much between five people is

is a shit ton of alcohol but literally like being that young like i don't know how none of us died like it was gnarly like we were like literally out front like rolling naked in the grass like projectile vomiting red all over the place because of the fucking gatorade like crying like like crying mom like mom like i want my mommy like freaking the fuck out and um my brother like

calls me and I don't answer and he's like, "Oh, these fuckers are like up to no good."

So then my brother comes back and like bangs on the door and like makes it, he's like, police, like open up. And like, we're freaking the fuck out. We're like stammering around. Like we fill the bottle back with water and put it in the freezer, like put freezer. I mean, put water in a bottle and put it in the freezer to try to cover up our tracks. Like, like his mom wasn't going to notice he was fucked. She was fucking drinking water. And my brother just like opens the door and comes in and he's like, what are y'all doing? And we're like,

Like, my friend's, like, holding back vomit. And, like, we were, like, nothing. And he's, like, no, I know what y'all are fucking doing. I see the beer bottles everywhere. Like, Drew, you're coming home with me. And so, like...

I go home, my homies are left at this house, and, like, my mom is just sitting on the couch, and, like, I, like, walk in, like, an actual, like, TV show drunk, like, just, like, obliterated, like, I take my slides off my feet and just, like, throw them across the room, and I, like, I, my mom's like, Drew, come here, and I'm like, okay, and, like, I go and sit on the couch, and, like, I'm, like, spinning. Literally not

Yeah. I'm like nodding off and spinning. And like, she's just giving me like the typical mom, like I'm disappointed in you. And that made me feel like fucking shit. She was like, like I,

I'm not mad at you like we'll talk about this in the morning but I'm pissed at you and I grab a broom and I like throw it at the wall and like my brother's like laughing his ass off and my mom is like holding back laughs because like she's watching her like she can't be mad because it's yeah I mean she can be mad but she can't be mad because it's literally fucking ridiculous yeah it's it's like comical yeah it's like whatever and so I go into my bed and like I just marinate with that I'm disappointed in you

And I'm just like laying there like one leg off the bed, just like fucking spinning in outer space because I'm so obliterated. And then I wake up the next day and not hung over. And me and my mom had a conversation about it. And all is well. All was well. Dude, just like the putting like water, like being that young and not knowing that like alcohol.

Alcohol doesn't freeze. Exactly. And so I get a call. My mom gets a call the next day from this guy's mom. Yeah. And she's like, I think our boys were drinking last night. And she was like, I wasn't going to. My mom wasn't like a snitch. Like she was chill or whatever. She was like, boys do boy shit sometimes and learn from their own mistakes.

And she was like, because my Grey Goose bottle was exploded in the freezer. Like, it had literally exploded, like, to fucking powder. And there was just an ice block in there. And she was like, like, dumbasses. And he got reprimanded. And, yeah, just whatever. But literally so funny that, like, that shit, like, happened. Like, I don't know. Just, like, young and dumb, I guess. I don't know. Young, dumb, and broke. Yeah.

Young, dumb, young, dumb and broke. Young, dumb, young, dumb and broke. What song is that? I think it's Amine. I don't know. Or Zeke. Zeke. What the fuck is Zeke? Wait, what the fuck is his name? Do you know that song? Young, dumb and broke. Khalid? Yes. Okay. Zeke.

You know who Zeke is. We won't expose Zeke. We can't talk about Zeke, but we'll talk about Zeke when we have Josh on the podcast. We're going to press him for that shit. I know, literally, like, why did he have to die? That's all I'll say. Like, why did he have to die? I was going to say, I literally, maybe one day we'll get into, like, press play and what that really was. The worst time of every, not the worst time of my life, because I did have a lot of friends. Honestly, parts, like, it was like,

My favorite memories as a teenager. It was so much fun. It was awful, but it was, like, the best thing ever. Getting taken advantage of by, like, a scumbag manager, not fun. No, not good. But press play memories, fucking awesome. Yeah, like, so fun and, like, oh my god. One day we'll talk about it, but that is where I, like... Experimented the most. Yeah, I was, like, 16, 17, and that's where I started, like...

and like oh my god I'm like young and I'm like drinking with my friends and like I know someone who anybody who's like been here but no one's stupid because even the like the fans who would come to press play would like we would see like other 16 year olds running around belligerently drunk we'd be on our floor and we'd go to the lobby and they would all just be fucked up too like fucked up in the

in the lobby like eating papa john's and domino's dude literally my first memory with christian um was like my second press play i think and or like my my favorite one of my favorite memories with christian is their second press play i got super drunk because i was like trying to be cool or whatever um and i was like i have texas blood in me i can handle it i got like obliterated and we ordered pizza to the door and i grabbed the pizza and i just frisbee it off the balcony

And everybody's like, dude, why did you do that? Like, what is your fucking issue? Remember Nug Jenner? Nug Jenner. Dude, that was so... I haven't seen that much weed in person since then. Yeah, since then. There was someone we knew who, like, was a, like, huge stoner. And they left, like... This is a playlist memory. Yeah. But they left, like, a big jar of, like... Literally, like, a fucking cookie jar. Like, those huge cookie jars. Yeah.

full of weed in our room and we put a wig on it. And we called it Nug Jenner, Kylie Jenner's like sister. Kylie Jenner's like, that was actually her firstborn. We predicted Stormi because we were like, this is Nug Jenner. Kylie Jenner gave birth to fucking a jar of weed. Nug Jenner. So smokey. We have pictures of it somewhere. I know I do on my like old laptop because Nug Jenner was iconic. The yellow wig.

But, yeah, dude. I think we should talk about, what were you going to say? Oh, our dream blunt rotations. Yeah, dream and nightmare blunt rotations. Yeah. Okay, I wrote mine down. I know I cheated and you were like, we can come up with them on the spot. But I'm just not good at that. Yeah. So I wrote mine down. So I'll start with nightmare. So I'll start with nightmare blunt rotation. Like, I'm going to name my, if I have a baby, I'm going to name it nightmare. Yeah.

Blood. Nightmare blood. Oh, my last name being Cheesecake. No one wants to talk about that. Philly Cheese. Shut up. Cheesecake. Alright, so my nightmare blunt rotation. James Charles. I think that's just very... No, that is a

nightmare. I think you can come to your own conclusions on that. That would be the worst thing. Okay. It would just, it would be terrible. It would just be awful. Okay, then I have the Nelk Boys, like that Instagram, like Super Chads, whatever, like absolute nightmare. Those are the guys who if like you were getting high via bong rips would like make you do a dab against your will. Literally. And then they'd start freestyling around. They'd start like white boy freestyling. Like put on a tight beat. I want to rap.

I also have white boy who wants to freestyle as a nightmare. I have Josiah as Cruella. So, like, a little backstory. We watched Cruella, and Josiah watched the new Cruella movie, like, 18,000 times. Like, he's watched it probably 15 times. I don't know what the fuck his deal is with that movie, but he's watched it so many times that it's, like, starting to, like, actually...

affect his like brain chemistry and every once in a while he'll just randomly like pick up this cane that we have and become corella for hours and like he like has like dialed in this character like so poorly like he has two lines that he just repeats over and over again like what are the lines like um do you remember it's need to know basis need to know basis and then there's another one um but literally just like

Nightmare. It's awful. It is so bad. And Josiah is usually good at like picking up, like he had his, um, what's her name? Like Harley Quinn. Oh my fucking God. He had his Harley Quinn moment after Birdcage. Dude, Josiah Harley Quinn and Josiah Carella. Yeah.

Josiah DeVille. Like, I literally, like, if I could, like, turn Josiah's... Like, if I could go in and lobotomize that part of Josiah's brain where he becomes these characters, like, I would. Like, I don't care. I don't care. Putting him under the knife and, like, killing Harley Quinn and Cruella at his brain. But Harley Quinn wasn't as bad. Cruella's really bad. It's just so... It just, like, literally...

No, it's annoying. It like, it sets off like a rage I haven't had since I was like 15 angry at my siblings. Like I literally, he does it and like I become like,

Infrared like angry and I want to like beat the shit and this motherfucker knows it makes us angry and he feeds off of that energy like he feeds off of like so like literally I don't like when he's Cruella like I don't look him in the eyes like I give him nothing. I don't respond to him. I give him absolutely nothing because he will keep fucking going. Yeah, I started doing that too. I just like literally will walk away. Yeah, leave him in the room doing it alone and he'll keep doing it in the room alone for like five minutes hoping someone will come back and

We just don't. It's just so gnarly. And then my final nightmare blunt rotation is any bird. Just in general. I hate fucking birds. You.

room with James Charles, Nugboys, Josiah in a full Cruella de Vil costume and a bird like trying to get out and hit the windows. It sounds like a fucking nightmare for a reason. Because birds are evil. Like literally like I'm not into the birds aren't real shit. They're real but they know what they're fucking doing. They're so erratic. They like will come after you and like

on you. I have no reason to hate birds as much as I do, but because I've never been shit on, I've never been attacked, but like walking through a flock of pigeons is the scariest thing in the world. Like they are, they'll just come after you. They just come after you. I've never been like no bird has ever come after me. And then guess what? I found out.

I'm literally a psycho. And then... I found out there's this species of bird or hawk or falcon in Australia that when there's bushfires, they fly down and grab sticks that are on fire and fly like 15 miles away and drop them in dry brush to fucking hunt. If that's not the most evil shit you've ever seen, they'll start wildfires. They're literally serial arsonists. Like birds are fucking dark. This is their planet.

But they're evil. Like, they're evil. We're literally... We are the invasive species to animals. And that's why I'm not somebody who gets too mad at animals other than fleas. Because I'm like, okay, fuck all that, like, biology shit where every animal is important. Get rid of that motherfucker. Yeah, get rid of fleas. Get rid of fleas. Period. I'm not saying eradicate the bird population. We need them. Wait, was it...

Lucas was saying that he was like, um, he would put a dome He would get all the birds onto one island put a dome there set off a nuke in the dome No, I don't think every bird deserves a die because we do actually need them But i'm just saying every bird should stay away from me because I will start throwing punches now Like I will start beating fucking birds asses. Like I don't care. I literally don't care. I literally hate birds Like so fucking much like genuinely have a fear of them

them yeah like anytime they fly whatever i could go on for hours and hours about my hatred for fucking birds but should we do your nightmare now or my dream the thing is i i like was really trying to think of a nightmare of mine oh my god actually i'll start with an influencer tanamojo that'd be my nightmare is in a room with tanamojo

I can't really like think of anyone else. I would fuck with Tana Mongeau. Like I would like to smoke with her. I feel like she has a lot going on up there. No, I would feel like she would need like to smoke so much to get high. She doesn't get high anymore. Yeah, there's no way she's getting high. She gets sober and that's her being high. She's high all the time. I don't think... Actually, maybe that would even be a nightmare. I think like between Tana Mongeau and like James Charles, James Charles is more of a nightmare to get high with. Like that would literally be like...

That sounds like being in a room with the egg clown high. That's what it feels like in my head. Stop. I'll start with my dream blunt rotation instead of nightmare because I can't think... I was in the bed and I was like, who would be a nightmare to be? Any man I don't know. That immediately is a nightmare. But especially any man I don't know. I think all of mine were men. Yeah. All of yours were men. There's a reason for that. I did have Ellen as a nightmare because I literally think she's evil. But...

Like, I think she's actually evil. Like, not like, oh, look, she doesn't pay her workers. No, I think she's an actually, like, evil energy. She's a demon. Yeah, she's an actual demon, like, reincarnated. But, sorry. Okay, my dream blunt rotation is Florence Pugh.

Alisa and Orion, they have to be there because those are people who every time I'm high with them, it's always a funny kiki. Florence Pugh, because I'm in love with her. I was going to say Rihanna, but she would make me so horny that I would be high as fucking extra charged and horny, and I'd be like, mom, fuck. Let me observe you.

Or it would like cause me anxiety. So actually maybe Rihanna is like in my nightmare rotation only because she would like, I would be horny around her and it would make me really insecure. And like, I would have intrusive thoughts about like how weird it is that I'm attracted to her. And I feel like she could handle her weed better than I can. So she would be like high and super chill. And that would give me anxiety. And you're in the corner, like fucking shaking and sweating. Like, yeah, this is literally the second episode I've mentioned Rihanna. I'm like, I need to get a life. Um,

We need to save Rihanna once the wealth war happens because like she's a billionaire now and like I'll let her take refuge in my house on one condition that she makes me an album a year. An album a year. Yeah. No do like three years because I do think you need like time between albums. Yeah to really just let it resonate. Yeah but like we were talking about this the other day. Cool fucking conversation like can we stay on topic but we were talking about this the other day and like

Anti being her last album, if that is her last album, is a serve. It's the serve of the century. It's really truly artist mastery. You don't let yourself...

fall down you don't let yourself become an eminem exactly you stop you stop it before you stop it before it's too late but i feel like we're gonna get one more rihanna album maybe a beyonce album i don't think we're gonna get another beyonce album which is like an actual war crime it's heartbreaking but what was the last one lemonade i think the carters maybe

But that doesn't count because that's a joint album. We'll probably get another Carter's album. I'd be down for a Carter's album. And I know Nicki Minaj has one more album contractually obligated. So I think we're going to get one more Nicki album as well, which is like that's the harsh reality of growing older, getting older.

That's the harsh reality of growing up is that Beyonce's not making another album. Exactly. I'm gonna like actually piss myself. Like... Okay. Should I try and come up with my nightmare? Okay. I'm stealing from you. It's gonna be James Charles. Okay. Any straight man that I don't know. Honestly...

Like randomly enough, I was thinking Drake. I know I like said I want to have sex with him and I will be having sex with Drake soon. That like big things are coming like I will like be having sex with him soon. Back to back. You and Drake back to back just slamming asses. VBL Drake. We're literally never gonna have sex. It's just like fun to talk about.

So Drake, James Charles, any like random man I don't know, like in my head, like I'm like standing outside of like the nice guy and James Charles walks out and I'm like smoking alone and James Charles walks out. Hi sisters. Can I get a hit? And I'm like...

Because I'm high and like scared that he like exists. I like give it to him and then Drake comes out and he's like also smoking and he just stands next to us and I start freaking out and then a random man sees Drake and he's like, oh yo, I love your music so much. Can I get a hit of that? And he starts smoking with all of us and that's my nightmare rotation. And I have an Uber that's coming but because of like the high surge and everybody trying to leave at once, it's like 30 minutes away. Oh hell no. That is a nightmare situation. That's my nightmare.

Oh my God, wait. I know I keep getting off topics, but one day we have to tell our James Charles stories. Like, literally one day we have to get into that. But, okay, my dream, blunt rotation, Azalea Banks. I feel like that bitch has a lot to say. Dude, I feel like she would be so fun. Yeah, it would just be, like, she just would open my mind. Like, she would just, because everything she's ever said I agree with. Yeah.

Not actually. Yeah, I was going to say, I can't remember that. Okay. Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning. Oh, yeah. Just like really wholesome energy. Evident Caitlyn. Yes. I'm adding that to my dream blog. Yes. Okay, keep going. The guy who zapped that girl into a different dimension. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Let's act it out. We're all energetically connected. There's no such thing as coincidence. That fool. That...

Literally, he knows what he's saying. Like, he knows what he's fucking saying. No, bitch, he would make you existential because he'd be high as shit and he'd be like... But he'd be comforting while he did it. Okay. Where the fuck is he getting those children? He has like 18 babies now. And then I have Caesar from the Planet of the Apes. That motherfucker... Wait.

Saul Goodman. But it's Bob Odenkirk in character. Okay, okay. I'm high with him. Okay. But yeah, Caesar from Planet of the Apes. Because, I mean, that's like a no-brainer. Like, that motherfucker knows things. He is scary. No, he's not. He's like... Is it? Oh, I'm... He's like torn. I'm torn.

He's like, I don't like, I want to like rise. Cause we were tortured our whole life. But I'm thinking of the other monkey in planet of the apes. Who's like really scary and like, doesn't fuck with Caesar and like throws him around in that one scene. Like Caesar. I mean, Caesar's kind of a bitch cause he plays both sides, but whatever. And then I have HRH collection. Cause imagine, imagine HRH collection in his alia banks, like just communicating.

Fuck, your dream blunt rotation was so good. Can we just amalgamate ours? Imagine that room. That would be too many people and I would have anxiety. We would have to put weed in a... An air diffuser. Yeah, and just gas it into the air. Oh, if I was crossfaded though, it would be literally the time of my life. It would be magical. If I was crossfaded, my nightmare blunt rotation would turn into my dream blunt rotation.

Does that make sense? It would become good. See, that was my problem with my nightmare rotation as I was writing it out. I was like, I'm so dark and evil. There's a part of me that wants to see that happen and be in that really shitty situation. I just want to see James Charles high. I just want to see that full high and freak the fuck out because whatever. Yeah.

Oh my God. I'm going to piss my pants. Okay. Yeah. That's the end of this episode. Media of the week is I don't have my phone, so I have to go off the top of my head. Um, reminiscing by, I don't know the band. So, cause I don't have, I think the river band, I don't know. Um,

On My Mind and Mine by Everything But The Girl. Oh, and Wichita Linemen by Glenn Campbell. I just made, what's so annoying about my phone dying and like breaking is I just made one of my favorite playlists I've ever made for my ride back from Joshua Tree. Yeah. And like everything on that. But I wouldn't give you all everything because then like what would you come back for? Okay, so My Media. I like Yellow by Coldplay right now. I'll admit it. Whatever. I'll let it go.

I like Noah's Ark by Coco Rosie. That's a really fucking solid song. And, like, this is embarrassing for me to say. Oh my god, I know what you're going to say. I think we're coming to an end.

On the Imagine Dragons slander. I think we're almost there. I can't listen to a song fully and enjoy it, but I listened to a few of their songs with an open heart and an open mind recently, and...

It wasn't the worst thing in the world. And they have to be doing something fucking right to have 80 billion streams. Okay, then say that about Ed Sheeran. No. Exactly. Ed Shee-Banshee. Literally a witch. And then Everything He Needs by Carly Rae Jepsen. He needs me. He needs me. He needs me. He needs me. He needs me.

Alright, that's the end of the episode. My SIM card, I think, is wet. And then my phone, my backup phone isn't working anymore. So, my life is a nightmare. Go watch Oldboy 2. Just that. Oh, you know what you should watch? Your fucking mouth, bitch. Whatever. Bye. I'm also about to shit myself. I'm quitting. Go ahead, bitch. Bye, bye. Why the fuck are you still here? Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye. Ow.