cover of episode The Re-‘Den of Thieves’ LIVE With Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Van Lathan

The Re-‘Den of Thieves’ LIVE With Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Van Lathan

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Bill Simmons
Chris Ryan
专注于加密货币和股票市场分析的金融专家,The Chart Guys 团队成员。
Van Lathan
@Bill Simmons : 我认为这部电影的成功之处在于它在影院取得了不错的票房成绩,并在随后通过有线电视等平台获得了第二次生命,这在如今的流媒体时代已经非常罕见了。许多观众在看过这部电影后都给予了高度评价,这使得它拥有了制作续集的潜力,并且续集很可能比前作更成功。 此外,这部电影的情节设置巧妙,不断出乎意料,直到最后才揭晓真相,这使得它具有很高的重看价值。 电影中有很多我喜欢的情节,比如角色们说出“我们现在是杀警犯了”这样经典台词,以及洛杉矶深夜的场景营造出的独特氛围。 杰拉德·巴特勒在电影中饰演的角色非常适合他现在的年龄和状态,他为了这个角色增重25磅,并全身心投入到角色中,他的表演非常出色。 这部电影中有很多细节值得推敲,例如狱警对刚出狱的犯人的轻蔑态度,以及警察对离婚的无奈等等。 电影中Benihana餐厅的场景令人印象深刻,我甚至想过在那里举行聚餐。 我个人认为,这部电影在有线电视平台上获得了巨大的成功,这在流媒体时代已经很少见了,这使得它拥有了制作续集的潜力。 @Chris Ryan : 我认为这部电影的成功之处在于它兼具犯罪电影和抢劫电影的特点,它关注犯罪背后的文化,也关注抢劫的机制。 这部电影分成三个部分,每个部分都非常精彩,可以独立观看,但整体连贯性也很好。 电影情节设置巧妙,不断出乎意料,直到最后才揭晓真相,这使得它具有很高的重看价值。 电影中枪械射击场场景的紧张感和角色间的互动非常精彩。 电影最后25分钟的剧情非常精彩,是电影的巅峰部分。 电影中Big Nick闯入前妻新男友家中的场景非常精彩,展现了Big Nick的强势和霸道。 电影中酒吧吸烟的场景体现了2018年的时代特征。 Donnie的计划在电影中起到关键作用,这使得重看电影时更有乐趣。 电影中酒吧老板的角色展现了其敏锐的观察力和对环境的掌控能力。 电影结尾的追车枪战场景中,警方的行为有些不太合理。 @Van Lathan : 我是因为Chris Ryan推荐才看的这部电影,并且非常喜欢这部电影的角色和剧情。 我喜欢电影中的一些细节,例如狱警对刚出狱的犯人的轻蔑态度,以及警察对离婚的无奈。 我喜欢抢劫电影中对目标地点的详细描述,以及抢劫过程中策略的展现。 电影中50 Cent对女儿舞伴的谈话场景非常精彩。 电影开头的抢劫戏份揭示了剧组成员的性格和行事风格。 这部电影可以考虑增加黑人角色的戏份,甚至可以拍摄一部以全黑人演员阵容为主角的续集。 @Dan : 这部电影在影院上映后,通过有线电视等平台获得了第二次生命,续集可能会比前作更成功。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Van Lathan choose to rewatch and discuss "Den of Thieves" again?

They rewatched it due to the upcoming release of "Den of Thieves 2: Pantera" and Van Lathan's enthusiasm for the film.

Why does "Den of Thieves" resonate with audiences, leading to repeat viewings and discussions?

Its blend of crime culture exploration and intricate heist mechanics, coupled with memorable characters and dialogue, contributes to its rewatchability. Its frequent cable airings further amplified its popularity.

How does "Den of Thieves" distinguish itself from other heist films like "Heat" and "Ocean's Eleven"?

While "Heat" focuses on the culture of crime and "Ocean's Eleven" on heist mechanics, "Den of Thieves" combines both. It also features morally ambiguous characters, blurring the lines between who to root for, and a twisty plot that keeps viewers guessing.

Why is Gerard Butler's portrayal of 'Big Nick' O'Brien considered so effective?

Butler's physical transformation, including gaining 25 pounds, and his embodiment of a grizzled, intense character who is both flawed and dedicated, make Big Nick believable and compelling.

Why is the Benihana scene a fan favorite?

The scene showcases the power dynamics and alpha male posturing between Big Nick and Merriman's crew, escalating the tension and highlighting the characters' personalities.

What is the significance of Donnie's character and his role in the heist?

Donnie's seemingly minor role as the driver is revealed to be a crucial part of the heist, adding a layer of suspense and surprise upon repeat viewings.

What is the significance of the film's opening text about bank robberies in Los Angeles?

The opening text sets the stage for the film's focus on crime and establishes Los Angeles as a central character in the narrative. It also serves as a memorable and "hard" introduction, similar to other successful films like "Sicario."

What are some of the nitpicks viewers have about "Den of Thieves"?

Some viewers question the plausibility of certain plot points, such as the amount of information Merriman has about the Bank of Banks, the ease with which Donnie infiltrates the Federal Reserve, and the logistics of the final shootout on the freeway.

What is the "Van Lathan Award" and what does it represent in the context of "Den of Thieves"?

The "Van Lathan Award" humorously questions whether a film needs more Black representation. In "Den of Thieves," it sparks a discussion about the racial dynamics of the characters and the potential for an all-Black or race-swapped version of the story.

The hosts discuss the unexpected success of 'Den of Thieves', its second life on cable, and how it exceeded expectations. They delve into the reasons behind its popularity and rewatch value, highlighting its unique blend of elements.
  • 'Den of Thieves' unexpected success
  • Second life on cable TV
  • Word-of-mouth marketing
  • Multiple viewings by fans

Shownotes Transcript

The Ringer’s Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Van Lathan didn’t appreciate the sold-out crowd in Los Angeles popping off like that after rewatching the 2018 heist film ‘Den of Thieves,’ starring Gerard Butler, O’Shea Jackson Jr., 50 Cent, and Pablo Schreiber.

Watch this episode on our Ringer Movies YouTube channel!

Producer: Craig Horlbeck

Video Producer: Jack Sanders

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