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An Insider’s Guide to the D.N.C.

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The Run-Up

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Leah Daughtry
Leah Daughtry:本次民主党全国代表大会的特殊之处在于候选人的变更,这是民主党历史上从未发生过的事情。拜登在所有投票结束后退出竞选,这与以往的情况大相径庭,给大会的组织和流程带来了巨大的挑战。作为大会规则委员会的联合主席,她需要确保大会的流程能够适应这一变化。她本人是拜登的忠实支持者,但她尊重并接受了拜登的决定。她对哈里斯-沃尔兹竞选的启动表示乐观,认为这给美国人民带来了希望和乐观的情绪。尽管如此,她仍然感到紧张,并吸取了希拉里·克林顿竞选的教训,认为民主党人不能掉以轻心,要为赢得选举付出努力。她特别关注年轻选民、拉丁裔选民和黑人男性选民等边缘群体的投票意向。她认为,大会需要向选民介绍哈里斯,展示她的价值观、背景和愿景,并突出她想进一步推进的议题,例如母婴健康和生殖自由。她认为,人们对拜登年龄的担忧可能更多地与对哈里斯担任总统的顾虑有关,这与哈里斯的种族和性别有关。她还谈到了党内对哈里斯的支持,以及她对党内团结的看法。她认为,大会需要解释候选人变更的过程,并为抗议活动提供空间。最后,她还暗示了大会上会有很多明星嘉宾出席。

Deep Dive

Leah Daughtry discusses the unprecedented nature of this year's Democratic National Convention due to the last-minute change in nominee, highlighting the challenges and the role of the Convention Rules Committee.

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The Democratic National Convention kicks off in Chicago today, less than a month after Democrats changed their nominee in a remarkable political shake-up. To get set for the week, “The Run-Up” talks with Leah Daughtry, an at-large member of the Democratic National Committee, the chief executive of the 2008 and 2016 Democratic National Conventions and a co-chair of the convention rules committee, an incredibly significant role this year given the nominee switch.

She is the ultimate Democratic Party insider. And she is also remarkably candid and straightforward, particularly when it comes to providing insight on how party leaders make decisions.

Today, a conversation with Ms. Daughtry about how the Democratic Party got to this unusual moment — and what to expect from the convention.