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Election Preview 2024

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Part Of The Problem

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Dave Smith
Robbie Bernstein
Robbie Bernstein:根据观察到的社会情绪、候选人表现以及各种非科学指标,特朗普将赢得本次大选的压倒性胜利。他认为,在过去几周里,特朗普展现出强大的竞选能量,而哈里斯则表现平平。他将本次大选与2008年奥巴马对阵麦凯恩的大选进行比较,认为两者在社会氛围和民意方面都存在相似之处,最终结果都将是压倒性胜利。 Dave Smith:他同意Bernstein的观点,认为特朗普的胜算很大。他指出,虽然民调显示本次大选竞争激烈,但从社会氛围和候选人表现来看,特朗普更有可能赢得大胜。他认为,媒体对拜登的评价在第一次辩论后发生了转变,这表明媒体的报道并非完全客观,而是会根据实际情况调整立场。他还提到,一些报纸选择不为卡马拉·哈里斯背书,这表明媒体对民主党候选人的支持力度减弱,以及对潜在风险的考量。 Dave Smith:他进一步分析了媒体的现状,认为媒体正在经历缓慢的衰亡,这与其自身的谎言和行为有关,而无论谁当选总统,这一趋势都将持续。他认为,媒体在特朗普第二任期内不太可能获得与第一任期相同的收视率提升,因为当时的“通俄门”事件为媒体提供了极大的关注度,而现在这种情况不再存在。他还谈到,媒体的长期谎言造成了其自身声誉的损害,例如伊拉克战争的谎言导致了媒体的衰落。他认为,媒体的自我羞辱对社会是有益的,因为它会降低公众对媒体的信任度。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the media's coverage of the election seem weaker compared to past elections?

The corporate media appeared to have fewer tools in their toolkit and seemed to have played all their hands. They faced a situation where they had to decide whether the risk of losing the entire country was worth it if they tried again. Additionally, the cultural shifts and the lack of danger in supporting Donald Trump made it harder for the media to maintain their narrative.

What was the key difference between the 2024 election and the 2008 election between Obama and McCain?

In 2008, the polls also reflected the public sentiment that Obama would win, which aligned with observed metrics like crowd sizes and enthusiasm. In 2024, the polls showed a close race, which was at odds with the observable metrics that suggested a clear win for Donald Trump.

How did the media's handling of the Liz Cheney story impact public perception of their credibility?

The media's exaggerated and false reporting on Donald Trump's comments about Liz Cheney, claiming he called for her execution, further eroded their credibility. This incident highlighted their willingness to lie through their teeth for political purposes, making it harder for the public to trust their reporting.

What was the core point Donald Trump was making about Liz Cheney, and how did the media misrepresent it?

Trump's point was to criticize Liz Cheney as a war hawk who advocates for wars without experiencing their consequences. The media misrepresented his comments as a call for her execution by a firing squad, which was a gross distortion of his intended message.

Why might the media not see a significant boost in ratings under a second Trump term?

The media's credibility has been severely damaged by events like Russiagate, the Hunter Biden story, and their handling of COVID-19. These incidents have led many people to view the media, political class, and scientific establishment with skepticism, making it harder for the media to regain trust and boost ratings.

Dave and Robbie discuss the energy of the 2024 election compared to past elections, noting the apparent weakness of the corporate media's fourth quarter and the lack of new arguments from Kamala Harris. They compare the current election to 2008, suggesting a potential blowout victory for Donald Trump.
  • Corporate media's fourth quarter appears weaker than in previous elections.
  • Kamala Harris has not presented new arguments or policies.
  • The energy and enthusiasm for Donald Trump seem higher than for Kamala Harris.
  • Comparison to 2008 election where Barack Obama won against John McCain.

Shownotes Transcript

Dave Smith brings you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem, Dave is joined by co-host Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein to discuss the energy of the election versus past elections, the media's coverage of Trump's recent quote about Liz Cheney, and so much more.

Original air date: 11.4.24

Part Of The Problem is available for early pre-release at as well as an exclusive episode on Thursday!

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