cover of episode Tim Dillon on Shane Gillis’ SNL, Putin & Tucker Interview, and How Baby Boomers Ruined the World

Tim Dillon on Shane Gillis’ SNL, Putin & Tucker Interview, and How Baby Boomers Ruined the World

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Tim Dillon
Tim Dillon: 伍德斯托克一代人并非进步和自由的,而是自私的瘾君子;塔克·卡尔森在莫斯科拍摄YouTube视频很奇怪,但人们支持谢恩·吉利斯在《周六夜现场》的表现;对罗斯柴尔德家族的权力和影响力有很多猜测,但他们擅长保持低调;亿万富翁的行为并非完全是他们的错,他们可以降低姿态;亿万富翁炫耀财富会引起人们的反感;肯·格里芬斥资10亿美元在棕榈滩建造豪宅的行为太过分了;他母亲会毁掉任何昂贵的房子;10亿美元的豪宅是一个分水岭,会让人们感到愤怒;肯·格里芬利用Robinhood的数据进行交易,这是一种天才的行为,但也激怒了一些人;肯·格里芬的行为在棕榈滩这种富人区显得格格不入;他的朋友很多都是精神病患者,他不会试图改变他们;他不会试图让精神病患者变得正常,因为那样就没意思了;与精神病患者相处有时会变得黑暗;一些朋友搬到佛罗里达后,变得极端政治化;参与1月6日国会大厦事件的人们虽然行为错误,但他们玩得很开心;1月6日国会大厦事件就像一支弱旅在取得胜利后冲进球场一样;白人在国会大厦事件中玩得更开心,因为他们认为自己不会惹上麻烦;白人参与1月6日国会大厦事件是因为他们认为这是他们的国家;AOC出现在马特·赖夫的脱口秀节目中;AOC与一个苍白胡须男约会是左翼的标志;AOC应该和一个变性黑人约会;AOC与一个普通的布鲁克林社会主义者约会;民主党试图控制叙事,因为他们的选民基础存在分歧;民主党试图控制叙事,因为他们的选民基础存在分歧;民主党应该用歌曲而不是谈话来进行党代会;人们开始批评拜登过于傲慢自大;拜登不愿下台是因为他年纪大了;拜登的妻子和周围的人在利用他;操纵拜登的人不想下台;国务院的某些人希望拜登继续在乌克兰和以色列等地执行他们的政策;他预测民主党会在5月份撤换拜登,并推举米歇尔·奥巴马为总统候选人;推举米歇尔·奥巴马为总统候选人可以转移人们对特朗普的注意力;他认为米歇尔·奥巴马可能会赢得总统选举;他认为奥巴马可能是双性恋,并对奥巴马的桨板教练的死表示怀疑;他认为奥巴马的桨板教练可能因为写了一本关于他和奥巴马性关系的书而被杀害;如果有人要使用你的房产并写一本关于你性关系的书,你可能会杀了他;如果要杀一个人,你不会在他自己的房产附近动手;如果奥巴马夫妇杀害了他们的桨板教练,他不会责怪他们;他还需要做更多的事情才能拥有一个暗杀名单;美国人更了解财富和名声,而不了解权力;他希望获得权力和财富;他正在巡回演出;美国人对纳瓦尔尼可能被暗杀感到震惊是虚伪的,因为美国也曾暗杀过反对派人士;美国可能暗杀了纳瓦尔尼,以使普京看起来像个怪物,并团结欧洲;纳瓦尔尼在俄罗斯并不那么受欢迎,也不是对普京的威胁;很多人想要除掉纳瓦尔尼;如果美国暗杀了纳瓦尔尼,是为了推动对乌克兰的援助;美国过去擅长暗杀外国领导人和改变政府;纳瓦尔尼曾发表过反犹太人和反同性恋言论;纳瓦尔尼是一个机会主义者,他的政治哲学是想要掌权;普京接受塔克·卡尔森采访是一个实力的体现。 主持人: 蒂姆·迪隆在罗斯柴尔德家族成员雅各布去世后仍然来到节目;提问罗斯柴尔德家族成员雅各布·罗斯柴尔德的财富和影响力;现在比以往任何时候都更负面地看待1%的富人和亿万富翁;祝贺安德鲁喜得贵子;感谢俄克拉荷马城的观众,并公布了他的巡演日期;公布了他的巡演日期,并提到即将发生一件重要的事情;公布了他的巡演日期,并提到即将发生一件重要的事情。

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- They used to call us fat . My friend's mother, Barbara. - How old are you? - 14. She would roll down the window of her Saturn, she'd smoke a cigarette and she'd go, "Where are you fat ?" It really exposes the lie of the Woodstock generation. We see them as this progressive, free-loving gen-- they were just selfish drug addicts. - I think Obama is probably bisexual.

And then Tucker, like, went around Moscow making, like, YouTube videos. It's weird to be a 50-year-old YouTuber. He's making Milk Boy-style videos in a grocery store. I think it's a great story. I think people are supporting Shane. He did an amazing job. If the boomers can be explained in one sentence, it's a woman sitting down drinking a coffee going, the Irish were slaves too. What's up, everybody? Welcome to Flager. Today we are...

- We're joined by an illustrious guest. It's amazing that he's even here right now. There's been a tragic death in the family. Lord Jacob Rothschild has died, but Tim Dillon is still here. How? How did you pull through? - Well, you know, when someone has an impact on you, as he did, he made a huge impact on me and my family. You know, you want them to be at peace. And, you know, he suffered a long time.

Like 87 years of suffering. You know, it was 87 years and he finally escaped his human form. Yeah. You know what I mean? Transcended. He transcended. He went back to, you know, he went back to the core of the earth where he lives. You think he went down? I think he's in the center. I think he spent some time in the center. Got it. To just kind of, you know. Work things out. Yeah, work things out, you know. So not straight up. He's not going straight up.

No, I don't know if he's going up at all. I don't know if he wants to be up. I don't think he wants to be up. No. The family reunion's downstairs. Yeah, it's in the core. There's a molten core where Lord Jacob Rothschild is just kind of sitting there now. Who is this guy?

Very wealthy, member of one of the most famous and talked about families of all time. Yeah, but was he like a major player or was he just a trust fund kid that kind of-

So, I mean, you know, what he did or didn't do or how powerful any people are in that family, you know, you kind of have to guess because there's a lot of, you know, websites that will tell you that everything, that every stoplight is them. Yeah, yeah. It's going on in the weather and all in Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl and all of it. I mean, I'm sure it just because a lot of it is silly. Yeah.

But they are incredibly powerful, and they're very good at keeping themselves kind of in the background of the photo. So in the photo, there's like people that we all know, the leaders of countries and everything. And in the background, it's kind of, you know, they're off to the side. But they're there. Yeah. They're hanging. Yeah. They're interesting. Tim, I'm really excited you're here because I feel like there is a problem. And I feel like... With the Rothschilds. Okay. Well, not just the Rothschilds. Glad that's why I was brunson. It's not just the Rothschilds. Yeah. It's that, like, I feel...

Now more than any time in history. There's been a lot of negativity towards the 1% and a billionaire. Yeah, and yeah What can we do to change that? Well, they they I would say they have I agree with you. What is first of all? Why is this? Oh a thousand percent

It's not their fault. Number one. It's really not. It's really not their fault. That's the excitement right now. And it's not their fault because, you know, I think they could take it down a notch. Could they? Well, yeah, because a little bit I say to them, I go, if I'm doing the event, don't publicize every space mission, you know?

You know what I mean? Do some sneaky ones. Do one late at night. Yeah. All the boys. We're going up at night. Have everybody in Santa Barbara think it's aliens. Right. It's aliens. It's fun. I think when you start calling the press. Yeah. And going, here's my spaceship. Yeah. People start to get angry. They resent that? They don't like it. There's a guy right now, Ken Griffin. Yes, Ken. Citadel, is that Ken? Citadel. Yeah. He's building right now, and this is too much. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to tell you about it. A big...

A billion dollar house in Palm Beach. I love Palm Beach. I know. One billion dollars. Billion dollars. By the way, and here's why it's too much. It's for his mother. Wow. Wow.

He thought he was going to get away with it. That bitch is dead soon. He's moving right in. It's too much to say those words. I'm spending a billion dollars to build the most expensive house in the world. And then it's all for mom. Yeah. That is going to get people. Did he think that that was a good enough shield to protect him from the harassment? I think he was trying to sound sweet. And he was kind of like, if you had this, wouldn't you build a billion dollar house for his mother? Let's just answer that question right now. Yeah, right. Not at all.

But for your dad. You guys got to love your mother. Are you spending a billion dollars? My mother would ruin a billion dollar house with Hess trucks and Beanie Babies. Collectible. The worst. My mother would just, anything I bought her, she would destroy it with knickknacks and tchotchkes. That's the reason. Oh.

The worst. She's just going to ruin it. Snow globes she stole from a hotel in Vegas are now littered all over a Palm Beach estate. So you think the billionaires are going too far. They're flexing on the gram a little bit too much. If it was $900 million, that's not a problem? I think actually maybe almost because that B is the line in the sand. It's saying like,

I think he wants one bill. He's doing it. It's $1 billion. It is a billion dollars. It's a billion dollars. So that in and of itself makes people go... It's like that first episode of Billions where they tell Bobby Oxrod, they go, just don't buy the house. And he's like, I'm buying it. And he goes, I'm going to buy the house. So I get it. Somebody told him. Somebody went to him and went, hey...

Don't do it. There's a few billionaires talk, and they're like, hey, man, I get it. I get it. He already owns the most expensive apartment in New York City. He was the Wall Street bets guy, right, that they were betting against? Was that him? He was one of them. He's the guy who I think Citadel owned Robinhood, and he was using the data from Robinhood to make trades at his hedge fund Citadel. So he was like beating –

The trades that he was taking. It's kind of a genius fucking thing to do, but... He's a smart guy, but I think a few people were probably like, hey man, don't do this. It's a billion dollars for a single family house. Yeah. That's crazy. On an island where the average price of a house is probably north of 10, 15 million, meaning...

These are all very rich people already. And you're being gross. Yeah. They're looking at you like you're an asshole. Yeah. Do you know how, like, because every time we hang out, you'll tell me a hilarious story about these people you've collected in your life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, you have an absolutely mind-boggling friend group. There's, yes, yes. They are, their minds are boggled. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

So when you're interacting with some of these people, are they like expecting you to keep it real with them? Are you brought there to be like, he's going to be on. Never. Never. Never. What do you mean? Never, ever, ever. So you go right along with it all. The most fun thing about a lot of people in my life is that they're mentally ill. Is that your comfort zone? Yeah. I mean, they're crazy. My mother was crazy when I grew up.

So I would never try to bring a crazy person down to earth. It defeats the purpose. It's not fun. It's actually not fun. Imagine hanging out with Donald Trump and going like, but you know. Take it off a little. I mean, maybe that doesn't make sense. It would ruin the whole thing. You're just along for the ride. There's a point when the ride isn't fun anymore and you've got to get off the ride. When is that?

Well, things can turn dark. Okay, like what? You know, people can just, like, you know...

Go from fun crazy to not fun crazy. Where, you know, I have friends that moved down to Florida and they got very into like, you know, they're very political. Some of them went really hard right wing. Yeah, yeah. They go to Mar-a-Lago all the time. Yeah. And their brains have just melted. Yeah. You know, I'm not a guy that cares what anyone feels politically. They're drinking their Kool-Aid a little too much. They're just, every conversation. It's become their entire identity. I hate that. Every conversation is politics and like, do you know

What's going on? Always talking about they. I can't believe it. And it's just kind of like, guys, there's more to life. Yeah. You know? There's a little more to life. Even though they're right. But yeah. Well, you know what it is? They're having fun. They're having such a good time. Yeah. That's why the Capitol ride, it's clearly wrong, but they're having so much fun. Have you ever seen it?

Are you not going to go in? They've never had that much fun. They're smiling. They're laughing. They probably, many of them, you know, they don't get out a lot. This is a new experience. This is all rioting. It's March Madness. Have you seen an underdog team storm the court after a victory? Right. That's January 6th. Yeah. You couldn't believe. Wait, we actually got in. No, they're in. They're having fun. They're taking selfies. It's also rioting and looting the Apple store. Yeah.

- How fun is that? - Yeah, but you know what? Here's the issue with that. - Those are black people. - Yeah, come on. - It's the skin color. - The left-wing rioters don't look, they don't look like they're having fun. - I beg to differ. - They don't look like they're having fun. - No, they're scared. - They're in masks and everything. These people in the Capitol are there, they got their feet up on clothes, these dads. - They've got fur. - They've got hats. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's a parade. Now I'm not saying it's right. It's not right, it's not good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But if we're just looking at

degree of fun. White people know how to do it. They seem like they're having a lot of fun because they believe they're not gonna get in trouble. Why would they? They go, this is my country, it's my country. That was their thought process. They're like, this is my country. I'm not doing it in Russia, I'm in America. This is my congresswoman, I can chase her into the bathroom. It's my congresswoman, why can't I chase her? We need to have more entitlements. Yeah.

Do you know AOC was at a Matt Rife show? No way. She was at Radio City. I thought that was Lisa Ann that got kicked out. No, it was AOC. It was AOC? Get out of here. But no, she was at a Matt Rife show. And how'd it go? At Radio City. You think he took that down?

I don't know. Well, she dates some pasty bearded dude. Step up. You know, for sure. But I think that's part of the leftist cred. Which is? Dating a pasty bearded guy. Dating down. Dating a guy who is intellectually exciting to your group.

Oh, see, I would think she needs to go, because everything is on some hierarchy of socioeconomic perception or whatever. So I would think she needs to date a black dude who transitioned. No. No, she's into minority enough.

She's minority enough. Exactly. So now she just dates this guy who rewards her ideas. Brooklyn Socialist, PBR. Yes. That's every comic from 2008 to 2015. That's every comedian that was on television that was doing a show in Brooklyn that would get up and do a joke about his parents being racist. That's bootleg Prince Harry right there. Yeah. She's just going through a makeup market. This guy just finished a set at UCB Gut Bucket.

Right, right. Okay, so AOC, I mean, the Democrats basically told her to be quiet, right? She's been real... Well, they got a real issue with the Israel-Gaza thing, and I think they're just trying to, like, they're trying to, you know, it's like a company where they're trying to, like, get everyone on the same page. And they can't. And they're like, hey, everybody, we're going to break room. You know, if you've ever worked at a company where they're like...

You know, that article came out about us. We have challenges, but I won't touch the mic again. We have challenges, but we're gonna overcome them together. And what we need everybody to do is just all those things. I'll be like, it's all hands on deck. We're just all gonna give it our, you know. So I think that's what the Democrats are doing. They're trying to control

Narrative. Their narrative and the voting base is kind of fractured big time. They're really fractured. So I think the whole convention I said on my show has to just be songs and no talking. Hill song. They just got to go Christian church. Whatever it is, they have to just do like a big musical review. And then like every time somebody goes, free Palestine, you go, what?

And then they just, you know, people come out. Guitars, drums are gone. Because you're not going to get everyone on the same page. You have to distract people from this question. Here's the thing that I've seen popping up, and I didn't expect this, that now people are attacking Biden for having too much hubris.

Interesting. You haven't seen this at all? They're like, he refuses to step down. It's his ego, his arrogance. Like, I don't think he wants to be there at all. No, I think he's a boomer and he's an old guy. He's maybe even older than a boomer. He's definitely older than a boomer. But it's just part of that ethos of like, he doesn't...

I don't think he's like half in, half out. I don't think he's ever done anything. Yeah, I think he's just kind of there and I think the wife and the people around him are using him and I think...

They don't want to step down. Oh, really? The people that are using Biden. So handlers don't want. The Wizard of Oz behind Biden. Is whom? That's making the things go and his hands go. Yeah, yeah. The puppeteers, they don't want to step down. Shitty puppeteer for as much as Biden calls it. It's not Biden. It's the people behind him that don't want to step down. But who are they? These are people that, you know. That DNC?

Well, maybe it's part of the DNC, but I think it's a lot of people like Tony Blinken at the State Department, Victoria Nuland at the State Department, the people whose worldview is kind of front and center right now. Yeah. And I think those people like the idea that Biden is kind of doing everything they want in the Ukraine and Israel and places like that. Yeah.

And no pushback at all. None. So I think they don't want to leave the stage. And then the people, of course, behind them don't want them to leave and all of that. Okay, so you have him locked in. All right, so then what happens with the election? You think Biden goes through with it? I think they yank him in May. I'm going to make a prediction. Really? Give us, give us, give us. I'm going to make a big prediction right now. And I think they run Michelle Obama as Big Mike. Big Mike? As a man. Big Mike?

Big Mike is back! Because it's... The paddleboard instructor from Martha's Vineyard. Big Mike is back. It dominates the news. Trump can't get any coverage. He's screaming. He's crying. He's yelling. But because it's a way to...

There's only one way. What is it, a matcha latte? I mean, I'm just saying you have to do that. You've got to run Big Mike. I did a slip up there. No, but do you think Big Mike, Al, do you think Big Mike? Remember the paddle surfer, guys. That can happen. But do you think that Big Mike could win?

Michael Jordan? Do you think Michelle Obama? Oh, yeah, absolutely. She's a... In all seriousness, I don't think she wants to do it. I think they've approached her multiple times. Yeah, I agree. I don't think she wants to do it. And they'll just keep killing people around her until she succumbs? I think... I mean, they killed the paddleboarder, right? Well, I think he was... I've always believed... Yeah, what have you always believed? I think Obama is probably bisexual. I think the paddleboarder is a really hot, ripped chef.

I'm just saying, if I was a ripped paddle boarder and was kind of reportedly writing a book that might have been loosely based on- Smoking out your husband. Maybe I would also drown in two feet of water outside of my boss's estate, which I was using when he wasn't home, which never- That's kind of weird that your chef would do that. You've got to be really close to your chef. Does your maid call you and go, can I use the apartment when you're on the road? All the time. Yeah, you go, Venezuela, come on.

Come on in, bring the family. Absolutely. Come on in, I'm on the road. I'm in Abu Dhabi. Get in there. It's interesting that he's using the estate when you're not there. Yeah, peculiar. And he dies. I'm not saying, I just think maybe sometimes. If you're going to use the estate and write a book about how you're fucking me, you deserve to die. Maybe that's what happened. That's too much. I don't know. But isn't that too much? It might be. Like if you're going to,

Well, that's not beard. Beard is when... Beard is when it's the woman who's pretending she's... Also, if you were going to kill him, wouldn't you wait until he's somewhere else? Like, I'm not going to kill you anywhere near my property. They never do. You'd always think that. They never do. They don't give a fuck. It's impulse. It's fun. I think a little bit is you've got to have a little fun. Yeah. I really do. You think they need to spice it up for themselves? I think they're basically just like, you know... We'll kill JFK. You think we can get away with RFK? And here's the thing. That's where you want to kill him. If they kill him.

You want to kill him in Martha's Vineyard because that's where you live. That's where you know the cops. That's where you have all your friends. Nobody's around your estate. You know where all the cameras are. You know where everything is. Home court advantage. Ah, yes. You get rid of them in a lake. If they did it. I don't know if they did it. Of course not. Don't tell me like, well, you're definitively saying they did it. Somebody's got to tell you fucking secrets. There's somebody telling you shit. But maybe they did it. And if they did it, I don't blame them. I would have done it. And I have no problem with it. What's your kill list?

Oh, my God. I mean, I don't unfortunately I do. And it's sad. I don't even have one. No, I'm not there yet. Oh, there's much more I have to do before I get a kill list. Is there a number of real enemies? Yeah. A blogger gets mad at something I say and writes a nasty article. That's not that you don't kill that person. Yeah. It also comes with like a level of power. You have to maintain that power. Yeah.

Wealth and fame are things we understand in America. We don't really understand power. Yeah. And they understand power more in like Russia, countries like that where it's kind of used like that. But yeah, I think...

That's the goal. You know, fingers crossed. Okay. Okay. So, okay. I'm just at breakfast writing it down in ketchup. You know? In ketchup. America, you beautiful border-blocking embryo-stocking, swift-simpin', Putin-pimpin', Jesus Christ superstars. I want more.

Aw, sweetheart, do you want to tell everyone where Daddy's going on tour? I'm not calling you Daddy. It's embarrassing enough. Sorry, guys. Sometimes she gets a little cranky when she hasn't eaten. Why don't you try that again? Just tell everybody where Daddy's going on tour. No. Okay, maybe if I get that schmutz off your face, then you'll be able to help. No, no, no, no, no. I'll tell you, okay. He's going to Vancouver. He's going to Seattle, Vegas, and many more cities. Just check. Got it. Dang. Wow.

Andrew! Congrats on baby! Hey, hey. How's fatherhood? Savvy.

Also, guys, dates. First of all, thank you to Oklahoma City. Sales were dog shit. And then all of a sudden, we sold out at least one show. We almost sold out two others. That was fucking so cool. And you guys were so great. And it's honestly a great city. So, shouts to Oklahoma City. Now, this weekend, I'm going to be in Greensboro, North Carolina, March 1st and 2nd. March 8th and 9th, I'm going to be in Stanford, Connecticut. That's right before something very important.

big is coming that you will find out about soon. Also Dania beach, because of that something I have to shift dates around. I'm sorry. Uh,

It will only be March 16th. So we are only doing shows on Saturday. I apologize, but I needed to tell you guys first. April 11th through 13th, I'm going to be in Tempe, Arizona. April 18th through 20th, I'm going to be in Denver, Colorado. May 10th, Los Angeles Improv. Netflix is a joke fest. Sold out the first show. We added a second. Y'all should probably sell that out now. I don't even know if we posted the link, quite frankly. Y'all are still buying tickets, which is fucking cool.

Sellout Singh on the motherfucking way if we're lucky. for tickets. Let's get back to the show. Is it hypocritical at all? And of course not. Yeah. For Americans to be outraged that this Navalny guy could be clearly killed and act shrewdly.

shocked by it as if we've never murdered in cold blood opposition to the authority. Well, we don't know what's weird about that. There's no reason for Putin to kill Navalny. This is very interesting, actually. I have a little conspiracy on this. What if we took him out? Well, there's so much more of a reason.

for us to take him out. - 'Cause Putin was looking like a darling in our media. - First of all, Navalny's not that popular in Russia. This is the thing. He's been gone for many, you know, he was arrested when he came back to the country. He was in this Arctic prison, this Polar Wolf prison. He's not in any position to come out and run in an election and defeat Putin. - He's not a threat in any way. - In any way. I'm not saying he wasn't killed. Navalny's also pissed off every oligarch in Russia by flying drones over their house and going, "Look what they bought."

So the list of people that want to get rid of Navalny is a lot. Yeah.

I don't know what reason Putin had to kill him. That doesn't mean I'm obviously not in the prison. I don't know. But he wasn't a huge threat to Putin. If, and I don't know if the CIA did it either, but if we did it because the Ukraine aid was stalled and we said, now's go time. We get rid of him. It makes Putin look like a monster. It unites Europe. We can kind of push this aid package through. It would be cool. That's what I said.

I want to know that they're doing cool things. We used to do cool shit. We used to do cool stuff. Kill foreign leaders, change governments. You know, they're not, these people are not

crying about Navalny. They don't care. Yeah. Navalny was a brave guy, but he was also a guy that started his career writing incredibly negative stuff about Jews and homosexuals. You don't say. Yeah. He was very like, he was very like Russian nationalist guy. Then the West started getting interested in him. He changed his tune right away. Right away. Starts going, no, no, no, no, no. Let's stop all of that. And then he started espousing a lot of pro-Western stuff. Great. And then he started

And, you know, he's a grifter a little bit, too. Well, he wants power. His only plan, his only political philosophy was really like, I want to rule this place. I'm going to be better than that guy. And, you know, maybe he would have. I don't know. But what do you think of why would why would Putin even do the Tucker interview? What's the chess move there? To me, it felt a little desperate.

No, I think it actually comes from a position of strength. He got an incredibly popular American journalist to not only come to Moscow and let him talk for two hours where he dominated the entire interview. Yeah. Dominated. Yeah. And then Tucker went around Moscow making YouTube videos. That was the corniest shit I've ever seen in my life. But here's the other thing. Look how cheap Cheerios are here. It's weird content.

to be a 50-year-old YouTuber in Moscow. Glazing, yeah. Glazing Moscow. He's making Milk Boy-style videos in a grocery store. He's like, look what I could get this sturgeon for. Also, small pushback on very powerful journalists. My feeling is he, he's still at power for sure, but he's been a little bit ostracized, excommunicated. Yeah, I mean, he's been ostracized for sure, but I do think that if we want to talk about

getting attention. Tucker's name still... No, he's killing attention. He gets attention. He would be the only person that they could get, that Putin could get. No, they would... He's the only person they would allow. Like, Putin's not going to do... Like, I think Putin... Megyn Kelly, I think, was the last one from traditional media. Yeah, I mean, I think Putin's only served if he...

you know, brings in somebody who's kind of more open to his worldview than somebody who's kind of like joust with him. Yes. So I think it was kind of a smart move. And if you watched the whole interview, um,

Putin, Dominic, doesn't care about, this is very interesting, doesn't seem to care about Tucker's viewers, doesn't go into like trans bathrooms because that's what Tucker's viewers want. Putin goes, I don't care. I'm going to talk about the 1300s. I don't care about you. I don't care about your question. I'm getting my message off. Prince Oleg. Yeah. Tucker's viewers were like, talk about,

Talk about the bathrooms and kids going in it. They're women, but they're men, but they're women. Putin goes, no, no, no, no, no. Prince Oleg was baptized. And people are going, what the hell is going on? It's a total power move to bring somebody over and go, I don't care about your questions. I don't care about your viewers. I'm just going to go. But can a power move be made from a position of weakness, I think is what we were asking. Like, you're going to grab this guy that you know you can bully and do the power move on because you're weak. Yeah.

Why is Putin weak, though? He's winning the Ukraine war. Barely. The sanctions... It's the third overtime. It should have been over. It's the third... He's one of the powerful countries in the world. He's got 200 nuclear weapons. Putin doesn't want to destroy the entire country of the Ukraine. He went in there with not a ton of troops. Yeah. Putin never wanted the Ukraine. I think he wants a deal, and I think he's really trying to get... He wants a deal. The U.S. is telling the Ukraine not to negotiate. We're the ones that are telling them we don't want a deal. We're fighting a proxy war with Russia through the Ukraine. We keep telling Zelensky...

There could have been a deal before the invasion. There could have been a deal with the Minsk Accords, which we told. But the powers that be are getting paid. That's the thing that a lot of people don't realize is that when we're giving money to Ukraine, we're not giving money to them. No, it's a viral marketing campaign for general dynamics, right, Fionn?

Right. But explain that to them. Because you see all these articles, and they're like, can you believe it? They're starving Americans here. When countries join NATO, they sign on a paper saying all of our weapons purchases are to be from these NATO-approved contractors. Which just happen to be. Just happen to be all locked in.

- Yeah, Boeing. - And essentially they're like, we're gonna put Ukraine in NATO, it's coming. And Putin's like, you're not putting NATO missiles on the border of Russia, it's not gonna happen. Russia's been invaded through the Ukraine multiple times. Russia's been invaded multiple times in its history. Putin's like, it's not gonna happen. If you do that, that is the line in the sand, that is the red line. And that's why we have a war. Now, obviously it's not right, it's a war of aggression, people are dying, it's sad.

But the United States fully instigated this war and fully wants it and is enjoying it. So we're back to what we do well. We're doing it well. Yeah. That's why, like, why do we have to tuck our cocks between our legs? Fighting white! They're white! White! We stopped at the brown on browns! No, we got white. This is good! And then Tucker's going in there fucking it all up! I don't think he's fucking it up. I think he's making it interesting. I think we get boring. Making a mockery! I think it's boring, and I think it's like we all check out. Remember when that guy... Oh, he's spicing it back up. Yeah, because it gets boring. Ah!

We started to watch Israel and Gaza because that came on Netflix. And we're like, ooh. That's the new shit. And that game was way better. It's like when Real Housewives of New Jersey brought back Danielle. You need Danielle. Danielle is going to spice it up. I hate it, I know. It needs Danielle. Danielle is great. She's energy. It's an amazing. You need to bring in a villain so people can get excited again. Yes. And I think that's part of what we need to do. So is Tucker a pawn?

Is the State Department telling Tucker, hey, go over there, tell him about the grocery? No, but I mean, he's allowed to do it. He's not suffering any consequences, nor should he. I mean, it's a free speech thing. But like, I think it serves everybody's purposes. He gets views. He gets clicks. People get interested and excited.

Putin gets to get his message out. A bit boring. He's not exactly fun. Oh my God. But it's interesting. If you listen to him, you go, oh, this is interesting. I mean, was it? I couldn't do it, dude. I like when he trolled Popper and he was like,

You know, the CIA, an institution you tried to get in. That was good. He was ready. Putin's basically saying, I only respect people that are coming here to kill me. I only respect power. The media, to me, means nothing. I don't care. We own it in Russia. You're a journalist. That means nothing to me. Even if you agree with me, I would respect you if you were coming here to poison me. Because that's my people. That's what we do. And when he said...

They were always our enemies. He smiled a little bit. CIA goes, you know, they were always our enemies. Yeah. Because, you know, a job is a job. What he's basically saying is like, I respect them. He does. That's the game. He was like, yo, they blew up the Nord Stream. And he was like, they did a good job. Yeah. That's the game. You know, it's fascinating. Do you watch these things more than once? Because you analyze this the way. Yes, I do. Guys analyze all 22 after a football game. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I watched that interview three times. Yeah.

Yeah, because you're picking up on shit that I'm like, I did not even know. Yeah, I just found it really interesting because that's the longest, you know, Putin, by the way, he gives speeches like this all the time in Russia and they're incredibly boring. He talks about agriculture production in a province of Russia. It's incredibly boring. People that live in Russia know that. You know, they'll be like, the greatest speech, the speech to end all speeches. You know, and then it's Putin just going on kind of about some pretty like generic, vague crap. But this was like,

He's in his element talking for two hours about this war that we have a very skewed picture of. Do you think his health is better? I think he looks great. I think we keep writing articles that he's dying and dead. What if he's a heart attack, a cancer, his pancreas? I think it's all a lie. I think it's all a lie.

I think he's fine. He looks great. Compare him to our guy. Hold on. Who would you want? Our guy looks better. Okay. There's a migrant crisis. Yeah. Now, it is my understanding that all of your homes, many of which that you have, congratulations, you've had a lot of success. We have. Well-deserved. It's fine. I'm in the middle class. I know. Yeah. I know. I'm in the middle class. I've seen the homes. Very middle class.

Very middle class. They are, though, you know? Yeah. They are. When you say that, you mean you're not a Rothschild yet? Well, for sure that, but even in, like, the world that I live, I mean, I'm not so out of touch, right? I'm not saying it's the middle class, but it's like, you live in Manhattan, you're never rich. Do you know what I mean? You just have so many people that are so much more wealthy around you. That's right. That is a thing that's sitting next to me. That's a lie. But that is an interesting thing that...

That is about living in the city is that I think you feel... He has to share his money with us. Fucking loser. No, no, no, no, no. I think you feel comfortable talking about money because you are so much poorer than the guy who lives across the street, down the block. Like, you're constantly... Yes. Put in front of people that... And I think that's good because you shouldn't ever be at the top of anything. Yeah, it's humbling, but it's also like...

You might speak about something, not you, we might speak about something that looks as if it's bragging, but it's so far beneath where you know it can go that it doesn't feel in any way like it bragged. Yeah, there's also like, there's generational money in places like New York where you're like, oh, I could never have it. They can't spend it. They can't spend it. They can't earn it in one lifetime. It's just there forever. They're just the custodian of the money. But they kind of, a lot of those people, their lives kind of lack money.

something that ours have. There are no stakes in their life. They kind of float around. They're never intense. Okay, so this is the thing that I want to ask you about. There's like these legacy families that have existed throughout history. Rothschild is one of them. Obviously Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, right? Some of these families maintain the wealth for fucking generations, maybe hundreds of years. Some of them within a few generations fall apart. And why is that? Kids.

But they all have kids. No, but some are better than others. So some have a culture that is very strict. The Vanderbilts, the last one is Anderson Cooper. So the Vanderbilts made their money in? Railroads. He was a shipping magnet first, and then he got into railroads. They called him the Commodore. He was a big ship going from Brooklyn to New York, back and forth. Is Vanderbilt the one that has the home in Rhode Island? No.

It's like the Billmore in North Carolina. Yeah, they had all these amazing things, but you know, you got to have lots of kids and the kids have to continue the business in some respect. A lot of families squander money and a lot of kids just, you know, they suck, right? They're not, they live off the money. So that's what I'm trying to understand is like, how do you maintain...

Like who is, like with the royal family, for example, there's probably a team, a deep state, if you will, that is built to maintain the family despite how retarded the family is. So it's interesting because you go down to Palm Beach, right? You drive around like Worth Avenue and Palm Beach. And before you get down there, you see all these family offices. You'll see like this trust and that trust and the Chilton trust and this trust. And those are family offices. You have one office dedicated to managing the wealth of one family.

So that is something that... So even if the kids are fuck-ups, the trust is built in a way to be fuck-up proof. That's right. So they go have kids. But some of these families, the kids aren't fuck-ups and they continue to do good shit. And I'm like, how do you instill...

the productive values in the kids. - It's hard. - Yeah, so they just don't squander everything. And who does it the best? - Do you just need one good kid every couple of generations? - That's a good point too. - Does every kid have to have the culture? - So the other important thing is the industry's changed, right? The largest consolidation of wealth in human history is in Northern California right now. It's a $9 trillion market cap and it's because every big tech company that we know about is sitting somewhere between San Francisco and Palo Alto.

That's where a huge amount of money is being generated right now, right? So if you're in an industry that is, you know, can be, you know, modernized and can evolve and can still make money, you're great. If you're in a, you know, there are like heiresses and people that, you know, their family owned a stationery company, right? They owned a paper company.

All of a sudden, we all... That's all the West Virginia. There's these mansions and shit in West Virginia because of the coal industry. Right. Yeah. So it really depends on where you made your money. Did you diversify? Did you get into human trafficking, narco trafficking, drug trafficking, political assassinations, flipping elections, working with the CIA, working with the Mossad, working with MI6? Yeah. Did you get into that stuff? Did you blackmail people? Did you kill them? Did you blow up their car?

Did you visit South American capitals, get into the drug trade, get into the drug game, make friends? You know what I mean? Fruit company. Did you do that or did you just sit around at Yale and jerk off? What did you do? What did you do with it? That was magnificent. Did you make it worth your while? That was magnificent.

That's a wonderful. You got to work. Yeah. So what happens? They make all the money and then they go, okay, there's a limit to what I can do with all this fucking money because these politicians. That's right. I might as well be a politician or maybe make my kid a politician. Well, I always tell the story of like there's this fun representative and I like her because she's a little chubby and she beats up her husband.

Oh. Katie Porter. She's in Orange County, California. Okay. Katie Porter is a Democrat congresswoman from Orange County who physically abuses her husband. And...

She's the one with the whiteboard. If you've ever seen this, she brings like Jamie Dimon from Chase Manhattan. He'll come in. Okay. And she goes, can I ask you a question, Mr. Dimon? And she breaks down his salary and how much he earns. And then she breaks down the salary of like a teller. The same way she breaks down her husband. Here she goes. This is what she's famous about, right? Wow. She throws a couple of cookies down the hatch. And then she goes in a cup. As I've done. As I've done. A couple of cookies. Yeah.

So this is a character I do, by the way. This isn't me. This is a character. She goes in and she goes, hey, you're fucking everyone over. And she does it on a whiteboard. She goes, here's how you're screwing everyone over.

And they all take it, they all take it. It's a show, it's fun, it goes on Twitter, it goes on YouTube. It means nothing, it does nothing. They get in their chat, Jamie Dimon looks at somebody and goes, can we kill her? Can we do something? Can we experiment with an exploding cookie or something? How do we get her? It's a show. They know that this is never going to impact them because at the end of the day,

This is more of a show. They come in for a public scolding. This is like give the people their pound of flesh and we get to continue to hoard wealth. Yes. Village and everything. I'll take it. Everybody goes, oh, he got fucking demolished. Yeah, dude. You'll talk about like the White House roast or whatever where the president is like, yo, you have to come eat these jokes. For them, it's like you have to come eat this shit and we all feel a little bit better and then you can go on and continue to plunder. Because we don't really want change.

Yeah. We just want to see them be publicly. We just want a mom. She's a mom. It's mom energy. Yeah. She's up there being like, you know, yeah, you scolded that rich guy. You lied to me. You had the party. I said, you shouldn't have a party. You said it was going to be four people, but you know what it was? It wasn't four people. And then you stole $3 billion. Yeah. We feel like he's not getting away with it. And then continue to get away with it. And then, right. And then you go, mom, I'm really sorry. It's like hard. It's like hard to be a kid. It's like hard. Like, like,

other people from other schools are coming. I just want them to like me and it's very hard. I don't understand. You don't get it. Dad's never around. And she's like, well, none of that's an excuse. You go, I know.

but I'm doing the best I can. And she's like, fine. And then she's like, all right, here's a couple hundred bucks. You know, go on the ski trip. That's all it is. It's a fun. So Zuckerberg got to show up for that shit. He's got to show up and get spanked. Everybody got to get spanked. He's got to get spanked and then he goes back to the cryo chamber or the jujitsu mountain he's on. Yeah. So they show up and they send Big Mama out. Big Mama.

mama comes in. Big mama comes in and she gives everybody a spank and goes right to the white boy. Goes right to the white boy. And by the way, this is what Russia hasn't figured out.

Right. Putin should just sit down. Get a little thinking. She draws Navalny on the whiteboard. She goes, what did you do? And he just sheepishly sits there. That's true. And they, Russia is an old society. They have not figured out stagecraft in the way that America has.

We have these really fun, brilliant, Hollywood-style ways to make people feel like things are changing. Russia doesn't do any of that. They just blow up planes and kill people. It's old school. They just don't understand. There's a bunch of guys in a room. They go, what are we going to do? And we're like, we got an Orange County mom. She spanks everybody, and then we keep the party going. In Russia, they don't have that. Russia, they can't bring in some woman from Minsk who's like, oh, there's... They go, let's blow the plane up.

Yeah, yeah. Just blow the plate. Get the poison. We have all this poison. Just poison it.

Does she know she's an actor in the theater? No, she thinks she's doing a great job. You don't think she knows? No, she thinks she's doing a great job. No, this is the beauty of all. Everybody thinks they're a hero. Jamie's a hero for getting spanked. She's a hero for doing things amazing. She comes in. She gets up. She has her egg white omelet. She's only lying to herself. She...

She gets in the minivan. She gets in the minivan, goes over to Washington, D.C. She gets in there, you know what I mean? You know, has a keto, one of those, you know those keto peanut butter cups? Yeah, well, it's actually, my body's running on. So she comes in, she sits down, and then...

This is like, it's go time. The cameras are on her and she's ready. And it's a beautiful thing to watch. And it means nothing. Nothing ever happens. And like, literally they'll pass a law where they're like, you're evicting someone in 60 days. You're giving them 65. You're giving them five extra days before the sheriffs go in there. That's like the most it ever happens. Slow clap. It's like in Bernie Sanders' way, everyone's like, yeah.

If Bernie Sanders would have been elected, he would have fought for four years. He would have gone up there, all the speeches. At the end, he would have gotten like free community college for a year. Yeah, yeah. And it would have been like a big victory. Everybody would have been like, wow, this is amazing. And he'd go, you have the right to go to community college today.

Now that regular college means nothing, you have the right to go to community college for one year for free. And, you know, that's like, it's a brilliant, the way it's all set up, it's coming, you gotta watch it, and you gotta go, this is fun. Yes, it's theater.

And we need the theater. We need the theater. Russia doesn't have it. A lot of countries don't have it. What is it? The exhaust or whatever? You got to let the... Yeah, you got to burn off the fumes. You got to burn off the fumes. And we need that. We're angry. People get mad. They get angry. They go, these banks, we know they're screwing us over. They're stealing my money. They're raising my mortgage. I can't believe this. And then they're like, but let's see what Big Mama said.

She just lays it out, doesn't she? Yeah. She just lays it out. She's been real peep on Israel, though. She's not. Okay, we got to put a pause to this conversation about global domination, power, and greed. Yes. Okay, because the good people at home need some takes, to be honest. They need some picks. I think you've been doing really well. You've been smoking them.

Yeah, they need greed as well. We should all capitalize on some greed. Let's all make some money. We're going to continue the greed conversation. What do we got going on right now? I got safe picks on PrizePix. I'm playing it safe because PrizePix has the green goblin, which is like a very easy thing to hit. Multiplier, not quite as high, but it's very safe. It's like a mutual fund in the stock market. All right? So I got Kyrie Irving more than 19.5 points. That seems like a fucking lot.

I got Steph Curry more than three and a half assists. That's a sing thousand percent lock, not even a question. And then they're offering a discount right now. Donovan Mitchell more than 21 and a half points. Normally it's like 27, 26. They went down. There's not even like a multiplier on that. That's just something they're giving you.

You know what I mean? So those are your prize picks. Promo Coach Schultz, they'll match your initial deposit up to $100. So you put in $100 to get $100 for free. Yeah, that's far. That seems like a fucking no-brainer. Yeah, that's far. What else happens in sports right now? You know what I'm excited about? There's a couple weeks that suck after the NFL season ends. But then once the atrociousness that is NBA All-Star Weekend is over,

We get to get into it. Now it's real basketball. Yeah, now you're getting up for the playoffs and the guys are actually playing and we're looking at what seeds are going to be in. This is going to be good. And if you're at home with baby Shiloh next season, y'all are looking promising. Yeah, it's kind of crazy. It is kind of crazy.

I can't even believe it. I don't want to even attach myself to it. What sucks is as you get busier, you get less time for sports. But the good thing about being with her right now, you have all the time for sports. Oh, yeah. And the Knicks are actually good. Such a great excuse also when you take like your newborn to a game because you look like the best dad, but you're really just selfishly going to a game and blowing your kid's eardrums out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you put the headphones

on exactly look how adorable he is making her a knicks fan no no i would be doing that for me i just want to let you know yes that will be for me yes when that happens okay you should do it yeah all right i should you deserve it dude you worked hard son we did you know what i mean we did i mean i did all the work really when you think about it i really did everything to make that yeah you know what i mean shout out to wives yo yeah shout out to wives anyway what else we got anything else

Man, that's it. Football season, dry, so you've got to find the new thing. Right now it's NBA. That's the move. All right, we're locked in to NBA. Let's do it. Let's get rid of them floors. Get rid of them goofy-ass floors. That's all done, too. All-star game is gone. The play-in season tournament is gone. Now it's real high-stakes basketball. Let's go. Back to basketball. Let's have some fun. Absolutely. You know who I would actually love to talk to? Did you see when J.J. Reddick called out Doc Rivers?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. So Doc is a guy that I, I don't know something about him always just felt weird to me. And then he goes to coach the bucks gets there. Their head coach gets fired mid season. He gets 40 million a year. And then he keeps being like, yeah, you know, we're going to suck for a while. The guys aren't playing hard. And it's like, buddy, you're making 40 million a year. And then JJ Redick is like,

There's never any accountability with this guy. It's always, he's always blaming someone else. And JJ already played for him. Ex-coach. So this is like a very personal thing. I would love to. He's the fucking best. Yo, JJ don't give a fuck. He's the best. JJ does not give a fuck. Yeah, I like that. We got to have JJ on. Yeah, absolutely. We got to bring JJ on the pot. Yeah.

That's going to be, yeah, that'll be fun. He'd be a good person to get some perspective on the league. Also, I want to learn about like the Duke days. Like, yeah. And it's cool to see the transformation from like this kid. He was hated, hated. Yeah. And now he's just like this very calm, cool dad. That's like very thoughtful and everything he says, even if it's a hot take, it's well thought out. He's great. Maybe the best in basketball right now. We know Van Gundy. Yeah. We might have to have JJ on. Yeah.

We got to talk about how pale he was at Duke. Like, it was almost like he was leaning in to be a white. Yeah, I feel like Duke wanted him to be that. Yeah. Don't go out in the sun. Yeah. We got much to move. All right. Let's get back to the show, man, with Tim Della. Who is peep on Israel and who is not? The squad. Those people are very vocal. I feel like the squad barely says anything anymore. Well, one does. The Rashida Tlaib, because she's Palestinian. So she got to. She has to. She's got to pop off. Yeah. She's the Macklemore. Macklemore.

You know what I mean? Because he's also popping off. How about the guy that lit himself on fire? Oh, yeah. I just heard about this. Lit himself on fire. What happened? The guy outside of the Israeli embassy lit himself on fire to protest.

the war and which my whole point is they don't care about that. That's what they're doing. Are you sure he lit himself on fire? Yeah, he lit himself on fire and Israel's like, um, you saved this time and thank you. They were like, this is a real cost effective way. This is crazy. This is a protest. He lit himself on fire. It was an U.S. Air Force soldier, right? It's a self-immolation and what he was doing, this is an old school way of protest where you light yourself on fire to protest something that you do not like.

- This is Eastern philosophy. - This is very, I don't know whose philosophy this is. - Raging against the machine. - It is Eastern. - Isn't it? - A Tibetan guy did this. - Didn't the monks do it or something? - Yes, exactly. It was a guy who did it to protest some type of, you're right, it was an Asian person. - Did they put him out or did he die?

No, he died. They put him out, but he succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. Let's just be very honest here. In terms of pure stagecraft, I like this. Talk to us. I like it because... I like it because...

I like it because first of all, it's new. I like the focus on one person. All these protests, there's so many people in the streets, it gets lost, right? This is really going back to the old school, one person, one can of gas, one person in front of the thing, and it's just your eyes are trained right on him. The message doesn't get muddled. It's free Palestine. Because in the big

You know what happens. What happens? People show up with the oak tank and they're talking about nine other things. That's true. That's right. It's distracting. He's yelling only two words as he burns himself to death. Tragedy, yes, not good. I didn't do it. I didn't put anyone in a tunnel. I didn't do anything. The point is, I didn't do anything. People are mad at me right now. Look at yourselves. I did nothing. Just as a protest, I go, I'm more into this than I am into the march. The march is, you're over the marches.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm just over it. But this is new. Yeah. This is new. This is real sacrifice. It's real sacrifice. It's hot. Kids love it. It's trending. It's on TikTok. It's killing on X. It's just, it's engagement. It's followers. It's likes. It's clicks. This should be a new TikTok channel. This is big. Go cry about it. Go cry about it. As the VIP list bitches would say.

But no, this is, I mean, as a marketing thing, this has done very well for him. Very well. No, he's not here to see it. It's unfortunate. But this is a great marketing move. Yeah. This is a marketing. You want to talk about a promo? Burt Kreischer, eat your heart out. That is a promo. That is a promo. This guy is wild.

And Bert does the best comedy promos I think in the game, but this guy has elevated it to another level. Imagine if he was selling tickets. Oh, they're gone. Imagine if he's announcing a tour. Yes. That's the real game. Put it out after a minute or two. Yeah. Put it out. And put the dates on it. Yes. Roll the date.

I like it. I like it. You don't want to tell, you're wasting virality for nothing. They're not going to stop the war. They don't care that you burned your kid. They don't care. You can't think they're going to care. How do you get them to stop the war? You don't. There's no way? Well, I don't. You couldn't figure it out?

I think they have to have some—America hasn't got the power to make Israel stop the war. Whoa. Hot take. We don't have the power. Hot take. No, I mean— What does that mean? Are you trying to say— No, they have a military. They have money. But if the whole U.N. votes for a ceasefire and the U.S. raises their hand as well, then what—Israel says, fuck y'all?

Well, yes, but also we're not doing that. We're not doing that. The best you're going to get is for Biden to say this deal, this hostage release deal... You got to accept it. ...should happen before you attack the Rafah where all the civilians are. I think the damage has been done. There will never be a two-state solution now. It is a thing that has made the region less safe. And I'm not even putting this all on Israel, obviously, but, like, this...

This is just, you know, I think 80% of Gaza is now uninhabitable. Yeah. You know, I don't know how it goes back to anything that we understand. I think it moves forward in a way that has to be

Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and the United States, they have to rebuild it. They have to kick in a lot of money. But this is not going to get somebody to stop the war. And I have a ton of sympathy for innocent people in Gaza dying that had nothing to do with this, that have been also crushed under Hamas. Yeah.

The loss of life is absolutely staggering. I think Israel had a 9-11 moment where they went a little overboard. I think we went a little overboard for sure after 9-11. I think we did things that were unwise and ultimately made us less safe. What was the right amount of people we should have killed after 9-11? Yeah, a little overboard is a very funny term. Because I hear people saying that. They're like, it's too many babies killed. And it's like, well, what's the right amount? There's no way to say it. Language doesn't work when you're talking about thousands

of people die. So if I say a little overboard, it sounds like I'm being callous about it. But the other problem is if I say like, if I say, right, if I say like it was a,

then that has this political connotation that they're targeting. So then it's like, then you can't have a discussion about how to end anything. Because people are going to lock you down. Because people just go nuts about words where it's like, no, the goal, just like Trump was right when they said, what's the goal in the Ukraine war? He's like, no more dying. No more dying. No more war. How do we get to no more dying? And then she's like, what do you mean? And he's like, well, I don't want anyone to die anymore. We should stop the war. And she's like, but do you want, and it's like,

No, no, no. My goal, everyone's goal, because I'm an Irish Catholic from Long Island who grew up with none of, I didn't, this was not a meaningful thing for my family. It's not like my mother came home and was like, hey, Israel, like we just weren't, you know, I'm not as super educated about the issue either. I don't pretend to be. I just know that.

that we can't see levels of destruction like this in the modern world. When you're looking at your phone and you're seeing children displaced and families displaced and no hospitals and those, it's not gonna work. And I think ultimately it makes Israel less safe and it diminishes their credibility internationally, a reaction like this. Yeah. Yeah. That doesn't mean that,

They shouldn't have responded. They needed to respond. They absolutely had to respond. It was an attack on Israel from Hamas. It was an act of war. You also respond with an act of war. Completely understandable. Violence begets violence. Violence begets violence. At some point in any conflict, you have to figure out how to end the conflict. Do you think that the countries in the Middle East are

in some ways complicit with what's happening. Like they almost kind of want terrorism wiped out so they can get some Western dollars in there. It feels like everybody's ready to let capitalism run wild. Well, Iran has always been... Outside of Iran. Yeah, they've always been kind of an agitator in that region.

They don't really get along with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia and Israel actually had like kind of a. Yeah, kind of boys. UAE, Israel's good. Egypt, Israel's good. Jordan, Israel's good. But I think this has strained a lot of those relationships, too, because the citizens in those countries are like, this is. The citizens, I think, are furious. But I wonder if the governments are like, hey, listen, we need no terrorism over here. We can't have random bombs. Yes. I don't want any of this political unrest. If you got to go in there and wipe it clean. I was the one who very bravely. What did you do?

You want to hear this? Yeah, you lit a guy on fire outside of an Israeli embassy. When they were trying to kick the heads of Hamas out of the Four Seasons of Doe Qatar, I said no.

Because I believe in brand loyalty as a concept. Yeah. They had lived in the Four Seasons for a very long time. First of all, there's not a lot of great chains in hotels in the world. There are not. There are not. They've stayed in a lot. And I'm saying I disagree with what Hamas did. But? But making them stay at a lesser hotel is not going to make them less.

less angry. - Yeah. - It's gonna make 'em more. - It's gonna piss them off. - Butter 'em up. - I said leave 'em in the four seasons. In fact, make it nicer. - Bring 'em to an Amman. - Bring 'em to an Amman. - The war's over. - Let's get it really bad. - The war's over. - But if they're in a Marriott? - Spa day. No, we don't want 'em in a Marriott. - It's gonna be carnage in a Marriott. - But it is funny because these are the things, in the modern world, why all this stuff is crazy, it's insane, is because that's a news story.

should the leaders of Hamas get kicked out of the Four Seasons. That's insane. It's an insane news story. - Why is there not more pressure on the Four Seasons for that? - The breakfast is amazing, no. - 'Cause they sell their sheets and pillows.

Yeah, well, here's the problem. We all, for example, the Beverly Hills Hotel is owned by people who throw gay people off the roof, right? Is it? I believe so. Who's it owned by? Fulton Brunei, Dorchester Group. And they throw gay people off the roofs. They have.

Not at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Not at the Beverly Hills Hotel. We're there from. We'll just break a leg. Yeah. I've tried. No. So where they're from, it's not good. It's not good. The progressive values aren't good. Yeah. But if I have to have lunch at the Waldorf, I will throw myself off the roof. That's a good point. You understand what I mean? Yeah. If I have to have the chicken salad at the Waldorf, I will throw myself off the roof. Yeah.

But owned by big Jews who will allow you to do that. I know, I know they share the values, but it's not as good. The eggs are not as good. Yeah. So we all have to decide which horrors we want to participate in and for what reason. Yeah. That's part of modern life. Sorry, sorry. I know there's a lot of NYU students that are unhappy. Go cry about it. What do Americans still own?

I mean, very little, right? A lot of our cultural properties are kind of diminishing. We still kill music. You do a lot of great stuff in your show about music that we still, we're still, the world is our music, right? That's always something that we still have. War. We're good at war. Ooh, baby. Yeah. Tech. Tech.

We're doing good. Yeah. You know, our financial sector is pretty big. We've got some stuff. I'm talking about in terms of properties. Like it seems like so many of these traditional American properties and British properties too are owned by a country. We've got a lot of people coming in. A lot of people. London is a clearance sale for the Middle East. Not London.

The United State, New York City is the same. You know, yeah, I mean, because a lot of these people want to diversify. That's why it's all funny. It's like, you know, Navalny does all these videos where he's like, look at all the corruption in Russia, all these oligarchs, they own all these houses. And we're like, yeah, go Navalny, go. You know where else they own property? Here. Here in our cities. And you know what we say when people say, well, we should...

we should stop S-Corps from buying real estate. We should limit the amount of foreign ownership. We all say no, no. So it's just very funny. We're like, he's exposing the corruption, but we're really happy to take the dollars of oligarchs and people here. We took them twice. All the oligarchs' assets got seized once the war started. Yeah, which I was against. It's against. It's not right. It's not right. It's not easy to get a yacht. My real estate...

It's not easy to run a fertilizer company for 30 years, okay, that you won in some struggle where you had to kill nine people outside of a cafe in Prague, okay? And you had to hide in a car and you don't tell anyone about that. And now, you know, you've got 30 years and, you know, it's like you have this yacht and you've named it after the guy you watched die. Wait, wait, who is this? No, I'm just making it up. I thought you were talking about the...

But no, at the end of the day, it's like, and now you have a yacht and then Putin invades Ukraine and now you got to give up your yacht. Bro. You kill people for that yacht. Yeah. Most yachts people die for. Anyway, they seized all these assets that the oligarchs owned in New York and have a buddy in real estate. And he was, him and his buddies were already looking at the ownership of

of Russian assets in New York. Yeah. And so that they could undercut them by 50%. Yeah. Trying to buy. So they sell it to the older car. Yeah. Buy it back at half off again. Yeah. And there's all these great stories about how they got around a lot of the sanctions. The sanctions really didn't impact the Russian economy the way we thought it would. There's a great story that actually came out about Nikolai Petrushin

Patrushev, who is the head of Putin's security services, he used to be the head of the FSB, their intelligence agency. He's like Putin's main guy, maybe the successor to Putin. His son, his best friend, is like this guy that works in a Norway energy company.

And even though Norway, you know, all these countries sanctioned Russia, they're just doing backdoor deals. Oh, I saw the oil tankers going through the Bosphorus in Turkey. And they just have no labels on them at all. There's just these random... There's ways around.

There's ways around it. It's a long game. We need enemies. We need enemies. It's a long game. Especially when your business is bombs. We're never going to put them into NATO. We never got them into our thing because we need an enemy. Why didn't we bring them in after World War II? Because we need an enemy. But we needed an enemy immediately or they also wanted an enemy. Oh, yeah.

Well, I think it's good for everyone to have an enemy because it's very good for Russia to talk about the great, you know, the Satan of America. And it's great for America to talk about. Because that galvanizes the people. Yes. You need a common enemy that everybody can come upon. Otherwise, people start listening to Big Mama. Oh, no. In Orange County. Oh, no. They start listening to Big Mama. Half the people that are listening to Big Mama, you have to go, Putin's Satan. Stop listening to Big Mama. Oh, fuck. So that's the issue when you don't. So wait. So that's the issue when you don't have an enemy that everybody's afraid of. You just fight each other. Yeah.

And then Putin gets out and goes, America's going to come in here. They want unisex bathrooms. They want your family to be forced into gay porn production. And all this stuff. So one enemy is just way more effective when it comes to running a country. It's way easier to be two or three. Yeah, you need a Batman villain. You need an enemy.

You need somebody to get your, because otherwise people start going, hey, what's going on here? Yeah. Stop asking questions. Yeah, stop asking questions. So now they got to make us fight with each other because there's no one we're really afraid of. If there's no Joker, you start looking at a Batman like, dude, you're a fucking psychopath. Yeah, dude, why are you in this cave? Because we're not afraid of anything.

Like, we're not afraid of Russia, really. Americans, maybe a little bit China. We, like, fake care about the migrant crisis. Like, there's nothing that really is concerning us. Yeah. I mean, so that's why they're trying to get us to be really afraid of Russia. It's not really working. No. It's not working. They're trying. And then China...

We know it's there. We know it's looming. Yeah. But it's not imminent. It also doesn't feel like they want the smoke that bad. Like, they want to beat us maybe economically, but they're not like, I want to blow you up. China is much more—they can play the long game. Yeah. In terms of a conflict with America. They don't want one tomorrow. Yeah. They're reliant. They're just getting stronger. They need us to buy shit. The military is just getting better. Yeah. So last time you were on the pod, you talked kind of—

in a way that made it feel like America's, you might have even said it, an empire on the decline. - Sure. - Do you still feel that way? If so, is it China? Who's next? What's the biggest threat? - I think we're in a stage of decline, but we're in a stage of decline the way a housewife is. You know, she's in Beverly Hills. The tits are still out.

You know what I mean? She's not getting the attention she got. The tits are still out. She's still in a Porsche. She's on husband three. He's no oligarch, but you know, he's got a good medical supplies company.

They got a house in the flats. Yeah, you know, she's got one kid in rehab and another one who's an artist and so we're sharing stones Yeah, we're sharing stone. We're not it ain't crisis mode. No, it's a beautiful elegant woman. But yeah, you're not 25. It's not We don't it doesn't go backwards. Yeah, so she knows that so you think glory days are gone How much longer do we have and then who takes glory days are all subjective. Oh

One guy's glory days were another people's hell. Some people say the 50s and 60s were the glory days. Well, they weren't for minorities, gays, or women, right? Some people said the 90s were the glory days. Some people will say that the early 2000s were the glory days. Some people will say that right now is the glory days because they just made a hell of a lot of money in Bitcoin and live in Miami. Who knows? I just think that we're in our bad days.

Like, we're a little past bad bitch, and now we're, like, in our front row of a Porsche heading down PCH kind of IDAF phase. I don't give a fuck phase. Yeah. And then after that, it's the sloppy pills phase. Ooh. So we got to make sure that we don't get to the sloppy pills. We want to stay out. This is a nice phase. Driving down the PCH in a Porsche is incredible. This is a great phase because it's like, I've done it.

Yes, people talk shit about me. Yes, I've had three husbands. Yes, my kids hate me. But I did it. At a certain point in life, you start going, I did it. No matter what you've done, which is actually hilarious. No matter what you've done, I've known some of the biggest losers in the world. But they did it. Still, when they get to 40, they start talking about shit like they'll talk about taking a bus. I took a bus. Like, they don't care. You have to look back and go, it was something. So this bitch...

We did it. We did it. And we're in that phase. The next phase is sloppy pills. Where are the pills? Is there a way to avoid that? We don't want her to show up at the lunch phase because she's a problem.

Is there a way to avoid that phase? Technology, science, medicine. How good can it get? How much better can it get? I know you had that crazy guy in the other day. He's drinking his kid's blood. He seems fun. Honestly. I do check in on the show all the time and I go, what did he do today? Honestly, he was great. Putin will be on this. I'm like, how did Tom?

Before Andrew got it. Because we wouldn't fly out. Here's the thing. It's a good point. It's great speaking to people that truly believe that they're going to change the world. Yes. Or believe in what they're doing. Like, I had dinner with Bob Lazar, with Rogan once. He's the UFO dude. Yes. And I don't know if I believe in UFOs, but I know he believes that he was doing it. Yes. Like, I don't think he's lying. Sure. And that Brian dude genuinely

believes if he doesn't get hit by a bus, he can live forever. The CIA believes it. The FSB believes it. Putin believes it. Putin's not kidding. Putin's not kidding. Putin genuinely believes that Russia is, the West is going to try to take Russia and

and westernize it. He believes that. I think he's right. Yeah, I mean, you know, Ann Applebaum in The Atlantic, all these people writing articles going, we need to westernize Russia. It's a failed state. It's a failed society. It's westernized. I went to Moscow. I didn't stand up there. No, but it's westernized. All these people want to do is sell weapons. Once you just understand the world is selling weapons, everything makes sense. You go, oh, I see.

Oh, I get it. So let's back up. It's not westernized in terms of trans bathrooms. They could give a flying fuck if you love trans people or not. Are you buying the weapons from Raytheon? That's right. If you're buying the weapons from Raytheon, we're good. That's it. So they want... That's what they want. And Putin genuinely believes, whether he's right or wrong or whether people think he's overreacting or not, he believes there is an existential threat through NATO to Russia. Yeah. And I think...

He's probably correct. But isn't there always one from your neighbors? Like, I hate when people bring up that argument. They're like, oh, we've been invaded like this for thousands of years. It's like, yeah, that's what neighbors do. Neighbors invade each other for thousands of years. That's why you want, Russia wants their neighbors to not have the means. To do it. To do it. Completely get it. Yeah. Tough cookies. Well, no, but it is tough cookies because they have 200 nuclear weapons. Do they work? They work. How do we know that?

That's what I'm saying. Like, there's a lot of, like, huffing and puffing. Like, he was like, you know, we have hypersonic speed and we have the greatest in the world. Listen, if we didn't think they worked, we'd be in Ukraine fighting with them. That's a valid point. American boots are not on our soil. That's a valid point. Wait a minute. Let's talk about that. That's interesting. We will send weapons. We will send weapons. We will not go. And why is that not a violation? Like, if you're supplying the weapons to the people that are killing me, like, I'm at war with you. Because it's a fun game.

Okay, so those are the rules of the game. It's the rules of the game. And that's why he smiles at it. Yes. With the Nord Stream shit. He needs this. Everyone needs it. Oh, because it galvanizes people. Who's in his third act? His tits are out. He's on the BCH. He's trying to avoid sloppy pills. He's got his tits out on the BCH. Everybody needs this. We all need it. I need it.

John, end this shit. I got two great bits on this. This is good. The stage. Yeah. The Royal Albert Hulk.

Keep it going. We're going to do it. Also, Royal Apple Hall is beautiful. Please go, London people. London, go show off for Timmy. He's coming to Royal Apple Hall. When, when, when, when, when, when? It's April, early April the 7th, I believe. Okay, good. It's a Sunday, but what are you doing? You'll go. Please go. It's amazing. It was really one of the most beautiful places. No, I'm excited to do it, and I'm excited to do it. But yeah, I mean, it's like...

We won't go there and we won't do it. We just have to give them the weapons. We can't do it because then that's direct confrontation. But we don't want direct confrontation. If we did Nord Stream, that's direct confrontation. But nobody can prove it. But he brought something up on it. He goes, there's only one country that's capable of doing it. Yeah, capable with motive. Putin knows we did it, but here's the deal. Yeah.

He cannot allow American troops to kill Russian soldiers in the Ukraine without responding by going to a hot war with America. We can underhand it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, now I'm getting it. Okay, so basically, he might not even want to go into a hot war, but his people will lose respect for him. That's correct. And his power will be threatened if he doesn't go to a hot war. They'll do a coup. So he's only acting. So as long as we behave in a way where he doesn't have to react. Now, they must know that we're supplying the weapons. We're literally talking about it in the news. We're going $14 billion going to Ukraine. He knows. He's literally said stop supplying the weapons and the war will end in two weeks.

Now at the same time, you could probably argue we're also supplying food in some way to the Russian army. We're supplying Coca-Cola. The global economy is so intermixed. Yeah, it's, you know, at the end of the day, it's like...

This is a geopolitical chess game. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's things we can do without going into a wider war. Yeah. And there's things we can't do. We can't put troops on the ground, and we won't. Our citizenry will not tolerate. We can put all the flags up. We can do all the songs and the dances. Yeah. We will not tolerate American troops in harm's way in the Ukraine. We won't. Go, go, go. A Russian rocket that can take down satellites. What's your opinion on that?

Um, do I, do I mean, do I know how like accurate it is? I mean, the Russians have a lot of stuff. They've, you know, Putin rebuilt that country. Do they? Yeah. Name a Russian car. Yeah, but they're not going to bomb us with a car. If you can't make a car, you can't make a bomb. No, you can make a bomb. I don't think you can. Name a Russian car. Name a Russian boat. Name a Russian anything. The reason that they don't make cars is because all the money goes into bombs and things like that.

They, Russia does not have a big economy. Let's not subscribe to it. It's fact. I don't believe it. We don't know it's fact. You haven't seen it. My mother didn't believe Obama was a Christian, so that doesn't mean anything. He's not a Christian. She was like, he's, you know, she goes, there's prayer rugs in the White House. I go, really? Okay.

The reality is Russia decided a long time ago all they have is the teeth. They have fear. They do not have an economy. They're never going to compete with us economically. They don't have the people we have. They don't have the ingenuity. They don't have any of that. But they have natural resources, so they don't need any of that. Yeah, but they're not... So does Brazil has natural resources. They need nukes. They need fear. They need the ability to pulverize. They need...

They need to be scary. Yeah. If they're not scary, then what are they? They've got an economy roughly the size of Brazil. It's not. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. They need to be scary. So they have scary stuff. Otherwise, we would treat them like Iraq. If they didn't have these nukes, we would. He'd be gone already. He'd be gone. Okay. We would treat him like Iraq. We put him in a hole. Yeah. We knew he didn't have weapons of mass destruction. That's why we went in there. Yeah, but there's not 150 million people in Iraq. That's a good point.

That's the thing. It's hard to manage a country of 150 million people. We would set up a puppet government. It would be fine. But if he thought he got it. We don't want to go in there because we know that he has nuclear weapons. That's why countries want nukes because it's the last line of defense against nuclear weapons.

The West. Here's my thought. If we talk about geopolitical chess, to me, the only reason I'm, I guess, I don't know if I support the war, but I'm okay with hopefully seeing Russia come over to this team because China is the largest looming threat in my brain. And you're absolutely right. You're correct. And the same members of our foreign policy establishment are saying we need to focus a lot less on Russia and a lot more on China.

But if we can get Russia over to our side, if Putin falls, Russia eventually becomes Western. I don't think so. I don't think the next guy is going to be a friend of ours. I think this was kind of a strategic mistake. I think we should have probably said, hey, let's do a deal. Let's do a deal. But I also just don't think we're that afraid of China either. I think that's- I don't think so either. I think it's underestimating. Yeah, we might be underestimating.

I just think we're not that afraid of China. I think it's like we need China, China needs us. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think we're that afraid. Mutually short destruction with us. If we were that afraid, I think we wouldn't be spending all these resources. I just feel like cooler heads will prevail with China perhaps. Okay. However, they're going to probably maybe take Taiwan. I need to understand something. Okay. We can't let them take Taiwan until we can make the chips.

That's a big deal with these chips. And then Nvidia out here, like, holding the whole stock market on its shoulders, definitely not going to let China swoop in and take that. It's going to be tough. We're going to have to figure it out. They want Taiwan. They want a unified—they want the South China Sea. They want Taiwan. They want—

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I'm trying to understand this George Soros character. I hear his name a lot. It's this boogeyman thing. I'm trying to parse something here. Is he the equal and opposite reaction to the Koch brothers? Yes. I would say that

The Koch brothers probably spend – Can you explain who they are to the audience? Yeah. I mean they're a family of right-wing billionaires that are kind of more libertarian. They really love free markets. They love free trade. They want to make money. They own like Dixie Cup.

They owned oil. They have everything, right? But they are big donors. They're big donors to Republican right-wing causes, yes. And I assume— And they have done—they've kind of weaponized philanthropy in a very interesting way. Yeah. They set up all these foundations and then reroute all that money that's going— Where I had my kid was a co— Right.

the New York Presbyterian hospitals. David Koch Theater is the mat. Love the guy. Right. So. They're doing a great job. They are a huge force in right-wing politics. Okay. So now I'm assuming that some of this philanthropy is benevolent. Sure. They have more of an interest in federal policy. Uh, he has more of an interest in state policy, crime, DA. I want to get to that in one second. Okay. But I assume that all these donations are not necessarily altruistic. They, in some way, uh,

help the Koch brothers' business pursuits, right? They can make, I don't know, change legislation, make it a little easier to do business, make some more money, right? So that's what you're dumping money into. There's a great book about this called Dark Money by Jane Mayer where she wrote about how the Koch brothers realized there was a limit to campaign contributions and then they started

infiltrating universities. They started really selecting people to be professors. They went on a granular level to try to advance their policy ideas. Influence culture. Influence culture. Okay, but I understand this because as long as these policies are out there and these ideologies are out there, and then maybe they might look at it and be like, yo, we're being heroes. We're actually saving the United States of America. That's right. We're saving freedom. So I'm not saying that they're nefarious actors here. Sure. But all the things that they support...

potentially make them more money, right? - Oh yes. - Okay, so that's ideally-- - And their friends. - And their friends, more money, so that's bottom line. So I guess I'm trying to understand if Soros is the equal and opposite reaction, in other words, the quote unquote benevolent donator from the left wing side, what is he donating to that helps his businesses? Like what are his businesses that this, deploying this type of cash is gonna support?

Soros made billions of dollars a long time ago crashing the English pound. I read that. He's a financier, but his interest is in social policy. How does that benefit him financially? Well, there's a lot of ideological reasons that George Soros believes the things he does. Like he is a believer that the carceral state in America is... That means prison? Prisons are completely...

unfair and unjust, and he's not completely wrong there. What Soros often does is he will go and get two left-wing DAs and support them both so that they go head-to-head and that the most left-wing one, they push each other to the extremes, and then the most extreme one will win.

And his goals are what he feels like is a reformation of the American criminal justice system to be more focused on rehabbing criminals, not putting people in jail that don't belong there.

you know, changing that dynamic. So on paper, that looks like it makes sense. It looks great on paper. Now, I think that he's been blamed and maybe rightfully so, I don't know enough for the kind of destruction of some liberal cities. Well, there are a lot of, you know, there are a lot of Soros backed and funded DAs who are

pushing ideas like no bail. They're pushing ideas like not prosecuting. They're incentivizing crime in a way. Yeah, and you know. But how does he make money on this? That's the only thing that's missing from this equation. I hear this a lot. And if it's pure benevolence, he just wants to change the justice system. That's weird. But there has to be some way where he can profit off of this. Well, I'm sure there is, by the way. I'm sure there is. I think that there's, you know, all kinds of things. And I don't know the Soros portfolio, right? But like,

There's a lot of tech companies right now that are focusing on like surveillance and things like that because as things get less safe- - There's more crime than you would need- - There's more surveillance, yeah. - So that to me makes sense. - You know, these guys are all behind the vaccine passports. They were all behind. They are all behind a world in which everybody is on the grid in a major way.

So if you're invested in the grid, you want to do everything you can to make sure more people have to sign up for the grid. I think you want to deliver people into a world and you have to deliver them through a little chaos. You can't force them there, but you can create a system. You can make them want

Hey, give us safety. Hey, my car got broken into five times. Can you put up some cameras somewhere around here? So now you're begging for your own imprisonment. If your goal is big government and your goal is a, you know, omnipresent government force, then I think a little street chaos is probably good ultimately for that. But do you believe that's his goal? Because that's a far cry from, I just think the prison system should be reformed. I just think he's wrong.

Here's the thing with George Soros. I just think he's wrong. I don't know how Machiavellian he is. I think he's wrong. I think the way that his goals are good, the way he's getting there is wrong. I think he's wrong. I think people can be wrong. I don't think we have to ascribe negative motives to everybody. He could do it. I think he's wrong. I think he's wrong. I think that...

The policies he's pursuing make the people he purports to care about less safe. And those are poor people, people in the inner city, things like that, that are on public transit, are maybe going to be the victims of a crime. I think he's wrong. I don't know him well enough to know what his overarching motives are. And it's hard. We can say that. And I don't know. He might. I do know that he's incredibly concerned with.

what he feels, you know, he pushes the ideology of kind of the D.I.E., the diversity, equity, inclusion ideology where he believes that the American society is fundamentally unfair and that it needs to be reformed. And I would have some disagreements with him there, for sure. I think he's wrong. I think there's a lot of people that are wrong

Not necessarily these evil cowards. The Koch brothers, I think, are wrong. They believe in unfettered free trade. They believe in open borders because they don't want to pay anyone a wage. So if they open all the borders and everyone comes in, they go, do it for a dollar. This is why the Koch brothers, they're not, they don't love El Salvadorian people. You know what I mean? They're not like, we need more cultural diversity. They want to pay people the least amount that they can.

I think they're wrong. Do I think that they're these Machiavellian evil types? Well, sure, anyone in a suit that's a billionaire who lives on Park Avenue can fit into that and might be. But all we can say about a lot of these people is that they're wrong. Bill Gates is, I think, wrong when you're mandating people's personal health choices. I think you're wrong. Right.

I don't know why he's buying up farmland. I don't know. That's creepy. What is up with all these real estate purchases you see from the billionaire class? I think people want to own resources directly. And I think they feel like you see this a lot in Europe right now, in the Netherlands, where corporate small farmers are protesting all the time because they're putting all these new standards in place that make it harder to be a small farmer, greenhouse gas emission standards, things like that.

And, you know, it's just, you know, these big corporate agricultural companies are the ones that are thriving at the expense of these farmers. So in the real estate industry, when you have BlackRock buying up single family homes. Yeah, explain that. Yeah. I saw that. BlackRock is this massive hedge fund. Yeah. Right. During the pandemic, there was a lot of rent relief. But.

and some mortgage relief and stuff like that, right? And what ended up happening was it ended up being a transfer of wealth. All these bailouts went to these big corporations, right? Yeah.

And it truly benefited not mom and pop landlords because they still were on the hook for their taxes and utilities and things like that. And, you know, it really benefited corporate landlords who went in and then bought up a lot of single family homes that people, and then they jacked the price of real estate up by going in and just outbidding everybody buying these homes in cash. And now people cannot, um,

People have been priced out of home ownership. And now they're renting the homes that are owned by BlackRock. Up until recently, they kind of got out of the real estate game because they were taking a little heat. They were getting a lot of bad press. And, you know, things, you know, they're like, now we're buying at the height of the market, rates suck, whatever. They backed out. But up until recently...

They were, I think, the biggest corporate buyer of U.S. residential real estate. And they priced a generation of people out of owning a home. And they just did that because they, I think, eventually all these big corporations want you to rent. Yeah. They want you to take Ubers and Lyfts. Yeah. They want you to have food delivered. They don't want you to own a business or even think about owning a business. They want you to work at a corporation that they own. That's, I mean, is that terrifying? Yeah.

It's terrifying. Yeah. It's like, I think that's even the model with the iPhone now, right? Don't you kind of like pay a monthly fee and you can keep on getting a new phone? It was explained to me this way. You're almost like leasing your phone. The really smart guy came on my show. He goes, every entity, this guy Russ Baker, he writes books and crap. Yeah. But he said every government, whether it's a company or a government, every entity that's ever existed seeks power through control. Yeah.

It's power through control. If you can control people, you have the power over them. So I think that it's like every government on earth, every Fortune 500 company, I think they want people to be just- If you don't own your home, someone else has control over you. Yeah, yeah. So if you- The less things that you own, the more verticals there are to exhibit control over you. That's correct. And is there a solution to this?

Is there any way? Because it seems like this is just inevitable, the way it's being described. I mean, maybe, maybe. Yeah, maybe, maybe not. I do think it's interesting to look at, you know, whether it's crypto or whether it's, you know, the independence that comes along with a currency that's not Fed-backed, right? Like the idea... I was being facetious. Do you really think it's... No, I'm dead serious. I think that, like, eventually...

I think, unfortunately, crypto might just end up being a thing that enriches very rich people anyway. God willing. Independence.

Independence, you have to fight for it. You have to keep fighting for it forever throughout history. That's the whole thing. You have to just keep fighting for your independence. It didn't end with the Revolutionary War. This is where I give my big speech at the end here. Like Katie Porter, like Big Mama. Then I go have a meatball on a stick for $19 and so on. Or whatever crap they now shove down our throats. Just completely go against everything I said.

But you just have to keep fighting. You just have to carve out ways that you individually can depend on less people and create communities. I think communal living is going to be a big deal. I think people are going to...

have their own cities. I think people are going to have their own value systems where they go, we're creating a space for ourselves that, you know, kind of like on the grid, but off the grid, I think people are going to, you know, all of this stuff. I think cities are going to- The pods, we were talking about that, about the pod learning. Suicide pods? Yeah, suicide pods. No, they're great ideas. Get right in, it's over. You think religion comes back?

Yeah, but I think the thing with religion is always that a lot of the people that are going to take advantage of it will be charlatans. This is what has happened forever, right? So like religion, I think there is a resurgence of religion. I think that faith is good. I think people should have faith.

I think religion can be a great force for good. I think it can be manipulated, and it often is, by sociopaths to create a lot of violence and chaos. I would still say net positive, but absolutely. I agree. Yeah, I think it's a net positive. So I don't know what happens. I can't predict it, but you will have to try in the small and big ways you can to like—

not succumb to all of this stuff, especially if you are, a lot of the values that I was raised with, which is like go to college, take out student loans, do what everyone else is doing, I think those are not the right values. The values actually are look at who's succeeding, look at what they're doing, try to figure out how you can be nimble,

move different places. No one's saying you have to live in the most expensive city in the world. Go find a city that's nothing with 200 people making something. Go take over Lexington, Kentucky. Right. You know what I mean? Dead serious. Yeah. Go take over something. Go build a community of like-minded people somewhere, you know? Would you do that?

No. Because I see you as such a... You already did. It's called the hand. No, because I see you as... Bag armor. You're a gem. In a lot of ways, you're...

A loner isn't the right thing because you're always around people. Yeah, yeah. But you do march to be the own drum. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do kind of. I've learned... I used to hate that. And I now... Hate what? Kind of being just kind of an island a little bit. But I feel like you're like that. Yeah, I like that. You're well-liked by all these different groups. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can make fun of all of them. They still bring you in. Yeah. And... But there is a little isolation in you. There's a little isolation for sure. I mean...

But as I get older, like I'm 39 now, I think that...

career stuff is great, but I also think that like things outside of your career become much more important around this age. So I think, yeah, I mean, I'm not against that now the way that I was. Like if you asked me five years ago, I'd be like, no way. Would you join a cult? You're not going to join? No, I'd start a cult. I'd never join anything. Are you moving out of LA? What's the deal? I don't know where I live. No one really knows. I don't even know. I know the government doesn't. At the end of the day, I'm a resident of Dubai. Okay.

At the end of the day, I sit down with my business guy and I go, where have I been? And he goes, here's where you've been and here's where you have to pay taxes. And he counts the days. And he counts the days. They all have the days when I go in to their office. So I go, where have I been? And he goes, here's where you've been. So will they say you've got to park your ass in Texas?

No, because I gave up on that. I love Texas in the sense that I love the audiences. I love Rogan. I love his club. I love Shane. I love everyone who works there. I gave up living there because I didn't vibe with it. So I think you just got to vibe with it. I didn't vibe with Austin, Texas. So when you said you love Texas, what you meant was... I love the people that... You love all the people that aren't from there that moved there.

No, I love the people there that I love. It's got a great culture, but it's not my culture. Here's the thing. I really believe that cultures are different. I feel like it would be like for me personally, I'm such a New York guy. And then I lived in L.A. being a New York guy. For me, Texas was a bridge too far. That's all. It's like you visit a place and you're like, yo, I love it, but I can never leave it. It's a great culture. I love the music, some of the food, all that stuff.

What can't you get there? What is the thing that you're missing? Seafood, oceans. Yeah, you need a little water. I need a little water. I like water. My mother, I think your mother's DNA is imprinted on you. And my mother loved Florida. She spent a lot of time in Florida. She surfed. She was into boating. It was always by beaches. She was like...

Just being around water to me is kind of important. Are you going to be out east this summer, you think? Yeah, yeah. For like extended? I think so. I love this. I think so. And the prices are going up right now because a lot of Jewish people don't want to go abroad because of anti-Semitism. So the values are up and the rentals are up and the prices are up. Everybody's winning all around.

It's a beautiful thing. It's a beautiful thing. It is what it is. Springtime. Springtime. Oh, that's hilarious. So people have been trying to rent your spot out there like crazy? Well, yeah, but I'm not going to do it, but I don't think. You don't want Jews living there? You want to keep it. But listen, here's what I mean to say. And I don't mean to minimize the pain and the suffering and the hurt, but...

Have we seen clouds? Silver linings.

And the silver lining sometimes of a little shake, because the earth, the planet is just, you shake it a little bit. Shake it up. Shake it up. And you shake it a little bit. And I'm not shaking it. Who's mad at me? You out there mad at me? Did I shake it? It's shaking and it shakes. And then sometimes good things happen. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. And who are we to not take advantage of those good things? I just say to myself, hey.

What he did with the fire, I say, new, love it. Love it. Love it. And then my realtor calls and goes, people don't want to travel abroad, and the house values are really going up, and the rental prices are going up. And I go, oh, interesting. So I'm like, so one guy with fire and a house value going up?

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Pound Law, which is pound 529 from your cell phone. That's F-O-R-T-H-E-P-E-O-P-L-E dot com slash flagrant or Pound Law, pound 529 from your cell. This is a paid ad. Book is coming out soon. I dropped my publisher because the guy who greenlit my book got fired or left the company.

Something happened. And then they brought in a new lady. Back up the whole thing. Okay, so you get this book deal. I get a book deal. Which I think is fantastic. Very medium for you, yeah. Yeah, I really like this. Well, thank you.

The book is specifically about-- My boomer parents and boomers in general. And how they ruined-- In the 90s. Yeah, it's like a fun-- Satirical thing. Fun satirical autobiography, but it's really about the type of people that I grew up with, which because of the internet, I think people's personalities are being more flattened now. Yeah. And these were really unique, terrible, funny, selfish, horrible, vicious, racist,

homophobic, misogynist, awesome, fun, lovable. Americans. Scamps. They were fun people. It can be all things. It can be all things. And they were just really fun and perpetual victims, always aggrieved, easiest run of all the generations probably outside of NOM. It was pretty smooth sailing. But again, they're always upset. They're always pissed off. They're always complaining.

No, it's so true. The easiest rush of any generation. They fucking cry about it nonstop. They cry about it nonstop. Horrible, the things they had to endure. They bought a home for 40 grand. Yeah, traffic, detract, you can't get anywhere. Blinds at the grocery store.

They are the most- Everybody's got an opioid addiction now. They're like, oh, it took me two hours to get to my $20,000 home. They're completely disconnected. Parents served in the war. They were born after. They were born after. They're disconnected. They keep telling their kids to do the things they did. They're not aware. It's impossible. You know, like my dad said once, I was like, all these jobs are going to be automated. He's like, you kids will have it all.

He goes, you're not going to have to do anything for yourselves. I go, yeah, but those are jobs. People are like, ah. He's like, oh, come on. They don't care. And they're very funny. They're actually really, really funny. You know, my dad said, we were at Christmas.

And my step sister said something annoying about climate change. You know, like something annoying. Wadge lives in D.C. or whatever. I was eating a risotto ball and she was talking. And then my father goes like this. My father goes, he goes, you know when you really start to pay attention to the weather? When you get a boat.

And he goes, because we are on our boat. And we are really taking it. And that's their generation of people. That's how.

If they are not directly affected, I mean directly affected, they don't give a fuck about anything. Oh, that's great. Yeah, it is the selfishness that they're completely unaware of. They invited their realtor to Christmas. My father looked at me and he goes, she's been fighting brain cancer for 20 years. He goes, she's really something. And then we're like... So...

They are ghoulish. They're ghoulish. Sorry, what's the title? I need to know the title. Death by Boomers.

And it'll be about just how they... Where do you get, like... They used to call us Fat Fox. Like my friend's mother, Barbara. Yeah. And it was the funniest thing in the world. She would smoke a Marlboro Rad. She would roll down the window. This was her son. She would roll down the... I mean, imagine. By the way, imagine. Is there a better woman than this? How old are you? 14. She would roll down the window of her Saturn. She was smoking a cigarette. And she'd go, where are you, Fat Fox, though? I'm crying. I'm crying.

I mean, I mean the mother, his mother. Big mama. Big mama. So they're like the, you know, we talk about the generational wealth and the shit kids are in it. Are they that for America? They had this. But they're not even wealthy. They're not wealthy. America was. They have like a nice,

share, but America was. They're actually better off than the wealthy people because at some level of rich, you have to think about other things. They had just enough money. All it did was corrupt them and destroy their children, and that's all it needed to do. They never thought about civic virtue or angling for position. They just wanted a Lexus and a

shitty timeshare at a golf resort. That's so true. That's all they cared about. But what I'm asking is, America was a power, and then this generation comes and then just kind of squanders the power. Like the Vanderbilt head. No, it's not even that. These people are... They live on Long Island. Yeah, they live on Long Island. They live in the suburbs of any city. They're 30 to 40 minutes out of any city. Yeah. Um...

They are constantly talking about the girl at the dry cleaner who screwed their life up because she doesn't speak English and didn't understand what they wanted. They are to be found. Did you see Meredith's Christmas lights? Yes. They're what we call pool and patio types. They're on a patio by a shitty pool. They're talking about...

how many sacrifices they made for their children. And when in reality, they've made none. I had one woman tell me once, this woman Lisa who I love, she looked at me, she goes, "I married my husband for very practical reasons." She was drinking a martini, we were smoking cigs and drinking a martini, she goes, "I married my husband for a very practical reason," she goes, "we were never in love." I was 16 in high school, this was like a heavy thing to drop. I was like best friends with her son, it was like a heavy fucking thing to drop.

I was like, oh, I go, but you have fun. And she looked at me, she goes, we have fun. It was like amazing. I remember that moment as like, so interesting. She was very into like Eastern philosophy. Okay. And she was a housewife and a lot of them were, right? She was into like Buddhism and she goes, you just go around this planet many times until you get it. And then she'd look at her son and go, she'd go, and you're never gonna get it. She goes, she goes, she said once, she goes,

I swear to God, she goes, why the hatred to their kids?

Because they view their kids as an impediment to their wellness, success, fulfillment. They did not, they're the first generation that did not want their children to have it better than they did. They actually wanted their children to be like, they like put the kids in the basement. Did the children get in the way? Were they the first? Yeah, they got in the way. So are they the first generation that are like, it's my life and I should be able to do whatever I want with it? Yeah, I think the children got in the way and I think the children also were there to support

them emotionally, not the other way around. The children were there to let them know how. So you have the greatest generation and then you have the ghoulish generation. My friend's mother just, I swear to God, just made up a fake attack in a grocery store. I'm sorry, in a grocery store parking lot so she didn't have to go to his wedding.

She made up the fact that she was pushed down in the parking lot of a grocery store. This is a complete lie. Her son's wedding? Her son's wedding. Unbelievable. And she said, the attack has prevented me from going to your wedding. This was a complete fabrication she invented that she was attacked in a grocery store parking lot.

Okay, okay, real quick. Unbelievable. Okay, so every generation that had a major war is sold the story of, hey, we are sacrificing for your wives and your children, right? This generation, the boomers don't have a major war. So is there no indoctrination of sacrifice? So then when they do have kids, they're like, what?

why are you in the way of me enjoying whatever I want to enjoy in this moment? They absolutely are that. It's a great way to put it. They're also the first generation of people where they really try out mass marketing on these people. They are, they are marketed to death. They are advertised. They have entertained themselves to death, which is a great book by Neil Postman. Um, uh, entertaining ourselves to death. Uh,

They're the first generation that is, you know, my father used to cry at the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials. He loved the frogs. He loved the frogs. I love the frogs. He loved the frogs. Crying at the Clydesdale commercials. No, he loved it. This is the first generation of people to watch World War II documentaries to feel proud of accomplishments they never had and sacrifices they never made. And they would watch World War II documentaries and they'd feel very proud of themselves while eating a cake.

That's the boomers. They love a crew. That's the boomers. So what happened? What is the generation before them? What I'm trying to understand is where do you get this perspective? Because that's all you know. That's who you were raised by. That's what you think people are. So their parents were like the greatest generation. But how do you know that...

Boomers are weird because that should be the only thing you know. That should be what women's are. I know a lot of people of a lot of different ages. So you knew older people and you saw how different they were from your pen. A thousand percent. Okay, so give me great generation. Greatest generation was... How did they raise these people? I think they were...

They were maybe, if they, you know, they were a little cold, a little withholding. Coming back from war. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, but I think they gave their kids a lot. I think they gave them a lot of context to what life is. Yeah. A lot of religion. My, you know, grandparents were incredibly religious. There was also...

kind of this idea that their dream was for their children to have a better life than they did. The boomers dream was to have the greatest lives they could. It was not about their children. - It didn't continue. - They actually felt that their children-- - Inhibited their dream. - Inhibited their dream to some degree and they also felt like if their children couldn't figure it out, they couldn't figure it out.

Even the TV shows that come up from it are resentful of the children. There's a lot of comedy that's resentful of children. Which is something that I'm finding out is kind of changing. Maybe it's just because I'm older, but anybody around my age who just had kids, they message me and they go...

this is the greatest thing. You are so lucky. Enjoy these years. Yes. They love their kids. No, it's amazing. And it is so different than the comedy you saw. And it's not funny. It's not at all. And it's good. And it's my funny friend. Even funny friends will just go, hey, this is awesome. This is amazing. Of course, the funnier take, hating your kids, you know, whatever Louis was doing. Yeah. But that,

comes from a generation of people that were very comfortable going, these kids are annoying, they're getting in our way. - A thousand percent. I also think they were the first generation of people to get effed up with their kids. They drank with their kids. Some of them smoked pot with their kids. - Oh yeah, there was no disconnect. - There was no disconnect. - The cool mom, cool dad. - The cool mom, they were like drunk, they were falling down in front of their children. - They would throw the house party at their house when they were there. - We were doing drugs with our parents' friends.

screaming and yelling and just complete lunatic. They were a complete maniacal lunatic. And why? Why was there this, why was there no disconnect? I just think it was, you know, it was the relative ease at which things came to them. They had to create their own struggles. It really exposes the lie of the Woodstock generation. The Woodstock generation has been, I know you'll love this,

We'll do Vatican II in a minute. But the reality is the Woodstock generation, we see them as this progressive, free-loving, they were just selfish drug addicts.

They were just selfish drug addicts. The drug chain. Keep going, my boy. The drug just became money, consumerism, booze and pills. They were just selfish drug addicts. They didn't care about any of this stuff. They just wanted to have sex in the mud and do heroin and that's okay. But the boomers proved that because the boomers were those people. And the drug just became. The drug just became money and status and all of that stuff.

The belief system that was supposedly underlying all that actually never existed, ever. I've always wondered, because I was thinking about this like last week, like these guys that are so conservative now were the Woodstock guys. How did that happen? What changed? Well, they were never liberal and they're barely conservative now. They actually chase their own self-interest like a dog chases a steak. For example. Mm-hmm.

They don't they're all anti global warming but all of them want to live on the water Yeah, they all want to live on the war. They all want to have a boat They all for the most part think global warming is full of shit Yeah, because you know what I mean, but they all want in the nature to be exactly what it is for them Yeah, everything is for them

They are against the migrant crisis, but they adore housekeepers, nannies, and a lot of the things that come with it, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

They think Biden's too old, but they're 75 and they're not retiring. And they're not selling their house. Yeah. And they won't sell their house and they're retiring to a larger house. Yeah. But they also will scream and yell about Joe Biden being too old. But are they going to pass the business down to their son? Nope. Or are they going to put the house on the market? Or are they going to... No. Are we different? And if so, how did we get... The millennials suck for a whole host of other reasons, Eric. They're a...

A ribbon. Are we millennials? Kind of. I think we are. Millennials talk for a different generation because they were raised by these kind of boomer parents that were kind of Looney Tunes. The millennials got instilled in their heads that they wanted to be

constantly recognized for something because their parents were so hostile towards them. The millennials went to universities in corporate America and said, "Please pin a ribbon on me, tell me I'm good. "Look, I voted. "Look, I believe in this and that and this cause." - Pats on the back. - Pats on the back constantly. - Interesting. - "I'm good, love me, love me, love me, society. "My parents hate me, will you love me?"

And they became annoying, they became helicopter parents. They're the ones that are over-parenting their children to compensate. They're the annoying people that are like, what's the new thing? Ukraine, this flag, sub that flag, now it's that flag, now I'm into this. And all of it is because they just want

Adulation. Cousins and people like that. All they wanted was to get into a good school to hold it over people's heads. You know what I mean? They didn't care about knowledge. They don't care about... Some of the dumbest people I know are the most well-traveled because they learn nothing by traveling. It's just an Instagram photo. They don't care. It's what I respect about you. You learn stuff and I'll talk to you. You'll be like...

You're inquisitive when you go to the Middle East and places like that. When my cousin goes to the Middle East, not just her, but people like that, when they go anywhere, it is solely to show other people that they have zero care about anything.

That's the millennials. They just, they, they're, it's groupthink. It's give me love. Tell me I'm good. Tell me I'm better. I've done the work. I put the time in. Look at me. I got the job. I got the office. I'm the girl boss. I'm the whatever. Yeah. And the Zoomers are kind of a little more fun because they're a little bit more nihilistic. They've seen all the institutions crumble. They've seen all the things. Zoomers are after Gen Z. They are Gen Z. This is after millennials. Yeah.

And the Zoomers are more self-starters. They're more independent. They've seen operations like this. They've seen people make great careers going the independent route. Millennials really, for the most part, didn't see that. Millennials looked more towards the institutions. They wanted...

those institutions to convey the respect on them that their parents didn't. The Zoomers are like, okay, we're out here in the wilderness where... Let's make it happen. Let's make it happen. We're self-starters. We don't need anyone. We don't need a corporation. And their parents love them, so they don't need that validation. And their parents love them too much. They've kind of like... Maybe it's a badass of them or maybe it's dangerous, but they've kind of rejected...

the woke ideology a little bit? Yes, they have. Because, you know, again, it's a very, the woke ideology is a very millennial ideology. So you have to reject the generation before you. Yeah, that ideology is about advancement. It's not, it's about the revenge of the mediocre. It's not about helping actual genuine people that have been disenfranchised. Yeah. It's more about

pinning a medal or a ribbon on yourself and saying I believe the right thing give me a job. Yeah, I want to I want to be you know It's all these people that went to school and they majored in things like gender studies and then all the boomer right-wingers What you'll never get a job. It's like no they created the jobs. Yeah, they created the jobs. They created the institutions They said you need a diversity thing. You need a sensitivity reader You need this you need a cultural sensitivities are and they became all these jobs and that's what the

The Zoomers see how fake it all is. They see through it. Yeah. And the millennials do such a bad job of disguising that it's really just like whether you want to call it a jobs program or the revenge of the mediocre, that's what a lot of that ideology is. It's refreshing, though, that the Zoomers see it so clearly. Yeah. Like, you speak to some of these kids and they're...

painfully aware of how ridiculous it is. They kind of laugh at it, but it's not like they're not progressive about certain things. There's certain things that make sense. They kind of go, yeah, obviously. It's not like their rejection is fucking throw gays off the buildings. They don't reject that. The bad ones. But there are a little bit...

I don't know how to explain it. Yeah, they're... Gay marriage is obvious. Exactly. You're like, yo, let them get married, whatever. But we can also call each other gay, and that's not hateful. Yeah. They've kind of evened out in a nice area. I think that generation would be the one

that is going to have the biggest role to play in all of the things we talked about and where America lands. Yeah, you have the most hope for them. Well, and whether it's hope, it's certainly interesting to watch. Everything you're saying is correct. I think it's too soon yet because-

I think we could have looked at these boomers and went, wow, they're really rejecting this commercialism and all of this stuff, and then literally they turned on a dime. So I don't know which, it's very interesting to watch, but I think the indications are good from that generation, except there's a little nihilism there, and the nihilism,

Nihilism is a problem and the nihilism can, they can black pill themselves into. Explain, yeah, explain nihilism a little bit. The idea that because everything is so terrible and all the information is at their fingertips. They can't believe any of the information. They kind of not believe any of it and they've disconnected emotionally from it. That's why they'll just watch videos of people getting their head chopped off.

Also, like a lot of the drugs are disassociative, right? I mean, Euphoria is such an amazing show because it does paint like a pretty accurate perception of what's going on in a California high school. You have people ODing, people struggling with gender identity violence. You have people's parents, you know, like, you know, struggling with drugs issues. Yeah.

So it's such a great show. That being said, Sam Levinson did a great job of painting an inaccurate picture. But you watch a show and go, wow, what an amazing show. Then you go, I don't want my kid going there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're like, I don't want my kid going to Euphoria High. Yeah, yeah. But the nihilism is interesting. I have noticed that with some of them. They're a little black-eyed. They are. Black-eyed nihilist. And I thought it was... My godson, three years old, black-eyed nihilist. Yeah.

Just kind of looks at you. Doesn't care. Unaffected. Unaffected. Doesn't care. They've seen everything. They're just... They've seen everything. You know what's funny? I thought this was a... I saw a lot of girls that grew up in New York City are like this. Oh, yeah. Even our generation. They're going to clubs at 14. Exactly. They've seen it all. They've seen it all. They've had fucking disgusting old men with their parents' friends trying to fuck them. Right. They've seen the world for the worst versions of it. If you're...

protected in a nice lovely little suburb and everybody's polite to one another and you're not being manipulated by old dudes every single day and some guy's trying to finger you at work, et cetera. You can have these doughy eyes about the world. These girls are 14 going to the fucking club. They know what it's like. And they have that little bit of nihilism. That's what I see in the Zoomers. I think we have that. It's a little bit of dark

And it's good, but they can't OD on it because then it could get a little-- You're just unaffected by anything and you need to be affected to do shit. You need to be affected. You need to care a little bit about something. It's very hard because the world has gotten crazy. And it's always been crazy, but it's now delivered to you. That craziness is delivered to you. There's a gang of kids in Arizona, white kids.

running around attacking other kids randomly. They killed one of the kids. It's like Gilbert, Arizona. It's like an hour outside of Phoenix. I talked about it on my show. There's endless videotapes of these white kids stomping on the heads of kids. Jesus. Stomping on the heads of children. These kids are raising gated communities in the suburbs.

So there is something, I think, there's a nihilism that goes on where these kids become sociopaths by their desensitizing. Yeah. Okay? And it's crazy. Clockwork orange, yeah. Clockwork orange. This kid, Preston Lord, he died. This 16-year-old kid was killed at a house party. And, you know, now they're trying to make arrests. It's kind of difficult, you know, but like...

they're running around Arizona. These are rich white kids who's, I mean, rich by the standards of Arizona, not Manhattan. Their parents own a fucking gym or something. But they're also like- You know what I mean. They're also kind of raised in a social media era that's not really about, this is gonna sound super fucking pretentious, whatever, but there's not a lot of art in it. It's more just like clout and clicks. That's correct. It's just, how do I get attention? Whereas there, I feel like maybe we had a benefit, at least growing up in New York, where like, even if you weren't the most successful person, if you were the best artist, you had a lot of respect for them.

Like people are like, hey, that guy right there is a great skateboarder. That guy is a great... And you really respected that person because of their craft. And I feel like now it's just like, what kind of train wreck will get the most views and clicks? Okay, let's put that out there. And then you have kids trying to recreate the train wreck instead of getting really good at a thing.

Yes, when you know that it doesn't matter about being good It just a met it just matters how crazy the train wreck is. Of course, you're gonna be nihilistic about it Why would you care? Yes care at all. That's right What's the split though? Because you started saying Gen Z is like the most hopeful generation and how you're saying well There's listen there's hope in them in that I look at our absurdities and we do have a lot of absurdity Yes, the worst version of them is

is black eyed nihilists that don't care about anything at all. That's the fringes, I think. I think the best part of Gen Z is that they're appropriately skeptical of the institutions.

That, and they're not waiting. They're raised to be, it's like they don't need to learn like us. They look at Big Mama. They know. When Big Mama comes on with the cookie, and she takes out the whiteboard, the boomers love it. They get excited. Yeah, yeah. That's our avatar. That's Big Mama. Yeah. Katie's gonna come on and slap Jamie Dimon around. This is our...

Tuesday ritual. Yeah. The Zoomers look at that and they know what it is. They know it's fake. Yeah. They don't care. They laugh at it. They laugh at it. It's funny. It's funny. It's entertainment. It's the way I look at it. And I think that's the best version of them. The worst version of them is running around and killing people in Arizona. To give them credit, there's stories of us killing, who was it, Matthew Shepard, I think, when it was like the late 90s.

this dude is gay, bunch of homophobic. Yeah, that was a meth thing that they've repurposed to be a homophobic thing. It was meth related. I'm very big into facts, but I'm sure they were homophobic as well. It just so happens. It was one of the, there's more layers to it. That being said, I'm sure nobody was winning a progressive award. Yeah, we had our fringes that did crazy. We had our friend. We had the trench coat mafia. Yeah, we had school shooters. We still do. There's always going to be, I think that,

antisocial thing. Yeah. But are these kids getting, the machines are also big. Maybe it's not the kids of the future. Maybe it's the machines. I feel like the Zoomers would see a school shooter and like eye roll. Oh yeah, totally. It's still happening. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, the thing about the school shootings now is that they're not as effective as they were.

In the sense that society doesn't care. There we go. They don't care. Society doesn't care anymore. No one cares. Yeah, it sucks. And it might actually stop them. That's what I'm saying. Start pouring gas and lighting yourself on fire. There you go. Make some change. At least that's you. I have no problem with that. That's just you making a choice for your own body. That's the Zoomers. If they're so desensitized. Then do it yourself. That's a great moment that he's having.

And I look at it because when I see, and he's still, because he begins the Free Palestine, he says it, and he says it, and then the third one, he's really going, so he's like, he's curdling. But it's a great moment in terms of brand awareness. This is brand awareness. It is. It's brand awareness. He's in the fatigues. He's in the camo. He's in front of the embassy. Fresh press. It's well-framed. The video's good. It's not too high-def. You don't want too high-def. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You don't wanna shoot this in 4K. This is a 1080. It feels good. It's a 1080. You want it a little blurry, a little grainy. It's more historic. It's more historic. I love this for him. Is there any narration?

Yeah, he just yells free Palestine a few times. We need like a black kid holding it like, damn. Yeah, well, it's got to be on Worldstar. People are going to comment on it, but I just love this for him right now. I love the visceral. I love the look. Yeah. And I just love, I think it's, you know, because marketing companies are looking at this. If you don't think they're going to somehow learn a lesson from this to sell Chobani flips, you're out of your mind.

Chobani Flitz. You're completely out of your mind. If the Chobani marketing team is not watching this video. Those are great. And they're amazing because you put right in. It works. But if you don't think they're watching this over and over again to try to figure out how do we get it to do like, what if we pour nuts on ourselves outside of the Danon family. Yeah, there you go. Say Free Palestine. Get Kendall Jenner on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's interesting, you know?

Tim, uh,

Andrew, thank you. I love you. You are the man. Thank you for having me. I want everybody to go check out Tim's stand-up. He is on tour. You're constantly on tour. I'm over. It's over. I don't know how you check it out. My agent is very overweight, and this is why it works. Justin, we love you, Justin. We love you because when you're on tour a lot, you're killing yourself. Yeah. But he's also killing himself at home. Yeah. So I can't yell at him. It's not like I have a fit agent playing tennis, and I'm just dying. We're both dying. Yeah.

That's why it works. But I'm getting off Royal Albert Hall. Come on in. And then we're done. And a whole European tour too. And a European tour, Helsinki and the other crap. Who cares? Royal Albert, who cares? Dublin sold out or Belfast. One of those hell holes. The point is, I'm kidding. I'm from there. I love you. Potato heads. Now the point is, Royal Albert Hall, we're talking Marco. We're talking good people over there. Um,

We're defending the monarchy. I'm there to defend the monarchy from the interlocutors, from the people that are coming in, and the Tim Dillon Show. And we love everyone, and thank you, and you're the best. Yo, check out Tim Dillon Show. Thank you so much. We need Tim to host SNL, dude. Yo, Tim, what do you think? Oh, yeah, we didn't even talk about SNL. Shout out to Shane. Shane did a great job. He did an amazing job.

They asked me to host an RFK benefit instead. So that's similar. It was on a Saturday. I said no. But that's what I'm doing right now. It's like just me and RFK dodging bullets. How do you feel about RFK?

Fun, like him, not going to win, but that's okay. Would you vote for him? Are you voting for him? Maybe. I think I would. I think I would. I do like him. Yeah. I do like him a lot. I think I would vote for him. He's hard to run for president. Yeah. That's what I'll say. He's charming, though.

He's charming. His wife is amazing. Cheryl Hines is amazing. Herb is the greatest comedy. And brave, knowing that every time his family did this, they got killed. I mean, they would go shoot his dog in the head in front of him and then look at him and go, isn't it sad that dog drowned? It's unbelievable. Black lab. Yeah, yeah. They go, God, that's sad the way he drowned. And then he'd be bleeding with a bullet in his head and he's staring at him as a kid. No, it is. He went through a lot. It's audacious what they've done to his family. Yeah, it's crazy. I like...

Even just looking into it. They've also killed the Kennedys, though. That doesn't make it right. Wait, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Well, you know, Ted drove that woman off a bridge, drowned her. They were bootleggers. They were in with the mafia. I heard the bootlegging. They were rapists. They raped people. Really? Oh, yeah. Well, now I really want them on. Yeah. No, they're not him. Now I need RFA to come on. But when we're talking, they probably whacked Marilyn Monroe and stuff. They're not clean. Nobody's hands are clean. They whacked Marilyn Monroe for saying that she fucked a...

Yeah, there's things. But I mean. I heard the bootlegger thing was a CIA smear. No, they're not clean. They're not clean. I didn't say they're clean. I just heard the bootlegger thing was. Because he was making like clean movies in middle America. That was the business. Was it the business? I just think it's kind of well known that, well, they certainly became friends with a lot of mobsters if they weren't bootleggers. What a fun coincidence. Hmm.

What do you think? What do you think? What do you think? Well, I just think, listen, at that level of society...

you're commingling with a lot of unsavory types. I'm not saying that the Kennedys deserved anything that happened to them. I'm just saying they're not an innocent family. Really? So they're not just this innocent, benevolent family that's just trying to save the Hudson? No. No, they never were. They were a ruthless, bloodthirsty, you know... Dynasty. ...patrician, blue-blood cult that, of course, has some weird curses, and they threatened a lot of power factions that eventually hit back.

And that was not good. So they wouldn't play ball. They could have just rose to power, been another great American name last year. Yeah, JFK was a patriot. He loved his country. He was certainly a guy who had—was a revolutionary guy in the sense that he believed that the American government should function in a different way. And that ended up getting him killed. Seems like everybody who believes that kind of ends up dying. Yes, but also those people—

aren't always, they're not always, their motives are not always, they make a lot of messes along the way to getting to where they get to. Yes, yes. Okay, back to Shane real quick. Amazing story. Yes, amazing. Deceived it, it's done. Yes, amazing.

kind of galvanized the comedy community to support SNL when I feel like we were kind of fractured with SNL. Yeah, I think it's a great story. I think people are supporting Shane and he did an amazing job and it's such a great story, I think. It's also so weird, like the thing that you see, like, also one thing that shocked me, because I was, you know, he was in the city working out the monologue and I'd seen him do the monologue and just fucking crush every song and saw him go up. And the Down syndrome part,

I thought was the most endearing, hilarious part. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really, I literally was watching him do it at the cellar and I was going, when he goes up and he does this on SNL, everybody in that building that ever doubted him or fired him is gonna feel like the biggest fucking piece of shit. Right. Right? Yeah. And I,

Just the fact... And I thought we were beyond this point in comedy. Just the fact that he said Down Syndrome. Yeah. You could feel the audience fucking clam up. But I think that's what was good about it. I actually think that... To me, I watched it, I thought it killed by... And I also think... I thought he did great. Because here's the deal. I think...

That should happen to an extent. People should go, what's going on? And then he's so funny, he overcomes any of that. I think it's good. I think tension's good. I don't see the building of tension, the releasing of it. That's what comedy is. I think it's a little different. But it's New York City. Here's the deal. You're performing in New York City, the middle of New York City, and people might be a little like, uh-oh. We perform in New York City every single night. Yeah, but it's probably a crowd of people that might be a little bit

but a little bit more sensitive? - That's what I'm saying. I didn't realize that there was still, I thought that we were beyond the point where you can't talk about this, but there are still topics, I guess, maybe in certain areas. - I think that's good for us. I don't think we need to be in a place

Because I think our superpower, if there is a superpower, is making something funny that shouldn't be. Yeah, I like that. But now, so to me, that's the most fun time. When you can't say anything, the most fun time to do comedy. For sure. I do feel like we're entering a time where you can say anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that was a reminder to me, like, oh, maybe there's certain spaces. For sure. Because I really thought that that part of it, that they initially tightened up, obviously ended up winning them over. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I couldn't believe it. It was such... But it had been...

I was very invested in not liking this guy. And now I have to reassess everything. Because this is a guy who comes from, I had him painted as this bigot who's from this certain type of family. No, because it was the end of the set. The beginning of the set, he's crushing. Yeah. Oh, I thought the moment where he flipped everything, it wasn't rocky by any stretch. But I could feel, like, things ascend when he was, like, started being like, I can look at everybody not laughing at me right now. He kind of stepped outside of the set. And then he closed. I thought it just crushed him.

I think it's just comedy. It's just sets are sets are sets. It was a masterful set, I think, especially for a monologue on that show. I also think the SNL audience, they know that it's being recorded. They know it's live. Yeah, there's like a pressure on them. I want to host SNL in Russia.

and where I'm standing there, and then there's red lights on my chest, and I just, and I'm like, and I say, hello, and Putin's there, and everyone nods, and I go, it's great to be here, and then, like, after every joke, it's just a bunch of, like, oligarchs and czars, and they're all smoking cigars, and they're all just kind of looking at each other, and there's no left, everyone just kind of looks at each other, so that would be mine. That would be amazing for me, and then I just get through it, and they just kind of, you know. Would you have Putin on?

Yeah. Really? I absolutely would. They should have had you over there, dude. It would have been a lot more fun. Yeah. What would you have done when he starts doing the history lesson? Would you go, ba-ba-ba-ba? I would. Ba-ba-ba-ba. I think a little of the history lesson was good, but I would have got into it and been like, what did you think of Prince Oleg? Piece of shit between me and you.

What do you think about all of this stuff? Do you think these guys, was there any gay activity? Do you think there was gay activity? Do you think there was any gay activity with Oleg? I hear Oleg. We were talking to this historian, apparently Hitler, big gay. Is that true? Or just very, maybe not gay, but very welcoming of the gays.

Was that true? That's what we heard. And apparently had to like change his policy a little bit later because some other people were not as welcoming. But what was he saying? Yeah, that there was like a lot of like gay SS members that he was like, that were very openly gay that he was kind of accommodating of and didn't really have any issues. I think at the end of the day, he's like, we, I think Hitler's thing was we have one job.

Which is? And if everyone's doing that job, we're not going to run around and get real personal with everybody and nitpick. We have one gig. Yeah. We've got a tunnel vision. Yeah. But then sometimes people are like, oh, but they came for the Catholics too. Yeah.

I know that's... Yeah, they did come for us. They mostly wanted to come for us. They mostly came for us. That's right away. It was really a Catholic issue. That's what I've learned about the Holocaust. That's what the boomers do. The boomers see the Holocaust and be like, it happened to us as well. It's a genocide of white Christians. If the boomers can be explained in one sentence, it's a woman sitting down drinking a coffee going, the Irish were slaves too. LAUGHTER

Thank you, guys. Thank you so much, bro.