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The Official Game of Thrones Podcast Returns

logo of podcast The Official Game of Thrones Podcast: House of the Dragon

The Official Game of Thrones Podcast: House of the Dragon

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
@Rhaenyra : 莱妮拉认为自己作为长子有权继承王位,她对篡位者怀恨在心,并决心通过战争夺回王位。她强调自己继承王位的合法性以及为此付出的牺牲,展现出坚定的意志和决心与对手抗争到底。 @旁白 : 《龙之家族》第二季围绕着黑队(莱妮拉)和绿队(伊耿)之间的权力斗争展开,预示着维斯特洛即将陷入内战。观众需要选择支持哪一方,这将影响剧情走向和最终结果。 @Greta Johnsen @Jason Concepcion : 两位主持人将主持官方播客,对《龙之家族》第二季进行深入的回顾和分析,并邀请剧组成员参与访谈,为观众提供更全面的视角。他们将引导观众思考剧中人物的动机和选择,并对剧情发展进行预测。 旁白: 播客将对《龙之家族》第一季的关键情节进行回顾,并对第二季的剧情进行前瞻性解读。播客还将探讨剧中人物的复杂关系和动机,以及战争背后的政治阴谋。播客每集都将紧随新剧集播出,为观众提供及时深入的分析和解读,帮助观众更好地理解剧情,并参与到这场权力争夺的讨论中。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


My father chose me, his firstborn child, to succeed him. He held to his decision until death. And yet... Alyson's son sits my throne. You have no idea the sacrifices that were made to put you on that throne. I mean to fight this war and win it.

House of the Dragon is back for Season 2, people, and it's time for everyone in Westeros to pick a side. All must choose between Team Black with Queen Rhaenyra... The realm will soon tear itself apart if men do not remember the oath sworn to King Viserys and to his rightful heir.

And Team Green with King Aegon. Plot against the king, and I will pay it back a hundred times over. And we are here to go through it all with you on the official Game of Thrones podcast, House of the Dragon. I am Greta Johnson. And I'm Jason Concepcion. And each week, we'll be recapping and analyzing every new episode of the HBO original series, House of the Dragon.

The backstabbings, the dragons, the duplicity. And along the way, we'll go behind the scenes with the show's writers, cast, and crew, and we'll ask, whose side are you on? When the desire to kill and burn takes hold and reason is forgotten, we will not even remember what began the war in the first place. House of the Dragons season two starts June 16th, but new episodes of the official Game of Thrones podcast start May 22nd.

We'll be recapping key moments from season one and unpacking all the late-breaking Westeros news before the season two premiere. And starting June 16th, podcast episodes will come out every Sunday night immediately following new episodes of the show. You can listen on Max or wherever you get your podcasts. And trust me, you will not want to miss this. Which side will you choose? You must accept that the path to victory now is one of violence. Good.

To war then.