Madeline 在本期播客中探讨了 20 多岁年轻人友谊的挑战,以及独自一人的感受。她分享了自己在 20 多岁时与朋友们渐行渐远,以及在寻找有意义的联系方面的挣扎。她谈到了经济压力下许多年轻人选择与父母同住的现状,以及这种现状带来的孤独感。她还描述了与老朋友重逢的温暖感受,以及与新朋友相处时的谨慎和不信任感。Madeline 认为,20 多岁交友困难,因为人们处于人生的不同阶段,工作和生活地点的变化也导致了人际关系的疏离。她还谈到了网络上虚假生活的普遍性,以及由此产生的比较心理和焦虑感。Madeline 鼓励听众接纳独自一人的时光,并相信朋友会在合适的时候出现。她还分享了自己服用 ADHD 药物的经历,以及药物剂量调整带来的感受。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do people in their 20s often feel lonely and isolated?

People in their 20s often feel lonely because their friends are at different life stages, such as being in university, settling down, or moving away. This can lead to a lack of familiar faces and a sense of belonging, making it hard to maintain or form new friendships.

Why is it difficult to make new friends in your 20s?

Making new friends in your 20s is difficult because most people are busy with their careers, moving to new places, or have settled into their existing social circles. There are fewer natural environments like university where meeting new people is common.

Why do some people in their 20s choose to live with their parents?

Some people in their 20s choose to live with their parents due to financial constraints, the high cost of rent, or a desire to save money. Even if they can afford to move out, they might prefer the comfort and support of their family home.

Why is it important to trust old friends in your 20s?

Old friends are important in your 20s because they know you from a different phase of life and can provide a sense of familiarity and non-judgmental support. This trust and history can be very comforting when everything else feels uncertain.

Why do people in their 20s sometimes feel behind in life?

People in their 20s often feel behind because they see others achieving milestones like marriage, promotions, or financial success. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and pressure to catch up, despite the fact that everyone is at a different stage in life.

Why is it okay to have no friends in your 20s?

It is okay to have no friends in your 20s because friendships are as serious as romantic relationships and can be hard to form. Sometimes, you need to focus on yourself and your own growth. Friends will find you when you are ready.

Madeline discusses the challenges of making friends in your 20s, especially after leaving university and moving back home, and how the lack of a clear social context makes it difficult to form new connections.

Shownotes Transcript

(Video podcast available on Spotify & YouTube)

This week, Madeline explores the reality of having friends scattered across different life stages and the struggle of finding meaningful connections in your 20s. Have you ever felt isolated or unsure of your place in the world as friendships shift? Madeline delves into these feelings, offering insights on how to cope with the loneliness and embrace the journey of growing up, even when it feels like your social circle is shrinking.

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