cover of episode The Magnus Protocol Kickstarter is LIVE

The Magnus Protocol Kickstarter is LIVE

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The Magnus Archives

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Billy Hindle
Jonathan Sims
Alexander Jane Newell 和 Jonathan Sims:介绍了《Magnus Protocol》这个《Magnus Archives》的衍生作品,并解释了通过 Kickstarter 众筹资金的原因,旨在提升制作质量,并提供更多额外的奖励内容和伸缩目标。他们详细介绍了故事梗概、角色设定、以及计划中的三季30集的内容。同时,他们也提到了为老粉丝和新听众准备的不同内容,以及一些可能会让老粉丝感到不满的元素。 Billy Hindle:主要负责介绍《Magnus Protocol》及其周边商品和联名合作,为听众提供了多个购买链接和优惠码,鼓励听众通过购买周边来支持节目。 Jonathan Sims:详细介绍了《Magnus Protocol》的故事梗概,讲述了两个低级别文员偶然发现Magnus研究所的古老谜团的故事,并暗示了故事中将会出现的恐怖元素。他还参与了对众筹奖励和伸缩目标的讨论,并特别提到了一个迷你剧集的计划。 Alexander Jane Newell:主要负责介绍众筹项目本身,包括奖励等级、伸缩目标(例如客座编剧和现场演出)以及众筹的截止日期。他还与 Jonathan Sims 一起讨论了创作《Magnus Protocol》的缘由,以及如何通过众筹来实现他们的目标。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Hi folks, Billy Hindle here, the voice of Alice Dyer in The Magnus Protocol. Today I just wanted to take some time to run you through some of the exciting Magnus merchandise, as well as affiliate links, a brand new way to support the show. You can find affiliate links in the description of all new episodes. If you are based in the UK, be sure to check out Phantom Peak, a unique, immersive, open world adventure in London. Use the link in the show notes or code RUSTY to get 15% off tickets.

perfect for fans of escape rooms. Next up, be sure to check out our bespoke merchandise from our partners, including exclusive perfume scents inspired by John and Martin and ex-Altiora. Find out more by going to forward slash S-B-P. Find Magnus and Rusty Quill themed TTRPG accessories, including dice trays, dice towers, and beautiful coasters from Harpscore by going to forward slash rusty dash quill.

See the Magnus Archives polyhedral die set from Dice Dungeon, including an exclusive D16 featuring icons representing the fears. Visit forward slash collections forward slash rusty dash quill to find out more. There are also new designs available on our official merchandise stores for t-shirts,

Stickers, posters and more. Check the links in the description or go to forward slash support. Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the show.

Hello, everybody. Hello. Welcome to the Kickstarter. I hope you like the place. We fixed it up just for you. Alex, I can't see anything. It's like I'm a disembodied voice. We should probably introduce ourselves being disembodied voices that we are. I am Alexander Jane Newell. I am the founder and CEO of Rusty Quill Limited and co-creator of the Magnus Archives alongside... I am Jonathan Sims, the other co-creator of the Magnus Archives, as well as its chief writer and main narrator. And we thought, you know what?

having made literally one of the most popular podcasts in the world because that's the thing don't don't think about it don't think about it so much you know what we should do let's do it again more and we are going to be making the magnus protocol a

true continuation of the Magnusverse with Rusty Quill. You might call it a sequel. I would not call it a sequel. What would you call it? Don't make me say it, Johnny. What would you call it? Johnny really likes the phrase sidequel, so apparently that's a thing now. It's a sidequel. It's a sidequel, yes. We are raising funds towards production costs and associated bonus content, and with this campaign we're hoping that we can include a

bunch more extras and rewards and stretch goals that we absolutely would not have been able to do if we did not crowdfund. So you know how the Magnus Archives right at the start of season one and right at the end of season five. After a mere pittance of 200 episodes. There was a slight difference in production value. Well we want to be coming in right at the top. Right from the start we want to be at the top of our game. Yeah you'd

probably explain how we came to decide to make this thing as well because way back when in the dim and distant we finished season five and like you know what that's it we're done yeah good i think we should have a have a sit and a rest and then we had a lot of meetings all sorts of meetings for various reasons but in most of them a question was asked that how would you do a sequel i mean you wouldn't know no obviously not it's done it's finished but i suppose like if you if you had to well i mean i guess like if you had to

I mean, you could do it like this. Yeah, I mean... Actually, that's really interesting. I think it's quite an interesting idea. You could do it like that. Now that I think of it. I mean, could isn't should, though. No, obviously, we don't... Just because you could. We don't have the time. No, I mean, time might happen later, sure. Yeah, okay, well, we don't have the money. No, money can be arranged. Oh, we could crowdfund it. Yeah, we could crowdfund it. That'd work. But we, I mean, we... I mean, we could. And it is really interesting. Really interesting, and it plugs in in a way I did not expect. Yeah, and if you stretch that over two years, that's basically...

Pretty much where we ended up, yeah. So talking about the project a little bit more, we're looking at three seasons if we can with 30 episodes of pop, 22 minutes each. And we are looking to make something that is not just appealing for deep diehard fans of the Magnus Archives, though if you are, trust me, there are some joyous world building Easter eggs and hooks in there for you. But even new listeners can use this as a jumping on point. Yeah.

If you've never listened to any Magnus stuff before, you'll still get a lot out of this show. But if you have listened to all 200 episodes of the Magnus Archives, there's going to be stuff in there for you as well. Also some stuff that is really going to annoy you in ways that...

I find very amusing. In terms of who we're about, we have new main characters for you as well. Completely new ones. So in fact, I should just hand over to you, Johnny. Tell people, tell people about the story. Yes, so Sam and Alice are a pair of low-level office workers, data analysts, number crunchers. Meaningless grunt.

For an obscure branch of the British Civil Service known as the Office of Incident Assessment and Response. Such a clear name. It's real. Don't bother looking it up. And they stumble across an old mystery. Some years ago, a long time in the past, there was an academic organisation that spent some time looking into weird, esoteric, paranormal events known as the Magnus Institute. What a stupid name. Unfortunately...

It burned down in 1999 and there were no survivors. And as they get drawn in to the mystery of what actually happened here, well, it might not be quite such ancient history. It's gonna be so bad for them. Yeah, it's gonna be pretty horrible.

We are looking at launching this project in October 2023 alongside bonus episodes, bonus content and all that good stuff. It will be available to the public for free, admittedly with ads. But if you are backing via the Kickstarter, a lot of these rewards are including the early access to ad-free episodes. Yes. In fact, we should probably go in and just start talking about rewards properly at this point. Yeah. So we have tiers ranging from 1 to 200 plus and that's in British Pages.

And for those tiers, you can get various, various rewards. It's all laid out on the page. That's going to include not just the ad-free access to episodes, but things like signed scripts, voice messages, even unique rewards like, I don't know, maybe having an entire episode dedicated to you, maybe some producer rewards, maybe even, you know, naming a character. No Michaels. Oh, go on. No Michaels. Just maybe like three or four. No f***.

And by engaging in this process, you can also help us get to the really juicy stretch goals, which are going to include things like a roster of special guest writers. Yes, so I'm going to be writing a lot of the episodes for this, and me and Alex between us are going to be doing most of the big picture story stuff. But we want to get a lot of guest writers in for episodes themselves, because, well...

At this point, you know really well what scares me. It's mostly teeth pits and pigs. Yeah, pigs in a teeth pit. And I want to find out what scares new writers, new blood. There are some names on this list I am really excited for and really want to work with.

And not only with the special guest writers, we're also looking at maybe a cheeky live show or two, more details on the Kickstarter page when it unlocks, video content, and even Johnny's particular favourite, which he will now explain in great, excruciating detail. Alex likes making me do this one because I can't give any details. Can't give any details. Because it is a...

spin-off mini-series that literally any details that we told you would be spoilers for early season one but trust us it's really cool it's in universe and it it's got teeth and it's interesting you can't promise teeth

You cannot promise teeth. Oh, I mean figuratively. Oh, okay. It's got metaphorical teeth. Figuratively. It's got metaphorical teeth. It will grab you. Trust me on that one. But yes, it's quite difficult to talk about. We will see how we can phrase that once the levels start to be revealed. But I think that's all of the details that people really need at this point beyond knowing that. You can back us on Kickstarter right now.

Now, from now until December 20th, 2022. That's from now until December 20th, 2022, at which point the Kickstarter will end. And if you wanted any rewards that are tied to that Kickstarter, they're going to be gone, so don't miss your chance. So it's finishing on 2012, 2022.

No. 2012, 2022. No. Sort of, yes. 20th of December, 2022. Americans change the dates, Johnny. Ah, for them it's 12-20-2022. Oh, stop. Stop. 12-20-2022 or 2012-2022. You can find more about the Kickstarter for the Magnus Protocol over at forward slash projects forward slash the-magnus-archives2 forward slash the-magnus-archives-2 I think that's everything. Yeah, bye and thank you.

Yes, thank you.