cover of episode Ep. 1: A Son for a Son (with Olivia Cooke and Phia Saban)

Ep. 1: A Son for a Son (with Olivia Cooke and Phia Saban)

logo of podcast The Official Game of Thrones Podcast: House of the Dragon

The Official Game of Thrones Podcast: House of the Dragon

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jason Concepcion
@剧中角色 对话展现了复仇和战争的残酷性,以及角色们在亲情与权力之间的挣扎。 @Jason Concepcion @Greta Johnsen 对剧集进行了细致的分析,探讨了剧中人物的动机、策略以及人性的复杂性。他们分析了片头动画的艺术风格,以及剧中人物的悲伤、愤怒和复仇心理。他们还讨论了绿党和黑党的战争策略,以及关键人物之间的关系。 @Olivia Cooke @Fia Saban 分享了她们对角色的理解和诠释,以及在拍摄过程中的感受。她们探讨了艾利森特和海莱娜作为母亲和王后的困境,以及她们在面对残酷抉择时的内心挣扎。她们还谈到了艾利森特和克里斯顿·科尔的恋情,以及海莱娜的预言能力。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Hosts Jason Concepcion and Greta Johnsen discuss the explosive Season 2 premiere. They talk with Olivia Cooke (Alicent Hightower) and Phia Saban (Helaena Targaryen) about their tenuous position in King’s Landing and the crushing duties of being a mother and queen in this world.

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