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The Anxious Generation with Jonathan Haidt

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Good Inside with Dr. Becky

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Dr. Becky
Jonathan Haidt
Jonathan Haidt: 本书探讨了2010年至2015年间科技的巨大变化如何重塑了童年,导致了精神疾病的流行。智能手机的普及减少了儿童的睡眠时间、与朋友和家人的相处时间以及参与课外活动的时间。 海特认为,这种变化并非渐进式,而是突然的,它改变了儿童发展成为成熟成人的方式。虽然大多数孩子都能适应,但与90年代初出生的孩子相比,现在有更多孩子的心理健康状况不佳。 海特还讨论了玩耍的重要性,认为玩耍是哺乳动物发育的重要组成部分,尤其是混合年龄段的孩子们在户外自由玩耍,自己制定规则,并承担一定的风险,这有助于他们大脑发育和提升能力。 海特认为,父母应该在现实世界中减少对孩子的过度保护,而在虚拟世界中加强监督。他指出,基于手机的童年有五种主要危害:机会成本、缺乏与朋友相处的时间、睡眠不足、注意力分散和成瘾。 海特还指出,女孩更容易受到社交媒体的伤害,因为她们更关注人际关系和社交,社交媒体迎合了女孩的需求和不安全感,更容易导致她们成瘾。 为了解决孩子过度使用手机和社交媒体的问题,海特建议制定四个规范:高中以前不使用智能手机、16岁以前不使用社交媒体、学校禁止使用手机、以及在现实世界中增加独立性、自由玩耍和责任感。 海特认为,父母应该克服焦虑,让孩子承担更多责任,体验更多挑战,从而培养他们的能力和自信。 Dr. Becky: 父母常常因孩子经历的困难阶段而自责,但当情况好转后,又会因没有及时寻求帮助而加倍自责。 贝基认同海特的观点,认为早年经历会影响个体对自身和世界的认知,而0-3岁和0-5岁是至关重要的时期。她还强调了玩耍的重要性,认为玩耍能够帮助孩子培养能力和自信。 贝基也指出,现在的父母在容忍孩子的情绪和风险方面比以往更加困难,这可能是由于多种因素造成的,例如家庭规模缩小、母亲工作时间增加、以及对邻居信任度的下降。 贝基认为,父母应该学习如何更好地设定和坚持界限,让孩子经历挫折和挑战,并克服困难,从而培养他们的能力和自信。她还建议父母与其他孩子的父母一起合作,制定关于孩子使用手机和社交媒体的共同规范。 贝基认为,父母应该克服焦虑,让孩子承担更多责任,体验更多挑战,从而培养他们的能力和自信。她还强调,完全避免风险并不是一种生活策略,适度的风险和挑战对孩子的成长至关重要。

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Shownotes Transcript

Social psychologist and author, Jonathan Haidt, joins Dr. Becky to discuss his new book The Anxious Generation. In this powerful episode, they talk about the impact of phones, social media, and the decline of play on our kids' mental health. But Jonathan also offers hope that we can end the epidemic of mental illness, end phone-based childhood, and restore a more humane childhood.For Jonathan Haidt's new book, The Anxious Generation, and more information please visit To dig deeper into all of these issues, and follow Jon's work beyond the book, please subscribe to his free substack, AfterBabel.comJoin Good Inside Membership: Dr. Becky on Instagram: up for our weekly email, Good Insider: Dr. Becky's book, Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be, at or wherever you order your books.For a full transcript of the episode, go to listen to Dr. Becky's TED Talk on repair visit’s episode is brought to you by Garanimals: Garanimals is the original mix-and-match clothing brand for babies and toddlers in sizes newborn to 5T. Each Kid Pack contains carefully curated tops and bottoms that easily mix and match. Pick any top and any bottom, and voila! Instant outfit. And with up to a month’s worth of outfits in just one box, Garanimals’s Kid Packs take care of a whole lot of outfit planning. You can find all their fun mix-and-match styles from their new spring collection in Walmart stores and on Today’s episode is brought to you by Airbnb: Let's be honest, parenting is expensive. And Dr. Becky hears all the time from parents that there are so many things they want to do that just don't fit into their budget. And it can feel powerless. What else can we do to have some extra cash to show up as the parents we want to be to give our kids the experiences they want? Airbnb is an amazing way to have some extra money for that family vacation, that soccer class, that lunch you want to go out to with your friends. Being an Airbnb host means that you are providing another family an amazing experience because you've created your home with a family in mind. And it's a great way to earn some extra money for all the different things you want to do. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at