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Revisit - Wait, What? You Used to Love This.

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Good Inside with Dr. Becky

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Dr. Becky
Dr. Becky: 父母在孩子成长过程中会遇到各种挑战,例如孩子突然拒绝洗澡或如厕训练。面对这些情况,父母不应过度自责,而应尝试理解孩子行为背后的原因。首先,要认同孩子的情绪,并尝试与孩子沟通,了解他们拒绝的原因。其次,要调整策略,例如不必每天都洗澡,可以根据实际情况调整洗澡频率。同时,父母要保持耐心,并对情况好转抱有希望。如厕训练方面,父母应尊重孩子的意愿,在引导和尊重孩子意愿之间取得平衡,为孩子提供必要的支持和引导,帮助他们完成如厕训练。 父母:孩子的行为变化与她开始出现其他类型的任性行为同时发生,尝试了各种方法,包括自己先进入浴缸玩耍,制造吸引力,但孩子仍然拒绝洗澡。孩子对如厕训练表现出兴趣,但行动较少,主要表现为坐在马桶上看书。父母也尝试了各种方法,但效果不佳。 父母: 孩子在如厕训练方面表现出兴趣,但行动较少,主要表现为坐在马桶上看书。父母也尝试了各种方法,但效果不佳。孩子想要站立着换尿布,这表明他们渴望独立。父母对孩子在如厕训练方面的态度是积极的,但同时也感到困惑和不知所措。

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This is a repeat of an earlier episode. One day, your two-year-old loves taking a bath. They love playing with bubbles and bringing in all of their different toys. And then all of sudden... they hate the bath. No amount of encouragement or cajoling will get them in the tub. What's going on here? On today's episode, Dr. Becky talks with parents of a toddler about navigating the (very common) bathtime resistance phase and how it relates to another part of toddlerhood.Join Good Inside Membership: Dr. Becky on Instagram: up for our weekly email, Good Insider: Dr. Becky's book, Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be, at or wherever you order your books.For a full transcript of the episode, go to listen to Dr. Becky's TED Talk on repair visit’s episode is brought to you by Airbnb: Before Dr. Becky was a parent, she thought planning a family vacation would be a breeze… until she realized how much has to come together for a trip with two adults and three kids. Then she discovered Airbnb Guest Favorites. No more combing through options, reviews, and features. Guest Favorites are the most loved homes on Airbnb according to other guests. And that peace of mind when preparing for a trip is huge. Using Guest Favorites couldn’t be easier: Just go to Airbnb, add your destination, tap the filters, and hit the toggle for Guest Favorites. It’s that simple.Today’s episode is brought to you by Happy Egg: The other day, Dr. Becky realized that so many parents don’t eat their own breakfast. She, herself, often scrapes the bottom of her kid’s half-eaten yogurt container or snags two bites of their soggy cereal while running out the door. She's calling B.S. on this narrative. Parents deserve to eat and enjoy their own food in the mornings! Because she knows that fueling her mind and body helps her show up as a sturdier leader for her kids. If you’re looking for ways to up your breakfast game, try making a quick scramble with Happy Egg. These eggs come from small family farms with hens raised on 8+ acres of land. Ready to reclaim breakfast for yourself? You can get 50% off your first dozen by going to