cover of episode 413: Clinton Romesha—It Doesn’t Get Better

413: Clinton Romesha—It Doesn’t Get Better

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The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

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Clint Romesha
Mike Rowe
Mike Rowe: 本期节目邀请了荣获国家荣誉勋章的克林特·罗梅沙,他讲述了在阿富汗卡姆德什战役中,尤其是在地理位置险峻的科普·基廷哨所的战斗经历。他详细描述了战斗的残酷和士兵们的牺牲,并赞扬了罗梅沙的英勇和领导力。同时,他也谈到了退伍军人面临的心理健康问题,特别是自杀率居高不下,呼吁社会关注。 Clint Romesha: 罗梅沙讲述了他在科普·基廷哨所的战斗经历,以及他如何带领士兵们在敌众我寡的情况下顽强抵抗。他强调了团队合作和相互信任的重要性,以及士兵们在战斗中展现出的勇气和忠诚。他坦言获得荣誉勋章让他感到苦乐参半,因为他更关注在战斗中牺牲的战友。他认为真正的英雄是那些牺牲的士兵,而他只是做了自己应该做的事情。他还谈到了退役后的生活和职业规划,以及他如何利用自己的平台帮助其他退伍军人,特别是关注退伍军人的心理健康问题和自杀问题。 Clint Romesha: 罗梅沙详细描述了科普·基廷战役的经过,包括战斗的残酷性、人员伤亡、弹药短缺以及与塔利班的激烈交火。他分享了与战友们并肩作战的经历,以及他们之间深厚的友谊和相互信任。他强调了在极端压力下,团队合作和领导力至关重要。他讲述了在战斗中做出的艰难抉择,以及他如何带领士兵们克服困难,最终幸存下来。他还谈到了战斗中那些让他印象深刻的瞬间,以及这些经历对他人生观的影响。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Clinton Romesha initially decide to join the Army?

Romesha grew up in a military family and wanted to see the world, moving away from a life of milking cows and digging fence posts.

What was the primary reason Combat Outpost Keating was considered a deathtrap?

The outpost was located in a canyon surrounded by hills, making it difficult to defend and resupply, with only access by helicopter.

How did Romesha feel about receiving the Medal of Honor?

Romesha initially felt uncomfortable and bittersweet, as he believed the honor should be shared with the eight men who died during the battle of Kamdesh.

What was the turning point for Romesha in accepting the Medal of Honor?

Romesha came to accept the medal when he learned it was recommended by the men he served with, who believed he deserved more recognition for his actions.

How did Romesha's military experience influence his transition to civilian life?

Romesha found that his military skills, such as showing up on time and passing drug tests, were highly valued in civilian jobs, particularly in the oil industry.

What does Romesha believe is the key to preventing veteran suicide?

Romesha emphasizes the importance of connecting veterans to local communities and addressing various issues beyond mental health, such as relationship and financial problems.

How did Romesha's attitude towards education in high school differ from his peers?

Romesha thrived in hands-on classes like ag mechanics and welding but struggled with traditional academic subjects, which he found unengaging and irrelevant to his interests.

What was Romesha's initial reaction to being recommended for the Medal of Honor?

Romesha was initially confused and skeptical, thinking he might be in trouble rather than being recognized for an honor.

How did Romesha's leadership style differ from traditional military command?

Romesha focused on understanding each soldier individually and providing them with a clear purpose, rather than relying on authority alone to get tasks done.

What role did Romesha's family history play in his decision to join the military?

Romesha's family had a long history of military service, which influenced his decision to join, inspired by the stories of camaraderie and adventure from his father and grandfather.

Clint Romesha recounts his journey from a small-town upbringing to receiving the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of Kamdesh in Afghanistan.
  • Clint Romesha's background in a military family.
  • His initial reluctance to accept the Medal of Honor.
  • The pivotal role of his fellow soldiers in recommending him for the award.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2009, Clint was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the battle of Kamdesh during the Afghan War, which he recalls in his book, Red Platoon: A True Story of American Valor), a New York Times bestseller. For Veterans Day, Clint shares his insights into why his outpost was a deathtrap, his efforts to prevent veteran suicide, and his survival during that 15-hour battle. Tip o’ the hat to our excellent sponsors Save 50% off your first month! Explore available careers! Get 10% off your first month!