cover of episode The Secret Service Gets Grilled

The Secret Service Gets Grilled

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Part Of The Problem

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dave Smith
Robbie The Fire Bernstein
Dave Smith: 本期节目主要讨论了卡玛拉·哈里斯的总统竞选以及近期发生的政治事件。他认为卡玛拉·哈里斯的竞选实际上是一个试镜过程,媒体和政客们都在为她营造积极的形象,但实际上她并不具备足够的竞争力。他分析了民主党仓促更换候选人以及媒体对卡玛拉·哈里斯的积极评价与实际情况严重不符的原因。他还指出,民调显示特朗普领先,卡玛拉·哈里斯处于劣势,媒体的宣传无法改变这一事实。此外,他还批评了民主党试图将拜登的失败归咎于他的年龄,以及他们掩盖其执政的失败事实。他认为,民主党对特朗普的攻击无效,他们需要改变策略,关注民众真正关心的问题,例如经济和移民。 Dave Smith还分析了特勤局局长切德尔在国会作证时表现糟糕,最终被解雇的事件。他认为,特勤局未能阻止对前总统的暗杀企图是一个巨大的失败,切德尔拒绝回答问题并试图掩盖事实的行为更是加剧了人们的怀疑。他指出,即使在华盛顿特区,某些行为也是不可接受的,并呼吁对该事件进行彻底调查。 Robbie The Fire Bernstein: Robbie The Fire Bernstein主要就卡玛拉·哈里斯的竞选劣势和拜登总统的健康状况发表了自己的看法。他认为,卡玛拉·哈里斯在移民问题上的糟糕表现将严重影响她的竞选,而拜登总统的健康状况是一个严重的问题,需要有人能够胜任总统职务。他还指出,民主党掩盖了拜登总统健康状况恶化的事实,这将引发人们的愤怒。

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Hello, hello, hello. What's up, everybody? Welcome to a brand new episode of Part of the Problem, live from, which of course, if you don't know already...

I don't know if you've been living. It's been the biggest news of the last few weeks for sure. Nationally, it's all anyone's talking about. is the new home for this podcast. All of our episodes stream live, uncensored, ad-free at There is also now a fourth episode that

that you can only get at You can only get it if you go over there and support the show. If not, everything's pretty much the same for you. All of the episodes will still go out to YouTube and Spotify and iTunes and wherever you get your podcasts or wherever you watch your podcasts. However, they will be going out quicker

Um, and you will, if you want to support the show over at part of the, you will also get that fourth episode. Plus you'll get access to the part of the problem inner circle. You can mix it up with, uh, with me and Rob and there's a bunch of other benefits that you get depending on what tier you sign up at. But thank you so much to everybody who's already signed up and, uh, really, really appreciate it. This is what's necessary to take this show to the next level. And I'm very excited about, uh, doing it.

And everything is working very well. There were a couple little hiccups here that were already fixed. It's as I mentioned before, it's with these things, you know, you do like, OK, let me preface this by saying you all know I don't understand anything about technology. Right.

Like, I don't know how I'm talking into this thing in front of me. Somehow you guys are all watching it. But I have people around me who do understand it and they've explained to me. But basically, we did like a bunch of beta testing with the site where you test it with like, you know, a few dozen people on there. But then once you start getting a few thousand people on there, it just you figure out different things that work.

come up so if there are any issues they're going to be fixed soon please let us know uh if you're having any trouble at all but actually from uh from what i've heard from everybody it was a pretty smooth a pretty smooth launch so um thank you to uh ralph and lewis and uh brian and everybody who's worked tirelessly on that so that me and rob can uh show up and uh talk shit how are you rob

I'm doing well. I'm excited for a weekend back on the porch with Memphis Friday Night, Bonacqua on Saturday. And I see that you just added another show for our Nashville operation. I did indeed. Yeah, we sold out all the shows. So they added an extra one, which is a 4 p.m. I like it. I'm telling you, it's fun on Sundays.

All right. Listen, and what, and I told you, Rob, look, I said to them, cause we had a six and an eight on Sunday and they both sold out. So they're like, Hey, let's open up another show. And, uh, they were like, we could either do 4.00 PM or 10.00 PM. And I was like, definitely 10.00 PM. Like this is a comedy show. It's supposed to happen at night. And they were like, now listen, dude, on a Sunday in the summer, you're going to sell way better at 4.00 PM than 10.00 PM. So I was like, okay, fine. Let's do 4.00 PM. So I think gentlemen's agreement is,

I agreed to do 4 p.m., but I'm on the honor system. I'm trusting that everyone's going to start drinking at noon. That's the deal. OK, if you come to my show, we're going to smell your breath before you come into the show. You better be hammered. A reverse DUI checkpoint. That's the opposite. Sir, you're sober. You're going to jail. But I am very much looking forward to doing a Zany's Nashville. We love the Zany's out in Chicago, the Zany's in Rosemont. They're like some...

amongst my favorite clubs to do every year. And I've heard so many great things about the Zanies in Nashville. I've never worked there. And so I'm very excited to do it. And it's cool that the show is like sold out the first time we're there. So looking forward to that. And of course, we're going to be all over the road for the rest of this crazy year. for all of me and Rob's dates together. And then for all of Rob's dates. Sorry, That's the summer.

Website porch tour dot com. All right. So I just got back shortly or shortly ago. I just recently got back from I went in and did Pierce Morgan's show in he's in New York. So I went in and did it in New York City. It was an interesting was a feisty a little bit.

You know, by the way, with this one particularly, it's funny because I was in studio, but the other guests were remote and there was a little bit of a technical issue where...

It's actually in some ways, sometimes it's easier doing it here from my home studio. But so they've got a it's a little bit of a difficult setup. So they like kind of because they're based in London, but he's here in New York. So you're like talking to people in London and then everyone else is remote from their locations. And I actually couldn't hear the other guests that well.

Um, but it wasn't, what was bizarre about it is it wasn't really, at least from my perspective, it wasn't really contentious. Um, they had, so on the panel there was this, uh, you may have even seen, I think he's the same guy I've seen before. He's like a real young kid who's like all in Democrat. Um, he's, he was like a big Biden supporter and I was a big Kamala Harris supporter or whatever. He's like, he's very young. I mean, he must be 20 or something like that. And, um,

You know, he's just he's regurgitating the talking points. It's I don't judge him at all for it. It's like this is the kid I'm thinking. I haven't pegged as a propagandist. Like he's one of these TikTok kids that's getting a cut or a salary from somebody. He might he might be. I don't know. I just look at it and I go like, yeah, look, the dude's young and he wants to get in here and he picked a side and he's repeating their things. And maybe they're giving him money for it or whatever. I don't know. But it was just kind of like, OK.

And then there was a Joe Walsh who is like was like a never Trump Republican. And then there was one other lady who was, you know, a Democrat.

And then there was one guy who was like a Republican and, you know, he was kind of I don't know. He was speaking and talking points, essentially. But I was kind of having I was having interesting moments with the guys. We'll talk about it a little bit on the show because it wasn't even contentious for me. It was more like me being like, hey, guys, can we just have a real conversation for five minutes? Yeah.

Anyway, we'll get we'll kind of get back into that. But the theme, I guess what's really going on today, because there's one of the things that was interesting about doing the show is that there's a whole new there's a whole new propaganda out.

You know, it's like it's a whole new chapter and we're we're moving into the Kamala Harris propaganda. Now, what's really going on in actuality is that what we're all witnessing right now is Kamala Harris auditioning. This is the Kamala Harris audition for her.

The nomination. They're going to pretend like it's all sewn up. It's all decided. Kamala Harris is the nominee. But this, of course, is all part of the audition process. They want to give her the best possible opportunity to audition. This is essentially a casting, an interview, I suppose you could say. So they are...

They're trying to like be so, you know, but one of the things that happened on the show that I thought was pretty funny. And it's interesting, too, because I'm not a you know, I'm not a partisan. Even as a member of the Libertarian Party, I'm not a partisan. It pisses off a lot of libertarians that I'm not a libertarian partisan. I just don't that doesn't make sense to me. I find all that to be stupid. So.

You know, it's not as if I wouldn't acknowledge like if there's something Donald Trump that I don't like about him or something I disagree with him on. That's fine. But so what they're saying on the show, because it's and I got to say, I don't think like maybe that kid is being paid. You might be right about that. But even if he is or he isn't, there was something in talking to these guys where it feels like they're they're being genuine about.

And this is almost like the NPC dynamic where it feels like it's like, oh, did you guys just have like the latest propaganda uploaded into your mind? Like, did you just download the latest propaganda in your mind? Because they're all sitting there and they're going, oh, yeah, Republicans are shaking in their boots. You guys are on edge. You guys are really worried now, you know, because this is the talking point from the entire media. And like at one point I said to them, I went, I was like, first of all, I'm not.

worried and I'm not a Republican, but are you actually claiming that the Republicans are frazzled right now? Like you just forced your candidate out of the race and jumped on a new candidate. You started from scratch when there's no possible way we can win this. Let's go with someone else. And you're pretending that everyone's intimidated by this someone else. By the way, think about how ridiculous this is. Okay.

Why is it? I said this on, on Pierce Morgan today also, but why is it that for months people have been speculating about Gavin Newsom? Why is that?

Because Kamala Harris is so bad that even when people were skipping past Joe Biden, they were like, well, yeah, we also got to skip past Kamala Harris, obviously. Like we can't. So that's that's how bad she is that even by the way, amongst Democrats. I mean, I'm talking amongst MSNBC and CNN. Like when the debate ended and they went to their post-debate coverage and they were all saying, man, Joe Biden's got to drop out of this.

They all started speculating about who the candidate might be. It was never a given that it was Kamala Harris. It was always like, oh, maybe Kamala Harris, maybe Gavin Newsom, maybe Hillary Clinton, maybe Michelle Obama, whatever it is, you know, maybe Gresham Whitmore. Like they all speculated on a number of people, right?

But you wouldn't do that if the if the VP was a strong candidate. They're only doing that because obviously she's not. And so anyway, that was that was the first layer of propaganda that was like fascinating to watch, like just the newest, like it's just like marching orders go out and everybody's like, yes, Kamala Harris is such a strong candidate. She's going to beat Donald Trump. And I was just sitting there just being like, I mean, look, guys, let's be honest, probably not.

Right. Like, I mean, obviously, Donald Trump is the favorite right now. Kamala Harris is starting in a terrible situation, you know, and Donald Trump is up in all of the polls. He's clearly the favorite. You guys are the underdog. Can she start to put it together? I mean, I suppose we'll see. But at least as of right now, no, the position is not like, oh, the Democrats are on top of the world and the Republicans are like, shit, no.

We got to deal with the force that is Kamala Harris. Yeah, the better lie would just be, hey, guys.

It's really important to beat Donald Trump. Here's why it's so important. Even if you want to go with your January 6th bullshit, and hopefully Kamala Harris has figured out how to get past some of the difficulties we've seen from her in the laughing, in her inarticulateness, like in her talking about school buses, they would go, hopefully she's actually up to the task and the donors seem to have put her faith behind her. So it's time for us to give her a chance.

But to pretend like, I don't know, some star quarterback just came out of retirement and now Donald Trump has a fight on his hands is such an unbelievable lie. Amidst all the lies I've seen these people try and spin, I can't even believe that they're saying this one with a straight face. Well, and the crazy thing is that it will be the same people who told you that that there was no problem with Joe Biden.

The same people who told you there was no problem with Joe Biden, quite often the same people who even after that said he shouldn't drop out of the race are now going, oh yeah, this all worked out perfect. And you're like, yeah, this seems like wishful thinking. This seems like wishful thinking on your part. Look, this is how it's going with Kamala Harris right now. And this is what I mean when I said she's auditioning. Okay.

If you remember, Rob, because we were covering it when it happened. In 2019, Kamala Harris announced that she was running for president.

She did a few big events and she got big donor money. She actually she got a lot of Hillary Clinton staffers to join up for her presidential campaign, which was already shaping up to be like this. The dynamic of the race where it was like, oh, OK, so Joe Biden. I can't remember if Joe Biden had announced yet. I think this was a little before he announced, but it was fantastic.

He was the guy who everyone was expecting to announce and run if he hadn't already. I got to go back and check. I can't remember the chronology of all that, but it was already like, oh, OK, see, the Hillary people are going with Kamala Harris and the Biden people are going with Biden. If you remember rewinding four years before that in 2016, there was speculation about whether Joe Biden would run for president. He was the vice president at the time and kind of next in line in some sense to run for president.

Ultimately, he ended up deciding not to do it. It's been widely reported that Obama discouraged him from doing it, said Hillary was the stronger candidate. And so they went with Hillary Clinton. Then in 2020, he comes back and runs. Well, Kamala Harris announces she's running. The corporate press all lined up to talk about how impressive her her speech announcing that she was running was.

It was not an impressive speech, but they all pretended there was something there that was very, very impressive. They went, look at the organization. Look at the fundraising. You see, blah, blah, blah. She's got real support. This is kind of what they pretended.

She went up on the debates, did terrible. She like her first debate, she tried to call Joe Biden out for being racist. It didn't work well. Then Kamala Harris just destroyed. Excuse me. Then Tulsi Gabbard just destroyed her. Her campaign crashed and burned. There was no popular support. She didn't even make it to the first primary. She was like under one percent in the polls. It was just a disaster.

A similar type of thing is happening right now. Now, obviously, the dynamics are different. This isn't a primary and or in that sense. And she's the sitting vice president, you know, but that's essentially what's going on here. She's getting huge money from the big donors. She's getting the red carpet treatment from the corporate press. They're going to give this to her. I think she's got a couple weeks to see what this does.

And then they get to decide whether they're comfortable going with Harris or whether they feel like we got to sub her out for another candidate, which is still a possibility. I maybe I read the news wrong, but I thought that they were reporting that she had enough delegates. So I thought that that meant. Yes, that's what they're saying. But.

At least as far as I understand it, these are still unbound delegates. And then what about the supposed 80 to 100 million dollars that she raised in 24 hours? Does that is that not pot committed? This is still unclear to me. We've got to do some more homework on that topic.

Listen, I think that so she first off, it's well over that. If you count all the money, it's close to a quarter of a billion dollars that she's raised. The vast majority of that coming from big donors. But yeah, they also have gotten like, you know, like what they call small

donations. Again, I don't really know that this demonstrates a grassroots support for Kamala Harris as much as it demonstrates the Democratic Party's machine and their ability to be like, hey, listen, this is it. We have to go all in on this or we get Donald Trump and scaring people into giving them some money. We'll see. This is such a fascinating thing that it's not reported on. So who are the hundred million dollars that was being withheld until she was announced?

And just the storyline of Biden needs to leave because the donors won't back him to all of a sudden Kamala announcing and then the story instantly changing to look at how popular she is. There's $100 million on the table. Where is all that money coming from?

Yeah, it's listen, it's the whole thing is crazy. It's also crazy that people on the left are willing to overlook that. Like, I thought this was your whole thing, money and politics and all of this, you know, but it's just that's that's that. And they're, you know,

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So that's that's essentially what's going on right now, as far as I can can tell that Kamala Harris, this is her shot. But look, as we kind of talked about on the last episode, she's still got.

A very uphill battle, a very uphill battle to fight because you're she's unpopular. She's been unpopular the entire entire time she's been vice president. She's not good at politics. She's not an impressive person. And somehow she's somehow she has to go out and compete now with Donald Trump. And I think one of the things that is at least as of now, look, it's hard. It's hard to tell to like.

It's hard to get too much information out of some of these polls, but there was very little difference in the polling of Joe Biden versus Trump and Kamala Harris versus Trump over the last few months. There's been very little difference in the two of them. And I think one of the things that's going to become apparent is that.

You know, the corporate media not only convinces whatever people are still gullible enough to like watch CNN and MSNBC and think they're getting news, but it's not just that they convince those people. They convince themselves also. And I think so. I was just talking about this last week. Right. The narrative they have now is because this is a comforting narrative to them, is that

Joe Biden, his age just turned out to be an issue. And his age became an issue right at that debate. You know, like no one could have seen this coming before that. It was at that debate. He got old and then he was old ever since then. And so, oh, man, he died and came back from the dead. Yeah, right. Something like that. So he died.

Joe Biden, essentially, the narrative goes, is a great president, incredibly successful, just a little bit too old, but he did the right thing and he stepped down. OK, now there's there's a lot of problems with this narrative. Number one, we still haven't heard from Joe Biden or maybe we have. Actually, Brian, pull up that the call in to Kamala Harris, because that's actually pretty interesting. But so we've in the most bizarre way.

heard supposedly a phone call from the president of the United States. He's announced that he's speaking tomorrow night and we saw him. He is alive. They got video of him coming off his plane or going on his plane. But aside from that, the major issue and I made this point on Pierce Morgan show as well. The issue that Democrats are going to run up against now is that

That narrative that that Joe Biden was a wildly successful, wildly successful president, but he was just a little bit too old and slow is is total bullshit. I shouldn't say total bullshit. The old and slow part is true. But it's just not it's not the case. Look, Donald Trump was never winning in the polls against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

He was never winning in the polls against Joe Biden in 2020. He's been winning in the polls in 2024 all year. All year he's been up. Now, why is that? What's going on here? Why is it that...

Donald Trump is polling better than he's ever polled before. Well, look, you can look at the information. It's right there in front of you. Every single poll, at least every one I've seen, is the top two issues are what? The economy and immigration. And

And Kamala Harris is tied to this administration's track record. It's not like getting a fresh start. It's like this is the vice president from this administration. And the reality is that our country has been through the worst price inflation of my life and the worst immigration crisis of my life. Kamala Harris, by the way, was put in charge of immigration policy.

That was her big task that she was given as vice president. The worst, most unpopular aspect of this administration. And so the issue that Democrats are going to start to be confronted with is that there's actually reasons why people don't believe Joe Biden has been a success. And those things are very unpopular. And so it's not just that, okay, you got rid of Joe Biden being old. So now you have...

the Biden-Harris track record, and Harris, the spokeswoman who's really not good at speaking, has zero charisma, is not impressive in any way, and is very unpopular. You're still a pretty big underdog in this situation.

Yeah, I think the inflation thing she could distance herself from. But the border that's got her name all over it. As Joe did slap her, I think, is the border czar or whatever title he gave her. And aside from all that, as I've said before, she's the only person in the country dumber than Joe Biden with dementia.

It's just a couple speeches away from I mean, they should put her in the basement until the DNC and then right away Donald Trump should try and get or he should try and take another month before he has a debate with her so that they have even less time to find whoever the replacement is going to be.

Yeah. So I got in when I was on the Pierce Morgan thing, we argued a little bit and you know, it gets on Pierce Morgan. Everyone talks over each other. It's always like, you know, I like doing the show and everything. Um, and Pierce has been really cool to me and I like him, but, uh, it's just too many people talking over each other, man. There's too many damn people on those panels. But yeah,

One of the things I started getting into it with these guys, it was actually kind of fascinating. Like, I just wish I kind of wished we had more time. Like, I almost left it being like, well, like, I mean, I didn't say it, but like in my mind, I was like, well, you guys come do my podcast right now. I just want to talk to you guys. I want to talk to like Harris supporters and get into it. So because what starts happening is immediately, you know, if you could imagine, right, like I make the point that I just made and or some version of that.

And then immediately it's like January 6th insurrection threat to democracy, you know, just like all these buzzwords being thrown at you. Joe Walsh at one point said he goes, listen, Dave, you know, you're a father in your 40s. I'm a father in my 60s. And, you know, listen, I mean, you probably agree on 80 percent of politics and which is I'm sure not true. But he said that, you know.

And he's like, but look, I just think Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. So I'll vote for whoever the Democrat is because he's a threat to democracy. And, you know, they start getting into all this. He tried to overthrow the government and all this stuff. And.

So at one point I was just kind of trying to take it on because look, by the way, what's interesting to me is that like, it's not just these guys I happen to be on a show with who are saying this, this is the Kamala Harris pitch. This is essentially what Kamala Harris is running for president on is that, Hey, I'm a prosecutor and he's the felon, right? This is her. And I know how to prosecute a felon. The prosecutor is the good guy and the felons, the bad guy and yada, yada, yada. You know, this is, and I,

So I said at one point to him, you know, I was like, listen, I didn't really like the way Donald Trump handled the 2020 election. And I'll grant you that, like, when he called the secretary of state in Georgia there, it did seem like he was kind of bullying a little bit and kind of trying to get them. You know, he didn't exactly say steal it for me, but it was kind of like maybe wink, nod. I need you to find me some extra votes type deal. Like, fine. OK, but and I put it like this on the show. I went, OK, listen.

I am going to overthrow democracy in the United States of America and usher in a dictatorship. OK, now, why isn't anybody here worried about that? Like I just said, I was going to do it.

Why is nobody concerned about that? And the reason is because I have no power to implement that. It doesn't matter if I want to do it. You know what I mean? I have no actual power to do that. So who cares? And even if by some gigantic stretch, you can get yourself to say,

That's what Trump was trying to do, which that is such a huge stretch that what Donald Trump was trying to do was overthrow democracy and install himself as a dictator. Well, OK, if that's what he was trying to do, guess what? He had no more power than I have to make that happen. It's just there was no chance it was going to happen. What Donald Trump ended up doing was bitching and moaning and then getting on his plane and going back to Mar-a-Lago and turning over the White House to Joe Biden. Why? Because he had no choice.

Yeah, it was completely powerless. So all of this is kind of meaningless. You know what I mean? Like, this is all pointless. And then, you know, he had said, who else doesn't concede elections? And I was like, well, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, all of them said their elections were illegitimate. And he goes, yeah, but they conceded. And I went, so what? That's the magic is that Donald Trump didn't concede, but he left. Right.

Like, what are we talking about here? Like, what, he didn't perform the ritual or something like that? Like, okay, that's what you've got? And I tried to make this point where I was like, look, all of this stuff, because we had a whole little debate about, like, Piers Morgan at one point was like, you know, he's like, look, you guys are calling this guy Hitler for all these years. It's ridiculous and all this. And then one of the guys, she was kind of joking around, but she goes, no, he's not Hitler. He's more like Mussolini or something. And I was like, look, man,

All of this stuff, what you got to pay attention to here is that so you're saying Donald Trump's Hitler. You're saying Donald Trump's a felon. You're saying Donald Trump tried to overturn democracy. He led an insurrection. He incited an insurrection on October, excuse me, on January 6th. OK, everyone knows those those claims. Everybody's heard those claims. And Donald Trump is winning in the polls.

So what does that tell you? What does that tell you? If you ask me, I think what it tells you is that no one really cares about that that much.

Just nobody really fucking cares. And you guys are even just pretending to care. You guys don't even really care about all of that. You just think this is the best shot you've got at him. You really care about him not being the president because you hate him. OK, but really, all this stuff, this is no like the reason why Donald Trump is winning in all of these polls is because he's

For the overwhelming majority of Americans, like if you go, hey, what do you care about more? You know, inflation or Donald Trump's hush money payments? There's no question. What do you care about more? The immigration crisis or January 6th? I keep trying to keep going on October 7th. Sorry. January 6th or the immigration crisis? What do you think is a bigger deal to the American people?

So it's look on the substance of it, on top of everything else being a huge advantage for Donald Trump, on the substance of it. If Donald Trump is hitting inflation and immigration and Kamala Harris is hitting his felony charges, you got yourself a losing battle right there.

Real losing battle. That's well said. I hadn't even considered that. We've heard all these arguments so far and they're not working. So you guys better pivot to something else. Well, I mean, think about it. If you're calling someone Hitler and everyone's heard you call him Hitler and he's winning in the polls. I mean, what does that tell you? You kind of have only one of two conclusions. Either they're all Nazis, you know what I mean? And they love that he's Adolf Hitler or no one's buying it.

Nobody's buying it. These are issues that no one really cares about. You know, like the the Democrats like like every now and then they'll rattle off a couple talking points about how the price of insulin is down, which, you know, as we've mentioned before, it's kind of funny. It's funny in a way because they're trying to avoid price inflation. And the one talking point they have is one thing being cheaper.

You know what I mean? There's a weird admission in that. You're like, oh, so you're saying life is easier when things that people need are cheaper. OK, interesting. Well, then let's look at the price of things, shall we? You know, and OK, that's not going to work out very well for you. So let's try a different tact. But aside from where they occasionally rattle off some of these things, it's like what's at the core. The core message there is something that voters just don't care that much about.

It's just not like that important. It doesn't actually matter to your life. And that's what people actually care about, things that matter to their life and their livelihood and their ability to flourish and their ability to give their kids a little bit of a better of a life than they had. And if at the center of the campaign is like this guy was –

convicted on some ridiculously trumped up charges and he led an insurrection or something. You're that's a very, very tough, very, very tough place to run from. So we will say. All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is Monetary Metals. Unlock a 12 percent return on silver. If you're ready to start building wealth by putting your precious metals to work, you have to check out Monetary Metals.

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Head to the link in the episode description or go to for more information on how to participate. All right, let's get back into the show. You got the clips from what seems to be very fake audio. Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. So let's – because just to be clear here, even before we play it, this has been wild, dude. Like it's been – I mean look –

It is. I know I'm going to repeat myself sometimes in these things. You just you have to repeat yourself because it's it's important enough to do so. But it is unbelievable. And don't for a second give me these excuses like, you know, whatever. Oh, he's got covid or something like that. Like as if that somehow, you know.

That somehow means that he can't give an address to the nation. I mean, look, for the president of the United States of America to announce four weeks before the convention that

That he's pulling out. He's not going to be the candidate. After swearing up and down that he is going to be the candidate. For him to make that decision and that not be a national address to the American people is wild. And, you know, tell me, oh, he's got COVID. Okay, whatever. Fucking...

All he's got to do is make a three minute video. You can edit it. It doesn't have to be live. You know what I'm saying? Like you could edit out every time he stumbles. Okay. Just get three minutes of literally just a few sentences out, but him talking to you saying this and oh, he's got COVID. Okay. So throw on a few of those masks that you pretended worked for four years and get back to it. You know, like there's just no reason, but for not only that, but for him to not be seen at all.

I mean, literally just over an hour and a half ago was the first sighting of Joe Biden since he announced he wasn't running.

It's Tuesday. He announced on Sunday. He's saying that Wednesday night he's going to speak to the people. I mean, there's just something so shady about that. Like something's going on here. I don't know exactly what it is, but something's going on. And there's an interesting risk to how is her name supposed to be pronounced? If you want to be woke and polite about it, is it Kamala Kamala? No, Kamala Kamala Harris is how I always say it. I think Kamala.

Kamala? Is that how you're supposed to say it? Whatever. Camel toe. So I'm a child. But anyways, it's interesting because now there's going to start to be a conversation of

should he even be the president for the next couple months? Or is his health issue so bad that he should not remain in office? And then I think at some point in time, we are going to have to have some sort of a secondary conversation of how long has he been inept for and who's been covering for him? And should there be some responsibility for the people that have been lying to us and trying to pretend like he's at full capacity when obviously there's a lot going on in the world and we need, we need,

Listen, you might not like our democracy, but there needs to be someone without dementia who's making decisions. Yeah. No, listen, I mean, there is if somebody can figure out the way, like the most effective way to play that card, there's a real opening there. I mean, look like it's good. It's very hard for people.

Not just Kamala Harris, but also for the entire corporate media to just be like, listen, you clearly you protected this guy and pretended there was no problem. And the problem was so bad he had to pull out four months before the election. Not only was it bad, it was so bad that he could not run a campaign.

So I mean, I don't you know, like nothing like this has ever happened before. So it's hard to overstate how crazy that is. But it's not just like a question of like, like, look, there's an area of mental decline where you'd be like, this guy maybe can't be president. And then there's an area where you can't be president. But it is so much worse than that to be like, we can't even pretend.

Like, we can't even pretend this guy is capable of running a campaign. That's where we're at. And Kamala Harris is directly implicated in that. She was one of the people going, no, no, no, he's sharp as a tack in private meetings. He's unbelievable. Like, okay, sure. Anyway, so to make this thing more bizarre, almost as if they are trying to get everybody to believe that there was a coup that happened here. Like, they have...

i mean literally like i can't even if someone had suggested this idea to you you'd be like no no everybody's gonna think something really fishy is going on here if you do this but so they have joe biden call in to kamala harris's speech let's play the tape from this it's wild it is so good to hear our president's voice joe i know you're still on the on the call

And we've been talking every day. You probably, you guys heard it from Doug's voice. We love Joe and Jill. We really do. They truly are like family to us. And we do everybody here. I knew you were still there. You're not going anywhere, Joe. I'm watching you, kid. I'm watching you, kid. I love you. I love you, Joe. It is so good to hear.

Yeah. So if you see there, there was a point where she she she said she started to say recording and then like corrected herself immediately. There's been some people online who are claiming that like this was a I and you can like tell that it was it.

Something sounded off about it. I'll say that. And by the way, if it was AI, it was very good AI because it even got like his stuttering and stuff like that in. But just such a bizarre thing to be like, wait, this guy, you're telling me he can still be president for five months, but we can't see him or hear from him on the most important decision in his life? Really? Yeah.

That seems hard to believe. Anyway, just totally bizarre that they would have him call in to her. Like, I've never seen that done with anyone. I've never seen anybody call into somebody's speech. It's just so strange.

Just in terms of getting the stuttering down and that AI sounding good for potentially being AI, I was using some AI voiceovers for fake intros I was doing for Run Your Mouth. And it's as simple as you have to actually write the double words in and then you can play it back, hear how it sounds and make the edits. So if you have a decent enough writer, it's not that the AI has to fabricate the imperfections in someone's speech patterns as much as

You write it, and the AI is very good at generating. If you're good enough at writing in people's voice, the AI will sound like them. Yeah. Well, look, it is pretty wild. I'm not saying that was AI. I have no idea. I am saying that this whole situation is bizarre, is really bizarre. I was talking about that today on the show, too, where it's like that's the thing that

the progressives are jumping on now as they're going, oh, you guys call this a coup? Do you even know what a coup is? Do you know what that means? This was somebody making a decision. That's all. And you're like, dude, even in like the best case scenario, it's not just that Joe Biden made a decision because Joe Biden did make a decision. And he told you what his decision was. His decision was to stay in the race.

Right. So he's clearly at the very least, let's say, pressured. And the truth is that none of us know what type of pressure was put on Joe Biden behind the scenes. We know about a ton of pressure that was put on him in front of the scenes. Who knows what was put on him behind the scenes? And I actually think I'm just throwing this out there, that if more of the news story starts to come out about how bad Joe Biden's decline has been over the last two years and

the democrats try and go well we need to beat donald trump and we're moving forward and this is a pathway forward i think you're going to have some anger even amongst the democrats who are like you promised me normal that's what you promised me you promised that you guys were the adults in the room and that we were going back to normal and instead you lied to us for political power and you set us up for donald trump coming back

I think they like if you just think about it, Kamala right now, she just needs to win over maybe 20 percent of the voters. Like there's the 30, maybe 40 percent of the diehard Democrats who are anti-Trump. And now you've got your mom and pops that are worried about the prices. But I think that there's going to be some serious anger and resentment towards the Democratic Party for, you know, pretending like Biden was in better shape than he was. Yeah. Well, look, I think there's.

There's a lot of issues that the Democrats are going to have to deal with. That's a huge one. It's an excellent point. You promised to return to normalcy. You have returned us to clown world. I mean, this is like we this is less normal than anything. I also just think it's very I mean, look, Joe Biden, despite what the corporate media wants to tell you, he's just a disaster. I mean, it's been a disastrous four years. I mean, just it's hard to overstate how bad it is. Look, his

He started his presidency where his number one issue, he put all his chips in on the vaccine. It was, we're going to get this jab in as many people's arms as we possibly can by whatever means is available to us. Some of them were struck down by the Supreme Court, like the OSHA mandate. But that's what it's all about. It's a vaccinated of the...

excuse me, it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Our patience is running thin with you. That was like the first year plus of Joe Biden's administration was demonizing the unvaccinated and insisting that you get this vaccine totally sold off lies, lies that he himself, you know, the guy who's sitting there with COVID now for the second time, at least he told you, you couldn't get COVID if you got the vaccine. He insisted that, let's just say in,

the most generous interpretation. He insisted that many people who didn't need to get the vaccine got the vaccine. Then he totally botched the Afghanistan withdrawal. Then he went all in on this war in Ukraine. That's just been a disaster.

You know, I mean, one thing after the other, after the other, this is very, very hard. It's a it's been a very bad presidency and it's very hard to defend. OK, let's let's switch gears a little bit here, because I do want to talk about this other story, which is also a very interesting one. So just earlier today, the head of the Secret Service, this lady, Cheadle, I believe her name is.

She stepped down. It is wild, wild that it took this long. It is pretty, I mean, I know this is old news now, but there was an assassination attempt against the former president and the current front runner to, you know, to be the next president. And he, again, best case scenario due to,

mind-bogglingly gross incompetence, let's say, like literally to a level that's hard to imagine you could be this incompetent, but a rooftop less than 200 yards away from where the president was speaking, there...

allowed to occupy a 20 something year old with a rifle who had been walking around scoping out the area for like an hour while many people were warning the local police and the Secret Service that there's a guy up there with a gun. This was allowed to happen. And the fact that there weren't resignations the next day.

are wild. So essentially what happened was that this lady Cheetle went and testified before Congress yesterday, essentially refused to answer any questions, but insisted that she was the best one for the job. It was a very Joe Biden-esque thing. Insisted she's the best one. She's not going anywhere. She's the best person to still run the Secret Service. The next day, she ain't running the Secret Service anymore.

I mean, she was so bad and that she even made AOC look good. So if you just want to understand the benchmark of how terrible she was, it was astonishing even prior to that interview watching her lie. She went to like the Fauci school where every time I hear her talk, I'm like, how did you guys this is this is Fauci.

hey we made the right decision at the time when we didn't put the person when when we didn't include that in the parameters no we weren't wrong even though our strategy failed and the president was shot at we weren't wrong because we're the experts and we evaluated that you didn't need someone there and sure it didn't work and you can still trust us even though we made the wrong decision because it was actually the right decision when we made it

And even in this hearing, the way that she's lying, where she goes, well, we didn't decline a request on that day. And then she wouldn't. And then, yeah, when there was a request for additional security, sure, we said no, but we didn't really say no because we tried to take other measures to improve their security. So it's inaccurate to say that we had declined the request.

It was incredible to watch her absolutely refuse to answer. I'm here to try and add transparency to answer all your questions. No, I can't answer that one, but I would like to be able to give you all the information that you need. I can't answer that one, but I'm here to answer your questions.

It was an incredible display from a politician of just being willing to sit in the pocket and just absolutely refuse. And I mean, literally on both sides of the aisle, the Democrats who were trying to pin this on, hey, do you think we have to get rid of AR-15s? They couldn't even get straight answers out of her. So they were getting frustrated because they weren't able to spin their story. And literally everyone just gave her a hard time for your subpoena to be here. Why don't you have any of the information for us to review this?

I don't even know why she showed up to then. I think they probably wanted her there for the cover-up, and she showed up to that meeting, and they realized, oh, we're going to need to put someone else in here.

Yeah. Yeah. All right, guys, let's take a moment and thank our sponsor for today's show, which is My Patriot Supply. I love this company. I think there's a lot of people out there who have been, let's say, concerned about instability and a little uncertain about what the future might hold. And it's always better to give yourself a little bit of certainty about things that really matter. And one thing that really matters is.

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Get yourself and your family taken care of. You have peace of mind. One less thing you need to worry about. Prepare with Smith dot com. All right. Let's get back into the show. All right. Well, we got a few clips from from that hearing just to prove that Rob is not exaggerating. If you haven't seen it, it was that bad here. Let's go to let's go to that. The first one. My first question. Both sides of the aisle today have asked for your resignation. Would you like to use my five minutes to draft your resignation letter? Yes or no.

No, thank you. Was this a colossal failure? It was a failure. Yes or no. Was it a colossal failure is the question. Yes or no. I have admitted this is a terrible. This is a yes or no series of questions. Was this a colossal failure? Yes or no.

Yes. Have you provided... You should pause it for a second because it's already... I'm sorry. It's just so funny to just go, was this a colossal failure? I go, it was a failure. And then she's like, she almost just got into like bickering about the semantics of colossal or not. And you're like, lady, it's colossal. Like, what are you...

This is the biggest job of the Secret Service. What do you mean? How can this not be? She's like, no, he got shot in the ear. It wasn't our best day, but, you know, it was like, lady, this is the biggest failure. By definition, the biggest failure that the Secret Service can have is having someone get a clear headshot at the president.

And then they just happen to miss. But like, yes, no, colossal failure. Seems like a good descriptor. All right, let's keep playing. We're addressing our policy about slopes. It appears that maybe we were misguided in our approach to slopes. All right, let's keep playing.

Yes or no? I'll have to get back to you on that. That is a no. Have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee, as we asked on July 15th, yes or no? I would have to get back to you. That is a no. You're full of shit today. You're just being completely dishonest. My first question.

that's one feisty republican lady there but yeah i mean look what can you say aside from like it again she's just i actually kind of like how she goes that's a no you know because she's like well you can i'll refer you to the record or something it's like yeah no you haven't you haven't given them all the footage you have they even were holding her because she refused to give any specifics

And then they were asking when she even addressed or had phone calls, and she really would not answer a single question. And I forgot who it was, but one person did a particularly excellent job of calling her out for, have you done zero preparation for this? How are you not able to answer any of these questions or recall any of this information?

Yeah, yeah. No, it was it was wild. She basically just went there to Stonewall. And look, I mean, I guess I suppose like maybe there is a little bit of a silver lining here, like a note of optimism is that as much as so many people do get away with that in D.C. without losing their jobs, this was just too big of a thing to have nothing to say.

to have nothing to say for like how you could allow this to happen. That was even, even in DC, that was a bridge too far. Here, let's go to the next clip that we have. They're happening in about a hundred days.

So the notion of a report coming out in 60 days when the threat environment is so high in the United States, irrespective of party, is not acceptable. And I think it's very important to understand that this is not theater. This is not about jockeying. This is about the safety of some of the most highly targeted people.

and valued targets internationally and domestically in the United States of America. So the idea that a report will be finalized in 60 days, let alone prior to any actionable decisions that would be made, is simply not acceptable. It has been 10 days since an assassination attempt on a former president of the United States, regardless of party. There need to be answers.

Yeah, you could kind of see on AOC's face that at one point even she's like, I'm sounding smart right now. Like this is new. The better AOC clip was about the range on ARs, which off the top of my head, I think it's like,

I don't know, something like in the 400 range. I'm sorry. Our gun audience is going to be furious. How do you not know this? But it was a pretty simple question of why was there a rooftop within range of what an AR can do, which is one of the most popular and easily acceptable, easily accessible guns in this country. So how can you possibly say that a rooftop with a clear view of where the president is that's been in range of a readily accessible rifle didn't need to be secured?

And, you know, the fact that even AOC is able to come up with gun facts that are that simple was pretty astonishing. Well, look, I mean...

I think what we're left with here is, and I think this is very reasonable to say, I'm not like jumping to some wild conspiracy here, but this was such a, what was the word she used? Colossal failure in the first clip. This was such a monumental failure that I,

At the very least, the first question that needs to be answered is like, how the hell did you guys let this happen? Because it does. You know, there's so many implications that come off of that. And I think a lot of people don't want their like kind of don't want this to be the obvious thing.

You know what I mean? And it's like, look, tell me this is something other than what it looks like. You know, it's like always like in those in those movies or whatever, when someone gets caught in like a precarious situation and they're like, this isn't what it looks like. I can explain. You know what I mean? And then it's kind of like, OK, well, explain how the hell did you possibly end up in this situation? And, you know, oftentimes in the movies there is an explanation. But, you know, it's like.

It's almost like the Secret Service is sitting there going, this isn't what it looks like. I can explain. And you're like, OK, explain. And then they're like, I'll refer you to the record.

You're like, wait a minute. No, no, no, no, no. You got to be able to explain like, wait, how did this happen? You know, like in the movies where it'll be something like, no, it's like this chick in a bikini got thrown into my room, like a wave hitter. And she got thrown into my room and landed in my bed. But I swear, like, it's not what it looks like. It was something else. But you're like, OK, Secret Service, if you're telling me this isn't what it looks like, then I'm going to need the explanation.

And they're offering you no explanation. It's very hard to not go from that to go, oh, so I guess this is just what it looks like. Or what it looks like is that you allowed this to happen. That's what it's looking like to a whole lot of people. And you're not doing much to convince us you didn't.

I don't know what else to say here. I do want to, before we end here today, I do want to go check in with the chat, the live chat, which you can only get access to if you join up over at This is the new system, people. And listen, we're, we're,

We're free market types here, okay? We believe in hierarchy. None of that egalitarian nonsense here. The people who sign up over at, they're better than you. So let's go check in. Let's go check in with these people who are better than you. What do we got here? Sorry, trying to pull it up on my screen here. All right.

Hung Solo. I'm starting to think that's not your real name, dude. Good name, though. Hung Solo. All right. If anyone's got a question here, what's good, Dave? What's going on, dude? How are you? Does anyone actually think any accountability will come of this? Well, you know, I mean, look, that lady lost her job, so that's something. The long answer is no. I actually...

Well, it's 50-50. I think you're mostly right that these things seem to disappear. But what you were saying with the cat person, there's so much information on the internet. I mean, at the moment, Epstein's safe, disappeared, no one in the FBI is in trouble, and we seem to have moved on from the flight logs and who else was on the client list. But this one, I think we're all like...

This is as fishy as Epstein killing himself. The fact that police reported that the guy was on the roof, that they had the shooter, the snipers had it, this is equally as, hey, that does not make sense as the Epstein killed himself. And I think also because it wasn't behind prison walls, and so we've seen enough of it right in front of us to see how it just doesn't make sense. I think that...

I think there's going to be a little bit more accountability. Yeah. Well, you, you, you might be right about that. I agree with your assessment. Um, okay. Uh,

R and a dare 26 as a Dave, I saw you in Austin and met Rob. Great show. So glad we made the trip from Colorado to see it. Come play a show in Denver soon. Oh, thank you. Oh, that's cool. You got to meet Rob and thank you for coming all the way from, uh, from Colorado to come see me. We will be playing Denver. We're working on that. I know we got a lot of fans in Denver and I get requests to come up there all the time. I'm, I'm telling you, me and Robbie will be coming out to, uh, to Denver sooner or

rather than later just trying to figure out the details on that. Denver's been biggest porch draw to date. And amongst the libertarians out there, they're a real party bunch, the Denver people. So it'll be fun when we finally make it happen. Yeah. Okay. Ryan asks, have you seen the report where it appears that Thomas Crooks was seen near an FBI building in June?

Well, there's more than just that. There's also that he, when they cracked his phone, he had some odd correspondence. I mean, this is all Twitter talk, but he had some odd correspondence that people were trying to link to the FBI. He was also in a BlackRock commercial at some point in time. That one's a little bit screwy. Listen, it's still early and this is all still conspiracy talk, but there are some additional oddities to the fact that secret servers seem to be like, hey,

Hey, who trained this kid? Because we can all see him. Can he take the shot already? I don't know how much longer I can ignore him being up there for. Yeah, it's a listen. This whole thing stinks. Let's just say that. But yeah, look, I mean, like as the more those little details start to emerge, the more it starts to look like what they always look like. You know, if that's if that makes sense.

Oh, okay. Hold on one second. Sorry. Trying to get something here. We'll get one more in. Toasted goat treasure.

It's some good names in this crowd. Dave loves seeing you at bottom of the barrel. First mothership run sad. I missed Robin you the second time. Oh yeah. Bottom of the barrel is a great show. I really enjoy doing that. It's Brian Simpson, I believe is the one who runs it, but it's a, it's a little man in a, at the comedy mothership. It's a great show. It's like you just, the audience is,

writes topics and then puts them in a barrel and then you go up and you just pick one out and riff on it uh it's a lot of fun it's just like whatever their topic is then try to turn it into a joke it's a great way to like get new uh get new material and stuff i always enjoy that if i'm out there i think they do it mondays either mondays or tuesdays they do that show but every time if i'm out there on a monday and tuesday i always try to do that one because i always enjoy it um

All right. Actually, you know what? We got a couple of minutes left here. I'll take I'll take another another question from the group before we wrap up. All right. Let's see. I'm trying to pick out a good one here. All right. Broadlemore writes, I'm more inclined to believe the Joe Biden call is Shane Gillis rather than Joe Biden. That is I just it would have been funnier if Shane had done it.

Yeah, I'd said after the RNC, I'll vote for Shane Gillis as Trump for president. Yeah, there you go. And then Twight 1062 writes, can you bring Shane Gillis on for a history episode? I would 100% do that if Shane wants to. Yeah, Shane's actually a very smart guy. Shane knows a lot of stuff. So I would absolutely, I would love to do that. But you know, my buddy Shane, he's a busy guy. He's a busy guy these days. So we'll see. We'll see if we can snag him.

There's a few years ago we'd have been doing him the favor, but now he's on top of the world. But yeah, I would I would totally love to do that. All right. Listen, thank you guys again. Big thank you to everybody for for helping out with this new launch. And thank you to everybody who is already signed up at part of the problem dot com. Please, if you can go on over there and do the same.

And yeah, come see us on the road. Comic Dave Smith dot com porch tour dot com. Check out Run Your Mouth. Rob's fantastic podcast. It's great. Give it a listen if you haven't already. And that's all. Catch you next time. Peace. Peace.