cover of episode The Re-‘Den of Thieves’ LIVE With Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Van Lathan

The Re-‘Den of Thieves’ LIVE With Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Van Lathan

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The Rewatchables

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Bill Simmons
Chris Ryan
专注于加密货币和股票市场分析的金融专家,The Chart Guys 团队成员。
Van Lathan
@Bill Simmons : 我认为这部电影的成功之处在于它在影院取得了不错的票房成绩,并在随后通过有线电视等平台获得了第二次生命,这在如今的流媒体时代已经非常罕见了。许多观众在看过这部电影后都给予了高度评价,这使得它拥有了制作续集的潜力,并且续集很可能比前作更成功。 此外,这部电影的情节设置巧妙,不断出乎意料,直到最后才揭晓真相,这使得它具有很高的重看价值。 电影中有很多我喜欢的情节,比如角色们说出“我们现在是杀警犯了”这样经典台词,以及洛杉矶深夜的场景营造出的独特氛围。 杰拉德·巴特勒在电影中饰演的角色非常适合他现在的年龄和状态,他为了这个角色增重25磅,并全身心投入到角色中,他的表演非常出色。 这部电影中有很多细节值得推敲,例如狱警对刚出狱的犯人的轻蔑态度,以及警察对离婚的无奈等等。 电影中Benihana餐厅的场景令人印象深刻,我甚至想过在那里举行聚餐。 我个人认为,这部电影在有线电视平台上获得了巨大的成功,这在流媒体时代已经很少见了,这使得它拥有了制作续集的潜力。 @Chris Ryan : 我认为这部电影的成功之处在于它兼具犯罪电影和抢劫电影的特点,它关注犯罪背后的文化,也关注抢劫的机制。 这部电影分成三个部分,每个部分都非常精彩,可以独立观看,但整体连贯性也很好。 电影情节设置巧妙,不断出乎意料,直到最后才揭晓真相,这使得它具有很高的重看价值。 电影中枪械射击场场景的紧张感和角色间的互动非常精彩。 电影最后25分钟的剧情非常精彩,是电影的巅峰部分。 电影中Big Nick闯入前妻新男友家中的场景非常精彩,展现了Big Nick的强势和霸道。 电影中酒吧吸烟的场景体现了2018年的时代特征。 Donnie的计划在电影中起到关键作用,这使得重看电影时更有乐趣。 电影中酒吧老板的角色展现了其敏锐的观察力和对环境的掌控能力。 电影结尾的追车枪战场景中,警方的行为有些不太合理。 @Van Lathan : 我是因为Chris Ryan推荐才看的这部电影,并且非常喜欢这部电影的角色和剧情。 我喜欢电影中的一些细节,例如狱警对刚出狱的犯人的轻蔑态度,以及警察对离婚的无奈。 我喜欢抢劫电影中对目标地点的详细描述,以及抢劫过程中策略的展现。 电影中50 Cent对女儿舞伴的谈话场景非常精彩。 电影开头的抢劫戏份揭示了剧组成员的性格和行事风格。 这部电影可以考虑增加黑人角色的戏份,甚至可以拍摄一部以全黑人演员阵容为主角的续集。 @Dan : 这部电影在影院上映后,通过有线电视等平台获得了第二次生命,续集可能会比前作更成功。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Van Lathan choose to rewatch and discuss "Den of Thieves" again?

They rewatched it due to the upcoming release of "Den of Thieves 2: Pantera" and Van Lathan's enthusiasm for the film.

Why does "Den of Thieves" resonate with audiences, leading to repeat viewings and discussions?

Its blend of crime culture exploration and intricate heist mechanics, coupled with memorable characters and dialogue, contributes to its rewatchability. Its frequent cable airings further amplified its popularity.

How does "Den of Thieves" distinguish itself from other heist films like "Heat" and "Ocean's Eleven"?

While "Heat" focuses on the culture of crime and "Ocean's Eleven" on heist mechanics, "Den of Thieves" combines both. It also features morally ambiguous characters, blurring the lines between who to root for, and a twisty plot that keeps viewers guessing.

Why is Gerard Butler's portrayal of 'Big Nick' O'Brien considered so effective?

Butler's physical transformation, including gaining 25 pounds, and his embodiment of a grizzled, intense character who is both flawed and dedicated, make Big Nick believable and compelling.

Why is the Benihana scene a fan favorite?

The scene showcases the power dynamics and alpha male posturing between Big Nick and Merriman's crew, escalating the tension and highlighting the characters' personalities.

What is the significance of Donnie's character and his role in the heist?

Donnie's seemingly minor role as the driver is revealed to be a crucial part of the heist, adding a layer of suspense and surprise upon repeat viewings.

What is the significance of the film's opening text about bank robberies in Los Angeles?

The opening text sets the stage for the film's focus on crime and establishes Los Angeles as a central character in the narrative. It also serves as a memorable and "hard" introduction, similar to other successful films like "Sicario."

What are some of the nitpicks viewers have about "Den of Thieves"?

Some viewers question the plausibility of certain plot points, such as the amount of information Merriman has about the Bank of Banks, the ease with which Donnie infiltrates the Federal Reserve, and the logistics of the final shootout on the freeway.

What is the "Van Lathan Award" and what does it represent in the context of "Den of Thieves"?

The "Van Lathan Award" humorously questions whether a film needs more Black representation. In "Den of Thieves," it sparks a discussion about the racial dynamics of the characters and the potential for an all-Black or race-swapped version of the story.

The hosts discuss the unexpected success of 'Den of Thieves', its second life on cable, and how it exceeded expectations. They delve into the reasons behind its popularity and rewatch value, highlighting its unique blend of elements.
  • 'Den of Thieves' unexpected success
  • Second life on cable TV
  • Word-of-mouth marketing
  • Multiple viewings by fans

Shownotes Transcript


What's up, everybody? Chris Vernon here, and welcome to a new season of the NBA and the mismatch. And huge welcome as well to my new co-host, Dave Jacoby. I can't wait to link with you twice a week, every Tuesday and Friday, right here on the mismatch to break down everything that's happening in the league. Who's playing well, who we loved, who we loathed, trade rumors, team dysfunction. We've got you covered right here, so follow us.

Subscribe and hit us with those five-star ratings on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. And also don't forget to follow us on social media. That's at Ringer NBA. And check out the full mismatched episodes with the two handsomest podcasters in the history of podcasting right on the Ringer NBA YouTube channel. This episode of The Rewatchables is brought to you by Den of Thieves 2 Pantera. If you loved the first one, and how can you not? The sequel is here to blow things up literally and figuratively.

Gerard Butler is back, rough as ever, and O'Shea Jackson Jr. is stepping up too. The twist is Butler's character once in On the Heist. Yeah, the cop turns gangster. Get ready for more action, more suspense, and pure chaos. See Den of Thieves 2, Pantera, only in theaters January 10th.

This episode is brought to you by Conclave, one of AFI and MBR's best pictures of the year. You know those movies that stick with you? Well, the brand new film Conclave feels like one of those. It's directed by Edward Berger, the mind behind All Quiet on the Western Front. It's a thriller that takes you behind the Vatican walls during the high stakes election of a new pope.

Ray Fiennes, unbelievable as Cardinal Lawrence, leading a powerhouse cast, including Isabella Rossellini, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow. Critics are calling it hands down the best picture of the year. Bill Simmons is calling it really, really, really good. Learn more at slash conclave.

The Rewatchables is brought to you by the Ringer Podcast Network. You can find all the new episodes that we do on this feed on our Ringer Movies YouTube channel. It has a lot of the old episodes as well, some fun clips, the big picture with Sean Fantasy and Amanda Dobbins, and some of the extra movie stuff that we've been doing. You can subscribe and you'll get all of it by subscribing to Ringer Movies. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel as well, the Bill Simmons YouTube channel. Speaking of me, you can send us

Any suggestions, ideas, whatever you want for the rewatchables, because I think we're going to do a mailbag pretty soon. So I have a good batch of stuff already, but if you want to send anything else along the way, you can send it to therewatchables33 at What you're about to listen to, we taped a couple weeks ago. We love the movie Den of Thieves. We'd already done it on the rewatchables a few years ago. We decided to do it again today.

We were trying to actually experiment with something in the LA Spotify office. We had a smaller crowd and we were just in the experimenting phase. I don't know what to tell you, but we decided to do Den of Thieves again. And it's me and it's Van Lathan and it's Chris Ryan. And the reason we did it is because Den of Thieves 2 is coming out on Friday and we were excited about it. So we were like, you know what? Screw it.

Let's do Den of Thieves 1 again. So that's what we did. You're about to listen to it. Let's play the trailer for old time's sake. The Federal Reserve. The only bank that's never been robbed. That's why we're going to rob it. There's $800 billion in there. They're casing the joint from the inside. How are you going to get out of this one? Keep watching. Den of Thieves. What's up?

Yo, yo. We'll see how long I can keep the jacket on. It might get hot up here, but I want to rock it. Yeah, that could get hot after a little bit. The official Den of Thieves Pantera jacket. It's unbelievable. CR was like a kid on Christmas when he saw that on the sofa. Thank you to Lionsgate. Thank you to Den of Thieves, to Pantera, because that's why we rarely do this where we've already done the Rewatchables episode.

And we say, fuck it. Let's do it again. So we did this the first time. What was it? 2019 pre-COVID? Yeah. And, you know, we didn't have a lot of the categories yet. We didn't have Van. I wasn't even. Van loves this movie. So we just said, screw it. Let's run it back. This is a movie, the sequel, which we knew was coming. Yes. At the end of Den of Thieves 1, it's alluded to the idea that there's more to this story and that it'll take place across the Atlantic. Dan, you said something interesting when we were hanging around before this.

the slow burn movie that hits on cable or wherever. And it does a certain whatever in the theater. This movie did well in the theater. But then, you know, one of the reasons we have this podcast, it gets a second life of its own. This is going to be one of those movies where the sequel does better than the original. Of course. The two reasons why I was interested in it. One is because they all went on The Breakfast Club. And I love it when white people go on The Breakfast Club. So I see this list of people on The Breakfast Club and it's like,

50 Cent, Pablo Shriver? Yeah. And Gerard Butler? I want to know who Gerard Butler think won the Jay-Z versus Nas beef. Yeah.

And so then I thought, okay, this movie's interesting. And then to a man, every single person that had seen the movie was like, yo, man, you got to see Den of Thieves. Like, Den of Thieves is actually crazy. And I watched it and I'm like, I'm vibing with these characters, man. This is my type of joint. C.R., you're the reason I saw this movie. Yeah. Like, we've known each other a long time, since 2011. I'd say seven, eight times in my life with you.

You just send me a text and be like, Bill. I think what happens is I'll send you the text. I'll be like, have you seen Den of Thieves? I'm going to get around to it. Then if I see you in person, I pull you aside. I put my hand on your shoulder and I say, hey, have you seen Den of Thieves? And you're like, I'm going to do it this weekend. And then 10 days later, I get a text that says, huh, Den of Thieves. On watch number three in 10 days. Right.

And the thing about this movie is it essentially has these three chunks, right? It's got everything up until Merriman is like, we're cop killers now. And you're like, holy shit.

And then it's got the middle part where you're like, this is amazing. I want this to go on for five hours. Yeah. And then it has the last hour and six minutes, which is just hard as anything else and has three robberies or three shootouts essentially. And you can watch any given part in any order and you can just, as soon as one's on, you're just like, I'm in, I'm watching the whole thing. And,

The movie legitimately keeps you off balance. Yes. Like there are three or four different times, like when I was first watching the movie, I'm like, oh shit. Like what's about to happen when they pass each other, when he's at the house with the girl. I thought it was going to go down right. Then the same question that he asked him when he's in the bank, he goes, how are you going to get out of this one? That's what the fuck I was thinking. Yeah. I was like, there's no way to get out of this situation. Like he's cooked.

but the movie keeps you off balance and keep you off the balance until the payoff is just immense at the end. Well, it starts out, we get the card at the top. Yeah. 2,400 times a year, 44 times a week, nine times a day, every 48 minutes, it's just flashing up. A bank is robbed here. And

And then it goes away and then it comes back. This is the bank robbery capital of the world. I'm like, all right, I'm in. That's the text equivalent of when Billy Bob Thornton is talking about fossil fuels on landmines. Absolutely, I believe it. And it's the same thing for the text. The text is just like, all right, I guess I don't witness bank robberies every 44 minutes. I was about to say, where did it happen? It happened all over the place. I ain't seen one yet. 48 minutes. Every 48 minutes feels like a lot.

That would be like every time you go to the bank, there's a one in eight chance. Yeah. I think about that. I'm like, yo, man, online forever. I don't want to be in the middle of it. It'd be funny if that was completely made up. And it was just like, I wonder if they'll believe this. They put it in front of the movie and then like you repeat it without verifying it. Yeah. You have a party somewhere. I bet you didn't notice every 48 minutes in Los Angeles. Yeah.

So, CR, do your thing about a crime movie versus a heist movie. Oh, yeah. Well, this is like... I talked about this on the first one, but there was like this idea that a crime movie is essentially about the culture around crime. So...

In some ways, I think Heat is actually a really good crime film because it's not just about these guys pulling a bank job. It's about why they're pulling a bank job. It's all the circumstances that led them to this moment where they're pulling it. Ocean's Eleven is a heist movie because it's about the mechanics of pulling off a heist. It's about all the little layers of how they're going to get into the casino.

And Den of Thieves is both. It's about the culture of what led these guys to these moment and LA and the LA crime scene. But then it's also about this super elaborate breaking into one bank to tunnel into another bank to sneak out with Chinese food and get $30 million in shredded money. It's,

It's also a movie to me that examines a culture that I wasn't familiar with yet. Now, we ended up getting a whole bunch of information on cliques and organizations inside of the L.A. Sheriff's Department. But at that point, I didn't really know much about it. And to see those guys on screen like that, it was almost like Alonzo's people from Training Day.

but if they had a little bit more of an actual code and aim to stop crime. So the ambiguity of what in this movie is actually criminal, it muddles who you want to win. And that, as much as anything else in the plot, keeps you off balance throughout the whole movie too. For sure. Well, you mentioned heat. So the biggest criticism of this movie with the douchey people who reviewed it, they know who they are. They're in the wrong.

Was that it was a heat ripoff. We prefer to think of it, it's the Sons of Heat, right? Triple Frontier, this movie. What are the other Sons of Heat? Because he comes out in 1995.

And there's a bunch of movies that are clearly influenced in different ways. I mean, he's influenced pretty much every movie that's come from it. I mean, like, every movie that came afterwards. I mean, like, you could go as big as Dark Knight or you could say something like Triple Nine or, like, there's just tons of crime movies that have come out that have referenced it. I think that the thing that this movie really grabbed onto is the idea that he has, but this movie takes to another level, too, is just this, like, the robber and the cop being on these paths that are, like, going to collide at some point.

That they're essentially the same person. That their obsession with whatever it is that they're doing clouds their judgment and infiltrates every single part of their life. Yeah, and in some ways, I mean, Merriman is more principled than Big Nick in this movie, so they have the kind of like, who are you watching? Who are you rooting for? I think fades and changes throughout the film. But then they twist everything with this usual suspect's plot with Donnie, right? So that's the thing that I think is the curveball that keeps you off

balance throughout the movie is this like why is we keep going back to the driver we keep going back to donnie i know it's an important actor and everything but like what's happening here and it's only until the last shot kaiser soze style that and something else about heat that's a little different here is that um obviously in heat you have shahurless who is like all problems right he's like going through it whatever but neil and the pacino character are pretty invincible i

I mean, they go through things, right? Yeah. But they're pretty one-dimensional in terms of... They're samurais. They're like, this is what I do. Right. These characters are not. Like, guy in the middle of divorce talking to his daughter through a fence. He's crying. You have O'Shea Jackson's character, and you took it off already, brother. It gets hot up here. You knew that was going to happen. It gets hot.

But anyway, most of these characters, they have different dimensions to them where you see a little weakness and vulnerability from them. Sons of Heat, we left that to town. The town, yeah. Yeah, that was another one. So I had crime movie versus heist movie.

A bank robbery movie for bank robbery fans? Oh, yeah. Right? There's some touches. You really have to love it. It's like watching non-majors golf. You know, it's like... I just really, really like watching Mack Toto. The culture. Yeah, the culture of Robin Banks. And then just a lot of alpha male stare downs. Yeah. And you mentioned one of them before, but this movie...

You could have maybe done two stare downs and they have like four or five. The entire film is like one gigantic dick measuring contest. Yeah. Yeah. You have Benihana. You have the gun range. You have in the... Prom date.

And then you have the day after when Pablo Schreiber's character comes out. You have literally the lowest form of dick measuring, which is my high school used to fuck over your high school. Right. Which is something that we do in Louisiana all the time. Oh shit, you went to Capitol? Yeah. Tell y'all motherfucking asses up. I'm 44. You know what I'm saying? Right. Right.

It was 1996, but it still happens. Would you be able to recognize people from a high school you played? Absolutely. Yes. 22 years later? Okay. Yes. Just wanted to make sure. I still know their names. All right. So after watching this movie a bunch of times, and the first time we did the pod, the movie had been out probably like a year and a half. I think so. I've seen it at least 10 times since. This movie checks a lot of boxes for the kind of thing we love, including...

When people say things like, what happened back there? We're cop killers now. The flashback of the parole prisoner leaving. He says it so much cooler than that. I'm just ripping through it. You do it. Do your version. Do your version. He's like, we're cop killers now. Like he says he's got swag. Van, you want to go? Yeah, sure. We're cop killers now. Yeah, that was best. All right, Van wins.

We're cop killers now. That's good. That's good. You just needed more than one take. Yeah, that's okay. That's two takes. We have one of my favorites when a paroled prisoner leaves and the prison guard has to give the, see you soon, Ray. Such a dick move. The guy's running out of jail. See, this is my problem with the prison system. Why are you talking to him like that? Ray. Yeah.

He just got out. It's the happiest day of his life. Yeah, like... You give him shit? Yeah, like, can't wait till you get back. Let him go. The girl's there. We have a cop saying, yeah, I guess I'm getting divorced. Join the club. We have...

We have the bank that's never been robbed. Oh my God. That's why we're going to rob it. A fucking staple. Yeah. But one of my favorite things about a heist movie is talking about just how impregnable a place is that's about to get robbed. And yet somehow there's a ton of information about the place and ventilation. The guy on the phone talking to the cops, you just killed a hostage. Boom. Love that. And then I like when there's like intricate detail about shooting.

Where, like in this one, he's like, suspects wearing body armor, limb and head shots only. It's like, that's some fucking deep dive shit. Limb and head shots only. Don't bother with the chest. That means shoot them either in the head or in the arm. Yeah. Yeah. That's the Alameda corridor, man. You just got to come ready to rock. This movie's playing it off. So Gerard Butler, who I knew from 300...

I knew from Law Abiding Citizen. I knew from a movie my family loves called Chasing Mavericks. Oh, yeah. Surfing. Big surfing movie. Yeah. That was a big movie in the Simmons house. You're not an Olympus' Fallen guy? Well, he did the two Fallen movies. He's also really good in Rock and Roll, I think. Oh, that's great. But there was some rom-com stuff with him. It was like, is he going to be Nick Cage? Is he going the Ryan Reynolds path? What is this? And then he finds himself in Big Nick, Chris. Yeah. Yeah.

Sometimes you gotta age into the roles that you want. I think this is a case where it's like, he was a beefcake, he was a rom-com star, he did some crime movies or whatever, but Big Nick and all the movies around this time seems to be, this is where he was always headed. And this look, being able to wear that weight, wear that age, the bags under his eyes,

I don't think he could have done that 10 years prior. Yeah, I mean, those guys, a lot of times you come out and they fiddle around with it. Even Matthew McConaughey had an awkward period where he was trying to figure out who he was in Hollywood. But when Gerard figured it out... Who is he? Did he figure it out? Yeah, yeah. All right, all right, all right. He's the cool guy from Texas. Well, Butler gained 25 pounds for this movie. Yeah. And...

You know, sometimes you hear with method actors, maybe off the screen, they're trying to capture what's in there with the character. You just get the feeling Butler might have been getting after it a tiny bit on the set. Well, I just think it's perfect for Big Nick, though. Big Nick doesn't sleep. No comment, Van? I mean, he's leathery. He's grizzled.

He's sweaty? Yeah, he looks like a guy that, you know, if you're in a situation with him, you think twice about it before you fuck with him. And that's the kind of thing that you have to give off to make this role really work. He looks like a guy from the 1970s. Like, they stopped making dudes looking like that in 1986. He looks like a guy who got home at 6 in the morning, accidentally texted his wife instead of a stripper, and then drank from milk in the fridge. Well, I'll tell you what. Without putting in a glass. So...

Like, in one scene, one thing that is decidedly white and then another thing that is decidedly black. Oh, this is a good rewatchables category. Yeah. Right. Careful. But only if I think you mean...

Like, every time I see... Let me make sure they only have white characters do this in movies. Every time I see somebody go to a refrigerator and drink whole milk out of the gallon early in the morning, I'm like, God damn, that's Caucasian. But see, the other part of it, where...

You text your girl, but you really meant to text the stripper? My homies been through that. Yeah. Like, we, like, we, I'm pitting there. Like, dude, what should I say? What you mean? We need to find the guy who's done both and make him president. Oh, exactly. So...

So when we did this in 2019, we talked about how this would have been the perfect Nick Cage role in the mid-late 2000s, and then Nick Cage aged out of it. And now it's six years. Who is the actor now that would be the big Nick O'Brien? I think that Pedro Pascal, maybe. Wagner Mora, maybe. You're looking at me because you're just like, there's only one big Nick. No, you didn't. I don't know if we hit it. I really think it's a hard...

You have to have some experience with the actor. They have to look a little physically different. They have to look like this might be happening to them as they're filming the movie. It's a hard needle to thread. Like Affleck, I think, could have done it in the mid-2000s, late 2000s. Affleck, Affleck, Boston, Boston. Yeah. Could Drake make it on this part? Who else? You know what? It's weird. There's a version of this in the multiverse where Liev Schreiber

plays Big Nick. Oh. Because he could play... That got a groan from the crowd. Well, think about how... But it would be brother versus brother. Brother versus brother. One went to Long Beach Poly. One, South Torrance. Pablo Schreiber had...

Half-brother of the six-foot-five. I would say he's about as tall as you can get as an actor and be the lead in a movie when everyone else is so short in Hollywood. You can't really go higher than six-five. Yeah. Right? Like, he was six-seven. He looks like he could play for the Chargers. Yeah, he's huge. He looks like a tight end. We knew him as Sabaka on The Wire. Sabaka, yeah. Way, way, way back. And he was so good in season two.

And then, you know, just was in a bunch of good stuff. Orange is the New Black. Yeah. I think this is my favorite performance of his. It's transformative. It's awesome. He's incredible in this. Yeah. Ray Merriman. Yeah, just kind of has a lot of what you need for a role. Like this intensity, but at the same time, you have to believe that there's some sort of code. And it comes across really well when he's on screen. There are certain things that he doesn't want to and won't do. Is Ray Merriman a fun hang? Probably not.

It's like, come on over to the barbecue at Ray's house. It's like, not a lot of laughs at Ray's house. Ray is... Just people grimly eating. Eating steak unadorned on a paper plate by himself. See, I think... He's not going to have a lot of thoughts on the 12-team college playoff. Yeah. I don't know how this boy sees high. I don't get it. So I think that he's probably... This is the thing about this little group. I think that they're probably fun...

themselves, but not fun for anybody else. They probably have a lot of fun talking about getting to the X field in Baghdad circa 2006, but that's not some shit I want to hear about. Honestly, Van, I rarely do this with you, but disagree. All scenes that we see with these guys, they're like, do you want to lift? That's all they do. There's one scene that makes me feel different when they're intimidating the

The prom date. And then after they intimidate the prom date, they go back in here and I'm like, yo, these guys not about to have a laugh about this. They were serious. But then they all break down. But the one time that these guys crack up is when they're threatening to put a teenager in a wheelchair. Yeah. All other times, including at Benihana before Nick gets there. Yeah. Yeah. They are hard as fucking nails. Like, they don't, like, there's no laughter. There's only robbery. And boom. Boom.

I got family here, bro. I don't appreciate you popping off like this, bro. $30 million budget made $85 million. And the key to this movie was it did well. And then it hit this whole cable world really in the last...

kind of vestiges of when that would happen. Because now it's just like, it's all streamers. You're deciding, you know, what do I want to watch? Oh, I'll go to Netflix. Oh, I like that thumbnail. I'll click on that. This was still the era of you just went to a cable guide and looked around and saw it was on. And Den of Thieves was on, I would say for nine months straight on Showtime. There's like three Showtime channels. It was just on one of the three constantly. And that was where I think the secret sauce came in with the movie. Yeah. I mean, I think that

How many films do we... Could you name in, like, the last three years that did something like this? You know what I mean? Like, since COVID, I think it's been, like, a real, like, drought where we're not really seeing films that are getting, like, a second...

life, a second legs. And people have talked about this, where it's like the home TVD market, everything about it has kind of killed the idea of films having a second life. But this film did well in the box office, and then I think it just became huge. Another thing is there's just so many movies. Like, you're going through your prime video or whatever, and you see a movie, and it's like, oh my God, most deaf John Lithgow, Anthony Hopkins,

And you're like, should I watch this? Yeah. You know what I mean? But this one, you literally got a vote of confidence from so many different people. Like, my cousin hit me up, and I know that he's excited about a movie wherever he puts that in front of the name of the movie. So he'll be like, oh, man, did you see that Den of Thieves? Yeah. But the that lets me know, he fucking loved that shit. Man, did you see that conclave? Did you see that? Bro, did you see that? You see that brutalism?

That's how it is. That's how brutal it is? And so I watch it and I'm like, yeah, man, I've seen that dinner. That dinner is crazy. No Roger Ebert for this. Every Rewatchables episode, we read a Roger Ebert review, but he was long gone because he died in 2014. But? I did ask ChatGBT, Roger Ebert. Oh, my God. Had to find out. It's a crime against God. They said he thought that ChatGBT thought he would like it.

Den of Thieves has been praised for its gritty action and tense heist sequences. Some critics find it derivative of earlier crime films like Heat. Again, they can all fuck themselves. Did Roger Ebert write that? No, Chad. Chad, GBT, Roger Ebert wrote this? Based on this, Ebert might have given it two and a half to three stars, acknowledging its entertainment value while pointing out

It's lack of originality or depth. Chad Chibiti, settle down. I think he would have gone three stars and I think he would have liked the action stuff. Yeah. He probably would have brought up other high stuff. I think he also would have seen that it harkened back to French Connection. It harkens back to classic cop movies from the 70s. It's the kind of movie that should be made every three, four years. I also think he would have enjoyed the fact that

even though the movie is familiar in ways, it doesn't play it safe as far as its story. It goes for some new things that maybe some of those other movies did story-wise.

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Which, LA, I don't know if other cities operate in the same way, but there's this whole other world of LA at night, middle of the night, 2, 3 in the morning, where you just kind of don't know what the fuck's going on in a bunch of different parts, right? And it's just like empty highways. It's always so weird not to see cars. And there's just a couple stores open all over the place, and you just...

Can I make a suggestion? Yeah. You have a very popular genre of social media video called your walk and talks. When are we going to get it? 3 a.m. Hawthorne. I want to see 3 a.m. Bill. 3 a.m. Donut Run walk and talk. Donut Run. Bill walking down Wilshire. Oh, no, no, no, no. Not Wilshire. Fuck Wilshire. Gardena. Southgate. Hawthorne. I want to see you out there with the people doing the walk and talk.

But you see a movie like this that gives you the card of there's a bank robber every 48 minutes. And then the next scene, it's the middle of the night with an empty, long, four-lane street. And there's a donut shop. And you're like, this isn't going to go well for the donut guys. And it's like, is that Bill Simmons walking by the donut shop talking about the Kings? I think he's talking about Drake Bay. So we get the classic, the guy who's reaching for the coffee who they have to shoot. Yep.

We're out of time. We got to engage. They know exactly how long. Out of fucking time. We got to engage. Come back right! Rage 100. Suppressive fire. Which guy would you be in the crew, Van? I mean... Would you be the guy monitoring when the... Like, we have 90 seconds, 60 seconds. Would you be the lead guy? No, that's the best job. Backup guy? Right. The guy in the chair is the best job. But I'm probably Bosco.

You know, I probably messed the whole thing up. He was reaching for the coffee. He was reaching for it. Pop, pop. That's probably me. We don't know what we could do with this Latham guy. Maybe we have to kill him. But that's probably me. But I will say something about that scene is whenever a movie opens with a heist, you're always trying to figure out what that robbery means.

Like what it actually says about the movie and about the crew and about their ethos. And of all the heists that you've seen that open something, this one says the most about the crew itself to me. Yeah. Because they end up... But they've had military training. They've had military training. Contact, left, contact. You have all of that stuff. Two, they rob... They basically steal the truck and not the contents of the truck. So you know there's something more to it. And then three...

The sentence, we're cop killers now, tells you that there's something more to them. So you probably learned the most about this group because of that. And that this was like a level up for them. Right. Nice little swerve though, because we don't know what's in the truck. He opens the door. I mean, we know after we watched the movie eight times. That's the first hint that this is going to be a very twisty movie. Yeah. He's looking in the truck like that. Yeah, it's interesting because there's shades of the opening in Heat, but it's also...

parts of different heist movies too. It's tapping into a bunch. So next one, Big Nick shows up at the crime scene. Gerard Butler's just like, guys, in case you were wondering, I'm going for it. I'm going for it from the first minute you see me. Is there a half a box of donuts on the floor with splattered blood on the box? I'll have one. I'm hungry. I'm hungry.

Looks great. Is there an FBI agent I can call Lob and Bob? They give him the, hey, rough night? He's like, yes, next subject. And you just know he hasn't slept. There's no way he has been asleep that night. He eats the donut, man. By the way, as far as, because, you know, there's always like a grizzled cop rock bottom thing. Yeah. It's either a cop takes out, you know, a cup, a mug, pours some whiskey in it, does some Pepto-Bismol, and you think, damn, that motherfucker nasty.

Right? But as far as rock bottom cop stuff goes, eating from a crime scene after someone has said that one doesn't have any blood on it, broke new ground and you are a nasty motherfucker. You need God. Yeah, your defense is, well, the box was closed.

That's it. That's the only defense. The dude says, he's like, we got donuts down there. He's like, here's a couple of them down there with no blood on them. That was when I was like, oh yeah, Big Nick got some problems. I also love when these guys come in and they instantly know everything that can happen. Where he's saying like, well, they knew the route.

There's no getaway or bird support. And he's just like spelling it out. It's like, this guy has slept probably one hour in the last three days and has just ate a donut off the floor. But somehow he's like just reaching left and right, grabbing everything. It's like you're doing in-game parlays. You're just like, ah, the cabs at home. But to be honest with you, the script is answering questions because if you're from L.A., when you see that first scene, you're thinking, where is the helicopter? Right?

Like, why is there no chopper in the air? There should have been a chopper in the air. And they answer it right away. Then he gives us the, we're dealing with a different animal, boys. Yeah. Like, oh, man, I guess we are. I wrote down, hungover Nick goes right from a donut to a cigarette while making fun of a cop in a suit for being a vegan.

Just elite stuff. It's great. It's some of Butler's finest work. All right, next scene. Donnie tells the story of how he met Merriman and the crew. Really fun driving scene. Good flashback stuff. One of the things I like about this movie is you always know where you are in the movie. Even if we're going backwards, you always have a sense of what's happening. So then they have Merriman setting up the bank of banks scene.

versus Big Nick breaking down Merriman's crew, where they do a little back and forth. Which I think works really well. And Merriman somehow has an incredible amount of information about the Bank of Banks. Well, we find out why later. Later on, we know. How does he know there were 53 attempts? Oh, well, that might be on Wikipedia. I have no idea. Is that on Wikipedia, though? I think the idea is that Donnie has...

Donnie is actually the fount of information. He's the one who's like, here are all the bar napkins. Here's all the information. So it's that bank robbery Yeah, I don't know. 53, whatever. But then we find out Laveau and Merriman played football at Long Beach Poly. Mm-hmm.

There's $30 million. Do you buy this thing that there's $30 million that could just disappear because they have to shred it so nobody's looking for it? I bought it personally. I mean, I bought it too. There's always something like that in every movie. Like we're going to steal plates to make more money. These plates are the only four plates in the whole world and we're the only ones that can get them. I just go, okay, cool. I will say this. It's an incredibly high degree of difficulty. Like these guys are so...

heavy hitters, like they could just straight up rob a bank, you know, like they're like, we need to rob this specific cash before it gets into a shredder. Well, then they can, I guess, spend it for the rest of their lives and it's untraceable. Yeah. I guess it's worth it, but I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Well, heat has, they're stealing what's his face is bonds and selling it back to him. Yes. What was that guy's name? Uh,

Van Zant. Van Zant. Van Zant, yeah. Fast Five had their breaking into the bank in Brazil. Man. That nobody's ever broken into. I think Fast Five's a secret heist movie. The fast people doing too much.

They breaking into all different types of shit. They breaking into igloos, going to out of space. It's like whatever is the hardest shit to do, they trying to do it. I'm over it. I want them to do some regular shit. I want on the rap a 7-Eleven in the next Fast Move. Some regular shit. Going back to the basics. Go back to basics. Fast 11, back to the basics. Fast 11, back to basics. Taking down a donut shop. Don Toretto on a Schwinn. Yeah.

Robbing a regular 7-Eleven because it's going too far now. It's a private school charity banquet. He's just taking it down. Next scene, 50 Cent's pep talk for his daughter's prom date. One of the best scenes in American history. Finally, they put a chef's outfit on him, let him cook for three, four minutes. So this is what's up. For the past 16 years, my daughter's safety and protection has been my responsibility and my responsibility only. And for the first time in her life, I see I got to hand you that responsibility.

Don't fuck up, or your mama will weep if she has to wheel your ass around every day the rest of your life. Now, I worked on this because I want to say this to you as nice as possible. You understand? Yeah. Yes, sir. Okay. It's all right. It's all right. Listen, listen. All he's trying to say is it's wonderful to meet you, and he wants you to have a beautiful evening. I'll see you at 1130. Yeah. Yeah.

1130. Yeah. 1130. Good choice. I did the same thing to my daughter on his prom date. I had all the guys from the ringer garage just trying to show off fantasy, trying to intimidate him. I thought you really did that. It would just be funny to phone call that he would make to his boys. Like, this dude acted like he was about to push up on me. I'll fuck this guy up. He had a bunch of nerds talking about their Letterboxd accounts. I don't know if you know me. I got a lot of followers on Letterboxd.

I saw the brutalist. I'll go on Blue Sky and I'll ruin you. In 70 millimeters, yeah. Next scene, my favorite scene in the movie, the Benihana scene. What you doing here, huh? Work around here? Enjoying my dinner, man. Really? Food here sucks. Yeah. Yeah, we come here for the ass.

How many times have you watched this, Sierra? Do you go on YouTube and just type in Den of Thieves Benihana once a month? Last night, my wife and I were chatting about where we could get a last dinner before she takes off for the holidays. And I did Google directions for Benihana in Torrance. It was not a convenient drive. But I think about this a lot. And I don't know why we haven't done a group dinner at Benihana yet.

Maybe we should. Maybe we should. But we need to do it when there's somebody there we can intimidate. Is this officially Benihana? I don't think they ever say Benihana in there, though. And are there Benihana rip-off restaurants? Oh, yeah. Like other type of hibachi joints and stuff like that, for sure. Yeah, the food here sucks. We come here for the ass. Imagine if you're like, the chef? Like, what the fuck, man? Some guy over there. I'm making an onion volcano. Yeah.

The staff's like, we're right here, guys. Starts talking all kinds of high school football shit. Yes. Number 55, right? That's how I remember you. We were the same number, 55, right? I went to South Torrance. Yeah, we played you guys a couple of times. You and all those fat-ass Samoans. They were big, but man, lazy motherfuckers. Probably all that spam. Yeah, we fucking crushed you guys. Crushed you guys when I was there. Crushed you guys when you were there.

Is that an immediate fight, Van? I mean, yeah, our rivals were capital. And you don't just bring up different shit that happened. But what I want to know is what position these guys played.

I want to know if they was on the field together because they taking this shit real seriously. They see the dude and the dude is the sheriff and he goes, yeah, he played for South Torrance. It's like, you write this, like, fuck him. I'm like, God damn, y'all taking it that fucking serious after years and years and years and years? So what do you think? I was going to do this later, but what were the, what do you think Ray Merriman's middle linebacker tight end? Yeah, free safety linebacker. I think he was definitely, he's too tall. He had to be.

defensive end middle linebacker you don't think he had any possibility that he was the quarterback i gotta say like oh six five quarterback six five quarterback he's calling the shots nobody's fucking following ray in a huddle he's just like just do what i tell you to do yeah heads and limbs you know like that's not inspiring what about big nick what position did big nick play

Oh, he was linebacker, wasn't he? Yeah. Linebacker and probably third down running back. Yeah. Can I just say, I did more research on Long Beach Poly versus South Torrance than any other thing I've ever podcasted about. Yeah. And it rivals only trying to figure out what Lakers game they're talking about in Die Hard when Theo comes into the lobby of the Nakatomi Plaza. But it's really weird that...

Nick is popping so much shit about South Torrance and Long Beach Poly, I think definitively has a better program. Dominant. Yeah. And Deshaun Jackson. Deshaun Jackson. Dominant. And Nick's is like, we've whipped your ass. I'm like, when? When did that happen? Well, they had, since we did the first pod, Antonio Pierce became the Raiders coach. He was the head coach for Long Beach Poly for like three, four years. So yeah, it was a big ass program. Um,

Crushed you guys when I was there. Crushed you guys when you were there. Just bizarre. Anyway. It's like, hey, bro, we're at a Benihana. Relax. That leads to Ray Merriman standing up. I got family here, bro. Don't appreciate you popping off. It feels like we're going to have a Benihana fight. Right there, yeah. And then Butler's partner comes in. Have a good night, everybody.

It's an unbelievable scene, but it leads to, because I think this is part of the same scene, them getting mad at Donnie and taking him to the murder tent. Yeah.

Is that what we call it? It's like the blue tent in football, but it's the murder tent. The body disposal area. Yeah. They've got the Samoan dude with the big bucket ready to go. I'm trying to think of the oh shit. If you're walking into a room like that, Joe Pesci's just getting whacked in Goodfellas because there's one second where he knows. There's the South African dudes in Lethal Weapon 2 have the plastic on the floor. Plastic on the floor is bad. When you see the giant garbage can

And the guy wearing equipment because he's pouring acid in. That's rough. My favorite oh shit moment, and it kills me every time, is Speed. Jeff Daniels. Oh. He walks in the house. He stops. He's about to get blown the fuck up. Murder Tent's great. The shooting range, gun range, whatever we want to call it.

Nice little battle. And Big Nick's a little impressed by the shooting. Yeah, he's cycling that weapon. Yeah, he kind of likes it. There's an admiration. There's a feeling that these guys are going to get in a shootout from the second they even acknowledge one another. They check each other four or five times. He looks, he shakes his head, he looks, he shakes his head, and then Merriman just starts going crazy. And Big Nick has a look, and he also realizes at that point how dangerous his adversary is. Yeah.

We had the fake robbery scene, which is a nice little swerve. The more you see this movie, the more you know where it's gone. But that does have the... We're here for the bank's money, not yours or whatever, which is a staple of every high school movie. That's the Pico savings and loan. My favorite savings and loan on Pico. And then... Oh, yeah. Leading to...

Donnie going in and having to steal the money, which is one of the most tense scenes when he's trapped in the little cash thing, whatever it's called, gets out. They shut the cameras off. It's like this whole five minutes. The guys have to sit there and pretend they're just waiting for the stuff to come on. Really, really good tense scene. He delivers at least three or four day old Chinese food. Yeah. And one lady is fucking

fucking it up. Yeah. And getting in the other lady's face like, you too finished? I'm like, yo man, that beef and broccoli been up there since like the first. Yeah, right. Beef and broccoli can smell pretty off like in two hours in the fridge. Yeah. Three days in an air duct. Yeah.

Then we have the shootout and the ending is the last two rewatchable scenes. I mean, the last 25 minutes of this movie is really... Bill, I'll go you a step further. From the second that Big Nick leaves the playground crying and everybody starts putting vests on, it's an hour and six minutes of perfect cinema.

Wow. Because it's just, because it's like, it's basically, it's the savings and loan robbery, the actual heist of the Fed and the shootout in the corridor. And it takes a very long time and it is incredible. And then it's the CODA. Action reveal, action reveal, action reveal. So where do you go for most rewatchable? Benihana?

- Benihana is my heart. My head says the final shootout on the corridor. It's just an amazing piece of filmmaking. - I got a scene that you didn't mention. The scene where he finally signs the divorce papers and he crashes their little date with his wife. - Oh yeah. Really important. I had this in What's Aged the Best though. - I had it in What's Aged the Best. - Any scene where you separate the sharks from the guppies, if you heard New Date, you gotta go home

Turn on the water, get in the shower and just cry. Bitch not like that.

Like he walks in, he's eating off the man. He's eating lamb chops. He's drinking his drinks. He's talking like that. It's also perfect because both those guys are wearing like I golfed earlier shoes. Yeah. And the one dude is just like, ah, Nick, I was going to call you. I was going to see if you wanted to get dinner. And it's like bullshit. Right. And Nick just sits down in there. I own this. I own everything. Yeah, he says, call the fucking cops. Call the cops. I am the cops. Yeah. This is helpless. I feel so bad for the dude.

At the same time, I was like, fuck him. I think if he wants to pursue a relationship with the lady, at some point he's got to stand up and make it seem like he's... She's on hinge. It's over. Yeah, there's no way you can recover from that. She was talking to her girls. Look, I thought he was so great. He had all of his stuff together. He didn't even stand up. And then fucking Nick walked in and just made him look like a goddamn gimp. It's over. Yeah, it's done. What's the most 2018 thing about this movie?

I would say they're the smoking in the bars in LA, which I think now they would just come in and taser you. I think in 2018, I assure you in 2018, they were not. I mean, I... I feel like this is the last vestiges of it. But to me, it really is like the Showtime bump that this... Like when it goes on the cable. The secondary life thing. Yeah, the secondary life where if this had just been like carry-on on Netflix, it just comes on. I don't know if it hits the same way. I think...

Just the fact that you could jump into the different parts of it, I thought really helped it grow. I thought the most 2018 thing was that there were strippers, but no BBLs. If you go into that strip club now, there's going to be some jiggle in that bitch.

That's probably right. Did he steal yours, CR? Yeah. You don't have to come up with another one. We'll just keep going. What stage is the best? So the Donnie twist, once you've seen this movie a couple times, knowing what he's up to the whole time makes this a really fun rewatch. And the crucial part is there's, whenever it happens, like midway through the movie when Merriman knows, after Benihana, and they're like, okay, Donnie's compromised. Yeah.

Part of you is the first time through, like, okay, you guys are the hitters. Cut him loose. What do you need the driver for? You can get another driver. But when you go back knowing the entire plan was Donnie's, that's why Merriman was compromising and being like, all right, I guess I'm going to keep this guy around because he is the key to the castle. When you first watch the movie, you think he's dead, right? Because why would they fuck around like that? But then you get to the end. Yeah.

Well, tied into that, the art of bartending, his age is the best. I love this quote. Lots of reps. I'm in complete control of my environment. People don't even know. So he says that, and it's a good foreshadowing for what he's up to, but also like, shout out to the bartenders, man. Yeah. Always never miss a trick. Always know what's going on in the bar and the people around. You're always listening to conversations. Were you in gossip as a bartender? I heard everything. Yeah. Yeah. I heard everything. Filed it all away. Okay. What's age the best? Suit stores? Suit stores.

Guys hanging out in suit stores? Want to do that on Saturday, CR? I just want to get myself a big duster. Want to go try on some leather jackets? Yeah. Want to come? You're invited. All right. Unspoken stares. Yeah. Yeah. Testosterone staring. A lot of testosterone. Maybe that's the most 2018 thing. Because in 24, they would probably be looking at their phones. But here, they're just still staring at each other now. Still looking at each other.

I like that there's some good quotes like, come on, give me a hug, we'll save a fortune in therapy. There's some good one-liners in there. All the UFC fighters, which now that I know UFC a lot more than I did in 2018, there's some real dudes in this. Max Holloway? Yeah, Max Holloway. Bisping's at the end, right? Bisping's at the end, yeah. You want to talk about Butler's leather jackets, Chris? I mean...

They're just a perfect accoutrement for this character. They're leathery the way the character is leathery, you know? Would you, if there was the set of them, the game, the movie worn, Den of Thieves 1, leather jackets. Don't get ahead of yourself on memorabilia, but yeah. Dan, I love the, any movie where there's a big board with photos of the crew with titles. Underboss, boss, boom, boom. And you think, and then, because it all comes back to it at the end, the fact that he had it wrong the whole way. Yeah.

And then he looks, I gotta say something else, man. We real progressive on this. I just gotta take it here. Brothers as masterminds, man. Shout out. Brothers, yeah, give it up. Y'all know. The rest of y'all ain't clapping. Okay? Brothers as masterminds. That's how they fucked with you, you know? You know what I mean? That's how they fucked with you. Because at the end, you're thinking, oh, is it Ice Cube, son? And brothers as masterminds, that really meant something to me.

Shooting range showdowns? Yeah. I just like them. It's a great place for a thing because you don't know if they're just going to start shooting each other. It should be the final job interview to get hired at the ringers. You got to go shoot with them. Yeah, let's go shoot together.

The big board with photos of the crew. Remember Sopranos had a whole two episode arc where they ended in a really big episode. I'll never forget that scene because the instrumental was paparazzi by exhibit. And they're going through and they're moving stuff around and it's like when they look at Tony. Uncle Junior's down. And it's like move Junior down and they put Tony up. And

Any other what's aged the best here? Yeah, I have when cops print out a bunch of shit that they could easily just look at on a computer screen just to be able to hold it up and say, what happened to you?

I also really love opening your movie with a huge crime that you have to top. Heat does this. Dark Knight does this. Sicario and Drive and The Matrix when you have like a set piece at the beginning and you're like the bar is already up here. Yeah. And then you top it. It's incredible. The FBI slander is golden.

It's like this movie takes it to the next level. And Die Hard is like, oh my God, it's the feds. We're cooler than them. This guy is FBI cook. Who plays badminton or tennis? Why is he lobbing balls? Yeah, like, you know what I mean? Yeah, tennis took some shots in this movie. Tennis took some real shots? Thank God Pickleball wasn't around at this point. This would have been really bad. Real men play football. FBI vegan cooks play tennis. Yeah. Any other what's aged the best? I think that...

The opening text is so needlessly hard. It's so cool. It's up there with Not to Jump on Apex Mountain. It's the opening text about bank robberies versus the, in Mexico, Sicario means hitman. Those are the two greatest title cards I've ever seen. Yeah, that one was really super fucking hard, like the Sicario joint. I like that Star Wars scroll, though. Yeah. You like that shit, dude? It's too long. It's too long. It's too much reading.

Too long. You're in the theater, you're like half asleep by the time it's over. You're like, shut the fuck up. You know what somebody who's got skills should do is redo the Star Wars scroll but with the text from Den of Thieves.

Scrolling up across the galaxy is like the bank robbery capital of the world. Every nine minutes, somebody gets... It does seem like more movies should just do it. It always works. I'm always down for it. The Fortune 3 Clap Award for most gif-able moment.

Probably like literally any moment for Benihana, I think can be cut into a two second. What would you have though? I have, uh, I have Pablo getting up from his, from his rice and just don't appreciate you popping off here, bro. We got family. Great shock order award. Most cinematic shot. I like that. That final traffic shootout. Yeah. Really cool. Yeah. That looks great. Um,

This is so much fun when we get to give out a category that's from the actual movie. The Den of Thieves Benihana Award for scene-stealing location. So it's Benihana? It goes to Benihana. No. So we can't sell it. So, I mean, obviously then... Listen, if Bill Russell had won the finals MVP after it was named after him, he gets the Bill Russell finals MVP. That's how this works. Well, that would be really impressive. That would be...

Kid Cudi, Pursuit of Happiness. Wait, can I throw out some runners up for Denif? Yeah, go for it. I would say Ziggy's, Off Brow, and the menswear store. Oh, the donut shop. The donut shop is one too, for sure. Kid Cudi, Pursuit of Happiness, or where Besnino dropped. Not a lot of music in this. Well, the music is incredible. There's not a lot of songs. No, but a lot of like with lyrics, but What It's Like by Everlast. Oh, yeah. Nice little, let's squeeze that one in there. Little late 90s, baby. I love that joint.

They call her a killer and they call her a sinner. Boy, he was dropping some knowledge, man. The Big Kahuna Burger Award for Best Use of Food and Drink. Unless you guys can top drinking milk right from the cart at six in the morning. Bloody Donuts? Bloody Donuts and Deb's New Man's House Dinner. Oh, eating the food? Yeah. What's that? The skirt steak. Oh, yeah, the skirt steak. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a lot. A lot of food. It's a very good food and drink movie.

Okay, the Butch's Girlfriend Award for weak link of the film. I have a thought, but I don't know. You want me to go first? Yeah, for sure. So there's 50 cars between the robbers trying to get away at the end and the cops. And I just, I'm not sure the cops would just decide to turn a traffic, like,

standstill into an actual shootout. Well, I have this in nitpicks. Because I just imagine sitting in the car, you're halfway through, you're like, what the fuck's going on? You're like, coward's got on the third second about Oregon. Yeah, he's got such a point. At one point, they actually go down the, and he's like, get down, get down. Get behind the engine block.

Yeah, I'm about to light the fucking highway up. You see what this guy got? That's from Call of Duty. My engine block not going to help me. Maybe wait to take him down? It's a class action suit like a week later. Were you in Traffic Shootout on March 29th? What do you have for a weak link? Anything? No, I don't have a weak link. I have a Vincent Chase, which is off-set. What stage do you wear? Smoky inside a bar we mentioned. Big Nick going to see his daughter at school.

I don't know. Yeah. I might have just had him outside the fence crying, but I like the shock value of the ending as a what's aged the worst because the second, third, fourth time you see it, it's not a shock anymore. So it's not the movie spot, but it's aged the worst because you know it. There is something in my head called the Ray Merriman cut.

where you just end it when he's like, when Ray and Laveau have died, you know, like, Oh, that's it. And it's basically like, this ends like heat basically where these guys have had this confrontation and he, you know, he's like, I didn't bring my cuffs today. You know, it's like that there is a way to end it that way. But the Donnie stuff then unlocks everything that happens afterwards, you know?

So I think that eating the donuts off the ground has aged the worst. Yeah. Especially now because we got Ozempic. We don't even want them donuts no more. Right. Oh, yeah. He's just taking a glutide. Yeah.

The biggest one for me, and this isn't the movie's fault because they had a certain budget, but they film a lot of it in Atlanta. And I think if they knew it was going to be as big of a movie as it became, I just think we're getting more actual LA in this movie than Atlanta pretending to be LA. Because we noticed, but the most, I would say almost everybody who sees this movie would not notice. First time through, I was like, damn, LA. And then there's one shot outside of Nick's

ex-wife's house or wife's house where there's no foliage and you're like, oh. You know what's funny? It's fall. And CR can attest to this. I just realized it today. I just realized it today. That's a testament to it being cool. I actually just came in and said, yo, is this a more LA movie than Heat? Because they continuously drop different LA stuff all throughout. It's part of the DNA of the movie. But yeah, once it's pointed out, you notice it.

We have a category called the Mark Ruffalo, Vincent Hanna, Saul Rubinick, Linda Partridge Overacting Award, which doesn't even necessarily mean overacting. It's really for somebody who's dialing it up.

Gerard Butler not only wins this, it's one of the reasons the movie is as much fun as it is because he's going for it the entire fucking time. If you get to have a scene where you're wasted and a scene when you're brutally hungover, you're going to win. Yeah, it's the triple crown. And a scene where you cry after you got the whole gamut of emotions. Was there a better title for this movie, Van?

I don't think so. I don't think so either. Yeah. No, like Robbery Capital of the World doesn't, I don't know. Dead of Thieves is sick. Dead of Thieves is sick. It's going to be interesting though when it has sequels because eventually like Fast and Furious became Fast Five, Fast Six, and then we shorthand. I don't know if we're going to be shorthanding Den or Thieves. Thieves Eight. Thieves Eight. I think it's going to be Thieves, right? Can you dig it award for most memorable quote?

People that have things to hide never have much to say. Good high school yearbook quote. I have the exchange where Ray's like, I ain't cuffing up. And Nick's like, that's okay. I didn't bring my cuffs anyway. Yeah. Okay. The CR thinks Luke Wilson could have been Harrison Ford. How does he make a word? What do you got, CR? If you know you're getting Den of Thieves 2, do you keep Ray alive?

Do you keep Ray a lot? Like, is Merriman so cool in this movie and such a viable character? I know it ends the movie with such a profound, like, period at the end of the sentence. But Pablo is so good in this that would you be like, Nick goes to get Ray out of jail to help him catch Donnie is the second part. So, I...

Maybe, probably, okay. But I do think that there's obviously some utility in killing him because I think the statement that the movie makes, the movie to me, the underlying theme of the movie is predator versus prey. Right.

the entire movie you think that he is a predator but he's actually just prey. The two apex predators that were left at the end of the movie had different skill sets. Sure. One of them was a big bruising physical guy and the other one was your Lex Luthor. Sure. And so like that that that that

And I don't know why you're giving away ideas, but that sequel that you had in mind actually would be dope. But him going out like actual prey actually works in the movie really well, too. What do you think? Ray's twin brother, Rick Merriman. Yeah.

Ray was QB. Rick was the receiver. Rick's leading a good normal life. He lives in Austin. Never got into the family business. Yeah, I like that idea. Sean Merriman is his actual... Sean Merriman. Sean, he played football. He was playing for the Chargers at this point. Their dad could be playing, I don't know, about Denzel. They have brothers or something. Now we cook it. All right.

I have, uh, so this movie, what, you know, the movie reviewers, when they were doing the, how it's like heat, there's some stuff that's the same. Like they have, uh, there's bank guys over the top cop in a bad relationship, two sides casing each other out the side, the, the bad guys knowing they're being followed by the good guys trying to get info on them. Big shootouts at the beginning of the end, hero cop confronting his wife's new guy, downtown LA, uh,

The scene with the messed up hero cop trying to connect with the younger girl. And then the black cop sidekick. So there's a lot of stuff in there. I'm fine with all of it. Guess what? We love Heat about as much as anything. Why can't more movies emulate Heat? Why is this a bad thing? It's like, oh my God, he's emulating Michael Jordan. I mean...

Yeah, it happens. It happened in North Hollywood. The actual fucking thing happened. I mean, these are things that get reflected in movies because shootouts happen, things like that happen. So casting what ifs we couldn't find anyway. Not really. But the director is here. Where is he? Christian's here, so maybe he can tell us later. Was there a casting what if? Was there anybody that was supposed to be in this movie and it didn't happen? Where is he? Oh.

Yeah, that's what the internet... See, this movie hasn't been out... What happens with the rewatchables is the movie's out 30 years, and then it's like... Every single person? Ryan Reynolds was going to do Den of Thieves, and then he backed out. You just never know what's true or not true, so this movie hasn't been out long enough. Oh, this is good. We get to give out the Van Lathan Award. Did this movie need more black people, Van? I have an idea. Could have been different. Den of Thieves, race war. Did you actually have this written down? Yeah.

All black cats. Dinner Thieves, Race War. That's what we do. Okay. Which is this like the fourth one or the fifth one? You laugh about it. So for some reason, we got all black cops, all white heist people. Okay. They played high school football. The black guys used to fuck. They're mad. They start robbing banks. Yeah. Yeah.

And now we got to give one more victory over them. So more black people, all black cast, but then of thieves, race war. If it happened, it would have to be written exactly like that and in that voice where the white robbers would be like, I'm so mad we used to get our asses whipped by those black guys in football. Let's rob banks. We're getting back at Dorsey High. We're getting back at Crenshaw.

You know what I mean? Yeah, we're getting back at Fairfax. We are Notre Dame. We are Harvard-Westlake. So Hoosiers crossed with Heat. Hoosiers crossed with Heat. Okay. Get it, Thieves. Race four. Race four. The fourth one. Yeah, perfect. There it is. Best That Guy Award. Uh.

I mean, that guy from this movie in Shot Caller, who we know is Evan Jones, but I think Chris and I are one of the only two people that know. To me, he's got to win. But would you put a little bit else in there? Don Oliveri. Because she was, and she's been on a bunch of Taylor Swift stuff. That's Big Nick's wife? Yeah.

Meadow Williams is Ray's girlfriend, but you didn't know her name. There's one guy, a Russian guy that plays one of the truck drivers. And I see him in stuff all the time. That's a good guy. Yeah. I've seen him in a bunch of different things. So Dion Waiter's a word for best heat check in the movie. This is somebody that's in for a couple scenes and then that's it. I have the two ladies ordering the Chinese food.

You like that? Yeah. They're only in like two scenes. They're just bringing the heat. She's pissed off. She's like, go stop that guy. I knew it was coming. What? No, I like him. Who else did you have? Everyone else is in it too much. Everybody is. It's a small cast. It's not a lot going on. So, no, I think, I mean, you could almost, the FBI guy is really turning on you. Yeah. Oh, the tennis guy? Yeah. Yeah.

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Recasting couch director city CR. We're obsessed with land man right now. Um, what if we had Allie Larder's character from land man as big Nick sex wife?

Just going for it. I don't think she would have taken that text message as gracefully as Deb did, but yeah. Yeah, she probably would have stabbed him. I was thinking, because we were talking earlier, we did a quick video where we were talking about what's next for Timothee Chalamet. And while I obviously approve of going forward with the Den of Thieves into the future...

What if we did young Nick? Oh, early Nick O'Brien. Early days on the LAPD going into LASD, like getting acquainted with the LA underworld. A prequel. Yeah. I like it. I said initially, I was trying to, when we did the first pod, I was talking about how we could have gotten like a funny character in this. Because it's a pretty weighty movie. I laugh a lot though. If Dave Chappelle was Butler's sidekick.

Dave Chappelle. Chill. Hold on. Bear with me. Hold on. Hold on. But with like a bunch of gun training and stuff? That would look so weird. He's swimming against... You didn't know he had it in him, but he's got like the three moments where he really makes fun of Big Nick and it's funny. But I think I was wrong with that. I actually like... I wouldn't change...

I would have changed the cast. This is where I landed. But I was trying to think, how do we get a funny person in this? Who is like the... I think Bosco could have been funnier. Like Bosco could have been like, that's like the flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers role. You know what I mean? Who would you put in? Like one person who's like three times just busted Nick's balls. I mean, so it's interesting. The Dave Chappelle thing. You know, Dave Chappelle is kind of small. Now we're back.

I mean, no, he is kind of swollen. I'm talking 2018 Star is Born, Dave Chappelle. You want Shane Gillis to play Murph, right? Yeah, just like three jokes. It would almost have to be one of the cops, though. That's what I'm saying. Three jokes about Big Nick. I can't believe you ate that donut. That was disgusting. Right. Joke. Yeah, I get it. Tony Romo, Chris Collinsworth, or someone else for the director's commentary. What do you have, CRF? What if Doris Burke was calling the prom date intervention?

We see you, Mr. Laveau. For the past 16 years, you've been responsible for your daughter's safety. Now she's going out in the world, prom night, with a gang-affiliated teenager named Ronaldo. A huge moment in any father's life, but you've got half a dozen South Pacific Islander linemen and a cop killer named Ray Merriman by your side. It's not a prom night we will soon forget. Oh, wow.

Unfortunately now when I watch ESPN NBA, I just think of CR during doors. She also never speaks in that much of a monologue. It's just like, I don't know how it's gotten out of control like that. That scene when Donnie's in the bank room and they shut the cameras off and it's super tense there. Tony Romo easily, I think, could have come through. They turned the cameras off, Jim. He's only got three minutes. He's got to get to the bed.

I was thinking about that yesterday as he was having an orgasm about Josh Allen. Half-assed research. So Christian, the director that's here, he started writing this movie in 2003. So this is a 15-year odyssey. Inspiring story, Van. Yeah.

You've worked on some movie projects in your life. 15 years. A decade and a half. It's a lot. You got to commit. Maybe in 2050, we'll make Den of Thieves Race War. You never know. Yeah, it could happen. Just keep plugging away. I'm ready. This movie was released in some countries with the title Criminal Squad. Ziggy's Bar is in Atlanta. It's called Johnny's Hideaway. Oh, okay. Is Ziggy's Hofbrau based on Sam's Hofbrau here?

Isn't that off Olympic somewhere? Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Did you ask where Sam's half bra is? It's off Olympic. I can show you. Okay. I've been to bars too, man. Yeah. Have you been to Sam's? I've not been to Sam's. Oh, yeah. Do you want to go next? We can go. We can go. Don't fall in love. It's going down in that motherfucker. It is.

So there's a military consultant who did separate boot camps for both sides to train them. I always wonder about this. Yeah. Particularly with the Taylor Sheridan stuff. Yeah. You almost wonder if Taylor Sheridan was in the service, how the vernacular comes out. But in this one, there's a lot of tactical stuff, and I always wonder. In the closing credits, the $100 bill has the serial number DOT-

0 0 0 0 2 0 1 8 for den of thieves. Got to really catch that. Take some times. All right. Apex mountain, Gerard Butler.

I think you could make the argument that this is the second phase of his career. The Fallen movies? I think 300 is the first peak. Where are more conversations now? 300 or Den of Thieves? Well, Den of Thieves in our bubble. Longer tail. I think Den of Thieves now. 300 probably played more at sporting events. Yeah, 300. It's probably 300, but...

He's more this guy now. Yeah. So it's an interesting one. I think it's become this. Pablo Schreiber. It's This or The Wire. Yeah, This or The Wire, yeah. I think it's this. Suit stores? Suit stores in a movie? Like in films or in general? All suit stores ever.

This is a very specific kind of suit store where you can get a suit and a leather duster and cowboy boots. Yeah. It's a three-for-three suit store for sure. Three-for-three suits are great. The Federal Reserve Bank in Los Angeles. Didn't even know it was a thing, so yeah. Yeah, the Fed. Never going to take it down. Also, it could be apex mountain of things being described like Fort Knox. Yeah.

Long Beach Pauly versus South Torrance. I'm going to say this was the fucking apex. It's certainly the apex for South Torrance because otherwise it's Chad Morton. Shooting ranges in a movie. I still got a Beverly Hills Cop 2. Really important. Bigger for the plot. Benihana in a movie? It's actually Benihana, which is unclear still. Christian, was it a Benihana?

That counts. We're counting it. This is invaluable, by the way. We could have just been doing this for two hours. Accidental text to a stripper that go to your wife in a movie? In a movie? Yes. In life? Not even close. In life, that would be Tiger Woods, right? What's the text? It's like, you're such a bad bitch. What? Is he here? Thank you. Nah, the text was... Nah, I can't fuck over him like that, man.

Heat homage, second generation heat movies. It's basically this versus... The Town. Versus Triple Frontier. Triple Frontier is a war movie though, right? Yeah, Triple Frontier is not... Yeah, but it's still a heist. I mean, it's a heist, but the town is much... It's got that same vibe. The town is much more on the nose as far as like that type of thing that you're talking about. Okay. Oh, Widows. That's a good one. That's a really good one. Sexism stopped us from bringing it up. Woo!

Tacking up for a street gunfight after a heist? Yeah, this is about as good as I've ever seen putting on bulletproof vests. O'Shea Jackson Jr. So you got this, you got Straight Outta Compton, and you also have... I think he's Donnie now. You think he's Donnie now? I think it's actually going to be the sequel.

Oh, the sequel is going to be... I think that's going to be Zayn's pitch, man. I DM'd him and let him know we were doing this. He was like, yeah, man. Hell yeah. Is that how he sounded? He's a nice guy. We were like, hey, man, I got this script idea called Race War. Think about it. It's about these white football players.

Bad things happening at a donut store in a movie. I'm still going Boogie Nights. Oh, Boogie Nights for sure. Even though that did lead to Buck being able to open his own stereo. The question is, is it the same donut shop? I guess not because that's in the Valley. Drinking milk right from the carton? Probably Anchorman. Anchorman is up there. It was a terrible choice. And then Angel City Donuts. I think this was Apex Mountain for wherever that was.

All right. Next category is Cruiser Hanks. I got Hanks' big neck. Really? Make the case. Let's hear it. I feel like Hanks post-Saving Private Ryan could do it. I think he's got it. I think he spent some time with Sizemore. He knows about late nights.

And coming out of Saving Private Ryan, we could have seen it. Are you trying to tell me Tom Cruise could have been anywhere in this film? Wait a minute. I want everybody to close your eyes and think about Tom Hanks walking into that fucking dinner and stealing the food. Yeah. Tom Hanks saying, the food sucks, we come here for the ass. Right.

But Tom Cruise saying it would be just as crazy. We come here for the ass. I actually thought Cruise because it would have been the Cruise that I like where he just tries to become this alternate crazy personality. Like collateral? As big Nick. Cruise as big Nick. Cruise is 5'7". Cruise just saying fuck it. Well, he'd be medium Nick. Okay.

Yeah, I guess Cruise maybe... Can you imagine Cruise facing off against Pablo Shriver? Well, I think we have to get rid of Pablo if Cruise is in it. It's going to look like a Make-A-Wish outing. It's going to look like Big Brothers or L.A. It's like...

It was nasty, bro. I think if Cruz is in, Pablo is probably not in the movie. We're probably recasting. We got to get a shorter way. Yeah, it's a shorter cast. It's more of like a slot receiver guy. So you think Hank's

After trying to be like America's uncle. You're giving me a binary choice of Cruz or Hanks. I'm telling you it's Hanks. You're the tiebreaker. So it would have to be Hanks. Okay. It would have to be Hanks. I think you're right. I just wanted to see Cruz trying to play big dick. Cruz has played more roles like this before. Yeah, he's in collateral. He's done shit like this. Yeah.

Racehorse Rock Band wrestler fantasy team name. I'll give you Angel City Donuts or Ziggy's Hoff Brow. I like calling a horse Long Beach Polly. Oh, nice. Long Beach Polly is good. All right, pick a Nets. Scottish Gerard Butler as a South Torrance football star. Go. Bro, you can't tell me he don't have that whole Bill Romanowski thing. No, he does. He's Scottish. Yeah. But he hides it pretty well, but I just have the background of knowing. Okay.

So Hawthorne to Wilmington, 14-mile ride. Just going to flag that. Just having lived in L.A. for the last 22 years. 14 miles is a long way. This is the collateral rule of L.A. traffic. Yeah, there's some math stuff. There's more later. Should Donnie have immediately asked for an attorney when he woke up in a hotel room with P. Oliver himself? Well, I think... Like, I would have. Did you get the impression that L.A. would be like, oh, did you want representation? He literally tells him, I'm in the gang.

Yeah. I'm a cop. Before he does that, maybe I'd like to talk to an attorney. Bruh, I watch interrogation videos. They don't be asking for attorneys, man. So, Van's got to explain this to the audience. What? Interrogation. Do you guys know what interrogation videos are? Y'all watch the interrogation videos? Where are you watching this? I'm watching them on YouTube. Okay. Red tree crimes, explore with us, all kinds of stuff. Cops sit down and they go, hey, listen, we know you're not a bad person.

We know you killed your entire family. We just want to know why. And the entire time, the person, you're like, ask for the lawyer, ask for the lawyer, ask for the lawyer, ask for the lawyer. By the end of it, they eating Popeye's and doing 150 years.

I would ask for an attorney if I was Donnie. We covered why does Merriman know this much about the Bank of Banks? I don't know how he gets that information in 2018. What do you have? I have some more. It takes me like 10 minutes and I have to go outside and wait for Uber Eats to drop off my lunch at Spotify. But the Chinese food delivery guy can get inside of the Fed and wander around the cafeteria. With two bags? Yeah. It just seems like they could add a tighter Chinese food delivery protocol at the Fed.

Yeah, maybe just drop it off at the front desk. Yeah, just be like, hey, your food's here. You can come down and get it. So this is maybe the biggest nit I've ever picked in any movie ever. Okay, he's sitting there. Big Nick looks at him. He looks at Donnie, and he says, you got a small pecker for a black guy. And Donnie says nothing. Donnie doesn't say, you ain't seen it when, because I'm a grower.

You can go ask these chicks from where I'm from and they'll straight tell you that's bullshit. It's women in the room, it's other dudes in the room, and he just accepts that. No. Nah, you don't even know what average is. That's not for real. You talking to somebody else.

Obviously, I peed on myself, so my shit was like... It's a side effect of being tased. Yeah. Like, I was tased. I'm nervous. You can't make that... Let's talk about the heist. Nah, before we talk about the heist, let's deal with this issue of you saying this. Yeah. Good nitpick, man. Yeah. So, Donnie bags up all the $100 bills that are being shredded, and he's got I don't know how many bags.

Based on the weight of $100 bills, $1 million would weigh 22 pounds. Okay. So $30 million in $100 bills weighs 661.5 pounds, according to the internet. Yeah. Do you think he dumped 661.5 pounds over that thing in two minutes? I mean, you'd probably be like, this is for all the marbles. And those bags were tiny. Yeah.

It's a nitpick. I mean, I've seen this movie 17 times. We should have brought 600 pounds out here and seen how fast... Yeah, couldn't taste her now. 600 pounds of what? Oh, yeah, Bill could swing that. So, Donnie, because he has access to the people that go in and out of the bank, then he writes down the entire ventilation system on a bunch of napkins? I just want to talk it out. So, this is what I'm...

So every once in a while, the movie, you have to suspend. The movie doesn't work unless he's like a super genius. Right? So that has to. Well, I think you're supposed to imagine that like the little bits you're seeing.

by a thousand. He's been at the bar for however long. Hearing these people come in, they leave their ID cards there, they're talking about the new woman at the cafeteria, whatever, and that he's been accumulating this knowledge over the course of this period. And then at some point he had so much information, he goes, this could be actionable in some kind of way. How many days was the Chinese food order up above the bathroom? And there's probably an answer to that. I don't know. It's at least five. So if you have Chinese food...

in the fridge for five days. It's risky. Yeah. I'm trying to think what could have been eaten by either of those ladies over the court that could... Does the Chinese food exist? Would it have to be cold?

Yeah, it was cold. But remember... So I'm saying initially cold, like a cold low main, something like that? Oh, you're talking about like what they would order? The actual order. Oh, yeah. What was the order that they were like, that's cool, this tastes normal? Because if it's like just beef with broccoli, that thing is like moving by Thursday. But also, it was like, it was so late, they could have been like, oh my God, it's just not hot anymore. Hungry as fuck. One of those things smelled really bad, I'm guessing. So Merriman Sprinting...

Yeah? Wasn't impressed. Guy was supposed to be like this kick-ass football player. I didn't like how he ran. I don't know whether like some back injuries. Do you mean like in the Miles Turner way where you're like, I don't like how he runs? It just didn't feel athletic enough to me. Combine, I'm crossing him off my list. Well, he didn't go pro. Right. Yeah. He's a high school player. Just jumped out to me. Looks slow. What if he got his knee blown out in high school? Maybe. You know what? We're making excuses for him. He looks slow. Well, I'm not making any excuses for him. I'm saying respect him, man. This man might have got some shrapnel and

Baghdad or Fallujah or something like that. Oh, right. Jesus. It's a thought experiment. Turned into like me insulting the military. Well, the body armor is probably heavy too. I don't know. I just, I wasn't impressed with Pablo. In terms of jogging with full cap. Didn't love it. Yeah. CR, you did this when you initially wrote about this movie for the ringer.

You mapped out going from Montebello to the Federal Reserve, Los Angeles branch, all the way down to Alameda Street. Yeah, Alameda Corridor. It's a long time. And it could explain why they were in traffic and ended up getting caught.

They put so much time and energy and thought into how to break into this bank. They never factored in the traffic part. Well, they never factored the right lane being closed. And honestly, that's the most quintessentially L.A. thing that happens in this movie. Yeah, that's just Thursday. It's like, I had fucking plenty of time, and now I'm 40 minutes late because they closed the right lane. Also, they thought they would be clean. They thought they would be undetected. They thought their plan was going to be sound. And so they didn't know that they were up against...

Super cop linebacker Big Nick. Big Nick, caught him. Any other nitpicks? The only other one that I had was Merriman is super offended by Big Nick's behavior, but I would not describe Merriman as really putting an emphasis on his family. Because he does basically make his girlfriend sleep with Big Nick to put him on a wild goose chase. So practice what you preach, right? That's all I'm saying. Fair. Yeah.

That's fair. I can go along with that. Sequel, prequel, prestige, TVL, Blackcaster, Untouchable. Next category. We were getting a sequel. But I would take a prequel. I'd take a prequel and a sequel. Yeah. A prequel would be a great way to bring Mammon's character back.

Yeah, but you have to shrink them a little bit, you know? Get them smaller, yeah. Next category is, is this movie better with Wayne Jenkins, Danny Trejo, Sam Jackson? No. Byron Mayo, Harling Mays, Long Legs, or Philip Baker Hall? Do we add Big Nick to this category going forward? What movie's worse with Big Nick? We've been moving guys out, right? Should we get Philip Baker Hall out and Big Nick in? I'm happy to do that. Okay.

All right. What movie would Big Nick not make better? Like, rom-coms he'd make better? Horror films? Just be coming into a house where there's, like, an exorcism? Yeah, like if Adam Driver was friends with Big Nick in Marriage Story. Right, yeah.

You just got to dump her, brother. If Big Nick was friends with MLK and Selma... Hey, got to get across the fucking Edmund Pettus Bridge. Let me tell you something, brother. Yeah, I'm in. So we'll add Big Nick. Okay. I was thinking about what would happen if Wayne Jenkins was Big Nick's divorce attorney. Oh. Damn, Big Nick! I didn't know I was watching Kramer vs. Kramer!

Don't you know about having a burner phone for strippers? I hope you had a prenup. You better get a meter in here, big dog, or you're going to be paying Alamo all fucking time. Wayne, he's back. Just one Oscar, who gets it? Should we just say Christian because he's here? I would say, you know what's funny? Not to dick rot, but I would say script, though.

I would say script. Christian still wins. Yeah, I'm saying script. Yeah, you wrote, I would say script. It's an inventive script. If I was going to go with anybody but Christian, I honestly would go Pablo. I had him as well. Probably unanswerable questions. Best and worst job for the people driving the armored truck?

Worst job is sitting in the back. Yes. Inside. Because that guy always gets blown up if anything bad happens. I would be like, we're fucking drawing straws to see who's sitting in the back. I'm glad you brought this up because I wanted to know what's a medium bad day for an armored truck guy?

Like, the donut store is closed? Good day is nothing happened, right? Bad day is Den of Thieves happened, or Heat happens, or whatever. What's like, that was just going over a lot of potholes? Yeah. Or the bank was slow getting us out of there, or whatever? Didn't get home in time for the football game because there was a lane closed? Movies like this make me wonder, like, what kind of people are the armored car people? Yeah. Because, you know, if I'm driving the car...

And the guy goes, we got armor, piercings, and clothes. And we about to fuck y'all up if you don't give me the money. I'm like, yo. Take it. Hey, bro. You can have the money. I'm going to go in that donut shop. I don't know. You want some? When I come back. You want a glaze? I could throw them out there. But it's the armor car. In all of these movies, the armor car guys always. It's like, I'm going to die doing what I love. Protecting money in a truck. And I'm not saying that's whack. I'm just saying, yo, who the fuck are these guys? You know what I'm saying?

What other answerables? I wanted to know if Ray Merriman was a tribute to Sean Merriman as a football player. And how would Van talk his way out of sending that text? Oh, what? How would you have talked your way out of sending that text? To your big neck at six in the morning. Oh, oh, oh shit. Okay. Well, look. Let me see that.

That wasn't me. So look, let me tell you what happened. So my homeboy, his phone, we was all there. I was there. I'm not going to lie. I spent a lot of money, okay? You probably shouldn't look at the bank statements for a little while, baby. I spent a lot of money. But my phone died. And I'm leaving.

And my man... Or excuse me, his phone died. I apologize. Barracho's phone. Yeah. His phone died. And he wanted to hook something up. You know, he had just got divorced or whatever. He's trying to see what's up. So I gave him my phone and he was texting. I know you're not stupid enough to think that I would text you. How could you think that? How could you think that I would send that? As a matter of fact, stop accusing me. Yeah. Because...

I've been at work and I asked for one night a month to go out with my boys. I'm trying to do this nigga a solid. And all of a sudden, you getting at me. I don't want to get this no more. Give me the keys. Give me the keys. Gas lit. It would be really funny if you went home and you were just like, oh, Chris Ryan borrowed my phone. Yeah, the CR. With Donnie Meets Merriman, that scene when he goes over and they're all like grimly eating barbecue outside. It looks like the Boogie Nights house.

Did you notice that? Oh, yeah. Outside when they're... I mean, the Boogie Nights house is slightly bigger, but it gives you the same kind of... It feels more like South Bay adjacent to me than the Valley, but yeah. Because there's the pool. When they show the back, it's on the left. But I researched this and all of this movie was filmed in Atlanta, basically. So it was not the Boogie Nights house at this point. You know who we haven't talked about in the movie almost at all? Who? 50. Of all the roles that 50 has been in,

50 is, he fits like a glove into this movie. Yeah. You could actually make the argument that he should have lived. Because 50 then in Dead of Thieves 2 is like a huge thing, right? After Power and everything. Like he, like normally when you see 50 on screen, he's such a gigantic personality and a gigantic figure that you go, that's 50 Cent. But in this role, he's muted.

He plays off of Pablo's character really well. He's really, really good at this. I didn't put him in Apex Mountain because we know what his Apex Mountain was. The Get Rich or Die Trying album? Yeah, that year when his album broke was his Apex Mountain. His biggest rapper in the world, yeah. But this was, I think, the best movie that he's been in. This is probably his movie Apex. I would definitely say this is his movie Apex. Best double feature choice. What would you go with, C.R.?

I mean, Den of Thieves 2, Pantera. There you go. Deliver for client. The Indian Red Zawadney Award, what happened the next day? Den of Thieves 2. Pantera. What piece of memorabilia would you want from this movie that's not the Chinese food that's stuck in the bathroom? Oh, man. I get enamored with all the hardware that's always in these movies, but I'm not going to pick that.

Oh, see, I had that. I had Pablo's vest in this movie. It would be fucking cool. I always love the movies. So many bullet spots. Yeah. It's like 2,000 bullets. Yeah, but it'd probably be one of the donuts with a little bit of blood on it. Stunt donut? What do you have, CR? Either the donuts or Donnie's Trans Am or whatever he was driving when he's like, all right, drive. Yeah.

The Coach Finstock Award, Best Life Lesson, never underestimate a bartender. Yeah. Never. That's definitely what I left the film thinking about. Or if you're going to pull off a heist, maybe try to figure out a better traffic situation. Yeah. Avoid the alligator corridor. If you're going to spend 10 weeks casing a bank, maybe try to figure out how to get an Alameda. I have one question I want to ask before we just compare some stuff. Just real quick.

Let's say you have one job you have to pull, and the job is robbing a large bank in Miami, right? Whose crew are you going to want to rob this bank? Oh, from movie crews. Movie crews. Danny Ocean's crew? No, too soft. Neil's crew? Neil's crew. Or Merriman's crew? Neil's crew. You think Neil's crew? Yeah. I feel like...

Do I get Dennis Haysburg in Neil's crew? I think that online gambling was probably not kind to Chris Scheherlis. And by the time you get to our contemporary moment, he is really distracted. Right. That's he too. Yeah. It's like him just being crippled by like, I got to get my bets in. She's doing a Monday Night Parlor. So I would go Merriman's crew. There you go. Merriman's crew has more size. Yeah.

Because Ray's probably, what, five inches taller than anyone? He's five inches on size more. Yeah, yeah. I think because the bank is in Miami, I'm going with Maryman's crew. I mean, obviously, the correct answer is the town because you get Jim, who's fucking taking all these guys. Five-eight pit bull. Those guys get killed on the second robbery. Yeah, true. Who won the movie? Christian. Christian.

Oh, yeah, for sure. Because he's here? No, he shepherded it from the early 2000s up to the screen. Yeah, 15 years of working on a movie, then all of a sudden it leads to this all these years later. It leads to the rewatchables. I meant that in themes too, not the rewatchables. Can I give it in theaters? Is there going to be a cop-out? Is it possible that in this instance the movie won the movie? And let me tell you why I say that. It's because...

Very rarely is a film thought about so highly by everyone that's seen it. For some reason, it was unexpected to people how much they enjoyed it. Everybody that talks about it talks about people that said it wasn't great don't know what they're talking about. And the movie itself was able to maintain that kinetic energy and everybody's interested enough to have a sequel that people are really going to see. So in this case, maybe the movie won the movie.

That's interesting because it so rarely happens that they make a movie that has expectations for just, I hope this movie does okay in the theaters. I'm going to try this in three weeks where I do the movie, won the movie, and he's going to be like, you can't do that. I would say either Christian or Pablo Schreiber because this is one of those movies that makes you wonder like, man, should there have been more stuff for him? Like was there...

Could there have been an action franchise for him? I don't know. He's had a really good career, done a bunch of things, but could there have been a signature hook franchise action thing for him? Yeah, I think Halo. It could have been Jack Reacher. The Halo thing was a gigantic thing. That's in the nerd verse though, right? Well, it was on Paramount+.

That's like your people watch that. The nerds. My people? The ringerversers. Yeah, clean it up. I said the nerds. Yeah. Yeah. Clean it up, Marky Mark. I said the nerds. How dare you? No, but that's in the ringerverse universe. The ringerverse, yeah. But to your point, that was his big deal. Mallory Rubin Award.

I don't think it does, honestly. It does not need a better sex scene in this movie. Did you really want to see Big Nick going at it with the stripper? Ray's girl? No. I think this movie has the right amount of sex. Yeah. All right. We're going to wrap it up. Thank you to Lionsgate. And check out Den of Thieves 2, Pantera.

All right, that's it for the Den of Thieves re-rewatchables. Don't forget, we're going to be doing a mailbag at some point this month or next month. So if you want to send a question that you want us to answer, a category idea, whatever, just send it to the rewatchables33 at We will see you, not sure when next. It could be later this week. It could be next week. Stay tuned.