cover of episode Authority Over Mental Health | Girls Gone Bible

Authority Over Mental Health | Girls Gone Bible

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Girls Gone Bible

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Ari: 本期节目的主题是关于精神健康,两位主持人分享了她们在信仰中战胜精神疾病的经历,包括焦虑、恐慌症、强迫症和饮食失调等。Ari分享了她得到上帝的启示,需要独身一段时间,并表达了她对这一决定的感受。她还谈到了适度争吵对友谊的重要性,以及她在过去友谊中缺乏坦诚沟通的经历。Ari详细描述了她与恐慌症、焦虑症、解离症和非真实感作斗争的经历,以及这些症状如何影响她的日常生活。她分享了她寻求专业帮助的经历,以及如何通过祈祷、顺服上帝和寻求支持来克服这些挑战。Ari还谈到了她与强迫症和饮食失调的斗争,以及她如何通过每日的祈祷和顺服来应对这些挑战。她强调了在与这些挑战作斗争的过程中,寻求上帝的帮助和依靠社区支持的重要性。 Angela: Angela分享了她对心理健康问题的热情源于她自身的经历和对希望的渴望。她强调了她们不是心理健康专家,只能从圣经和个人经历的角度来分享。她们的播客致力于通过耶稣的治愈来赋能他人,并相信耶稣的治愈奇迹在今天仍然发生。Angela解释了希伯来书中关于耶稣至高无上地位的论述,以及这与心理健康之间的联系。她强调了上帝的话语永恒不变,而人的想法会改变,所以要以圣经为准。她还警告了新时代思想,如占卜和显化,可能会损害心理健康,并建议用上帝的话语充满心灵。Angela分享了她对上帝恩典的感恩,以及上帝如何在困境中从未离弃她。她解释了耶稣的牺牲战胜了精神疾病,并强调了信徒可以通过耶稣获得权柄。Angela分享了她与焦虑、恐慌症和强迫症的斗争经历,以及她如何通过祈祷、顺服上帝和寻求支持来克服这些挑战。她鼓励人们寻求专业帮助,并相信耶稣是治愈者。Angela强调了在精神疾病中,寻求上帝的帮助和依靠社区支持的重要性,并鼓励人们在困境中选择希望而不是绝望。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

trigger warning: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, eating disorders

hey GGB gang ♡

today is a heavy topic and will be an emotional episode. we always want to preface our conversations on mental health with saying that we are not doctors or psychologists. we are not experts in mental health disorders. and we don't know what is going on in your unique situation with your mental health. we can only share our personal journeys and experiences in hopes that it helps you feel less alone. we speak from a spiritual/biblical/emotional perspective so you can learn something from all that we've learned.

"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you." Luke 10:19 **we want to encourage you and empower you to walk in the authority granted to you by God through His Son, Jesus.

**our mental health is delicate. your mind belongs to Jesus. we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

we love you so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari

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