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The Fight to Define Extremism

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The Run-Up

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Byron Donalds
Jamaal Bowman
Jamaal Bowman: 选民认为两党都过于极端。正义需要伸张,即使可能导致动荡,历史上的重大变革都伴随着动荡。民主党在叙事控制方面做得不够,共和党更响亮、更坚定,即使他们错了。他一直反对公司利益,反战,并为争取赔偿和投资弱势群体而努力。美国现行制度对大多数美国人来说都不起作用,这是两党的失败。他认为民主党内没有像共和党那样的极端主义言论。他认为共和党对民主党的批评是错误的,并主张与那些持不同意见的人进行对话。 Byron Donalds: 他认为共和党长期以来未能有效地与黑人选民沟通和互动。民主党和共和党都未能充分服务或投资于黑人选民。2022年中期选举的失败是由于民主党利用堕胎问题来争取年轻选民。政治受文化影响,忽略文化问题会导致政治失败。支持特朗普是因为他被认为是未来四年最适合的总统人选。拜登政府的政策实际上是左倾的,即使他的言论并非如此。共和党将堕胎问题交还给各州,这是符合宪法的做法。 主持人: 选民认为两党都走到了极端。Bowman是一位毫不掩饰的进步主义者,积极与对方发生公开冲突。Donalds认为,对推翻罗诉韦德案的强烈反对不会持续到2024年。

Deep Dive

The podcast begins by discussing how voters perceive both the Democratic and Republican parties as extreme, leading to political disillusionment.

Shownotes Transcript

Two things are true: Bothsidesism can flatten the realities of political extremism in this country. And many voters really do see the Democratic and Republican parties as equally extreme at this moment.

The parties know this. And they’re fighting to convince voters that it’s the other side that’s gone too far. That Republicans are the party of Donald Trump, election denial, Jan. 6 and six-week abortion bans. That Democrats are the party of woke-ism and the Squad.

Today, we talk to two congressmen who have publicly clashed on this question — Jamaal Bowman, a Democrat, and Byron Donalds, a Republican — and press them on the roles they play in the fight.