cover of episode Billy Carson Reveals Alien Encounter & Lost Civilization Secrets

Billy Carson Reveals Alien Encounter & Lost Civilization Secrets

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Billy Carson
Billy Carson: 本人经历过外星人绑架,并因此失去了家人。我研究古代文明和宗教,并相信人类的起源与外星人有关。阿努纳奇人并非科幻小说中的小绿人,而是与人类相似的类人种族,他们拥有先进的科技,并对地球文明的发展起到了重要的作用。亚特兰蒂斯文明是阿努纳奇人建立的,而许多古代金字塔是他们留下的遗迹。天主教摧毁了美洲的许多金字塔,并在其遗址上建造教堂,试图抹杀古代文明的科学知识。最早的圣经版本是埃塞俄比亚圣经和西奈圣经,与现代圣经版本之间存在大量差异,这些差异表明圣经中存在许多误译和篡改。耶稣可能是阿努纳奇人的后裔,并试图解放人类。在阿努纳奇人来到地球之前,地球上已经存在其他原始人类。阿努纳奇人利用地球上的原始人类进行劳动,并进行基因改造以创造新的劳动力。古代祭祀活动是为了向阿努纳奇人提供食物和贡品。金字塔并非简单的坟墓,而是能量发生系统和通讯设备。耶稣在12岁到32岁之间去了埃及、西藏和印度,学习了各种神秘知识。苏美尔文明是高度发达的文明,受到了阿努纳奇人的影响。人类的种族差异是基因改造的结果。在伊甸园中,阿努纳奇人进行了基因实验,创造了亚当和夏娃。摩西并非带领以色列人穿过红海,而是穿过芦苇海。古代圣经中记载了多个神明,而不是单一的神明。耶稣并未被钉死在十字架上,这只是误译。人类的寿命被限制在120岁左右,这可能是基因改造的结果。巴别塔事件是阿努纳奇人为了阻止人类合作而采取的措施。金字塔的建造并非依靠人力,而是利用了先进的科技。阿努纳奇人之间也发生过战争,这些战争对地球环境造成了巨大的破坏。罗斯柴尔德家族是阿努纳奇人的后裔,控制着全球的金融体系。人类目前正处于一个新的时代,有望进入水瓶座时代。基督的回归指的是人类意识的提升。人类应该团结起来,对抗控制世界的精英寡头。不明飞行物是真实存在的,政府正在利用不明飞行物事件来制造战争和获取资金。人类已经登上了月球,但月球上存在着许多未解之谜。海洋深处隐藏着许多秘密。南极洲并非一直位于现在的地理位置,它曾经位于更适宜居住的地方。在南极洲的冰层之下,可能存在着外星文明的基地。 主持人: 本期节目将探讨有关南极洲、古代文明、金字塔和黑死病等阴谋论。

Deep Dive

The Anunnaki, space refugees from the Pleiadian star system, sought refuge on Earth and established the Atlantean civilization. Evidence of their existence and galactic wars can be found in ancient texts like the Indian Vedas, the Terra Papers, and Sumerian tablets.
  • Anunnaki are hominids from the Pleiadian star system.
  • They came to Earth as space refugees following a galactic war.
  • Evidence can be found in ancient texts and the existence of pyramids worldwide.

Shownotes Transcript

YERRR, we had on the KING of FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE Billy Carson to tell us about everything we don't know: truth about aliens, who built the pyramids, where the ancient civilizations went and much much more. Sit back and indulge.

00:00 Intro 1:02 Who are the Anunnaki? Galactic war & Space refugees 6:04 Atlantis, Catholics destroyed everything + Hills = pyramids 12:28 Hominids existed, Igigi slaves + exploitation 17:10 Jesus = part Alien, Thoth’s advanced tech & similarities across all cultures 23:09 Jesus went to Tibet & India? 26:21 Oldest Bibles = African, mistranslations & Deuteronomy is WILD 35:24 Who were the Sumerians? Genetic modifications + race differences 40:57 Why do Gods want big meats? Asians ARE different 43:40 The Garden of Edin was a mating lab + creation of Adam 49:08 Jesus was good, Pyramid Wars + Rothschilds running the banks 1:01:07 Creation of the Great Pyramids + Billy having great recall 1:12:11 Pyramids were power stations + manifesting/teleporting structures 1:15:19 Angkor Wat= Mega structures, Dinosaurs + Indoor pools 1:30:11 Rejecting Flat Earth, purpose of Pyramids + communicating to other star systems 1:37:35 Ark of the Covenant, Moses stole one + Chinese pyramids 1:45:12 Derinkuyu = underground city + Ant people 1:47:53 Never fully knowing + the origins of curiosity for Billy 1:51:40 Bob Lazar, UFOs abductions + losing family over alien experience 1:58:47 “Worldwide telescope” + craziest image from Mars 2:03:29 Researching to debunk your theories + mankind needs to grow up still 2:09:17 100 families control everything, power of true unity + impact of the experience 2:13:23 “Lam”, movie directors know + we’re in the beginning of times 2:15:28 “Christ consciousness” will return 2:16:34 Past life regressions, using substances + downloading consciousness 2:19:45 Seeding the clouds + UFO false flag for greed 2:23:16 We went to the Moon but there’s more… 2:28:50 Secrets of the oceans, Antarctica was moved + remote viewing