cover of episode Jesus & Prison w/ Emerson Nowotny | Girls Gone Bible

Jesus & Prison w/ Emerson Nowotny | Girls Gone Bible

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Emerson Nowotny
Gigi Vigay
Gigi Vigay:介绍Emerson Nowotny及其令人难以置信的救赎故事,强调他经历丰富,能够真实分享毒品、监狱和属灵争战等经历,这与Girls Gone Bible的理念相符。 Ari:与Gigi Vigay共同表达对Emerson Nowotny故事的震撼和敬佩,并强调了在艰难经历中,耶稣的力量和喜乐是战胜困境的关键。 Emerson Nowotny:分享了他17岁信主,后因未婚妻去世而远离神,最终卷入毒品交易,被捕入狱的经历。他详细描述了在监狱中,神如何通过超自然的方式以及话语,让他在绝望中重新找到希望和力量,并最终与妻子Christina重归于好。他强调了在人生低谷中,神无处不在,以及信仰的力量能够帮助人们战胜困境。他还分享了他与妻子在信仰上的差异,以及如何通过彼此的理解和包容,最终建立起坚固的婚姻关系。他强调了男性榜样的重要性,以及在婚姻中,神是维系关系的关键。 Gigi Vigay和Ari:表达了对Emerson Nowotny故事的震撼和敬佩,并强调了在艰难经历中,耶稣的力量和喜乐是战胜困境的关键。她们分享了自身经历,表达了对那些在传统教会中感到不被接纳的人的理解和支持,并强调了创造一个接纳彼此的社区的重要性。

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GGB GANGGGGGGG We are so excited for todays episode. We have an incredible guest-- Emerson Nowotny, lead pastor at Mosaic in Mexico City. Emerson has one of the most incredible testimonies and stories we've ever heard. A redemption story. A true example of our God being a God of 2nd chances & restoration. Emerson has us in tears multiple times while he tells us his story from having an encounter with Jesus and becoming a devout Christian at 17 years old, to losing a loved one resulting in him losing his faith, to then getting involved with drugs, women, and the cartel. He covers how he ended up in federal prison and how he kept his hope and joy through his relationship with Jesus. He then has us really in tears talking about how his beautiful wife, Christina Nowotny, HELD IT DOWN AND WAITED FOR HIM. He talks supernatural encounters and the unfailing, relentless love of God along the way.

We truly hope this episode blesses you like it did us. Thank you Jesus for 2nd chances and the promise that whatever the enemy meant for evil, God will use it for good. (Genesis 50:20)

Pastor Emerson & Mosaic Mexico City are currently revolutionizing Mexico and bringing so many to Jesus.

We love you guys so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari

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