cover of episode Lil Duval Reveals How He Survived Death

Lil Duval Reveals How He Survived Death

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Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh

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Lil Duval
Lil Duval: 我经历了一场差点致命的四轮车事故,生命在我眼前飞速闪过,我以为自己要死了。这次经历让我对人生有了新的感悟,更加珍惜生命,也让我更加坚定地去追求自己的目标。我开始玩乐高积木来帮助我恢复思维和记忆能力,也让我对人生有了更深刻的理解。我不依赖他人的赞扬,而是从自身中寻找满足感。我坚信轮回,也相信基督教是印度教和伊斯兰教之间的中间地带。我努力地去影响文化,并从看到人们模仿我中获得满足感。我从不生气,因为没有什么值得生气的。我经历过很多次生死攸关的时刻,包括两次车祸和几次差点溺水的经历,但我从不害怕死亡,因为我相信死亡也是一种选择。我努力地去生活,去实现我的目标,去帮助我的族人。 主持人: Lil Duval差点死于一场车祸,这次经历让他对人生有了新的感悟。他戴着各种面具来避免被认出来,并通过玩乐高积木来恢复思维和记忆能力。他从不寻求他人的认可,而是从自身中寻找满足感。他创造了一个系统,让他能够在不需要他人赞扬的情况下获得满足感。他很早就意识到Lil Duval对生活的理解很深刻,并且在不知不觉中影响着文化。他从观察中学习,并从影响文化和看到人们模仿他中获得满足感。他认为Lil Duval已经参透人生,但他车祸和朋友的去世证明了他错了。他认为Lil Duval的成功是精心策划的结果,而不是偶然。他认为Lil Duval的天才领域是生活本身,他顺其自然地生活。他认为Lil Duval的成功是由于他能够在不需要他人赞扬的情况下获得满足感,并能够创造出能够影响文化的系统。他认为Lil Duval对AI的看法很有见地,他认为AI将会把我们连接在一起,并使我们成为超人。他认为Lil Duval对死亡的看法很独特,他认为死亡也是一种选择。他认为Lil Duval的生活经历很丰富,他从不后悔。他认为Lil Duval已经实现了人生的意义。

Deep Dive

Lil Duval recounts his near-fatal four-wheeler accident and the emotional aftermath. He discusses the accident's impact on his outlook and the surprising outpouring of love and support he received from family, friends, and colleagues. He credits his positive mindset, "living my best life" mentality, for helping him through the ordeal.
  • Duval was hit by a car while riding his four-wheeler and flew through the air.
  • The accident made him realize how much love and support he had.
  • Duval credits his 'living my best life' mentality for getting him through the recovery process.

Shownotes Transcript


- 'Cause I don't think people realize this, you almost died. - Yeah. - Take me through the whole thing. - I'm riding on my four-wheeler and I'm about to turn in my driveway. Just so happened, this lady behind, I didn't know she was even behind me. She tried to go around me. Boom, hit me and I flew. - Dang. - I flew, nigga. - Wow. - Everywhere. Everything was going in my head so fast. My life was going through my head. And I'm like, yo, I'm about to die. My lady come down, she look at me. This is when I knew I was really fucked up. When she's like, oh shit.

I knew I looked crazy. First I called, Clown's like, I'm being a wheelchair forever now. He like, nah, you gonna get through this. He the reason I got through it, honestly. For real, for real.

You know how much I hate this city? You do hate New York, but why? I love the people. It's just the city. I always had bad luck here. Why? Every time. Did you show them the mask you wear when you walk around? Oh, y'all ain't seen it? No. He's walking around. This guy's a fucking lunatic. Wait, which mask? He goes, I don't want people to notice me. So he's just wearing like an old man... Mask.

What about the Chihuahua mask? I got that one, too. That's my... He's really in his Michael Jackson face right now. No, I ain't, man. Except if you took it off, less people would notice. Oh, this shit, let me make it big.

Bro, why are you waving at me? Wait, you're doing this to not get noticed? No. Well, I do this so I can walk around and nobody pay me. Like, I'm just doing it for the camera right now, but usually if I walk around, nobody paying me no attention. But say the real reason.

This is the safest person in New York. An old white man. A giant baby? Can I see that? It's not an old white man. They're looking at you and they're going, give me. Yeah, bro. What's wrong with that? Nobody's fooled by that.

I know. You look like a goblin. Your hands are black. I put my hands in my pocket. It's just for the camera, man. Yeah, but you're wearing a blinged-out watch. You can't see the watch in this one. I just put that for the camera. But if I'm walking around normal, let me show you me walking around. You think that's walking around normal? Yes, without the skullcap, like I told you that for the camera. You think the skullcap is the not normal part? Yes.

Let me show you me without the camera. This is so racist. This is what you think white people look like. Nobody came and said nothing. I didn't want them to see me. That's the whole point of it. I look so crazy to some people. That is true. You do look crazy. Nigga, let me show you. You were doing it to scare the Asians. Let me show you what I look like. No, you want to scare the Asians, you take the mask off. I'm going to show you.

I even tried to wear like a regular mask and motherfuckers still notice me. What's a regular mask? Hold on, I'm finna show you. Shit. Let me know when we need to start because I'm just talking and shit. I think we started. Oh, we did? There's no start or finish. Oh, what's happening, y'all? There's no start, there's no end. We just got shot. This motherfucker knew who I was. I don't know how he knew who I was. Let me see. See, like they can tell who I am with that. Could you tell that with me?

No. You see what I'm saying? But they knew. Yeah. Well, where are you right now? That's in the airport.

Private airport? No, that's at the regular commercial airport. The peasant airport. So they're catching you at the peasant airport? All right, that's a good guess. If I saw a short black-handed person wearing an old man mask at a private jet airport-

You don't really know it's me. I wear some old glasses. I just showed it to you. I didn't even post it. I might post it now since I got y'all talking. You dressed the outfit up for the mask? No, I just did that yesterday for him to send it. Like, that's how I'm out here chilling.

You know, I do a lot of shit. Dude, why the fucking... I don't even post all of that. And you're just walking around with Lego sets. You look like a fucking pedophile. I didn't walk around with Lego sets. You're an old man holding Lego sets by yourself. Where did you see me holding Lego sets? Looking for children. Where did you see me holding Lego sets? That's a little weird. That is a little weird. Building Legos? You love Legos, though. Yes. It looks like you're trying to lure them in. No, no, no, no, no. No, I ain't. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. No, I ain't. Yeah, yeah. Old white men. Y'all want to build Legos? Nah. Legos are fire. Legos actually helped me with my thinking and memory and all that shit. This is the guy right here. J.K. Brickworks. This is the best dude. He makes his own sets and then you can buy the set that he makes. Yeah, I know.

Or you could, he'd probably give you the instructions too. You could buy his instructions. That I would do. Yeah, exactly. I wouldn't buy the set he built. No, no, no. He gives you all the pieces. He gives them all to him. So explain to me the Lego thing. Why this new obsession with Legos? Well, this is how it happened. When I got hit by that car, I didn't have shit to do. So I was sitting there chilling. So my sister...

She was like, she sent me a puzzle while we was in the Bahamas. I was in the Bahamas chilling. She got me a puzzle. I liked the puzzle. I'm like, damn, this shit all right. It had my mind back working. It helps my memory. And I was like, shit, I'm going to do another. I did another one. But it was kind of boring. So I was like, I'm going to try Legos. And once I tried Legos, it was on and popping. And like, you know how I am. Once I start doing something, I...

I do. That's why I never did cocaine. Oh, that's why? Yeah, because I knew I'm a liar. Because you'd be the best. You'd be the best. How many Lego sets you could build? I'm about to hold kids, snorting by myself. Tony Montana all night. Well, it is true because I knew you before you ever smoked. Yep.

I knew when you didn't smoke, you didn't drink, you didn't do anything back in the MTV days. You wouldn't even go to the red light district with me in Germany. No, the other way around, motherfucker. What do you mean? The other way around. What do you mean? I'm going to tell your old lady right now, he is never going to cheat on you. This motherfucker. He was all the way in Germany. Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, let's go to the red light. He's like, I don't know, man. I got my old lady. I was like, ain't nobody going to know. I don't know.

I went by myself. You didn't go with me. No, you didn't want to go. You didn't want to go. I went by myself. Where? You went? Yeah. I thought you didn't want to go because you were scared your old lady was going to catch you. Well, that too. See, that's what I'm saying. I'm like...

He kept complaining about his own lady. I said, I was like, yo, I'm going to go. I was like, do you want to go? And then you were like, well, you going to fuck something? I was like, no, I just want to look. Yeah, that's what it was. You were like, I'm not going to no museum. Yeah, man. I'm not going to the museum. I'm like, man, I want to fuck. It's nice to look, though. No, it ain't. No, it ain't. It is nice, though. Sometimes that's what most women don't realize.

I like to have a lot of women around me. Like, I ain't going to fuck them. Just be around me naked. Just the vibe. But it wasn't like that in the red light district. This was like a bucket list. Like, I ain't never been in the red light district. If we're going to go, we're going to fuck. Couple buckets out there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wouldn't be into a hooker that's just right there, storefront, on sale. You know what's so funny, too? I want exclusive hookers. I've never got hard, or I've never paid for some pussy like that.

Yeah, it's been an exchange. Yeah, I got to feel like you like me. Like, that shit don't get my dick hard. So that's why I never really, like, got into the trick. Have you given them a chance, though? Have you tried? Yes, I have tried. And then what happened? My dick would never, like, get all the way hard. How'd you get out of the situation? I just kept fucking, and it wouldn't, and she kept saying, like, it was a baser. Well, crackhead, that's what we call basers. What? What?

Yeah. You think that's why your dick didn't get hard? No, because when I was a jet jet, we used to do that. No, I don't want to talk like that. Talk, talk, talk, talk. No, I ain't doing that because we can get fucked up in our community. Yes. So I'm going to just leave that alone. So how y'all doing? Ladies and gentlemen, today we are joined by the legend, the motherfucking goat, the most interesting man in the world. We got Lil Duval. Tight shit. Hey.

I'm so proud of you, man. Like, just to see where you come and see how you grew. And just like he said, I saw an interview where he was talking about you. That shit real. Just to see you, even the bigger you get, the more you become a better man. Trying. Yeah. I got to salute you for that. Trying, man. You're the inspiration, man. You know I always give you credit, bro. I appreciate it. Like, I told everybody, I was like, man, oh,

all the people that have been around me, it was a white man that listened to me. - I used to annoy him so much. - So much. Every time, he's like, "Hey, man, stop asking me so many fucking questions." Every day it got cold. Every time we go up there, he asks me a question, he asks me something. I tell Charlotte, man, I'm like, "Man, this motherfucker keep asking me shit, keep asking me about how much I make, what you do this, how you do that." I be like, "Man, stop asking me shit." - 'Cause I figured real early that you,

Like, real early that you had the game kind of figured out. Yeah, yeah. The game of life, he says. No, not all. Well, yeah. At first, it was comedy. Yeah, yeah. And entertainment. And then when we went to the Bahamas, I was like, oh, shit. Figured it out. You're operating on a different, a very different level. But real early, I was like, oh, my God, this guy has it figured out. He's got his independence. He's inspiring all these, like, trends. And nobody even knows.

outside of his community that he's starting it. Like even the word basic, the way that we talk about basic, but like there are people right now that are using it. My fucking wife uses a word that you popularize and has no clue it comes from you. So once I picked up on that early in Die Code, I was just like, let me get game. Like this guy has it fucking figured out. But I respect people like that too because- And you told me, shut up. You gotta stop asking questions, just observe. Yeah, yeah.

And I guess that's how you picked up game. That's what I tell people all the time. People don't listen, they follow. So you just got to give them something to follow. You know what I'm saying? Like most of the stuff we learn, we learn from watching people. Morris, we had a guy on the pod who said, Morris caught than taught.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can teach all you want to, but people aren't going to listen. Yeah, people are not going to listen. And when they do listen, they done heard it for a fifth person. But I get a kick out of that. Like, I get a kick out of seeing people be me and they don't know it's me. That's where I get my satisfaction from. Like, I don't get it from the flowers. You know what I'm saying? You get it from actually impacting culture. Yeah, and seeing it. It's like seeing, like, you got a child that when you see yourself in them. Yes.

You get satisfaction just in that. You know what I'm saying? So that's what I get out of people. I just see myself in, and not only in just people that look like me, people like you, people like you. You see it in them. People like you, you see them in them. You is me, so. No, but that's a good point. That's a good point. It's like, if you're doing something that he started, that's more obvious. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you see me do it, you're like, oh, I'm really impacting culture. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's,

Another thing that I picked up from you, it was like, that's all perspective. A lot of people would look at that and be like, all these motherfuckers copying me and I ain't getting no credit. You're giving yourself the validation. Yeah, it's like, I've always knew you can't wait on other people to give you praise and shit like that. If you wait on that, you're going to be disappointed. So I never relied on that. You know what I'm saying? Like, when people do give it to me, I damn near cry because I ain't used to it. I don't know how to take the...

The response, the love and shit like that, because I ain't used to it. Even when I got in the accident, I wasn't so used to it. I didn't realize how many people had love for me. I knew you had love. I knew the people, the tribe that I got around me, I know they're going to be there.

So that's where I got my, but I didn't realize like all these people, the industry, like the people like, damn, these motherfuckers. Like I really had an effect on the motherfuckers. And you had people that was called. I didn't expect to call me or people that was checking on me and shit like that there. So that, that surprised me out of that. So,

What was we talking about? I forget. Yeah, you know, it's crazy. Just you getting your credit in how you've created a system. And this is what I think you do constantly that I really admire. You create these systems where you can get the validation that you want without somebody walking up to you and patting you on the back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then when they do do that, it's icing on the cake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, it's like...

Like I said, I don't know how to take it. You know what I'm saying? You be like, shit. Like people come up to me, man, you did such and such. And they probably look at me like, this motherfucker just looking at me crazy. But I really don't be knowing what to say. I don't know how to say thank you or I knew I did that. That's in my mind. It's like, I know it. How did you learn that? How did you learn I can't look for validation from other people giving me compliments. I got to find it in other ways. Well, I've always did it. I've always did it since I was a kid.

And I've always had it. But then once I started seeing other people looking for it and they're sad and looking. And I was like, I don't want to be like that. You know what I'm saying? This is the observation shit that you keep doing. Like, I don't know. Was there nobody that was kicking game to you directly so you had to? That's God, honestly. I can't give no credit to nobody. Like, I'm a genius. You know I'm dumber than a motherfucker. No, no, no. I mean, when I say dumb, I'm like, I'm not a genius. You know what I'm saying? I'm not sitting up here.

I just understand it. I think you might be. I just have understanding. If you ask anybody that's a genius, they probably tell you. Most people that understand you know how dumb we are. Like, I know how dumb I am. Once you understand it, you take everything and you learn more. You know what I'm saying? Like, people that think they're smart, they're the dumbest people. Here's what I would say. Andrew uses this term a lot with, like, a genius zone.

And your genius zone is life. Like living is your genius zone. How to live your genius zone, which is a fucking beautiful thing. Yeah. I also feel like you just not, you're not fighting life constantly. You know, there are people who try to swim upstream. Yeah. Yeah. And then there are people who just float. Yeah. And I feel like, I don't know, to me, when I'm observing you, it's like constantly moving with it. And this is why I do say you're genius. It's like when I started asking you how you kind of plotted your career, I

You picked out all the things that you did and then did them. It's not like you fell into them accidentally. You analyzed it. Like, let's go way back, right? Let's go like way, way back. Okay.

See, like now you talk, give me problems. I know. I'm going to still make fun of you. Yeah, please do. I got you. I got you. You're balding from the back. I don't give a.

So he's been trying to blame, bro. Now this right here. I thought you were converting to Judaism. You would wear the high chain. I had that shit on when I got hit by the car. I feel like every time something happened to me, I had that on. You know what I'm saying? I was

I believe in all this shit. You think it saved you or caused the accident? It's the cause of the protection. Yeah. What? Say it again? Is it the cause of it or the protection? I think it was just a protection from like every time something happened, I always had that high piece of it. So. High means life. But imagine if you had. It means whoop my song and live my best life. Yeah.

I didn't plan that. It's like the universe just works in my favor. Even when I got hit by the car, I felt like this shit was supposed to happen. I just wish it did. Can we go to the car? Yeah. Because I don't think people realize this. You almost died. Guys, the Life Tour show's coming up, okay? We have...

Houston, April 5th. Charlotte, we added a second show April 13th. Nashville, April 18th. And then Austin, Texas, the Moody Center, April 19th. We got a bunch more dates up at Go grab them. Florida, thank you so much for the sold-out shows. St. Petersburg, Tampa, that was amazing. And then Miami slash Fort Lauderdale, those shows were fucking incredible. Thank you guys so much for coming out.

uh, I can't wait, you know, for the rest of you guys to see this. And we got some big stuff, man, this, uh, this next show we're coming. I'll see you guys out there at the forum in LA. Thank you guys so much for selling it out. Appreciate y'all. So LA, I'll see you guys soon. The interest for those tickets. Thank you guys so much for the support. Also guys dates real quick. First of all, uh,

please watch Gaslit, my new special. There's also merch available on my website, Gaslit, full special. If you've seen it, watch it again. Tell everybody you know. Also, uh, turns out I have a show that I completely forgot about. I apologize to Soul Joel. I'm going to be at Soul Joel's in Pennsylvania. We just put that link on my website. That is today, the day this episode comes out. If you're watching this episode the day after it comes out, you didn't even know I was doing this show. So,

So just added to my website, Souljoelsinsidesunnybrook. for that. I think I'm also doing Tempe and Denver in April. But

Most important thing, the merch also, Soul Joles, those are the things. Thank you guys so much. Let's get back to the show. I don't think people realize this. You almost died. Yeah. Like, you were very close. And if you go back a few years before that, you have a song out and you have a philosophy out, which is just like, hey, live your best life. You're openly saying, I got life figured out. I got it all. I'm...

Everything's done. I figured it out. Trust me. If you follow me, your life is going to be better. You're like bragging. I feel like God did this to show, all right, we're going to see if you bought all that shit you're talking about. I've always wanted to ask you that. Even while I was sitting there, I was like, damn, he really put me through this shit to show. Because it wasn't just that. It's Kool-Aid. Yeah. Then Clay. Or no, then accidently. Clay was after. Clay was like the day I got off my crutch.

The next day, that's when this shit happened. So think about this, right? You're telling people, I got life figured out. One of your best friends passes. You get in an accident that almost kills you. And then right after recovery, a little bit, your other best friend. No, I'm talking about the next day. I got off my crutch. I talk about this on stage. Like, as soon as I got off my crutch,

I was like, I ain't got no crush no more. He was like, yeah, but take that shit to child support tomorrow. Because I had a child support court tomorrow, the next day.

I took her to the child support corps. I called them. I was in the Bahamas because after I went to child support, I went straight to the Bahamas. And I was like, I did say everything, whoop-de-whoop. He's like, you paid her? Because I had to pay right then. He's like, yeah, I paid. He's like, all right, cool. I told you you paid her. Hung up. Two hours later, everybody called me and was telling me that shit was that far. It was like, everything was like a movie. Like, my life be like a damn movie. It's like...

damn, is this the part here? Like, I know it's part, like, I always know life is up and down, but I'm like, when you're in there, she's like, damn, this, that part of the movie. So do you think God was testing you? Like, you think you got this figured out? I don't think God was testing me. I think it was more a test of, he knew I was going to get through it. So he used me

Because other people probably was like, how you like, he just talking there. Oh, it's easy to be happy when you're rich. Yeah, it's easy to be happy when you got jet-lagged in the Bahamas. He used me as an example. And I was like, damn, this is part of the example. You know, like when you're doing the movie and the movie says, you're going to get shot here. You're going to have to do a recovery. You got to lose a lot of weight. You got to do all this shit. The night is always darkest before the dawn. Yeah. So I'm like, damn, this is the part of that movie. Okay.

Okay, take us to the accident. Okay? Take me through the whole thing. All right. I'm coming. I'm leaving. I've been in your place. So I pull out. I start even before that. So when I'm over there, my batteries be dead on my four-wheelers and all that shit there. So I had to jump the four-wheel up.

So I jumped the four wheel up. I would drive it around to get it on. You got to charge up the battery by driving it. Yeah, I'm charging up the battery. So I drive down to a beach down there. You know, we got beaches everywhere. I pop up to one of them beaches. I'm sitting there smoking by myself. And I'm just looking back and, you know, I'd be so, I'd be happy like, I can't believe I'm here. I'm such, such, such, such. I really did it.

So I'm like, this is a good place to fuck too. So I'm like, all right, go back to the house. His brain. Granted, it'll do that. For real, man. He's like, look at the beautiful scenery. What would make this better? Yeah, so I'm riding back. Now, you know, my road is empty as fuck. Yeah.

You might see five cars the whole day on this road. There's no numbers for the homes. No address. You got to know. Go by the red house. Left at the blue house. Those are the directions that he gave me when we were going to his crib. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And the road is paved, but it's not like. It's paved. It's like one road. And we drive on this side, on the left side, not the right side. And the only reason I'm telling you that is because this is why it happened. So we're driving. I'm riding on my four-wheeler.

And I'm about to turn in my driveway. You know how I drive. I'm about to turn in my driveway. I'm about to turn in my driveway. Just so happened, this lady behind me, I didn't know she was even behind me. She tried to go around me. Because you're obviously slowing down, so she's like, I don't want to wait. I'm going around. Yeah. And the bombers, they drive wild. They don't give a fuck. They drive in the middle of the road. So she's trying to go around me. She's trying to go around me. Just so happened, the right time, boom, hit me, and I flew. Damn. I flew. Wow.

Do you remember flying through the air? Yes. I talk about it on stage. I ain't going to give it here because I want to. But I talk about it on stage and laying, I was on the ground, I'm sitting there, and I'm like, yo, I'm about to die. Once I realized I wasn't paralyzed. How do you realize you're not paralyzed? I started feeling my toes. Pain or you're actually moving? It was painful than a motherfucker, but...

It's kind of hard to explain because everything was going in my head so fast. My life was going through my head and everything. And I was like, ah, shit, I fucked up. Now, keep in mind, where he is, there's no real hospital. No. There might not be anybody. Is your old lady in the house? She sleeps.

Listen, and... So it's like, he was just going to wake her up on the ground. I could be there forever, right? So I'm sitting there, and the lady stopped, and she go get my old lady. And so when she go get my old lady, my old lady come down, she look at me, just when I knew I was really fucked up, when she's like, oh shit, I knew I looked crazy. I knew it was. And the first thing she said out of her mouth was,

"Oh, you got all your teeth." 'Cause like right before that, the day before that, I had said some shit about people ain't old, people ain't got back teeth. I got all my back teeth. So I was talking shit about teeth. And so she was thinking this was like that. Like, man, fuck out of here, woo woo woo. So the first thing I tried to, I called Clay. First thing I called Clay, I was like,

Man, I fucked up, bro. I was like, this shit over, man. Like, I knew... Wow. It was a death call. Yeah, I was like... Wow. I knew I was like, I'm being a wheelchair forever now. I was like, I'm being a wheelchair forever now. So right through that whole time laying on the ground, I was laying on the ground for a long time. I'll tell you later, but...

I was going through all the money I had. I started saying what I can't do no more. You just start thinking about all, like I say, like you said before, I prepared myself for everything. So right then I was preparing myself for being handicapped and not having no, be able to go on the road no more. Shh.

All that shit. I had it all in my head. But Clay kept being on the... I don't even want to talk about it because it's going to make me cry. Good, good. I don't want to cry. I'll cry with you. I love crying. This is beautiful. I'm a crier. I'll cry with you. Yo, people need this, man. I need to hear about this. Nah, so, well, when it happened, I kept telling him, kept telling Clay, he's like, nah, you're going to get through this shit. He's the reason I got through it, honestly. For real, for real.

I don't want to talk about this shit, bro. No, it's beautiful, man. No, it ain't, man. It's beautiful. That's why I didn't want to do this shit, because I knew you were going to bring this shit up. Good. I don't even want to talk about this shit. Well, you don't have to do anything, but to me, it's really beautiful to see you have these emotions. That's why you don't want to talk about it? No, it's just hard to explain it all through, because you still... It ain't the accident. I overcame the accident. I'm still recovering from Clay. Yeah. You see what I'm saying? Yeah.

So all that shit happened. But the day he was the first person at the hospital and he was the last person at the goddamn when the shit happened. So the nigga was a real nigga. He's the man. Yeah, I think people who maybe are unfamiliar with Clay is like an absolute icon in the music business and like a real stand up dude. And to the point where there was a lot of situations you probably speak to, like the music business. And I think you were his first comedy client, right? Yeah.

That nigga ain't no shit about comedy. He never knew about it. But he knew about standing on business. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, like, for example, like, nobody was going to short you. Nobody was going to short any artist of Clay's. And he would really stand up for them. But he even wasn't that. He was just a genuine person. Yeah. Like, even when I fuck with you, I fuck with a genuine person. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. And it's hard to find genuine people. Yeah.

And that's why I hold that more than anything. Yeah. People being genuine because I can find talent. I got talent. Yeah. I don't need nobody to have talent. I don't need nobody to do shit. Especially with technology. I can do everything. Yeah. You seen me first. I was the first thing with a drone in Times Square. Yeah. I got footage of Times Square that nobody got. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? So I can do everything myself. Technology, I can do everything myself. Yeah. It's just finding people, genuine people. Yeah. I hold on to them. Yeah. And he was one of them. Yeah. Yeah.

- Shit. - Yeah. - So what else we wanna talk about? - We talk about everything, bro. - I'm curious about the recovery. You actually, you go to the hospital and how long does it take for you to get on your feet? - Shit. To get back walking? - Yeah. - About six months. How long it was? When you came and shot that? - Nah, dude. When I was down there and I checked in on you,

I'm down in that lane. I'm doing a movie. Oh, we went to Magic City. You're just the craziest dude. I go, I go, I go, yo, man, I want to hang. I want to like come and see you. Where you at? I was like, do you want to go get some food or something like that? And then you said, nah, let's go to Magic City. And I was like, why? And you're like, what'd you say? You're like, it's safer.

It was something about you parking your car at a restaurant. You were worried that, like, some people might recognize your car and then they'll try to follow you. Oh, yeah. This is when they were jacking cars like crazy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They be stealing cars in Atlanta a lot. So you just got to pay attention and know where you're going in Atlanta or whatever. Yeah. But, yeah, I took her to the Magic City and shit like that there. Because that's some fire. And Clay was there, too. Yep, of course. Like I said, Clay always been there for a nigga. Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, that was great. That was right after the accident? No, that was a few months. It was about four or five months afterwards. But I was in my wheelchair. And that's why I put respect on people who are handicapped. Because the world don't give a fuck about handicapped people for real. Anybody you see out there in that goddamn wheelchair...

They did a lot just to get up. Yeah. And you learn that when you're in that goddamn chair. But that's... See, that's another thing, like perspective with you. I think a lot of people look at that and they'd be angry that they were in a wheelchair. No, I wouldn't. And then you look at it and you're just like, man. Because I knew I was getting up. They ain't never getting up. You know what I'm saying? Like, I knew...

At what point did you decide, I'm recovering from this shit? When I was laying on that ground waiting for about four hours, a couple hours waiting. You know what I'm saying? That's when I knew. So you go through the whole, I'm going to die. I'm never going to walk again. I'm going to walk again. Keep going. Yeah, it don't take long for me. Like, I...

I had, and especially when you getting, when you in the air and flying, you realize everything passed through your life. You just go through everything. And then, well, the first person I called was my daughter, but she didn't pick up. Her mama didn't pick up. Then I called Clay. Yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying? So you start. And then Charlemagne.

Man, this nigga Charlamagne. Yeah, this is great. This is the most Charlamagne reaction. Go. This nigga Charlamagne. So I called him. He's on the crowd. I said, yo, I'm fucked up. I might even have him FaceTime us. Yeah, you're FaceTime. Yeah, he was like, uh. I can't even say it because I don't really want to say what he said. Say it. Say it. We can bleep it. We can bleep it. We can bleep it. No, no, no. I ain't saying it because I don't want to throw somebody else under the bus. Yeah.

Can we just cut it and you just tell them? Nah, I'll tell y'all off camera because I don't trust this shit. We're going to bleep it. We're going to bleep it. I promise you, we'll bleep it. It was like, so I was like, hey man, because the first, only person I know that know this, know my islands out there is Ludacris. Yeah. And so I was like, yo, call Ludacris and tell him I need him to send his plane over here because nigga, I need a jet to get over here quick. To get over to Miami from the Bahamas. Yeah, he was like, all right, cool.

This nigga thought I was bullshitting the whole time. He thought he was doing like a joke or a sketch or something. Yeah, yeah. He thought I was bullshitting the whole goddamn time. It wasn't until Clay called him. You know what I'm saying? Clay is through all this shit. It wasn't until Clay called him. He's like, yo, Clay. And then he was like, oh, he really is fucked up. And nobody really understood how fucked up I was because that's how I knew I could take drugs too. And like, that's why I won't do cocaine because...

I could really take some drugs. And they shot me up with morphine like three times. How good did it feel? Man, it felt so amazing. At that moment, I understood why people do drugs. It was like, that shit hit your body. Dog, I was so hooked up. They were surgery and drilling a hole in my knee. I got on line.

while they was doing that shit and I was turnt up like a mother. That's when they realized I wasn't bullshitting. That's when the world realized I wasn't bullshitting. Everybody thought I was bullshitting until... That's why I tell you, people always talk about the bad shit on social media, but I'm proof that when you use that shit right, it'll goddamn change, it'll change the world. You know what I'm saying? Even through the whole situation, all those people...

Like, I was talking to Ice-T yesterday at the show. He came to the show, and he was like, man...

Shit like that give you a better a different perspective on life and shit like it wasn't like that for me I think who I was prepared me for that. Yeah, it made me that you know I'm saying like if I didn't have who I was like to live my best life mind mentality Yeah, I wouldn't be able to get through this shit. Yeah, I'm saying because that's broke you Yeah, because that whole shit and all the love I got from from I always show love to handicapped people and all even before this shit happened I

All the motherfuckers came to my side. Nigga, my first show was like a whole row of wheelchairs.

Let's go. That's fine. They all came. He faked this shit for a new market. He's like, I'm going to get all the disabled people out of here. That shit was packed for the first couple shows because I did my first couple shows in a wheelchair. Like Crack-A-Bowl. Like a drive-in movie. Yeah, they came out. They was in that motherfucker. Like, they all came out of the show. They're like...

So like I said, like, no, they was telling me how to handle shit. Like even while I was going through shit, like the DMs, like they'll send me shit or people that went through the same situation. They, they'll tell me how to handle certain shit or, or give me words of encouragement and shit like that. So it, it worked a lot. You know what I'm saying? Who was the most surprising person or group that reached out? What were you most shocked by?

Just in the recovery it wasn't nobody celebrities like that cuz I'm a celebrity but like what was the most surprising thing? Shit the love I got back from the industry people cuz like I said, you know me I don't as much as people think like industry and like hang with celebs I've never been that guy like that. I've never gave a fuck about hanging with celebrities but the celebrities that I did that they hit me up I was more surprised about and I

And just the love I got from outside of people that I didn't think that knew me. You know what I'm saying? So shit like that. You know what I'm saying? Like it's more a community thing. Like it wasn't like a... You know what it is sometimes? It's like when somebody's going through something difficult...

You feel more comfortable showing them love than when they're thriving because when they're thriving you show them love Some people feel like they're just glazing you yeah, like they're just trying to kiss your ass But when you're struggling it's almost like the excuse to pour in to pour in Maybe so I guess so it's just like like even like when you have a kid It's so easy for people to reach out and congratulate you and just give you so much love. I felt that and

Yeah, it's just an awesome... And then later on down the line, like when you called me yesterday, like, man, this shit is a lot. Bro. Yo. Yo, he told me funny shit yesterday because I was like, yo, I don't know how anybody does this. He goes, he goes, he goes, man, for the first two years, I was a baby mama. Yeah, I was. What?

But like I told him, like that was the... You stayed home during the day with the baby. Yeah, like when my baby mama came home, I felt like they were like, where the fuck you been? But all she been was at work. You feel it. But like I told him, like that was the most important part, like

Like, that's what the bond I get with my daughter now because they're one to two-year-old time. Because it'd be like a nurturing or like a psychological shit that goes on at that time that you bond that you can't take away from when they get older. Like, no matter what somebody say about me, it ain't going to affect her because... You know what's crazy? My dad stayed home with me. I believe that. Oh, wow. If he love a shit like that, you don't even think about it, but...

And like I say, like, I didn't put no thought, like, I'm not smart enough to say I'm going to be with my daughter until she won. I mean, like, the first month, I mean, the first year, I'm not going to be with her like that. But somehow the universe made me why I had to sit there like that.

for about a year, you know what I'm saying? - Did you have any animosity or frustration to the woman that hit you? - Mm-mm. Like people ask me did I sue her, nope. I never said nothing to her because like I said, I felt like it was supposed to happen. Like the way the shit happened and it was nobody on the road, it's like how the fuck just us two on the fucking road? It's like she was supposed to hit me and then she was the one that saved me. If she wasn't there, I would have bled to death.

You know what I'm saying? Did you ever see her afterwards or talk to her? People kept trying to talk to me. And then, like, the Bahamas showed me love, too. Like, they was all praying for me and shit. So it was just like I couldn't...

I couldn't like somebody for no shit like that. They show you a lot of love in the Bahamas. Yeah, they show me love because I show them love. It just comes back. I remember when I came there, we were filming the dropping in episode. I had all this camera gear and the people asked me, what is it at the customs? They're like, well, what's going on here? And I was like, oh, we're just going to film something. They're like, is this a professional production or whatever? And I go, I'm just going to film it with a little Duval. The customs guy was like, nah.

See, I didn't know that. But that's what I say. Sometimes it's just how you move and it works in your favor. Because I didn't know they showed me. I don't really show them because I'm really from there. My family's from there. So I just feel like it's a part of me. I feel like it's my duty to bring the world to have an understanding of our culture. Why do you pretend to be related to Harriet Tubman? What's that about? That ain't no fucking pretend, motherfucker. I got proof. That's my family. That's my family on my arm.

On my mama's side. Really? My grandma, that's my grandma. That's a great thing to say to white people. And my grandma's still alive and she'll tell you. Really? She's 90-something. What's she, 90-something?

She don't look like me? No, I can see it. I just set him up for that. I just set him up for that. I'm glad he said it. She looks like Alex, too, though. Alex, are you related to her? Y'all are related. What the fuck is happening? I believe, too. I didn't learn this until I got older, and it makes me more understand how I am. I really do shit for my people.

You know what I'm saying? Like, I really try to... I'm the Underground Railroad for ignorant niggas. Yeah. Ha ha ha!

I let these niggas know, like, look, this is what's coming on. Y'all need to come get on this road before we get left behind. You're the overground railroad. For real. It's funny, but it's real. We need it. We getting left behind, fuck around. You know what I'm saying? So I'm the nigga that say, oh, no, nigga. Y'all ain't finna leave us. Do you feel like that's your responsibility? Yeah. And you feel like you have the perfect way of communicating? And it works. I see it. Like, niggas wasn't scuba diving. Niggas wasn't...

Niggas was renting jets, but we didn't know we could really fly. You are what you see. Even all the traveling. Traveling, yeah. It wasn't just for black people. I think you were going to places white people weren't going to just yet. You were way ahead of the trend of traveling to these places. Yeah, I understand, but I

I also understand. It's just like, you do shit for the world. Remember when we first met? And I was like, yo, be honest with me. Because I was watching his Instagram. I'm seeing him at a different place every other week. Yo, be honest. Do you take all the pictures in one vacation and then just spread them out throughout the year? I didn't understand it. Like, I didn't understand how rich he was. Like, I didn't know.

Most people don't know because when you're around me, you fuck around and forget. Just like when I'm around Snoop. Everybody knows Snoop, but when you're around him, he's so down to earth and genuine. You forget that he's a superstar. You forget about it. He's a fucking super superstar. Ain't nobody bigger than him. Everybody knows Snoop on any part of the world. I think people have that same thing with me. You fuck around and don't even think. This motherfucker just was at... How many of that goddamn Barclays? I don't know.

20,000, 18,000. 20,000. All of them were standing up singing, living my best life. So you won't realize that because when I come back home, I'm just sitting there chilling in my flip-flops and Ridgebroke swimming trunks. But you like new experiences. Yeah, I do. I'm an explorer too. What do you think it is from people from where you grew up that might be having aversion to trying new things and why were you different?

- God, I ain't got no- - You believe in reincarnation? We talk about this a lot. - Yeah, I do. - 'Cause I feel like people say you have a lot of life experience. I feel like you have a lot of lives experience. - Yeah, yeah, that's what I got. You know how I learned that? Joe Rogan. - Really? - When he told me about what we was talking about on his show and he was just like, and once he explained it to us, like, you know what, maybe that's how I figured it out. Because like I say, I'm not smart.

So it was just like, how did I have this much understanding as such as a kid? And then it evolved over time. Yeah, you are like, in Hinduism, we talk about people that are just like, they just lived more lives than their dad figured out. I understand Hinduism. I feel like we all Hinduism, but

As humans, we do need rules. That's where Islam come in. You don't need rules. Everybody else needs rules. No, but rules is a lot for me because I'm Americanized. So that's why I'm a Christian. So I can apologize for some bullshit. Yes.

Yeah. Get a little middle ground. I love that. Yeah, you want to know the rules there, but you still want to break them. Yeah, stay with it. Who don't need them to be that? Nah, we all supposed to be just doing what we want to do, but... That's cool. Oh, sorry. We don't want to fuck around and fuck a dog. That's why you can't let everybody...

understand that religion. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who's fucking dog is that? Understand which religion? Hinduism. Like, it's like, do what the fuck you want to do. Like, it's just freedom. It's like, you're free, but some people, freedom goes to... You got to, you got karma, you know what I mean? You got to pay that... Yeah, but... That karma ain't enough for now. That dog... That karma ain't enough for now. Like, now, in America, you say, just free and just do what you want to do. We'll do it. You'll do it. So it's,

It don't work here. So you need Islam to be like, no dog fucking. Yeah, like calm your ass down. Stay in these rules and you'll never... And see, I already have my own rules in my head. So a lot of stuff I don't... You're fucked up. Where do you get rules? Where do you get the rules? Self-discipline. But how do you decide what is moral, what is ethical? Shit, you put people in your life that... People like Clay, he was the person, even though...

Like, I do what I want to do, but sometimes when he used to tell me shit...

Even if I didn't agree with it, I just do it because it just gave me structure. Dude, it's so funny. I always say this about my dad. I'm like, what would my dad do in this situation? And I feel like a lot of people have that with religion. They're just like, okay, what would Jesus do? Literally, what would Jesus do in this situation? Because he's the embodiment of the best decision to make in that moment. Yeah, yeah. But if you don't have that, I can see how anxious you must be because you never know what the right thing to do is. Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, we all can get fucked up with some shit, but like I say, I'm a forward thinker, so if you're a forward thinker, you're always thinking about what if

what if I'm in this position? I ain't trying to go in that position. That's why I've never chased being a billionaire because I've seen people in that position and there's nothing appealing to me about it. You know what I'm saying? There's nothing that... You're almost a prisoner of it. Yeah, it's like I don't care enough about that type of shit like that. I don't care about the money. I don't care about all... I can make a difference and I've proven I can make a difference with being on this level. Make a more impact than...

them motherfuckers doing that. You're actually more relatable in this level of pride. Yeah, yeah. And don't get it twisted because that part is all part of the ecosystem. You need that motherfucker up there too. You know what I'm saying? Because they make changes in the world too. But you still need somebody right here to make a change too. You know what I'm saying? So it all works in the work of the ecosystem. Do you ever get upset or angry? And if you do, how do you deal with it? It seems like you never get upset. If I get angry about five minutes or some shit, but there ain't no real anger. I don't...

It's really nothing to be angry about. I haven't seen everything. I've done everything. I haven't got fucked up. Damn near died. A couple times. Like, this is the second time I got hit by a car. Y'all ain't know it? No. That's how this happened. Yeah. I just let people think there's... But this shit been like this since I was a jet. Since I got... Well, not a jet. About 20-something, I got hit by a car in Atlanta. And dragged under it, right? No. I got hit crossing the street. Motherfucker hit me. It wasn't as bad as this one. How'd it hit you?

Just crossing the street, just hit me and I flew again. Like, I'm a little motherfucker, so I flew. And then, shit. That time, too, people are going to think I'm bullshitting, but that time, too, when I was laying on the thing and blood was coming all down my face, I'm talking about that shit was pouring down out of this shit. And somebody, I don't know who it was, some lady walked up and touched my head and that shit stopped. I swear. Yeah.

Come on, Steve. I promise you, man. Like, even with this surgery, nigga, I had to have surgery here and here.

Three surgeries. Then they told me they saw blood. On your brain. Yeah. They told me that. And they was like, we're going to probably have to have surgery in the morning. And that night I prayed like a motherfucker. To whom? God. Which one? My God. Whatever God that's been helping me through all this, that's who I prayed to. Take that. I don't care what other people do, but it's been working for me. God's been working for me. So it ain't broken. I ain't finna keep going arguing with people about it. But I don't know.

And then what happened? Shit, the next morning, it was like, it ain't that no more. Man, get the fuck out of here, Duval. Nigga, I'm here. I ain't had no surgery up here. So you think it was the same lady? Nah, it was God using other people to get to me. What's the closest you've had to a conversation? Or the universe or whatever y'all want to call it. What's the closest you've had to an interaction or a conversation with God? I remember you telling me one one time.

What did I say? Because I don't remember. This is after Kool-Aid or around the time of Kool-Aid. And you said that you thought God used him in a moment to just... I thought God uses all of us. But no, it was a specific thing. You were like, you got emotional when you were talking about it. But you're like, it was like God just went boom and like gave you a fist pump or something like that. I don't remember, man. When I talk to you, it'd be more genuine shit. So I don't be, it's not like I'm scripted and thinking about what I said and shit. So I don't remember what I said, but...

I just, like, when I see God, I see God in the good. Like, to me, God is good. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's dope. God is good. But there's sometimes I feel like you've had direct, what you feel is direct communication almost. I feel like. Not like he's like, hey, people, how you doing? But there's, it was like. I think you said there's a moment where Kool-Aid has to play small bitch.

- Oh. - That's right. - Oh yeah. - You squeezed your hands. - Oh, that's what I said. I said, if you don't believe in God, you ever seen somebody die? That's when you was like, oh no, this shit real. Or you realize it's something after this. You see what I'm saying? - Why, why, why? - Because like when he, when Kool-Aid died, right before he, I was like, what you, I was like, you want me to play something? And he couldn't talk, but he'd give like a thing. I was like, what you want me to play?

And I was like, you want me to play Smile Bitch? And he did this thing like that, so I played Smile Bitch. He wanted me to play Lovely Day and Smile Bitch. I played Lovely Day, then I played Smile Bitch. Right after I played Smile Bitch, he tried to pull this shit out.

And I say, uh-uh, nigga. I promise you. I said, don't do it with me in here. And then I went and told his sister. And then... He was like, that's it. And then after I left, he died the next day. Because, like, I was in Bahamas, too, that day. When Clay, when Clay's shit happened with Clay, I was in the Bahamas. And that's when I was like, damn, this shit like a movie. But when his shit happened, because, like...

What happened was, like, that was, I had a show in Detroit, and I was like, he was like, man, I don't think, but right before he was like, I don't think I'm going to make it.

I was like, I'll be up there, dog. And so he waited until I came up there. And then when I left, he died. Fuck, man. That's a brother. It's real, bro. Like, that shit real. That living, death and all that shit. You could die when you want to. My grandmother was in, like, a comatose state for a long time. She passed away when I was a kid. But she woke up one night out of nowhere and just started talking, asking for her family, asking for her family. We came back. We came by. She saw all of us, eyes wide open. Hmm.

And then I was like, I'm a kid. So I'm like 12, 13. I'm like, oh, she's going to make it. She got better. She died two days later, I think. She just wanted to say bye to everybody. She just wanted to see all of her kids. And the best thing too, when Clay, when the shit happened to Clay, I was stuck in the Bahama because the weather was bad. You know, I can't fly in my plane when the weather that bad. So I'm sitting there. I'm like, damn, I didn't even get to tell him bye. Yeah. I was like, damn, they were about to pull the cord.

And then I prayed again. I was like, man, let me just talk to him. I prayed. Shit cleared up. I went back there and talked to him. Get the fuck out of here. That shit be working for me. I know. I do believe it works. It work. Yeah. How could you not believe when you just have constant reminders of that connection? All right, guys, we're going to take a break for a second because listen, some of y'all want to chef up a meal for a shorty. I get it.

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Oh, really? Yeah. They stretch your femur some shit. Yeah. And they didn't, what? I didn't want it. Nigga, I get pussied like this. That is true. You do. I get pussied. You do get pussied. Dude, you have the most honest. Hold on. You know, I'm in the team. I'm speaking of people come back to life. Yeah, yeah. My man, Nard, he died. Uh,

the host that go on the road with me. Nard died? Yeah, he died while I was in the hospital. This nigga died twice, though. What? I swear to God, y'all think I'm bullshitting. Yeah. You think I'm bullshitting.

Am I lying? The motherfucker died. Clay called me, right? I think that's funny. I think it's that type stuff. No. I was like, I told you. For real, because he died and everybody was sending everything. He came back to life and got on live on Instagram. No. And then he got married and died. Got married? Yeah, got married to the girl. How long was he alive? How long was that?

- Not two weeks. - Like, two, three weeks. - Get the fuck out of here. - What? Two, three weeks. And it's proof 'cause he was on live. Like I said, it goes back to when it was like, he wanted to do something, he came back to life. - Yo.

cut somebody out, got married, and died. So on some level, you think it is a choice when you tap out. I know it's a choice. I've seen it like two, three times. Yeah. More than that, because I just told you Nod, I told you Clay, and then I told you Kool-Aid. Yeah. So that shit be real, man. Do you have any fear of death? No. What do you think happens? Every time, I've almost died like,

I almost died when I got hit by a car the first time. You know, the month before that, I got stuck in the water. Remember when I was- Yeah. Bro, this is the scariest fucking story. That was scarier than the month before. Can you explain this?

People are probably familiar with it because now it's become a pretty popular tourist attraction. What? That place where you almost drowned. No, I almost drowned. You're talking about the one where you went into the... No, that's Jamaica. No, I wasn't talking about that time. That was another time I almost died. This was the time, that was when I was in Jamaica and you jump through a hole and come out that way. This is why black people don't scuba dive. That wasn't scuba diving. That shit's crazy. So what is it? You ever think any of your dead friends are like, how come this

motherfucker not jumping in here. Many times he almost been here. If they dead and they believe how I believe, they know I'm still down here for some type of reason. That's it right there.

Okay, so... You saw this girl go down. You're like, I'll follow you. You went the wrong way or something. Yeah, I went the wrong way. Like, I've done it twice. The first time, that's why I thought I could do it. The second time was when I almost died. So that's crazy. So what happens is... You go through there and you slide through and then you come out the other way. But he jumped in... I jumped in and this was... The first time I did it, I didn't smoke. You know, I didn't... You know, I wasn't smoking before then. The second time I did it, I went to Jamaica High, them motherfuckers smoking and

And I'm with my girl at that time. I'm like, all right, I'm going to do it now. I'm trying to show her I can do this shit because she's never seen me do it. That's it right there. You go down. I went down and I think I made a right now that I'm looking at that shit. You got lost. You made a wrong turn in Albuquerque. The fact that there's even a wrong way. The dumb part, this is how I knew I was high. I was under that bitch with my eyes closed trying to navigate through that shit, tucking my head in.

I had a big-ass scar. I put it on Instagram. I remember, yeah. I had a big-ass scar on my fucking face. But then once I realized I had my eye, I opened my eyes up and I went back up.

And that's how I got out of that muff. And the crazy part, when I came up, nobody knew I was dying. Yeah. Like, motherfucker, I was down there until they seen all my face all fucked up from hitting the rocks under there. But you were stuck? No, I just went the wrong way. Now you got to hold your breath. Yeah. So you're like in a different pocket. Exactly. You just can't get out of the pocket. Like you didn't get suctioned down. Yeah, no, it wasn't suction shit. It's just I was being stupid. Wait, so wait, what was the other time you almost drowned?

oh the other oh no that was it it was another time i was drowned in um key largo scuba diving

That time I was scuba diving because I almost ran out of air because I went too far down deep and like I was so excited and the more you the more energy you use the more air you use. So I'm looking at this shit and it was like two seconds and my instructor left me too. Why? Fucking with Kyle Grooms. You know Kyle Grooms? Yeah. Motherfucker. I take him out there. He playing with the goddamn instructor taking pictures. So they left.

They left me right there. Where is there to go under the water? A lot, nigga, motherfucker. That shit went far. And see where we was at, Key Largo. Key Largo is where the strongest current, they call it drifting and shit, where you can float. You ever know when people get an accident in a boat, they find that shit up in Virginia in like two days. That's how strong that goddamn current is down there. What do they call it? Rip current. Yeah, rip tide. Yeah, rip tide. So...

If you ain't paying attention, you'll fuck around and be like five miles and no realizing. And I was floating away. No matter how much I was doing, I was going. And I'm looking at my thing and say, two, like about five minutes left. So I'm like, oh shit, I'm finna go on up. So I'm about to go up. And as I'm going up, she said, beep, beep. I said, oh shit, I done ran out of air. And the wildest, the crazy part is,

You got to do a three-minute safety thing. You can't just go straight to the surface because your lungs will explode. Yeah, you'll fuck around and catch the band. Catch the band, you got to depressurize. But at the moment, I was like, shit, I can't breathe for three fucking minutes underwater. So you got to go. So I'm like, either. But at this moment, I'm like, I'm going to die either way.

but either I'm going to die up here where they're going to find me or die down there. Nah, we're going up. So I just went on up. As soon as I went up, man, the boat was like,

like two blocks, two New York blocks, no, probably four New York blocks down the way. And I just got up and I was like, hey, I came up too soon, I'm about to die. And an old white man, an Asian white man came and swam and got my ass and swam and threw me on that goddamn boat like a fish. And I just lay on the fish and he saved my life. Wait, was that the boat you were with or was that a different boat? No, it was my boat. It was my boat. But how did you not get the Benz?

God? I guess. Sometimes, I mean, it's like, that's why they tell if you fly, you can't fly for 24 hours. Like, that's the whole rules in scuba diving. You can't fly for 24 hours because you can't catch the beans. But I guess I didn't catch it. Maybe I wasn't down no longer than I thought I was, but you still want to do that safety check. Damn.

And then the last time, the other time was when I was on a jet ski with my old lady. When you guys just floated out. Yeah, you know where my island at? The little island where we do the reef. This is terrifying. Like that there, like what happened with that one was, like where I'm at. Damn, I don't want to tell y'all this on camera. But me and my old lady, I'm like, oh shit, let's go out there to my island. I got a little small island out there. I'm like, let's go out there and see if something's out there. So I go out there with nothing out there. Cut the engine off. Tried to cut it on. That bitch didn't come home.

So I'm just trying again, boom, boom. I ain't tripping. I'm like, all right, boom, boom, boom. Put my whole later on the back. And I'm like, oh, shit. She started getting nervous. I tried again. That shit was, five minutes later, the island was this small.

I was like, oh shit. Because the tides start to rise. And when he says island, it's like a mound of sand. It's part of your property. No, it's not a mound. No, no, this is a rock. There was shit right in front of my house. Yeah, yeah. It's a rock. It's just a big rock and it's coral around it. That's why I go scuba diving and see all the fish and you can...

What y'all do when y'all on scuba dive? Snorkel? Yeah, snorkel. Yeah. So it's a dope place to go see a lot of fish or whatever. But that day, that shit was like, the current was so strong, like the way it flows, my shit went all the way out there and the shit was this small and it was getting dark. That ocean ain't nothing to be fucked up with. Like that's the most powerful thing ever. You don't want to play with that shit. And just so happened that my phone don't work in the Bahamas.

Just so happened that day, my phone... Wow. I can attest to this. No fucking service whatsoever. There's no service. My phone worked. I called the...

I called the police. Coast Guard or whatever? The police, they came and got me. And they pulled me out right when it got pitch black. Wow. Right when it got pitch black. If it was about 10 more minutes, we would have been floating probably in Miami or some shit. A jet ski would have been in Miami. We probably would have been gone. How long were you all out there together? Like all in total? That's a good question. I have to look on my time, you know, the time stamps because I was recording too. A couple hours? No, we weren't out there that long. Probably about...

About 45 minutes, an hour. But like I said, in five minutes, five minutes in the water and the current flowing, if the island right here, in about five minutes, you're way like... When you're recording, are you like, yo, guys, I might die right here? Are you doing like that? No, when I was recording, I was saying, I don't remember, I got to look at it.

- No, no, what I did record, I showed them where I was at. I was trying to show, I sent it to the Coast Guard. They ain't got Coast Guard, they just got police. I sent it to them and I was showing them where I was at. But by the time I showed them,

I'm father. You see what I'm saying? Did you and your girl get into an argument while you were on the jet ski? No. I was so glad. Like I said, I was nervous as fuck because that's my biggest fear to be fucked up in the war. Out of all that shit, I ain't scared of too much of shit, but out of all that shit there, every time I was about to die, I always said, damn, I'm about to die.

Even when I was getting hit by a car, I was like, damn, I'm about to die. Damn, I'm about to die. What are you thinking when you think I'm about to die? You're saying... This is how I'm going to end? Like, damn, this is how I'm going to end? Like, the first time I got hit by the car, like, while I was flying, I was like, damn, so this is how I'm going to go. Wow. Just calm. It was... I was never... I mean, tripping off a dime. Were you ever anxious as a kid at all? As far as what? Like, did you ever have anxiety? Like, you have this, like, weird calm. Yeah, always. Yeah. Yeah.

The only time I get anxiety is right before I go on stage. That's why I hate going last. Oh, yeah, because you just build up the entire show. Man, that shit just, you know as comedians, you be in your head more and more, and it's even more hard to deal with nigga audience because we sitting there motherfucking, I got to make sure I'm great for these niggas. So I'm sitting in my head and...

And the longer I wait, the more my hair, I done switched up. I don't want to come up to that sauna more. No, I don't want to do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying? So that's the only time I get anxiety. I just realized that anxiety. So black people scare you more than death? That's bad.

That's basically what you're telling me? Now you get it. I see why y'all... My people, my people, they ain't so much scared just like... Two things that scare black people are water. But they make me great too though. They the ones that make me great. Right, right, right. Because they put that pressure on me to where I... You can't fail. I can't fail. Like I, that's the only thing, that's the reason why I probably still do stand up because it's the only thing that I still have to work at. Right.

Everything else, life is so simple to me. That shit there, I have to keep thinking about it. Keep thinking about it. So maybe that's why. What's the most important thing somebody could do for a happy life? You're talking to somebody, might not have a ton of money, might have a ton of money, who knows. What would you tell them? This is what you do. Understanding. That's the key to all this shit, having understanding and trying to find understanding. Because once you have understanding of certain shit,

certain shit you don't, a lot of shit you don't stress off. A lot of stuff you, you learn what to fight and what not to fight and what matters. And cause sometimes you'll fuck around and learn some shit. And then as soon as you learn, you're like, oh shit, I hate all them people now. You know what I'm saying? Cause you don't have no understanding because you've been like, say when you find out the Bible says, um,

Noah spread the Red Sea. Now I scuba dived in the- - Moses. - Who was it? - Moses. - Moses spread the Red Sea. So I scuba dived in the Red Sea and I'm looking at it like there's no fucking way. This shit's like the Grand Canyon under this motherfucker. But some people look at it like, oh, that's fucked up. Fuck Christian, woot, woot, woot, woot. Where I don't look at it like that. It's just a story that's give you understanding to make you see shit. But if you don't have no understanding of that,

You would take that and say, fuck all the Bible, fuck everything. And so you miss out on all the stories and lessons that you can learn just because you learned...

heard that shit the wrong way. So don't immediately write things off. Yeah, just have understanding. Instead of feeling like, oh, I've been lied to, you think, oh, what's true about this? Yeah, like, why? So just understanding. And as a kid, you would do this? With everything. Maybe not to this level, but whatever level I was. What's your life like as a kid? You're 10 years old. What are you doing? You're in Jacksonville. I've always been popular. I believe it. I've always been. And you know what's so funny? I just realized

In my mind, I've always thought I was a star, but I just realized why. Why? Because when I was a kid, my mama had me in this thing called United Way. Okay. United Way is like- Oh, yeah. The NFL did the United Way. United Way. It's like feed the children type shit. Okay. I was the kid on there.

I was the kid that they, like, I was the feed the children kid. But in my mind, I guess where it raised my mind, everybody knew me. So you're a star. In my mind, I'm the star. But I didn't realize I was the feed the children kid. He's not a star, he's started. Yes, I know.

What an amazing perspective. So, like, I'm glad I didn't realize until later on. I just put two and two together, like, a couple years. So you're walking down the street, like, waving at people. Like, I don't know how people looked at me. You know how when people look at me, it's like. People just come up to me, hand me food. It's unbelievable. I'm a star. I'm a star. Baker's just giving me the signs. I've always, like, in my mind, I always felt like I was a star. But now I understand.

Stand white. Like, nah, you wasn't no star. Just motherfuckers. He was starving. Yeah. Motherfuckers looked at you like you was the... Starved. Yeah, like, feed the children, kid. Like, you know what I'm saying? So from that... But programming-wise, subconsciously, by me thinking I'm a star, I guess that plugged me into acting like a star. You know what I'm saying? And then I learned early on, like, when I'm in the hood, I'm looking around my hood, and I'm like, I ain't supposed to be here. Like, I don't... Was there a moment where you...

That's where the reincarnation come in because like right then it was like... Oh no, that's not for me. It ain't for me. It's like, this don't look like... I don't look like I'm supposed to be in this environment. And so right then it was like... What was the moment that that... Just looking around, just like, I'm like, what the fuck? And why? Why'd you feel like... I don't know. Like, right. I don't know. Cause like,

When I made that perspective in my mind, I was like, I'm here to help these motherfuckers. How old are you at this time? Were you having this? I don't know. Maybe a kid. I couldn't. 10, 12, 13? To sound good for this camera, yeah, 10. Okay, gotcha. You know what I'm saying? I don't know. But it was some type of moment that I was like, I'm here to help all of these people around here. Wow. So at the end, that program stuck in my brain to...

You didn't care about the reward system of the neighborhood? Like if there was a guy, like a drug dealer that had money, you didn't think, oh, I could do that? I've always was protected. The village really raised me. Like they say, you can always die in the hood and shit. I've never been like that because I've always been protected by the hood. It goes back to being a United Waymaker. Maybe that's it. The village always protected me. I've never had to...

Like somebody like he might walk in there and they might, they poke their chest out. I never had to poke my chest out. Like I could talk shit. I didn't start offending people to Twitter because they couldn't see me. Right. So before then, I'm not a threat. I can walk in a room and talk shit. This nigga just killed six niggas. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? I'm talking shit. And in my mind, I don't realize that I shouldn't be talking to him like this. But he's okay with it. He's okay with it.

You see what I'm saying? So I've always been, they've always protected me. And so I've always been that type of person, so...

It worked in my favor. - I think what Mark is also asking, we hear these things, I grew up in the suburbs, you hear rappers be like, the only way you thought you could make it out of the hood was selling drugs or playing ball or rapping. - Yeah. - Which was true. - And you value that reward system. - But did you feel like I need to do these things to get out of here or did you-- - I tried everything. - Or you have not done for me? - I tried everything. When you in the hood, I tried to play basketball, got cut, I was too little. I tried everything, I tried the band, I tried football, got hit, then I joined the band.

Well, I was great at it. This one I knew this was what I was supposed to do. We had pep rallies in school, and I used to be the dancing nigga. And I went out there, and I started. And when I heard that crowd reaction, I was like, that was my drill. That's my drill. Ain't no high bigger than that to me. Even that morphine, that's second close. Yeah, but it's not like that. To me, when I get that crowd reaction...

It's like the world is hugging me. That felt like a God hug to me. And you got it, you were dick throwing back in the day. Yeah, throwing dick. Throwing dick. Yeah, throwing dick and booty shaking. At what age did you start your dick throwing? The tender age of seven. Oh, wow.

Yeah. When did, hey, we want some pussy come out? Hey, we want some pussy. Shit like that. Hey, we want some pussy. That shit was getting hard at seven. Throw that dick. No, I think the one that's just dancing. Just dancing. Oh, I thought you were talking about fucking. No, no. I mean, I ain't going to die. We ain't going to do that. I can tell y'all some stories, but no. When did that song come out? 1987. 1987? I was 10. Two live crew. I was 10. Wow. Yeah.

Hey, we want some pussy. Throw that dick. Yeah, we was wild back then. What do you mean? Throw that dick was a song. No, I don't know. What do you mean you were wild? I ain't saying that. Did you ever go to Freaknik? No. Freaknik was like Clay Era.

So a little bit older. Like I was there, but I was so young. Like I went at the end, like when it was like 95, 96. But like it was popping like 89, 90, 91, 92. So, but I was more of the Daytona era. Like Daytona was 10 times. Like spring break? Spring break. It was crazy? It was called Black College Weekend, but it was no college kids. Yeah.

Niggas and street motherfuckers. I never heard of them. You wouldn't. I grew up in New York. What was the best HBCU in Florida? FAMU, if you ask me. But I'm biased because I'm a FAMU guy and I'm from North Florida. I fuck with BCU now. They changed their name, BCU. Why was Daytona Black College Weekend so crazy?

You trying to get me to talk? Yes, we are. Yes, we are. Nope. Actually, that's the point of this whole thing. For you to talk. We've been talking for an hour. We had a good time, man. Yeah, I hate this. I have to go pee since you're not saying anything. Wow.

Yeah, we had a good time. Okay, so Young Age, real quick. So Young Age, so you start to recognize that you want to help these people. You're probably seeing something in the neighborhood. You're seeing something in yourself. There's a little bit of a difference. I see that I'm a reflection of everything around here. And I got the...

God gave me the way to articulate to people like you. But also to people like them. I think that you speak to everybody. I know. I'm every nigga. It's all in me. Yeah. Did you just call me? We all in. It's all in me. You wanted to sing that one. I feel like I'm

I'm every man. And I prove that by, I don't, I don't, I'm not one of the people that like to tell, I mean, I get, I don't understand. I just show you and you see it. And social media helps that too because I don't have to say it. You will see it in me. Like, you relate to something I'm doing. Exactly. You have like a Larry Davidson

You know Larry David, right? Like, you know how everybody relates to his frustration because it's all of our frustrations. It's a human frustration. It's not a Jewish thing, an old white guy thing. It's just everybody. And I feel like you, when you communicate, it works in the same way. And I don't say, like I do talk to y'all, but I don't say this is for black people. This is such and such. I just show it. You know what I'm saying? I don't have to say I'm for black. I don't have to say this is black owned. Your protest is different. Yeah. I don't,

if I have to tell you I'm black, this black on, you know what I'm saying? Like, and we don't realize, and I learned this through Chris at, um,

MTV2? MTV2, just like, sometimes when you put a label on it, you block all this. Alienate people. Alienate. So, like, if a club say hip-hop, if you ain't in hip-hop, you're not going to go in there. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? But if it just say club, you'll try it out, and you never know, you might like it. Interesting. So that's how I treat everything. You know what I'm saying? I don't, even on my social media, I try not to, unless it's something like it's a joke that works good if I just say it, but for the most part, I try to keep it to where it's just,

It's just me and then whoever draw to it as who come to it. I didn't say I want to be, I want to get in the white world. You see what I'm saying? Most people in my industry, they try to get in the white world and such and such. I've never wanted to do that. I've always been cool with, if the worst case scenario, all I got to do is entertain my people, I

I was cool with it. But I also understood too, we all the same. We all the same. And I learned that through, and I proved that through Buckwild when we did that show with the guy from Buckwild. I was like, this redneck is a nigga. You know what I'm saying? Niggas and rednecks is pretty much damn the same. You see what I'm saying? And we showed that through shit like that. You know what I'm saying? So,

I've always took that and everything and applied it. But I think a lot of times with people, when they feel that sensation you felt, which is like, I shouldn't be doing this, right? A lot of times there often is like a resentment for the community, right? And this happens with, it could be a poor white dude who feels like he's smarter than his community. And he's like, I need to get out of here and I need to hang out with these smart people. No, I'm not that guy. I know you're not. I hate people like that too. I agree. I hate when...

when my people, they get in and they shit on me. And they shit on you, yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying? I'm not that, I don't, like if anybody, like Bootsy, for example,

If anybody should understand Bootsy, it's us. No matter how y'all, y'all can get offended all you want to, you can say, but we can't shit on our people. You know what I'm saying? Like, I can't, because I understand it. It's like that drunk uncle. Like, you might got a drunk uncle, you know he going to offend and such and such, but you ain't mad at him. So that's how I see our people. So when I see other niggas condemning somebody that you know I coached you,

You could call them and talk shit. But why would you do it publicly? Yeah. It only benefits you if you do it publicly. It don't help you. No, you let other people get in your ear. You let the battery get behind your back or let whoever in your world, like that circle of niggas. I hate them more than all of them. I don't like the bougie fake niggas. You know what I'm saying? And why do they do that? Because you got to find a place of...

validation and comfort. It makes them feel superior to shit on these. A lot of motherfuckers, not even just us, it's just you wasn't shit when you was a kid. You're holding on to that. It's like being a villain. Revenge of the Nerds. Revenge of the Nerds is the realest movie ever. That's where we live in now. Everybody with their money was all the nerds when we came up. Now they're bullying the way they were bullied. They're bullying.

They bully it. Same thing with gays. We used to bully gays. Now they doing all the bullying now. And you can't be mad at them. That's their get back. That's their get back. It's just, it's psychological. It's just like us over, we've been enslaved so long. Now I get back as fuck every such and such and such. You see what I mean?

What do you mean on that? Explain that. Like, as far as slavery and we hold it, you can't be mad at a person and say, man, y'all did such, such, such, such, such, such. Because it's just, it's like a scorn, it's like a scorned woman. Even if she is wrong for the most part, or something she say, but it's the scorn, it's the bruises over time. Yeah, it's going to stop you from having these connections. And that's why I come into play this.

to fix the scorn from my people. - But you don't tell people, "Don't be scorned." - No. - You just go, "Let's enjoy life." - Let's understand what's going on and bring perspective and thing and don't point fingers on why we fucked up, let's fix it. - Yeah, nobody wants to be told not to feel what they're feeling. That's annoying.

But we can look at someone who's feeling good and go, I'd like to feel like that. What's he doing to feel like that? Because after a while, even through social media, after a while, you start, because even as a kid, you look at, I don't want to do this. I won't do that. I won't do that. And then you start seeing everybody around that you see me.

And you're like, this motherfucker been living like this nonstop for 50. He must got something right. You know what I'm saying? So I'm going to pay attention to him. It take a little longer for him because they're going to go through this month. Oh, he bought that money. You know, everybody was like, I am going to be a businessman. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that. I'm going to chase this money.

They did all that. Four years later, now they're all broke and struggling. Now they're looking at me. What's the newest trend that you think is going to die out soon? Because you're really good at this, at pointing out trends. I don't like to knock it out because it's...

I look at it... Now, you call that bad shit with... It's a good perspective. It's like the late night shows, the Jay Leno's. Yeah, yeah. They always had that one motherfucker that didn't do shit, but he was a problem. That's how I look at them shits. It's just like they there for a purpose. So you let them do their thing, but they gonna die. But you would call out the chicks who had the businesses...

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I do that to piss them off. Like, all right, I'm finna show y'all. Y'all stupid ass. Y'all around here chasing this and that. And y'all want to start your own independent business? All right. And then when it happens, I wait till afterwards. And then you start. And then I start. Remember I said this? Boom. Yeah. Remember I said this? Boom. That's just a joke. So remember I said this right now that you can point to in five years and be like, remember I said that? I have to look on my Instagram because that's... I don't really keep tabs up until they pop up. Yeah. So I have to...

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Because it was so hard for me to... Y'all was the first people to tell me to do them shits. You and Charlamagne to get in the podcast and say it'd be perfect for me. But I don't like to ramble a lot like that. And I realized, too, over time, that rambling can come back and eat your ass up. Yep. You know what I'm saying? And a lot of times when I talk, if you ain't paying attention, if you want to be offended, you can. You can take it out of context. You can take it out of context. So I have to protect myself in certain type of ways, but...

I don't know. I don't know. Just over time, I think I'm going to eventually get into it. The only reason I'm doing this now, that park, not yours, but the park I got coming out is because of Clay and Charlemagne. Yeah. Because Charlemagne Bing gave me, I mean, the network Bing gave me the deal or whatever. Yeah. But I just said, fuck this shit. But by them being my friends, they understand me, so they waited out with me. And Clay... Yeah. Yeah.

Clay convinced me to do it with him. Yeah. So I ended up doing it and then he died. So now I'm doing it. To honor him. Yeah. And it's because they held me down, Dolly and what's her name, because they could have took the money back and all that shit. Yeah. But in general, streaming seems so popular right now.

Oh, we got off track. I think streaming is like that because, like I say, people ain't got that much, I mean, ain't got shit to do. So a lot of people ain't got shit to do, so they just watch. It's something to do. So it's just boredom? Boredom. You think people are bored? It's boredom, and I don't want you to watch me while you're bored. That takes the mystique of power of who you are.

Wait a minute, explain that. You don't want people to watch you while they're- It's just like specials. That's why I don't care about stand-up specials, because it ain't special no more. You watch it when you're laying in the bed about to go to sleep. You want people putting on an outfit, going to the movie theater, making an event out of it. That's what made us who we are. That's what made Delirious great. That's what made all the specials great. Even when you watch- When the last time a special changed something? When the last time a special really-

They don't do it no more. It ain't that no more. They're not saying you don't do it. It's like an album. It's like an album. An album don't have the effect it used to do no more. You know what I'm saying? So once I understood that, my specials, I've been putting out specials on Twitter for 15 years. So in all, because what specials did? They gave us catchphrases and gave us shit that implemented the,

The culture. Yeah. What I've been doing on social media. Right. So I've been doing it. It's just we're programmed to think that's what comedy is and that's what that shit is, but it really ain't. Like, we programmed to think we want to be movie stars because that's what we came up in. That shit been done. Yeah. 20 years ago. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? And I understood that 20 years ago. That's why I never chased that side of the world. Dude, it's so crazy. I was looking at a...

why you chose to get into hip-hop videos is such an interesting thing. I didn't know that this was a choice. I thought you just kind of like, I don't know, stumbled into it. It's like I understood. But this is a, yeah, can you break down? I understood early this shit is over with, this Hollywood shit. And at that time, too. How did you know? Just paying attention.

I mean, what are you seeing? I'm just looking. It's just like, man, people say the world fucked up, but it can't be fucked up if you look and they're still building buildings here, there. It's just money going somewhere. You know what I'm saying? So it's the same thing in life. So I don't pay attention to what people say. I just pay attention to what's going on. What's moving culturally. Moving. Because humans, we're just talking. But we really are what we are. So if you pay attention to the people's actions, that's what you'll find out. So that's what I did then. So...

I just picked, when I went out to L.A. and I started seeing what was going on, like, oh, no, this shit changing. And then the internet started, social media started bubbling at that time. And then it wasn't, and then, too, this was the main thing. TV, it wasn't no black shows on TV no more.

at that time. - So this is what- - The sitcoms was dying down. - So after UPN 9 kind of started trippin' down. - Yeah, it started fizzling down, so you start saying like- - Where are the black people watching things? - There's nowhere for us on this motherfucker no more. - And then you're like, where are they? - Where are they? - They're in music videos. - Yeah, like where is our culture at? And so I'm looking at where it's making the impact. The impact was in videos. You see what I'm saying? Like, to this day,

Shit that stuck in our head is mostly shit from videos. So I understood that. I was like, shit, I'm right here in the meat of this shit.

these love me anyway because most of the most of the rappers they would come to your they come to my stand-up shows yeah and so we already had that's why i came and see that's another thing too because people start trying to do what i did but they think they would stand up it was organic so it works for me like it's i am a hip-hop comedian so it works for me i ain't trying to force it because i seen it work it is me so i'm saying is it and it was just time that's why i say the universe god

It just all worked at the perfect time. You see what I'm saying? And I just rode with it. I trust the universe that it's going to work in my favor. So once I understood that, I understood, like, I'm going to go where people love me. And I went to Atlanta. I went back to Atlanta. Yeah. And I got on social media. And that was another thing. When I got on social media, I was like, ain't nobody on this motherfucker yet. Yeah. And I seen this was the beginning. I understood, like, this is the future. Yeah.

And that's when I was like, I could be my own Hollywood right here. That's when I understood this is going to be Hollywood. So I just started focusing on, and then I understood like humans, how their brains work and their kids.

People was kids on social media at first. Like, I was programming people how to talk on Twitter. Because they didn't know or understand how to talk regular on Twitter. It'd be little shit like that. So I understood my power. Yeah, the only time they'd ever typed anything was like an essay. Yeah.

They didn't understand how to transfer the dialect, how we're talking now, to social media. It sounds easy now, but back then it was like people was really stupid or something. You could tell a simple-ass joke and this was hilarious. Yeah, it was go crazy. It was like, these motherfuckers are kids now. But the difference between me and everybody, I understood everything.

I didn't use my shit for personal gain because I could have monetized and fucked over people and manipulated the game and became everything y'all seeing like Worldstar or all that shit there. But I used it more so to say that I used everything to help our people get where we are. You know what I'm saying? People say they're influenced by these other comedians, but if you watch them,

all of them followed my blueprint. For example? I'm just saying as far as everything that they successful is, it's from social media, from them building that social media and shit. You see what I'm saying? It ain't from them being them fucking movie stars. Who done made it from being a movie star in the last 10, 15 years? Nobody. Even in the white world. Even in the white world. Who done made it? No, you're right. I always hear them say, we don't have that much. There's not enough for...

The black community, it ain't nothing for nobody. Everybody fucked up. We just take it personal. We go through it. But you, I remember that time, before this shit happened, you was like, man, this shit fucked up out here. I'm struggling. I don't know where to go. But people don't know that story. Yeah.

They don't hear that because they just think all white people got it easy. Yeah. But he was like, he didn't know where to fucking go. Yeah. He was still trying to figure it out. But look, it happened. They only see the success. Because of the internet. Because of the internet. Yeah. I just really adopted what you were doing. He adopted it and he created his understanding. So-

And that's why I get my gift card. You would hit me. I'd have some show or something like that. And that's another thing that's dope about you. There are certain people that they'll take somebody's influence. Like I took your influence, right? And then when they do something special, instead of feeling good about that, they'll be angry or jealous about it.

And you, people do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And like, but you would always, you'd always hit me and you'd be like, damn, man, you're making me cry out here in the Bahamas. Yeah, because I love to see, that's why I do it. That's where I get my satisfaction from. Yeah, it was really cool. It ain't the money, it ain't the success. I've had so much success now, ain't pretty much nothing left. Everything you could think you want to do, I did. Yeah. So, I mean, it's just like now I get my satisfaction out of,

watching people that... But what a great... Even if they don't give me props, I just like to see it. It's just like you're seeing a kid like, look at this motherfucker acting like me. But isn't that like a genius move? Think about that pivot, right? You go...

You go, okay, where is my community? Where are eyeballs? What are we watching? Oh, we're not watching TV shows because ain't shit out there really for us. We're watching music videos and the music videos are almost our stories. They're our shows. I'm going to integrate myself in this where I already exist. I'm friends with all these guys and I'm going to be the thing I already am, which is hip hop comedian.

That takes balls. Most people are still trying to chase Hollywood. They're still trying to do what you tell. Like you do it. But that's genius shit right there. It's sometimes, and you might not credit yourself, but genius is bucking the trend. Genius is doing the thing that nobody wants to do or nobody is willing to do right there. And none of us see it, even though it makes perfect sense. Yeah. But it just comes from being a simple, simple, like I understand how to make it simple. However you want to describe it. What I'm saying is it's a very rare quality. It's easy to be second. It's,

easy to see someone do it and then do it after them. But it's very hard to be the first person to do it.

It's just trailblazing. I mean, it's just being a trailblazer and then being an explorer. Like, I hate being in a room and everybody knows something I don't. So I've always applied that to me. So it's like if I find out there's something going on, like when I got into aviation and I seen that whole world and I start putting to it, I'm like, this shit been going on 100 years. I don't know not one person that really fly for real. Yeah.

That's what I'm here for. I'm here to show these motherfuckers we can fly. What about space? I want to go to space. That's my goal. That's the last one. I can't wait to do the selfie in the world behind me. Shit on the motherfucker. That's when I'm going to go live. I'm going to go live on that bitch. And then after that, I don't know what the fuck to do. Bottom of the ocean, would you do that? I've done that. But like deep submarine?

I got a submarine at the house, but I don't go in. It's the camera, though. But I want a submarine. I saw one, but that shit cost too much. You're not going to get scared? Claustrophobic? I'm claustrophobic. I'd rather go to space than the bottom of the ocean. Huh? I'd rather go to space than the bottom of the ocean. Yes, absolutely. Space is space.

- I've been rethinking the ocean for a second. I don't know, that might be a portal somewhere for real. - What you mean? - I don't know. - The ocean scares me, so I'm probably gonna believe whatever you say. - The ocean is something in there. It's like Aquaman, the movie, that comes from something for real. That shit real down there, man. And when you go down there, scuba diving is what made me understand how dumb I was too. - What you mean? - When I first went down, I realized,

Damn, this is a whole world down here. Yeah, most of the world. 70% of the world or whatever is water, and we haven't explored the majority of that 70%. You see that? You realize how much you don't know? Yeah. Like, oh, no, I'm really dumb. That's why I say we all dumb.

Yeah. I just don't see it. What does dumb mean to you? Does dumb mean just there are things you don't know? Humans are dumb. Yeah, we're all dumb. We're all robots, but we think we're smart because we think we put two and two together, but we're dumb. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we prove it every day because the robots are programming us. So you use the word dumb as just following, not acknowledging there's so much more out there that you don't know. I'm using like we don't control ourselves as much as we think we do. Right, right. We have a lack of autonomy. So what's that? Autonomy. Yeah. That's dumb, ain't it? Yeah.

We really wake up and do whatever we're programmed to do. The difference is I understand my programming, so I reprogram it. I can see it. I was like, shoot, boom, boom, boom, boom. I ain't even do that movie. That's where self-discipline come in. What do you think about AI, artificial intelligence? It is what it is. Shit, I think AI is to connect us together and we're going to be superhumans.

You're going to be like X-Men around this bitch. Oh, really? Yeah, best case scenario for you is the robots are best case scenario. What do you mean? It's going to fix things. No, it's definitely going to, I mean, it's going to leave, it's going to be like if you ain't got the robot or understand, it's going to be like not knowing how to read back in the day. You're going to be really illiterate or out the loop or either Amish or whatever the shit. Yo, that's...

Fucking fantastic. It really is because you- If you don't have AI, you're illiterate. That's, wow. No, I'm serious because- That's true, it is it. Because you got to think- It's such an advantage. Just imagine you in a room and trying to go on against people that got this shit in their brain already. Forget it, you can't, you can't. You can't compete with a motherfucker like that. He's saying, all right, I know how to do this, I know how to do that, boom, boom, boom, boom. And you think this motherfucker a genius, but he got that chip in his goddamn brain. Yeah.

There's people out here like that now. We just don't know it yet. I was walking around with them glasses for two, three years. The Ray-Ban glasses. Nobody knew. They thinking I'm holding my phone and shit. A lot of shit we don't know until... You don't get worried that the AI will get too smart and take over humans? I think that's just where we're supposed to go as humans in the long run anyway. Because we really...

This shit is just flesh. Like we spirits more than anything. So I feel like after a while, we gonna ascend from this out this little ragged ass body of ours and goes to there. And that's our way to go through, through technology. - Have you ever done ayahuasca? - No, I don't need to. 'Cause I mean, ayahuasca bring you to understand. - You're already connected. - I'm already connected.

all right good night shrooms you love though what do shrooms give you i haven't done shrooms since this accident honestly but shrooms shrooms what made me say oh no i do know what i'm talking about like and it opened up like oh now it made me realize a lot of you like oh that was how they invented they was on shrooms that's how that was it they was on shrooms that

And it just opens it up to understanding it. But even to do them, you got to already be kind of there. You have to be willing to accept it. Accept it and see it for what it, have a little understanding that it's bigger than who we are as humans. Yeah, there's something that when we were in the Bahamas that you kept going.

stressing is the wrong word, but kind of pointing out. And it was like, when at night we, you know, looking at the stars, it was this constant, like humbling. You're just like, look how little we are. Look how significant we are. - That's what shrooms do. It shows, it makes, like you can't be arrogant on shrooms 'cause you realize it takes it back to Hinduism. - God, it's amazing. - It takes it back to that. It's like, oh no, this is what we supposed to be doing. And I'm sitting in the grass with bugs all on me and I can't.

It's like, this is what it is. Yeah. And that's when it goes back when I went traveling and shit. I would say all pieces of the puzzle start coming together. It's like,

Oh, that's what I was learning over there with that goddamn Hindu shit. This is what boom, boom, boom. Dude, it was fun being... Life is the best show ever. It is. If you're willing to watch it. If you're willing to watch it. That's how I look at shit from the outside looking in. But I'm just happy I'm a part of the characters. But your character in it... Because watching your show is kind of funny because...

We would be walking, right? And you'd be like, yeah, man, my old lady don't like Asian bitches. Like, you just say something random, right? And then I'd be like, oh, fuck, is that poison ivy? And you'd be like, yeah, it's okay. Just rub some of that leaf on it. I go, why? And you go, oh, nature always puts the cure to the illness right next to it. And you're like, what is going on right now? Like, do you remember telling me that shit? Uh-uh. But that's true, though. You're talking about that poison oak.

There was something like the cure was a leaf right next to the thing. I mean, not America. The world always gives us something. It gives us everything. We just lost it over time through technology. But it's right there. Usually whatever the problem is, the solution is right next to it. And that's in life too. Damn, that's deep. I just thought about that.

See, like I said, I'm not smart. This should just be coming at us from somewhere, but it ain't me. I'm just happy whoever used me, used me. Do you ever feel like they were trying to silence you? Because I feel like there was a time where Instagram... There probably was, but when you're on there forward thinking, you don't realize it afterwards. And then you're like, oh, shit.

But yeah, I mean. There was a time like I was trying to follow you and then there was another page and another page and another page. But that was, I was just, usually when shit happens, I'm usually the first one. So I'm the collateral damage for everybody. So even when, I think I was on your show last time, I was like, everything y'all seeing happen now, it's going to happen to everybody else eventually in our culture. And they said,

And for the last four years, niggas was getting deleted for just talking like niggas. So this is like a really, there's an important distinction here. This exposed the problem with the lack of diversity, right? There were people getting kicked off Instagram, you, other black people getting kicked off Instagram for bullying, right? And they'd be getting kicked off for putting comments out there like, yo, you stupid. Yeah. Okay? You stupid. You stupid.

Instagram would deem as bullying when anybody knows black people is the highest compliment when you make a joke. But it was just the fact that there were no black people in there realizing that there were certain vernacular, certain colloquialisms. And that was when I was like, oh shit, there is a way. Now, I don't know if it's done with nefarious intent. I don't know if the people at Instagram were going, how do we get black people also? No, it wasn't that. I think it's more so when you get to a certain level, like Instagram got to a certain level to where...

They got to cater to the world. Right. You see what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so that little world that we in, it don't matter to them. You see what I'm saying? Yeah. And I always knew that. And that's kind of not just Instagram. That's why I was always prepared. Like, all them Instagram pages I had, I was ready for that shit. That's why I was... I had, like, four Instagram pages before everybody realized I'm all the way off. Hmm.

That took two years. I was on that bitch for two years off a fake page. I mean, I fake paid off my second, third, fourth pages because I was prepared for it.

For when it was gonna happen because I already knew this is like when Fox used us to build a brand You know, I'm say I already understood we understand our place in Martin living single 90s and then now you don't even remember you just think of Fox is this Fox is conservative Republican They say they be went to me they use it to build and that's how I bring hip-hop build shit like

That's what hip hop do. Hip hop builds all these brands up and then once they, all right, let's go on. You see what I'm saying? Because that's what we good at. That's where I- - Amplifying, getting attention. - Amplifying, getting attention. - Entertainment, pure, come watch this. You're gonna watch. - Is that like a historical cycle? It might be like slavery, y'all built everything and then they're like, all right, well now that y'all built it, get the fuck out. - Yeah, where if you understand the game you playing, that goes back to understanding. You know how they flipping and manipulate it too.

So you're not going to just use me. I'm going to use this for me as well. I'm going to use this too. So I ain't going to be that motherfucker that says, man, Instagram, Instagram, fuck. If you know you was there, I've never complained about Instagram. Only reason I got my pay is because of Clay.

Remember, I was like fucking whooping. Yeah. He got it back. But I really need it back because, like I said, it's bigger than me. My page is really for our culture. That's really like our melting pot, whether the niggas realize it or not. But really, that's where it keeps us all going, keeps everything going. You know, so it's bigger than my page, really bigger than my Twitter is really for me. Instagram is really for us. You know what I'm saying? So what do you mean by that?

I really enjoy talking shit on Twitter. Like, I really enjoy expressing myself. What y'all fake caring about today is my favorite tweet of all time. I can express myself and get it off and move on. You know what I'm saying? I don't care about such and such. There's no censorship on there. You know what I'm saying? So I love it. I've always loved it. Like, I never... I'd probably be more hurt than... If you... Yeah, on Twitter. And I ain't even... Twitter ain't even got as much impact as my Instagram does. You know what I'm saying? But...

Shit, I just love it. Where does what y'all fake Karen about come from? Knowing people just be fake Karen. And why is it important that you show them that they're fake Karen? You don't have to show it. It's just over time. Like my shit, you get over time because after a while, you're going to get tired of me saying it.

Damn, it's fake. Or you're going to come in a situation where it's like, damn, this is fake can. I did not give a fuck. You know what I'm saying? Half the shit people that tried to counsel me, it was some fake can shit because after a while, they don't even remember why they didn't like me. Yeah. But they don't realize they probably could have fucked my whole shit up. You know what I'm saying? But being the type of person I am, the way I'm programmed,

And understanding that how much power I have in the universe, nothing can affect me. You know what I'm saying? I'm really a superhero out this bitch without the AI yet. So watch when I get the AI. It's over.

- Stay woke. - But are you a superhero or is it because there are people that really fuck with you that makes you the superhero? - It's both. That's why it works for both. When the accident happened, that's when they helped me. - Yeah, you were protected. - Because they understood what I was given, they gave it back. - When people were trying to cancel you, there were all these people supporting you. - Supporting me.

You know what I'm saying? So it always works. Yeah. It gives, it gives back. So you would get the Neuralink or you would get some type of like brain chip if it was available? I don't know about that Neuralink. I need a couple people to die first, but I'm going to get whatever that's going to be out at the time that's normal. Yeah. That seems comfortable enough. Why not? Like what's stopping us from not doing it? I'm not going to be Amish. Amish? What is it? Amish. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not going to be that motherfucker out here. Like,

And where I live in the islands, that's about as amish as I'm going to get. To me, on that island, if I don't need it over here, I don't need it. So that's why I programmed myself to be like, just in case I don't want to go too far left, I can still deal with this shit. What do you think about America, living in America, the future of America? I'm curious all your thoughts, because I think about this a lot. I think America in the beginning stages of where we're going to be is who we are. Everywhere we...

Asia, that's pretty much what it is. Whatever going on over there, that's kind of like, we think we're ahead, but we're really behind. You know what I'm saying? Really? I think so. As far as where, with China and Russia, financially Russia and just socially China. Really? We move more and more.

Think about it, they socially awkward them. Who are the most socially awkward people out there? - Oh, you're saying that we're just gonna get there. - Yeah, we're just-- - They're already there. - They already there. - They're already isolated. - Yeah, they already there. They already what they are. They already super robots. You see them vibe moments when they doing this shit? They already there. You know what I'm saying? We at the beginning stages of all this shit. And even in the economics or whatever, business, we still at the beginning stage. - And do you think we're all gonna eventually become those robots?

Yeah. And is that something that you... We keep saying robots, and it's not robots. The robots is just enhancement. It's like a Viagra.

When I say robots, I don't mean robots. I mean, do you think that all the decisions will essentially be made for us and we'll just have no autonomy? Because that seems to be what you're saying right now is you are deprogramming yourself and that you're going to make the decisions about your life and do what you think is best instead of having these trends decide what you do. Yeah, yeah. That's how you're supposed to do it. That's how you're supposed to do it even before all that shit happens. Before you get affected by the world, you understand the world and build your own world

Like an ecosystem where none of that shit that's going on out there don't even bother you. They do that in Florida. There's so many communities where, like, already small communities where they have their own world. Bro, that's the thing about Florida where, like, you saw Florida, I think,

Black people in Florida were the first black people to openly support Trump. And to me, I'm like, oh, they're operating in their own community. They're not worried about what the world might think of a black person supporting this guy who is called racist. It ain't so much like we right or wrong. We just say what the fuck we want to say. That's just Florida motherfuckers and we get a kick out of it. But now everybody gets a kick out of it. Yeah, because that's another thing. You know what I'm saying? Like the trend started there. Florida...

In America, if you want to see the future, go to the Bay or go to Florida. Wait, really? Yeah, the Bay going to tell you the technology future. Florida going to show you the streets. Wait, really? So the street shit starts Florida, always? That's why I say I was in the perfect place, Florida. That's why everything I am, I'm the coach. I'm the coach of everything. So I might have a heads up already because where I'm at. It's like God put me in a perfect place. I got a question. You ever seen a ghost?

- Never. - Do you believe in ghosts? - If I did, I probably would accept it. So I probably did, but just looked at it like that's a ghost. I ain't be fucking with that motherfucker. Some shit like that. I can't say off the top of my head where I just saw like a real motherfucker just appear. - That? - Do you think aliens are real? - That wasn't a ghost. I think that was a lady that God used and it's like, I ain't done with him yet. - You think aliens are real?

Yeah. I mean, we'll be arrogant to think we're the only motherfuckers on Earth. Do you think they're here? I think this shit is so... We so far behind in the universe shit, they probably look at this shit and say, why would we want to go there? These motherfuckers just learning how to fly. Yeah. We still don't know how to fly yet. So, I don't know. Okay, two things. I just think there's a whole nother...

entity or something that we beyond our brains. Can't even see it, maybe. Yeah, we don't realize how dumb we are. Like, we really dumb. Think about the shit 20 years ago. We thought we were so smart and now this shit is... I was just talking to a guy about this, about germ theory. We didn't know about germs until like late 1800s, 1900s. Let's use something simple. This is where I come in. Car. The engine in the car. All them components in the engine.

Now you got a Tesla. Only thing you got in that bitch is a battery. Yep. Yeah. You see what I'm saying? We could have been there that shit 50 years ago. Yeah. But we was too stupid. We wanted to overthink it. Yeah. Well, over time, we started realizing, we ain't got to do all that. Take that out. Yeah. Take that out. Take that out. Use this. Simple. Okay. Two things. One, your daughter is how old now? 16. 16 years old. Okay. Moments in...

her life that you really wish that you had paid more attention or focus more? Like what happened? You have 16 years of experience in something that I have one month of experience. So I just want. There ain't no blueprint to this shit, bro. Not how to do it, but like, what are some things that like, that were just really special moments that you, you, you were glad that you were there, really glad that you were present and glad that you did not miss. I just came to everything I could. And like I say, technology worked in for me. Perfect.

when I couldn't be there to FaceTime them. You know what I'm saying? Technology's really great, bro. It works in your favor a lot, especially nowadays the way we move and shit like that. And then the bonding from day one, I didn't have to be there as much as I wanted to be. Because the bond was built earlier. The bond was already built and I've always was in her life. And me being me kind of worked in my favor.

because now i'm like i'm cool with that you know what i'm saying well you kids don't listen to parents you know what i'm saying but if unless you use somebody unless you unless they they look up to you like that you know what i'm saying most time when we look up to people we look up to people we want to be like you don't really want to be like your mom or dad or some like that where we came from so for me being who i am and i guess her friends or whatever

it work in my favor because that's her dad or whatever. Right. Makes you proud. Do you think she's as wise as you were at that age? Wiser? You know what I mean? The shit that's me is, I'm not, I don't, it ain't me. I can't put this on anybody. I don't think, everybody that's like me, they get it. You know what I'm saying? But I don't think it's supposed to be in her. What I, is the understanding I get. Does she, does she know you love her? Hell yeah. Yeah.

Hell yeah, she know. I don't even have to question that. Now I'm at the stage, now I want her to, I'm just trying to get her to understand, because she's real carefree like me. I don't need her to be like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I need her to get more hustle in her. So now I'm just getting her to where she, the good thing about it, I guess she do got understanding because 16, I always tell her, you know you're about to be grown. You're going to be 18 in two years. But she was like, I ain't ready to be grown. She's like, I don't feel like you should be grown until you're like 30.

Wow. Which makes a lot of fucking sense. So by her just understanding that, it makes me like she do got a little understanding. She understand that she ain't there yet. That's a wise thought, yeah. So I guess she is wise. Okay. She still got a little bit of me. And then final question before you go. Any regrets in your life? Nope. My shit is the best show ever, man. I ain't got no regrets.

And then the little shit is just like, I should have took this. But it don't be shit. You know what I'm saying? Just little shit. I shouldn't have tweeted that. Some shit like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But no, I ain't no...

Hell no. I can't think of a bad part of my life. All that shit been good. Even the accident. Now that I'm healed now, it's like, damn, that was a good part of the movie. If it was a movie, that would be a good part. You know what I'm saying? Outside of that, nope. Do you think you've achieved your purpose? I think I'm living in my purpose until he's ready for me, until it's time for me to transcend to whatever's next. But I just think I'm living in my purpose and

I ain't got no goals. As far as in the entertainment, I feel like I'm living my goal every day, just being who I am and being the person I want to see change in the world. And when I see the world change, I feel like that's how God is. He's like, look at this. Look what I'm doing. You know what I'm saying? Look what I'm doing. And I ain't getting nothing out of it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.

Shit, I could make billions, but it ain't nothing in there for me like that. It's more satisfaction than watching. Fair enough. Lil Duval, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks.