cover of episode KAMALA'S CRAZY BORDER WALL FLIP-FLOP! + Elon Calls Zuckerberg's Deep State Censorship ILLEGAL!

KAMALA'S CRAZY BORDER WALL FLIP-FLOP! + Elon Calls Zuckerberg's Deep State Censorship ILLEGAL!

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Stay Free with Russell Brand

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Russell Brand
Russell Brand认为卡马拉·哈里斯的政策立场前后矛盾,这反映了民主党缺乏坚定的原则,因此呼吁人们重新考虑是否继续支持民主党。他认为,民主党利用保护弱势群体和少数群体的言辞掩盖其权力中心化和剥削行为。他认为,民主党缺乏一致的原则,其立场取决于当时的利益。他认为,权力中心化(无论是企业还是国家)失控,需要进行根本性调整,利用科技创造更美好的社会。他认为,卡马拉·哈里斯的演讲技巧娴熟,但在政策方面缺乏清晰的立场。他认为,卡马拉·哈里斯对边境墙的态度转变,凸显了民主党在政策上的不一致性。他认为,主流媒体的叙事正在瓦解,一个新的、更具民粹主义色彩的联盟正在崛起。他认为,卡马拉·哈里斯只在严格控制的条件下接受采访,这表明她缺乏公开沟通的能力和意愿。他认为,民主党在政策上存在严重的不一致性,例如对边境墙的态度。他认为,卡马拉·哈里斯关于新冠疫情死亡人数的错误说法,反映了当时媒体制造的歇斯底里的氛围。他认为,全球主义的民主党运动存在问题,其政治家为了争取选票而不择手段,缺乏一致的原则。他认为,民主党已经成为精英阶层的政党,而不再是穷人和工薪阶层的政党。他认为,民主党对环境问题的处理方式存在问题,他们将一切量化,忽视了与自然的灵性联系。他认为,我们应该尊重自然,而不是将其仅仅视为资源。他认为,一些自称反建制的人实际上是在为现任政府服务。他认为,现在是结束评判和仇恨,建立新的联盟的时候了。他认为,罗伯特·肯尼迪和图尔西·加巴德加入特朗普的运动,表明了民主党内部可能存在问题,以及MAGA运动的潜在变化。他认为,建制派竭力谴责特朗普,而卡马拉·哈里斯却避免公开露面,这表明了某些不寻常的事情正在发生。他认为,中左翼政党可能已被企业和全球利益集团控制,为深层政府服务。

Deep Dive

Kamala Harris, once a staunch critic of the border wall, now seems to embrace it. This chapter explores her changing stance, comparing her past criticisms with her current position and questioning the consistency of her principles.
  • Kamala Harris previously called the border wall a "vanity project" and ineffective.
  • She now supports border wall funding and stricter border control measures.
  • This shift raises questions about her political consistency and motivations.

Shownotes Transcript


Hello you awakening wonders there on Spotify, Apple, Stink Whistle, Gurgle Dot or wherever you download your podcasts these days to remain at least peripherally connected to some tendril of truth in a bewildering miasma of

of lies and propaganda. We appreciate you and we love you. You're part of our community. So that's why we're very happy to give you an audio version of our live Rumble show five days a week. It's on Monday to Friday. We decipher the latest news stories. We break down current topics that the mainstream media should be covering and if they aren't,

then we critique why they're not and what they are covering. Every week as well, right, we do brilliant conversations with people like Jordan Peterson, RFK, Tucker, Carlson, Sam Harris, Vandana Shiva, Gabor Mate. These things are already up and you can listen to them now. So remember, this is an audio version of our daily live show. To tune in live, go to forward slash Russell Brand. You'll find it easily and I hope that you will love it.

Now, please enjoy this episode of Stay Free with Russell Brand. Thanks. Hello there, you awakening wonders. Thanks for joining me today for Stay Free with Russell Brand. And Sienna, I am not coming to your orgy. Thank you for the invite, though. I'm actually flattered that I still get orgy invitations, you beautiful, glorious people. If you're watching anywhere, our

Other than Rumble, our sweet stream of freedom will be with you for 15 minutes. And of course, I'm not talking to you, Purple Flower and sensitive hearts, our awakened wonders. Let me know what you thought about our Mr. Bean analysis in the wake of the resurgence of Rowan Atkinson's ode to free speech and anti-censorship and how significant it is that we can talk freely. We'll be available to you, awakened wonders, also after the show for a Q&A. I'll be answering your questions live there. So if you're watching us in Rumble or YouTube or wherever, you might want to

Stay for us, with us, a little longer. As we address today's show to remaining liberals and metropolitan civil rights era influenced members of centrist organizations everywhere who maybe work in big cities, who maybe still believe that Kamala Harris will deliver great things for American people, we're going to present to you a great case

for why you should consider joining the alliance that now counts among its members, RFK, environmental lawyer, advocate for child's health and free speech, Tulsi Gabbard, war veteran,

decent, upstanding human being. Both of those people have come on our show that we share together because me doing a show on my own is of little value. I know that because I've done shows on my own and they never end well. That's just me on a tricycle in my own mind, wasting my own time. And when I've spoken to Bobby Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard, you can be left in little doubt that you're dealing with people with integrity.

Me, I'm still on a long journey with Donald Trump. I know a lot of you out there are MAGA and that you love him, particularly in the wake of the assassination attempt. You know, I've consumed so much media. I've been a part of media for so long that it takes a while for me to

unburden myself of what might have been. Do you know what I mean? Like I'm still so full of the propaganda of that era. Help me, help me to awaken. Help me to see clearly what's been plain to you for a long time that became even clearer during the pandemic era that we cannot trust the establishment and the establishment these days means those that mimic a

and mime the language of the counterculture claim to be protecting vulnerable people or minorities all the while centralizing power wherever they can, vilifying their opponents, smearing opposing voices, doing whatever is necessary to hold onto power and that power

always means the power to exploit. Surely I am a sinner. Surely I have erred. But I believe in your country, America, and I believe that this election could be an opportunity for an emergent alliance to change the trajectory of a country whose power has influenced the world ever since it became colonized, let's face it, by

well a little old country called Britain. We'll be looking at some of Kamala's maddest moments in a minute and it will become clear if it wasn't already why Kamala don't do interviews except under the strictest conditions. So if you are watching us on YouTube

Click the link in the description. By all means, subscribe and like over there and support our channel, even though you know it's demonetized. The British government and big tech obviously conspire wherever they can to close down and impose restriction on any voice that airs opinions that are in any way oppositional or challenging to establishment power. And briefly, for a variety of reasons,

my voice has been one of those but of course I recognize my personal irrelevance and I recognize that the only power we have is a power that we have collectively and in my case in his name let's have a look at a few things before we get into the reason why Kamala can never do interviews we'll be looking at the new alliances emerging as well as Zuckerberg and the changes that Zuckerberg's acknowledgement about

censorship during the pandemic bring about and how the establishment can never confront its own shortcomings. Let's get into this with a humorous Trump moment to see if we can edge away from the vilification that prevails so strongly in the propaganda-oriented mainstream. I'm sort of like a hot guy. I was hot as a pistol. I think I was hotter than I am now when I became president, okay? I don't know. I said to somebody, was I hotter before?

I don't know if that was a center-left YouTuber because they have their own YouTubers, you know, they say this is an example of Trump derangement, you know, like Trump, like I look at their thumbnail sometimes of like people that are opposed, not me,

But really, you. That oppose populism. That oppose the idea that there could be something stronger than the atrophying and empty hollowed out shell of corporatism and globalism that the centrist left now represents. And I see the way they title. And this would be titled like, Mad Trump.

Trump claims to be a hot guy. Something like that, it would say. And of course, anything like, you know, the release of those playing cards and sneakers that he does, which, you know, let's face it, that's an unusual move. But hey, is it any different from propaganda anywhere? Who's to say? Let's have a look at Trump's playing cards. This is your favorite president, Donald J. Trump.

with some very exciting news. By popular demand, I'm doing a new series of Trump digital trading cards. You all know what they are. We've had a lot of fun with them. It's called the America First Collection. 50 all-new stunning digital trading cards.

It's funny because he even talks about it as being fun, isn't it? He didn't take it that seriously. When I was at the RNC and that was a crazy carnival for me, I wouldn't dare to go to the DNC. I'm like Taylor Swift and Beyonce in that way. You might sense that I would show up at the DNC, but when it comes to the crunch, I won't be there, baby. This is the Nelk Boys going undercover. I have filter sort of troll or otherwise spoof Kamala supporters. Let's have a look at that.

Hello there. Hi, I work for the Harris and Waltz campaign. Take it off. Take it off. No, I'm going to leave it there because... No, you're not going to leave it there. Oh, why? Because I can't stand them. Do you not support tampons in men's bathrooms? No, I don't support tampons in men's bathrooms. Why? Because tampons are for women. Where are they going to stick it up their ass? Get it the fuck out of here. Get it out of my property. It looks good there, though. Wait, don't touch my sign. That's my sign. I don't give a shit. They're a bunch of fucks.

You didn't address me by my pronouns! What are you, a he/she? Fucking transgender is what you are! I'm two-spirit! That's pretty good. Alright, it's them, it's them provoking people. Very funny, very funny, very funny video. Well done, isn't that amusing? Hey, so of course we know we're gonna get

a debate on ABC. We'll be doing a watch along for that, so book it into your diary. Let us know in the chat, by the way, you Awaken Wonders, who you'd like us to invite to join us for that debate. Tell us in there and we'll talk about the five best ones. Hey, hey, hello guys. Hello there. Let me know what you're doing. Okay.

Now let's have a look at some of the stories around the debate. They're pretty fascinating. Now remember, when it was Joe Biden, there could be no microphones that were not muted and diligently controlled because dear old Joe Biden, he had certain requirements. Now the Kamala campaign is saying they want unmuted mics. And isn't that in microcosm a perfect way to view the Democratic Party? No consistent principles are

Only utility. Only what matters in that moment. Is war good or bad? Can you tell me which war it is before I answer that? Are billionaires good or bad? Can you tell me which billionaire it is before I answer that? Can you tell me, is exploitation bad? There have no solid principles.

reliable principles it seems anymore. All they have are a set of amorphous values. For me, I can tell you what I believe in and I reckon you'd be the same too. We're human beings, right? I believe in individual freedom. I believe in community freedom. I believe that centralized authority has gone so out of control, whether it's corporate or state, needs to be radically redressed. We need to deploy the technology and communications miracles that we have in the palms of our hands right now to create a better,

more intercommunicative society. Why? Imagine the ingenuity that's been deployed to Airbnb or to even Uber, deployed to create communities that are able to allocate intricate budgets, communicate about how a community ought be run. The priorities, is it education? Is it health? How do you want to spend your money? No, the tendency is in the opposite direction. Now they want maximum censorship, maximum control, and that requires maximum fear. So when it comes to a debate,

before they decide whether or not they want the mic muted or unmuted, they have to be asked, well, who is it that's going to be debating? Because it's victory at all costs, victory at any cost. And when Churchill said it, you know, he was talking about Nazis. Now, when they say it, they're just talking about the bureaucratization and absolute control of seemingly absolutely everything. Let's have a quick look at some of the stories around the debate.

Former President Donald Trump has just announced that despite hedging and saying that he potentially may skip it, he does plan to go ahead with the debate with Vice President Kamala Harris just two weeks from today. He made this official just moments ago posting on True Social that he has reached an agreement to face off with Harris in their first head-to-head debate on September 10th on ABC.

to join us for our watch along there. Now, as I've said, Kamala and the Kamala campaign, who are, of course, not people

particularly keen to appear spontaneously on camera, have decided that in this instance, unmuted mics would be beneficial. Let's look at that. With two weeks to go until the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, there have been disagreements over the programme format. Democrats want both candidates' microphones to be live throughout the full broadcast on ABC on September the 10th.

Mr. Trump has said it doesn't matter to him either way, but the Republican campaigner reported to want him to be muted unless it's his turn to speak. When President Biden was the Democratic candidate, both sides had agreed to the muting of microphones. So tell us who is going to be debating? Kamala, unmuted or muted? That means there'll be a bunch of scripted, apparent, spontaneous disses and heckles that they think that they will be able to benefit from. But

I imagine that the debate, and remember, we'll be doing a watch along, will be another example of presumably Trump's ability to spontaneously respond. And I don't know. I mean, I thought Kamala done well in her speech. Did you? Did you think that it was a well-delivered or well-rendered speech? Did you notice the nimble brinkmanship around the complex issue of Israel? Did you note that after saying that it was back to

business there was a great deal of hollow sentimental rhetoric did you note that it was unclear that there were many policies other than the perpetual wars and do you believe like I do that Bobby Kennedy's intervention into this campaign along with Tulsi Gabbard means that now we can look again at issues and the issues that seem to be being brought to the fore by the inclusion of Bobby Kennedy is free speech end war

health epidemic, in particular children's health. These seem to be issues that if you are one of the metropolitan liberals that believe it's kind of a duty to vote for the Democratic Party, you have to look at them, don't you? I mean, what does it mean now that Kamala Harris is talking about walls? Is talking about like,

always like walls. It's out of control, isn't it? What are the virtues and principles to which you refer when you advocate for her? Of course, I recognize all things being equal. I think it would be a great thing to have a woman of color as president. Why not? But that would have to be under conditions where all other

things were equal and that would have to be surely a point where we're addressing the corruption of big pharma and the organizations and agencies that regulate them the corruption in big food the total corruption of the political class brought about by donations and lobbying these are the issues that matter and these are the issues that could get addressed with bobby kennedy and the like seemingly joining the MAGA movement kamala harris does

doesn't seem keen to have interviews. She's going to be having one though under pretty strict conditions joined by Tim Waltz and it's going to be a softball CNN bonanza. If you're watching this on YouTube, we'll be with you for another couple of minutes there. Then you're going to have to click that link in the description and join us in the sweet stream of freedom that we call rumble.

We are learning that CNN will hold an exclusive interview with Kamala Harris, her first since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee. Her running mate, Tim Walz, will join as well for this first interview. This is also their first interview together. Whoo!

The grandeur of this, the music, something really important is happening. There's the Capitol building. Can you see that the kind of imposition and amplification of the message in this old school style is falling apart? Did you notice that on the BBC report when they were talking about command,

want in the mics unmuted this time. There's just the casual mention that the WHO are preparing for a monkeypox pandemic. Are you not beginning to see this is my message to you, metropolitan liberal elitist, that there is a place for you in a movement that, yes, is populist, that, yes, of course, has coalesced around the figure of Trump, but

I promise you, it will only be four years of Trump. He's already done a term. And in spite of the incendiary rhetoric around him, there is no evidence at all that he will make himself dictator for life as the amplifiers of the legacy liberal media message insist.

claiming on the basis usually of jokes that there will be a bloodbath, that was a joke and a reference to tariffs, or make himself a dictator for life, that was a joke and a reference to drilling and stuff. Isn't it time that the hysteria was put aside in favour, in fact, of that most establishment liberal commodity, reason, reason itself, reason, the very thing, reason.

that is being used to replace the idea of the divine and the sublime. So here's a little comment on this. Oh, I like this. Yeah. So Kamala Harris is sitting down for an interview with Donna bash of CNN is a joint interview of a VP according to Greg price because she can't do herself and it's going to be pre-taped. Seems like the conditions are being created that are mostly beneficial for that candidate. But I still think he's going to be excited and I think it'll be worth you guys joining us for that.

particularly you awakened wonders there like miss molly and john from earth let me know in the chat and guys let me know uh who's popular because i'll be right interested in seeing uh who you lot of things should join us hey we're going to leave you on youtube now and we're going to get into some fantastic stuff firstly i want you to yeah click that link in the description and come on over and join us because surely this isn't you surely you've noticed this

Kamala is doing her first interview under extremely prescriptive conditions. Mics muted, pre-recorded. What kind of conditions are required for this candidate to succeed? And when you see this compilation, you will understand for sure why she has to be media managed and controlled because there is many a blunder yet to happen.

under Kamala Harris. Whether it's the wall, which apparently she likes now, it seems ridiculous that that claim's being made because if there was one thing for which Donald Trump was judged and damned, it was his constant reference to, it's going to be a beautiful wall, going to build a wall. He talks about it all the time. I remember then thinking, what?

Why does he keep going on about this wall for? It seems like he's really, really emphasizing its significance. Well, now that very wall is being used in Kamala campaign videos. That very wall is going to continue to be funded. That very wall is becoming almost central to Kamala's message as she campaigns. Do these people have any principles at all? And do they, in the case of Kamala, have the ability to communicate publicly? Have

Have you seen her claiming that 220 million people died in America from the pandemic? That's nearly all of America. That's two thirds of them. It's a country of what, 330 million Americans? If 220 million died, that would be almost everyone. And doesn't that show you the heights of hysteria that were achieved during that period? You could call it a slip of the tongue if it happened once, but it happened several times.

In that slip, you have the pure Freudian truth that that's how they were perceiving reality then. They were selling it as a pandemic. So if you're a person who still thinks like, I can't vote for the Republican Party, I can't vote for Trump, look at what you're voting for. Look at what you're being invited to believe in. Walls are good now. 220 million people died. It's an extraordinary propagandist spectacle. And it's time to awaken religion.

from it. First of all, let's have a look at Kamala publicly talking about the number of people that died during COVID and you will see from this short compilation exactly why she's not trusted in interview situations or debates without considerable control being guaranteed first. We're in the middle of a crisis caused by this pandemic that is a public health crisis.

We're looking at over 220 million Americans who just in the last several months died. We are in the midst of a public health epidemic that has taken the lives of over 220 million Americans in just the last several months.

How did you make that error? 220 million people. And indeed, is it even an error or part of a concerted attempt to create hysteria? You know now that Zuckerberg has admitted that Facebook did censor at the behest of the deep state. At the time, you were told, of course not. We would never, ever ask social media platforms to censor and prioritize our

messaging. Just imagine the reverse of this. Imagine for a moment if you discovered that Donald Trump had been talking to Zuckerberg and demanding that he censor information that was somehow detrimental to his intentions and campaigns. How would the legacy media use that? How would that balloon into further hysteria? And

How do you feel if you are a person that's considering voting for the Democratic Party about the wall? Are walls good now? And if walls are good now, how come walls were so bad then?

Welcome to this headline in the morning from Axios. Quote, Kamala Harris flip-flops on building the border wall. Now it included, by the way, that bill, border wall funding, addressing staffing shortages, better technology at the southern border and clamp down on... Okay, okay, and you might be aware of the complexity around that bill because it was tacked on to further funding of various wars, in particular, Ukraine-Russia war that caused a lot of consternation and doubt. But here's Kamala herself

talking about walls pretty negatively, actually. Here she is on The View. She don't seem that into walls. This issue is about a vanity project for this president. Right.

And it is a problem of his own making. Right. And listen, when I travel this country, folks have plenty enough problems that they need their president to focus on instead of a wall. That, by the way, because I was a prosecutor for many years, including the attorney general of California. I specialize on transnational criminal organizations. That wall ain't going to stop them. No. No.

you don't need to build a wall this is a crisis of his own making and by definition just plain speak basic english language definition it is not an emergency what's going to end up happening is that

he will end up without any question if he proceeds. We're going to be looking at a situation where in particular homeowners and landowners in places like New Mexico and Texas are probably going to look at government taking their land. We're looking at military resources being focused again on the president's vanity project instead of focused on real national security issues. It's the president's vanity project.

You know, I mean, listen, if we deconstruct, get the pun, deconstruct wall. If we deconstruct.

Don't do interviews. Don't do any live interviews. I think you want that mic mute button on. But aside from these quips and cheap shots, do you not have concerns if you're a person that's considered voting for the Democratic Party who still believe that they're the goodies? Does it not worry you that there appear to be no permanent policies? Does it not worry you that they are advocating for forever wars? Does it not worry you that there's continual

hypocrisy in almost every area of policy. How do you account for the fact that people of integrity like Bobby Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard and establishment figures like Bobby and I would say decent figures of the establishment like Tulsi Gabbard are joining Trump's campaign and all that's left here in this movement is apparently a relatively hollow shell, a screen upon which

The image of centralized power can be projected using only relevant rhetoric and rhetoric that isn't strong enough to even be able to sustain public appearances or spontaneous debate or open conversation or intelligent, rigorous, vigorous inquiry into the nature of the policies being put forth. You would think that when they're talking about walls, for example, they go, listen, it's a bit mad that we're like going to

fund this wall now because obviously you're well aware that during Trump's campaign we condemned, vilified, ridiculed and hated him because of this wall. Now listen to me, I don't even know whether or not a wall is a wall.

is the right thing to do. I mean, if you thought a wall was wrong then, isn't a wall wrong now? What's your perspective on migration? What do you think happens as a result of migration? How do you think it affects working communities? How do you think it affects a culture? Do you think that there are people benefiting from mass migration that are not explicit about the benefits that they receive? Do you think it could be one of the destabilizing influences that people refer to when they discuss the despair that's

commonly felt throughout the world, the experience of blue collar Americans, of working class English people, of doubt and of despair and a need for a new direction, a need to feel that democracy is indeed closer to them, that there is electoral meaning in this cycle of elections. Are you beginning to feel that perhaps something

unusual and maybe even malfeasant is being practiced by the legacy media, the use of lawfare and candidates that appear to be willing to say anything to garner and manipulate particular demographics. I, as a person that was once on the other side of the conversation, am certainly willing to say I've got

serious doubts about this centralist globalist movement and I believe that populism and new alliances are going to be the future but that's just what I think why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and chat give this video a like and a subscribe ensure that it succeeds in the algorithm and consider becoming an awakened wonder we make this content and much much more

every single day for you. Now we have a quick message from one of our sponsors, after which we'll be bringing you stories on Bobby Kennedy, stories on Mark Zuckerberg, stories on Tulsi Gabbard, and a deeper dive into some of these issues that we've been skirting around for a while. But here is a message about Dr. Gundry and BioComplete 3, which I think will fascinate you.

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In almost an attempt to reach people that wouldn't, even in a million years, consider voting for anything affiliated with Trump and MAGA, I wanted to look at Bobby Kennedy's alliance with Trump from a new perspective.

Do you feel, even if you're a person who loves the civil rights movement, who believes in individual freedom, who believes in free speech, who loved Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and Woodstock and the 60s and believes in social justice, are you beginning to sense, as I have done, that there's something wrong with the globalist Democratic Party movement? That there's something wrong with these globalist, centrist, authoritarian politicians who

are willing to say anything to garner and guide your vote, but are unable to maintain consistent principles. Have you ever wondered why it is that there are good billionaires or bad billionaires? That there are good public protests and bad public protests? That there's a complete lack of principles? If you've had questions like these, if you're on the edge of believing that there could be something significant happening politically,

Have a look at this part in particular of the conversation between Tucker Carlson and Bobby Kennedy. And you might notice, as I did, that there's an evocation of something that is deeper than the political, and it's something that's been calling you for a long time. And of course, it is the spiritual. It's the idea that forgiveness, redemption, salvation, kindness, service, all

all these ideas that were put aside in the false light of the enlightenment which bought us so many great and critical truths but left us with some falsehoods that must be addressed. The individual is not the summit and apex of all authority and achievement. That there is room for us to surrender and serve. That there is room indeed for the spiritual to re-enter the political discourse. This conversation with Tucker and Bobby Kennedy was important in general but this bit in particular talks about

the importance of values and principles that are consistent, the beauty that is in nature, and just why this moment in particular, if you are considering voting for Kamala Harris, or if you do believe that Keir Starmer or Macron or Trudeau or any of these other bureaucrats who seem to me much more interested in power and maneuvering you elegantly into states of authoritarianism have to be confronted, and it's a duty to consider different arguments now, you will see it.

fruitfully and fully here in this conversation between Bobby and Tucker, particularly in the way that Bobby talks about nature. You will love this. Let's have a look at it together and consider the significance of spirituality before you cast your vote wherever you are. The Democratic Party has become the party of the elites.

It used to be the party of the poor and the working class. In fact, there was a study that came out just recently that I saw that showed that 70%, that the people who voted for Biden own 70% of the wealth in this country. The people who voted for Trump own 30%. And so- - I believe that. - Right, so you're seeing this realignment happen where the elites, where Wall Street, where the big tech, big pharma,

the big banking houses are all now democratic uh and that's the um and that the working class the middle class the cops the firefighters sean o'brien out of the team you know the spoke guy great guy great great guy um

really love him uh but he spoke at the Democratic convention I mean the Republican convention rather than Democratic convention so you're seeing this just this bigger alignment and even on environmental issues it's so weird to me because

the democrats have become subsumed in this carbon orthodoxy and you and i have talked about this that the only issue is carbon and what that's done is it's forced them to do something that you should never do if you're an environmentalist which is to commoditize and quantify everything so everything is measured by its carbon footprint how many tons of carbon it produces and you know you're basically you're you're putting everything in that kind of

box of being able to quantify it and explain its value by you know by a numerically and the reason we protect the environment is just the opposite of that the reason that we protect the environment is because there's a spiritual connection there's a you know there's a love that we have we you know I got in the environment because I wanted

Two important things have already been stated. One, the party of the elites is now the Democratic Party, just based on economic data. You know that already, though, because of the nature of donations and the manner of lobbying and the ability for them to invest in stocks and shares that they are involved in the regulation of. Nancy Pelosi being...

One obvious example of this rather ugly phenomena. And now Bobby Kennedy moves on to why our relationship with nature is sacred. That it's not a resource-based argument. It oughtn't be only about the survival of human beings, but that the earth herself is beautiful. That God created the earth.

that we were created by God to live harmoniously on the earth, not just like that the earth is there and that's where we get our food from and that's where we get our fuel from and we can put solar panels there or we can dig up oil there. And imagine that there is some merit to particular sources of energy and that others must automatically be denigrated. Of course, if a particular utility causes harm, is not respectful to the planet and that there are better

alternatives available, those better alternatives should be explored and implemented. And if there is a way to use solar energy effectively and to use wind farms effectively and consider their efficiency and consider the impact that, for example, wind technology might have on marine biology, something that Bobby Kennedy addresses elsewhere in this interview, then these are advances that we could make together as a species. But what he's saying is important.

we still have a mindset of regarding the earth as utility. That's what the materialist, rationalist, centralist, bureaucrat, environmentalist left still see, it seems to me, when they talk about the earth in the environment. Not to protect the earth because of sanctity, not to protect the earth because of connection and beauty, but to connect it, to protect the earth because, well, that's our stuff, that's there for us to use. Human beings

If we are important at all, it's because we are made in the image of our Creator. If we are not important, then why would you embark on any project at all other than because you feel like it and that amounts to Epicureanism or Hedonism or some other hollow movement. Finding the sanctity in yourself, finding the sanctity in nature, finding the sovereignty in yourself, being willing to consider new ideas are all concepts that I would invite people that would

Never consider voting for a MAGA movement or a populist movement to think about now because we are in a moment of catharsis and change and we have to get on board with that for it to succeed. There's a connection to the fishes and the birds and the wildlife and the whales.

and the purple mountainous majesty. And that, you know, I understood that the way, you know, God talks to human beings through many vectors, through each other, through organized religion, through the great prophets, through the wise people, the great books of those religions, but nowhere with the kind of detail and texture and grace and joy as through creation.

And when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine, to understand who God is and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.

- I hope what you just said, by the way, is chopped up and put all over every social media platform in the world. When we destroy nature, we degrade our own ability to experience the divine. - Yeah, and that, you know, it's not about quantifying stuff. That's what the devil does. He quantifies everything, right? And that is, you know, what he wants us doing, put a number on it. And the reason we're preserving these things is because we love our children.

You know, and it's because we get, nature enriches us, it enriches us economically and spiritually and culturally and historically. It connects us to those 10,000 generations of human beings that were here before there were laptops. And it, you know, and it connects us to the most important spiritual essence of every, all of the organized religions in, you know, that we know of today.

The central revelation of every one of those religions always occurred in the wilderness. Moses had to go into the wilderness to listen, to hear God's voice and see the burning bush. He had to go to the wilderness amount.

to get the commandments. Muhammad, who was a city boy from Mecca, had to go to the wilderness of Mount Hara on a camping trip with his kids and wrestle the angel Gabriel in the middle of the night to have the first stances of the surahs of the Quran squeezed from him.

Buddha had to go into the wilderness to sit under the, you know, and wander for years and then sit under the Bodhigaya tree to get his first revelation of nirvana.

And Christ had to spend 40 days in the wilderness to discover His divinity for the first time. And His mentor was John the Baptist, who lived in a cave in the Jordan Valley and ate honey of wild bees and locusts. And then all of Christ's parables come from nature. I'm the vine, you are the branches, the mustard seed, the little swallows, the scattering the seeds on the fallow ground.

because that is where we sense the divine. God talks to us through the fishes, the birds, the leaves, they're all words from our Creator. And that is why we preserve nature. It's not because of the quantity of carbon. And by the way, I feel what you said so deeply, I can hardly even express it. And thank you for saying that.

Some of you may yet have doubts about Bobby Kennedy because of his perspective on Middle Eastern politics or you may have consumed a lot of propaganda from Stephen Colbert who, you know, as a comedian I like and as a Christian I respect but

who as a public pundit has definitely done his bit to condemn and attack Bobby Kennedy and call him a kook and a crackpot and a lunatic. You know for sure if he joined the Democratic Party, he'd be an environmental lawyer again. He'd be an intellectual again. He'd be a Kennedy again. But remember what Bobby Kennedy's joining of the MAGA movement means, and he has been very explicit about

the areas in which there are a lack of coherence between his beliefs and perspectives and those of Donald Trump and perhaps the MAGA movement is what you have there is a man of principle, a man of deep understanding, a man of clarity, a man who cares deeply about the environment, a man who is open and honest about the pharmaceutical industry and isn't this exactly the kind of intellectual that you require, want, desire,

crave being folded into the movement and indeed isn't this spiritual perspective that's been beautifully unpacked there in this conversation between two figures pretty regularly demonized by the mainstream tucker carlson who's called white supremacist bobby kennedy who's called a crackpot rendered to you by me and you know that i've been called some pretty dark names over the years isn't it

making you begin to question whether or not this set of centralist interests who appear always be always seem to be in the business of acquiring further authority ability to control you whether that's because of a health crisis or another war that want to tax you and control you and shut you down who benefit from bewilderment hate and control might themselves require a little in

and a little interrogation. For example, next time you look at a YouTube video from a pro-democratic pundit, ask yourself, how can they do this? How can they be acting like they're doing some anti-establishment work here when they're talking about a party that's literally in power right now?

Seems to me that a lot of people are out there killing and a shilling while making judgments about other people that seem to have valid principles and valid ideas that can't be kept out of your mind forever. But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and chat. If you're watching us on over there in that tech utopia that you call YouTube, please like and subscribe. If you're not an awakened wonder yet,

become an awakened wonder now and remember we stream on rumble five days a week and i'm so grateful to you for finding us stay free hey before we get into zuckerberg's incredible about turn here's a quick message from some of our partners that keep the lights on here and in my heart

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conversation or is it what's that what's our what we're showing from locals today was it a bit of stand-up breakdown or is it a bit of an interview what is it that we're showing guys just let me know from the gallery and in fact play in for our awakened wonders we provide a variety of additional content sometimes you get advanced access to interviews and at other times you get sorry oh i see that we don't have that okay remember though we

All right then. Hey, listen. Now, Mark Zuckerberg has made a significant about turn. During the pandemic period, we were told there was no way that true information was being censored. So the recent admission and acknowledgement that true information was being censored is pretty significant if you ask me. Have a look at this comparison here. Here we have

home, the secretary of Homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas in 2022, denying flat out that social media was being controlled. We have here Elon Musk saying that, uh,

Well, have a look at what Musk is saying on his own platform, of course. Look at this. This is from House Judiciary GOP. He's commenting on that post. Mark Zuckerberg just admitted three things. Biden-Harris administration pressured Facebook to censor Americans. Facebook censored Americans. Facebook throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story. It's a big win for free speech. Now, if you look at this post, it's pretty clear that if the reverse were true, look at this. This is from someone we follow on Instagram.

Geiger Capital. And try this thought experiment. Particularly try this if you are someone who's thinking, I've got to vote for Kamala Harris. It's brilliant. She's fantastic. It's a person of color. It's a woman. It's a new Obama. I've seen the new poster that's redolent with the hope and optimism that surrounded the Obama campaign. Think

about this for a moment. Simply imagine if Zuckerberg had confessed that the Trump White House pressured his company to censor things they didn't like and then Trump had the CIA, FBI falsely claim a laptop they knew was real was fake to help him in the election. It would be Watergate and impeachment. That is difficult to deny. So let's have a quick look at this video here. Thanks. Let's have a quick look at this where Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas denies pressuring social media companies

before, just a quick glance at the news today, that Facebook did exactly that. And Zuckerberg, you know, rather wonderfully and admirably regrets it. - We have example after example of this administration coordinated apparently according to a federal court by your agency, pressuring, coercing social media companies to engage in censorship. Is that constitutional? - That is unequivocally false.

It's what the emails show. It is unequivocally false, Senator. You are not pressuring the big tech companies to take down accounts. You are not meeting with them to ask them to censor on your behalf. That is correct. We are not. Here's my point, Mr. Secretary. It has been established for years in this country, as you very well know because you're a lawyer,

that the federal government may not use private third parties to engage in activities that are unconstitutional. That's exactly what you and this administration are doing. You are leveraging private companies to carry out censorship on your behalf. It's dystopian, but worse than that, it's unconstitutional. It's also false.

Turn now to a story breaking overnight. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg claims he was pressured by the White House to censor content related to COVID-19 during the pandemic. Aaron Katursky joins us now with details. Aaron, good morning. Good morning to you, Whit. For years, critics have taken aim at Facebook for silencing views that challenge the general consensus in the medical community, especially about the origin of COVID-19. Now Facebook's founder surprisingly says they're right.

This morning, Medichief Mark Zuckerberg admitting he bowed to pressure from the Biden administration to censor content. The Facebook founder issuing a letter to the House Judiciary Committee that said senior administration officials pushed the social media platform to censor posts about COVID-19 and expressed a lot of frustration when the company resisted.

Zuckerberg saying, "I believe the government pressure was wrong and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it." Adding, "I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any administration in either direction and we're ready to push back if something like this happens again." House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan celebrating the letter, calling it a big win for free speech.

Obviously the question that comes to mind is one that Drakovich just posted in the Rumble stream. That's one of the advantages of watching this live, is you get to comment on our content while it happens. Drakovich asked, imagine what else they are censoring. Now imagine the kind of power that's being accrued using crisis, using protection, using convenience. Can it be a coincidence that across the world people are concerned about censorship?

Can it be a coincidence that across the world people are being accused of being racist? Can it be a coincidence that across the world people are being turned against one another? Men and women, people of different cultures, people of different religions or colors, men and women being turned against one another at an unprecedented scale, to an unprecedented degree. Is this a coincidence or is this something extraordinarily...

dark happening that must immediately be addressed and is it possible that what we're experiencing, what is being exposed, what is indeed the thing that's truly hidden in plain sight is that massively corrupt power is pulling up its petticoats and trying to protect itself while our

movement grows, while real opposition grows, while people are awakening in a hundred thousand million different ways to the true corruption of the liars who at the heart of the establishment claim to be motivated only by concern of the vulnerable. Now this man's not for everybody, it's Jordan Peterson, but here he is speculating as to what the conditions may have been in that other deep dark

episode in human history, the pre-Holocaust era. If you don't know the extent to which you're being duped, lied to and controlled, but you can only ascertain from the observable outline and symptoms that power seems to be craved by these people, who knows what horrors may yet await us if we do not awaken in a line. When people read the history of Nazi Germany, they always think they're Schindler.

They always think that they're the person who would have saved Anne Frank in the Netherlands. I never read history as a perpetrator. I wouldn't have done that. It's like, did you watch people during the pandemic? In Canada, 30% of my neighbours were thrilled that they had the opportunity to inform on their, on the people around them.

They would have worn those goddamn masks for the rest of their life if the payoff would have been they could feel morally superior and informed. Now, you have to be very careful when evoking that extraordinarily dark period in human history for so many obvious reasons. But when you talk about the phenomena of condemnation, the willingness of people to criticize, condemn, even grass, snitch.

on their neighbors do you see that this climate of fear that's being continually stoked this apocalyptic death cult this nihilism engendered everywhere this bewilderment that prevails do you see that it could lead us into very very dark conditions indeed even if you took the view that the democratic party were the party of justice purity and ought be in power then

surely you would recognize that were some of these authoritarian measures whether it's the authoritarian measures that are being imposed on global farmers or the foritarian measures that are being used to shut down protests or the authoritarian measures that are being used to control censorship if they were to end up in the hands of your opponents as surely they might in a democracy because you know elections can go either way right then you wouldn't want that power in the hand of your government but that's just what i think why don't you let me know what you think and let me know in

importantly, how you think it and how you can continue to advocate for systems of power that seem so plainly corrupt because this seems to me to be an opportunity for change when you have Mark Zuckerberg openly admitting that he regrets censoring true information, that he controlled information that, hey, may have saved lives because we can say it now, hydroxychloroquine, oh my god, I said it, ivermectin, these medications

could be useful, life-saving, natural immunity does work. The lockdown perhaps was not as effective as we were told. Six feet was arbitrary, masks didn't work. There are still people out there wearing them and presumably for the right reasons. The time for judgment and hate has to end. The time for new alliances arrived. But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat. And if you are not an awakened wonder yet, surely you should consider becoming one like Kellyanne

and cats and cypher 2000 we're going to be wrapping up in a second but we'll be staying with you on locals to answer your questions any questions you want to put to me come over from rumble but come and awake and wonder and join us for these chats we do other stuff as well you know my meditations bible reads but what you might really like are my stand up breakdown where i look at comedy that i love and analyze it and break it down a bit like this bit have a look

Also, the other bloke's doing a really good job, isn't he? Like, sort of disdain and gentle disgust for Mr Bean. Beautiful. I mean, that could... Anyone can enjoy that. Oh!

You will love that stuff. That's fantastic, I would say, and a light look at comedy. We started talking about Rowan Atkinson because of his resurfaced speech about censorship. And I just like the opportunity to talk about comedy and have a laugh, man. We talked about Chappelle, Bill Hicks, Pryor, one of my favorite bits of stand-up from the 90s by a guy called Ed Byrne. And guys, Awaken Wonders, let me know in the chat what you think.

what other comedy you would like me to see and also what was that question I asked earlier? Oh yeah, who you want me to see the live chat with and guys can you bring me some of the answers to that question as well? Thank you very much. Okay so listen, it's not just Bobby Kennedy that's joined this new extraordinary movement in a time where people are forgetting information almost as soon as it happens while we live in a bit

data blizzard of endless information, is it possible to maintain focus and interest for long enough to recognize that if Bobby Kennedy is joining Trump, and if Tochi Gabbard is joining Trump, and if Kamala Harris won't talk under anything but the most perfect conditions, maybe the Democratic Party have got something to hide, and maybe something interesting is coming out

of the MAGA movement. Let's have a look at the, well, this is Bobby Kennedy's reaction to Tulsi joining. My friend and presidential candidate is joining. Can't wait to join forces to make America healthy again. Remember, the focus now appears to be on policy, not

empty rhetoric. We're talking about ending wars, free speech, tackling big food and big pharma. These seem like the kind of policies that could actually change America. Hey, wouldn't you like to see if that stuff works out in government? I know I would. Well, here's Trump making the announcement at an event I believe was taking place before assembled military personnel. Today, I'm honored to officially welcome another true American patriot, a 17 year veteran

of the Hawaii Army National Guard, a four-term Democrat Congresswoman, very, very popular, the former vice chair of the National Democratic Party, and a 2020 Democrat candidate for the United States presidency. You know, she was a very good candidate. Every time she ran, she was good, she did well. She decided to leave, she couldn't take it anymore, but she is

very special and I didn't know this, but she was a lieutenant colonel. That's not bad. Lieutenant colonel. Not bad. I didn't know that. You know, I just found out. I said, put it down. You got to put that down. That's bigger, that's better than all the other stuff I read. But no, she's a special person. She's got great common sense, great spirit. She loves our country and she loves the people in this room. Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi, please. Thank you.

Very encouraging. Let's have a look at some of the moments from Tulsi's speech so that we can see again how this movement at least is being declarative and explicit when it comes to policy. Here's just a few moments from Tulsi's speech. It is a privilege to be here with all of you, my brothers and sisters in uniform, especially on this day of all days. I had the privilege of joining President Trump this morning at Arlington Cemetery

where he joined two Gold Star families and loved ones of Staff Sergeant Hoover and Sergeant Gee, both of whom were two of the 13 killed in the Abbey Gate attack three years ago today in Kabul. And I can tell you as we were there, as he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier,

Joining these Marines' loved ones, I felt the sorrow that he shared with them in their loss. I felt and saw his sincere appreciation for these servicemen and women who paid the ultimate price and their loved ones who continue to grieve to this day.

So I mean what I say when I share with you that I know that President Trump understands the grave responsibility that a president and commander in chief bears for every single one of our lives. Whether you're a soldier, you're an airman, a marine, sailor, or a...

There's been a great deal of time and energy spent claiming that Donald Trump hates veterans, mock them, ridicule Gold Star generals. Can you see how hard the establishment works to condemn Trump? Condemn the basket of deplorables. Condemn Bobby Kennedy as a crackpot. Presumably now Tulsi Gabbard will be subject to a raft of condemnation. All the while Kamala Harris is all but...

invisible, unwilling to do interviews except under the most favorable conditions. Are you beginning to suspect that something unusual is happening here? Are you beginning to think that possibly the center left has been captured by corporate and global interests and

works for the deep state, that the government is indeed our ruler, not the other way around? Do you sense that there could be real change? That even if you're the type of person who never in a million years would have dreamed of voting for Donald Trump because you've consumed as I have done so much anti-Trump propaganda that Bobby Kennedy's joining, Tulsi Gabbard's joining,

all of these events are beginning to amount to something that might be a bulwark against the control of establishment forces that you know are controlled by Big Pharma. Come on. You know they're controlled by the military-industrial complex. Come on. They're explicitly telling you that the wars are going to continue more

American service personnel will die in the perpetuating and endless wars. This is an opportunity to interrupt that chain. While in the United Kingdom, we have yielded once more to a centrist, globalist, authoritarian politician. While in France, they've manipulated, maneuvered, formed alliance and gerrymandered in order to remain, maintain centrist control. While in Canada, Trudeau

rolls on. Is it true though, Trudeau? We have a chance, at least you have a chance in your country, to oppose this system. I don't know what the results would be of a second Trump presidency, but I imagine that after that four-year term was served with candidates like Bobby Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard,

waiting to be the next presumed nominees. It could be a future of unity, reconciliation, and most of all, change. And I don't see that coming out of the DNC with all of its spectacle, sturm and drang by ultimately Hollandists. I mean, ultimately Taylor Swift never even showed up.

But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and chat. If you're watching this on YouTube, please like and subscribe. And if you're not on Awaken Wonder yet, become one now because I will be there answering questions to the likes of Pride Fault and Mr. Galway and Synchronicity525 who I know very well.

very well as an actual person from the live events that we've done. And remember, this Thursday, I'm doing live stand-up. And if you're a Locals member, all you have to do is email the address that's being posted in the chat right now, and we will send you a ticket so you can attend. And that is an open opportunity to you at any time. If you're an Awaken Wonder,

If you are a Locals member, you don't just get the additional content that we make every week. You can come to any of my live shows anywhere in the world whenever you want, as well as being able to post questions to me, which is what's happening right now. So if you're watching this on Rumble, thank you for joining us. I'm talking about you, VodkaRob and Felron2142.

you for joining us and do consider becoming an awakened wonder joining us for more for those of you watching on rumble click the link in the description and come on over for those of you on locals i'm going to be answering your questions right now and for the rest of you i will be back tomorrow not with more of the same but with more of the different until then if you can stay free