cover of episode In The Middle Of A Storm | Girls Gone Bible

In The Middle Of A Storm | Girls Gone Bible

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Girls Gone Bible

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Ari和Angela分享了她们在信仰旅程中如何学习放下对掌控的渴望,全然顺服上帝,即使在面临各种挑战和风暴时,依然信靠上帝的带领。她们引用马可福音第四章耶稣在暴风雨中睡觉的故事,说明即使在上帝旨意中,也会遭遇风暴,但上帝的应许是祂会与我们同在。她们鼓励听众在风暴中大声呼求上帝,表达脆弱和需要,并用上帝的话语来对抗消极的思想和焦虑。她们也分享了她们如何通过持续的祷告、反思上帝过去如何带领她们,以及学习分辨上帝的旨意来增强对上帝的信心。她们强调,即使犯错,上帝也会帮助我们学习和成长,使我们变得更成熟和更强大。她们鼓励听众在困境中赞美和敬拜上帝,信靠祂的计划,即使感到时间紧迫或祷告没有立即得到回应,也要坚持信靠上帝,相信祂最终会带领我们度过难关,并带来比我们想象中更美好的结果。 Ari和Angela还分享了她们在生活中如何将无法掌控的事情交托给上帝,并用自身的经历说明顺服和交托的重要性。她们鼓励听众在面对患病、亲人需要拯救等困境时,要持续为他们祷告,并寻求内心的平安。她们也分享了她们如何通过学习圣经、持续祷告和与上帝建立亲密关系来战胜焦虑和消极情绪,并鼓励听众用上帝的话语来对抗消极的思想,说生命的话语,而不是抱怨的话语。她们强调,上帝既是慈爱的神,也是刚强的神,我们要信靠祂,勇敢地面对一切挑战,并相信祂最终会带领我们度过难关,带来更美好的结果。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Happy Friday/GGB day. Boy, do we love seeing you guys every week.

Today, we’re talking about how to trust God in the middle of a storm, similarly to how the disciples had to trust Jesus when they we’re on the boat with Him in the middle of a violent storm in Mark chapter 4.

The truth is, most of us have really strong faith until we are faced with adversity and trials that are out of our control. Then, our faith and trust in God might start to waver a bit. Jesus probably looks at us and says “why are you so fearful? How is it you have no faith?” Just like He did to His disciples. (Mark 4:40)

But we must remember that in all situations, in every circumstance, God is SOVEREIGN and Jesus is LORD and EVEN THE WIND AND THE SEA OBEY HIM. (Mark 4:41)

We talk in depth on how to relinquish the desire to be in control and how to practically surrender to God. We touch on what it means to walk in the will of God and how determine His will for your life.

We love you guys so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari

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