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Back in 2019, I, an 18 year old female student, decided to download Tinder a few months after a rough breakup. I was pretty inexperienced with dating and painfully shy, so it seemed unlikely that I would meet a potential partner in person. Anyway, after a few matches that led to nothing, I came across the profile of a 20 year old guy that I found very attractive. We matched, exchanged Snapchats, and ultimately, set up a date.
Our first date was relatively normal, and even enjoyable. We saw a movie, and by the end of it, I felt like we had hit it off. However, our relationship itself was extremely short-lived, not long after I had agreed to be his girlfriend, which was no more than a month after going out our first time. He began to behave very erratically. He'd sometimes fall completely silent in the middle of conversations, ignoring me. When I'd try to ask him what was wrong, he became hot-tempered.
slamming doors and speeding on the roadway as if he was mad and started to feel really uncomfortable about our relationship. This went on for a few weeks until one night when we were on our way to have dinner downtown. He fell silent mid-conversation as he was known to do. I became extremely anxious as he pulled into a nearby parking garage wondering what I had done to upset him. As we parked, I decided to ask him what was wrong. He didn't answer, so when I asked him again,
He glared at me and shouted to shut the fuck up. I was completely frozen for a moment, but after I snapped back to it, I got the courage to tell him that we were done. I quickly gathered all my belongings from the car and walked over to the nearest coffee shop to call an Uber. It was fairly late that evening, so I walked as fast as I could, hoping that he just wouldn't follow me. Once I made it to the shop, I noticed that I had several missed calls from him, and when I made it home that night,
I blocked him on all social media and decided that I would never contact him again. I'm fairly familiar with the dynamic of toxic relationships, and I knew that if he could talk to me that way, completely unprompted, it was likely that he was capable of much, much more. About a week goes by as I start to settle my emotions a bit. I decide to confide in a friend, one who had never met this guy, about what had happened, feeling completely embarrassed about the whole situation. Well, a few nights later.
I received a text from the same friend. It was a screenshot of an Instagram DM from someone that she didn't follow, my now ex. The message said something to the effect of "Hey, I'm sorry we're having a meet like this, but OP is ignoring me and I just need to talk to her." My heart jumped into my throat. I decided to message all of my friends separately, let them know what had happened, just in case he was out to DM all of them. Later that week,
I began receiving several DMs from various accounts, all without profile pictures or any posts. Eventually, I gave in and responded to a single one, asserting that the relationship was now over and that I didn't want to hear from him again. I blocked all the accounts immediately afterwards, and as time went on without hearing a word for weeks, I figured I had reached the end of the situation. That was until one morning, leaving my house for work, I walked out to my car
I noticed something dangling around the handle of my car door. It was a necklace that I had gifted him. Now, he had only picked me up once from my house before, and the thought of him driving to my home, which was about an hour away from his place, solely with the intent of suspending this gift from my door handle, absolutely freaked me out. I was shaken up for a minute. It was by no means an expensive necklace, and I myself had the exact same one, but I kept it pushing.
I thought maybe it was his way of acknowledging that we were done and complete. Two months later, I was working my job at a small boutique near my house. I was used to answering the phone several times a day, so when the phone rang, I thought nothing of it, but when I picked it up, I immediately recognized his voice on the other end. He launched into a tirade, rambling about how he wanted a specific sweatshirt back, but I hung up before he could finish.
That was the last time that I would ever mention to someone I was casually dating just where I worked. I was completely losing it at this point, especially considering that he had never called me at work while we were together. I had no idea how he even knew that I was working on that day or at that time. I told my older sister about the situation, and she, being very protective, decided that she would take it upon herself to message him. She told him unequivocally to leave me alone, and if he really wanted it,
She offered to give him back the sweatshirt on my behalf, but he refused, simply insisting on meeting with me and only me to get the sweatshirt back. When it became abundantly clear that he didn't actually want the sweatshirt back, she made it clear right back that I wouldn't hesitate to go get a protection order. To this, he never responded. While I've yet to hear anything more from this guy up to this point, there are times where I still feel uneasy
You know that feeling you get when someone outside your view is staring at you? That's the sensation. It'll happen as I'm walking in my front door, ordering coffee, even hanging out with friends in public. I'd be willing to admit that I may just be paranoid at this particular time, but part of me wonders if there's more to just these feelings than what I'm prepared to admit.
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In Glasgow, Scotland. I was desperate, I gotta admit. I'd been single and alone for some time, and this fact was driving me crazy. That's when I swiped right on Laura. She came across as a very sweet girl and all, but she was in quite a hurry to meet me. Something that now, I see as a red flag. But back then, I just went with it. She insisted that we go to the pub, no fancy dates were necessary, and this was something that I didn't mind.
Well, at first glance, I knew that I'd been swindled. She looked majorly different from what I'd seen before, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to have a date, and I'm not exactly so good-looking myself, so I gave her a chance to redeem herself. We got to talking, and after a few beers, things began to get a bit more intimate. Now, before I go any further, I have to explain. She was a rather hefty young woman with long, dark hair.
and she had eyeshadow similar to Amy Winehouse, which makes sense because she said she was a huge fan. I'd asked about her hobbies and interests, but she asked me to talk more about myself. I told her about my job. She yawned sarcastically. "Let's talk about your sex life," she said. She had slipped her foot out of her shoe and started rubbing around my groin with her bare foot. Needless to say, this got me going. So yeah, I don't have much to say in that department.
as it had been a while since I had last had sex, and I was very honest with her. I asked about hers, and she says she has her kinks, and that she's quote, done things that I could never imagine. Want to see what I can do? If we go to my place? You can see what I can do. She then said that if we headed to her place, she'd be glad to show me what she could do. So at this point,
I'm beginning to feel a bit drunk, which I was amazed at, as I was only on my fourth pint. I did have a couple of shots intermingled in there, so I put it down to this. We'd waited outside the pub for a taxi, and she was holding my hand, excitedly whispering into my ear all the things that she was going to do to me, all the things that I'd never experienced before. In a way, I actually just couldn't wait to get to sleep. My head felt heavier than the rest of my body. It was almost as if the ground was moving beneath me,
The rest was a blur. I can't remember getting into the taxi, but I do remember falling down the stairs as she was laughing above me. "Come on," she said, "get your sexy ass up here." I struggled my way up the stairs, and before I knew it, from what I could remember, I was in her bedroom, naked. It was as if I had blacked out between the staircase and her bedsheets. I tried to sit up, only to find myself tied to the bed by my arms and legs. She entered the room dressed in bondage gear.
Now, I'm not going to lie, I was deeply aroused by this, but I was confused at the same time. She performed all sorts of different acts on me before moving on to full intercourse. I lay there delighted, don't get me wrong, but something felt incredibly off about it all. I had dozed off for a bit, before being woken up by a weird screeching sound. "What are you doing?" I mumbled. As I looked down, to see this woman wrapping my legs with cling film. "Hush now," she said.
This is the best bit. I was no longer tied to the bed, but I felt numb and I couldn't move my arms and legs. She proceeded to wrap me up from my legs upwards the whole time I was screaming at her to stop before she placed some cling film in my mouth to help shut me up. I was struggling to breathe at this point and had done my best to dislodge the ball of film from my mouth. Eventually, I was wrapped entirely from head to toe and I could barely see outside of the wrap.
She told me that this was my punishment for being so terrible in bed and that she has many other victims just like me, all wrapped up and waiting to die. When she left the room, I gave out some muffled screams before I slowly felt myself fading away. I woke up what was now the next day and able to breathe. This time, there were people looking at me concerned. They'd removed most of the cling film and had given me space to catch my breath.
I wasn't fully aware of this until they told me, and it turned out that I wasn't actually in Laura's flat, but an old-fashioned hotel. The police were then all over me, asking me questions about what had happened. I attempted to show them Laura's Tinder profile, but it didn't exist any longer. It seems that right after leaving me in wraps, Laura had deleted her page. I'm grateful to my rescuers, but forever traumatized by this incident, and I end up with panic attacks when I see people that even remotely resemble her.
It took me a few years to finally trust people enough to go back on dates, but I'm still on the road to recovery mentally. I'm just glad that I'm still alive, although more often than not, I find myself wondering if she's still out there and if there are others like me, ones that may not have made it. I feel compelled to share my story because I still find it so unbelievably surreal. I'm not sure if this is the right sub to be posting this, but hopefully it applies.
In the fall of 2020, I started using dating apps because I really wanted to branch out and meet some new guys. I had just moved back home after I graduated college in May, which was still some of the pretty earliest stages of COVID. So I was lonely. After matching with a few guys on Tinder, I found them nice, but the conversations kind of died off after a while. I didn't really form a real connection with anyone on there. Now, one of the guys I matched with asked me for my Snapchat.
which I gave to him so we could talk on there. We also followed each other on Instagram. That kind of stuff seems harmless to me, and I really didn't think much of it. Our conversations didn't last long either, and we ultimately stopped talking after just a few days. I found the guy just a little strange, so much so that I was actually turned off by it. Fast forward a couple months, and I get a message from him randomly on Instagram. He told me that he had unfollowed me due to my support,
for a specific presidential candidate. He then proceeded to spam me with probably over 40 messages, trying to convince me to change my views and to vote red. I'm a very liberal person, and if I would have known he was like this at all, I would have never spoken to him. Mixed in with his rapid-fire messages, he told me that people have blocked him for doing this before and to please just understand where he's coming from. His last few messages were memes,
I'm sure sent to try and ease the tension of the one-sided conversation. Even when we were chatting, we didn't speak about anything like this, so for him to feel so comfortable messaging me like this only raised more flags in my mind. I didn't respond. I didn't even block him. I just opened the messages so he could see that I saw them before I unfollowed him. Well, the next morning, I got several notifications telling me, "This message has been unsent by the sender."
for every single one of his rambling messages. So of course, I screen recorded it and sent it off to my best friend, telling her what had happened because I found it creepy and a bit bizarre. But it was over after that though, and the topic of this guy didn't come up again, so I was completely content to move on. This next part had to have happened a few weeks after the deluge of DMs. I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw a post from a local news station
that was shared from the town that this guy was from in my state, a town that's about an hour away from me. The post was a news article about a man who had shot and killed an 87-year-old woman who lived in his apartment complex with a semi-automatic rifle. After executing this poor woman, he was trying to goad other residents out of their apartments before he himself was fired upon and killed by another resident in order to protect the others who lived there. As I was reading this article,
The guy's name and face seemed so familiar. When it finally clicked, it was the same guy who I had matched with and had been sending me messages on Instagram. I went back to the screen recording of the messages that I had taken a month ago, and it confirmed that it was him. Even now, I'm not sure how to describe what my response was, but I remember my heart racing, my palms sweating, and overall feeling like the world was moving beneath me. It's extremely disturbing to know that I spoke to this man,
and even had my own weird experience with him. Even though it's been a few years and this man doesn't occupy this realm anymore, I still feel odd about it. I was reading about this story again recently since more details have been reported since the initial shooting. Sometimes I find myself thinking about the "what ifs". Like, what if I had responded to his messages the way that I truly wanted to, called him a creep, a weirdo, and pissed him off to the point of violence? Would he have tried to harm me?
The police have long since closed their investigation. They claim that the guy was mentally ill and that in a psychosis brought on by his condition, it caused him to lash out unprovoked and cause the damage that he did. I don't know if any of that is true or is simply convenient when trying to label a case as closed. It's just wild to consider that any of us can unknowingly be communicating with potential murderers, psychopaths, and generally unwell individuals
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