cover of episode 407: Kat Timpf--Hot Soup Goes In Hot Takes Come Out

407: Kat Timpf--Hot Soup Goes In Hot Takes Come Out

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The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

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Kat Timpf
Mike Rowe
Mike Rowe: 在当今社会,人们难以理解那些看似矛盾的形象。Kat Timpf作为自由主义者和麻烦制造者,同时也是个善良、热心肠的人,却在福克斯新闻工作,这正是这种现象的最佳例子。她花了很多时间在应对人们的期望,以及假装自己不在福克斯工作。 Kat Timpf: 作者在2015年一周内分别接受了Glenn Beck和Bill Maher的采访,这让她意识到人们的二元思维是如何分裂社会的。作为政治立场独立的福克斯新闻主播,她经常因为表达与观众预期不同的观点而受到两方批评。她写这本书的目的是为了表达自己的经历,并通过展现脆弱来促进人们之间的同情和理解。她认为,展现脆弱是克服社会分裂的一种方式,它可以促进人们之间的同情和理解。在派对上被问及工作时,会说“我在拍色情片”,因为这样比说“我在福克斯新闻工作”更容易被接受。在福克斯新闻的工作经历与外界对福克斯新闻的刻板印象并不一致,她拥有表达不同观点的平台。道德愤怒往往源于自身利益而非利他主义,人们在感到无力时,更容易将愤怒指向第三方目标。作者批评媒体在疫情期间缺乏自觉性,盲目要求他人居家隔离,而不考虑其生计问题。 Mike Rowe: 二战时期,民众广泛参与战争努力,形成了全民参与的氛围,而如今,这种全民参与感已不复存在。对退伍军人的支持不能仅仅停留在口头上,更需要关注他们的心理健康和社会重返问题。人们对受虐待动物的同情心往往大于对经历心理健康问题的退伍军人的同情心,这可能是因为动物的行为更容易被理解和原谅。对人们行为的追责应该与对人的评价区分开来,不应该因为犯错就将一个人彻底否定。这种对被取消的恐惧,正在演变成一种新的强迫症,严重影响着人们的心理健康。如今,人们对社会禁忌的界限越来越模糊,导致人们难以判断自己的行为是否得体。人们对Jason Aldean歌曲的评价,已经超越了对歌曲本身的评价,而演变成了对政治立场的表达。人们对Kevin Spacey的批判,已经超越了对事实的判断,而演变成了对个人行为的道德审判。人们对Aziz Ansari事件的反应,已经超越了对事件本身的评价,而演变成了对个人道德的审判。人们在社交媒体上对一些毫不相干的人进行人身攻击,这反映了社会中普遍存在的极端化和缺乏理性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Kat Timpf write her book 'I Used to Like You Until… How Binary Thinking is Dividing Us'?

To address the 'us or them' mentality that has hijacked the nation and share personal stories that led her to explore binary thinking.

How does Kat Timpf navigate her identity as a Fox News employee in social settings?

She often jokes that she works in pornography to avoid the negative reactions associated with working at Fox News.

What does Kat Timpf say about the perception of people who work at Fox News?

She notes that people often assume she is MAGA and have preconceived notions about her beliefs based on her employer.

How does Kat Timpf feel about her work ethic?

She loves to work and finds satisfaction in accomplishing tasks, though she acknowledges that her enjoyable job may influence her perspective.

What is Kat Timpf's view on the state of work ethic in the country?

She doesn't understand why people don't love to work and believes that accomplishing tasks provides a dopamine boost and a sense of satisfaction.

How does Kat Timpf handle criticism and outrage from both sides of the political spectrum?

She acknowledges that people will be mad at her no matter what she does but tries to focus on her beliefs and the issues she cares about.

What does Kat Timpf say about the impact of moral outrage on people's behavior?

She believes moral outrage is often rooted in self-interest and that people direct it at third-party targets to feel better about feeling powerless over problems.

How does Kat Timpf describe her relationship with her husband, Cam?

She describes him as exciting and secure, challenging her initial biases about dating someone in finance and military.

What is Kat Timpf's stance on religion?

She is agnostic but wishes she could be religious, feeling that it might make her happier.

How does Kat Timpf feel about the media's role in dividing people?

She believes the media benefits from division and that people in power gain by keeping the public divided.

Kat Timpf discusses her experiences working at Fox News as a libertarian, her personal stories, and the challenges of binary thinking in the media.
  • Timpf talks about her book 'I Used to Like You Until… How Binary Thinking is Dividing Us'
  • She shares personal anecdotes about her life and how she navigates working at Fox News
  • Timpf discusses the pitfalls of the 'us or them' mentality in the media

Shownotes Transcript

Co-host of the late-night hit GUTFELD! and New York Times bestselling author Kat Timpf has the distinction of being the most pregnant person ever to appear on TWIHI. She chats about the pitfalls of the “us or them” mentality that has hijacked the nation and shares personal stories of what led her to write her newest book, I Used to Like You Until… How Binary Thinking is Dividing Us) Big thanks to our awesome sponsors to try ZipRecruiter for FREE. Buy one get one 50% off Use code MIKE for 20% off your order. to reserve your copy of Oh No, Not the Home! by Peggy Rowe