cover of episode The Magnus Protocol 16 – Anti-Social

The Magnus Protocol 16 – Anti-Social

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The Magnus Archives

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alice Dyer
Lena Kelley
Madam E
Alice Dyer: 描述了目睹死亡的创伤经历,以及在工作中面临的压力和挑战。她对Lena的批评和对自身能力的怀疑展现出其脆弱和焦虑的状态。 Chester: 对Alice的遭遇表示安慰和理解,并试图提供支持。他展现出对下属的关心和对事件的重视。 Madam E: 热衷于追求潮流和关注度,对Ink5oul的纹身抱有极高的期待和信任。她对事件的后续发展和自身安危缺乏足够的警惕。 Eminem: 详细描述了遭受Ink5oul网络霸凌的经历,包括死亡威胁、人肉搜索以及警方的介入。她表达了内心的痛苦和委屈,以及对网络暴力的控诉。 Ink5oul: 通过与Eminem的互动和在Highgate墓地的行为,展现出其具有操纵性和危险性的一面。其行为引发了盗墓事件和一系列的负面后果。 Lena Kelley: 严厉批评Alice未经授权带外部人员进入办公室的行为,并对Alice的工作能力表示质疑。她展现出对规章制度的严格遵守和对风险的重视。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Hi folks, Billy Hindle here, the voice of Alice Dyer in The Magnus Protocol. Today I just wanted to take some time to run you through some of the exciting Magnus merchandise, as well as affiliate links, a brand new way to support the show. You can find affiliate links in the description of all new episodes. If you are based in the UK, be sure to check out Phantom Peak, a unique, immersive, open world adventure in London. Use the link in the show notes or code RUSTY to get 15% off tickets.

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Summer is supposed to be an opportunity to slow down. But when you look at your kids, you can't help but notice that your kids are growing up fast. Help them build independence as they grow with Greenlight. Greenlight is a debit card and money app for families where parents can keep an eye on kids' money habits while kids learn how to save, invest, and spend wisely. It's the easy, convenient way to raise financially smart kids. Get your first month free when you sign up at slash podcast.

At Ashley, you'll find colorful furniture that brings your home to life. Ashley makes it easier than ever to express your personal style with an array of looks in fun trending hues to choose from, from earth tones to vibrant colors to calming blues and greens. Ashley has pieces for every room in the house in the season's most sought after shades. A more colorful life starts at Ashley. Shop in store online today. Ashley, for the love of home.

Hi everyone, it's Kareem, the voice of Simon Fairchild from the Magnus Archives. Today I'm here to advertise Hainai, a podcast recently launched on the RQ Network. Hainai is an atmospheric, analogue-style horror audio drama featuring folk horror, mythology and chilling supernatural terrors in an urban setting. Follow Mari, a Filipino immigrant in Toronto who casually handles supernatural threats like it's just another Tuesday.

Using her lived experience raised by her Babylonian mother to save the city from unimaginable horrors. She's joined by two supernatural detectives, Donna and Murphy. Her strong-armed lesbian neighbor Laura and Ashvin, a conman guru with real magic powers. The title, Hi Nai or Hi Mum, comes from Mari Fonkananai, or Mother, in the Philippines about her adventures. Season 1 has our protagonist face rich immortal occultists from the early 1900s called...

elders, who feed off ordinary people's deaths. In particular, they must hunt down the elder's leader, the benefactor, who's so powerful nobody remembers his face or name. The story centres mystical immigrants fighting the supernatural to cope with the real-life horrors of fascism and corruption, which characterise Maori's childhood flashbacks in the Philippines. Search for Hainai wherever you listen to your podcasts, or go to hainaipod, that's H-I-N-A-I-P-O-D dot com, or for more information. This episode is dedicated to D'Arie Doyable.

Hello, Thierry. Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself. Rusty Quill presents The Magnus Protocol Episode 16 Antisocial There was a peppermint tea bag in the back of the cupboard. Thought it might be better than coffee, considering... Well... Thanks. Do you want to talk about it? I...

Christ, I still shake when I think about it. It's okay. Come here. Thanks. Yeah, I'm... I'm alright. Just a lot, you know? I haven't seen someone die since... Yeah. I went back afterwards. Couldn't just leave her. Tape player was gone and she'd stopped speaking. And when the paramedics turned up, they just called it straight away. Said she'd been dead for ages. But...


And it's not like it's any weirder than half the stuff we read here. Thanks, guys. Maybe... I know it's selfish, but I kind of hoped I'd paid my horror dues working here, you know? I think there's plenty of it to go around at the moment. Well, cheers for the pet talk and all, but we should probably get on. The last thing I need is Lena getting on my case on top of everything else. You're sure you're okay to work? Yeah. I already wasted most of Sunday crying about it.

Anyway, odds are Freddy will spit out a transcript of the whole thing. Least I can do is make sure it's filed properly, right? So that would be Z for zombie, or... I'm just going to... Yeah.

150 following. 137.4k followers. 1.67m likes. The Madam will see you now. #GothGirl #Lifestyle #Beauty #Alternative #Aesthetic Videos: MadamE/Inksoul Tattoo Reveal 30/10/2023

Hey guys, it's the one you've been waiting for. I know, I've had so many messages. When's it gonna be? When's it happening? Well, here we are. Madame Electrum coming to you live with the tattoo terror themselves for once. The only. Ink Soul! Hey.

So for any of you sweetums who have been sleeping on this, Inksol is THE tattoo CEO, period. No cap, their designs are INCREDIBLE and only for the true uber girl. Ain't that right? That's what they tell me. And let me say, they are the absolute GOAT. So I am here for my very own completely personalized, absolutely aesthetic, totally vegan, bougie ink. For free!

That's right. This is seriously, I'm going in straight blind, trusting the process, and I am a full-on Ink Soul stan. So as I finna get marked, make sure you're following me on socials, sub to my YouTube and OnlyFans. If you know, you know. And sending those like, like, likes. You ready for your heart's desire? I'm literally shaking, but what's the worst that can happen? Let's find out. It's...

Is it over? Take a look. What do you think? Oh. Oh, wow. Now get out.

Hey guys! So, you've all been asking and yeah, your fave Thick and Perky Kindergoth is finally finna spill on the whole Ink Soul drama. Now, y'all know I'm not one to sip when there's tea, even when they're mutuals, but this is super hard for me 'cause like, y'all know I'm kind of in a situationship with them ever since I got that heart tat and I don't wanna throw shade. But I gotta be savage 'cause something been living rent-free and I gotta talk about it, you get me?

So like, since getting that ink, I've been feeling amazing. And I admit, I might have got a bit extra simping on Ink Soul. So you knows your girl was sliding into their DMs. Holler to all them other thirsty girls. And I got into a bit of a kiki. We was chatting about their work, how much I love it. And your girl got to asking where they got their ideas, because like...

Obviously I'm no cap jelly of their skills. So they was all like "secrets" and "sure" but that got me sus cause like we were high key vibing then suddenly they're just like dead, you know? Anyway after that we were both hustling as we do in and don't talk for a while and then from nowhere they're like "so are you a real goth or not?" and I'm like "I'm more goth than you can handle."

And they just send me "From Vision Ruled, Thursday 2:30am." Takes a tick for me to clock that it's three words, but when I look it up, turns out it's this patch up in Highgate Cemetery? "Natch, I was in. Sure, it's a bit sus, but also like, that's Gotham Central. No way I'd pass up the chance to vibe with Ink Solver." Even if it was a bit of an afterparty, you feel me?

So I sneaked in, allegedly, and there they were, chilling in the dark with a big ass spade over their shoulder. Big mood, am I right? I figure your girl is in for a spooky treat, bit of roleplay, but they're just still straight dead with me. Just tell me to follow so I do.

We head on through the graves and then they point to one of them and just give me a look. I was no cap shook and then they just said, "Dig." "Bruh." I laughed 'cause like, the hell? But they were serious. "I thought you were goth," they said. "Now your girl is hella goth, but this

this was just nasty. So I told them they were out of pocket and they just give me the look again and whisper "don't make me break your heart" and I'm telling you I could feel the words in my chest you know? Brutal. That does me so I'm out there like that. Now

I ain't no fool and I know crazy when I peep it, so I bail. But that ain't the whole story, oh no. 'Cause I know some of you seen on the news the next day there's this whole thing about someone breaking into Highgate and no cap robbing graves. Now I know what y'all are thinking and hell no I ain't gonna call it in, but like, y'all gotta know what's up.

And like, where does Ink Soul get all their ideas, huh? Are they really all that or maybe, maybe they're just biting stuff from some moldy old bodies. Nasty. Your girl is goth, not a ghoul. And I am done with Ink Soul. That's all I got time for right now. I'll be back with another vid next week. Until then, dark love to all my creepy sweeties and latest haters. Peace.

Hey guys, Eminem here with another update. Y'all probably heard by now that Ink Soul dragged me on their channels. It was... it was vicious pick-me-trash and everyone bought it and their stans are seriously extra 'cause yeah, there's been proper hate at me. And you know, I try to rise above but it's hard.

I'm a good person. I'm such a good person, but I've been getting callouts, death threats, they even doxxed me and then the cops turned up trying to pin all that grave robbing BS on me. It was total bull. I didn't do jack but Ink Soul did me dirty so now I guess we're ops? They are a psycho but no one believes me.

I've wanted to talk about this stuff for time, but I knew if I did they'd turn on me and give y'all totally the wrong idea. And now everyone's taking their side and it's not… it's not… HURTS. All that hate, all those people wanting me dead or worse, I can feel it. No cap, it hits right here. It's like y'all are bees stinging me over and over right in the heart. I don't know if the camera's picking it up, but you can even see it.

That's not okay. I'm not okay. I just... I just wanted you all to listen, but instead... I'm gonna be taking some time away from socials. Big thanks to all of you who've been stepping up for me, but I can't. I just can't. Videos. Madam E. Help. Unposted. 03-01-2024.

Hey everyone. I've been getting a lot of worried comments on my last vid. So I wanted to update. I've got to be quiet. Not meant to have my phone. So since the last vid, things got worse. Started getting dodgy mail and someone set my door on fire. The cats are okay, but I had to move back in with mum and dad and now I'm in the hospital. There's

Something wrong with my heart, but they're not sure. It hurts. It hurts so much. Mum says it's stress, but the doctors say it's an infection from the tattoo, but I know it's more than that. I just wanted to be noticed. I just... I don't deserve this. Please. Please just stop. The views are cutting me. The comments hurt. I'm done. I'm...

Alice, are you... I'm fine. Dammit, I'm getting a coffee. We should probably... Yeah. God's sake, second I'm not around. Christ, what now? What now? Sit.

Look, maybe you didn't notice, but no one is at their desks and the caseload tonight is... Sit down. Are you stupid? Excuse me? I said, are you stupid? I don't... Because that is the only possible explanation I can find for why you would think it was appropriate to bring an external into our offices. I just thought it might be safer if they were in a controlled environment.

Safer. You marched a dangerous asset right through the office without taking any precautions. For goodness sake, you gave her a tour. You introduced her to your colleagues. That poses a completely unacceptable risk to personnel. I was with her almost the whole time. Besides, Lady Mowbray is a lady.


Because I can't help noticing that you're happy to send me out alone to meet all these dangerous externals that you were too afraid to even let into the building. Gwen, the OIAR is to function. It is imperative that the externals respect us and the boundaries we impose upon them. Otherwise... Fine. No externals on site. Understood. Happy?

It's becoming clear to me that you are struggling with your new position. And so I think it might be best if you just- Give me another assignment. Gwen. You can't take this away just because I did something you never bothered to tell me not to. You're always going on about how difficult it is to find reliable staff. Then why don't you try actually training me for once? Would you even listen? There's one way to find out. I will consider it.

You may go. The Magnus Protocol is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike 4.0 International License. The series is created by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J. Newell and directed by Alexander J. Newell. This episode was written by Alexander J. Newell and edited with additional materials by Jonathan Sims with vocal edits by Lorianne Davis. Soundscaping by Tessa Verun.

and mastering by Catherine Rinella, with music by Sam Jones. It featured Billy Hindle as Alistair, Shahan Hamza as Samama Khalid, Anusha Battersby as Gwen Bouchard, Laurie-Ann Davis as Celia Ripley, Sarah Lambie as Lena Kelly, with additional voices from Jonathan Sims. The Magnus Protocol is produced by April Sumner, with executive producers Alexander J. Newell, Danny McDonagh, Lynn C., and Samantha F. G. Hamilton.

and associate producers Jordan L. Hawke, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius DeRaven, and Megan Nice. To subscribe, view associated materials, or join our Patreon, visit Rate and review us online, tweet us at TheRustyQuill, visit us on Facebook, or email us via mail at Thanks for listening.

Summer is supposed to be an opportunity to slow down. But when you look at your kids, you can't help but notice that your kids are growing up fast. Help them build independence as they grow with Greenlight. Greenlight is a debit card and money app for families where parents can keep an eye on kids' money habits while kids learn how to save, invest, and spend wisely. It's the easy, convenient way to raise financially smart kids. Get your first month free when you sign up at slash podcast.

At Ashley, you'll find colorful furniture that brings your home to life. Ashley makes it easier than ever to express your personal style with an array of looks in fun trending hues to choose from, from earth tones to vibrant colors to calming blues and greens. Ashley has pieces for every room in the house in the season's most sought after shades. A more colorful life starts at Ashley. Shop in store online today. Ashley, for the love of home.

Hi everyone, it's Kareem, the voice of Simon Fairchild from the Magnus Archives. Today I'm here to advertise Hainai, a podcast recently launched on the RQ Network. Hainai is an atmospheric, analogue-style horror audio drama featuring folk horror, mythology and chilling supernatural terrors in an urban setting. Follow Mari, a Filipino immigrant in Toronto who casually handles supernatural threats like it's just another Tuesday.

Using her lived experience raised by her Babylonian mother to save the city from unimaginable horrors. She's joined by two supernatural detectives, Donna and Murphy. Her strong-armed lesbian neighbor Laura and Ashvin, a conman guru with real magic powers. The title, Hai Nai or Hai Mum, comes from Mari Fonkhananai, or Mother, in the Philippines about her adventures. Season 1 has our protagonist face rich immortal occultists from the early 1900s called...

elders, who feed off ordinary people's deaths. In particular, they must hunt down the elder's leader, the benefactor, who's so powerful nobody remembers his face or name. The story centres mystical immigrants fighting the supernatural to cope with the real-life horrors of fascism and corruption, which characterise Maori's childhood flashbacks in the Philippines. Search for Hainai wherever you listen to your podcasts, or go to HainaiPod, that's H-I-N-A-Y P-O-D dot com, or for more information.