Hi guys, I'm Angela. And I'm Ari. And this is Girls Gone Bible. We're a faith-based podcast where we talk all things spirituality, mental health, Jesus specifically, the Bible, and anything to do with everyday life. We always say, come as you are, just don't stay that way. Hi, Ari. Hi, Ange. What's up? What's up, baby? Okay, we haven't filmed...
We filmed a guest episode last week, but we haven't filmed you and I across each other like this in almost a month. I actually don't like it. I don't like it. I thought I would, like, really enjoy the break, but I actually don't like it. I missed you guys. It feels like every week when we come here, we're with our best friends, so it's been a little weird, right? It feels so weird. Can I have some of that? Sorry. Yeah. It feels so weird because...
It just feels like, I don't know, I enjoy so much having something on our hearts that God is speaking that week. And then get like when people batch, most podcasters batch literally months in advance. Is that the word? Batch? Batch. Yeah. You like batch episodes. That's cool. You like batch episodes together. That's cool. And you and I...
I don't know if we're irresponsible or spirit-led, but we are week by week. God put it on our heart this week to talk about this. So we record on Tuesday. We release on Friday. Today we're recording on Thursday. We're releasing tonight, which is so fun. But yeah, I miss you guys. We love...
We just love being with you guys every week. Yeah, it's really nice. I've been in Boston eating lobster rolls and Italian subs every day. So I'm glad to be back. I missed you so much. I missed you so much. Yeah, you know, we haven't properly sat down to talk after our Texas shows. We haven't? No. No, we haven't. I mean...
No, I mean, we've been laying together, but we haven't really been. No, no, not like, yeah, we've talked. We've been laying together. You know, we've been laying together. I'm talking about them. I'm so sad.
No, yeah, let's get into it. How do you feel? I know when we got off stage doing back-to-back shows, we were... We honestly should film it one time. I know, I know. We will. We should get... That's such a good idea. We should get our raw reaction and like after...
just the aftermath of these shows because we feel so many emotions. I can't even tell you. And I think it goes really well with today's episode. Today, we're going to talk about how to have quiet time with Jesus, how to be in the secret place, and what kind of like quiet time encompasses these three things. It's worship, scripture, and prayer. So we're going to talk about all of that today. And
But with these live shows that we're doing, we're going on tour. We have 50 shows that we are going to be doing in the next year and a half. It is so wild. It's so crazy. We're so grateful. And we're also preparing because we know that it's a lot. And we know like every person that we say we're going to do 50 shows in the next year and a half, everyone's like,
I know. And I'm like... That's actually the first time we're telling you guys that, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're going to be touring for a while. We're going to be... You guys have given us the opportunity and the ability to do something unbelievable like this. Like, it's unheard of. And we're so grateful.
And we feel the pressure. And our only goal is that we steward this well. God has given us such an insanely beautiful opportunity and also so much responsibility. And we just want you guys to know that we're taking it so seriously. And quiet time has a lot to do with this because our quiet time has gotten super serious. And it's only getting more serious. So, yeah, the shows have been amazing. How do you feel about the shows? Yeah.
The shows have been the greatest blessing of our life. Like I always say, it's one thing to be sitting on here talking, but to actually see the faces of you guys is something I can't even explain that I feel in my heart. So we can get into it. But yeah, I mean, the very first show that we did, I was on a Holy Spirit high stage.
And then I just, I think like what you said, we just, we feel the pressure a little bit. We just want to get the word of God out to you guys. We want it to be so spirit led. And so this is all new for us. So I think we are just...
We're trying to just really be in the presence of God and not have it be us on stage, but be God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what it is? It's not like it's... You know what the beautiful thing is now? Neither of us have the pressure to perform. That broke off so long ago because we've entered into this space with God and with the Holy Spirit that we know. We
We know that this is not because of us. It's not from us. It's not for us.
It is about the people, but it's not even about the people. It's about Jesus. And as long as you and I show up and we cultivate an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome and begged for, we beg him to come. We say we're not going. We're on the sidelines. We're literally behind the curtain. And we say, Jesus, if you're not there, send us back. You know what I mean? He's going to show up. And so you and I don't have the pressure to perform. I think what it is
And this is something if we pray for you guys all the time, and I had it on my heart to ask you guys if you could pray for us too, because, you know, we'll have a whole episode on ministry and public ministry and speaking and just like being in front of crowds and audiences and just like what people go through in ministry.
Because as beautiful as it is, it's a lot. It is. There's spiritual, there's like physical implications. There's emotional implications. There's the spiritual aspect to it of like, there's so much opposition. There's just, there's so much. So we just ask you guys, if you could pray for us too, for strength,
for God's grace, because with God's grace, we can do anything and we can recover from these nights and God will sustain us. So, but if you guys, if you think of us, just pray for us and we'll pray for you too. Yeah. Thank you. We need it. So we're today.
Today? Oh, by the way, look at... Oh, you don't have your iPad. Okay, Ari and I, not to be weird, but we are pastors now. We got iPads. I don't have mine, should I have mine? But it's so legit. We don't have those like Fit 500 flimsy papers anywhere. That was the greatest thing you ever said, to get iPads. Today we're going to talk about quiet time.
And it's our favorite time of the day. We love quiet time with Jesus. We love spending time with God. And so many people don't even know what that should look like. And it's not a one size fits all experience.
I want you guys to make sure that you never compare yourselves to other people. We all have different ways in which we connect to God. So it doesn't need to look exactly like how Ari and I do it. It doesn't need to look exactly how the people in your life do it. But I think we can give you a little bit of a guideline of things, some tools, a little bit of a basis on what your quiet time should look like, how much time to spend. That's a really big thing. Yeah. Yeah.
So I think we're going to start with Psalm 91. And I have a point in wanting to read this if I can ever find it. Psalmy Psalm. Speak in tongues. Speak in tongues. Angela wants me to speak in tongues to her all day. All day long. She'll be looking at me and I'm like, speak in tongues. Speak in tongues.
Hey, you just did it first. I was saying that had weight to it. So Psalm 91 is one of my favorite songs. It's a prayer for protection, essentially.
Recently, a few months ago, I went through a little bit of a difficult time where I was so fearful. I was really scared. There were things happening in my life that were causing me so much fear and causing me to be afraid to be in my home, be afraid to be alone. It was a really weird time. And I was just looking things up like fear, how to feel safe, like Psalms for protection. And this came up.
And what I did was I put it as the background on my phone. And so every time I was scared, I would say, I would read the Psalm aloud and I would usually read it in like first person. So I would change the he or the they to I's.
But it's a psalm of promises. It's God promising us to be with us, to protect us, to keep us safe. And it says,
He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread in the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, those evils will not touch you. Just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished."
So the first line in this is those who live in the shelter of the Most High. And another translation says those who dwell in the shelter of the Almighty. Those who dwell. The first line, as I said, this psalm, and if you continue reading, it's full of promises from God. But all of these promises originate in this first verse. Those who dwell in the shelter of the Almighty.
Meaning all of these promises start with us dwelling. We cannot receive anything that God promises without dwelling in his presence first, without dwelling in him and allowing him to dwell in us. And dwell by definition means to live in, to reside. And biblically, it means dwelling.
to spend time with, to be present, fully present in the moment with this place or with this thing. And so as we talk about quiet time today, I want you guys to meditate on the fact that we have to dwell. We have to stay. We have to abide. We have to live in the presence of God. And people don't even know how to get into the presence of God. And there are churches out there that don't even speak
on this idea of being in the presence of God because they're so in their heads. And I want you to know, coming from someone who is in my head, who is logical and analytical, and that's why I love scripture, I live fully in my heart. I could be logical all day long out here, but when it comes to Jesus, I have to come from here. Yeah, that's beautiful, Ange. And so what do you think, R? Well, I've...
I feel like I've been going through a lot lately. And so I want to try, like, maybe I can just be vulnerable today. Oh, yeah. But, you know, I feel like I have...
entered into this place of just uncertainty. And as beautiful as it's been in my life, it's just as equally been as difficult. And I've really had to come in. I think I'm entering into a season where God is really testing my faith. And so I have noticed I've really had this past couple of days, I've really
Because I've been really busy. We just had two shows. And then I went to Boston. And then I'm helping my family. And I'm pouring out to this one. And I'm pouring out to that one. And I've had zero time to really pour into myself. And so I just got back from Boston to L.A. And I really have kind of sat back and looked at what's been going on. Because I have found that my nervous system is kind of shot again. And so...
I know I shared this with you, but I was like, you know, I'm in this place where I don't feel comfortable talking to God about what I need and I want because I feel like He saved my life and He got me out of the darkness. And shouldn't that be enough for me? And He's my best friend and I tell Him everything, but there's this one area that I haven't really been able to share this with Him. And so...
I haven't been feeling good because I've been hiding a little bit. You know what I mean? And so I have been in this place where I'm pouring out to people and I'm helping others, but I feel like, I feel like I have, yeah, I've been alone and I'm in this season of uncertainty and I'm
Just not really knowing what's next and as much as I have loved this season of being alone with God, it's been really hard. And especially after the shows, it's been incredible to have each other. You know, but after the shows, it's like,
And it's been incredible to have your family as well. I mean, your mom has been such a mother figure in my life and like your brother too. He's just, your family, thank God for them, honestly, because after our shows, it's like we have her family and then it's me and Angela and it's been so comforting. But sometimes I'm at that point in my life where I've been alone for so long that I just have this desire and yearning to be loved and loved.
And so I'm just...
Instead of taking that to God, because I almost have felt selfish to bring that to God, I have been like self-numbing in a way where I will just like go on my phone and I'm up to like two, three in the morning, like scrolling and watching videos. And because I don't want to deal with it. I don't want to face it. I don't want, I'm like, no, no, no, it's fine. It's fine. I have so many people to help. Like, this is not about me anymore. Like God saved me from this. And then,
It's so funny what he did this past couple of days, because how I created my relationship with him was merely just sitting in the church for hours when I didn't have anyone and talking to him like I'm his daughter. And that's how I formed this incredible relationship. That's how I formed the miracles I have in my life. That's how he was able to work so quickly into my life, because I spent hours.
endless amount of hours in the church just crying out to him, talking to him. And so this past couple days, it's been so beautiful to have you back, honestly, because you kind of brought me back. And yesterday, Angela and I were just laying down and I just, I was having a really hard day. I think we both kind of were, you know, we have a lot of changes coming up in our lives.
And then you suggested we go to church and we just sit there. And it was the best thing I could have done. And so Angela and I go to this church where no one's in there and we sit down. And I immediately, when I sat down, I just...
Everything came out of me. Everything. I just weeped like a little girl, like the first time when I had met him in that church. And it was so nice. And I felt so free. And I was just like...
When I think about my intimacy with God, it's seriously just going before Him with nothing in me, decreasing and just feeling like, can you just help me? I love you so much. Can you just comfort me? Not even asking Him for anything, just asking Him to pour into me and give me that love. And He did.
And it was just so nice to share that with all with you and just pray and sit there for what do we sit there for an hour and we just pray together. And there were moments where I just sat there and I didn't say anything and I just soaked in his presence. And then this morning, should we tell the thing that happened? Yeah. Will you tell him?
So Ari and I, we go to this little Catholic church, and there's nobody in there except there's this one older man in the very back of the church with these big headphones on. We were all the way in the front. He's in the back. There's no way that I will lose my mind. Like, this man didn't even see us.
And Ari and I are in the front. And I'm on my knees praying. And Ari's in one of the pews. I can't even imagine what he was thinking. I know, literally. Ari's, I hear Ari start crying. So I go over there. I'm praying for Ari. Then I start crying my eyes out. And I'm kind of crying because she's crying. But then I start crying for myself. You're Angus Day on. Yeah, Angus Day. We have music playing in the Catholic church. I don't know, like it's supposed to be silent in there. Yeah.
And so we're just bawling our eyes out. And then we enter into this place where we're both silent and our eyes are closed and we just sit probably for an hour dwelling. We were dwelling. We were just sitting in there. And then I was like, do you want to go outside to that little place that they have? It's like hidden. And you and I can go and we can pray out loud. Ari and I go and we join hands and it is...
Something I will never forget for the rest of my life. We join hands and we start fighting in prayer together, going off back and forth. I go, you go, I go, you go. We're riffing off of each other's prayers because yours reminded me of something and we're just going off for a little bit in the middle of, oh,
And then we kind of get to the end of it and I'm like, you know what Jesus? I was like, God, I never ask you for signs. I never ask you for signs because I don't need them. If I never see you do anything, I believe, I trust, I have faith. But I'm asking right now, if it's according to your will, would you give Ari and I a sign to just restore our faith a little, just ignite it just a little bit. Show us, just show us. We know that you're here, but show us in the physical.
Almost instantly, that same man walks outside who we didn't even, we weren't even near him. He walks outside and goes, I'm so sorry for interrupting, but I just want to let you guys know, keep up the good work. I love what you're doing. I love your channel. Walks away, doesn't say a word. It felt like it was a ghost because he was there and then he was gone.
It was insane. Ari and I just start, she starts bawling her eyes out. I start hysterically laughing, like unable to stop because we were like, are you kidding me? Yeah, yeah. Are you kidding me? It's crazy. We go, huge.
So cute. It's crazy. But that's all it takes. And I'm sitting there and I just had such an epiphany of like, we do get lost in that sometimes where we don't want to deal with certain things. And we could love, I love Jesus with my whole heart. He comes before anything. But sometimes you kind of drift away a little bit and you, you,
I don't know. That's what happened to me. And I'm scrolling on social media and you think it keeps your mind busy and you think you just want to kind of zone out for a little bit, but it actually makes you feel worse.
And then this morning I woke up and I was like, I got down on my knees and I just, I didn't even say anything. I didn't say anything. I just wanted to soak in his presence again. And I think sometimes we feel like we have to get into this posture of talking and talking and asking and asking. But no, all it takes is a listening heart to just sit in God's presence and listen to what he has to tell you. Mm-hmm.
And so I did that and I sat there and what I love to do is I love to put on a little background music. And I sat there and I just closed my eyes and I didn't hear anything for a minute. And then I heard him say, go to Psalm 13. I heard it so clear. I got right up and I got my Bible. I love when I get a word from God. And so I opened up my Bible because
I had been saying this past week, I'd been saying, man, I feel like the light is a little bit out of my eyes. Like, I just want that light back into my eyes. What happened? Where did it go? I've lost the sense of my identity a little bit. Just want to feel loved. And I go to Psalm 13 today and it said, Oh, Lord, how long will you forget me forever? How long will you look the other way?
How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy have the upper hand? Turn and answer me, O Lord. Restore the sparkle to my eyes or I will die. Don't let my entities gloat, saying we have defeated him. Don't let them rejoice at my downfall. But I trust in your unfeeling love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
I will sing to the Lord because he is so good to me. And I was just like, it was one of those moments this morning that I just, when you get a word from God, he just...
That's what sitting with him and intimacy, I realize, is all about. It's that sometimes it's okay not to be okay. It's okay to be in a storm, but he's with us and he'll assure us of that. But instead of talking and praying, we have to be willing to sit long enough to listen to what he has to say.
Yeah. Amen. That is so good, R. Yeah. You know what? It's just like... And...
It's when you go through things like, can I please speak back to that? Because I think that's something so many people feel. What you said earlier about how God has given you so much. So you're literally pretending like you're not feeling the pain that you're feeling because he's given you so much. So how can you complain? Like, that's not how God operates. I know. Like, God.
God is going to continue to bless you and bless you and bless you through your pain and through the things that you go through. And he understands you and he loves you. And he never looks at you like, oh, you're so ungrateful. I gave you all this and you're still worried about this. He's like, I gave you all this in spite, despite you being upset about this. And also,
I'm gonna give you even more because of what you're going through and because you deserve it. Like he's just not like that. - Yeah. - And you are the most grateful person in the world and it's okay to go through things. - Yeah. - And honestly for you, it's just like what I love about you is,
Even when you have these moments where you feel far from him or you let things get in the way, like you come back. Even if you have to crawl on your knees to get there, you do what you have to do to make it back. And you're a fighter and you never stop fighting. And he loves that. And he will honor that and bless that. Thanks, Ange. It's impressive. I love you so much. I love you more. What about you? I.
I love Jesus so much, and my quiet time with Him is the most sacred part of my day. And for me, I just like, I realized something recently because so many of us struggle to enter into the presence of God because we simply just don't stay long enough. Mm-hmm.
We're so busy. I feel myself. The phone has absolutely, you know, done so much good for society and is also robbing us of our spirituality and our ability to connect to God.
I can feel when I sit down to do, so I have my living room every single morning. It's the first thing that I do usually, hopefully. Obviously, some days I maybe didn't wake up in time or I need to go do something right away or I have a meeting, whatever. But for the most part, upon waking up, I make my coffee. I go and I build my
I have built for myself an area in which I meet God every day. And I can meet Him... I meet Him in the car five times a day. I meet Him at a restaurant. You can meet God wherever you are. It doesn't matter. But I have...
created this space in which I know when I enter into the space in the morning, I am expecting that God is going to meet me there. And he does every single day. And so I wake up, I make my coffee, I go to my living room, I shut these French doors that I have, I light an incense, I light a candle, and then I get down on my knees and I'm just expecting. And I turn on worship. And, you know, recently I have been
taking an extended amount of time. I used to take like 30 minutes in the morning and then it changed to an hour. And now I'm doing about two hours every morning sitting with God. And for some people that might seem so extreme and so intense, but I'm telling you, there's something about actually staying the time in which we actually devote ourselves to worship and prayer in the morning matters so much because we're
When I first get down on my knees and I have a worship song on and I'm singing and I'm praying a little bit, I feel every, it's almost like I feel like a magnet because I leave my phone in another room now. I don't take it with me. I don't have it anywhere near me. I leave it completely in another room because it's almost as if my soul can feel where my phone is. It's the weirdest thing that I've noticed. So I leave it somewhere else, but I can feel when I get down
My mind is still going. I have a thousand things to do, emails to read, people to respond to. And so I'm sitting there and I'm like, okay, as long as I just push through this time, because it's almost as if the first 10 minutes of me trying to get down and have time with Jesus, my mind is screaming, trying to get somewhere else.
And if I stay long enough, and the issue is some people just don't stay long enough. Yeah. You know? Agreed. And when I stay, it's as if I push past this point, this initial point that it's so hard to connect to God. But then I pass this threshold of it being difficult. And then I enter into this space where then it becomes hard to leave him. Yeah.
When I enter that space where I am like, I get up when I want to leave, when it's time to go, it's as if my heart is screaming, don't go. And I also feel God being like, please don't go. Please stay a little longer. And you know, it's really wrecked me recently.
is the idea that I know my worship. I don't just experience God, He experiences us too. Like He feels us. He feels loved. Jesus can feel loved by us. And so I have now entered into this place where I'm like, I will stay as long as I possibly can.
And so somebody told me something recently where they were like, because I have a habit, like I said earlier, where sometimes I can be, I love scripture so much that I used to be like, how much can I read? How much can I retain? How much can I do, do, do? Works, works, works. It's like I come in thinking that I have to do something for God. I have to perform something for God. And one of my friends told me that what they do is that when they get into their time, they do nothing. Yeah.
They say nothing. They do nothing. Because scripture says we love because he first loves us. And so I sit with my hands open and I say, God, I receive all that you have for me right now. Lord, would you pour your love into my heart? Jesus, would you fill me with your spirit? The other day I was in worship and I had just gotten down on my knees and I was like, I was praying. I was praying out loud.
And then I just, maybe the song was like crescendoing. It was just like a perfect situation that I was in. And I start praying out to God. And then I say, Jesus, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, would you wreck my heart right now? And before I even finished my sentence, the presence of God literally just absolutely flooded my heart and entered into the room. And I was like trembling under the presence of God.
And I just am so grateful that we have this ability. You know what I mean? And I used to, when I first started encountering the Holy Spirit,
I had just started reading the Bible and I remember when it first started to happen, when I first, you know me, you've seen when I get touched by the Holy Spirit, I cry, but I also will laugh hysterically. And that happens to a lot of people where some people tremble, some people shake, some people cry. I cry and I laugh. Like I just start laughing uncontrollably and it probably looks so insane, so insane.
But I'm like, I remember when it first started to happen to me, I was obsessed with the Holy Spirit. I was obsessed with just entering into his presence. And it was so easy because I was so innocent in it. Like I knew that once I hit my knees, God would come and I would feel him and he'd be there. And there was nothing that stood between us. And then I kind of got into this space where I was actually thinking about it. Maybe I have abandonment issues because I started thinking like,
I started getting anxious that it wouldn't happen anymore. I was like, oh my gosh, what if I get down and I'm just not going to, he's not going to come? What if I lose this ability? And so I would come to him in fear and sit down and be like, God, please come, please come, please come. And he wouldn't.
He was there. I didn't feel the thing that I had been feeling this encounter. And it was because this anxiety, this fear, this doubt that he would fulfill his promise. And he spoke into my heart and he says, am I a liar or do I tell the truth? I say to you, draw near to me and I will draw near to you. You initiate. If you do what you're supposed to do,
I will, without a doubt, without fail, do what I say I'm going to do. And so I get down on it. So that changed everything for me. And I was so confident and so expected that once I got down, he would show up. And so it's so effortless for me because I get down and I'm like, I know he's going to be there. I know he's going to do what he says he's going to do. Maybe you and I could talk about, because there are three parts, I think, to quiet time. Worship.
Scripture and prayer. These are the things that kind of encompass our quiet time. Jesus always retreated. Jesus always went to be alone with the Father. And you see all throughout Scripture that even Jesus withdrew. And Ari and I have had to learn that after we do any sort of ministry, we have to withdraw. We have to be alone with God. We have to be alone with Jesus.
And so there are just some specific points in scripture where it says in Mark, in Mark chapter one, verse 35, after an exhausting day of ministry, ministering to the sick, it says that very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed. In Luke chapter six, verse 12 to 13, it says,
And then in Matthew chapter 14, after hearing that John the Baptist had been beheaded, it says, Mm-hmm.
Everything that we long for is found in the secret place, in our quiet time with Jesus. People see these big moves of God all the time and they're like, I want that. How do I do that? How do I become powerful? How do I operate in my gifts? You be alone with Jesus.
When a pastor goes up to speak and to preach and to do a sermon, he is letting you in on his quiet time with Jesus. All of usually, if they're authentic, all of that sermon is revelation that he received
that they received from God in their secret place. When worship leaders are up worshiping, they're letting you into their worship with Jesus. They're not putting on a show, but this is all started. It all begins in their quiet time in their secret place with Jesus.
And Pastor Bill Gaultier says,
And an ancient prophet said, This quiet time with Jesus is where it all begins.
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And my favorite thing now is just, I feel like the more time I spend with Jesus, you think like, oh, I checked it off. I spent enough time with him. But it's like the more time I spend with him, the more I want to spend, the more time my quiet time in the morning has gone on. Now I'm like, what can I add in the middle of the day?
to even carve out some time to be with him. Like, I feel like I legitimately, I heard it said like this the other day, and I loved it so much. I want to live in the heart of God. Like, I want to live there. I want to be in there. I want to be able to be in. And it's so funny because we always live, we are forever living in this tension. If you're somebody who feels uncomfortable in your soul, in your spirit, or even in your body, you're
That's actually completely normal and it's probably more common than you think because we live in this tension between the physical and the spiritual.
Our souls, our spirits want to be in heaven with Jesus so badly. And we have the ability to bring heaven down. The more that we spend time with Jesus, the more we worship him, the more that we cultivate an environment where he can dwell in, the more we're bringing heaven down. And so we want to be in heaven, but our bodies are here. And so we're always going to be in this tension. It is uncomfortable to live here, but the
When we're in worship, when we're in prayer, when we're in this time with Jesus, it's the most comforting, beautiful, peaceful time. That's where I find my peace. That's where I find my strength. And like...
I don't know, just with the phone being in the other room, that's like been my biggest thing. I heard it said so beautifully, distraction resists the anointing. Yeah. Yeah. And so you and I have even set boundaries for our shows because we have so many friends and people and, and,
people want to see us and they're in the city and they want to do... And it feels like a party because it's like, it's a show. It's like, you know, as much as it is ministry for other people, it's like, it's exciting and it's beautiful. You and I have set boundaries now where we're like, we are cutting ourselves off from the outside world because we know that the distraction is pulling away from the anointing that God wants to release in us and in that room and on His people on those nights. And so...
I would say just remove any distraction that you can. Remove distractions. Remove your... And stay as long as you possibly can. Stay as long as it takes for you to pass that point where you're even thinking. If you're still thinking about the outside world, you have to stay longer.
think a good thing, I know you can't do this every day and it's not, it's not sustainable. It's not, it's not a reality for everybody. And it's not even a reality for us either. But there is a point where you will get to, I think you guys should wait until humanly possible until you get to this point where you're like, oh, I don't even want to go anymore. Now I want to stay here. I think that's the point where you could be like, I entered into his presence and
And I satisfied him in that way. Yeah. And I love that you say that because you couldn't have been more real when you said that, saying sometimes it's difficult at first to actually sit there and not be like, oh, should I check my phone? I know I've been there. But when you get past that, it's the most beautiful experience. I am.
I had somebody tell me when I was home, they were like, I was like, do you pray at all? And they were like, yeah, I do. Right before bed, I said, thank you, Father, for my family, my health, my thing. And then I go to bed and without judgment.
I just kindly said to them, I said, you know, you have no idea what you're missing. You're robbing yourself of life, of the life of the father, of having a father that wants this beautiful relationship. I mean, I'm a girl who...
lived my whole life constantly like searching for peace and safety and calling all my friends for advice and not knowing which direction to go. And we have access to that with him in the quiet place. And it's not just, I mean, the way I pray, I mean, everybody has a different, what's the word? Different, different. They have a way. Yeah.
Everybody has a different way. I say, honestly, you don't start your day without spending that time. Mm-hmm.
I don't know. I know because this is only coming from a place of experience. When I wake up and I start working right away and I'm checking the phone and I'm doing the stuff and then I want to go later in the afternoon to have my intimacy, my day isn't right. So true. I'm dysfunctional. My head is in chaos. I'm mentally not the same. I'm not in a place of peace and serenity. And so when I get up and say I have to work at 8, get up at 6. Yep.
And I always say that there is, I do believe that there is a posture that you should have when in prayer. I believe that being on your knees is a posture before God that is a respectful way of being when you are in prayer. And I always like to go on your knees before prayer. I always like to say the Our Father prayer before I start giving.
getting into my prayer with God. Can I read in Matthew what it says? Oh, you know, the Catholic in me dies for the little our father. In Matthew 6, when you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth. This is all the reward they will ever get. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you and pray to your father in private.
Then your father who sees everything will reward you. When you pray, don't babble on and on like the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merrily by repeating their words again and again. Don't be like them for your father knows exactly what you need. Even before you ask him, pray like this. And then it's the our father prayer. You don't need all these extravagant way of speaking and in prayer, um,
You just, I think the one thing that we have to remember is that we have a father, not just a God, a father that we can go before and tell everything to. He knows everything about us. We don't need to hide anything. We don't need to be in shame. We go before him and we sit with him and soak in his presence. I know for me, sometimes my soul is so tired.
And I had a moment recently where I was in the scriptures and I was trying to read and my mind couldn't really focus. And I could hear God so clearly being like, just sit with me, just lay with me.
And it was so beautiful because this was a time where I was not able to sleep. I was so restless. My mind couldn't stop. All I could think about is what I have to do next. Who do I have to help next? And I sat in his presence and I actually fell asleep. And I had one of the greatest sleeps of my life. And I had the most beautiful dreams. And I woke up and it was that peace, the peace of God.
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talking to him all throughout your day. We have our time in the morning or whenever it is that you have it with him and we go into this place of prayer and intimacy with him. But praying without season is...
Praying without ceasing is simply knowing that we have this relationship with our dad, that we are in close proximity with proximity. Proximity. We don't know proximity. We are in close proximity with him all day that we can call on him all throughout the day. And I think you really do know what your relationship with Jesus is.
by your prayer life. What is our prayer life looking like? Are we sitting there asking him for things all day? Are we just simply being like, thank you so much? I love you. I love you. I rejoice in you. I know this season looks dark. I know I really can't see the light at the end of the tunnel right now, but I trust you and I love you. And I'm going to continue to keep praising you even when it's hard.
I want you guys to know that I love you is a prayer. I love you, Jesus. It's enough. Yeah. Like literally all day long. I love you. I love you. You know, every time that we even think about him, you know, the other day I woke up and I didn't have time to spend time with him. And I was like, oh my gosh, Jesus, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. And a friend of mine was like, do you know how happy is that you thought about him? Yeah.
We act like sometimes we make God to be, yes, he is a, he is a God that must be feared and we must look at God in reverence and in awe. But he's also, we also make him to be much badder than he is bigger in this big, bad God when really he's like, you're so cute. Yeah. I love you so much. Even just saying, Hey, I love you. Just taking one, like, yes, yes.
yes, we must take time. Yes, we must carve out that time. And yes, intimacy and the length in which you stay matters. But also Jesus is in the small moments. He's in everything. He's in every moment. He's in the small moments. He is. He's there when you withdraw, but he's in every single moment throughout your day. Like everything that you do could be worship. I think it's so important in this part of scripture where the Our Father prayer is
It starts with our Father who is in heaven. And I think it's really important, that specific part, that we understand who God is as our Father. And this is coming from someone who, for some reason, I still can't really call God Father. Like Jesus...
God, Lord, like I love Jesus because he's my best friend. I love God because he's big and he's he he created everything and he's sovereign. I love calling him Lord because I love the feeling of being under God's authority and being into in submission to God. But father is hard for me. I can't call him that.
But it's important that I learn and it's important that I try because I can't experience my relationship with Jesus in fullness without recognizing him as my father, who's my parent.
who was there when I was born, who is the one who nurtures me, the one who cares about me. If you struggle to call God your father, I ask that you guys pray to him about that, that you bring it to him. It's something he's been deconstructing in my life for a little while now because I'll be like, "God, Lord, Lord, Lord." And he looks at me and he's like, "You are my daughter and you can feel secure in me being your father."
You know, I'm sorry, but that was beautiful that you just said that. It really was. That's not probably an easy thing to say on camera. So that's really beautiful. And I, you know. I love you. That's beautiful that you, and I'm sure so many people feel the same way. Yeah, of course. I'm laughing thinking about us in the car. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. This is really funny, you guys. We were, like, dying because Ari was like, I have no issue. I call him dad all day. Is that what happened? Wait, I don't remember. I think I said, thank you, dad. Oh, no, you were like, no, we were like, okay, we're driving. Let's pray. You go...
Jesus. And then I go, Father. And you were like, what are you trying to one up me? No, I said, Dad. And then you go, yes, thank you, Father. Oh, yeah. Man. I have this one church that is about, I moved to the other part of the city and there I have this one church that is where I met God. And I will drive 40 minutes there. And I do.
probably once a week, because that is where I find my intimacy with Him the most. That is where I feel my safeness. And that's where I met Him. So that's like my house with Him. And so I think it's important to really find that space where you just feel good to sit with Him and soak in His presence. When we are praying and we are asking God for things, and we want this closeness with Him,
I think it's important to understand what are we following his commandments? Are we abiding by his law? How is our life? How are we living? I know for me, he's given me a lot of grace in my life because sometimes there were moments where I just simply didn't know better.
But when I did know better and I was coming to him in prayer, I felt separated from him. I felt a anxiousness in my heart. I wasn't in a place of peace. And that's because of, number one, my pride. Number two, the sin that I was still living in. And I believe that we cannot keep
We cannot be in prayer and asking God for things when we are not abiding by his rules. And so I would check your heart posture on how you have been living your life. God is a gentleman. He is so good and he gives us grace. But when we do know better, we do need to. There is no way that God can be in closeness with us the way that you want him to be. If we are living in habitual sin, if we are
acting the way we want to act, but not acting the way that he wants us to be. So I would just encourage you guys to check yourself. How are you living? Are you following the commandments? Are you doing what's right by God? Because I'll tell you something, when you start living and walking in the will of God, there is nothing more pleasing to God than that. Amen. Amen.
The commandments. God, I love the commandments. I could talk about, let's do a whole episode on the commandments because people, this is coming from somebody who hated authority, hated rules, hated teachers, hated all of that, hated my parents telling me what to do. And in being in relationship with Jesus, I have...
come to love the commandments. I have come to love the guidebook that is the Bible that tells me what's good for me, what's bad for me. And I think it's important to understand that each commandment
Each command that God gives, He gives us a command, but in that command He's actually revealing His true nature through that command. Like the first commandment is, there's nothing more important in life than loving Jesus. The first commandment is to love God. And so...
When we love God, the reason why that's his commandment to us, he's telling us to love him, but it's only because he loves us. That's the point. We love him. He loves us. The commandment of you shall not serve any other gods. He's saying, you have to be loyal to me. You have to be faithful to me and me only. And it's actually him revealing himself to us saying, I'm asking you to do this because it's already who I am. I am
loyal to you. I am faithful to you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Everything I say is truth. Every word God has ever spoken is truth. And when he tells us not to cheat on our spouses, it's because he's telling us, I will never cheat on you.
And he tells us not to lie because he's saying, I will never lie. I'm not a God that can lie. So the commandments are something to love. Like, I want you guys to enter into this space of maturity in your faith that you're like, these aren't rules that God is trying to set...
set for me that he's trying to withhold things from me and he's trying to make my life boring and I don't get to do these things. It's actually a beautiful thing. He's revealing himself in these commandments. That's how I look at it. And I'm like, okay, God doesn't want me to do this because he also wouldn't do that thing. I love that. I am made in his image. I want to be like him. I want to be like Jesus. So I'm going to follow these commands so I could be more like him. It's the most beautiful thing.
Yeah, I think that people really sometimes look at this book like it's, oh, well, maybe I should just do it that way. No, this is a book for our life. This is the pathway to happiness, to peace. And so...
I just know, I know because I was one of them. I'm sitting there asking God to help me in these certain areas. How is the hand of God going to be on you in a way that you want him to be? Why would you want? How is God going to answer all your prayers when you're out living the way you want to live on how he instructs you to live? Yeah, so true. Yeah.
Speaking of the Bible, let's get, do you like this idea? Should we do the next three episodes on one on prayer, one on scripture, one on worship? Oh, I love that. Right? And that's, and so, because we're kind of covering everything today, but let's talk about the Bible for a second. Do you guys remember when you first started reading the Bible? Because I know that I do.
I highlighted every single verse in the book because every single verse meant something to me. I was so excited. I was even high. I was highlighting the genealogy. Like I was highlighting. I'm like highlighting Leviticus. Like, I don't know what we're like talking about sacrifices and altars. I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm like, this matters because everything God says matters.
And the reason that I was doing that was because I was in love with him. I was in love with him. And I knew that these words were him in the flesh. I was obsessed. And I still love them that much today because this is God's heart on earth.
paper. I literally feel like every word that I read, every verse, every page, every passage just brings me into the heart of God, just brings me closer to him. The more I know him, the more I know myself, the more I know about the life of Jesus, the history of my faith. The beginning of creation is my favorite story of all time. Like, why would you...
Get curious, get curious about Jesus, get curious about create the Genesis and the parts of the Bible that you think have nothing to do with you and they don't apply to your life. It all is so rich and there's so much to learn and it brings you closer to Jesus and it makes you more like Jesus. And I just...
Girls Gone Bible is not called Girls Gone Bible for no reason. It's because the Bible is everything. The Word of God is alive and it's active and it's sharper than a double-edged sword and it will transform your life. I know we've told you a thousand times, but please understand today.
Read this. Read it. Read it. Love it. Develop a hunger for it. I pray that God would instill in you guys a hunger for His Word, a hunger to worship Him, a hunger to dwell in His presence and to love Him properly. The point of Girls Gone Bible is not for Ari and I to have a podcast. It's not.
The point of our live shows is not so Ari and I can get up on a stage. The point of everything we do is that you guys would know Jesus. He is the only one worthy to be known. He is the only one worthy to be loved.
And I want him to start wrecking your hearts the way that he wrecks ours. You're capable of it. It's possible. He's right there and he's waiting for you. And he wants you so badly. He wants all of you. He wants more of you. When you get down and you give him five minutes, trust me, he loves that. He blesses it and he honors it. But I want you to imagine that the second you leave, he's sitting there being like, please don't go.
Please stay a little longer. I want to talk to you. I want to commune with you. He loves us so much.
I want you to experience Jesus in a way that brings you that true peace. If you're somebody who listens to us and we say the peace that surpasses all understanding and you're like, but I've never experienced that. I read and I talk and I pray and I listen to podcasts and I go to church, but I've never, I've never experienced that. I don't get that peace.
Get down, stay for a while and ask God expectantly, believing and trusting that he will, that he would baptize you with the Holy Spirit, that you would be filled with the Holy Spirit. And he is faithful to his word and he will do it for you. Yeah, you couldn't have said that better. I love that so much. And as I listen to you say that, I think...
Because again, I was just back in Boston and people that aren't deep in their faith, I had been talking to them and they said, I just had, I just gush about the Bible all day because it is truly what cured my mental health. And I was just, you know, explaining to them how the Bible is the answer. It's the only answer. It is the, it is the light. It's the light to your life. And
I had someone say to me, well, I know, but like, I just, it's like reading gibberish. It's like, I just don't understand it. I get so many messages from you guys as well. Um,
saying, I don't know where to start. The Bible is very confusing for me. And I totally understand that. I was blessed enough to have Angela be beside me and hold my hand and spoon feed me the Bible. And I do know, and if it's anyone who understands, it's me because I have trouble learning. I learn extremely slow. Things get jabbled up with me when I read. And
There are so many ways to simplify the Bible. There are so many things that you can join. And let me tell you something. Never in my life did I think I would be able to understand the words on this page.
God will give you revelation after revelation. He will make these words that you think you would never be able to understand literally come to life. You will start reading these words and you'll start, oh my gosh, this is my life. And you won't even...
Sometimes you'll be reading and you'll just have tears streaming down your face and you won't even know why, because it's God speaking to you through the scriptures that you didn't think that you would know. Mm-hmm.
I have goosebumps as I say this. This has been my journey for two years. If I can learn the Bible, you can learn the Bible. There are so many wonderful things that you can join. You can join Bible studies at your local churches. You can watch videos. You can tell them that the video that you started watching is
You can even watch kid videos. Yeah. Can I be honest? That's what I used to do. Anytime that we would have an episode on a story about, say, Joseph, I would literally watch a kid video because I'm a visual person and I need – and it was – it helped me so much actually watching it and then going back to the stories. The Chosen. Yeah.
The greatest gift that we have. They're bringing these stories from the Bible to life on screen. And then you can watch it and then you can go and you can read it and it will make so much more sense. But trust me, God sees you trying and he will bring these words to life. So good. Yes, you will pray. Write this down. Say...
Before you start reading the Bible, say, Jesus, would you open my heart to receive your word? Would you give me interpretation and understanding of your word? Would you open my eyes, open my spiritual eyes to see the revelation behind the words?
Worship has been a massive part of our life. Worship is everything to Ari and I. We worship our hearts out. We just sing songs. We put on prayer sets, upper room. We'll put a couple in the description. We have upper rooms.
Upper Room does these like beautiful prayer sets where they just sing song after song after and you can just worship with them. And again, that's a lovely way if you want to spend extended time with Jesus in a certain period of time, you can put on these prayer sets that are like 45 minutes and you can sit through the whole thing and it'll change you. And worship is everything. I really want to read this little part from Acts chapter 16.
Acts 16, 16. So at this point, Paul and Cyrus are in jail and they have been going through so much. They're out preaching the gospel and they're thrown in prison.
And it says,
Do you understand that? Listen, they were praying and singing hymns to God. That's what worship is. You pray, you sing, you love on him, you speak to him, you invite him. And it says,
So it's telling you two things. First of all, worship shakes the earth. Worship is so powerful. Worship changes circumstances. Worship frees you in this situation. It,
In this situation, the doors open and the chains of every prisoner fell off. So whatever chains that you're in, whatever bondage you're in, whatever you're going through, worship literally has the ability to break you free from that. If you're in a really bad situation and the last thing you want to do is start singing for Jesus.
And you choose to do that because worship, you don't always wanna worship. That's the thing. A lot of the time, your flesh is so much louder than your spirit. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. The flesh will say, no, I don't. The last thing I wanna do is praise God because I don't feel like I have anything to praise him for. But if you choose to praise him anyways,
First of all, it frees you from whatever you're going through. It changes the posture of your heart. Your heart changes in worship. You will develop a heart of gratitude. You will feel joy. You will feel peace when you praise God. And also there's nothing better, no better way to spit in the devil's face when he's throwing things at you all day to praise God no matter what is going on in your life. When I am being attacked the hardest is when I worship the hardest. Let me tell you, because I'm not going to let that
make me not praise God because it's not God's fault that whatever's happening is happening. You know what I mean? It's true. And as you're saying that, I'm thinking of that day when it was
I was having the hardest day. I was really, and I'm not kidding you. If there's one time I can tell you that I was under attack by the enemy, it was this time. And I was just spiritually being attacked. Like I could barely even open my eyes. You remember that? Which day? It was the day where you thought I transferred the demons on you. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Anyway, so we had went to this worship and it truly like chains just broke off. Rick Warren said something and it was one of those things that just really stuck with me. And now I will... He said...
You don't realize how important it is at church to actually speak the words of worship. Don't just sit there and look at the words and wonder, oh, are people looking at me? Should I not be singing? I'm too shy and timid. No, you speak those words out loud at church. I know some of you may be a little bit timid and shy and you don't want to really sing worship at church.
I was one of them when I first started going to church. I didn't want to sing because I was like next to people and stuff.
sing, read the words, sing. No one's looking at you. Be in the presence of God. Don't worry about what anyone else is thinking about you. It's so important because when we are singing, we are singing, we are inviting the Holy Spirit. We are inviting him in. That's when we can feel the presence of God. When we are shouting the words, the worship is calling out to Jesus. Um,
And that's another intimacy with God. Sometimes I won't even talk. I will just sit there for an hour and just sit and worship. It frees me from depression, from anxiety. I could be in the darkest day and I put on worship and sit and everything is gone. Chains break off of me, especially in the car. Mm-hmm.
Worship is so, it's just, it's so important. So important. So good. I know we joked earlier that I will randomly look at Aria and go, speak in tongues all day. But I just want to speak on tongues for a little bit. I know it might be really weird to some people. And I think we'll have a whole episode on it because praying in tongues has absolutely changed my life. It has changed my faith. It's changed my spiritual life.
Socrates was the first person who he would literally be like pray in tongues and I'd be like like I don't know what that means and he'd do I'd be like listen Socrates when I pray in tongues and when you when you pray in tongues Socrates it sounds right it sounds like you're saying something when I pray in tongues it sounds like a little I don't know like I
And then over time, I started praying in tongues. So praying in tongues is for the edification and encouragement of your soul. Tongues is a heavenly language between us and God. It's a language that nobody can understand, that the devil can't understand. And I pray in tongues when I don't know what to pray for. And there's a lot of the time when I don't know what to pray for. And I heard...
Somebody say one time, if you want to start praying in tongues, all you have to do is start with a syllable. You can look up videos. I'm not going to do it because I don't pray. I personally don't. I personally don't pray in tongues in front of people. I don't do it in public.
Some people do, and I think that's totally fine for me. It's my personal conviction. Maybe it'll change one day. I don't feel comfortable. It feels so intimate maybe once I'm more experienced. But I know that praying in tongues has elevated my faith by a million. There are times when...
where I don't know what to pray for. There are times where my soul needs something, my spirit is crying out for something and I don't have the words. I don't even know what it is. My eyes aren't open to it. And I start praying in tongues and my heart is filled with peace. My heart is filled with joy. When I'm spiritually dry, praying in tongues awakens me. It does something. It sets my heart on fire for God. And also, sometimes God has me pray for things
I truly believe, I know in my heart that God will have me pray for things for protection for other people or myself that I don't know is coming. My physical eyes can't see what's going to happen. So God has me pray in the spirit. So I'm able to pray against whatever that is.
And I've heard even Stephanie Ike say before, one time God woke her up at 5 o'clock in the morning and she started praying in tongues. And then the next day someone called her and said, I got into such a bad accident last night at 5 o'clock in the morning, but somehow I was miraculously saved. And I believe it with my whole heart because there are times where God will bring people to my mind. And I know that he's asking me to pray for them. I don't know what they...
Some people, I barely know them. I don't know what they need. So I speak on their name and I pray and I say, God, I lift up whoever in your name. And then I start fighting for them in tongues, in the spirit without even knowing what I'm saying, but I know I'm saying something. And it gets stronger as you go. And you can just start with one syllable. Look up, I know it could be very weird to some people, but it has changed my life. And I know that it is a gift from God that...
It is a shame we don't utilize it. Yeah. We'll put some stuff. We're going to put all these links in the box for you. I'm still getting comfortable with tongues. I did it one time and it was absolutely incredible. You've done it multiple times. I've heard you speak in praying tongues so many times and-
It's amazing. It really is. There's a weight. I hear the weight to the things that you say, and I don't know what you're saying, but I will say, yes, yes. Tongues is amazing. And I'm with you guys. We're going to be on this tongues journey together. Praying tongues right now. Go ahead. Just do it. Shadababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababab
I think that's all for today. What a great episode. I loved today. I loved today so much. And I love you. I love you. We love you guys so much. We just want you to know that the whole point of everything, all of this, if you are someone who just got saved and you're in that honeymoon phase with Jesus, like I'm just understand that you can always stay there and don't lose that and fight to never lose that and pray that you never do. And if you're someone who's deeper in your faith,
more far along, you have more years in, and you feel like you don't feel that anymore, just know that that was never something that you're supposed to lose. It's not. And so our one wish for you is that you would fall more in love with Jesus. Fall in love with Him. Set your intention on falling in love with Him, and it's going to happen. Say, I'm entering into a season where I'm going to fall so in love with Jesus. I'm going to be so obsessed with Him.
I feel so heavy on my heart to do the sinner's prayer. Can you read it? Yeah. Can I just say, Angela wants to do the sinner's prayer. And it's so funny that you were about to do that because I was just about to say transparency. Do not let what your past was keep you from relationship with Jesus. God has such a grace for what we didn't know. And
And he has a grace for all of us. He is such a good father. I don't want you to let you, I don't want your past to let you keeping you in shame and in bondage from coming to God because he already sees it. And he's waiting for you with his arms wide open, waiting for you to run into them, to tell him everything for repentance.
We invite, if you've never said this prayer before, today's a beautiful time to give your life to Jesus so you can experience the intimacy that we talked about for the last hour and a half, the intimate
having an intimate, truly intimate relationship with Jesus because he's a person. He's alive. He's not just a God in the sky. He's here today with us right now. And he's with you in your room right now. I pray that God would send an army of angels around you right now to encamp around you, to comfort you, love you, minister to you, speak to you.
And that you would feel in your heart that today is the day that you receive the gift of salvation, that you could have freedom here on earth and that you could spend eternity with Jesus. It's the best, only important decision that you make in your life. Everything else is secondary. This is all that matters. And it's real, you guys. This is coming from two people who didn't grow up in this thing. We don't talk about it because we have to. We're not
pastors, kids. We don't have any incentive. We don't have any reason to be talking about this other than the fact that it's real. We've experienced it. We believe in Jesus because the name of Jesus has power. It has authority and it changes things. And that gift, it's a gift and it's available for you to receive today. So if you would like to pray with us, Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness.
I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and I invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. Jesus, would you baptize me in your precious Holy Spirit? In Jesus' name. Amen. Welcome to the family. We love you guys so much. This is...
This is what we live for. Yeah, you guys are just the greatest gift in our lives. We love you so much. So much. And we're always praying for you. We're in this together, guys. Yeah, we are. We love you. Arm wrestling? Yeah, you want to? Yeah. May the Lord bless you.
Go. We love you guys so much. I'm sorry. Shout out. We're going to end this now. Pray in tongues. Okay. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he turn his face towards you and give you peace. We love you. Love you guys. I like when you say peace with me. Oh.