cover of episode The Democrats’ Plan to Combat Cynicism

The Democrats’ Plan to Combat Cynicism

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The Run-Up

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kamala Harris
Prentiss Haney
Wes Moore
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:本文探讨了民主党为争取选民,特别是那些对政治制度感到失望的选民所做的努力。他们试图重新定义爱国主义,强调其对国家历史的诚实审视和批判,而不是盲目歌颂。同时,他们也试图争取那些对体制失去信心,特别是部分失去信心的黑人选民。 Wes Moore:民主党不应该让共和党垄断“爱国主义”这一概念。真正的爱国主义包括对国家历史进行诚实的审视和批判,而不是盲目歌颂。他认为特朗普并没有创造“爱国主义”概念的转变,而是利用了这一转变。他个人的爱国主义源于家族的经历,即使面对不公正,仍然坚信美国的承诺,并肩负起治愈国家的责任。他的演讲旨在触及那些对美国抱有怀疑态度的人,承认美国历史的不完美,并提供解决问题的途径。民主党需要以真诚的方式与人们沟通,了解他们的经历和历史,并将这些融入到实际工作中。作为第一位黑人州长,他的身份影响了人们对他的爱国主义信息的接受,但他不希望自己成为例外,而是希望改变人们生存的状况。他的书《另一个韦斯·摩尔》说明了环境对人生轨迹的影响,强调需要改变社会结构和政策,避免重复地留下人们。民主党做得还不够好,需要更好地与社区成员、商界领袖和神职人员等沟通,突出竞选中的关键区别,哈里斯副总统能够做到这一点。 Kamala Harris:赢得黑人选民的选票需要努力,而不是理所当然。 Prentiss Haney:黑人选民群体内部存在多样性,不能简单地概括为一个整体。他将黑人选民分为几类,包括“新一代传统主义者”和“理所当然的愤世嫉俗者”。前者具有强烈的黑人身份认同,并受信仰引导,但其政治立场更倾向于温和派。后者对所有体制都感到失望,不相信体制能够为他们服务。为了争取“新一代传统主义者”和“理所当然的愤世嫉俗者”的选票,候选人需要提供有说服力的议程,并通过社区中的行动者来影响他们。民主党过去过于关注反击特朗普,而忽视了其他黑人选民群体的需求,应该转向关注民生问题,传递希望和快乐的信息。特朗普的成功在于利用了人们对体制的失望和恐惧,民主党需要更清晰地展现其政策平台,并强调其为选民争取利益的决心。

Deep Dive

Democrats are making a concerted effort to reclaim patriotism, a value often associated with Republicans. This effort involves acknowledging America's imperfect history while emphasizing the potential for positive change. Governor Wes Moore's personal story and family history exemplify this approach.
  • Democrats are trying to reclaim the idea of patriotism.
  • Governor Wes Moore believes Democrats should actively challenge the Republican association with patriotism.
  • Moore's family history demonstrates a commitment to America despite facing discrimination.

Shownotes Transcript

There’s a message that Kamala Harris and the Democrats are trying to send in these final weeks: The Democrats are patriots too.

It was all over the place at the Democratic National Convention, in the chants of “U.S.A.!” that broke out on the convention floor, in the vice president’s speech and in a speech by Wes Moore, the governor of Maryland.

This effort to reclaim patriotism can be seen as a way to reclaim more white rural voters. But it’s also an appeal to disaffected voters, especially some Black voters, who have lost faith in the system altogether.

In this week’s “Run-Up,” how the Democrats are using love of country to try to reach the skeptics — the people torn on whether to vote at all.


On today’s episode:

Wes Moore, governor of Maryland

Prentiss Haney, community organizer