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Revisit - Overstimulated and Touched Out

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Good Inside with Dr. Becky

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dr. Becky
Larissa Gilaris
Dr. Becky:本期节目讨论了父母在养育幼儿过程中面临的感官超载问题,以及如何通过感官和情绪调节来改善亲子关系,享受育儿过程。节目中,Dr. Becky 与职业治疗师 Larissa Gilaris 共同探讨了父母感官体验的重要性,以及如何识别和应对感官超载。Dr. Becky 分享了她自身在育儿过程中遇到的感官超载问题,并强调了关注父母自身感官需求的重要性。 Larissa Gilaris:Larissa Gilaris 作为一名职业治疗师,分享了她多年来在帮助患有感觉处理障碍的儿童以及父母方面的经验。她指出,感觉处理是人对自身最基础的感知,良好的感觉处理是安全感、执行功能、注意力、专注力以及情绪调节的基础。她用“后台工作人员”的比喻解释了感官系统的运作机制,并详细介绍了八种感官系统(五种常见感官和三种隐藏感官)及其相互作用。她强调,感官超载并非错误,而是感官系统在感官混乱中过度活跃的表现。她建议父母关注自身感官需求,并提供一些具体的感官调节技巧,例如靠墙站立、咀嚼脆硬食物等,以帮助父母更好地应对育儿过程中的挑战,享受亲子时光。 Larissa Gilaris:Larissa 详细解释了感官系统的工作原理,并用“水桶”的比喻说明了感官容量的概念。她指出,每个人的感官容量不同,容量小的人更容易感到超载。她建议父母通过一些方法来“清空”感官水桶,例如靠墙站立,这可以减少感官刺激,帮助恢复平静;咀嚼脆硬或有嚼劲的食物,这可以提供深层抵抗性感官输入,释放血清素,帮助调节情绪。她强调,这些策略需要有意识地进行,才能达到最佳效果。她还建议父母在日常生活中注意自身感官需求,并根据自身情况调整感官输入,以保持身心平衡,更好地应对育儿过程中的挑战。

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This is a repeat of an earlier episode. Parenting small children is a full-body sensory experience. They're loud. They're grabby. They make messes everywhere. Personal space isn't a concept they fully understand yet. And as a parent, it's a lot. Occupational therapist Larissa Geleris joins Dr. Becky to give parents tips and tools for sensory and emotional regulation so they can go back to enjoying parenthood.Join Good Inside Membership: Potty Workshop:

Follow Dr. Becky on Instagram: up for our weekly email, Good Insider: Dr. Becky's book, Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be, at or wherever you order your books.For a full transcript of the episode, go to listen to Dr. Becky's TED Talk on repair visit’s episode is brought to you by Airbnb: When you travel with kids, you get really good at expecting the unexpected. But Dr. Becky's last family vacation? She didn’t expect it to feel, well, like a vacation. She found an Airbnb with all these really personal touches—games for the kids, fresh coffee for her, and a really comfortable couch that she could sprawl out on and watch Netflix after the kids went to bed. The place reminded her a lot of home, and it made her realize that her place could also make the perfect Airbnb—and so could yours. We’ve put so much work into creating a loving, beautiful home for our families, whether it’s the kid’s playroom, a cozy reading corner, or even our favorite coffeemaker, and those same personal touches could also create the perfect getaway for another family. Plus, it’s an easy way to make some extra income for your next family trip. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at