cover of episode “THREE ON ONE” ABC Moderators BLASTED For Kamala Bias In GANG UP On Trump - DEBATE REACTION! - SF450

“THREE ON ONE” ABC Moderators BLASTED For Kamala Bias In GANG UP On Trump - DEBATE REACTION! - SF450

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Stay Free with Russell Brand

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马特·沃尔什:ABC主持人的强烈偏见反而让特朗普获益,因为他们的偏见成为了新闻焦点,这实际上是特朗普的胜利。 格伦·格林沃尔德:ABC主持人对特朗普的批评和攻击比对哈里斯的多,他们实际上是在为哈里斯辩论,这使得哈里斯可以放松。 拉塞尔·布兰德:这场辩论应该关注经济衰退、意识形态绝望和潜在的末日危机等重要议题,而不是一些琐碎的问题。哈里斯竞选团队和ABC主持人之间利益的一致性,构成了某种形式的‘共谋’。特朗普的成功在于打破现状,但现在体制似乎能够很好地控制局面,将焦点放在对特朗普不利的议题上。这场辩论中,媒体呈现给我们的是两种截然不同的、带有偏见的、有利于我们既有偏见的信息。辩论中的问题设置似乎是为了偏袒某个候选人。辩论中出现了一个新口号:‘翻篇,别回头’,这反映了人们对过去的回避。特朗普的言辞风格独特,我们不应该因为歇斯底里的氛围而忽略了选举前发生的奇怪事件,例如暗杀未遂事件和战争的可能性增加。哈里斯将辩论框架转向了她与拜登的关系,而不是她与特朗普的关系。相比于特朗普的直白,自由主义的欺骗和误导更难以辨别。特朗普将人们的注意力引向需要解决的问题,例如与普京的潜在战争。在拜登和哈里斯的竞选活动中,拜登的地位变得模糊不清,人们对现任总统是谁以及谁在做决策感到困惑。特朗普指出了一些重要的问题,例如拜登总统的健康状况。特朗普对拜登健康状况的评论引发了人们对自身存在状态的思考。哈里斯在之前的辩论中打断对手的言论,这次辩论中也再次出现。特朗普认为哈里斯的政策立场不稳定,并且已经转向了他的理念。这场辩论更像是一场表演,展现了两种不同的情绪状态和政治立场。在这场辩论中,政策细节被边缘化,取而代之的是情绪表达和表演。这场辩论的目的是为了让双方都从中获益。哈里斯的政策导致大量移民涌入美国,对美国经济和社会造成负面影响。哈里斯指出特朗普的集会参与者会感到疲惫和厌倦。哈里斯声称特朗普的集会很受欢迎,这与现实脱节。这场辩论更像是一种部落舞蹈,其内容令人困惑。主持人对辩论过程的引导偏向于哈里斯。特朗普反驳了哈里斯关于人们离开他集会的论点,并声称他的集会规模空前。针对共和党全国代表大会上发生的暗杀未遂事件,媒体报道的速度很快,但并没有得到充分的讨论。特朗普认为媒体对他的负面报道导致了暗杀未遂事件。从剪辑的视频中可以看出,特朗普更关注重要的问题。主持人的引导逐渐对哈里斯不利。特朗普在辩论中不断地将话题引向全球战争的边缘。哈里斯是当权派信息传播的载体,比拜登更有效。特朗普关于夏洛茨维尔事件的言论被反复提及,但已经被证实是错误的。人们反复提及过去,可能是因为我们正经历着时间加速、信息过载和普遍混乱。关于夏洛茨维尔事件的报道已经被证实是错误的,但仍然被反复提及。在这场辩论中,全球战争的可能性是一个重要的问题。媒体和哈里斯的竞选活动没有关注到战争的严重性。特朗普认为美国撤兵阿富汗的方式是失败的。哈里斯关于普京侵略计划的说法是虚假的。哈里斯声称普京计划入侵波兰,但这说法是虚假的。特朗普表示,他可以在24小时内解决乌克兰战争。特朗普希望乌克兰战争停止,并认为提供的伤亡数字是虚假的。民主党人坚持认为普京支持特朗普,但普京本人表示他更希望哈里斯当总统。特朗普指出,独裁者希望他再次当选总统。这场辩论可能是权力机构之间合作的结果,目的是为了偏袒哈里斯。哈里斯拥有权力,却以局外人的身份进行竞选活动。 艾尔顿·约翰:他认为特朗普将‘Rocket Man’作为金正恩的绰号很恶心,因为这首歌是关于梦想、善良和希望的。但他同时也认为特朗普这样做很有趣。 吉姆·凯瑞:他曾经公开反对疫苗,这反映了媒体对某些话题的禁忌。他公开表达自己对疫苗的真实看法,这让他面临着巨大的风险。

Deep Dive

Initial reactions to the debate, noting the perceived bias of the moderators. Discusses the focus on less critical issues compared to potential nuclear war and economic decline. Questions the effectiveness of the debate format and the candidates' representation of key issues.
  • The debate was perceived as biased against Trump.
  • Focus on trivial matters overshadowed critical issues like nuclear war and economic decline.
  • Questions raised about the true nature of politics and the candidates' representation of important issues.

Shownotes Transcript


Hello, you awakening wonders there on Spotify, Apple, Stink Whistle, Gurgle Dot, or wherever you download your podcast these days to remain at least peripherally connected to some tendril of truth in a bewildering manner.

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Now, please enjoy this episode of Stay Free with Russell Brand. Thanks.

Hello, you awakening wonders. Thanks for joining me today for Stay Free with Russell Brand post-debate analysis special. Was it in truth and in effect the moderators and Kamala versus Trump? Was it the point where triviality usurped Armageddon as a talking point? What do we care more about? Cats being eaten or a potential nuclear war? Let me know in the comments and the chat.

who you thought won and how you felt in particular it was moderated. Is it going to be chalked off as another victory for the legacy media? It's one of those moments when you have to recognize that indeed America is a divided land. You will know if you look across a variety of media sources that the Democrats are likely hailing this as an astonishing victory, that Kamala was forthright and strong. Personally,

What I felt while watching it live for our live watch-along party with beloved Bear there was that we moved between generalizations and generalities and when we got into the specificity of policy it felt lost and adrift in the midst of peculiar emotional grandstanding and performance. But that's just what I think, let me know what you think. Remember our Awakened Wonder community got not only access to the debate watch-along live but

Also, the debate predictions, which I imagine all came perfectly true. I'll be looking at that a little later. These are some of the posts on X that I think give you a flavour of how this has been viewed.

viewed in what you might call right-wing spaces, given that the first one is Matt Walsh. Ironically, the moderators are winning this debate for Trump by being so insanely lopsided and biased against him. They're now the story of the night, which is a win for Trump. Of course, there is a good deal of lopsidedness, particularly on the behalf of ABC's most famous host,

lopsided sideways facing anchor david muir gutfeld a friend of the show says this debate is no longer about trump versus harris it's about moderators obediently picking a side abc is a shit show let me know in the comments and chat do you think we'll see another debate now is it likely that there'll be a fox debate heaven forbid an online debate imagine this debate on rumble imagine if

A journalist like Glenn Greenwald here who says David Muir is criticizing and attacking Trump more than Kamala is. Kamala can relax because the ABC moderators are handling the debate for her. I mean, if you want to see a moment where it becomes sort of perfectly clear that what we're operating in is a curated space, it's this one, I think, when the subject of race is brought to the forefront. Remember, it's the questions that are asked specifically

sets the tone. The questions that are not asked reveal the agenda because in a sense don't you really want to ultimately address economic decline, ideological despair and potential approaching Armageddon. Try to hold those issues in mind and which candidate do you believe does a better job of representing those issues. Many of us believe in anti-establishment candidates but

and that's how Trump was regarded in 2016. I know many of you adore Trump to this day, and many of us are mobilized by the entry of RFK in spite of the areas where you would say, oh, well, it doesn't seem to be in line with interest, for example, when it comes to Middle Eastern issues, precisely because he is a person that will continually identify the problems of big food, the problems of big pharma, the problems of lobbying and the donor class, the very kind of

institutions and interests that I suppose all of us are mentally referencing when we think of a phrase like drain the swamp. Let me know in the comments in the chat. Do you think this was classic Trump, the Trump of you'd be in jail, the Trump of the Trump of the 2016 or 2015 rather primaries? Or do you feel that something like

has been lost and do and if so do you think that's because of the moderation or do you think that something else is at play let's have a look at the moment where race was brought to the forefront and i would say that potentially this is one of the indicators of abc bias but hey let me know we're trying to maintain our own neutrality over here thank you

Now the reason I point this out is precisely because it's a moment that is

contentious. It's a moment that, in a sense, what can Donald Trump say here that's going to be positive, that's going to advance the conversation, that's going to look anything other than unpleasant? Whether or not there was deliberate and definitive collusion between the Kamala campaign and the ABC moderators is, in a sense, secondary. Because as your great George Carlin says, where interests align...

conspiracy is unnecessary. If interests converge, it's already a type of conspiracy. What we have is an institutional conspiracy and the successes of early Trump were based on the sense that through his bombast, occasional hubris and error, he still represented a force that was going to be disruptive. Do you believe he still represents that force? And will it be possible for that force to succeed

as these institutions seem to be able to manage the space excellently. And by manage the space, I mean keep the focus on issues that I, you know, my personal position is that that subject don't put Trump in a good light. When Trump is succeeding is when you're talking about, hold on, why are we talking about cats and whether or not people are eating cats when potentially we might all be eating one another's pets in a post-apocalyptic nightmare.

I want to ask a bigger picture question here tonight. Why do you believe it's appropriate to weigh in on the racial identity of your opponent? I don't and I don't care. I don't care what she is. I don't care.

You make a big deal out of something. I couldn't care less. In a way, that is the kind of... Is that not the desired attitude when it comes to race? When I think of my personal position, I want to not care. I want to be beyond it. I recognize there are complex histories and issues, cultural and racial identity issues that are playing out across the world. But what would be the vision? Surely it's a...

transcendent attitude towards race. So I suppose many of you will think, oh, that was a good response. But the question itself, why do you think it's now? Look, I'm going to take a sideways look at you. And from this eye of mine, from this judgmental, my little judgmental eye, I'm going to ask you, why did you feel it was necessary to do that? Come on. Whatever she wants to be is okay with me. But those were your words. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, all I can say is I read where she was not black, that she put out.

And I'll say that. And then I read that she was black and that's OK. Either one was OK with me. That's up to her. That's up to her. Vice President Harris, your thoughts on this? I think it's I mean, honestly, I think it's a tragedy that we have someone who wants to be president, who has consistently over the course of his career said,

attempted to use race to divide the American people. Over the course of this show, we'll be looking at some of Kamala's moments that were extraordinary and unsettling and some of the moments where you feel like, oh, yeah, this is vintage Trump. But surely our collective responsibility is to maintain a focus on the macro issues. Are we on the precipice of Armageddon?

Are we, through globalization, seeing increasing technocracy and centralization of power continually legitimized by crisis? Did something extraordinary take place with the usurping and replacement of Biden? Was that a strategic move that looks to be successful?

If indeed it is a success, what does that tell us about the true nature of politics? That one minute we're told Biden is fine, don't criticize his age, there's nothing wrong with him. And then we pivot to a campaign that's about, oh, look, Trump is old. I bet you'll see in liberal spaces a lot of talk about Trump's

age and whether or not Trump, like the vitality of Kamala. And in a way, the line that runs down the center of the screen to divide the two candidates is almost not metaphorical. There's almost two

literal worlds available to us where we can consume distinct and separate biased information that is favourable to enforcing the biases that we already possess. But what seems to me to be excluded by the frame of the screen are incredibly important issues about power, about war, and how those issues in the sense nullify and cuckold all of us when it comes to personal freedom and even something as

diffuse, rare and abstract as hope. Hope! Do you remember when everything was about hope? For a moment at the outset of the debate, it was even extraordinary to see the two candidates in the same frame. I sort of watching it live with my dog was

almost like it was like citing a yeti and a Loch Ness Monster. I'm not making claims about either of the candidates. It seemed like an anathema to see them in the same space. They're such disparate and distinct individuals. And yet, from the over-teen window perspective, look at the issues that are being discussed and look at the issues that aren't being discussed. For example, when the pandemic came to the forefront, it was fascinating to see the amount of restrictions. But let's first have a look at the initial

initiation of the entire debate, the ceremonial handshake that must precede such matters. the stage, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Donald Trump. Kamala Harris, have a good debate. Thank you.

Welcome to you both. It's wonderful to have you. It's an honor to have you both here tonight. Good evening. We are looking forward to a spirited and thoughtful debate. Let's hope it's spirited and thoughtful. And let's hope we don't get distracted or are not unduly biased. Let's hope that we don't set up questions that entirely appear to be designed at least to favor one of the candidates. Now, let's get on with that now. Donald Trump, why are you such a racist bastard, you son of a bitch? You're

Now, the new, the very much let's be unburdened by what might have been appears to be let's turn the page on this, let's not go back. It was a night when a new catchphrase was launched. Those of us thinking that the let's be unburdened by what might not have been, those of us that are beginning to miss that now can enjoy let's turn the page, let's not go back and see yourself turning a page on

and very much going forward. This election is not to his liking.

Let's turn the page on this. Let's not go back. Let's chart a course for the future and not go backwards to the past. Let me just follow up here. It was a different term and it was a term that related to energy because they have... One of the things that doesn't appear to matter is when you hear Trump condemned for saying, for example, there will be a bloodbath or another example is I'll be a dictator but for only a day.

The full clips are available. You can see that in the bloodbath example, he's talking about trade tariffs to China, and in the dictator for a day example, he's making a joke about the wall and about drilling.

What Trump's detractors and attackers will say is that he's using a kind of live mnemonic device where he's dropping words like bloodbath, painting a kind of vivid picture filled with verbal sigils that evoke ideas of Armageddon. But that's not what I feel is happening. I think he has a very particular rhetorical style. And I think that we've gotten to a point of such...

mutual hysteria that we're kind of electing out of some kind of mutual shared will to remain unconscious to properly track the fact that bizarre events have taken place in the run-up to this election. It's not that long ago there was an assassination attempt. It appears the likelihood of war is increasing hourly and the...

because of affiliations with global alliances, whether that's, you know, in the example I'm using now, NATO, those issues aren't being correctly brought to the forefront. They came up once or twice, but do you think that they were vigorously interrogated? You did

get a few moments, I felt, of Trump being Trump. And it was usually when referring to Joe Biden. Kamala Harris, very keen to point out a new Democratic Party trope. You're not fighting against Biden, you're fighting against me. And conducting the brinkmanship rather well of saying, like, of respecting peculiarly or honoring the odd warped legacy of Biden. Well, particularly

continually presenting herself as a progression and an advancement. But as Trump said in his closing remarks, Kamala Harris is in government right now. Sometimes, I don't know how you feel about this, let me know in the comments, you're so caught up in the constant pumping out of toxic ephemera that you can't even remain focused on. Hold on, you are in government. Is there going to be a war? What are we

you concerned about the border or not? Is fracking good or is fracking not good? What's our position on all this? Whilst Trump's

malapropisms and claims, for example the immigration and cat moment, are very vivid and clear, what you'll get from materialist liberalism is a general fog of deceit and deception and distraction that's harder to discern and therefore sort of less easy to condemn. Let's have a look at the vintage moments of Trump where he does what he does best,

witty maxims that are designed to evoke a humorous response. Could lead to World War III. Don't kid yourself, David. We're playing with World War III and we have a president that we don't even know if he's... Where is our president? Okay, we can't continue this conversation on YouTube for so many reasons. Click the link in the description to join us to look at their position on the

significant issue of war as many as well as many other slightly more trivial matters and let's have a look at some of Trump's best moments and some of the moments that I'm sure will have Democrats clamoring and claiming that

Kamala is the second coming. Click the link in the description. See you over on Rumble. We don't even know if he's a president. And just to clarify here... They threw him out of a campaign like a dog. We don't even know. Is he our president? Right, so I guess a lot of you say in the chat that this is Trump bringing your attention to issues that...

do need to be addressed. We could be on the precipice of a war with Vladimir Putin. Nothing's being done to de-escalate that situation. It seems to me that there's an appetite to continue funding it. Isn't it really peculiar that between these two debates, the Trump-Biden debate and now the Trump-Kamala one, Joe Biden has sort of been put in this odd position where he's still president. Who's making decisions right now? Who's

actually the president in this moment? What is the chain of command? Who is legislating? Who's regulating? Who is the commander in chief? So there are moments amidst it, in spite of the restrictive conditions, where you're able to see, yeah, like that Trump, who famously doesn't prepare for these debates, is

pointing out things that I suppose ought be brought to the forefront. Let me know what you guys think. Here he is. So this is probably my favorite moment for the night just because it's existentially a weird thing to say. Check this out. This is Trump being Trump. But

But we have a president that doesn't know he's alive. Your time is up. He doesn't know he's alive. That's a really profound existential state. I don't actually know whether or not I'm alive. No one could confirm that, really, because all information would be coming through the same milieu. You are alive. Yeah, but how do I know? I mean, you're just you. You're part of the problem. It's a sort of a really bizarre existential claim.

One of the moments that a lot of people enjoyed on X was the brief bait in and reference to Kamala's previous VP debate with Mike Pence. The I'm talking now moment. Let's revisit that. Different policies like she was big on defund the police in Minnesota. She went out. Wait a minute. I'm talking now. We'll continue with that in a matter of moments. But first, a quick word from our partners at the Wellness Company.

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at checkout to save $30. That's forward slash brand and use the code brand to claim your discount. These kits are limited and only available in the United States of America. God bless America. Let's get back to the content. In Minnesota, she went out. Wait a minute. I'm talking now. If you don't mind, please. Does that sound familiar? Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I'm speaking. She went out.

Yeah, that'll be a moment that will be memed and that people doubtlessly enjoy. Another moment that you would point to for Trump, I suppose, is the offering of the MAGA hat, a reference and allusion to Kamala taking on the new positions and surprising positions on fracking and indeed border security, where, you know, if you do want to build a wall, you could

build a wall right now. But don't we all recall that that very wall was the source of most of the condemnation and ire that 2016 Trump faced? First of all, they bought their chips from Taiwan. We hardly make chips anymore because of

of philosophies like they have and policies like they have. I don't say her because she has no policy. Everything that she believed three years ago and four years ago is out the window. She's going to my philosophy now. In fact, I was going to send her a MAGA hat. She's gone to my philosophy.

If she ever got elected, she'd change it. How are you guys feeling about facial expressions? I think some of the not speaking moments from Kamala, I don't know, is that more of the joy that we're experiencing there? I'm not sure about it. I think neutrality is what you want. Neutrality and occasional bemusement.

Excessive displays of emotion. I don't know. It's difficult, isn't it, not to fall into judging the debate on its own terms, which is the terms of a spectacle, a presentation of two figures that represent, on one hand, emotional states, whether that's a kind of vehemence and anger and disdain for institution, for government, for globalism, a kind of despair and anger around issues like immigration, or this sort of emergent wholeness

haughtiness and superciliousness that we're being taught to identify as joy but seems to me to be the epitome of much of what's wrong with liberalism liberalism alloyed with corporatism a kind of sense of

condescension and personal certainty of moral piety and by easy biographical grandeur constant referencing to your own of your own past when i was a child i did this i'm from this background i created that i'm not sure what the merits and values of that are and i personally find it like i get kind of

psychological bends moving between biography generalities trivialities and then suddenly being confronted with policy about like we're going to give $25,000 to a big business and we're doing start up for sorry small businesses we're going to do start up schemes it seems like like

How are we supposed to understand simultaneously global war, globalization, events in the Middle East, funding of Ukraine, botched Afghanistan? Do you want a small startup loan? Did Obamacare work? There's something ridiculous about the specificity of policy when indeed the specificity of policy should be all.

all that matters. They oughtn't be ciphers for our unconscious emotion and sometimes I feel that's the best that's being offered along with, I suppose, a curated space that legacy media presents you with which plainly means these debates have a function and the reason the debates must take place at all is because both sides must see that there's a benefit in them and

It will be the end of our country. She's a Marxist. Everybody knows she's a Marxist. Her father is a Marxist professor in economics, and he taught her well. But when you look at what she's done to our country, and when you look at these millions and millions of people that are pouring into our country monthly, where it's, I believe, 21 million people, not the 15 that people say, and I think it's a lot higher than the 21. That's bigger than New York State pouring in.

And just look at what they're doing to our country. They're criminals. Many of these people coming in are criminals. And that's bad for our economy, too. You know, you mentioned before we'll talk about immigration later. Well, bad immigration is the worst thing that can happen to our economy. They have and she has destroyed our country with policy that's insane, almost policy that you'd say they have to hate our country. President Trump. Thank you, Lindsay.

One of the moments I suppose that we are ultimately going to have to look at as being a tactical triumph for Kamala is bringing up Trump's rallies. You can say what you want about Trump. You can suggest that he reveres dictators. You can criticize his skin color, his hair and his hands. But at your peril, will you say that people walk out of these rallies? And I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies because it's a really interesting thing to watch.

You will see during the course of his rallies he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He will talk about windmills cause cancer. And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. And I will tell you the one thing you will not hear him talk about is you. You will not hear him talk about your needs, your dreams, and your desires.

And I'll tell you, I believe you deserve a president who actually puts you first. And I pledge to you that I will. A little bit of a Biden moment there around needs and desires. But the idea that Trump rallies are especially popular.

detached from reality in an environment like that one like during an abc presidential debate is a rather audacious claim because what in a sense the entire endeavor is about is is

Are we able to channel to you such a strong illusory schema that you'll be distracted from your actual reality? Probably our obligation to, excuse me, both us,

participants in democracy and in the ongoing communication that new media provides is a rigorous attempt to maintain an understanding of what is real or maybe all of us will become like joe biden in trump's estimation uncertain that we're even alive unsure of what's important was afghanistan was that a good thing was it a good withdrawal is it a sin that

The Taliban were invited to Camp David. Is it necessary to talk to your enemies in order to achieve peaceful resolutions to any conflict? What do we expect of our leaders at this point? What is it that you want? Is it that you want them to somehow resonate with an emotional state that you have? And is that why continually we're invited to contemplate emotional and difficult to reconcile issues?

obviously among them, abortion? Or is it that what we want is a clear delineated vision of what America could be? And I'm not sure that we saw that from either candidate. Is that what you expect from a debate? Is that the function of a debate? And if it isn't, because...

Could it be that? Then what is this that we're participating in mutually together? It's kind of, it might as well be some sort of tribal dance, ceremonially significant, but in terms of its content, rather confusing to assess.

Vice President Harris, thank you. President Trump, on that point, I want to get your response. Well, I would like to respond. Let me just ask, though, why did you try to kill that bill, and successfully so? That would have put thousands of additional agents and officers on the border. Another example of the moderators biasing the proceedings in a general way towards favorable outcomes to Kamala. Would you agree? First, let me respond as to the rallies. Please.

She said people start leaving. People don't go to her rallies. There's no reason to go. That's the kind of things I like. There's no reason to go. There's no reason to go. And the people that do go, she's bussing them in and paying them to be there and then showing them in a different light. So she can't talk about that. People don't leave my rallies. We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics. That's because people want to take their country back. Are you surprised that...

that you didn't hear more of the significant and extraordinary event that took place what like a month ago six weeks ago was it a century ago an assassination attempt that for a minute appeared like it would change the entire direction of the campaign at the rnc it seemed more like a coronation and then after the switch the biden kamala switch the news cycle moves

at such a giddy and bilious pace. It's like that never happened. I thought we would see more references to this event, but here is a reference to the assassination attempt. - That weaponized, not me, she weaponized. I probably took a bullet to the head

because of the things that they say about me. They talk about democracy. I'm a threat to democracy. They're the threat to democracy with a fake Russia, Russia, Russia investigation that went nowhere. We have a lot to get to, Lindsay. Actually, when you watch it as clips rather than watching it live, when it's sort of...

overwhelming in some ways because of the vast scope of subjects and the weird array of emotions and tactics and performance styles you can see that Trump is more fun

Focused on bringing to the forefront. Are we dealing with a lot of cacophony of absolute madness? And you can also, I think, identify that the moderation is continually, gently increasing.

create unfavourable circumstances for Kamala. When I'm watching these things live, I don't know what happens to me. So like when I'm in a supermarket, I think the sort of the light in and the sort of the stimulation of the situation disorients me. Watching it now, you can see that

Trump appears to be navigating back to, like, I'm on the precipice of a global war. And of course, there are like sort of mad glitching moments like where we're talking about sort of cats being eaten and stuff like that. But I suppose overall, what you get and what you indeed what you have, I think, in the figure of Kamala Harris is.

is a newly minted cipher of the message of the establishment that is functioning better than establishment candidate retro model joe biden on a beach somewhere in bed when you wake him up before a clock in the afternoon you have a better vessel for the anodyne sanitary culture fixated uh democratic party model i suppose yeah i'm able to sort of discern it a little clearer uh

like in retrospect, I suppose. Here's one of the fact check moments. The repeated claim that Trump somehow endorsed the Charlottesville protesters, the now famous good people on both sides moment, which I think has been significantly fact checked. Let's have a look at that. Let's remember Charlottesville where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing anti-Semitic hate,

And what did the president then at the time say? There were fine people on each side. Okay, so there's that claim being reiterated. This election is not to his liking.

Let's turn the page on this. Let's not go back. Let's chart a course for the future and not go backwards to the past. Let me just follow up here. There's a lot of talking about going backwards to the past, and maybe that's because we are experiencing such odd temporal flux, time speeding up, data inundation, mass confusion, to such a degree where someone continually saying, let's not go back to the past,

makes at least a kind of rhetorical sense when I think we all know it's actually impossible. It was a different term and it was a term that related to energy because they have destroyed our energy business. That was where Bloodbath was. Also, on Charlottesville, that story has been, as you would say, debunked.

Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Jesse, all of these people, they covered it. If they go an extra sentence, they will see it was perfect. It was debunked in almost every newspaper, but they still bring it up just like they bring 2025 up. We

We can't continue to bring you this content throughout the night, attending live debates, then the very next day, analysing the moments where it appears that the moderators are guiding the proceedings, or that we're lost in a sea of bombast and posturing without the support of our partners. Here's a message from Lumen, who support our show, and we're proud to have a partnership with them.

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Amidst all the generalities, banalities and triviality looms large the

visceral fact that we could be on the precipice of a global war and perhaps the function of the world's most powerful nation would be to intervene diplomatically to prevent that from happening. When we talked about during the debate, when they talked about the Middle East or Ukraine, Russia, these were the moments where I felt everything coming into a kind of sharp focus. If indeed this war escalates, it will have a significant impact for everyone. Do you

feel that the media and the Kamala campaign are focusing on issues that prevent us collectively recognizing the severity of the situation that we are being guided elegantly if unconsciously towards along with increasing authoritarianism the threat of war is perhaps the biggest existential challenge that all of us face now the subject of war begins

of course, with the handling of the Afghanistan departure, which many people, and Trump in particular, regards as botched, the leaving behind of artillery and military equipment, the tragic deaths of American service personnel, and indeed, was anything achieved by America conspiring

during that entire intervention other than 14 trillion dollars squandered wasted certainly spent 50 of which ended up in the hands of the military industrial complex which leaves us all with a terrifying question perhaps government partners big business in particular the military industrial complex in sustaining perpetuating and initiating wars for no reason other than it's good business and if that is true

Surely anything that disrupts that process would be a benefit. Let's have a look at Trump's moment on Afghanistan. See, I'm a different kind of a person. I fired most of those people. Not so graciously. They did bad things or a bad job. I fired them. They never fired one person. They didn't fire anybody having to do with Afghanistan and the Taliban and the 13 people who were just killed, viciously and violently killed. And I got to know the parents and the family.

They didn't fire, they should have fired all those generals, all those top people because that was one of the most incompetently handled situations anybody has ever seen. So when somebody does a bad job, I fire him. And you take a guy like Esper, he was no good, I fired him, so he writes a book. Another one writes a book because with me they can write books, with nobody else can they.

but they have done such a poor job and they never fire anybody. Another phenomena that we see over the course of the debate is the resistance to fact checking extraordinary claims that come from Kamala. The idea that Putin has an imperialist and colonizing agenda is entirely a constructed one. There's nothing to suggest that Vladimir Putin

wants to invade the entirety of Ukraine, then ultimately Poland, and then of course the world. And in the way that Trump was subject to live fact-checking for almost, I would say, in response to many of his answers, it seems that the claim that Putin will invade Poland is egregious enough to warrant a little investigation. Here's that claim being made.

Understand why the European allies and our NATO allies are so thankful that you are no longer president and that we understand the importance of the greatest military alliance the world has ever known, which is NATO.

and what we have done to preserve the ability of Zelensky and the Ukrainians to fight for their independence. Otherwise, Putin would be sitting in Kyiv with his eyes on the rest of Europe, starting with Poland. And why don't you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch.

I reckon that the liberal media will point to that as a moment of victory. Do you imagine so? Let me know in the comments and the chat. But the claim that Putin has plans to invade Poland is a facetious and fictitious one. Here, I suppose, is a moment where we see Donald Trump making a declaration that's encouraging to most people the idea that...

Ending war and stopping bloodshed generally, broadly, globally, quickly is a desirable outcome. We'd solve this war in 24 hours. You said so just before the break tonight. How exactly would you do that? And I want to ask you a very simple question tonight. Do you want Ukraine to win this war?

I want the war to stop. I want to save lives that are being uselessly, people being killed by the millions. It's the millions. It's so much worse than the numbers that you're getting, which are fake numbers. You know, the idea that Trump is an acolyte of Putin's has been a mainstay of Democratic Party campaigning as far back as Hillary, including the erroneous and proven false claims that

Russian interference benefited him in the 2016 election. It's an idea that has a kind of tenacious allure to the Democrats that they simply cannot relinquish. And yet Putin himself last week said he would prefer a Kamala presidency. And here, Donald Trump reminds her of that.

That these dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again because they're so clear. They can manipulate you with flattery and favors. And that is why so many military leaders who you have worked with have told me you are a disgrace.

That is why we understand that we have to have a president who is not consistently weak and wrong on national security, including the importance of upholding and respecting in highest regard our military. Vice President Harris, thank you. And she's the one that caused it. That's weak on national security by allowing every nation last month

for the year. 168 different countries sending people into our country. Their crime rates are way down. Putin endorsed her last week, said I hope she wins and I think he meant it. I wonder if anyone feels any better educated having watched that debate or whether it was in a sense a peculiar dance moving between generalizations, biography, trivia and extraordinary claims clearly guided by biased

auditors who favor Kamala Harris. I suppose if you come into this as a Trump supporter, you leave it as a Trump supporter celebrating his bon mots and zingers. If you come into this craving a Kamala Harris presidency, you leave...

with the sense that she certainly did a better job than Joe Biden. But it's difficult for me not to leave this thinking, wow, what we're witnessing again is a collaboration between various institutions of power, most obviously the current government and the media. And Donald Trump's

claim that if Kamala Harris believed strongly in these things, she could undertake legislation to amend these ailing issues immediately right now. And yet that isn't happening. And surely that's something we can take home. The people that currently have their hands on the levers of power can't

can't campaign as if they're peripheral outsiders holed up somewhere taking pot shots at tyrannical patriarchs when they themselves are literally in power. But that's just what I think. Let me know what you think in the comments and the chat. Consider becoming an Awakened Wonder because then you get access to early profound

conversations with valuable contributors this week i spoke to matt walsh that's up on locals now here's a moment and if you want to become an awakened wonder and join us for additional live content as well as bible studies stand-up breakdowns as well as getting access to live events we'll give you a live ticket to any event i'm doing if you write to the address that we're posting in the chat right now you just have to show up it's all you have to do here's um

Here's a clip from my conversation with Matt Walsh. Use the code WALSH this month only to get one month membership for free. Have a look at the conversation. I wonder how much your Christianity affects your perspective when it comes to filmmaking. As Christians, we have a really elegant, beautiful answer to all the racial strife, which is that

which is that we're all human beings, and we're all descended from Adam and Eve, and we are all part of that same fallen human condition. We all need Christ in exactly the same degree. From a spiritual perspective, whatever your race is, whatever your sex is, we're all children of God.

But one debate does not dominate an entire planet. There are many other things for us to discuss together. Not least, Elton John, ah, Elton John, the queen mother of pop, refused to condemn Trump for...

for using the term Rocket Man, one of his most famous song's titles, as a cute moniker for his frenemy Kim Jong-un. Because condemning Trump is a sport, but is it being somewhat undone currently? Dwayne Johnson, tentative acceptance of Trump. Now, Elton John, tentative acceptance of Trump. Now, remember,

You know, do you need me to tell you what I think? Do you care about what I think? What I do believe in is actual electoral democracy and representation, decentralization and free speech and the ability to communicate. And I believe that the establishment now is...

masquerades under the guise and veil of liberalism and they are the true authoritarianism that's what i believe let me know in the comments and the chat and it seems that the tide is turning that things are changing and maybe even just cultural moments like this elton john saying that you know he thinks it's funny and that the nickname rocket man is brilliant and amusing these are indicators of the kind of hmm is it the quashing of the taboo around trump let's have a look

I know that you're not a supporter of Donald Trump's. He loves your music. How did it feel when he took the lyrics to Rocketman and he used it as a nickname for Kim Jong-un and then he gave Kim Jong-un... He didn't take the lyrics. He didn't like use... He just used the words Rocketman. He didn't, I think, use the sort of concept of the whole song.

And also, look at the tone of this. How did it feel? Because what they want... Now, this is how media works now. It's brilliant. This is the answer to the question that they want from Elton John. Well, you know, I think it's actually pretty disgusting because Rocketman, that song's about dreams and kindness and hope. And Trump, unlike Kamala Harris, unlike Barack Obama, unlike the people that are facilitating all these endless wars, he's a bad person. And...

Kamala Harris and Obama, they're the good people and life's that simple. And I'd like to take this opportunity to condemn Donald Trump. You know how they love it when a band goes, like you say, they used Foo Fighters, didn't they, when Bobby Kennedy came out for Trump at that recent rally. And you know these phone calls because I've actually been on the other side of this, not obviously on this scale, but, you know, oh, Russell Brand made this joke.

Right, let's call up a charity associated with the issue that he was being flippant and glib about in a comedic context. Let's ring up a charity that are going to find it really difficult to be humorous because they're connected to muscular dystrophy or anorexia or whatever actually sad, difficult and tragic condition it is. Let's ring up someone that won't be humorous and get, well, I think it's just disgusting that someone would even joke about this. But when the cult gets to the point where it's,

What they want is a, well, I think it's disgusting. So I'm going to use the lyrics of Rocket Man. The lyrics of Rocket Man. Rocket Man did not come down from Mount Sinai. It came from Bernie Taupin. I was just like, good on you, Donald. I'm the Rocket Man, yeah. Donald's always been a fan of mine and he's been to my...

concerts many many times um so i mean i've always been friendly towards him and i i thank him for his support yeah when he did that i just thought it was hilarious it was made me laugh cut

No, no, what? No, that's not what you thought. What you thought. Hold on. You thought it was bad. It was bad to think that. Now, again, I've mentioned this was like me right now reading some knock or look at this one reading like literally now. Let me read this out to you. I won't say where it is so that they don't get the promo. Yeah.

Why do left-ish journalists and influencers, Matt Taibbi, Russell Brand, Glenn Greenwald, Joe Rogan, RFK, end up supporting tacitly or explicitly the Trumpian right? Today, let's explore the underlying conditions that have caused popular left-leaning journalists and influencers to swerve over the last years into either fall

out no hard holds barred supporters of Trump and the right, or more tacit fellow travellers. The roster includes cynical hippie catcher Russell Brand, who recently embraced both Trump and the Bible. Naomi Wolf, former progressive feminist turned Steve Bannon acolyte. Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald relentlessly attacked the democratic establishment while blithely ignoring the horrible activities of the right.

He gave Kim one of your CDs and signed it. That was in one of the books about him, because Kim, I guess, didn't know the song, so... What's that? He gave Kim Jong-un the signed CD. Yes. You know, which he'd never heard of it. I know, of course he hasn't heard of it. He'd be very surprised if he had. I've never toured North Korea, and I have no intention of doing so. But...

I thought it was a light moment. Quite nice to think King Yong-un ain't heard of Elton John, isn't it? That's pretty amazing. Elton John has just been there, near contemporary of the Beatles, friend of John Lennon.

Writer of tunes that you don't even really know that you like until you hear them. Just a sort of ever-present magical oddity. A unique and idiosyncratic man. Kim Jong-un. Oh, yeah, okay. Sorry about the slight accent there, but, you know, give us a break on how Kim Jong-un talks, making a...

Wild guess there. It's a pretty great story, isn't it? But above that, above all else, it shows you the sort of inert and slithering tendency of a nefarious, insidious media, hell-bent on creating malevolence and darkness and extinguishing all hope while pretending to be the creator of light, which I would say is a pretty good thing.

of flat-out Satanism. But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat. Rocketman. And it was fun. It was fun. Life is fun. Hey, you know, another figure who exists in the firmament of Hollywood but is clearly out of there, I mean, both in a psychedelic sense and a cosmic sense and an anti-establishment sense is the actor Jim Carrey. Years ago, when he was married to Jenny McCarthy, was that the name of the woman he was married to?

they used to talk about vaccines and stuff. I guess their kid possibly had some sort of vaccine injury. I don't remember all of the details. I do remember specifically, though, seeing them both campaigning about, hey, we might want to be careful about some of these vaccines that kids are getting. And then suddenly... Did I mention today's sponsor?

So here is Jim Carrey lambasting the children vaccine schedule and the pharmaceutical industry. Although I don't know how he could, because, you know, if you walk around a graveyard from the old days, it's all full of children's graves. And the reason that it's not is because of vaccines. OK, I'm going to keep on.

I'm loving big corporations and big government and pretending that that somehow makes me enlightened in advance

in advance. Will you carry on with that? Dear Jim Carrey, comedy genius and outspoken critic of the pharmaceutical industry is on a very different schedule. I don't know what happened in 1990. There was no plague that was killing children that we had to triple the amount of vaccines. What happened after 1989? Why do they want to 26 more vaccines? Are all of them absolutely necessary? They want to make money. Of course. Hi, Jim. You know,

those movies you make that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and for which you earn hundreds of millions of dollars. Yeah, no, I like being in those. Good, good. Well, if you want to continue being in those, you know what you said?

On Larry King? Yeah, I thought I did a good job of explaining the obvious intentions that must be behind such an aggressive... No, no, no, no, no, Jim. It wasn't good. What you were doing there is you were potentially destroying yourself. But I think we all want to see Mask 3 and maybe a whole host of other sequels and other movies that could make hundreds of millions of dollars for everybody, everybody. And if you look closely at the interest behind those studios, sooner or later, I'm sure, via...

advertising or funding or investment, and here's a word I'm just gonna flow in there: BlackRock Vanguard, you would find interests and connections, explicit and implicit, that make your position on Larry King untenable. So you're saying you'd like my kids vaccinated? I'm saying we would like your mouth vaccinated.

It's twice as many as anywhere else in 30 countries in the Western world. We give twice as many shots as any of those countries. Why is that? What are you against? Don't vaccinate for this, but vaccinate for that? Yes. I think we have to choose which ones are absolutely necessary. Don't vaccinate for this, but vaccinate for that. Dear old Larry King, what a beautiful and brilliant man. I went on a couple of these shows. He's a real lovely old delight. That was an echo back to the days where

I don't know, maybe we're being bleary-eyed, teary-eyed, misty-eyed and misled. We get the sense that there were people in media that were

Decent is the word I was groping for. You should educate yourself. We want to empower parents to educate themselves. Do we need to have the chickenpox? Do we need the hepatitis B shot on the second day of life? I don't think we can afford to assume that the people who are charged with our public health any longer have our best interests at heart all the time. Do you know what? We're actually quite famous.

You know, I think we could go on Larry King and just actually speak out about vaccines. Instead of just promoting these movies and operating in this cultural space that we've been assigned, we could say anything we want. You're right, we could do that. Okay, well, let's have a little old look-see, shall we?

Parents have to have to make their own decisions, educated decisions. They have to look at the information. Space out the vaccines, delay them till after one, clean out the toxins that are in them. We don't need that many. Why would a doctor not want to know more about something that could save a life or prevent a disease? The AAP is financed by the drug companies.

Medical schools are financed by the drug companies. This is a huge business. Vaccines are the largest growing division of the pharmaceutical industry. You're not listening, Jim. You're not listening, Jim. Grow a big beard and start doing some fucking paintings and keeping your mouth firmly shut. Do you see the impact that a powerful communicator can have just by expressing his true opinions on vaccines?

one subject, childhood vaccination. I suppose when anything is...

as taboo as that subject you might want to investigate why it's so taboo because it could be so taboo because no no we really believe in child vaccination schedule so strongly we just can't allow anything anything at all to make your children sick but i just based on what i've observed over the last few years and what i've observed generally throughout the culture when it comes to what the priorities appear to be seems very unlikely that all this effort and endeavor is being spent in order to

Well, there you go, Jim Carrey there, expressing his true and honest opinion and subjecting himself to significant, possibly even colossal risk.

Jim Carrey was never the same after that, and not because he'd taken one shot too many, but because he'd fired one shot too many. And the kind of powerful interest that you are simply not allowed to take aim at. Let me tell you, I have some experience in that area. Well, I hope you've enjoyed our debate special. What a fantastic show it's been. We will be back tomorrow. We've got some fantastic content coming up.

on locals for you awakened wonders uh bible study russell brand stand up breakdown we're talking about billy connolly it's absolutely fantastic in fact let me show you a little clip of the last one this is when i've done uh billy connolly not no this is pete and dud two of my favorite comedians have a quick look at this you know what it means don't you big favors that's

That's all it means, big bagers, but it's not worth 500,000 quid, that load, is it? Works out about 50,000 pounds a body, doesn't it? Well, you could get the real nude ladies over there for that price. Yeah. My Aunt Dolly would have done it for nothing. LAUGHTER

People talk about Cook's skewering serpentine eyes bearing down on Dud there as Dudley Morse forces sandwich in his mouth to not crack up.

Well, man, you've got to join me for Russell Brand stand up breakdown. It's me looking at comedy heroes and the techniques they use and the joy that they bring. It's fantastic. That's available to you. Awaken wonders. I hope you enjoyed this post debate special. We are in for an incredible 60 days, guys. That's it. The firing pistol has definitely been shot.

We are on our way to an epic election. What's at stake? Could it really be as significant as light versus dark, good versus evil, global totalitarianism versus some sort of respite or at least disruption to the trajectory of global power? I don't know. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat. Consider becoming an Awaken Wonder and we will see you tomorrow, not for more of the same, but for more of the different. Until then, if you can, stay free.
