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I Choose...Brooke Shields

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I Choose Me with Jennie Garth

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brooke Shields
Jenny Garth
布鲁克·雪儿兹:在演艺事业的漫长旅程中,我经历了高潮和低谷,也见证了社会对女性年龄的刻板印象。我积极打破这些刻板印象,并致力于50岁以上女性的健康和福祉。我与葛兰素史克公司合作,呼吁人们关注50岁以上人群的健康,特别是免疫系统健康,并鼓励大家积极主动地寻求医疗建议。我认为,女性应该积极掌控自己的健康和生活,而不是被动地等待年龄带来的变化。我们应该摒弃那些与女性衰老相关的负面词汇,并积极地展现自身的力量和自信。我40岁以后才真正开始按照自己的意愿生活,不再追求外界的认可。怀孕的经历让我第一次感受到身体的价值不仅仅在于外貌。我努力工作,并把这种工作态度传承给我的女儿们。在经历产后抑郁症后,我意识到改变思维方式的重要性。成为空巢妈妈后,我经历了空虚、不被需要以及对未来的担忧,但也获得了更多的时间和自由,可以专注于个人发展和享受生活。在拍摄纪录片《Pretty Baby》时,我选择相信导演,并希望这部纪录片能够引发关于年轻女性性化问题的更广泛讨论。即使是短暂的休息和放松,也是一种重要的自我关爱方式。 珍妮·加斯:布鲁克·雪儿兹在演艺事业和个人生活中都展现出强大的韧性和自我认知。即使在早期生活中缺乏自主权的情况下,她也能保持自我认知并取得成功。她保护自己和母亲,并努力成为一个独立自主的女性。她对女儿的教育也体现了她的智慧和爱。她分享了在女儿面前展现脆弱的经历以及由此产生的感受,并鼓励女性积极主动地了解自己的身体,并为自己争取权益。

Deep Dive

Brooke Shields discusses her partnership with GSK to promote health awareness for people over 50. She emphasizes the importance of proactive health management, especially concerning shingles, and encourages open communication with healthcare professionals. Shields advocates for redefining stereotypes associated with aging and empowering individuals to take control of their health.
  • 99% of people 50 and older have the virus that causes shingles.
  • Approximately 1 million people develop shingles in the U.S. annually.
  • Shields encourages proactive health management and self-advocacy in the 50+ age group.

Shownotes Transcript

Hollywood superstar, Brooke Shields), is telling Jennie all about being an empty nester, why she continues to reinvent her career, and how she had to trust the director when making their documentary.

Plus, the women connect on a deeply personal shared experience.

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