Doug Hendrickson
Gavin Newsom
Marshawn Lynch
Marshawn Lynch: 在ESPN的Game Day Picker活动中,回到加州大学伯克利分校,感受到了热烈的欢迎。他提到活动组织者最初并不认为会有很多人来,但他认为加州大学伯克利分校的学生们会来,并且现场气氛非常热烈。他谈到了自己从拍摄电影现场到活动现场的奔波,以及活动现场的热烈气氛。他表示自己很享受回到加州大学伯克利分校的感觉,并对活动组织者和现场观众表示感谢。他还提到了Nick Saban对他的评价,以及一些人建议他竞选总统。他对于竞选奥克兰市长持谨慎态度,但承认民调结果令人鼓舞,并表示会考虑团队的建议。他谈到了自己对政治的看法,以及人们对他的热情。他表示,如果竞选,他会认真对待,并会努力为奥克兰市民服务。 Doug Hendrickson: 他表达了对Marshawn Lynch回到加州大学伯克利分校参加活动的兴奋之情,并强调了该活动的重要性以及Marshawn Lynch在现场的受欢迎程度。他与Marshawn Lynch和Gavin Newsom讨论了民调结果,并建议Marshawn Lynch竞选奥克兰市长。他认为Marshawn Lynch在民调中拥有极高的支持率,并且拥有良好的公众形象,这让他在奥克兰市长竞选中具有优势。他为Marshawn Lynch的竞选活动提出了建议,包括开展草根运动和制作广告等。 Gavin Newsom: 他分享了关于Marshawn Lynch竞选奥克兰市长的民调数据。数据显示,Marshawn Lynch的正面评价很高,负面评价很低,并且仅仅基于个人资料介绍,他的支持率就很高。他指出,人们希望市长熟悉政府运作,但Marshawn Lynch作为局外人,反而可能更受欢迎。他认为Marshawn Lynch拥有一个干净的政治形象,可以自由地制定自己的政治议程。他建议Marshawn Lynch认真考虑竞选,并制定详细的竞选策略。

Deep Dive

Marshawn Lynch's return to Cal for ESPN's College GameDay was a momentous occasion, met with overwhelming enthusiasm from students and fans. Despite the early morning call time after a late-night movie shoot, Lynch was energized by the atmosphere and the surprising turnout. The event was a success, even impressing ESPN commentators who had initially underestimated Berkeley's appeal.
  • Marshawn Lynch returned to Cal for ESPN's College GameDay after 18 years.
  • The event drew a large crowd of enthusiastic fans, some of whom lined up since midnight.
  • ESPN commentators were impressed by the Berkeley atmosphere and the energy of the event.
  • Nick Saban commented on Marshawn Lynch's football career at Cal.

Shownotes Transcript

Marshawn makes a special return to Cal that makes Doug emotional.

Plus, Gavin breaks down polling data that shows what the people want…Marshawn for mayor! 

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