cover of episode The Anxious Generation: Dr. Becky & Jonathan Haidt in Conversation with Stephanie Ruhle at 92NY

The Anxious Generation: Dr. Becky & Jonathan Haidt in Conversation with Stephanie Ruhle at 92NY

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Good Inside with Dr. Becky

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dr. Becky Kennedy
临床心理学家、著名育儿专家和作家,创立了Good Inside育儿运动,著有畅销书《Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be》。
Jonathan Haidt
Stephanie Ruhle
Jonathan Haidt: 焦虑一代指的是1995年后出生的人,他们是第一代在青春期就接触智能手机和社交媒体的一代人。智能手机和社交媒体的普及导致了焦虑、抑郁和自残行为在年轻人中加剧,尤其是在女孩中。科技让成年人的生活更轻松,但这不利于孩子学习应对生活中的挫折,过度依赖科技导致人际交往减少,科技让孩子们不必面对无聊和尴尬,阻碍了他们的发展。为了扭转局面,我们需要建立四项新的社会规范:高中前不使用智能手机;16岁后才能使用社交媒体;学校禁止使用手机;增加孩子在现实世界中的独立性、自由活动和责任感。真正危害孩子的是智能手机及其带来的互联网内容,而非手机本身。过度沉迷电子游戏会影响孩子的大脑发育,并可能导致成瘾。长时间观看短视频会损害孩子的注意力,而观看电影则相对较好。智能手机的普及不仅影响了青少年的心理健康,还影响了他们的学习能力和注意力。学校应该优先考虑取消手机的使用,然后再考虑减少其他科技产品的配备。学校配备的科技产品对低收入家庭的学生危害更大。Meta、TikTok 和 Snap 等公司对儿童的成长造成了严重损害。大型科技公司的高层管理人员并不重视儿童的心理健康问题。我们能够解决青少年过度依赖科技产品的问题,并且已经有了一些积极的进展。 Dr. Becky Kennedy: 焦虑源于对不适和挫折的恐惧,而科技让我们习惯于避免这些感受。父母缺乏坚定的领导力是导致孩子焦虑的重要原因。父母应从保护而非惩罚的角度设定界限,并与其他家长合作。父母需要提升设定界限的能力,才能有效地限制孩子使用科技产品。培养孩子的胜任感是克服焦虑的有效方法,而这需要孩子经历挑战和挫折。父母的过度控制会让孩子缺乏自信,加剧焦虑。让孩子承担更多责任,可以有效缓解焦虑。不适感意味着我们在尝试新的事物,而非做错了事。父母应向孩子传达他们对其能力的信任,即使孩子在尝试新事物时会感到不适。如果孩子过度依赖手机,家长就无法有效地进行管教。家长需要通过合理安排孩子的时间,来限制其使用手机的时间。家长在给孩子手机时,需要设定明确的规则和界限,并保持与孩子的沟通。父母与孩子的联系是解决问题的关键。 Stephanie Ruhle: 技术让生活更便捷,但这不利于孩子学习应对挫折、孤独和焦虑。探究焦虑家庭的特征。我们需要重新审视当今的育儿方式,它往往是科技驱动的直升机式育儿。探讨如何引导孩子合理使用手机。探讨如何平衡对孩子网络行为的管控与孩子的自由发展。

Deep Dive

Dr. Becky and Jonathan Haidt discuss the impact of smartphones and social media on Gen Z's mental health. They highlight the shift from play-based to phone-based childhood and the resulting increase in anxiety, depression, and self-harm. The constant connectivity and avoidance of boredom hinder the development of coping mechanisms for setbacks and loneliness.
  • Gen Z, born after 1995, is the first generation to experience puberty with smartphones and social media.
  • The constant availability of technology prevents boredom and hinders development of coping mechanisms.
  • Direct human interaction becomes uncomfortable for Gen Z, who prefer texting over phone calls.

Shownotes Transcript

Today, we're releasing a very special episode of 92NY Talks with Dr. Becky and Jonathan Haidt in conversation with Stephanie Ruhle about The Anxious Generation. They discuss the teen mental health crisis, phones, and social media. But don't fret, parents will leave this conversation with hope and strategies they can use to navigate the digital world with their kids. Get the Good Inside App by Dr. Becky: the Anxious Generation Guide for free: Dr. Becky on Instagram: up for our weekly email, Good Insider: Dr. Becky's book, Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be, at or wherever you order your books.For a full transcript of the episode, go to listen to Dr. Becky's TED Talk on repair visit’s episode is brought to you by Airbnb: Let's be honest, parenting is expensive, especially around the holidays. If you’re traveling over the holidays and have an empty home consider making a little extra income by becoming a host on Airbnb. Every little bit helps, especially during the holiday season! Being an Airbnb host means that you are providing another family with an amazing experience and it's a great way to earn some extra money for all the different things you wanna do. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at Airbnb dot com slash host.