cover of episode VP Debate REACTION As Vance WALLOPS Walz + Iranian MISSILE STRIKES Spark WW3!? SF465

VP Debate REACTION As Vance WALLOPS Walz + Iranian MISSILE STRIKES Spark WW3!? SF465

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Stay Free with Russell Brand

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P. Diddy案检察官
Russell Brand
Russell Brand: 本次副总统辩论相对温和,缺乏以往的戏剧性冲突。JD Vance表现专业,被许多人认为是赢家,但CNN却认为他输了。Tim Walz表现缺乏准备。 此外,Brand还讨论了美国面临的国内经济困境和普遍的绝望感、沮丧感、仇恨感和冲突感,以及政府对乌克兰战争的巨额资金投入,而忽视了国内民众的灾难救助。他认为,政府存在的目的是发动持续不断的战争,以控制民众。 Brand还谈到了言论审查和政治分歧导致美国人之间友谊破裂,以及卡马拉·哈里斯试图压制异见,是对民主的更大威胁。他认为,我们需要建立新的联盟来对抗建制派,关注大型食品公司对食品的控制,以及恢复社区自给自足的可能性。 Russell Brand的嘉宾: Tim Walz准备过度,导致他没能有效回应JD Vance的观点。JD Vance在公共演讲、自我辩护和观点转换方面更有经验。 Tim Walz: 承认自己曾谎称自己身处天安门广场,并试图通过强调其亲和力来弥补。 JD Vance: 认为对言论自由的压制是美国民主面临的真正威胁,民族主义不应等同于种族主义,应就净移民问题进行公投,并同时停止对产生难民的国家的军事干预和经济剥削。 卡马拉·哈里斯: 试图压制异见,认为特朗普政府要么试图在中东发动另一场灾难性战争,要么在过去两年里对伊朗进行恐吓,却没有战略和最终目标。 比尔·盖茨: 认为言论自由应受限于煽动暴力或阻止疫苗接种等行为。 道格拉斯·麦格雷戈上校: 美国与以色列没有共同防御条约,美国支持以色列的防御是单方面决定的,中东战争可能蔓延到整个伊斯兰世界,并袭击美国本土。 格伦·格林沃尔德: 美国总统缺乏有效领导能力,副总统专注于权力争夺,中东局势极其危险。 朱利安·阿桑奇: 他因从事新闻工作而被监禁,揭露了CIA对法国、德国等国家的政治人物和机构进行间谍活动。 塔克·卡尔森: 曾被迈克·蓬佩奥威胁。 CNN报道中的孩子: 他们不愿意去支持特朗普的人家,认为特朗普做了坏事,像希特勒一样。

Deep Dive

Russell Brand analyzes the vice presidential debate between Tim Walz and JD Vance, noting the contrast to the more bombastic style of the Trump era. He questions whether this signifies a return to traditional political discourse, highlighting Vance's debate skills and Walz's perceived lack of experience.
  • JD Vance is viewed as the winner of the debate.
  • Tim Walz struggled with specific details about his past.
  • The debate lacked the drama and personal attacks of recent political debates.
  • Russell Brand questions if this signifies a return to traditional political discourse.

Shownotes Transcript


Hello there, you awakening wonders. Thanks for joining me for Stay Free with Russell Brand. We are in Atlantic City and we've got an incredible show for you today because the world continues to be bizarre. You'll be aware, of course, of the vice presidential debates last night of Iranian strikes on Israel. All of this we'll be discussing as well as the revelations around P. Diddy and further perpetrators.

All of this will be discussed over the next hour. Thanks for joining us live. Sorry we couldn't make the stream for the VP debate work last night. We had some technical challenges that we were simply unable to surmount. I'm so sorry I'm not perfect. Maybe in the next life, perfect.

will be the aspiration but for now we will have to be content to be fallible in his holy name right let's have a look at how the debate went before I let me tell to some of you people that have joined us Sienna McDonald your humble narrator

All of you guys, hello and how's it going? Ashela, thanks for joining us. Thanks for those of you on Locals that joined us for our pre-show warm-up, by the way. I don't think we should leave that up, actually. We should just leave up the bit that's the answer to the questions. Don't leave up the whole thing because it's a crazy little asset. Who knows what sort of crazy stuff I was saying.

Kind of thing that journalists and the predatory world of operators for globalism would love because at this point, surely we have to return, not return in fact, discover a type of political discourse that we can rely upon. Are you filming that for the thing at home?

Is it possible for me to just lean that somewhere because that's very distracting for me. Thank you very much. Yeah, like remember minimum motion. If there was no motion at all over there, that would be perfect. If there's some, it's okay, but anything that's unnecessary, thank you. We're doing this out of a new studio now. You can see we've got some new foliage behind us. We've got all sorts of stuff to contend with. I'm going to go to our first asset now. This is the debate being summed up in a couple of expressions according to some

commentators there you go hey listen I'm also going to be talking about the hurricanes and the hurricane aid and the comparison that some people are making to funds drawn from taxpayers that go to support war and the lack of funds drawn to support crises in America this is something that of course I suppose became popularly discussed in

during Hurricane Katrina and its immediate aftermath and was then more recently discussed with the Maui fires and is now being talked about as a result of the hurricanes across the south of your country. We're talking about that as well. Let me know in the comments and chat what you think about that. So comments and chat graphic.

Thanks very much. Yeah, let me know what you think in their comments and chat. Nice one guys We're still we are joined today by in this corner Manny. He's running the desk Jason and just be on my view motionless Gareth Roy. Okay. Let's have a look at that. Let's have a look Well, first of all, let's have a look at the presidential debate Some people might say this is a return to the kind of pre Trump politics a kind of relatively congenial convivial discourse ie not interesting enough

all where are the fireworks where's the wrestling where's the condemnation and conflagration sure there are a few blunders tim waltz unable to tell you exactly when and where he is and when he's in china and when he's not in tiananmen square but you know compared to people like think of the trump 2015 primaries where people are getting called dogs and like there's weird slang flying about or think about

Clinton Trump man think about because you'd be in jail like you know maybe this is the end of politics as entertainment because JD Vance is an experienced debater and Tim Waltz he's I guess a regular guy let me know if you agree with that I know like you're if you exist in siloed spaces you'll read amplified ideas generally speaking I think people regard uh JD Vance's performance as pretty as

professional and convincing and regard him as the winner. In fact, here's CNN saying that J.D. Vance lost the debate. If you're watching us on YouTube, we're going to be with you for 15 minutes there on YouTube, but then you're going to have to click the link in the description and join us on Rumble where we can speak freely. Let's have a look at CNN apparently conceding last night's vice presidential debate. I think there was a clear lack of preparation and execution here on Wall Street.

I think actually it's the opposite. I think he had too much preparation. He had so many lines that he was clearly trying to say that he didn't listen. And when J.D. Vance said one of the many, many things he said,

really hit Kamala Harris on, not Tim Walz, but Kamala Harris, he didn't respond because he clearly had things in his mind. I think the lack of interviews that he has done with national media, with local media, it showed he needed more rest. Yeah, no, I agree. I mean, J.D. Vance is much more experienced at this, at public speaking, at defending himself, at pivoting.

Yeah, I suppose that's how that role goes. There are some people that are good at that format. J.D. Vance knows how to conduct a public debate. I think I saw Van Jones saying that he, almost with a bit of pre-bunking, saying, J.D. Vance would be good at this. I debated people like him at Harvard. Coach Waltz, an attempt to make Tim Waltz seem affable. And I bet he is affable. I mean, ultimately, these seem like a couple of...

decent, well-intentioned human beings. Maybe what's striking about it are a few things that come to my mind.

One, JD Vance isn't weird. JD Vance is like a normal guy from a moderate background who being condemned as weird incessantly and unendingly shows that propaganda has taken hold of political discourse. He's like a pretty regular human being.

Two, maybe we're returning to a type of politics that's a little bit more normal, ordinary. I don't think we are, are we? Because we've got 34 days, haven't we, to the election in your company. And we've got escalating tensions in the Middle East. We've got further funds being pumped into Ukraine for an unwinnable war when Russia are already making videos about it. Yeah, if anyone's weird, that's a weird expression from Tim Walz. And those little...

kicks are pretty weird aren't they those little kicks he's done did you see that thing where people like that meme of chris farley um you know like that people are comparing him to hey someone have a little look at this chat maybe the rumble chat doesn't seem like it's moving so can is there someone i can hand that to cheers guys

There you go, mate. There you go. Thanks very much. And this split more, a little 50, more 50-50, that would be good as well. All right, let's have a look at the first sort of bit of meaningful content, if such a word is possible. This is Tim Walz being asked about why he lied about being in Tiananmen Square. The answer to this is actually quite, it's quite laborious. Let's have a look. Governor Walz.

You said you were in Hong Kong during the deadly Tiananmen Square protests in the spring of 1989. But Minnesota Public Radio and other media outlets are reporting that you actually didn't travel to Asia until August of that year.

Can you explain that discrepancy? Yeah, well, and to the folks out there who didn't get it at the top... It's a really long story. Like, I mean, are you able to speed on a little bit for about a minute? Because he sort of talks about, like... He goes back through his whole life. Have you noticed, like, in politics now, people are obsessed with telling you about their childhood? I think both sides do it. There's nothing Donald Trump doesn't do that much, does he? He doesn't often tell you, this was my childhood. Kamala Harris, always telling you about her childhood. Our prime minister in our country, Keir Starmer, like...

There's a lot of rumors flying around about that guy, but one thing that's irrefutable is that his father was a toolmaker. People, I suppose because they recognize that we see them as weird aliens, odd extraterrestrial transplanted beings, they're continually banging on about how normal they are. And there's a lot that goes on here. Manny, are you able to speed it forward about a minute?

Yeah, that's a literal request, baby. Speed it on a minute. Or should I just press play and it'll be about a minute deeper? Because it's all space childhood for an hour. I've tried to do the best I can, but I've not been perfect. And I'm a knucklehead at times, but it's always been about that. Those same people elected me to Congress for 12 years. And in Congress, I was one of the most...

I was trying to actually understand what he was saying. What are you saying? Why are you talking about being a knucklehead? And I suppose he's just saying I have a vague affability within the confines of this generalized affability. I did lie and say I was at Tannerman Square during the massacre, which is a weird thing. That's not a normal thing to do. We all saw that. I'm actually that guy in front of the tank with the shopping bags. I'm him. Most bipartisan people.

working on things like farm bills that we got done, working on veterans benefits. And then the people of Minnesota were able to elect me to governor twice. So look, my commitment has been from the beginning to make sure that I'm there for the people, to make sure that I get this right. I will say more than anything, many times I will talk a lot, I will get caught up in the rhetoric,

He's doing it now. He's getting caught up in the rhetoric right now. Rhetoric. But being there, the impact it made, the difference it made in my life, I learned a lot about China. I hear the critiques of this. I would make the case that Donald Trump should have come on one of those trips with us. I guarantee you he wouldn't be...

You might as well say he did. You weren't on the trip anyway. The whole trip's been made up. The trip's not been made up, but it's been conflated with a significant historical event. Why don't you say Donald Trump was there? Why don't you say Larry Bird was there? Why don't you say the Harlem Globetrotters were there? Why don't you say that Mickey Mouse was there and there was a golf tournament? Why don't you lie? You might as well say anything. He wouldn't be praising Xi Jinping about

COVID and I guarantee you he wouldn't start a trade war that he ends up losing. So this is about trying to understand the world. It's about trying to do the best you can for your community. And then it's putting yourself out there and letting your.

It's about trying your best to help your community. It's not. It's about you set your inner Tiananmen Square madly out of nowhere. Let's have a look at this. This is J.D. Vance now saying that the real threat to democracy is Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party's war on the First Amendment. Now, this is, again, I suppose, one of the issues that I hope Americans can unify around.

along with ending war, health and free speech. It seems that there could be a consensus as essentially anti-centralised power, anti-corruption. Let me know if you agree with that in the Rumble chat. Let me know if you agree with that on Locals. Let's see how this argument is made. One of the things I'm very

cognizant of is the perception that the MAGA movement of 2016 was of course explicitly nationalist. Saying America first is a nationalist position but nationalist position cannot become, should not be, a racist position. It could be

inclusive accepting of America's heritage and history. The idea that inclusivity necessarily means open borders and necessarily means colonialism, imperialism and interventionism is not confluent.

What I believe is if there is a majority of people that want net migration, have a referendum on it and impose it if that's what people want. But that would have to be coupled, surely, in any ethical society with the withdrawal of military intervention and economic exploitation of the countries that continually generate refugees or migrants or whatever you want to call them.

You don't benefit from exploitative political practices taking place in Haiti or Venezuela. Elites benefit from that, both in terms of the migration crisis that it causes and the economic opportunities that it affords. Let's have a look at J.D. Vance saying that the real threat to democracy is Kamala Harris's war

on the First Amendment because if we can't speak freely we're not going to be able to have the kind of conversations that are necessary at a time of fissure and confrontation. What we need now are healing conversations. Do you, let me know in the chat, have any faith that such a thing is possible in such an incendiary environment? Would you again seek to challenge this year's election results even if every governor certifies the results? I'll give you two minutes.

Well, Nora, first of all, I think that we're focused on the future. We need to figure out how to solve the inflation crisis caused by Kamala Harris's policies, make housing affordable, make groceries affordable. And that's what we're focused on. But I want to answer your question. Yeah, that's good debate. And because what he's saying there is I don't know about you, but I'm guessing that your concerns are primarily your own life. And I don't think that makes you necessarily selfish, but it's probably more relevant that fuel and food and

warmth are expensive rather than abstract ideas about foreign wars. It's very difficult I think for us to hold a global perspective continually in our minds. I find it difficult to think about, to envisage what's going on in the Middle East and it just becomes a stream of Babylonian imagery. Missiles and dead children and rubble and awfulness and then you have to

tally that with domestic issues, infrastructural failure, poverty, decline, and reflect on what the relationships might be between those two things. If America first, France first, UK first, movements are about anything, is the sense that governments are somehow being controlled by someone other than the electorate.

globalism if it's anything at all is the idea that there are centralized and unelected powers that have more influence than you or I have over the directions of our government and the direction of our taxes who among us doesn't care more about our children and their school and their health than whether or not there are escalating ideological wars across the planet I'm sure some people would gainsay my perspective there but

the majority i feel are ultimately concerned about our own lives were we designed or even evolved to live in a continual abstract a reign of perpetual information that's difficult to discern ever landing on us exploding in our minds making us feel yet more impotent with every passing moment nothing i will say with our man jd vance is he returns to important points that's

good skills in debate now. Because you did ask it. Look, what President Trump has said is that there were problems in 2020. And my own belief is that we should fight about those issues, debate those issues peacefully in the public square. And that's all I've said. And that's all.

all. Peacefully in the public square, not violently in Tiananmen Square, Tim. I was there, you know. I'm the guy with the shopping bags. It seems pretty clear that J.D. Vance is a much more adept and competent debater able to direct the conversation to issues that I imagine many Americans care about. We can't get deluged and lost in the politics of personality. There are too many things to consider. On one hand, yes, the likelihood of Armageddon on several fronts, but

also we are dealing with a domestic economic situation where many people feel unable to feed, clothe and care for their families and a broad disparate sense that America and the UK and France and the world is in moral decline. And it don't matter how many people are tried out to say "well actually things are better than they've ever been and people are being pulled out of poverty all the time" if there's a sort of a pervasive sense of despair, frustration, hatred and conflict

those kind of statistics don't help people but that's just what I think why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and chat if you're watching us on YouTube we're leaving now let's have a look at that yes nice work you've got to click the link in the description to see us talking about the escalating conflict in Iran you've got to click the link in the description to see us talking about the latest Didi revelations apparently perpetrators

to be named that are going to shock us all going to want to see us cover that story we'll also be talking about free speech we'll be talking about julian assange and the cia and whether or not you should be funding foreign wars or domestic crisis click the link in the description see you in a few seconds let's finish the conversation on the debate do i need to do an ad guys is there an ad

Yeah, okay, and are you playing that in Manny? Okay, we can't make this content without the help of our partners. Here's a message from them now.

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Let's have a look at the rest of this debate. That's all that Donald Trump has said. Remember, he said that on January the 6th, the protesters ought to protest peacefully. And on January the 20th, what happened? Joe Biden became the president. Donald Trump left the White House. And now, of course, unfortunately, we have all of the negative policies that have come from the Harris-Biden administration. I believe that we actually do have a threat to democracy in this country. But unfortunately, it's not the threat to democracy that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz want to talk about.

Nice meme in the locals chat there, Luke. Weak men prefer the predictable harbor of a tyrant to the raging seas of liberty. Very good community post and a very good ex post there. And Tim Walz want to talk about it is the threat of censorship. It's Americans casting aside lifelong friendships because of disagreements over politics.

That post is from jbeb99. Thanks for that post. Very good. Yeah, like what J.D. Vance is also returning it to, like a skilled orator always will, is what the experience of being in America is like. Do you feel a bit sort of tired of it, the argument and the complexity and the decay, people losing faith in one another because of political conversations? Pretty good point to make. It's big technology companies silencing their...

I don't think he seems like a weird guy. That's why I'll say he's not like, oh, this guy's weird. He's like actually like a senator. And I would say, yeah, it looks like the kind of people you imagine to be president. If anyone's weird, it's like Coach Waltz there. He's a bit kind of...

And he's like someone emerging out of a sort of a cauldron, sort of all sort of bubbling with Elthian glee. Silencing their fellow citizens. And it's Kamala Harris saying that rather than debate and persuade her fellow Americans, she'd like to censor people who engage in misinformation. I think that is a much bigger threat to democracy than anything that we've seen in this country in the last four years, in the last 40 years.

Now, I'm really proud, especially given that I was raised by two lifelong blue-collar Democrats, to have the endorsement of Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, lifelong leaders in the Democratic coalition.

An important point there, again, of course, people talking about their childhood. I suppose because people got to personalise themselves. I met JD Vance a couple of times. He's a good guy. He's a nice guy, man. And what I would say is that the significance of Tulsi and Bobby joining on the optics level is going to be difficult for the, I would say, institutional democratic party, particularly with policies like shutting down free speech, to gainsay, contradict and control politics.

but the legacy media won't report on that. The subject of free speech though is the issue we should be focusing on. Even I, like you, get caught up in the personalities. I mean, I'm quite close to saying that JD Vance has got nice eyes. It's one of the things, he's got nice eyes, isn't he? But the important...

issue actually is free speech. All the while the likes of John Kerry are telling us that they have to censor us for our benefit and the idea of censorship is being normalized by globalist elites. We have to be very alert to the fact that the information that's being controlled is not information that's harmful to us but

information that might empower us as it just said in the awake and wonder locals chat weak men prefer the predictable harbor of a tyrant to the raging seas of liberty and where would you experience those raging seas of liberty more vividly than when on the choppy waters of say x on rumble we support and advocate for free speech here's a post on

x from the ceo of rumble chris pavlovsky anyone trying to subvert the u.s constitution is someone i'll never trust it's outright wrong and it really shines a light on what the powers that that be want to do with uh artificial intelligence they're saying intelligence they're saying it out loud listen to them nice work manny with the pip their baby he reposted the speech that we um

commented on earlier this week coming from that friend of individual freedom and liberty everywhere, Bill Gates. So when J.D. Vance in the presidential debate occasionally tags the idea of his childhood, mainly I suppose to draw attention to the fact that his background is the background of a Democrat, that Tulsi Gabbard is a Democrat, that Bobby Kennedy is a Democrat, that free speech is the position of a Democrat, it's a democratic right, and what

i believe we're offering to this movement is consolidation and certainty around the inalienable and definitive issues of free speech end war health of individuals end globalism empower communities this issue of free speech is it seems

emanating from powerful global tyrants like Bill Gates. Which political party do you think are more likely to reign in the excesses of globalists like Gates? Let me know in the chat, you lot. Let's have a look at what Chris Pawlowski, Rumble CEO, posted about Bill Gates because

Even though the VP debate was generally, one might argue, a return to pre-Trump politics, i.e. two reasonable guys talking about policy, free speech is an issue that's come in the post-Trump era. Indeed, populism, whether it's from the left or right, is so feared by the establishment, they are looking for ways to control it that far exceed the usual boundaries of democracy.

And the new sovereigns and new tyrants that we have to watch for are the likes of, in my opinion, Bill Gates. Here's the speech Chris Pavlovsky was referring to. You should have free speech, but if you're inciting violence, if you're causing people not to take vaccines, you know, where are those boundaries that even the U.S.,

should have rules. And then if you have rules, what is it? Is there some AI that encodes those rules? Because you have billions of activity and if you catch it a day later, the harm is done.

you've got to get in there catch that free speech before the damage is done maybe we should shut up now rumble is a free speech platform x is more permissive than most platforms meta is owned alphabet is owned youtube are owned these are ultimately

part of the kind of legacy media conglomerates that we oppose that's not to say that everyone that works in legacy media is bad or you don't hear stuff on there all the time that you kind of agree with there is still partisanship there are still conversations to be had along traditional lines but

What I suppose independent media demonstrates is there is an opportunity now for networks of power and communication that obliterate the old centralized models. What you want is something that's actually beyond federalism, I would ask, real freedom.

When you listen to Bobby Kennedy talk about a subject like agriculture and food and the power of big food to intoxicate food with addicting poisons, even with the humble Cheerio cereal. Imagine something being called Cheerio, being poisonous and addicting to your children. You realize that we have a macro issue to contend with. You have to recognize how far away you are from a culture where communities would grow

and rear their own food. Transport it only when necessary. Be independent wherever possible. Control our own information. Control our own communities. You don't need top-down government and you certainly don't need your free speech control. But that

just what i think why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat if you're watching us on youtube turn on the notification bell otherwise there's no chance that you'll be informed of our content they'll direct you always towards the legacy media and the propaganda you find there stay free baby now there's been further revelations on the sean coombs case a lot of people in the comments they don't call him diddy no more but remember at this point their allegations even though there are allegations that are extraordinarily troubling and like the epstein case appear to

point to a wider web of corruption and by my reckoning at least the dreadful decadence that devours and consumes the institutions of Hollywood and power. What did we learn from the Epstein case? Not as much as we could have learned. What are we to learn from this diddy situation? It starts to look increasingly, at least this is what I read a lot in the comments, that this is not about isolated individuals. This is about a

pervasive and potentially Luciferian culture of if not just hedonism exploitation and abuse at the level of a culture of course the culture wants to identify and condemn individuals it was this individual it was that individual but what

did Epstein disappear in such extraordinary circumstances? You know, killing himself under circumstances where killing yourself would appear to be a pretty tricky endeavour. Well, it seems like he had connections to incredibly powerful people. And if those incredibly powerful people are compromised, you can no longer make the claim, there's just a few bad apples

apples out there in Hollywood. There's just a few bad apples there in government. There's just a few bad apples over there on Epstein Island flying around on that plane. What the Diddy revelations will likely explode is the idea that this is about individuals. This is about a culture. This is about institutionalized corruption. This is a

an ideology of exploitation not just a couple of people that are chasing skirt no this is mass exploitation mass abuse and it's apparently connected to a lot of individuals you know I live

in Hollywood. I worked in Hollywood. You know I used to be a drug addict. You know that I used to be, before the awakening, a person that was very much interested in Epicureanism, that's the pursuit of pleasure, Hedonism. As an individual in the world, not as part of some shady cabal going around the world shipping people to islands. I was like meeting, chatting

people up and stuff this is some weird sex drug occultist stuff as i say we've did it at the moment these are just allegations you always have to be careful because actually the lack of proper justice and lack of proper inquiry and the lack of due process is a problem because who among us trusts the judiciary who among us trust these institutions anymore let me know in the comments in the chat but apparently there are big revelations coming let's have a look at what here

This is, I think, one of the prosecutors of the case letting us know that. But the names that we're going to name, assuming that our investigators confirm and corroborate what we've been told, are names that will shock you. These are individual cases. There are indeed other perpetrators involved. They will be revealed when that particular individual case is ready to be filed. They already know who they are.

And I'm talking here about not just the cowardly but complicit bystanders. That is those people that we know watched this behavior occur and did nothing. And I'm talking about the people that participated, encouraged it, egged it on. They know who they are. In a way, this reminds me of the coronavirus pandemic.

If you inquire into what happened in the coronavirus pandemic, you will discover that the level of corruption, both pharmaceutical, government, economic, media and legal, is so pervasive, invasive, it's tendril so wide that the reckoning is so wide.

an inquiry in itself would lead you to this conclusion. You can't trust Big Pharma. You can't trust the government. You can't trust the media. You can't trust the judiciary. It seems that the Diddy case has the potential to go in that direction. Not just, oh, Diddy, he was off key. It's going to be much more like,

Oh, wow. Of course. The whole industry is run on exploitation. That's what's been hidden in plain sight. Pervasive total corruption. And if you were to investigate, just start pick a celebrity, pick a celebrity. That's what it's starting to look like. And investigate them. Look into the depths of their relationships with Diddy. You know, listen, I worked with Diddy on a whole movie. I went to Vegas with Diddy in bed by 11 o'clock.

Nothing happened. But man, what was going on in that mansion seems pretty extraordinary and seems to indicate that there's significant shady stuff that's going to come out. And I reckon we'll know a lot more about Hollywood, a lot more about power, a lot more about the interface between media and government if it's investigated correctly. But how likely is that?

But that's just what I think. I want to know what you think in the comments and the chat right now. Okay, this I suppose is, you know, I'm in Atlanta right now and this part of the country has been significantly affected by Hurricane Helena. This seems all the more apposite as we're heading towards an election and the US government is still, I'm going to say funneling, billions of dollars of weaponry into Ukraine for a war that cannot be won. You

can't win wars against Russia you can say that on day one you can say that on day five you can say that on day ten you can say that in the Second World War you can say in the Napoleonic Wars you can say in any war Russia don't lose wars because Russia are Russia they've always been Russia well not always I mean I suppose the dinosaurs weren't Russian but generally speaking Russia know how to have a row so before engaging Russia in a war make sure you've got a plan

a desired outcome, what does peace look like? And if there is a treaty and an opportunity for one, like there was between Zelensky and Putin, which our former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, presumably at the behest of deep state and globalist American-centred interests, disrupted, then, well,

Well now you know why a further $175 billion in aid has been sent to Ukraine right when Americans are being told to donate to the North Carolina flood aid. How do you feel about that? That your tax dollars are going to Ukraine while your countrymen and women and people are suffering during a crisis.

If government isn't there to protect us in crisis, what is government there for? I'll tell you. It's there to engage in perpetual war, to keep you terrified and distracted, and keep you controlled. And that's exactly what it's doing. Let me know if you agree, though, in the comments and chat, and let's have a look at this.

appeal by joe biden for yet more of your money this at this time to help people who are suffering as a result of hurricane helena we have rivers that are still rising the danger is still occurring for a lot of people and by the way as as the uh

FEMA can tell you they have pre-positioned an awful lot of material, an awful lot of material throughout that area from the bend all the way up into Tennessee. And so the idea that we weren't prepared, the question is no one knew exactly how devastating it would be. We knew it would be significant.

And we've got a lot already in place, but there's more. But here's the point. I'm going to be asking the American people to continue to help fund the needs of these people. It's not going to be one hit and it's over. It's going to take a hell of a long time. It's going to cost a hell of a lot of money. But this is the United States of America, and we've got to do it.

It's really odd that the function of Joe Biden has now become to issue quivering sound bites from behind a mahogany desk or attest that more funding is required at a UN speech in order to keep the machinery of war going. He's just disappeared. You don't see Joe Biden unless he's tried out to ask for more money. He is nominally, explicitly and actually, the President of the United States.

Why is he not running this campaign? Because we were all exposed to his ineptitude to a degree that the masquerade had to end, that it had to be acknowledged and admitted that he wasn't capable of being in office. Yet he's in office right now. And the fact is, in the last four years, Kamala Harris has been in government. So all this talk of turning the page is nefarious and absolutely ridiculous. The page she's turning has her name on it. The page she's turning to has her name as its headline.

The position that we ought be adopting is deep cynicism when it comes to all government rhetoric, particularly when it appears increasingly clear

that the ulterior aim is to continue to fund war. The ulterior aim is to continue to control communication between ordinary people, denying us transparency while granting them maximum secrecy. What is this corruption? What is this madness we're forced to endure? Who among us really would want to continue to fund an unwinnable war when peace was available two years ago? Who among us believes that the victimization

of the Maui fire or the people suffering as a result of Hurricane Hala, excuse me, Hurricane Helena are not more worthy of your investiture than this unwinnable war. That's not to say that I'm not sympathetic towards Ukrainian people. Of course I am. They shouldn't be in that war. We should bring about a peace treaty as quickly as possible. And if we had a government and systems of government that didn't require as an economic necessity the perpetuation of war, then I believe that peace would be achieved. But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments below.

and the chat right now. If you're watching this on YouTube, remember, turn on the notification bell and comment. The algorithm will direct you to corporate media and corporate media will keep you comatose. We are here to awaken you. That is our mission. That is our role. That is our function. And it's a time where awakening is necessary. Last night, there were more attacks on Israel. This time it is assumed

Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah missiles, as of course, follows the assassination and are regarded as retaliatory strikes, excuse me, for the killing of the Hezbollah leader in Lebanon last week. I think it was last week. It will move so quickly now. Now, it's difficult to imagine a positive outcome in this escalating situation. And I was talking to Colonel Douglas McGregor

last week in fact that probably be up on locals really soon we'll get to you have a schedule on that as promptly as we can and he and he's obviously a military expert regards that conflict the Middle Eastern conflict is more likely to lead to global apocalypse and to strikes on American soil than the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia so look at what Glenn Greenwald said on

Subject, the situation in the Middle East is as dangerous as it's been in a long time and the US president has no functional brain and the vice president is focused solely on ascending to power. We are thus again faced with the question, who is making decisions for the US government? So in this incredibly sensitive time,

when what you need is diplomacy and expertise, sensitivity and political brilliance. What you have is a president deemed by his own party to be unfit for purpose and a vice president focused entirely on campaigning, avoiding interviews as she goes.

Who has got the rudder of the ship right now? Who is in control of your country? Who is going to handle the complex brinkmanship in matters as serious as potential Armageddon? Let's have a look right now at some regular footage of those strikes last night in this

difficult, impossible to understand conflict. - Iran has just launched a retaliatory missile attack targeting Israel. A US senior administration official telling ABC News now that Iran is expected to fire 240 to 250 missiles at four targets in Israel. This includes the Mossad headquarters,

Israel's spy agency, three Israeli air bases. We are told it'll take about 15 minutes to actually reach their targets. The US and Israeli military with their defenses at the ready at this moment, including Israel's Iron Dome. Israel has ordered residents now in Jerusalem to shelter in place. The White House had signaled a potential strike was imminent. The attack follows a rapid

escalation of violence in the Middle East, something we've been covering for weeks now, including an Israeli airstrike killing Hezbollah's leader in Beirut. Iran launching a direct attack on Israel in April, but few of its missiles and rockets actually reached their intended targets. Many were shot down by the US coalitions in the region. This comes as the Israeli military now says its troops were conducting limited ground raids in southern Lebanon.

Remember, we were continually told that were Trump ever to get back in office, we'd be in danger of lurching towards Armageddon. What does this look like to you now? With the president AWOL even in his own mind, Kamala Harris lost in what appears to me to be empty rhetoric campaigning on behalf of globalist interests that benefit from war.

Who right now is focused on bringing peace to the Middle East, ending this volatile, incessant, painful and agonizing conflict? Who is engaged in the necessary diplomacy in Russia and Ukraine? They talk to us like we're children, but themselves behave demonically. It's extraordinary to watch.

Kamala Harris a little while ago, either the Trump administration is angling for another disastrous war in the Middle East or they've spent two years saber rattling against Iran with no strategy and endgame. The president is making America weaker and less safe. Well, if that's true, what are we experiencing now?

And who's handling it? Similarly, what was once regarded as a policy position is starting to look like mad, empty rhetoric. Although it did look like that at the time of it, too. What's the message to Iran? Don't. As President Biden said, just don't. Exactly. One word. Pretty straightforward. One word. Yeah. Don't. Yeah. Another word. Joy. Another concept.

Empty rhetoric. Another idea. Globalism. Insidious and veiled behind folky colloquial language and conversation about being middle class. Authoritarianism. On the rise. Censorship. Surveillance. Everywhere. Globalism. Enter democracy. How?

vilification of the opponent. Present the opponent as a demon. That way everyone's good by comparison. Don't focus on the issues, the escalating war. Don't focus even on your own lives, your inability to afford groceries. Don't. One word. Just don't.

Joy, another word. Focus on that. Don't start reflecting on the decay of your own spirit even. Don't. Focus instead on joy. Focus on the bureaucratization and banalization of your entire life and entire culture. Don't. Joy. It's not like a Coca-Cola commercial, but without the...

aftershock of a sugary drink to enjoy. Here's Colonel Douglas MacGregor. If you're in a wake and wonder, his interview will be up there soon, as well as the questions and answers that we provide you with. I hope you're enjoying it in there. True seer, blessed old bird, and all our little friends. McGinty, true chimera. I love you a little lot. Okay, let's have a look at what Colonel Douglas MacGregor had to say about

on the matter of escalation of the likelihood that these attacks might indeed reach the shores of your nation.

Given that Israel's decision to invade Lebanon marks the beginning of a regional war, Americans should remember the United States has no mutual defense treaty with Israel. America's support for Israel's defense has always been unilaterally defined by successive presidents without the ratification of a formal treaty. This approach parallels Roosevelt's unilateral alliance with the British Empire and the Soviet Union prior to

World War II. The ramification of such an alliance is not only simply support for the defense of Israel, but the acceptance of Israel's growing number of enemies as our own.

In view of the likely widening of the regional war to most of the Islamic world, Americans should prepare for attacks against the U.S. on Americans' own soil as well as our bases throughout the world. What do you guys think about that? What do you think about that analysis? Do you think the escalating attacks in the region, as well as being beneficial for the military-industrial complex, as well as taking lives,

from israelis and of course the ongoing atrocities in gaza do you think that this is ultimately a conflict that will play out in your country the united states of america what is your prayer for peace for the people of israel what is your prayer for peace for the people of palestine and

And tell me how you envisage this war being contained when indeed it has all the ingredients of a potential global one. Seems to me that this is a time where we should be extremely circumspect and cautious and reflective rather than jingoistic and bombastic because Armageddon is not something to take lightly. Even significant issues such as the health of your nation and the economy of your nation pale in comparison to the potential that the world itself could be teetering on the brink.

of conflagration that could almost amount to total collapse. But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat. Remember, if you watch this on YouTube, turn on the notification bell or you simply won't see our content at all. That's how the algorithm behaves. Stay free. We can't make this content without the support of our sponsors and partners. Here's a message from one of them right now. Something sensible. American Heart for

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years of that under the harshest conditions imaginable in Belmarsh without trial. Now he's been released and he's talking about the assassination attempt that the CIA orchestrated. He's talking about Mike Pompeo. He's talking about deep state power. Indeed Julian Assange has always drawn our attention to the ulterior motives that run American foreign policy and ultimately the systems of power that

dominate the world he also has drawn our attention to atrocities and war crimes he has also facilitated the release of information that makes us better able to assess the nature of our government in the truest sense of the word julian assange is a hero and of course like anyone who opposes great power he was attacked allegations that i presume to be untrue were made against him he was

attacked in a variety of ways. He was imprisoned in an embassy, although he actually was sort of taking sanctuary there. I went and visited him in that embassy. It was a crazy time. Julian Assange is now free, presumably under some conditions, and he is speaking out about what

He believes to have been the conditions that led to his surely illegal incarceration as well as the plot to kidnap and assassinate him by Mike Pompeo who at that time was the head of the CIA Let's enjoy the spectacle the first video I've seen of Julian Assange free I mean covers for it saw a couple of shots of him on an airplane But here's Julian Assange doing what he does best telling the truth. I want to be totally clear that

I am not free today because the system worked. I am free today after years of incarceration because I pled guilty to journalism. I pled guilty to seeking information from a source. I pled guilty to obtaining information from a source. And I pled guilty to informing the public what that information was. I did not plead guilty to anything else. President Trump had been elected. He appointed...

Two wolves in MAGA hats: Mike Pompeo, a Kansas congressman and former arms industry executive as CIA director; and William Barr, a former CIA officer as US Attorney General. By March 2017, WikiLeaks had exposed the CIA's infiltration of French political parties. It's spying on French and German leaders.

It's spying on the European Central Bank, European Economic Ministries and is standing orders to spy on French industry as a whole. We revealed the CIA's vast production of malware and viruses, its subversion of supply chains, its subversion of antivirus software, cars, smart TVs and iPhones. CIA Director Pompeo launched a campaign of retribution.

it is now mike pompeo is not coming over very well in this video is he he's coming across as perhaps a draconian instrument of an even more fierce and insidious power mike pompeo is a person who has caused tucker carlson to reflect unfavorably on the cia isn't it curious as well that we were told that when donald trump said that the cia was a

an organization in radical need of reform well isn't it interesting that when donald trump spoke about releasing the jfk murder files that it was a publicly stated that you can't attack those agencies and think that you're gonna gonna get away with it how

powerful are these organisations? What is the nature of their power? And if their power transcends and bypasses electoral politics, what's the point in having these elections? Do the truly powerful remain in power regardless of which side wins? Let me know in the comments what you think about that. Is the nature of globalism a kind of magnetism

pull between deep state bureaucratic power and global corporate commercial power and how those two sets of permanent interests are either side of

observable the observable flux of domestic politics deep state power remains global corporatism remains donations continue and the sort of transient figures passing through Congress they come they go they pass they expire but real power remains certainly Julian Assange is a hero because he commented on the nature of that power he exposed some of his worst excesses and now free

barely a matter of months is informing us how the very problems that led to his incarceration are continuing and have been exacerbated and how we should be very wary

of the state, of the media, of surveillance and censorship, of smearing, of bringing people down, of controlling opponents. And figures like Mike Pompeo appear to be the visible aspect of a very serious and threatening power. Here's Tucker Carlson talking about the time that he himself was threatened by Mike Pompeo. There are still classifying documents 61 years later, both Trump and Pompeo,

Joe Biden have in violation of my read of federal law kept those documents secret. There's no living person connected to the Kennedy assassination. It was a couple generations ago. There's no one person whose secrets are being protected. It's an institution or maybe countries. There may have been countries involved too. I mean, I don't know the answer, but there's clearly something worth protecting. And I know that when I spoke to someone who'd seen the documents, okay, and

Two years ago, and I got I got one fact out of him, which is, yes, the CIA was involved. And by CIA, CIA is a huge organization. But James Jesus Angleton, the head of the operations directorate, had knowledge of this, which I think is wonderful.

I wonder why people hate Tucker Carlson when you see stuff like that. It's like, isn't he like plainly unpacking the true nature of deep state power? Sure, he's like a conservative person and he wears like conservative clothes and has a conservative haircut, but he's plainly interested in real freedom and also plainly not interested in curtailing the freedom of people that have different social views. And indeed, even when he comments on that stuff, I think it's the

with the way that those ideas are used to legitimize authority and censorship. We're going to have to really grow up, I think, and create some new alliances. And the thing that excites me about Bobby Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard joining the MAGA movement is the possibility to have something genuinely anti-establishment. Perhaps the perceived excesses of Donald Trump could be reined in by a figure as evidently and plainly dignified as Tulsi Gabbard. Perhaps the pharmaceutical industry and the agencies that are supposed to regulate

both big pharma and American health more widely, ought now be rightly terrified, as well as deep state agencies, that someone like Bobby Kennedy could be 35 days away from government. Because I sat with him, and he explained to me, and like an audience, I was talking to him with an audience, with Tulsi Gabbard as well, the

exactly how job by job he would break down the bureaucracies that afford big pharma the ability to exploit the american population that he would attack the big food industry that keeps your y'all keeps y'all sick and eating filthy and addicting foods while i was listening to him i thought

no wonder the media are attacking this guy on a daily basis trying to destroy his reputation trying to make him look like some kind of crackpot trying to bring him down with all manner of insidious plots this is a powerful well-intentioned man it's exactly the kind of person you want in government i'll say the same thing about tulsi gabbard as well look you know me i want sort of real radical change right down to the level where we run our own communities and grow our own food and try to bring about

the kingdom of the Lord on earth individually and collectively respecting the freedom of one another. But you're not going to get that, I'm telling you now, and I'll be astonished if anyone thinks otherwise, with the Harris-Waltz ticket. But that's just what I think. Let me know what you think in the comments and chat.

is this an opportunity for us to unify to approach politics differently is it possible that 2016 donald trump is not 2024 donald trump how could he be with figures like tulsi gabbard and rfk on the crew and when you watch someone like jd vance last night in that debate doesn't he seem just like an old school senator charismatic well-informed well-intentioned well-versed well-educated self-made what do you want from people these days i don't know me i want your individual freedom me i

believe in your free speech and i believe in your right to be healthy and free and certainly not to die in an apocalypse i believe in your right to become who you are under god and even if you don't believe in god but that's just what i think why don't you let me know what you think in the comments in the chat if you're watching this on youtube turn on the notification bell because i tell you

they won't let you watch it they will not have it they won't have it over there they'll direct you towards some sort of msnbc propagandist nonsense that's the way they roll stay free if you can now we've got a little bit of time to look at something that's really i'm sort of looking forward to cnn cnn have found the democrats

children are more extremist than Republican children. Firstly, the idea that you could have Democrat children or Republican children seems ridiculous. Because they're just children. They shouldn't care about these arbitrary divisions and bizarre tags. Nevertheless, I understand that this is quite funny.

So let's have a little look at it together. The study found that Republican-leaning kids were more open to visiting a Democrat-supporting household. The Democrat-leaning kids were about five times more likely to say they would not want to go to a pro-Trump house. Would they be okay with you going over to somebody's house who is really supportive of President Trump? No. No? And why not? Because they know that he's not like black people, so they will not be happy to see me.

Would your family let you go over to somebody's house who's really supportive of Donald Trump? No. No, they wouldn't? No. And why not? Because, like, my mom and dad don't like Donald Trump at all. Not a single bit. Would you be okay going over to somebody's house whose family really likes Kamala Harris?

I think it'd be funny if it's just about the personality of the people. Donald Trump, he did bad things. He's like Hitler. He only wanted to be president so that he can just control everybody. Trump is supporting January 6th now. I remember that January 6th, it was a bunch of Republicans believing Trump. I feel like they thought Trump was a god. People got arrested.

I think one officer died. I mean, I suppose what is quite positive is it's CNN, who are generally supportive of Kamala Harris, that are making this piece. I'm a parent. I've got three young children. And when I talk to them about politics because they ask, I mean, it's not hard to explain to a child what Hitler is. It's like really complicated to go through that. And when I did go through it, my daughter went, Hitler!

She immediately made it about herself. I thought, that's my girl. That's what I like to see. Yes, that's right. You know, I think there's a kind of responsibility to try to restore to children a level of ease and sanguinity, a level of peace and comfort in the world, not to heighten their fear and hysteria. It's in a way kind of troubling video. One officer died afterwards.

That was a big day. The study found that these Democrat-leaning kids were about nine times more likely to express negative emotions about Donald Trump than Republican-leaning kids were about Kamala Harris. As Sheryl said in our chat, like Elon observed, kids don't know anything about George Washington apart from the fact that he was a slave owner. We are failing in teaching kids critical thinking skills. Good comment and a fair comment, I would say. Like, we in our country are comparable kids.

not founding father, but sort of iconic patriarch is Winston Churchill, who's commonly spoken of now as a warmonger and a villain. And I don't know, you could say that that's some kind of necessary redress for their iconography that preceded that in the prior century. But is there a point where beyond politics, we look at the qualities of heroism?

There is an archetype, you know. The archetype is people that are willing to sacrifice themselves for others. They are generally people that are driven by purpose and are driven by the common good. In fact, literally, the archetype is the hero leaves the place that they are from. They go into a dangerous environment responding to the call. How many times in your life have you refused the call? We need you to do this thing.

know you're kind of supposed to do it something in your belly tells you you're supposed to do it and you go i'm not doing that i'm too frightened maybe when you're a little older after maybe after the sad people have killed your relatives i mean the same people in star wars i've not become racist

then maybe the second time you will hear the call and know that ultimately there is a confrontation that has to take place if you destroy the concept of the hero like if you start oh martin luther king had sex with secretary malcolm x maybe worked as a rent boy before he went to jail candy did weird stuff where he slept in a bed with his nieces if you like end

extract Mother Teresa's stance on abortion or contraception forgoes her life of perpetual sacrifice. What do you do with that? What's left? How do you look into yourself and find magnificence and glory within yourself? And that glory ultimately is, when dedicated to a higher cause, is the only fuel that any of us have. But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat.

Hey, if you're not an awakened wonder yet, you should consider becoming one. You could, as dear Mikey's mother, Mary asked us, have the opportunity to renew your mind. These are just some of the things we do over on Locals. Hello. The Book of Romans says to renew our minds. Chapter 12, it says to...

not be conformed to the world, but to renew our minds. That's just a paraphrase, but how do you renew your mind in this world of so much information that's coming at you? So many opinions and volumes of bits and bobs of this and that. How do you keep your mind stayed on Him?

Yeah, well, I have to continually return to Christ. Now, if you're an Awake and Wonder, that content is up there all the time. We respond to your questions. We do Bible readings. We do meditation. We do them every week, but not for long because we are making some significant changes with a new project for our Awake and Wonder community that I know you're going to love. Also, our

Oracle series has launched. Do we have a link or anything for that from yesterday? We have to make sure we get that tomorrow. Luke, if you've got the information from the Oracle series... Firstly, Gail, can you check is Luke watching? Is he? Just knock on the door. He's out there, isn't he? Luke, are you watching? Hey, Luke, are you watching? Can someone grab Luke?

Thank you. Luke, can you post the Oracle's information in the chat? We're doing this Oracle series where we get like panels of experts together. It's absolutely fantastic. In the Rumble chat and in the Awaken Wonder chat, we'll post it right now and probably post it in some of the Hero video chats as well. You'll love this thing.

first episode is me talking to brilliant and maverick experts like Robert Malone about the pandemic period errors and mistakes that were made for the very first time it certainly changed my perspective on the pandemic you'll love it but we've got even more exciting projects coming soon and I'll tell you more about

about that tomorrow. I want to welcome some of our new awakened wonders like LisaBakes14, JustSeekJesus, DrummerGirl77, TrickJames33 and Bolan1JD. Remember our George Carlin Russell Brand Stand-up Breakdown is available there now and we will be back on Rumble tomorrow. Not for more of the same but for more of the different. Until then, if you can, stay free.